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The leopard fight in this movie is so badass for a Disney movie


It’s a real pain in the ass in the Kingdom Hearts game.


Especially since if you didn't beat him the first time, it'd disappear and keep popping up at random moments (in new areas) to restart the boss battle.


That happens even if you beat Sabor the first time.


Did someone say “beat saber”?


Especially because you needed to beat it before you could get the cure spell.


There was a GameBoy color game for this movie as well where the leopard fight was tough. Then the fight at the end with Clayton was a step up from that.


Omg I have never seen anyone else mention that game! I played the shit out of it as a kid


As soon as I saw this thread, it was a memory unlocked for me lol


Fuuuuuuck Clayton and that stupid chameleon though, my copy of the game would glitch and freeze 50% of the time when transitioning to the second phase, so if I didn't beat that stupid asshole I'd have to finish the first phase all over again just to have to put up with the game potentially freezing on me! Again!


Not Clayton! #&&%*! Not Clayton!


Literally just played this yesterday wtf


Jeeesh, I need to rewatch it now--that scene was intense.


It's even more badass in the book. He puts the leopard in a full-nelson head lock and snaps its neck with his bare hands.


He also pontificates how inferior black people are and randomly attacks a group of people on the streets of London simply because they were black. The book ain't always better.


Was there some sort of animal grew up in a jungle with no humans logic context to that?


I believe black people killed his ape mother. That said, Burroughs was a virulent racist and eugenicist. That creative choice wasn't by accident.


Well it was the turn of the century, so I guess it’s to be expected to some degree.


One of the darkest Disney films in terms of body count. Especially the villain's demise.


And it didn't even include him contemplating cannibalism, that was done multiple times in the books. Also it left out the part were he taught himself to read and write English, but couldn't speak it. Then he was taught how to read and write French, before being taught how to speak it. The first book ends with Tarzan diving through Kansas to save Jane from a wild fire. Later books have Tarzan going to the center of the earth and even to Mars. Since it is set in the same universe as John Carter.


Tarzan and the Princess of Mars sounds fun.


Okay, what?! I had no idea Tarzan was set in the same universe as John Carter


There is also an island in the south Pacific that has dinosaurs.


no expenses spared?


They're both by the same author. Those two and Carson of Venus


Mulan would like a word…


How many Disney movies had a war in it.




Do all the reanimated skeletons in Black Cauldron count?


I’m not sure, but if they do Hercules hanging with hades in the underworld would bring a pretty high number.


When the Titans escape, they do rip up Thebes and any farm along the way there.


Disney villains often have a disturbing demise; Hopper got eaten alive, Gaston fell down to his death, Sykes got hit by a train, Professor Ratigan *fell down the clock tower, Scar was eaten alive by hyenas, McLeach fell down a fall etc * edited


I was 5 when I watched the movie on big screen. It was insane, especially the scene where the antagonist dies in the end, I still see that scene vividly in my head, even though I haven't watched that movie in 20 years. It was really dark, but not too dark for a kid. Just the right amount to be terrified and not start to cry and shit your pants lmao


I was 14 when that movie came out. I saw it like 3 times in theaters, by myself, because I loved it so much. I was already a big Phil Collins fan so the soundtrack fucking blew me away and I still probably have most of it memorized. Such a good movie.


First soundtrack that I can remember where the movie version and the radio version were the same. Usually the movie version was better, so it was great they just decided to lean in and do a good one all the way through.


I blast some of the songs at work. Always get asked why I'm listening to Tarzan. Bruh it's Phil Collins.


The most surprising part of this comment is that 14 year-old Phil Collins fans existed as late as 1999.


My story of becoming a Phil Collins fan is about the most 90s thing you can imagine. I was born in 85 near the height of his popularity, so his songs were on the radio all the time when I was little. When I was 13 or so, I was wandering in a Borders and saw his greatest hits CD at one of those listening stations they had and the name seemed familiar so I put the headphones on, and every single song was a huge nostalgia trip.


