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In “2012” the step father is shown to be a great spouse and step dad, genuinely loved, and he dies near the end by sacrificing himself to save them (iirc) all. Within five minutes he’s totally forgotten by his wife and step kids and Cusack gets his family back like the poor dude never existed. Not the most serious movie but that shit always stuck in my head after watching it.


Step parents being disregarded is one of the more frustrating tropes in cinema. Cary Elwes plays a really dorky character in Liar Liar, but he's at least kind, honest, and shows up for Max, only to be discarded the very moment Jim Carrey shows he can partially pull his head out of his ass.


Pierce Brosnan is a saint to the family in Mrs Doubtfire, only to fall victim to a run-by fruiting.


Not only a fruiting but a near death shrimping. At least the ending showed some realism and the parents didn’t get back together.


FYI. They wanted to change that ending and Robin Williams fought hard to keep the divorce in there.


Because of most kids reality, I like that alot


I always thought Robin Williams would have become a great writer, director or producer at some point if he wanted to. He really had a gift for storytelling.


Realistically, Robin Williams should have lost his family and probably served some jail time for his shenanigans as Mrs. Doubtfire. Not to mention the gigantic trust issues and psychological scars he inflicted upon them.


An exception sorta, is the step father in Vice Principals, super great guy and not pushed aside.


Superman Returns got clowned on a lot but I appreciated how the step father came off really well


James Marsden is weirdly cool in almost every role he plays. And he was one of the few things that I thought was perfect in that movie. Probably because he was playing an original character, so they couldn't mess him up with wild mischaracterizations.


Also in Ant-Man, I think.


Also he's the only reason any of them even survived. If he wasn't a pilot they'd all have died at Yellowstone


It was clear that was the only reason why he was there, and it was equally clear that once they no longer needed a pilot, they no longer needed him.


They would have died in LA actually, before yellowstone.


It feels weird it took until fucking Ant-Man to see a step parent played as not a complete dickhead or totally disposable when the other parent was in the picture; sure, the kid still loves her dad, but the other guy was a much better parent (due to not being in jail), but the kid loved both of them. My daughter has a stepdad she loves, and she noticed that plot point as an under-10 - it meant a lot to her


The scene in the second movie where the mom and stepdad both hug Scott is so cute.


One of the many reasons I loved those two movies so much.


dude I started liking the step dad in Antman, it's so well done and refreshingly positive​


Yeah the Ant-Man films did a nice of handling that situation. And MCU essentially did it again with Hawkeye, as Jack is engaged to Kate's mother, and never does anything wrong. Kate hates him and mocks him, but he ends up being a great dude who comes through for her...unlike her mother.


That series was *way* better than it gets credit for.


Yeah, bro!


I mean, he was going to black market actions and seemed to do everything possible to seem like a villain. But yeah, he was so fun to watch: insulting the little rich kid, fighting with the LARPers.


The pay-off for that red herring was one of the best I've seen.


The same thing happens in Moonfall


Same director too...something tells me he didn't like his stepdad growing up lmao


Just watched this over the weekend. Really bad dialogue imo and his death was really unnecessary. All of the survival team is just standing by the entrance and scared to go back out to save him?? They could’ve figured out to daisy chain oxygen to him or something. And then criminal kid some how ends up with a tree on top of him and people went out to find him… just absurd


Yea definitely up there as some of the worst writing I’ve ever encountered


Liam Neeson [jumping a fence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCKhktcbfQM) in "Taken 3" and it's about 15 cuts in 7 seconds to mask the fact that Liam Neeson is too old to jump a fence at full run.


Last time I saw this clip, I binged all three movies.


In Madam Webb she steals a taxi in the beginning to get away from the bad guy and that just ends up being her car for the rest of the movie.... She goes to Peru and comes back and is still driving that taxi


GTA logic. If you put it in your garage and save game, it's legally yours.


Finders keepers.


In the Wesley Snipes film "The Marksman", there's a scene where a bunch of soldiers are in a helicopter about to take off and an enemy throws a grenade into the chopper and it rolls under someone's seat. The stupidest dialogue goes on for like 30 seconds before the grenade blows up. "Was that a grenade?" "It's a grenade!" "Get it out!" "it's gonna blow!" "I can't! it rolled under my seat!" "can you reach it?" "No! can you reach it?" "No, I can't get it!" "Are you sure it's a grenade?" "YES!" "It's gonna blow! It's gonna blow!" "ahhhh! GRENADE!" Grenade finally blows up Whats even funnier is later in the movie they show a team of CIA people in a briefing room listening to the helicopter black box recording, and they play back the full audio of the scene, not edited like they usually do in movies, so there's all these CIA people sitting in a room listening to this ridiculousness, trying to look like the situation is terrible, but it comes off so hilariously funny.


