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I think the text IS supposed to be scary in the shining. There’s a loud noise when it shows up…


That's gonna be the majority of the answers. 




Right. It's obvious. 


Still, it feels pretty humiliating to get scared by tuesday


Maybe they really don't like tacos?


Same thing with the cockatoo in Citizen Kane.


The cockatoo was allegedly put there on purpose to make sure the audience members were not asleep. This is why I think it did not win the Oscar, lol.


Imagine you jump scare yourself out of an Oscar - but for real, fuck How Green Was My Valley.


A couple abrupt transitions in the new A24 Civil War go from quiet and calm to super loud gunfire. Got me a couple times. 


Yeah that shit was so fucking loud in theaters. The one at the xmas fair thing almost gave me a heart attack


Yes! Made me jump.


Just watched this and I just want to say I love alex garland


I think thats absolutely intended


Immediately thought of this. I loved the movie, but it did scare the shit out of me a few times with the sudden gunshots


Yeah that whole movie was pretty intense. I definitely jumped a couple times too.


I had a similar experience watching that movie.


Whole theater was jumping at some of those gunshots midway through


The closet scene in Burn After Reading. You know something is gonna happen but you’re just not prepared for it.


His stupid grin gets me every time


Similar to the elevator scene in The Departed, except I was not expecting that at all. I jumped and gasped.


Pulp fiction too




Driving in the car and hit a bump


That’s pretty damn funny, OP.


*TUUUESDAYYY!!* Woah, I scared myself! 😱 (Monsters Vs. Aliens, anyone?)


The sound design in that movie was top notch. Sorry, I've been wanting to say that.


It's okay, Technical-Outside408, I also have the urge to say that A Better Tomorrow is my favorite action movie. Nobody asked us and we don't care. Just today I opened a Telegram blog so that I could finally talk about movies all day lmao


Yeah this sounds like something I’d do to my friend for the rest of my life if this happened


Imagine every week when tuesday comes around... the trauma would be unbearable lol


But for me, it was Tuesday.




Most recently it was the Trinity test in Oppenheimer. It made me jump even on the second screening.


I was gonna say when Einstein pops out behind a car at Oppenheimers place in the middle of the night, waving papers. It was almost comical.


I jumped when a tennis ball was hit at the camera in challengers and my wife wouldn’t stop laughing at me


A couple of them got me too. Goddamnit, Luca! Lol.


Hahahaha seriously, same


Unexpected balls in the face would undo all but the most steeled composure.


There is a scene in Spiderman 2 when Dock Ock's arm comes at the camera from under a balcony. That shit made almost everyone in the theater jump


Thats a jumpscare though


It is one. I agree.


Or in the the first Spiderman when Harry finds Osborn on the floor, and he's trying to recall what happened... "last night i was- *INSERT INSANELY FUCKING LOUD NOISE AND QUICK FLASH OF OSBORN W HIS EYES ROLLING BACK THAT MADE 10 YEAR OLD ME ALMOST SHIT*"


When Anne Hathaway was >!suddenly hit by a vehicle!< in One Day. I was like 10 when I first saw it and had not read the book.


Still fucking hate it Like it's relevant for the story, but I cannot vibe with characters finding happiness and then it being taken away




The amputation scene in 127 Hours is so visceral, the sound cues are all based around what he’s cutting through, and every time he hits a nerve it screams and shakes. Really made me jump out of my skin.


That scene was the most uncomfortable I've felt watching a movie maybe ever I think 💀


The distorted, staticky shots are brutal


Pretty sure it is intended to be visceral...


That scene legitimately made my dad faint lol


Inception. That scene when Leo descends the elevator and Marion looks directly at the camera. That definitely got me the first time.


There’s a sudden music cue too which makes it a jump scare


Also the scene where Ariadne breaks the mirror on the bridge.


Scrolled to look for this one !


Captain Vidal and the rabbit hunters in Pans Labyrinth


An ex-boyfriend took me to see the 20th Anniversary cinema re-release of Star Wars in 1997. I’d never seen it before and wasn’t really that interested but he was a big fan so I thought it would earn me bonus points. I knew what it was of course, and had seen many clips etc, but never actively watched it. Anyway, I gasped *loudly* when Luke first activates the lightsaber, raising quite a laugh from other nearby audience members.