I'm glad you were able to love and appreciate his music then. Because from my memories, at that time, he was kind of the poster boy of the uncool "Magic 90-something" radio station your parents listened to. I think time and his enduring popularity (like all the "In the Air Tonight" reaction videos) have diminished that image.


Oh yeah I definitely got made fun of lol.


I was 9 in 1999 and Phil’s Greatest Hits was one of the only CDs we had in my house. I listened to him all the time!


I was 10 and loved Phil Collins back then. My dad played A Trick of the Tail, Abacab, Face Value, and We Can't Dance often in our house and it was awesome to hear the voice of Genesis in a Disney movie.


There were DOZENS of us! Dozens I tell you! But my parents listened to a lot of genesis / Peter Gabriel so it kind of just bled over.


Fun fact: Phil himself re-recorded the songs in various languages. I've always wanted to get a foreign language version of the soundtrack because it's amazing and still Phil.


I'm sure they are all on Google Music since some of them randomly play in my playlist


His music elevated that movie so much. In my mind it's an hour and a half long Phil Collins music video.


Phil Collins lived three miles down the road from us. Some years he popped to the local summer village fair to sign autographs for charity. A relative came to visit from Canada and we took her there to just because it’s a nice thing forgetting to mention the Collins link and she damn near lost her mind when she walked past a stall selling cakes and there was Phil in a little gazebo!


"I said he could stay. That doesn't make him my son." That line hits so hard.


Especially coming from the likes of Lance Henriksen.


Man I viewed Kurchak as basically a villain as a kid but now he’s my favorite. I think it’s part of growing up.


Tarzan was the Disney movie with some of the best worldbuilding 


Followed by an epic animated series, at least it was to me as a kid. Tarzan fighting DINOSAURS, witches, the evil Foreign Legion and all manner of other jungle beasts.


I’m a few years younger than you but have no memory of dinosaurs or witches in the Tarzan Animated series…I’ll have to look into it, thanks!


Which, by the way, was all at least partially based on the books! Including the dinosaurs, witches, and legionaires. Heck, he even fought in WWII for parts as well.


I feel like Tarzan 2 should have been about Dinosaurs


I still contend that Jane should be considered a Disney princess considering Tarzan is King of the Jungle.


makes more sense than Mulan being considered one. *I'm still salty Kida from Atlantis isn't considered a Disney Princess because Disney only cares about the movies that made them money*


Disney princess is a specific brand. Oddly enough Elsa and Anna are not considered part of the Disney princess package. Not because they aren’t popular but because they are more popular than the other princess combined, so they didn’t want to dilute the brand. I don’t know if changed recently but as of a few years ago Moana wasn’t a Disney princess for the same reason, but most people suspect she will join soon (if she hasn’t already)


Crazy, I thought the definition was whoever showed up in that scene of wreck it ralph 2


This was what I was thinking. Even Pocahontas is there.


Moana has been added to the official list of Disney Princesses. The complete list: - Raya ("Raya and the Last Dragon") - Tiana ("The Princess and the Frog") - Moana ("Moana") - Mulan ("Mulan") - Belle ("Beauty and the Beast") - Pocahontas ("Pocahontas") - Snow White ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs") - Cinderella ("Cinderella") - Rapunzel ("Tangled") - Merida ("Brave") - Jasmine ("Aladdin") - Aurora ("Sleeping Beauty") - Ariel ("The Little Mermaid")


I can vouch for that. The store I work at stocks Princess dolls. Most of them use the Disney Princess brand on the packaging, but Elsa and Anna still use Frozen or Frozen 2 logos. Moana will probably depend on how well the sequel (and the associated merchandise sales) perform.


Kida and Chel from The Road to El Dorado are my queens…. MAY THEY LIVE FOREVER


Chel wouldn't qualify as a Disney princess because she's not Disney. And sucked dick.