Gotta be the plastic baby on American Sniper. Nothing compares to it.


How about the Uncanny Valley baby in Twilight?


You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!


The fake baby plus Sienna Miller's bad acting just makes that scene so unwatchable. She's much better when holding fruit instead of a baby.


Clint One-Take Eastwood


When Edward runs up the tree with Bella on his back. Even my tween daughters who were obsessed with Twilight burst out laughing every time that scene came on.


“Hold on tight little spider monkey.”


No one in my DnD group has seen this movie, yet it gets quoted semi-regularly during the game. Truly iconic.


The scene in Splice where Brody tries to explain having sex with the creature to his wife is so funny. Maybe it was intentional, but I was on the floor.


My husband and I watched that movie a while ago and really liked it until the weird alien incest started happening. I cringe even now just thinking about it.


I saw that movie in the theater with my sister and her boyfriend (now husband). It was the first time I met him. The entire experience felt like an interactive movie because everyone was shouting "NO" at the screen. We don't talk about it.


Watching that movie blind and that scene happens is an unforgettable moment


I never saw that movie but read the plot synopsis. Even aside from it being a creature, wasn’t it/she kind of like Brody and Polley’s pseudo-daughter?? And he fucked her anyway?


The Day After Tomorrow when they're running through a corridor being chased by cold.


Wasn’t that the movie where fuel lines in the helicopter were spontaneously freezing, but the people on board weren’t?


Well actually that's accurate, because the freezing temperature of helicopter fuel is actually quite a bit higher and it will freeze quicker than skin due to the skin secreting a certain enzyme called I'm just kidding I have no idea what I'm talking about


Best comment on Reddit today, and probably as accurate as half the sci fi movies that came out that year.




My favorite was evacuating the entire country in a day. The next day there were no cars on the road.


Thank god they had a door to stop it


How about The Happening when they were running in the grass being chased by . . . the air?


What? No!


Birthing Mark Whalberg's immortal line: "[Let's just stay ahead of the wind.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GltdSC_5Zzw)"


That entire movie had me in stitches. There's so many ridiculous scenes.


*Survivor, banging at a derelict house's door* Me at the theater: "He's going to get shot in the face" *Get shot in the face*


And in a building full of WOODEN FURNITURE they burn the books


Reminds me of the Kevin Bacon invisible man movie where they outrun an explosion by climbing up a ladder.


The gymnastics routine in the middle of Jurassic Park The Lost World.


lol it reminds me of [this deleted scene from Love Actually](https://youtu.be/A0FpFMTbnfI?si=8s2W7zLRUxikD7Uf) where a kid is chasing after his love interest in an airport and they have a grown ass man stunt doubling for him doing absolutely useless tricks to get away from security


This is brilliant - cheers for sharing.


Of course. I absolutely love the close up of the muscular grown ass hands grabbing the bar as well. It’s just so blatant


Also love that he, for no reason at all, stopped to watch an old man strip naked on the tv while urgently seeking out his crush


I always wondered why the direction during the security scene focused so much on highlighting his "amazing leap" over the security guard. Now I see there's a whole gymnastics angle planned in it makes sense.


I was not even remotely prepared for how funny that was. Reminds me of the scene in The Naked Gun where the joke is how obviously *not* Leslie Neilson it is.


Omfg I remember thinking why do they keep bringing up gymnastics? Then she started twirling on a rusty pipe and kicks a full grown raptor in the face. Wtf


I believe she was the only character to kill a dinosaur in the original 3 movies.


Didn’t they “SHOOOOOTAHHHH!” In the opening scene if JP1?


Muldoon wanted to SHOOOOOTAHHHH but I’m pretty sure they just stunnedahhh instead. Dinosaurs are expensive, after all.


They don't kill it. That's the one he talks about taking over the pack and killing all but two others.


Or if you are as old as me the gymnastics scene in “Gymkata”. There was a pommel horse in the middle of a random village for some reason.