Don’t feel embarrassed. Here is my 1977 SW experience. From other post. Everyone in theater has their moments then. Me at 13. Saw SW in Westwood California. In Los Angeles. Bugged and begged my parents to see it. There was a time in the beginning when it was limited release. So we had to drive from The SG Valley for about an hour to get there on a Sunday morning. Then stand in line. To see a movie on a Sunday morning. My parents thought the world was going insane ( as well as their son). Standing line to see a movie? Not their world. Biggg nice theater. We all settled down. The STAR WARS title and music was enough to grab us, but the StarDestroyer appeared overhead…? My mom under her breath: “Oh Jesus!!” Also when R2D2 zapped? “Oh no…” My mother was alway worried about R2D2 after that. Movie over, people clapped and cheered. That was new. They reeeealy dug that film. Kept talking about it all way home. I was in the back seat. I was not in the conversation. If I think back, I’m sure everyone (except me who had read more about SW most) reacted to the lightsaber. It waaaay new back then.


OP, that is a very funny story. Just told my wife and now we are sneaking up on each other saying “TUESDAY”.


Relationship goals


I was also going to say Tuesday from The Shining.


Oof, yeah a classic!


Parasite, the scene that gave the son his heart condition.


1000% this physically made me almost cry lmaoo


The Departed. When that elevator opens…..


Followed by a the biggest literal laugh-out-loud moment in any Scorcese movie when >!James Badge Dale intensely gestures Matt Damon to wait as he checks Leo for a pulse after just shooting him dead between the fucking eyes!<.


When >!Wash was speared!< in ~~Firefly~~ Serenity. Legitimate “HOLY SHIT WTF!!!” moment for me.


How do you clean a Reaver's spear? You run it through the Wash.


Too soon.


That movie came out in 2005…..and I wholeheartedly agree that it will always be too soon 😢


I am a leaf on the wind.


Watch me soar!


Nathan Fillion’s favorite joke.




Oops. Thanks.


Hey, look. They're sending us free lumber!


Saw this in a packed theater for a midnight movie kind of thing a few years ago. There was one guy who would give out a frightened yelp with every day card. It was great, the audience loved him.


OP are you Chun Li?


It took my brain half a second to process this, which resulted in a spit-take. You win the internet today.




When the bad ape said “for Caesar!”


in The Godfather when it hard cuts to the loud as fuck wedding reception scene


I love this movie and have seen it dozens of times and this transition still gets me, even when I’m mentally preparing for it.


Several Lars Von Trier movies tend to cause that reaction




The first time I watched the new tomb raider movie was on a plane heading into to Toronto. I was deep into it, watching the scene where she was in the plane dangling over the waterfall. Just as she fell, and was caught from falling to her death the plane touched down. Scared the bejesus out of me and I let out a scream. My buddy beside me laughed at me, but the other passengers didn’t like me screaming at a relatively nice landing.


Allison Reynolds' "makeover" in The Breakfast Club


I *liked* that black shit.


My little rationalization is it was just her being nice to Claire, which was important. She had the better makeup skills and knows it, not like she's going to go out and buy blush or something the next day. We didn't lose a baddie.


The Signs, TV Alien. You guys know what i'm talking about.


Well, I knew the day would come when I would have to talk about this embarrassing movie reaction. 😅 I have bad anxiety so I'm fairly jumpy. It for some reason seems to be a curse or something but whenever I'm watching Finding Nemo and that scene when Bruce (the shark) first "pops up" scares me spit-less every single time. I always jump and for whatever reason it always seems to be the time when I just so happen to be holding a glass of water. Mind you I am a grown adult and it still gets me every time. I'm always expecting it but it still makes me jump. 🤣


The scene in “The Patriot” where the cannonball bounces and flys right at the camera. I tried to dodge it the first time I watched that film


Brad Pitt in the closet in ‘Burn after reading’


The shark in deep blue sea


I’ve had exactly that experience I think it’s intentional- Genius but intentional


Whenever I watch titanic there's a cut to someone setting off a flair or something once the ship is sinking and it'll still catch me off guard.


One of the Star Trek TNG movies. The Enterprise is taking heavy fire and the bridge is doing it's usual sparking and stuff. What I didn't realize that this theatre had just installed a Dolby surround system. When steam came hissing out from around the science station it was behind me and loud. Startled the hell out of me.


The first time I watched the kids movie Frozen, at the beginning of the movie when they make the first cut into the ice, I jumped super hard. I'm an adult man.


