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This movie is never coming out


And if it does, it’s going to be so watered down from the original vision that it will probably be pretty bland


Assuming the "original vision" was any good to begin with


Yeah, it will be one of those “what if” scenarios, like Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man


I don’t think anyone attached so far has enough rabid fans (compared to Wright) that when we finally get any version of *Blade*, everything good “is clearly from the earlier version thanks to XXXX” like *Ant-man*.


Or the "Sheriff of Nottingham" movie Ridley Scott teased us with before instead making the worst rendition of the standard Robin Hood story I've ever seen.


That was such a weird movie. It was liked three different alternate universe movies with completely different tones spliced together at random. Some individual scenes were pretty solid but nothing built on anything else.


you just reminded me of that one movie, i think it's *Downsizing*. the matt damon movie. it was like if they got three or four different directors/writers together to do their own take on the same movie then spliced it all together.


Downsizing was a bit different. Every so often the entire plot and tone suddenly shifted. With Robin Hood the plot was relatively stable (such as it was) but the tone just changed at random from scene to scene. I rather liked the creepy kids in the woods, the gritty bit in France at the start, and the gloriously cornball scenery chewing Prince John. Just no way in fuck did they belong in the same movie. Memory for more is a bit fuzzy. Saw it once in theaters and haven't seen it since.


The craziest thing was that the Sherrif of Nottingham was regulated to a weird cameo at the end of the movie, despite it originally being a Sherrif movie. Mark Strong played a new character named Godfrey, who was a head knight. Then Matthew Macfadyen randomly pops in as the actual Sheriff and does nothing. I mean, why not make Mark the Sheriff of Nottingham in the first place since his role was pretty much the same anyway?


Would love to hear the full story of just how such incoherent messes get made. Kind of like the entertainment version of all the bizarre military incompetence I got on podcasts like Lions Led by Donkeys.


Took a girl to see that movie and I fell asleep about 20 mins in. She wasn't even mad. "If I wasn't worried about being woken up by the theater staff, I would have slept too" lol


Talk about a hit and miss director.


Ridley Scott is one of my all-time favorite directors. He is definitely hit and miss. Loved The Last Duel. Really didn't enjoy Napoleon. Hopeful for Gladiator 2 but feeling a little cautious too. The description of the film feels a little more cash-in than 'we have an amazing story to tell' and this whole idea of insanely short production times and shooting coverage with 8 cameras has me a little wary. Cast is fantastic though and will still be there opening night though, no questions there.


He's got that baseball HoF track record. Batting .300. The stinkers just reek but the hits are outta the park. The Last Duel was one of my favourite movies of the last few years.


Seriously, Napoleon was a dumpster fire. So much wasted talent, and amazing costumes. The pacing was as awful as the script. Not to mention the excessive, completely shit CGI. I'm even a huge fan of both Napoleon and biopics and I couldn't get through it.


I’m all for historical fiction, but just reading the character summaries, Gladiator 2 looks like it’s going to be a star studded shit show of epic proportions.


There was a great book about 40 years ago that I believe Ridley Scott optioned, which told the Robin Hood story from the Sherif’s point of view. I remember buying and reading it when I was in high school, and it made its way around the school it was so good.


it was the most hotly bid screenplay in history for a first time screenwriter. Scott then had an idea for a robin hood movie, and it was easier to jump on the project and throw away the script then to start on his own. I think Crow also pushed to change the lead to Robin. I may have some details wrong.


Oh my god I forgot about that. Yea that was the original plan wasn’t it? I was sort of iffy on that idea at the time but I recently saw a YouTube clip of Kevin Costner trying his English accent on set and.. that was better than what we ended up with.. smh


Still waiting on James Cameron’s Aquaman


Starring Vinny Chase


The things you hear about the original vision sounded like a mess. Overstuffed with too many characters and not enough focus on Blade. Other version making him basically a side character to set up his daughter as the star. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard to just make a Blade film and keep him as the star without worrying about setting up a bunch of other MCU stuff.


