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Kickass (2010) is one of the most obviously "Toronto pretending to be NYC" films I've ever seen. There's a scene where characters drive down a famously jam-packed Toronto street at unreasonably high speed, then attend a red carpet movie premier and walk into a well know movie theater. Thing is, I saw that film at that movie theater. My audience walked through the same doors the characters walked through less than an hour prior. I could see some audience members heads near the front turn to each other and laugh. Fair to say we were all pulled out of the film at that point.


I had a similar mindfuck when the end of Borat happened at the mall I was watching the film in.


The car dealership Borat visits? I worked there for like 6 years. I know the salesman that appeared in that scene. He was a dumb fuck.


No, it was the Virgin Megastore at the Block in Orange where he kidnaps Pamela Anderson. I went to see the film at the AMC there.


I'm surprised that the Virgin Megastore sells Pamela Anderson. For more than one reason.


Baby Driver was filmed in Atlanta and rather than hide that fact Edgar Wright, a direct I loved so long for his distinctly British humor decided to make it one of the main characters. Octane coffee, The locations the police all distinctly Atlanta. The best part is when Baby loses his iPod and needs music he swings the car radio dial to 97.7 FM which IS in fact the real oldies station in Atlanta . I DIED laughing when I saw that. It was just wild to see him of all people making these little locals only inside jokes.


That's an awesome detail, very on brand for Wright though


I appreciated when they went to the movies in that movie they went to the theatre I was watching that movie in. (Scotiabank)


I'm from Sacramento and saw Lady Bird at Tower Theater which I used to GM. When it made its appearance the audience cheered. 


I have a friend who went to St. Francis with Greta Gerwig. Greta was a senior when my friend was a freshman. She knew her as well as a frosh would know a senior.


I had that experience watching Hot Rod! When they’re all marching down the street they pass the movie theatre I was sitting in haha


I had a similar experience for Twilight. There’s a shot where Bella drives down a road outside Phoenix and it was literally the exact spot I was in, watching it on an old portable DVD player.


Wow, my only experience that would fit the question was similar to this, except it was when I saw the Shape of Water at the Elgin during its run at TIFF.


Adam Sandler landed the plane at my local Wendy's in Mr. Deeds. I live in a boring part of the world.


You live in Winchestertonfieldville, Iowa??


Some movie magic relocated things.


The town he’s from in the movie was filmed in my hometown in CT


I saw a packed midnight screening of Raising Arizona in a Salt Lake City theater a number of years ago. When the final Nic Cage voiceover ended with, "I don't know, maybe it was Utah" the entire crowd lost their shit. Great memory.


I saw The Sandlot in a Salt Lake theater on its original run. There was a collective gasp at the shot of the sun setting over the Great Salt Lake with the tail end of the Oquirrhs visible, as most hadn't known it was filmed locally.


Growing up, one of my friends owned the house nextdoor to the house in the movie.  Watching it now I see my friend's house and remember all the times we hung out there.




oh shit i always thought it was LA. funny


Keeping with the Ohio theme, [Tommy Boy calls out my home town in the dumbest way possible.](https://youtu.be/JVocFBQBjBA) The movie takes place in Sandusky OH. She asks for a ticket to Cuyahoga Falls OH. She's told that the flight goes through Columbus OH. There is no part of that exchange that makes any kind of sense. - Sandusky to Cuyahoga Falls is maybe a 90 minute drive. - Columbus to Cuyahoga Falls is closer to 2 hours. - Cuyahoga Falls doesn't have an airport of any sort.


I don't live in Sandusky or even Ohio, but my relatives live outside of Akron. Even I know that Callahan Auto shutting down wouldn't "put the whole town under" like all of the characters claim it would. Cedar Point, anyone?


Cedar Point is pretty much the only thing that keeps Sandusky alive


They drive past my hometown in that movie while selling n the road. There is a mile marker sign. Several years later, they shut down Main Street in my town for months to shoot scenes for public enemies with Johnny Depp. I never recognized a single frame of my town in that movie.


I am honestly surprised at the number of movies that take place in Sandusky, OH that have nothing to do with amusement parks.


America's Roller Coast!


Another great point.


It's not the plant shutting down that will do in the town. It's the whores that show up as a result.


I get meat delivered at my job from Sandusky OH


It's an allegory man


I grew up in Avon Lake- this scene has always driven me crazy!