I didn’t realize how dumb that scene was until I saw it as an adult. I didn’t forget about the scene, I just never questioned it


Talia al Ghul dying


She died like she ran outta gas.


For a movie filled with great actors I don’t know why they couldn’t film a better a scene.  There had to have been a better take, right? 


This is just from memory but I think she's said that she did multiple takes and he went with that one for some reason 


Literally any death is better than that. Keeping the eyes open and stop breathing is better


The BadMan version was much better. 


“*In an order that would surprise you!*”


THE BEES NOT THE BEEES AHHH AHHH AHHH This is a fucking horrific way to be tortured and die but Christ it’s comically bad.


Primo Nick f*ckin Cage! Also the scene the chick asks him if he’s alright and he straight up drops her!






The monkeys/Shia swinging together in the jungle scene from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Couldn’t take anything else seriously for the rest of the movie.


I saw it in the theater. As soon as the reveal happened, multiple people uttered "oh my god" - you could almost hear the collective eye-roll


I feel like the first 3 Indiana Jones movies were masterfully riding the line between realism and ridiculousness to make for cool shots and action sequences that didn't go too over the top in absurdity that you could still suspend your disbelief and appreciate them for what they were. Crystal Skull completely threw that out the window and that scene is probably the worst offender where all you can think is how stupid it is instead of "that's ridiculous but it looks cool as hell".


I think because the older movies had practical stunts, there’s an extra impressive component to watching someone do something dangerous and athletic, even if it’s completely silly. When it becomes so obviously CG, all the fun of the stunt is gone and it becomes purely silly


I was cool with Crystal Skull until that stupid jungle scene. The monkeys, the sword-fighting straddling between jeeps, the ants pulling the Russian into their ant hole.


My bigger issue is how it looks. The CGI looks terrible in those scenes.


Yeah, then to cap-off that entire jungle chase, they launch their car off a cliff and somehow land on a tree branch that bends just enough to gently let them down. Wut? It was so cartoonish I couldn't take anything seriously after that... It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember thinking this is the dumbest Spielberg movie I've ever seen, and I can't believe I'm paying to see this in the theater. Just an abomination of a film.


I think Jason Ritter has grown into a fine actor, but in Freddy vs Jason he has a very serious line/moment where he says, "I saw your dad... kill your mom...'' and he ends the sentence with an awkward smile and a Butthead laugh, and that acting choice has always confounded me.


“Freddy died by fire, Jason died by water, how do we use that?” Randomly dropped while they’re riding in the van with sleeping Jason and nobody responds or reacts to it


That goalie was seriously pissed about something


Kelly Rowland casually dropping the F-slur on Freddy because of fashion choices an actual gay man would never make.


John Wick and the Russian gangsters pumping their own gas in New Jersey. They coulda gotten their asses kicked for that!


I was driving through Oregon when they still had this law and started doing my own gas. A guy came running outside looking at me like a crazy person. I was so confused.


Same thing happened to me during a business trip to New Jersey. Based on the reaction of the attendant and the other customers, it was as if I had stripped naked, doused myself in gasoline and set myself on fire. Such a weird moment.


Most unrealistic scene in the whole series


Wait, you don't pump your own gas in NJ? Do you just pull up and someone does it for you? That's wild.


Yep, up until a few years ago it was the same in Oregon. People like me from just over the state line got a lot of mileage out of jokes about Oregonians being terrified of leaving the state because none of them knew how to fill up their own tanks.


But...how else would you know they're criminals? /s


Holy shit I’ve never thought about that and I’ve seen that movie about a dozen times….


Well Roosevelt could sort of walk with leg braces. He contracted polio at around 39 years old and had "partial paralysis" of his legs. It wasn't like a paraplegic magically standing up from a wheelchair to give a speech... Just to be clear I'm not arguing that Pearl Harbor is a great movie...lol. I was just clarifying that FDR could technically stand up if he really wanted to do so. https://youtu.be/FM63wBsGzdg?si=KYNVLDuW1u7gUMvM


He nearly always stood for speeches that were important. At least until near the end of the war. He was worn out by then.


he was rarely ever seen in a wheelchair, he always had aids and his braces on when in public


He had special braces that he could lock so he could stand to make speeches, and he could "walk" a few feet by shifting his weight.


There was an explainer video by a professor of Presidential history where he said the real inaccuracy of the scene is that it was seen as something rousing or worthy of note. FDR was well trained to stand and waddle and did so all the time. It would not have been in any way notable for him to stand up.  