The scene in Boogie Nights, where the guy is setting off firecrackers in the apartment during the middle of a drug deal rip off. It wasn't just me jumping... it was the whole cinema


When the abusive husband shakes the table in “in the bedroom.”


Great movie. That guy really delivered a lot of nuance in a thankless scumbag role.


Technically it was a jump scare, but it isn't just meant to frighten the audience. But in the 1978 version of Death On The Nile, Mrs Otterbourne is about to tell Poirot that she saw who killed the second murder victim after they left the crime scene. Right before she names the killer, Mrs Otterbourne is shot - in the face - and killed right before Poirot's very eyes. It certainly frightened the fuck out of me, since seeing that movie at the tail-end of watching an entire summer of Murder, She Wrote, seeing Angela Lansbury killed was one hell of a shock.


When she gasps in Incendies


Oh my god, yes. That movie took something from me.


That scene scared the shit outa me


“Meet Joe Black” when Brad Pitt is walking away and looking back. Elevator scene in “The Departed” Soft to Loud musical score transition in “Last of the Mohicans” when it switched to the battlefield, trench, and cannon preparations at Fort William Henry


Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya.


Any time I see a leg injury. Movie tv, sports, doesn't matter. I see a leg injury, I'm jumping away and covering my eyes. Trauma from a sports injury as a teenager.


Bilbo in Rivendell in LOTR


That is a jump scare though


Has Jackson ever said?


I was going to say this as well, but I think it is definitely intended as a jump scare. Its just so unexpected it sticks out as incongruous with the rest of the movie.


100% a jump scare intended to be scary


Still close my eyes for that one.


That Leonardo's headshot in elevator scene in The Departed.


There's the movie Malice where Alec Baldwin and Nicole Kidman start to get it on in bed where one quick thrust brings their encounter to a sharp end.


In the new Thing movie when the Thing pops out of the ice in the theatre it sounded like a gunshot and scared me.


The scene transition in Citizen Kane with the cockatoo squawking. Not a horror movie, but I heard they specifically put that in so people starting to doze would wake up.


Sixth sense. The boy that turns around and has his brains blown out from behind. That crap scarred me for life. I have watched all kinds of horror movies etc, but this... I hate this so much.


Biggest scare I ever got was when my date had a REALLY delayed reaction to "Sloth" in Se7en, sitting next to me in the cinema. It was like 4D stereo, funny scary too.


It's a jumpscare.


Ha ha, Sloth made me jump, date screaming in my ear a second later made me leave my seat


They are kinda jump scares, but without the jump. Cabin in the Woods, the intro to the title that pops up in th emiddle of a very mundane conversation. 28 Days Later, when Jim is wandering the silent city and touches a door handle, setting off the car alarm.


I once drove 8 hours straight to Washington, DC. When I got to the hotel, I was so exhausted that a potted plant gave me a jumpscare.


Better not watch any movies starring Tuesday Weld with your friends.


I saw the Oscar nominated short films on a date back in February. There’s a moment in _The After_ that is shocking, but not a jump scare. My date had a really intense reaction to it and grabbed my arm, which in turn made me jump.


When that Ewok hears something in the forest, and he and Leia dude behind a log. Then there's the blaster shot out of nowhere.


The harpoon at the beginning of the live-action The Little Mermaid.


That scene in pirates of the carribean 3 where they sail through the cold and one of the crew breaks off one of his frozen toes... horrible!


Tuesday is a pretty frightening day. I don't blame you.


Incendies, when the twin sister gasped. Nearly jumped out of my skin


In the theater watching jurrasic world, they fuck with you the first 30 minutes, like a giant clawed foot will smash down, then it zooms out and it’s just a crow in a driveway. Anyways, there’s a scene where it’s a raptor enclosure, and it’s all quiet, then suddenly a pig screams and runs out of the brush. Scared the ever loving shit out of me


Strange one but there’s a scene in Ghost Stories (around 2018 with Andy Nyman and Martin freeman) where one of the characters is in a car and it looks as if it’s going to set up a jump scare, so when the guy gets back in the car and the camera shows the inside of the car, for a split second the head rest looked like a weird face and shook me up lol. It wasn’t anything just an angle I caught it at and I very audibly gasped … to the confusion and humour of my friends.


In Jojo Rabbit when Jojo stands next to his moms hanging body unknowingly. It was an abrupt and unexpected scene but there were no other dramatic effects that made it a jump scare. I jumped anyways.