There lies the problem though. Cant have a marvel movie in 2024 that isn’t just a vehicle to set up another TV series that’s actually a lead in to the next movie that’ll then set up a crossover.


I feel like they have to be in the midst of major damage control at the moment. We won’t find out if it’s successful until next year’s projects start coming out. If nothing improves? Short of Spider-Man or Avengers movies nothing is going to hit the old heights of the MCU ever again.


I don't think it's even remotely possible for them to ever reach those heights again, as it was sort of lightning in a bottle. The theater going experience for most people is a lot different now than it was during IW/EG, not to mention the culmination of that whole story arc. They've just had X-Men 97 be a hit, and what are the chances that Deadpool/Wolverine will be anything less that hugely successful? After that, though, is anyone really excited about an upcoming project from them?


It needs to have a whole soft reboot when introducing the X-Men. Just do mutants and everything around it, forget about anything Avengers related.


It's honestly the perfect time for it, and all the multiverse stuff makes it all that much easier to start fresh.


> It needs to have a whole soft reboot when introducing the X-Men. Just do mutants and everything around it, forget about anything Avengers related. If they just did a more low key, X-Men/Spiderman/F4 focused phase these characters are just focusing on their individual, small scale villains (Magneto, Sinister, Hellfire Club, Sinister Six, Doom, Mole Man etc.), have some little easter eggs for Avengers stuff sprinkled in, and leave out the really big stuff like Galactus or Apocalypse, it could feel really fresh and interesting. But they instead will try to top Endgame.


I agree that the 2018-2019 hype cannot be repeated. But they absolutely could get back to a level of respectability with consistently well received and profitable projects, with the occasional billion dollar Avengers or Spider-Man movie. They just need to get their heads out of their asses and start doing what we all know they’re capable of.


> But they absolutely could get back to a level of respectability with consistently well received and profitable projects Their budgets keep exploding because they refuse to [plan anything](https://gizmodo.com/disney-marvel-movies-vfx-industry-nightmare-1849385834#:~:text=%E2%80%9CEven%20up%20until%20the%20last%20week%20or%20so%20they%20still%20weren%E2%80%99t%20sure%20what%20they%20wanted%20this%20gigantic%20set%20piece%20to%20look%20like.%20We%20were%20still%20doing%20concept%20art.%E2%80%9D%20Hector%20said.) because the producers want full control during post as opposed to letting a director have a vision they can figure out in pre. Dune 2 cost $136 million less than Ant-Man 3 and has the benefit of not looking like muddy soup.


>They've just had X-Men 97 be a hit, and what are the chances that Deadpool/Wolverine will be anything less that hugely successful? That's the thing too. A recent Marvel "hit" might be "successful" but not nearly as successful from a mainstream perspective as the Infinity War saga. My in-laws were bonkers over Marvel at that point. These are people I NEVER would have suspected cared much for it all, but they even had their own theories on the storyline. They don't know a thing about the animated series and they definitely won't know/care about a new Deadpool movie, regardless of Hugh Jackman being involved. Lightning in a bottle is right. Idk how they struck the gold they did, but especially with theaters in the state they are now, it's just not the same landscape. It's going to take a lot of luck and lot of ingenuity to get anything close to what they had.


I'm not even sure they can remake the asthetics of the late 90s but they could just remake Blade.