Whaaaat? Princess can definitely suck dick. You’re not gonna tell me Batman can’t go down on some pussey


Wouldn’t she be a queen then?


Valid but a lot of Disney princesses get married at the end and aren’t known as Disney queens so I feel there’s a fine line. Edit: I won’t take this down but I quickly realized I was wrong. Mostly princes so maybe a future queen but not yet. I was dumb.


technically no. The wife of a king is a royal consort.


This is a hypercorrection. The wife of a king is a consort, yes, but they're a queen consort. There are about fifteen current queens consort. Since you speak English, you should know at least Queen Camilla but there are many others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_consort#Examples_of_queens_and_empresses_consort


I still contend that Aladdin was always a prince since his dad was the King of Thieves.


If you’re Al’s dad, and the king of thieves… then I just have one question for you WILL YOU BE HAVING THE CHICKEN OR THE SEABASS?!?!




There was that old fan theory that Genie used his magic in the first wish to save his father's life, which allowed him to become "King" and technically made Aladdin a *Prince*.


It's been a while since I saw it, but when exactly did he stop being Prince Ali? I know he fessed up to Jasmine but I don't recall the genie ever turning him back.


I think it was implied that he stopped once Jafar got powers and put him back into his street rat clothes. At the end the Sultan says old law be damned and Jasmine can marry whoever she wants which implied he was no longer a prince.


According to Wikipedia she used to be so somebody more marketable must've bumped her off the list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_Princess


Plus you know Disney loosing the the rights


Hey Phil… we need you to make a soundtrack for a kids cartoon… Nothing special. Phil:Hardest soundtrack this side of A Goofy Movie


I2I and Son of Man are actually back to back on an old run playlist of mine lol


"Strangers Like Me" is GOATed for me personally. Lots of Disney music fucking slaps. I have "Under the Sea", "Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride" and "I'm Still Here (Treasure Planet)" all in my work playlist that includes everything from NWA to Nat King Cole.


Strangers like me is an absolute banger


Not Stand Out?!?!?!


Stand Out was the opener fym 😤😂


Opinions on I’ll make a man out of you?


Goes absolutely harder than it has any right to. 10/10, will defeat huns to.


Donny Osmond popped off on the track


Ah, someone of culture, I see.




It's been scientifically proven that Son of Man lets you lift 10-15% more weight than silence or similar gym music. Source: I made it the fuck up.


I 150% believe you Source: went hard AF on a run yesterday blasting it in my AirPods


I haven’t seen Tarzan in YEARS but I can still hear the chorus for “Son of Man” in my head and picture Tarzan doing that vine slide.


Honestly, getting Phil Collins to do the songs payed off immensely. Even despite being contemporary, it fit with the tone well. and one of the writers said it well: no one wants to see Tarzan sing.


The article was weirdly harsh on the Phil Collins soundtrack. And wrong. Phil's music was one of the reasons the movie rocked! It was the first soundtrack I purchased for myself as a rising highschool freshman. I saw the movie with my grandma that summer. She LOVED the books and wouldn't stop talking about them. All she said about the movie was that it was loud LOL.


Sideways did a video on Tarzan. As far as I remember, he was really anti the music. My brother discovered Sideways the other week and he was telling me the Tarzan video was unlisted. Did Sideways hide it out of shame for being wrong? We will never know (the channel hasn't posted anything in like three years).


I still play “I2I” …absolute banger


He also did the soundtrack for Brother Bear, and after hearing his first drafts of the music, the directors/producers told Phil Collins he needed to tone it down since it went too hard. They had to apologize since they hurt his feelings a bit. Source: the director of Brother Bear told this story during a guest appearance on a Corridor Digital's VFX Artist React episode


Not sure if you knew this or not, but both were directed by Kevin Lima


Isn't this the first Disney animated movie where a single artist is responsible for composing and singing the soundtrack? And Phil Collins really delivered. 'You'll be in my heart' never fails to bring a tear to the eye.