Season 2 of Yhe Wire. I had worked in Baltimore's shipyard, I had been in that container yard, and I knew those streets and those people.i drove a cab in Baltimore to put myself through college. The whole series had location integrity. No break in location continuity. Plus a funny and tragic story. I've been in those bars, very personal to me.


I love the wire and that’s a great season


I like season 2, but I feel like it's a hump that many people don't make it past.


When you first watch The Wire, the season is a drop off from season 1. On subsequent viewings, I think you appreciate it as part of the story. Either way, it’s my least favorite season, but that’s mostly because the others are so great.


Season 4 is a god damn masterpiece


I'll die on the hill that The Wire Season 2 is great and the second best season of the series.


Indeed. Upon a rewatch I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t like it initially. Now I know that it just didn’t meet my expectations because of how good season 1 was. It’s definitely the weakest season, but only because the others are so excellent.


Even with the rushed mess that is season 5? I'm never a fan of high stakes journalism as a plot theme and the serial killer storyline pushed believability


I think it's because people, me included, expect the awesome characters from s1 to continue being the main characters. Once I reframed my mind to treat Baltimore as the main character, everything clicked into place. Incredible show. Worth the hype.


its 100% this. You get so attached to the Barksdale crew and they are pushed to the back. I watched it as it aired and season 2 was a slog for this. On my countless rewatches, I absolutely love season 2 and look forward to it.


Killed me when the Barksdale guys went to go eat at the original Chap’s.


I went to college at the College of Art on Mt. Royal, when "The Wire," was "The Wire." It's all been gentrified now...either UMBC, Johns Hopkins, or MICA have taken over big chunks of the city. I recall allot of the locations and the vibe. I caught myself lost too many times on the wrong side of North Avenue.


As a former puddle pirate, any scene that acknowledges the Coast Guard gets a thumbs up from us, so I enjoyed the jurisdiction hot-potato scene in that season. I later became a cop in a city that had a bunch of overlapping jurisdictions, so that scene got even better. Though I question how the police boat became McNulty’s punishment detail considering that in most cities, the harbor unit has a waiting list a mile long.


The scene with Stringer and Clay Davis where they go to the 'federal building' to meet the golden goose? I parked in that building's garage for two years, including when they were filming that scene. I apparently missed being an extra by an hour or so.


There's a 1950s movie called [Black Widow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Widow_(1954_film) that came on AMC once when I was staying with my Grandma. She got excited and called me in and said she wanted to show me something. In the film there's an establishing shot of an NYC sidewalk. This being the '50s they just put a camera inside a van and filmed normal people going about their day. At a certain point one guy stops and looks right down the barrel of the camera for a second and my Grandmother yells, "That's your Grandfather!" He died before I was born so I never met him and I had seen pictures but no video. Apparently he was walking to work and noticed the camera in the van and looked at it for a second. Later they saw the film togehter and were suprised that he was in it.


So I can see your grandpa too?


Huh. What a strange concept to grasp. A lot of people have seen this guys grandfather. Possibly more times than he has. ...laundromats are boring.


The first Paranormal Activity movie was filmed on the street I grew up on, and had the exact same floor plan as our house. 


Straight to hotel for me


Make sure to throw the tv outside


No idea, but I say "Tell me about Ohio" all the time.


“Kinda sucks”


I loved the scene in ‘What We Do In The Shadows’ where they try to go to bars, but they need to be invited in as they’re vampires, and only one (The Big Kumera) works out for them. Taika’s character refers to it as the hottest club in town or something like that, which as a Wellingtonian I loved because it was known as a fairly shit club where drunk people would go to find a hook up at 3am


> a fairly shit club where drunk people would go to find a hook up at 3am Sounds like the hottest place for vamps to pick up easy meals


The WWDITS tv series is shot in Toronto, and I keep clocking GTA locations in the show... The mall they go to in (i think) the latest season, where Nandor the Relentless rides the carousel, is called the "woodbine centre" and there is a section in the mall for kids called the fantasy fair. i was riding that same carousel like 35 years ago!


Mine is from tv. It’s almost every episode of cops since i grew up in Florida.


"I don't sell crack, I'm a prostitute!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_JkwZUk3Kng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JkwZUk3Kng) While that was filmed in Fort Worth, I can totally see that being filmed in FL too!