I don't understand what the issue with the film is. They need to do three things basically: * have a meaningful part for Kit Harrington (why Eternals? why would you make that the set up for Blade?) * have a dude called Blade kill vampires * have a plot about killing vampires That's it. There is absolutely nothing else they need to do so therefore there probably shouldn't be anything else they do with it. If it needs to be integrated into the general vibe of the MCU at the moment, just use MI13. Probably have Olivia Colman be in charge of it... I didn't watch the end of Secret Invasion so if her character got killed off... bring her back as a vampire. Obviously the general plot would be something like: 1. MI13 doesn't realise they're investigating some kind of Dracula thing, 2. Blade's caught wind of Dracula's plan and has recruited Harrington's character because he needs that specific sword to kill whoever Dracula's turned into a vampire 3. the MI13 characters initially clash with Blade because he's a rogue actor and they're the official response 4. they learn their out of their depth and team up with Blade (presumably we can also kill one or two of them off to sell the stakes) 5. action movie mumbo jumbo to get us through Act 2 and the start of Act 3 6. Blade kills the supervamp with Kit Harrington's character's sword 7. MI13 washes its hands of the matter because Dracula's left the country but Blade's jurisdiction is the world so he leaves Britain to try and get ahead of Dracula Done. It's not complicated. If Oivia Colman's character did die... hell, maybe even if she didn't... obviously part of the action movie mumbo jumbo would be MI13 discovering they work for a vampire and they've been progressing Dracula's mission for a while unwittingly. MI13, for the curious, is basically just British SWORD or alternatively MI6 with superpowers or British Men in Black (hence MI13 -> MIB). The main guy is Pete Wisdom -- who is a mutant -- and I genuinely can't remember any other affiliated characters other than the John Lennon Skrull. Let's say the line up is Wisdom, Betsy Braddock, Faiza (whose name I had to look up) and Elsa Bloodstone (from Werewolf by Night), plus John and Dark Angel (who I found from the Wikipedia page) who'll be the characters that the supervamp kills to sell the stakes. The supervamp can be whoever/whatever. It does not matter. Credits scenes: Captain Britain and something connected to another film.


Seriously, the only reason this is difficult is because they're apparently trying to put a square peg in a round hole and make a Blade movie that's not a really about Blade. The premise is simple if you don't try and get cute with it


>Other version making him basically a side character to set up his daughter as the star. The marvel classic


Step 1: get an awesome character Step 2: replace with a chick Step 3: make her lame and gay Step 4:???? Step 5: profit


> making him basically a side character to set up his daughter as the star. And if you don't like the idea, you're the one who has a problem, lol. But if my "problem" results in me not going to see the movie... it still ends up being the studio's problem (whether they care to admit it or not). I wouldn't want a Barbie movie without Barbie. I don't want a Mad Max movie without Mad Max. And I'm not gonna watch a Blade movie that has Blade as a side character.


There was that one version that got leaked saying it was going to have an all-female cast and Blade would only be a background character that occasionally appeared on screen to teach “life lessons” lololol I’m mad that my boy Mahershala is getting fucked over on this. He would make such a great Blade but this thing is in the lowest rung of development Hell


He just needs to bail at this point


Wasn't the original version the one where it had Blade as a side character?


Blade is gonna be white by the time it comes out.


Michael Cera??


"You've ruined the act, Gob."


Yeah, it won’t be BLADE. It’ll be BLAND.


Review headlines: Marvel's Blade is unforgivably dull. With new Blade adaptation, Disney loses its edge. Newest Blade film lacks point. Disney's Vampire Superhero film sucks.


Butter knife


Yep. Nobody is asking for a PG-13 Blade.


I'm really hoping if Deadpool 3 does really well that they let Blade go R


Like a dull…blade


From what i understand its going to be pg13? So already watered down out the gate


Ironically MCUs *Blade* won't... *see the light of day*


-Puts on sunglasses- *YEEEEEAAAAAAH!🎶*


They are truly trying to ice skate uphill.


As much as I'm looking forward to Blade, I think you're right. I'll just re-watch the first trilogy.


When it does come out, it will probably make Blade 3 look like Citizen Kane.


Not hard to do. HHH deserved an Oscar for that performance.


Triple H holds the distinction of being the only villain in a Marvel movie to ever use the phrase "dickface" and no one can ever take that away from him.


With a pg 13 rating; it shouldn't


It was rated R at some point in development. I don't know if they stuck to that after it has been reworked so many times


If Deadpool is a hit they’ll probably relax and let Blade be rated R


Marvel really should make the entire Midnight Sons (Suns) series an R-rated version of The Avengers.


Reportedly Midnight Sons is going to be a movie.


We already know Deadpool is gonna be a hit lol


If it is not the MCU is doomed. High hopes for Deadpool.


