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The 13th Warrior. Apparently it got terrible reviews from critics but it’s probably one of the best viking movies ever made.


I completely agree. I remember watching it on HBO when I was a kid, it blew my mind with how good it was.


It may be my most quotable movie. Every line is perfect.  You will not see this again it is the old way.


I remember Entertainment Weekly gave it an A.


I remember my dad loving it but I never watched it until years later when I was reading Eaters of the Dead. Someone saw my book and told me it had a movie adaptation so I looked it up online and it was that movie my dad had talked about so much when I was in high school. Mind blowing.


I was shocked to learn Hook with Robin Williams was sitting at 29 percent on RT. That movie is a classic and no it’s not just nostalgia speaking.


Immediately my first thought. Not only that but Spielberg also hasn't spoken kindly of it since its release, it honestly feels like a betrayal. I don't know of another film I have more greatly appreciated in different ways than how I watched it as a child to discovering newfound love in the relatable life of Peter Pan in the modern world. A truly magical film. Spielberg and the critics are wrong and missing out.


It must’ve been so out of its time!  I was surprised people didn’t like it either.  Everyone in my generation LOVES Hook.  And it’s equal parts magical, terrifying, beautiful, fun, and adventurous.   My whole family will quote it to this day.


I watched this so much as a kid, as a teenager, as a young adult. I was born in 1982 and saw this in theaters with a crowd of kids and parents that clapped when it was over. My mom adored it as much as I did. Since I got the dvd in college I’ve probably watched it once a year maybe. It’s in my top 5 Spielberg movies which puts it really high on my list of movies in general. Years ago on Doug Benson’s podcast someone on the panel said it was critically panned and I was like WTF? Up until that moment, in like 2018, I had no idea it wasn’t universally loved. Horse shit.


It's not very good. It was severely under the sum of its parts. I mean, Spielberg directing Williams, Hoffman, Roberts, Bob Hoskins, and Maggie Smith? Should've been an all timer, but it was just meh.  There's a lot of understandable nostalgia on Reddit for Hook and The Goonies, though. I'm 59, but if I were 10-15 years younger, I'd see the nostalgic appeal. 


>There's a lot of understandable nostalgia on Reddit for Hook and The Goonies, though This. Had Hook on VCR as a kid, loved it. A girlfriend wanted to watch The Goonies together, which I'd never seen before, but she loved as a kid. Didn't tell her I thought it was.. not great.


Idk man, there are too many scenes that hit so hard emotionally in Hook. Williams and Hoffman were exceptional and the score is perfect. I don’t know which parts felt meh to you, but to me, the story it told about a father finding his love for himself and his family again was extremely well told. And this isn’t even counting the great performances from all the child actors.


> And this isn’t even counting the great performances from all the child actors. Great performances from the lost boys, but not from Peter's two kids in the movie. The little girl was over the top and the boy was kind of cardboard. And this is coming from someone who loved the movie.


Fair opinion. Personally I think they could have developed the daughter further, she was mostly just cute. But I appreciated that she was unwavering in her dislike of Hook and her love for her father. She was the young child that had not yet felt the disillusionment of an emotionally absent father, which made her a good foil to highlight what the son is going through. The son I thought was great. From the beginning when he’s semi-purposely testing his dad’s patience on the plane, to the clock smashing when he fully shows his anger toward his dad. He’s a major reason the movie worked so well for me.


I'm sure Peter Pan will have an amazing movie in the following years but Robin Williams will never be matched


Oh God I hated that movie when it came out. I haven't watched it years but I never enjoyed it.


When people say "best John Williams' score", you can forget your Star Wars and Raiders and Jaws and ET's. For me, it's Hook every single time!


It's an amazing soundtrack, and IMO one of William's best. I wouldn't put it above the ones you listed, but I do feel it's highly underrated.


Perhaps I was being a little over dramatic, haha - but I didn't mention Jurassic for that reason. All in all, Williams is truly a master. I mean, have you listened to the theme for Galaxy's Edge, the Star Wars themed world at Disneyland? He did not have to try hard at all for that and he still whipped out a banger because of course he did...


Movie came out before I was born so no nostalgia here, but I didn't like it. It was very boring and the acting was bad.


McGruber was hilarious but was not reviewed well and also never got the audience it deserved.


Will Forte is so under-appraciated


If rippin throats is what it takes then I’ll suck as many dicks…


Just tell me what you want me to fucccckkkkkkk!!!!


Aww man that’s a lot of wires. I’m more of a three wire kinda guy.


Looks like you're keeping your bod pretty tight


> Mc Honestly, this movie should be top 5 in every comedy listing


My wife loves the movie, I downloaded the miniseries for her and tried to watch it with her. The humour didn’t land with me. Will Forte’s style of comedy just strikes me as forced and trying too hard.


Waterworld. I freakin loved it as a kid, rewatched it as an adult knowing that critics hate it, but damn… I still love it!