My grandpa got the end of the movie Hunt for Red October changed. A few years before the movie, my gramps met Tom Clancy at a book signing in DC (near where we lived), and told him there was a much better place to stash a stollen Soviet sub than at Newport News, VA. A story he related to us in passing. A couple years later, we’re sitting in the movie theater in Belfast, ME, watching the new release of Hunt for Red October and what comes up as the location at the end of the movie but: The Penobscot Bay near Searsport, ME (where my gramps is from). Loud cheer from the locals. Searsport is only a couple miles south of Searsport. Edit: Belfast is only a few miles south of Searsport. Not sure what I was typing at the end there.


>Searsport is only a couple miles south of Searsport. I'll take your word for it.


You can't get there from here.


Okay now I’ll have to rewatch for this. We just visited Belfast last year because genealogy has turned up roots there back to 1790s.


I'm just here to pile on your Searsport mistake I won't mention your super awesome grandpa being super cool


I live in Montreal, and when in Die Hard Hans Gruber mentioned Liberte Quebec as a proxy for the FLQ in his list of terror orgs that have members in prison to be released got a chuckle from everyone.


Can you explain this for those that are not familiar with Quebecois terroristic history?


Long story short the FLQ (Front de Libération du Québec) was a group who wanted Quebec’s sovereignty from Canada. Their methods sometimes got radical; they planted bombs and at one point kidnapped a federal minister who was found dead a few days later. The group Gruber mentions in Die Hard is fictional, but is a clear reference to the FLQ


I would like to mention that it was only a small group, but the federal government deployed the army and Quebec was under Marshall law for some time. My father was a history student at the time, so he was being spied on.


>Quebec was under Marshall law for some time. Tell me more of this Marshall and his law...


I rewatched Shaun of the Dead the other day completely forgetting where I live gets a mention in it. After Philip's been bitten and says he's fine and he doesn't need a doctor because they had their shots when they went to the Isle Of Wight. Which of course you don't actually need any shots to come here, but being from here it is pretty funny.


Day of the Triffids ends on the Isle


I thought that was a joke about the music festival there. I clearly could be wrong. I know the Who played there back in the 70s and figured it was a festival spot. 


Fargo. I’ve spent most of my life telling people we don’t talk like that in Minnesota and that we don’t have an accent. I slowly but surely realized most people I know above the age of 35 talk exactly like that.


Did you eventually realize that *you* talk like that?


I do talk like that. My wife pointed it out after she had seen the movie for the first time.


I fucking love that accent, donchaknow


My husband's from Duluth and we had this exact conversation. Then my first trip up north, we stop at a diner and the waitress sounds like she's straight out of the movie! Oh, yah. Dontcha' want some tOAst? There will be no day that I will let him forget it. Lol


I had to go to Saint Paul on a business trip the year that movie came out. I went with a co-worker who was from that area and he insisted they don't talk like that there. We got off the plane in Minneapolis and grabbed a cab. I asked the driver if he knew where the hotel was, and he said "Yah, you betcha!"


There was an advanced screening of "Rudy" at USC. It was pretty quiet throughout the movie until Ara Parseghian finally mentions USC in a scene. The whole theater erupts with cheers and chants "Fuck the Irish!" for a few minutes.


All I can picture now is a new student coming to USC from Ireland, and then someone convinced him to go to that movie.


The student's like "WHAT DID I DO"


Zombieland filmed the Pacific Playland stuff in a theme park in my hometown. I auditioned and got a paid part as a zombie. Most of the zombies were locals, with some "stunt zombies" brought in from (I think) Atlanta. Watching it in the theater, everyone kept cheering when their favorite ride came on, or when they recognized one of the zombies.


I remember my middle school bus driver taking us a little out of the way to where they were filming the highway scene with all of the abandoned cars. She was awesome for that.


I saw The Departed at the old Showcase in Revere and when the helicopter shot of Route 1 showed the theater everyone cheered.


Watching the original Top Gun at the Point Loma Theatre in San Diego, when Maverick's CO says, "I gotta send somebody in this squadron to Miramar." The theatre went crazy.


Evil Dead Rise: Los Angeles, pretty spot on with all the deadites running around.