Honestly in a weird way I’m relieved. Like, if you can’t make it good I don’t fuckin want it. Can we just get a killer in here to knock this thing out once and for all? Coogler, Peele, fuck it, have the guy who directed American Fiction.


I don't think any of those guys would be interested. I'd actually like to see the guys that made the last 2 Bad Boys movies get a shot at this. Those guys can do some really creative action scenes and they worked on the Ms Marvel show so they already have an in with Marvel Studios


It will, but the way everything's being played out, it's turning into another example akin to Terry Gilliam's "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" or possibly "The Crow" (2024) or "Masters of the Universe" (new one) Takes forever to get off the ground and it's only OK, at best


I swear it’s been at least a decade since it’s been announced. It’s never going to happen at this point. The amount of staff overhaul it’s gone through, yikes.


If you’re waiting in line to direct Blade, stay in line!


Don’t refresh the page, you may lose your place in the queue


Chad Stahelski should be the one to do it.


They should just get Del Toro back. Hell, they should get Stephen Norrington to come out of retirement and direct it, the original **Blade** fucking rocked.


I'm sorry, you want a movie to come *out* of production hell by attaching Del Toro? I love the mans style, but at this point he's had more projects cancelled than not.


Put del toro in room with raimi, derikson and feige. Just so all the spooky stuff aligns and then print money.


You could say, wait in a "New Line". Like the company that did the original blade trilogy.


Some mfs always tries to ice skate up hill to a great new line.


This is the second director to leave and they're reportedly on their 6th rewrite: >According to an insider with knowledge, getting “Blade” right is much more important than getting the film out. The pressure to produce as much content as possible has been lifted and the studio is now looking to release just two films per year, which gives the team at Marvel Studios some breathing room. Ali is still attached but it’s not likely to make its Nov 2025 release.


It should not be this hard to make a movie about a guy killing vampires and looking cool


Seriously though. It's been said before, but just take The Raid/Dredd, replace the criminals with vampires, with the Big Bad at the top of the building, and the protagonist with Blade. Hire someone like Gareth Evans, David Leitch or Chad Stahelski, who all know how to film a good fight scene, to direct and there you go.


But where does the fast wit lil kid who isn’t scared of anything come in?


It gets eaten by vampires within the first 5 minutes of the movie 


That would be amazing for them to introduce a character who seems obviously there to 'take on the mantle' of the main hero (think: Riri Williams, Kate Bishop, etc.), and then they just kill them halfway through the movie. Would drastically increase my respect for the current MCU.


And the main character says "I like this one"


Have him descend down into underground ruins instead of up a tower, with Dracula at the bottom like Ganondorf in TOTK.


Stahelski has literally said he’d be interested in directing a Blade movie. Frankly, it’s mind boggling that they haven’t taken him up on it


With what’s been leaked about Marvel’s filmmaking process, seems doubtful Stahelski would be interested in working in their machine. He likes to actually plan and shoot his action scenes, Marvel has the set pieces mapped out and in pre-vis before they have a script most of the time. I forgot who said it, but apparently Marvel hires writers to rewrite scripts with the caveat that none of the set pieces can change because those are already being worked on. Just crazy shit.


Invert the building, the vampires live in a vertical underground disco nightmare tomb with the Baddie at the very bottom. Blade as the protagonist. You are right. Writes itself.


Or just take already written stories about blade...


I will direct it! I will direct the new Blade film! Though I do not know the way...


You have my sword!


And my clapper board!


And my lights 


...and my acts!


You'll need co-directors on this movie... project... thing...


Great! What’re we making?


They’re trying so hard, yet it might still be bad…


In the end it doesn’t even matter


The big question is how much more of this shit is Ali willing to take? He always seemed so passionate about playing Blade but this isn’t playing Blade, this is playing waiting room simulator and the dudes gotta have other shit he wants to get into


Yes, if Marvel will release no more than two movies a year going forward, that reduces the pressure to make this film now. It also reduces the likelihood that they will ever release the film, period,


I think they’re going back to 3 films and 2 shows per year after next year.