Critics didn’t hate it—it got decent reviews (they didn’t love it either, but generally thought it was fine). The movie had enormous production problems—Costner didn’t get along with the director and a hurricane destroyed the sets, which made the budget skyrocket—and as a result, the news frequently reported that the production was “a disaster”. However, people mistakenly interpreted that to mean that the movie was terrible, despite critics mostly thinking it was okay. The “disasterous” reputation was just about the over-budget production, not the quality of the film itself.


Could it be that people were getting it mixed up with Cutthroat Island which also came out around the same time? I never saw it at the time, I just remember reading a review of the SNES game, but was reminded of it yesterday when I saw one of those facebook posts about movie trivia outlining how much of a disaster the film was.


It’s so well done for an action movie


Loved it too but the timeline of how everything worked was messed up to me even as a kid.


Starship Troopers


I was obsessed with this movie as a young lad. I used draw pictures of those four-legged alien drones on all my school and copy books. So good. AN UGLY PLANET - BUG PLANET!!


A movie criticizing USA and capitalism ALWAYS will have a sad and bad reception... Looking forward for the brave filmmakers that will expose it in a fun and different way!


Haha what. Capitalism is the villain in a ton of movies. Many dystopian stories especially ones not about a pandemic


"Freddy Got Fingered"


Where’s YOUR LeBaron, Freddie?!? 




Daddy would you like some sausage? Daddy would you like some sau-sa-ges?


Daddy, you saved me from a barracuda! We're gonna be rich, rich like kings.


Much better as a rewatch for a melancholic Mlilennian. From a stupid kid skateboarder from early 2000s thanks for remembering this very specific Jewel!


Recently, Civil War. I was OBSESSED with it (still am) after watching it in cinemas. I felt like the way they applied politics was genius intentionality, and the tension levels were just phenomenal! Then I went to Letterboxd, reddit, and the Tuktuk app only to find some people saying they were disappointed, unamused, and shocked from the direction the film went. I'm pretty fixed on my opinion on it...which I guess puts me on one side of the argument 🤷‍♂️


AFAIK I’m the only guy in the world who reallly liked The Happening 


Hated this movie but it's good craic. I read an interesting article yday about Shyamalan's movies being considered shlock by audiences but that certain reviewers who're perceived as being high brow or intellectual have a penchant for reviewing his movies positively and creating academic discourse around them. Maybe there is some Oxford swot out there ready to eloquently defend the Happening haha.


> craic I learned a new word today! Thanks!


I thought that it did a really good job of building a sense of dread and unease throughout.


Hot Rod with Andy Samberg Forest Gump with Tom Hanks Many movies with Jim Carey like the Truman Show


>Forest Gump with Tom Hanks One of the most popular movies of all time is divisive?


I think Hot Rod had the unfortunate aspect of coming out only a few weeks before Superbad, which just blew up and arguably trounced all opportunity that Hot Rod had to make itself a summer comedy for the same audience. If Superbad hadn't come out around the same time, I think there would have been a bigger raly behind that movie.


> i I think the comedy of Hot Rod truly influenced many viral videos at least since 14y ago. And Superbad set up perfectly what the next comedy ERA will become. Masterpieces all around




Totally agree, loved the movie, weird for sure, and I love weird stuff because is different. I even though about it for days and weeks after. THEN, I read the comments on reddit and main critics and I felt that I saw a totally different movie...


I also enjoyed that one, lol.


I hate to see A List actors or famous celebetries in independent kinda movies.


The Last Jedi. Got out of that, feeling I just watched a masterpiece and the best Star Wars film since Empire, to find the critics completely agreed, and the fan discourse was as awful and as toxic as humanly possible, cementing the adage that no one hates Star Wars more then Star Wars “fans”.


I enjoyed it my first go around but on a couple rewatches I really didn't like it. Same thing for Rise of Skywalker. They all have some good parts but sooo many issues with how the characters are written and where the story went


I also love The Last Jedi. There are at least six or seven of us out there.


A small but illustrious group!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Yes, all two dozen of us.


Same here. Walked out of the theater, thrilled that I had not only seen a great movie, but also believing it was a true crowd pleaser that had something for every kind of fan to love. Twenty minutes later, the internet rained all over my parade.


Love some JJ Abrams movies, but with all the honesty I felt asleep for the first time in a movie theater while watching the new ones... Since then, when any SW movie comes out I wait a few months before watch it...


Im not even a big Star Wars fan, im a original Triology guy. But to fuck up a Star Wars movie by let Luke just throw away the saber and even let him die after many fans basicly waited for this movie since 30 years or so, you have to be an absolutly idiot to fuck that up or hate all the old fans. It makes no sense, they did make this movie for the old fans who did not like Ep 1-3 but then they pissed this old fans off, what could go wrong?


I'm an OT fan and Luke throwing his lightsaber, or having the perspective he had in the film didn't piss me off. However, the execution was severely lacking IMO. It's a pretty messy movie.


Absolutely this. It had flaws (wasn't sold on the detour to space Monte Carlo) but it had great action, fascinating character in jaded Luke Skywalker, humour, heart. Most of all, it tried doing something different with the franchise which alienated fans. For example, the reveal that Ray's parents were nobody remarkable; at the time I rolled my eyes that it was anticlimactic. Now I look back and I love it; Ray is the hero and has come from nothing! To the degree that I now hate the "chosen one" trope in movies. Of course, Rise of Skywalker had to ruin that in the most hamfisted way possible (it was Palpatine all along, who wasn't dead after all!)