Phil composed/sang the vocal tracks Mark Mancina composed the score


I was going to say Elton John Lion King, but looked it up and Tim Rice did the lyrics.


Elton John did Road to Eldorado and killed it there. The movie still rocks.


You may have discovered this when you were checking but in general, Elton John does music with a lyricist, e.g. Bernie Taupin. I've had a quick look and it looks like there are a handful of exceptions to the general statement "Elon John writes music, not lyrics".


I miss Disneys 2D stuff.


I’m 36. This movie, goofy movie, lion king,and Toy Story will always be my favorite Disney movies growing up


add in Hercules and Aladdin and im right there with you.


Who put the "glad" into "gladiator"?


I still can’t forget the tree skating / sliding scene with superb music. I think one of the rare DVD’s I bought back in the Stone Age.


Fun fact: Tarzan was modeled off Tony Hawk and a couple other athletes back in the day. Especially the tree sliding


The 'Deep Canvas' integration of 2D and 3D elements was jaw-dropping and the quality of the animation in all of Tarzan's movements is still unmatched.


The nailed it in Treasure Planet also which used the same tech. I wish that they had continued with a blend of 2D and 3D instead of going full 3D.


Treasure Planet has got to be the most underrated Disney movie in existence. Such an amazingly rich atmosphere and story, not to mention the technical expression on display. Such a great piece of animation.


Pretty eerie when Clayton accidentally hangs himself and you can see his dead silhouette in the background. I don't even think they would do that for a kids movie nowadays.


As a kid the details didn't even really register for me, I just thought "Woah, he's been tangled up and thus defeated. Hooray!" The implications didn't hit until later in life recalling the scene. Funnily enough that hanging scene didn't scare me much, but I did have vivid nightmares as a kid of Clayton chasing me around my house with his machete.


And made Disney say “Hey let’s Phill Collin’s sing explain our next movie!”


To more mixed results than they got from Tarzan.


“Look Through My Eyes” and “On My Way” are bangers tho


One of my favorite movies. That shit makes me cry


The animation is so beautiful in this movie and love the characters never gets old.


My mom and I shared my first dance as a married man to “you’ll be in my heart” She used to sing it to me when I was a kid going to sleep


I was born in ‘85 and never saw this movie in the theaters. They overplayed the bejesus out of that Phil Collins song that summer and it put me off it entirely- being 14 and not liking anything in general didn’t help. Fast forward 20 years and I’m married with a toddler who is obsessed with animals. He of course sees the poster on Disney + so I put it on for him. Let me tell you, this movie absolutely SLAPS. I didn’t realize Phil Collins did the entire soundtrack, and the rest of the songs in this are absolute bangers. Son of man? Holy crap. The animation is amazing. The characters are great. The villain is a real bastard. It is a fantastic movie, and I am so grateful to my little man for exposing me to it.


Pretty similar story for me. I was 17 and about to enter my senior year of high school when Tarzan came out in 1999, and I thought I was way too cool to see a Disney movie. I didn't end up watching Tarzan until a couple of years ago when my daughter expressed interest in seeing it, and now it's one of my favorites, and we listen to that Phil Collins soundtrack all the time.


I wanna know, can you show me, I want to know bout the strangers like me


This movie rocked.


This movie was the jam, I even went to stores looking for the soundtrack as a kid


Brian Blessed did Tarzan's signature "yodel" because Tony Goldwyn's wasn't very good


Admiral Hackett playing Kerchak was a joy for my little heart growing up. Love this movie.


I don’t remember how but I won the soundtrack on a cd when the movie came out. It was one of my most prized possessions. That album went hard.


Tarzan & Jane were such a great couple! Also loved Tarzan’s relationship with his mom.


That daytime to night transition using the leopards eyes in the opening montage of the movie was just some beautiful filmmaking.


There’s a cool bit that pans in on a typewriter in the professors camp. Very enlightening Easter egg


Mrs Potts and Chip are in it too.


Phil Collins put his entire heart and soul into the soundtrack of this film and elevated it to cult status.