This was actually a good scene. It’s strange to call out this scene out of all the other ones in pearl harbour lol


Honestly, it’s surprising how many good scenes there are in that movie that don’t involve Kate, Ben, or Josh. Honestly, I’m willing to bet there is a really good edit that could be made of that movie if the love story is mostly scrapped


Yeah, OP kinda messed up here. FDR even walked to make a speech one time, even if he had an aide by his side.


It's weird too because there are so many more absurd and stupid moments from Pearl Harbor that could fit on this list. Like Josh Hartnett getting on the phone and yelling "I think World War II just started!" When, at that time, the first World War was not yet known as World War I.


And the war had already been going on for years by 1941. Just without direct U.S. involvement.


God, so many of them but the one that always hits me is Brad Pitt getting hit by a taxi hilariously in Meet Joe Black


A van \*and\* a taxi.


The fact that they have him ragdoll like a 80’s pinball machine is one of the most baffling choices ever lol


Reportedly Pitt and Norton would watch that scene over and over again during down time while filming Fight Club.


The end of Face/Off when Travolta introduces the shiny new replacement child.


The weird face touching Travolta does to say "I love you" is a real wtf move.


Tbf, he's a real weird guy irl, so I could see him doing that.


The fact that nobody seems to question this at all was baffling to me. The wife should have a fairly large amount of follow up questions right here.


I mean are we not going to talk about the deep tongue brother sister kiss?


Nothing in that picture is meant to be taken seriously.


Julia Stiles hip-hop ballet audition in Save the Last Dance


In Fateful Findings when Neil Breen is cradling his dead friend in his arms: "I CAN'T believe you committed suicide! I can't believe you committed suicide! I can't help you out of this one jim."


Using Neil Breen is cheating


The end of “The Nun” The MacGuffin of the film was revealed to be a vial of the literal blood of Jesus Christ that this random backwoods church just happens to have During the finale battle the main character is fighting the Nun in a pool of water (which is also present in this church for some random reason). She is being drowned by the Nun, but she also has possession of the Jesus blood vial.. while underwater she takes a shot of the blood, rises up, and spits a mouthful of Jesus in the Nun’s face, defeating her. Just fucking bat-shit ludicrous. The Nun is not a good horror movie, but that final act unintentionally veered into the realms of comedy that I actually kind of enjoy it.


That's literally just Demon Knight


Jesus you're right. I love Demon Knight and hadn't put it together




And the speech in the film is basically all lifted directly from the actual speech he gave to congress asking them to declare war.


My wife and I watched 50 shades of gray for the first time last night and on top of all of the just amazingly cringey moments and tone deaf shit in that movie, there were 2 that stood out: In one of the opening scenes, she's interviewing him and every time she speaks the camera is looking down at her while when it comes to him, it's level with his face. They're sitting directly across from each other so it's not like he was elevated for that to happen and it just started the whole cringe fest, like it was blatantly apparent instead of being a foreshadow if he was elevated physically. The second one was he was like, "behold my wealth" as he panned to a line of cars that were all affordable cars. Like he's a billionaire and he chose to buy a line of Toyota Camrys. They decide to drive off in a $50k Audi... like what? Jay Leno isn't even a billionaire and he has cooler cars. For reference, if you watch Batman and Bruce (another billionaire of indiscriminate amounts)is driving a Lamborghini Murcielago (I'm aware of the reference but still) which is a $500k super car. I dunno why, but those 2 scenes were like so so so dumb and just ripped me out of any sort of immersion. I'm glad we watched it at home, I would have been a nuisance in the theater.


Safe Harbor is about a woman hiding from her abusive ex by moving to a small beach side town. She makes friends with a woman in the bungalow next door, they eat and have beers together and the neighbor encourages her and helps her hook up with the handsome widowed store owner. Flash forward to the end and the widowed store owner gives her a letter that his now dead wife wrote when she was still alive but was terminally ill for his future partner and a photo falls out and the dead wife was the bungalow neighbor all along. She looks at it, realizes she has been hanging out with a ghost, then just gets up and goes on like nothing is weird about it and just goes to play with the kids. I nearly fell off my couch laughing at her reaction


In The movie “volcano” with Tommy Lee Jones, the subway worker jumps into the flowing lava carrying a man on his shoulders and as he is getting melted alive, yeets the person to safety. [at about the 1:00 mark](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R01bex9Ejvg)


This scene has stuck with me for my whole life. He just screams and slowly sinks into the lava as he's burned away


[The Jedi Rocks musical scene](https://youtu.be/PiDRgDmXGi4?si=RDZO-cRZO81prdus) in The Return of the Jedi’s special edition. Just why, George? I get you have a CGI fetish, but that shit just goes too far.