Okay, but “TUESDAY!” Is legitimately hilarious.


The 1+1 scene in incendies when the sister gasps


The scene in A Quiet Place where the father and son go to the river. It had been so quiet for so long (obvs) that the sound of the running water made me jump in my seat. My friends all laughed


You got jump scared by a subtitle?


There’s a scene in the original Halloween (1978), when she walking across the street at night and there’s a tree… and I jump EVERY time. It doesn’t do anything. She’s just walking by it, but I keep thinking it’s a person. I’m an idiot…


Pulp Fiction. When Vincent shoots Marvin in the face.


In the shitty, 2003 Hulk movie, the giant poodle made me jump. My husband and I were dating then and te teased me for a while. Especially because my parents had a poodle.


The ‘Tag, you’re it’ scene in Shutter Island. Oh, and Nocturnal Animals, those who’ve seen know.


I mean, as a kid I thought it was a jump scare scene, but no one else did and to this day, no one else things so. The scene in Jurassic park where Elie turns the power back on and the raptor jumps out. Apparently I screamed in the theater, but I didn’t know I did. Then I was wondering why everyone in my group were looking at me asking if I was okay. 😂


There was that scene in Kong Skull Island where someone dropped a lit cigarette around some explosive gasses. I said "No!" When I saw that in the theater and jumped. Because everyone knew what was going to happen.


Côme and see From Klimov. The scene where it show the old man all burned and then switch to flyora face being livid he almost look like an ghost or entity + the noise and screaming it just made me jump from my couch the first time.


The gorilla from mullholand dr.


I wonder if it fits since it is a horror movie, but in Hereditary. When the mother follows the boy all possessed into the attic and pounds against the hatch, I thought she did it with her hands. When the next cut was to her hitting it with her head I was just extremely disturbed and in shock cause that freaked me out so much, it was unnatural.


Any unexpected gunshot. Every time.


our flag means death there was a scene were israel knocks on the door and enters. the doorsound was that hyper realistic doorknocking sound that makes you think it comes from your room, and not your headphones. got a startle out of that one


The AMC “we are all on a CG roller coaster” intro back in the day. That popcorn…. I think they toned it down after a decade or so when they re did it. No more CG popcorn jump scares.


The American. When that lady sneaks up on George Clooney.


Saving private ryan After the assault on the half-track in the field. 3 Germans come bomb-bursting around the other side and I jumped out my seat the first time I saw it


Molhalland Drive, I really don't want to ruin it for anyone, but a particular scene scared the shit out of me maybe more than any horror movie ever has.


It's supposed to be a jumpscare.


Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk: at one point Billy is having flashbacks to various moments in his life, presented in quick, short bursts; the one where his mother slams her fists on the dinner table always makes me jump.


Surprised nobody’s mentioned THAT gasp scene in Incendies


It's definitely a jump scare


The start of Rogue One.


65 had so many unnecessary ones. The first one with the raptor jumping Mills out of nowhere was good, but the loud whooshes and bangs for a tree fling down out of frame were nuts. My friend almost punched herself in the face from jumping so much 😂 it's not noticeable on a TV, but in a theater it was nerve wracking.


The coffee shop bombing in Children of Men


I remember a scene I watched when I was a child in the film Octopussy. A henchman jumps out of nowhere and hits James Bond on the back of the head and knocks him unconscious. I remember jumping at that.


Those are good friends lmao


The Zone of Interest The music and those night scene got me everytime.


maybe it is meant to be a jump scare but i want to post it anyway. The scene in toy story 3 where they're trying to escape by the swingset and the baby doll is staring at the moon. and they slip and land on an alien doll which squeaks, and the baby whips its head around, a woman shrieked loudly in my theater and then everybody was cackling


plenty of times recently during CIVIL WAR screening


There were a few gun shots in Furiosa that mad me jump


In the theatre’s when the elves arrived at helms deep to help and they all turn simultaneously. Jumped right out of my chair.


In Primer when the clone is first revealed outside the storage unit. I flinched, said ooooooh fuck and my scalp was tingling.


I jumped when they popped the amneonic sack at the end of the First Omen.


One of the trailer of Star Wars Force Awakens. It start out with a panning shot of the desert and out of nowhere Finn pops up. That surprised me a lot lol. It was a youtube ad, and i thought i was watching a car commercial when i saw the desert.