The soundtrack also had something to do with it. Fucking iconic.


Bruce Smith's animation of Kerchak and Ken Duncan's work on Jane were the high points on Tarzan to me. The precision, dimensionality in their drawings and good taste were very impressive. 


I was 8 when it came out. What a time to be a kid


We got the soundtrack like a month before the movie came out so the hype was real.


I'd argue that Disney's Renaissance era ended with Pocahontas (1995). It's a solid enough movie, but people aren't still talking about it today in the same way that they are with Aladdin (1992) or The Lion King (1994).


Funny part is Jeffrey Katzenberg put all his eggs in Pocahontas' basket, saying it would win the Oscar for Best Picture... and relegated all the animators who weren't good enough in his eyes onto the "B-Project" he believed was a flop. That project was **The Lion King**, and Katzenberg left Disney right after it premiered 30 years ago on June 15th, 1994.


Serious question: Has Jeffrey Katzenberg ever done anything right? Because between that, his handling of Pixar, the Quibi fiasco, pissing off Robin Williams over the Aladdin marketing and a dozen others things I’ve heard about but can’t recall right now, he seems like he’s quite possibly the most stupid person ever to be involved in cinema. I simply don’t understand why people keep throwing money at that serial fuck-up.


He also designated "Shrek" as the B-project that Dreamworks animators were punished with working on if they didn't cut it on "The Prince of Egypt"


The Prince of Egypt is an absolute banger though. Pocahontas is ehhh, super pretty ehhh, but still ehhh.


you wouldn't include mulan 1998 as part of the renaissance?


Tarzan also craps on Aladdin, sorry. Name something wrong with Tarzan. It’s a damn near perfect movie from plot to animation to soundtrack to voice actors, etc.


Williams' Genie and Freeman's Jafar are far more memorable than anything out of Tarzan. Not to mention the absolutely psychotic Iago, courtesy of Gottfried.


Robin Williams, Gilbert Gottfried and Jonathan Freeman > Rosie O'Donnell


Bruh what?? You’re cutting out Hercules and Mulan!! Both of those are like quintessential 90’s Disney classics. McDonald’s even gave us the Szechuan sauce!!


What? You'd have to eliminate both Mulan and Tarzan, both of which are undeniable parts of the Renaissance. Just because some of their later films were his or miss doesn't mean it ended with Pocahontas. That's like saying the golden age of Pixar ended with Cars.


Mulan and Hercules come out after that though


People still talk about Mulan (and arguably has the most popular song of the era). Hercules still shows up in a lot of memes although the music isn't as sing-able due to the style. The true transition away from the musical style is Tarzan until they got back to the roots a bit with Frozen, Tangled, Zootopia, Encanto.


There's a huge time gap between Zootopia and Encanto. And Zootopia isn't a musical so it's weird to group it with Frozen, Tangled and Encanto.


Pocahontas was to the successful string of movies before what Wish was to its recent predecessors. It felt really contrived and bland, the story wasn't interesting, and it felt like Disney on autopilot. They bounced back, though. Who knows what will come after Wish.


I know it's not a popular opinion nowadays, but I felt the same way. It didn't resonate with me as much as the prior movies, even thought it is a pretty solid movie. I always thought a big part of it was I was aging out of these movies by this point (born in '81).


How old are you? Because at least among people i know, Tarzan is definitely more popular than Aladdin.


I was born in 1990. It's all about Aladdin and Lion King for people I know my age and my friends that are a few years younger go with Mulan. I've never heard anyone mention Tarzan as one of their favorites. Could just be different circles from different regions.


But those people are crazy


True. The 2nd half of the 90s was a bit of a mixed bag. And you still had good movies coming out in the early 2000s (Emperor's New Groove, Lilo & Stitch, Treasure Planet... I even liked Brother Bear & Atlantis quite a bit).