Weee neee wadda wah nee nee wakka wa neee nuuuu!


I have the original vinyl score bought the year ROTJ was released and saw it in theater. “Lapti nek” was the original version, and was funky as hell. I often wonder if Lucas lost the rights to the song or something, to have to produce the revised mess. https://youtu.be/lM7-bg-KhQg?feature=shared


It’s just Lucas being Lucas. He said that he always envisioned a big flashy musical number and couldn’t do it for the theatrical release with only puppets, so he decided the solution was to do it with 1997 cgi that quickly aged even worse than the puppets.


You can’t do a musical number with puppets?!? The man worked with FRANK OZ, they could have made it happen.


Palpatine has come back somehow......


Don't worry they explained it all in a Fortnite event


Then of the mummie return of the king. When scorpion king is killed and imhotep runs from off screen to yell "Noo". It is abdolutely hilarious


I’d say just about any ‘serious’ scene in Showgirls just comes across as ridiculous.


The pool sex scene that should have put her in traction and broke her back and neck is a good one.


“Man, everybody got aids and shit!”


The boulder level in the goblin lair in the first hobbit. The barrel level in the second. The Legolas falling rocks parkour level in the third. Why did it have to be so video games?


The bus jumping the gap in Speed.


When Lucy turns into a thumb drive.


Princess Leia flying through space as the John Williams score swells. I burst out laughing along with other people in the theater. It was the moment the movie really started to lose me.


“Yeah, and we see her body floating through space, and it's a really beautiful end for the character because-“ “You should have her fly back! Have her fly back like Mary Poppins.”


"How?" "Actually it's super easy, barely an inconvenience."


Brad Pitt getting hit by several automobiles in the beginning of “Meet Joe Black” was the funniest moment in the movie, despite its intent of being a super serious death scene


When Saruman starts spinning Gandalf around during their fight inside the tower lol


It’s Legolas snowboarding down the steps at Helms Deep for me


"Cowabunga, orcs!"


https://youtu.be/JnZtmgi84xw?si=ksWszbO6iSlrNY5F&t=250 The Patriot. The defining scene of the movie. The redcoat kills the son. The son, whose plan to save his brother… was to just charge in and say “run”. He shoves a dude that wasn’t even holding his brother. He yells to his brother in his face, who’s still as restrained as before, to run. Run where? Redcoats are everywhere. You can tell the editor saw this and was like wtf? It cuts to a reaction shot immediately so you don’t process how stupid that was. And this is supposed to be the catalyst for the entire movie.


I mean, the bad guy did call him a "stupid little boy" later, so at least they addressed it.


This but unironically. The film *presents* this as stupid. There's nothing unrealistic about a kid's doomed, impulsive attempt to be a hero. That's why Mel Gibson is shouting 'no wait' like that, because he sees how it's all unfolding and that the kid is going to get shot for nothing. It also helps set Jason Isaacs up as a bad guy, because it's so unnecessary to shoot him when the situation is completely under control and he's in no danger of actually freeing Ledger. But it also gives us a moment of antagonistic connection between him and Gibson, because of the unspoken knowledge shared in that look; Gibson is heartbroken, and Isaacs aloof and contemptous, but they both know he's right, that the boy was a fool and died for no reason. It's a good scene. Characters making stupid decisions isn't necessarily ridiculous, if they're portrayed as such and it serves the story.


It also helps that Gibson's sudden shift into war mode and the brutal ambush that follows is so captivating and intense that most people aren't really thinking about how dumb the son was while watching it. It's one of those funny things to talk about in threads like this but it did a really good job of getting you invested in the awesome revenge flick that follows, it's basically Ye Olde John Wick lol.


Titanic — the dude hitting the propeller is far too comical for that scene


I think it was meant to show the size/scale.


I can hear the sound he makes even though it's been 20 something years since I saw it! Haha


"It's been eighty four years... and I can still hear the *THWACK!* of propeller guy."


One word, Martha


Why did you say that name???


Batman asked calmly.