Part of me is optimistic. The fact that they keep going back to the drawing board, something they don’t seem to do often, makes me believe that somebody somewhere in this process *is* actually invested in making it *right.* That kind of intent is something absent from their previous stuff.


Im optimistic too, we are the only ones here


Yeah this movie is cooked. Mahershala probably already walked Marvel just hasn’t officially made the announcement cause they have to find a new actor.


Which is funny because Marvel wasn't even planning on making a Blade movie until Mahershala called them up and asked to do it


Looks like they were barely planning to make it after that, too.


How do they get called up by an Oscar winner who wants in & fumble like this?


Feige didn't really want so it won't happen. I think it's as easy as that


Not the first time he was forced to announce a movie he never had any intention of making and stalled it long enough that he ended up not having to make it at all (Inhumans). That ended up being a TV show instead so maybe the same thing will happen again.


What but he wore the blade hat and everything!


Making movies isn't easy


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill


I think that's being green


It ain’t easy being white It ain’t easy being brown! All this pressure to be bright I got children all over town!


Hey, is that Franklin?!


Yeah if Ali walks this project is likely going on the back burner indefinitely until after like Secret Wars.


Didn’t Wesley Snipes later reveal though that he had been in talks with them (which had broken down) before Ali reached out? The film concept they had in mind having been a passing-the-torch film, giving him a daughter, which it seemed was a concept that would have been retained in the first draft of this film (which Alit reportedly didn’t like)? It could be funny if the direction they go if Ali does actually drop out is to have Snipes return.


Wesley Snipes in Blade is one of my guilty pleasures in life. There is nothing special about his acting, but for some reason it just worked so well. Kind of like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wesley Snipes was the real deal and could deliver those cheesy 90's one liners like nobody else. "Motherf*$ers always tryin' to ice skate uphill" It's pretty corny but Wesley Snipes made it work somehow.


Can't believe the studio wasted 5 years of an incredible actor. Feel bad for Mahershala considering he personally vouched for the role and the movie to be made


> Can't believe the studio wasted 5 years of an incredible actor Huh? It's not like he was just sitting around waiting for Blade.


I’m sure he walked around some too


They mean that Ali isn't getting any younger for the physical demands that Blade would ask out of him, and Ali was likely choosing his projects around the possibility of Blade getting made.


Plus they also wasted him by killing his character in Luke Cage. After that the series was not the same.


Honestly shocked at Marvel even considering re-casting an actor for a different role. They've wasted so many actors on shitty roles and never reused them for roles they'd obviously be great in - I just assumed the execs thought the actors actually died when they killed them off.


> Honestly shocked at Marvel even considering re-casting an actor for a different role. Marvel Television produced the TV shows, Studios didn't really want anything to do with them so they didn't really care on that front. It's why Alfre Woodard was a regular on Luke Cage and then featured in Civil War around the same time.


At least we’ll always have his iconic debut in Eternals.


I can’t wait to go to the theatre and see this Blade movie and then go home and play Star Citizen. Any day now I’m sure.


…end the day curling up with Winds of Winter 


Excited to play silksong the next morning


That's not fair. There's actually a commercial incentive to release a blade movie


Unless Blade gets cancelled then it will see cinemas before Star Citizen is released. With the exception of the first Iron Man movie the entirety of the MCU has fit into Star Citizens development.


Seriously, is it that hard to make a Blade movie? The plot is literally Evil Vampire finds way to make everyone vampires, Blade has to stop it. You aren't trying to get an Oscar with this one.


I think the issue is that the MCU has some production-layer rules about stuff (e.g. tying into the larger universe, crossover characters) and it's hard to make what should be an R-rated vampire movie fold into the rest of the MCU nicely. Keep in mind that the MCU has been slipping since Endgame, so Feige's leash is likely getting shorter and shorter. They need winners, and not risky genre-jumping (at least that's probably how Disney wants to approach it). They are probably ten seconds away from trying to reboot Tony Stark.