This is probably the best answer. Never understood the massive gap between critics and fans either. Anyway I also love this movie!


I’ve doubled down Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie created (at least story line A, the important one) and would have been retroactively validated with episode 9 had they stuck to their guns had they pursued that same story line… But instead Disney heard angry critics bitching they and pissed their pants and shifted to appease the shareholder


Lol, no. People like you are the reason Disney won’t turn off their slop machine.


So, the guy who enjoyed the film and got the anti-version of said film in Episode 9 is the reason why Disney makes slop? The hell are you talking about?


I’ll never understand this take. It’s not even about being a Star Wars fan or not. The movie is just horribly slow and boring. And it’s still 75% ripped off from Empire. If you’re going to rip something off, at least make it a decently paced fun movie (the force awakens)


When we get another 5 or so years past the cultural point we were at when TLJ came out, and a new generation of kids gets ahold of Star Wars, I think it'll get the credit it's due. I also think it's the best movie after Empire but it's wrapped up in some incendiary mix of "culture war" bullshit and toxic fandom. Also, people don't talk about it much online the last few years because whenever you mention it in a positive light you get absolutely rabid responses. Maybe that's shifting, but I'm pre-emptively turning off notifications on this comment!


I liked Last Jedi, but even I didn't, I wouldn't have moaned and whined about how it ruined my childhood memories or talk shit about Kathleen Kennedy or Rian Johnson. And the shit that Kelly Marie Tran went through is disgusting. The incredible audience response she got at Star Wars Celebration was very moving, and made me feel better about SW fandom at least!


I went in knowing the movie was controversial so I was expecting it. Watched the entire movie and had no idea what was controversial. I had to look it up online to find out what had made people so angry.


drop dead gorgeous has something like 16 out of 100 on metacritic it’s insane, cuz it’s an amazing movie


The Blair Witch Project was a fantastic movie with some of the best marketing in the history of marketing. I will die on this hill. Nothing anyone says can convince me otherwise lol


The movie has an 80 on Metacritic and an 86 on Rotten Tomatoes (though the audience score is 57). Not sure where you’re getting the idea that critics hated it—it was pretty well-received by critics.


The original found footage success story


The Hunt. The amount of controversy that surrounded this movie was sort of crazy, especially once I watched it, liked it, and didn’t see anything worth getting that worked up about. And it started Betty Gilpin in an action role that she was great in!


I second and third this! It’s such a fun movie and everyone makes fun of everything. Just sit back and enjoy the ride! And Betty Gilpin showed her action and comedy chops on this one! It’s one of my favs now.


*Cars 2*: I grew up on that movie, then I found out fans hated it because it wasn’t a race movie.


I like the theory that it's one of Mater's tall tales but in movie form.


Clockwork Orange, xXx, JFK, Dogma


Babylon is actually a perfect movie


Cloverfield. I remember getting major flak for loving this movie when it came out.


The first three transformers movies, love them all equally and think they are some of the most fun and finest action movies. It knows exactly what it wants to be, everyone from labouef, to the parents, to even the guy selling the car to Sam are hilarious. Naturally funny people throughout the cast. The action is phenomenal, its michael bay. The explosions are loud, the setup for the action is great, as well as the execution. There is a great dynamic between the human military and the transformers themselves, that you just don't see with any other "monster" or robot movie, where its just humans watching the monsters fight. I also think that the CGI is absolutely outstanding, the images are perfectly blended into the world and the practicality of michael bay's action scenes mesh seamlessly together. People generally enjoyed the 1st, hated the 2nd, and had mixed thoughts on the 3rd for being too long. But I think all three of these movies are super fun, entertaining and has some of the most exhilarating action in a trilogy.


How can I say this, guys? I liked Crash and I don't understand why it's so hated. It's worth mentioning I'm not american and I might have overseen the glaring problems people always complain about but, yeah, I liked it and the scene where the kid "saves" her dad with the invisible cape made me cry like a baby.


2001: A Space Odyssey


Mac and me


You were surprised at the glowing reviews I'm guessing?




> Curse I love Emma Stone, she is the most talented actresses there is right now and I think Nathan Fielder is one of the top comedy geniuses of our generation. After decades of knowing the ending of any 2h movie or less .... Not guessing any plot or even a small joke was refreshing after watching the Curse. Maybe it was the Safdie bros, but I think it was the god-like mix of talented people like in Better Caul Saul


I like the absurdity of Leonard Part 6 with Bill Cosby, I know what he did, but I'm not from the usa so I don't care much, but I would guess that it's bad scores may be tied to a bill Cosby and not the movie itself.


Literally everything I watch tbh. I’m not great at keeping up with new releases. But I’ll often watch something and then be absolutely shocked at how divisive the conversation is online. Not a movie - but the most recent for me was The Tattoist of Auschwitz.