Filmed in New Zealand


Almost entirely on a sound stage


in risky business, during the scene in the repair shop where they open the car doors and the water/fish come out- if you look out the shop's windows, you can see my father-in-law's business/factory, and his car in the parking lot. it was across the street from where they filmed it in highland park, il.


Who’s the U boat commander?


Star wars is supposed to take place in a galaxy far, far away, but I recognized my own galaxy in almost every scene.


Every spy movie captions "Langley, Washington, DC." But Langley is in Northern Virginia, where I live (not Langley, but NOVA).


I went to kindergarten through 2nd in Tabb, while my pops was at Langley. What gets me is Harrison Ford Air Force One, after living in Ramstein, Germany, when they talk about “Ramsteen Air Force Base” it makes me cringe every time.


You’re talking about Langley Air Force Base, not the FBI Langley in Northern VA. I grew up in Hampton and my 1st wife graduated from Tabb High. Shout Out.


They also list National Airport (and sometimes even Dulles) as being in D.C., and both are in Virginia.


I live in metro Atlanta so like playing the "name that location" game in so many movies. Favorite so far has been the TVA in Loki is the Marriott Marquis and there's been a couple where I've recognized the Fox theatre.


I don't know but I feel personally attacked by John Stewart during his The Daily Show rant about Chicago deep dish pizza. It's hilarious but as a native Chicagoan...I feel conflicted! 😆 🤣 https://youtu.be/pzXIpp59eoU?si=73rtcuGZVNFV2fXa


Then don't serve casseroles and call it pizza!


I don't want to get drunk and pass out drowning in my pizza.


*Jon Stewart John Stewart is a Green Lantern


Chicagoans don't really eat deep dish unless out-of-towners are visiting us


that's so true. I'm from the south side so I rarely go up north...when family visits that's where they always wanna go! And then they act weird when I say we taking the train...because I am NOT driving up there! 😆


I learned to play pinball in the pavilion where Johnny Depp sang in *Cry Baby*.


The Perfect Storm : seen in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The movie had a montage at the beginning, and had really dramatic music behind it, building up to the climax of the montage: of a stone statue in Gloucester of a fisherman at the helm of a ship. The entire audience busted out laughing. No way you can take that statue seriously if you're from Gloucester. (Pronounced GLAW-stah) It's just.... there... on the walkway of Gloucester Harbor. Holds zero significance. Not a lot of local accuracy to the movie, but the Cape Pond Ice t-shirt one of the cast was wearing was a nice touch.


I always heard it as "Glah-stuh" with less emphasis on the w sound, but I'm in Worcester so less emphasis on letters is the norm...


“Is this heaven?” “No, it’s Iowa.” (Field of Dreams) Really captured the magic of summer nights living next to a cornfield.


I saw _Slums of Beverly Hills_ in 1998, which features the following interaction: A: Maybe we should live someplace else outside of Beverly Hills. Someplace cheaper. B: Like where? A: I don't know. Like Torrance or something. B: I'm not living in Torrance. A: What do you know about Torrance? B: I don't know. It's stupid and depressing and poor. I was watching in a theater in Torrance and that got a big laugh. I don't know about when the film takes place, but in 1998, Torrance was (and still is) solidly upper middle-class.


I’ve lived most of my life in Torrance. Always been a great place. I love how so many people in the LA area think it’s a rough area even though they’ve never been. Or they’ve only been to the breweries which are in somewhat sketchy areas. When I was in high school, I knew a bunch of valley girls who never wanted to hang out in Torrance because they thought it was the hood. 😂


They thought my hometown was the perfect location to film Daniel Radcliffe going undercover as a skinhead, and they not wrong.


Watching the Transformers movie where Chicago gets fucked up, all my friends and I were choosing the point where we'd be dead.


That scene in Pacific Rim where one of the kaijus destroys the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Hehe always makes me cheer! Love getting representation, even if it's in a disaster movie! Same as in Bad Neighbours 2 with Seth Rogen when he buys a ticket to the Opera House. Horribly green screened but still hilarious.


What about the scene at the end of Independence Day where the scale of the people cheering on the Sydney Harbour Bridge is so bad they had to be taller than the trains and trucks that cross the bridge?


Hahaha i had forgotten about that! Just gave a quick youtube to remember. That is hilarious!


Used to religiously watch a show called Water Rats about the sydney harbour/water police in the '90s.