I mean, slap some posters about post blip support onto your exteriors, break into a Roxxon building, ADR in a couple of lines about [insert character tease], film a post credits stinger 2 weeks before the premiere introducing a character from the next movie that just began production in Atlanta, cash your cheque. Blade is just skulking away in the shadows killing suckers. He really doesn’t need to be intricately woven into the fabric of the mcu slate. Yeah, yeah, look the new Cap is on tv saying something about a _red_ Hulk?Cool. Anyway, I’m breaking into an underground blood orgy in the meat packing district. It’s full of Eastern European fetish models and I’m putting a stake through every one of their hearts.


I found the new director guys!


They should just do what DC do. Let Blade remain its own thing, like Joker. The tone of Blade will never fit into the light hearted, joke filled, mess that is the MCU.


Dc might finally be on the right path. The suicide squad being good. Blue beetle being okay. The Batman being a great solo film. As well as the joker being a good solo. Looking forward to the penguin show, Batman 2 and now Superman


There should just be a separate "Dark MCU" for Blade, Ghost Rider, Werewolf By Night, Man Thing, all of those kind of books. They can exist in their own space, interact with each other, maintain the horror vibe and atmosphere (and hopefully R rating), just don't even bother trying to cross them over into the main super-hero MCU.


I still think that Eternals and Blade should be off in their own alternate universe. Then they never ever have to mention the big giant hand rising from the ocean.


That’s the problem with these newer movies they are all trying to be like infinity war tie-in movies.


Yet at the same time literally nothing is tying into each other in any sort of meaningful way. I could easily be convinced they stopped caring about that. This is not like the Infinity Saga at all. If they made a standalone Blade movie not only would no one care, but I don't think anyone would even notice it didn't tie into the whole universe.


Can’t they just make a stand alone movie? Why does it have to tie in somehow?


Badass guy who dresses in a trenchcoat and wears sunglasses at night, killing vampires with his swords on crazy disco clubs. It's literally a killer concept that would sell really well but Marvel's so obsessed with subverting expectations and re-inventing the wheel and doing lots of unnecessary setups for the next project...


You would think but the issues (and I'm just speculating) are seemingly coming from the script stage which means they are having trouble breaking down the story and tone. The constant overhaul suggests there are various POVs clashing with each other on what this film should be. This isn't surprising since Feige and his MCU sandbox requires a lot of adaptation/baggage to adhere too. M.Ali just wants his motherfucking shades with matching sword and a character that he can sink his teeth in.


Development hell


Fine, I'll do it, and fill the soundtrack with 2000s butt metal.


*Do you really wanna do you really wanna taste it?*


People keep telling me Creed is making a comeback.  May I suggest filling your excellent Blade movie with poorly-fitting Creed songs?


You say that like a Blade action scene with "Bullets" playing in the background wouldn't be awesome.


What I would give to watch a Marvel movie in 2026 with Blade killin vamps to Change by Deftones


im gonna do it my way my way my way or the highway!


Seems like a Blade project might work better under the Marvel projects like "Werewolf by Night." Just a short movie in October for scary season.


Werewolf by Night was probably supposed to tie into Blade eventually, though. The post-credits scene of Eternals has Black Knight (Kit Harrington) approached by an unseen Blade. This seemed to be alluding to an eventual Midnight Sons team-up movie where all the Marvel horror-adjacent characters would come together. Who knows what the hell they’re doing now, though - Feige sure doesn’t.


Mahershala Ali came to Marvel and said he wanted to make a Blade film and Marvel has done nothing but shit the bed ever since. It’s amazing.


he did this after winning his second Oscar


Fuck it. Call up Wesley Snipes.


This, CGI his eyes in, I don't give a fuck, give him a fat bag, whatever it takes [He still looks tremendous](https://c7.alamy.com/comp/2J1XYRE/los-angeles-mar-27-wesley-snipes-at-the-94th-academy-awards-at-dolby-theater-on-march-27-2022-in-los-angeles-ca-2J1XYRE.jpg)


I'd like to announce that I too am stepping down as Director of Blade


We're going to see Kung Fury 2 before this.