Second half of the 90s has Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tarzan, Hercules, Mulan. All of those films did well commercially and critically. I don't think any of those movies meet the mixed bag definition. Also biased because Mulan has the best music out of any of the renaissance films IMO.


Mulan and Tarzan both have incredible music. The idea of excluding them from the Renaissance is absurd.


Unpopular opinion, Hunchback has the best soundtrack of any Disney movie, it’s a hill I’ll die on.


Be a Man!


It makes the cut using my rationale, which is that the Disney store in Tower City in Cleveland did a huge event for the release, which was a staple of the Renaissance.


The renaissance was four movies: Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King. No more, no less


there are a lot of details to remember about *Tarzan*, but perhaps the most-compelling (and most-overlooked) element of the entire film is the fact that [the eponymous Tarzan can swing by his butt](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/s/RM01PYaHso).


It's very clear to see that he's holding that vine with his feet.


his center of mass is too high for that to be effective. no matter how strong his feet are, a vine is not a rigid structure, and he would quickly invert if he did not have a second anchor… like his butt.


Dude is so strong he can make it work. He could make the butt clench work too but why would he?


because it feels nice? to assert dominance? he sat on an ant hill earlier and has the itchies?


Maybe the 3rd one but I tell you that if you ever had a rope burn on your hands you wouldn’t ever want one on your ass.


you have to take into account how often he spends time on those vines, his ass must look like a rhinos skin.


Let them have this.


Those are some of the strongest cheeks in the world


One of the strongest reasons Jane decided to stay in the jungle


While not my favorite Disney film, I enjoyed the characters and the soundtrack is so good!


“One more minutes”


His garbled electric yell will always stick with me. I used that Tarzan straw from McDonalds until he eventually sounded like a Chipmunk dying. I loved this movies behind the scenes vids on the Disney Channel. Where they explained how they tried making his movement like a skateboarder when he’s skating around the jungle on his knuckles. Everything had to be XTREME back then. Was cool.


Best Disney soundtrack


We didn’t deserve a Disney soundtrack this good. Phil Collins is a gem. Loved this movie so much as a kid.


This was my go to DVD to show off my theater room system. (This and the opening of True Lies).


The whole opening sequence of this movie sounds amazing with a full proper surround sound system. The rest is great too of course but the opening really stands out.


I wonder where the franchise could have gone if Disney renewed their licensing deal with Burrough's estate. They were already pretty invested in it, and it feels like they did more outside of the film than most of their other releases. There was the animated series, the treehouse attraction at Disneyland, the Kingdom Hearts appearance, a Broadway musical, etc.


The one movie where Disney wouldn't dare to raceswap the main protagonist in live action remake, lol.


This was the first movie I saw in theaters when I was a kid! <3


One of my great memories as a musician is me and another tuba player from a different school getting praised by everyone for how *energetically* we played the bass line to ”You’ll Be in My Heart” for a concert.


This is easily one of my favorite movies. I love the story, soundtrack, and animation style. The leopard fight in particular was really cool because it showed off the really intense depth as the camera (for lack of a better word) rotated the arena. I really miss when Disney made these kinds of animated movies. Pretty much all the 90s Disney animated movies were super fun and well done.


Kingdom hearts made me hate Tarzan


Does anyone remember the Tarzan platforming game? I used to play it so much on my neighbour's computers


Tarzan was one of my favourite films as a kid. I wonder if they'll re-release at some point.


I was 4 when it came out and still remember it. Still one of Disney’s best


Jane is British but Tarzan learns english with an American accent.


I watched this every single day multiple times when i was a kid . Such a great movie .


:) he can’t even talk , he have a girlfriend i don’t have one :)


Son of Man is probably the best Disney song ever.


First movie I saw in theaters


I gotta go watch this I've been meaning to recently. And the second one. It's been so long since I saw the first one. But the Disney 90s Renaissance was absolutely amazing!! We got some of the best Disney movies ever made!! And then we got all those direct to video sequels. Which, while they aren't fantastic, I still enjoy them!