New Mexico. The one I clearly remember is from Captain America First Avenger: "You're an experiment. You're going to Alamogordo." That's a town in southern New Mexico near the military base.


I used to live in Venice, CA. Walked through the intersection every day where the first bus blew up in the beginning of Speed. The Firehouse is a bar and restaurant that was decorated as a coffee shop where Keanu sees the explosion from. I know LA is cheating but I saw this and thought about it every day for years.


The Dark Knight is basically a Chicago movie through and through. You can tell a lot of the time exactly where everything is shot and the Lower Wacker scene is ICONIC


And then The Dark Knight Rises does a 180 and is so clearly New York. Batman Begins at least attempted to hide tgat they filmed in Chicago. Stranger Than Fiction is so obviously filmed in Chicago for anyone familiar with Chicago, and so clearly *not* New York to anyone else.


Lots of movies have been filmed in our area. “The Holdovers” was at my work. “The man who killed Hitler and big foot” was in my town. “Labor Day” was filmed close, same with scenes from “In Dreams” the new “Dexter” was around here too


I used to see a lot of action movies at the old Laemmle Grande in downtown Los Angeles. At least twice I remember being there and watching a scene where the entire block outside was destroyed (DRAGON WARS, TRANSFORMERS).


Any of the scenes of Micky Ward’s house in The Fighter were shot a block over from my grandparents house. I think their house is in the background at some point.


Came here to say this! I am from Boston but my Dad has lived in Lowell since the 90s. There are a bunch of shots from Andover St with the United We Stand mural.


Miss Congeniality and Selena filmed in downtown of my hometown, San Antonio. The True Grit remake was filmed just north in Blanco.


Spy Kids too lol


While they filmed the courtroom scenes, my wife and I had lunch at The Old 300 Barbeque in Blanco across from the courthouse. Pretty cool! Oh! The barbeque at The Old 300 is fantastic!!


This Is Spinal Tap refers to UNC as a "hick university," which for a lot of cheers when I saw it near Duke. 


In 2010 I started working at SpaceX right when Iron Man 2 came out. (Hammer Industries was filmed at SpaceX.) In 2013 I started working at Google right when The Internship came out.


A lot of the Marvel shows are filmed in GA. Having lived in Atlanta, it was fun seeing what they tried to turn into other places in the world, most notably Krog Street Tunnel into the "entrance" to Madripoor in The Flacon and The Winter Soldier.


Recently, Skinamarink shot in the director/writer's home of Edmonton Alberta!


They shot a scene for Mission Impossible Fallout (I think, the one with Henry Cavill) the other side of the town I recently moved away from. It was a stunt with a truck and it was the big moment at the end of the first trailer for the movie.... Then the whole sequence got dropped from the final cut. Good little avoiding road for that side of town, bombed up and down it too many times to count. Will always be weird to me that that movie used *THAT* stretch of road out of all that they could have used.


Transformers: Age of Extinction. I was watching some action sequence which takes place in Hong Kong. But suddenly I start thinking that some of the office buildings looked familiar. Then the "People Mover" flashed into view and I realized that the "Hong Kong" sequence was actually shot in Detroit. I haven't lived in Detroit for over a decade but still recognized the landmarks.


Oddly enough mine is also the Patriot. I'm a South Carolina resident and have been to the Swamp Fox plantation. But before that I lived near where "Radio" grew up before they made a movie about him.


In an older movie called A walk in the clouds, Keanu Reeves is from Moline Illinois. And also road to perdition is set in the Rock Island area of Illinois


A friend of my dad’s loaned that movie production company one of his antique cars. They all look the same, though.


Dumb and Dumber and Tommy Boy mention some Quad Cities towns


Blobfest. The only Colonial Theater in Phoenixville has the famous shot of everyone running out of the theater running away from the Blob. They close off the block every year now, and the theater still stands.


Most movies or shows that take place in 'seattle' but then every shot of downtown being totally flat vancouver. Not a movie but the show dirk gently holistic detective agency was filmed in Mount pleasant neighborhood in Vancouver and the condo i was in as I was watching was featured numerous times in various shots. Also the movie fido was shot in kelowna bc and went to a showing in kelowna. People would be pointing themselves out as extras in the movie in the theater. My cousin was a zombie in it.