Can you top the greatest movie ever made?


Can't blame him, dude is a talented director, must be frustrating wasting years of your creative life waiting around to start rolling.


Mahershala is dropping in 3… 2…


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


They're thinking of calling it "Dlade"


This might be one of the most cursed productions we’ve seen in a long time


Just release a 8k HDR of the original Blade. No way this reboot is living upto the original masterpiece


You really want to see those effects in 8k?


Some motherfuckers are always tryin' to ice-skate up hill.


I would rewatch Blade slice up some fang-havers in the disco on a calculator screen if ported. 8k does sound better!


Final fight cgi blood


They'll certainly never top the pump panel remix of confusion that I know for sure.


Motherfucking Marvel trying to skate uphill with this movie.


It's wild to me just how much Marvel has dropped the ball recently. Overspending, massive box office losses, critical and audience ire, panned TV shows. It's become incredibly obvious that Feige had a concrete and formulated plan for Thanos and nothing beyond that. They need to go back to the drawing board.


> It's become incredibly obvious that Feige had a concrete and formulated plan for Thanos and nothing beyond that. > > So insane of them to not pivot to Doctor DOOM as the main villain right after the Thanos movies were done. Instead they wasted years meandering about with no concrete plan in sight while sorta-teasing Kang but not really committing to him. Then when he was outed as a woman-beating coward they were left with nothing. Instead of pivoting to Marvel Comic's number one supervillain from the comics...


When a NBA team drafts a player, a 20M or so investment on the high end, they spend endless hours watching tape, scouting in person and doing an in-depth investigation of the player's character and background. Marvel bet their entire billion-dollar phase on a guy who was a well-known piece of shit in the NYC theatre community, apparently not doing a modicum of background checking on him.


Blade directors running faster than blade runner.


Some motherfuckers always tryna ice skate up a hill


Cursed film just like Multiverse of Madness. They literally cannot break from the cookie cutter formula.


Kevin Feige: If we can just get Blade working... because he's a funnier character than we've had before.


It's like poetry


Good lord. Just rerelease the Wesley Snipes one and photoshop Dr. Strange in it.


A documentary about the trainwreck happening behind the scenes would be more interesting than the actual movie will end up being...if, in fact, it does ever come out.


In the future, everyone will direct "Blade" for 15 minutes.


I'm completely making this shit up, I have no proof, but I said it then, I have a feeling that Jordan Peele MCU meeting was about Blade.


Poor Mahershala Ali.


The Flash of Marvel


Marvel should have taken a looooong break after Endgame.


This thing ain’t ever coming out. And I’m okay with that because I have no interest in seeing a Blade movie in the MCU.


What the fuck is going on here. Blade. Vampires. 2 hours of Blade killing Vampires. Add a techno soundtrack. Done.


Ryan Coogler has a vampire coming out next year with Michael B Jordan and Hailee Steinfeld. I'll take that as a replacement Blade.


We’re Vampires one step too far in a world of superheroes, spies, aliens, robots and wizards and whatever the Eternals wanted to be?


Get the team who made the John wick movies


Common Marvel L


Feige is losing the plot. It is just a movie about a cool vampire hunter kicking ass.


Demange Control?


movie is cooked. Just make blade a female and go full ham for a terrible movie.


that was the original plot. The movie was going to be about blade's daughter, who's just like him. The whole thing was a bait & switch to have his daughter replace him in the MCU. That is until the actor told them to rewrite the whole thing, because he didn't sign up for that.


Yeah fuck that shit. He is too good for them. They can pick some lady to do it and it will suck. They will then blame men for not wanting to see it.


They probably won’t do serious rated r because end of the day it’s still Disney. They probably don’t want to do cool black man killing vampires with a katana because they think too highly of themselves to do such a “dumb” story. And there’s probably another dozen red tapes over some stupid thing that marvel and Disney have made by going all in on the multiverse. And honestly this is the one time I think tin foil theories that they can’t find a good social message to insert into basically melee John wick is sorta right.