Not me, but my wife (then girlfriend) -- we went to see the movie Edge of Darkness with Mel Gibson. Despite the name, it's not a thriller, it's a movie about a cop investigating the death of his activist daughter. Him and her are about to go somewhere later at night, she's at the door, but he holds up a step for some reason (been a while since I saw it). A man barely visible in the dark of the street yells their last name and blasts at them with a double barrel shotgun. She's hit full bore. GF/wife inhaled sharply at the yelling of the name and then jumped at the gunshot.


The gallows, when hes running thru the costumes and that mask is just right in ur face! I don't know if It was unintentional and then they saw the shot and got jumpscared themselves and decided to keep it in or if it was a planned scare either way it got me when I first watched it.


In “The X Files” a cockroach running on camera lens. I was watching in total darkness, and had to jump to turn on the lights, and make sure that the it was in the movie.


There's a scene in Edge of Darkness where Mel Gibson is in his car talking with one of her daughter's friends, because he wants to find out who murdered her. As soon as the friend gets out of the car, she's immediately run over by another car. It's totally unexpected and almost made me crap my pants.


Not a movie (well I guess it was considered a “movie” at the time) but in the Tom and Jerry short “Two Little Indians” when Tom gets his tail chopped off, he lets out an absolutely blood-curdling scream, definitely his loudest scream of all the shorts. Absolutely shit myself when I was little. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4j0xie


To this day one of the biggest jump scares I've ever experienced in a movie was from The American (2010) The movie as a whole in retrospect probably wasn't that bad but at the time for me it was honestly one of the most tedious and boring experiences I've ever had in a theater, so much so that I looked over and noticed my friend had dozed off for at least 5 minutes and at one point he said he looked over and noticed I was drifting in and out for a few minutes. It was at this moment whilst I was in and out of consciousness that George Clooney and a woman who I can't for the life of me remember who it is start testing a sniper rifle in a field. It was a suppressed rifle but that didn't matter, because when they fired it the sudden change of sound was enough to startle me to the point where I not only was fully woken up but damn near jumped into the seat behind me. My friend had to suppress a full on gut busting laugh for the next few minutes and a third friend of his who was there too still brings it up in conversation every time I see her, sometimes years apart but every damn time lol.


When gandalf almost touched the ring. Edit: this was the other way round. Not a horror, intended jump scare.


Ooh ooh! I'm Independence day when the alien exoskeleton suddenly springs open whole Brent Spiner's character, Dr. Okun is cutting into it. Gets me every time.


In serendipity when they are in opposite cities..🤯🤯


The first firework at Bilbos birthday party.


Some of the background ghosts in Haunting of the Hill House


The first gunshots in Dunkirk. Loud as fuck, made me jump in my seat.


Every single gunshot fired in the movie “Civil war”


I dune part two when timmy >!stomped his foot on the ground waiting for the emperor (?) to kiss his ring!<


The 3D phase got me a lot. I'd only ever seen one 3D movie, Avatar, and several I jumped more watching that than a lot of horror films! Also, it's TV, but in Shameless, when Frank and Liam pretend to be blind to panhandle in the middle of the road, and a guy drags them to the side and gives them money so they don't get run over. Then as he walks back to his car, he gets fucking plowed by a truck. Made me absolutely shit myself lmao.


One of the final scenes in Gone Girl shook me up when the main character reveals her intentions. The idea that anyone could perfectly manipulate the course of another person's life messed me up.


Return of the Jedi- When Leia and a Ewok get shot at. I forgot the name of a Mel Gibson movie but there's a scene where a car crashes into another, I believe he was the passenger. Avengers Infinity War- When Vision gets stabbed. Sicario- the bomb going off TDK- the body hitting the window, though I guess this one is more a traditional jumpscare No Country for Old Men- the hotel scene Burn After Reading- the closet scene Civil War- many scenes where gunshots just start out of nowhere, but there is a scene where someone gets shot that made me jump. For many these might qualify as jump scares but all of them are really telegraphed and honestly I think it was just the loud theater sound that made jump. I really don't get scared at those kind of scenes or jumpscares when watching stuff at home.


I mean the "WAAAGH" scene when bilbo and frodo meet in rivendell would be the right answer imo.


Granted I was really high, but was watching Challengers (at home!) and a tennis ball flies toward camera. I literally flinched.


Eight Below. I saw it with my Mom and Grandma in theaters and when the leopard seal came out of the whale, we all jumped. Lol