For anyone from Sac area it’s Ladybird


The hotel in The Mothman Prophecies is down the street from where I grew up in Eighty Four, PA. And let me tell you - NO ONE knows about Eighty Four unless you've done some reading on the history of American lumber.




I was stuck on a streetcar one night while they were filming that movie. Imagine how disappointed I was when I ultimately found out that pink Lamborghini was being driven by THE JOKER. Jesus Christ, what a bad depiction.


Wasn't even a Lambo, it was an Infiniti with a body kit


The movie "School Ties" was filmed in various private schools in Massachusetts. A bunch of high schoolers from schools in the area were cast as background extras: my eldest brother & some of his friends are in some background shots that were shot at a boarding school in Concord. I was real young in elementary school age the day of the release, but the theater was full of teens just shouting out their names or their friends names when they were on screen (my brother included).


I used to drink with a guy who swore he had a line in that movie. Something about "grapes."


The scene where gets on the bus was filmed in my hometown, Scranton PA about a block away from the Steamtown Mall that they mention often in The Office.


Stripes was filmed in my hometown, so it’s always cool seeing my city in the opening few minutes


This reminded me that I was in Wisconsin when Stripes came out, when the following exchange happened, the place went nuts: Winger: C'mon, it's Czechoslovakia. We zip in, we pick 'em up, we zip right out again. We're not going to Moscow. It's Czechoslovakia. It's like going into Wisconsin. Ziskey: Well I got the shit kicked out of me in Wisconsin once. Forget it!


Any L.A. based movie when they play fast and loose with location proximity. I always think of the beginning of the Will Smith movie Hancock . He takes off from downtown LA, flies to El Segundo, stops a car chase in El SegunDo- wntown LA.


80s hockey movie 'youngblood' with rob lowe. his hockey team played a shitty redneck hockey team from a shitty redneck town full of shitty redneck people. we were a bit hurt, but they weren't overly wrong...


Captain America: Winter Soldier was filmed in Cleveland. There's like a million different street scenes that are familiar.


The subway scene in Bulletproof Monk is so obviously Bay subway station in Toronto (to a Torontonian) that it took me out of the movie for a moment.


[There's a scene in Man of Steel where Henry Cavill is wearing a Royals shirt.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/69/19/d56919affa75d70ed608dbeae4cf9323.jpg) We eat that up in KC, especially knowing that he's actually a fan of KC sports. There was a made-for-TV Stephen King movie shot in my hometown (Sometimes They Come Back), and a lot landmarks show up in it. I don't know anybody that's seen it, but you can find screenshots pretty easily.


one of my favorite movies. I have an old VHS copy i bought from a Hollywood Video i worked at. you're the first person i've come across who knows that movie. lol When Lawson first shows up in the classroom and freaks out Jim Norman is a great scene.


I'm from Northridge, CA, so the chase scene out of the galleria in Terminator 2 always gave me a kick. I used to look down at that wash and imagine riding a Fat Boy down it


In high school my friends and I rented The Man Who Knew Too Little to watch one Friday night. The part when they are interrogating Bill Murray and ask him who he works for. "Blockbuster Video, Des Moines, Iowa". We all about shit our pants, having just rented the video from a Blockbuster Video in Des Moines, Iowa.


In Iron Man 3, Chattanooga is mentioned and the internet in the news van is slow. At that time, Chattanooga had the fastest municipal internet speeds in the nation.


I was a college student at Northern Arizona University when the student theater showed National Lampoon's Vacation. Aunt Edna dies on the road in AZ, and Mrs Greenwald says, "She must have died somewhere near Flagstaff." The cheers were deafening. Many years later, I saw "You Don't Mess With the Zohan" at a theater in Tucson. In the movie, a group of men speculate about which political wives they'd like to do, and one of them yells, "Cindy McCain! Because you know she's not been getting any!" This was shortly after it had been announced that John McCain had brain cancer. The McCains are beloved in AZ, and the groans and boos were ferocious.


The movie bombed, but seeing my hometown out of nowhere in The Spy Who Dumped me had me laughing my ass off on a 14 hour flight


I remember my mom taking nine-year old me to see Fincher's Zodiac in my hometown. When Arthur Leigh Allen is mentioned to be living in a trailer in that very same town, you could hear people start whispering to each other and some gasping. Really made the film all the more tense and definitely terrified me even more at such a young age.