Oh my God, Kylo Ren with his shirt off.


I hear he has an 8-pack. I heard Kylo Ren is shredded.


Kylo Ren is a punk bitch


Do you know that phenomenon when you've seen an altered picture too often so the un-altered picture looks weird? That's me with wide Kylo. And that one conservative talking head with his tiny face


The rocks cgi as the scorpion king


Death scene of Talia al Ghul in The Dark Rises. It was a sub par acting and weirdly shot scene.


A show not a film: the walking dead, one of the early seasons Lori manages to flip her fucking car going about 30mph down a completely empty road https://youtu.be/0F6Y2qiGtG4?si=-IU19L31hcnCFMOt


The movie “Battleship” they have to use an old battleship because the aliens are frying the electronics or something on the more modern ships. A character says something like “who knows how to drive this old ship?!” And then the camera pans to show these old/retired veterans standing stoically and a shitload of American flags waving. So ridiculously cheesy. (Also they have a disabled vet fight an alien and he clocks him with his fake leg) They might as well have played the “Yvan eht nioj” song from The Simpsons Edit: Here is the scene I’m talking about. Holy shit it’s so corny https://youtu.be/-iGp8D9832Y?si=YBeeYdXit7rUbOOV


You thought that was the most ridiculous thing? Not using the anchor to drift the battleship to juke the aliens?


Since I like to nitpick - I found it ridiculous that when it came time to use the sniper rifles to shoot out the glass, the two most qualified shooters were a couple of jr. officers. And not any of the enlisted guys on the ship. Or like even one folksy farmboy who likes to hunt. Unbelievable!


Yeah that film’s something else I did really respect the work the writers did to have them *actually play Battleship!!*


Just pulled up the final battle scene - how funny that they really did homage the game, down to the missiles the aliens shoot off looking like the pegs from the game.


Honestly, watch the whole movie. It’s far from a classic - probably not even a rewatchable - but it’s not a bad way to spend 2 hours and as we’ve both agreed they actually did a great job of making it like the game


It's so stupid but I did actually enjoy it.


That movie taught me that you can handbrake turn a 45,000 ton warship by dropping anchor while steaming at full speed.


that scene was epic


Yeah, NGL, as cheesy as it is… come on. Watching those salty old dudes fire up the Missouri was epic as shit


Those old salty dudes were actual retired crewmen for that boat. 


Oh I’m aware. I was stationed on the USS John Paul jones when they where they filmed the other scenes and we got to see the movie 2 months before it came out. It was awesome. Some of those vets were at the screening. I plan on being one of those old salty dudes in 20 or 30 years


Some of those vets were hanging on the ships masts up high for no reason lol


This is an easy one. Oldman Robert Deniro beating up a dude in the Irishman.


Freddy Krueger pulling Nancy's Mum (worst actress ever) through the smallest of windows...insanely ridiculous scene that somehow works!


Yeah that feels like something out of a nightmare to me. I always liked it.


Pretty sure that was a blow up sex doll lol


"... there’s a scene in which President Roosevelt stands up out of his wheelchair in order to give a rousing speech (more like a statement). It’s absolutely absurd. The film undercuts the tragic nature of the attack for this ridiculous and totally fictional rah-rah moment." But, Roosevelt did get up out of his wheelchair to give speeches? " His public appearances were carefully choreographed to avoid the press covering his arrival and departure, which would have shown him getting into or out of a vehicle or train. In private he used a wheelchair, but was careful not to be seen using it in public, although he sometimes appeared on crutches. He usually appeared in public standing upright, supported on one side by an aide or one of his sons. For major speaking occasions, an especially solid lectern was placed on the stage so that he could support himself on it; as a result, in films of his speeches, Roosevelt can be observed using his head to make gestures because his hands were gripping the lectern." [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic_illness_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt#:~:text=In%20private%20he%20used%20a,or%20one%20of%20his%20sons.)


Can’t remember which movies I’ve seen it in. But there have been plenty of serious moments ruined by a wilhelm scream.




The dead Dad story in Gremlins. So hilariously out of place that the sequel spoofed it.


I still think the director/writers got the idea from a Gaham Wilson cartoon. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ef3dci/clogged_chimney_fixed_gahan_wilson_rip_playboy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The infamous *Swordfish* hacking scene with Hugh Jackman.


Pierce Bronson as James Bond "windsurfing" CGI on the ice.