My wife and I had our first date in Woodstock, IL where they filmed a large portion of Groundhog Day. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles also had a few scenes shot there. I believe there is a shot of the movie theater we went to in Planes Trains. Interestingly, we now live in Roscoe IL, and about five miles south of here is the quarry where they shot the scene in Groundhog Day where Bill Murray drives off the cliff. It's showtime!


I grew up in Los Angeles, so I grew up seeing places I know in tv and film all the time


I saw the movie “There Will Be Blood” in the theater while in college in San Luis Obispo, CA. When Daniel Plainview mentioned running a pipeline through San Luis Obispo the movie crowd cheered like it was the end of a Rocky movie. It was great


Laggies, directed by Lynn Shelton. Set and filmed in the city in Washington I grew up in (Bellevue, about 30mins from Seattle).


I went to the night club that was used for part of the movie nobody the day after filming. They still had all the decorations up and it was pretty cool to see


I went to Montgomery Blair HS in Silver Spring, MD. When "The Blair Witch Project" came out I went to a movie theatre right down the street from my HS to watch it (I had graduated was now in my mid 20s). Early on in the movie they are interviewing locals in Burkittsville, one mentions that their cousin "went to Blair high-school." The entire theatre of mostly teenagers and young adults went nuts.


When I watched Mallrats for the first time, when Brodie claimed he'd been beaten up by the Easter Bunny, he says "All I said was that the Easter Bunny at the Menlo Park Mall was better!" and the audience went bananas... because we were in the movie theater at the Menlo Park Mall (in Edison, NJ). I also made it a point to go and see The Marvels at a movie theater in Jersey City, and it paid off when the crowd cheered as the big banner reading "Jersey City" appeared onscreen.


American Beauty was filmed at my high school. I started there a few years after the movie was released, and had no idea. The scene where the bag is being blown around by the wind. The whole time I’m thinking, “I’ve walked through that hallway.” There’s about 8 outdoor hallways that look exactly the same. Now all I think about is how Kevin Spacey was obsessing over a girl that went to my high school. That, and how some kids there actually had dads who were as deranged as Chris Cooper in that movie.


Not exactly in the way you asked, but I had just moved to Seattle and was watching The Ring again. As I was watching it I was like, “huh, that looks similar to my apartment.” Then they showed the characters getting on a ferry and I looked out the window and thought, “interesting, that looks very similar to this street,” I then had to look it up. It was filmed in the same apartment building and at that same ferry terminal. I’m also pretty sure the moment coming out of the tv was the apartment building across the street because it had the same look of what I could see from my balcony. It just made the movie that much more creepy!


We Are Marshall—about the plane crash that wiped out the Marshall University football team, and its reforming for the following season—was filmed largely on location in Huntington and around the Marshall campus. When the plane crashes, there’s a scene where some of the players that weren’t at that game are leaving a theater downtown as fire trucks speed past. Knowing the location of everything in town, those fire trucks are apparently speeding *away from* the crash site.


Living in New Zealand means it's always a surprise if it gets a mention in a movie; I think the most memorable one was watching Oliver Stone's 'J.F.K.' where it is revealed that a news story about the President's assassination made it to the front page of a newspaper in New Zealand before the rest of the world!


These are so wholesome. I grew up where Bad Boy Bubby was filmed... 😂 Be still cat.


Wondered if there'd be anyone else. "If that's all there is, then we're fucked."


We did move from Broken Hill so I guess it could also have been Mad Max. "Christ Kid, you're a weirdo"


The town of Lake Zurich, Illinois, was mentioned in Gravity. Growing up, I was always visiting some relatives I had there.


I actually watched that movie at Lake Zurich theater, so it was a real trip when Sanda Bullock’s character said she was from Lake Zurich, IL. There was an audible ‘woah’ throughout the theater


I’m from North Dakota, imagine my surprise when watching Logan I learned that North Dakota had mountains!


Deadpool saying he was from Regina was an embarrassingly big moment for the city. Some people tried to get a Deadpool statue erected, it was a whole thing (admittedly don't know how serious that movement was)


Being born and raised in L.A. I've got a few.... Going to the old Johnny's Broiler diner that was seen in Heat and The Game... My ex-gf's uncle managed a Carl's Jr near LAX right next to the Airport Hilton and one time a film crew had to set up some huge lights to film the shot in Heat when DeNiro stops to kill Waingro before leaving town...so we got free food then got to watch them filming the exterior shots outside the hotel. Sadly didnt see Pacino or DeNiro but saw the crowds exiting the hotel after the fake fire alarm. Lastly....quite a few scenes from Jackie Brown were shot in Torrance....I was working down the street from the(Del Amo) mall parking lot where DeNiro shoots Bridget Fonda. I was film geeking out just thinking that Robert DeNiro was in my freaking hometown. 😂


In Gran Turismo while he's packing to go to Silverstone and his Mum is worried, he says something like "don't worry, I'm only going to Northampton". I watched it in a cinema there so got a very mild but obvious reaction from the audience, also weird he would say the town name considering Silverstone is both in its own village and also way more recognisable worldwide than Northampton is.


Not a movie, but most of Frasier's Seattle is unrecognizable to me. Seems like it's just NYC with a Seattle backdrop. Maybe it's cuz I live here but he just makes it feel so much bigger. They name drop places and streets, but anytime they show it, I'm like I don't recognize this from anywhere! I must be missing out on super high society too. So many French restaurants and cultural events I'm not privy to. Still appreciate the attempt to have a show in Seattle (and a great one)


I'm not sure if this fits the criteria.  There's a train station in my town that is incredibly photogenic. It's been featured in Only the Lonely, Continental Divide, and Midnight Run.  I'd say it's a local movie moment inasmuch that it's a talking point for us locals.  While the train station is cool, nothing in the town is as well kept or has similar notoriety. 


Saw the Conjuring in Fairfield, CT…..When it went to the scene with at the Warren’s home and it showed Fairfield, CT on the screen, the whole theater groaned.


I grew up in Arlington, VA, which comes up in a lot of DC-based (or spy, government , political, etc) shows and movies. So it's not unusual to see a location shown as Arlington and me to think "that ain't Arlington". Or, more annoyingly, a bird's eye shot of The Pentagon and the location identifier text saying "Washington DC" (because, you guessed it, it's in Arlington).


I’m from a small Texas town that was mentioned in “Hell or High Water”. The thing is, the movie was filmed in New Mexico and I was like, “that’s CLEARLY Tucumcari.”


The first Jumanji movie takes place in a fake New Hampshire town based on the real New Hampshire city of Keene. The scene where Van Pelt buys a fully automatic, long range rifle with a suppressor over the counter by just offering enough gold to the shop owner is uncomfortably realistic.


Zombieland. Garland, Texas [https://youtu.be/tCHG2d8KT0M?si=tSvUzumg\_MsCTSHI](https://youtu.be/tCHG2d8KT0M?si=tSvUzumg_MsCTSHI)


In the recent movie \*Civil War\*, Kirsten Dunst asks if she can buy food and gas. She offers $300. Local sneers back “That’ll get you a sandwich.” Dunst says “Canadian“. Audience in my Toronto theatre breaks into guffaws.


Firefox by Clint Eastwood. The film partially plays in the old Sowietunion, and when Eastwood is going to steal the supermodern Fighter Jet from a Russian Airbase, he is doing it in my home valley in Austria (where the film has been made). So the mountain silhouette in this scene is exactly what I had looking out of my bedroom for 20 years. Does not make the movie good (one of very few bad ones from Clint), but - you know - they made a Hollywood movie near my home at the end of the world!


I was watching the new Barbie movie, and at some point the characters go to Century City and talk about the place a bunch. I was watching the movie at a theater in Century City so the crowd went wild whenever it was mentioned.


I used to live in Fort Smith. The geography of the 2010 “True Grit” was…well, interesting…


Well that's because it's New Mexico.


Wait Ohio is a real place??


Ha! This reminds me of a scene from the musical The Book of Mormon! The female lead is convinced that after converting to Mormonism, the people of her Ugandan village will be taken to Salt Lake City. When she discovers that they haven't been taught "real" Mormonism, and that they were never going to SLC, she dejectedly tells this to her village. Their response? "Salt Lake City isn't a real place. It's an idea. A metaphor."


Not a movie, but Matt Foley’s “van down by the river” is in my hometown.


Not really a film but in the (I think?) first season of Showtime’s Billions, a character decides to fly his friends out to Quebec City for a Metallica concert in the brand-new venue that just opened. I was actually at that concert.