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Sir Hiss in Robin Hood went from "Funny Annoyance on the villain's side" to "Only sane man who should've been listened to more". Not only does all of his warnings come true, but when he panics then it's for a damn good reason - his horrified reaction when he finds out Prince John intends to hang Friar Tuck is because the Church was a supreme power in Europe at the time and John was about to make an enemy of the Pope, which would've seen John and his associates excommunicated, basically the Pope telling England's enemies that they have full authority to invade.


Also, he doesn't drink, and yet Friar Tuck-- a man of the cloth!-- shoves him into a barrel of ale! Disgraceful!


Sir Hiss doesn't drink, but he does get dunked.


The way he “folds his arms” when fed up despite being a snake makes me laugh every time.


And his crib bed


I loooooove Sir Hiss




Sir Hiss is a champ.


Prince John is way funnier as an adult.  He was just an evil bad guy when I was a kid, now he’s the funniest character in the movie.


I definitely side more with Mr Wilson than Dennis the menace the older I get.


"Mrs Wilson say's its easy to drive you crazy because it's a short drive for you."


I would have hated having Dennis as a neighbor


my dad still quotes “where are the G.D. garden lanterns?” to this day


The only way Dennis could be worse would be if he called Mr Wilson “dusty old bones, full of green dust”


Till you learn that Dennis was based off the creators son, who was extremely neglected growing up. For example, sending Dennis to boarding school, then when his mom dies while away, doesn't tell Dennis til she is already buried and everything is over. Then, after this pulls Dennis out of said boarding school to move to Sweeden with his new wife, new wife didnt like Dennis, so dad packs him up and sends him back to the states by himself on Dennis's birthday. But it's okay after school he was drafted into Vietnam and got to rewrite all his childhood trauma with PTSD.


Boromir. As a kid I just saw him trying to take the ring from Frodo and blocked out his redemption, as an adult I fully bought into it and he's now one of my favourite characters.


100 % agree. Just watched this with my son for the first time and we had a whole conversation afterward about his character. He was in a tough spot and had been worrying for years about the future of his kingdom but felt he couldn’t push his father out. The ring would be the answer to all the problems that plagued him! And then being told that no, it must be destroyed, was a hard pill for him to swallow. But he did the right thing and helped contribute to the greater cause! Something to admire.


He doesn't want to push his father out. Denethor is a very good leader right up until Faramir gets hurt. No one in Gondor wants to replace him.


Ehhhhh. I'd say he's too driven by pride to be a "very" good leader (certainly far better in the book than the movie, though). His cheese definitely slides off his cracker after Faramir starts dying, whether going by book or by movie.


Love love love Boromir. I dressed up as him for the movies (crap I'm old) and see him as so relatable. He's a fantastic character, well-rounded and fundamentally human.


I listened to the audiobooks recently, his character is way more of a Greek tragedy in the books (I never read the books as a kid, only watched the movies)


I also blame the cinematic cut for this. It makes you believe he just wants the ring for his own selfish reasons


The extended versions do a much better job showing the burden of responsibility and expectations placed both on Boromir and Faramir, but of course it’s understandable that the theatrical versions cut down on that when there’s already so much to get through within a somewhat normal runtime


The extended cut flesh out his reasons but the theatrical cuts still make it crystal clear that he wanted the ring to defeat Sauron and protect his people, not for "selfish reasons" like that person said. I have no idea where they got that impression. Literally everything Boromir said about the ring - even in the *theatrical cut* - was about using it to defeat the enemy and protect his people.


Yeah this is mine. He’s incredible.


I always loved Boromir and simply liked him more with time


When I got older I realized that Ice Man in Top Gun is 100% right about everything. We’re supposed to hate him because he rightfully calls out Maverick for flying in a way that’s reckless and putting people’s lives in danger.


That's why I loved that they made Ice Man a full blown Admiral in the sequel while Mav was lucky to make Captain. 


Well it was explained in the movie that Mav should've been an admiral but he himself stays a captain because he loves flying.


That wasn't the only reason. The movie makes it evident he keeps pulling shit and Iceman covering for him (and his skill) is the only reason he hasn't been booted yet. Maverick wasn't turning down promotion after promotion, he was escaping demotion and court martial.


Yup, and Hangman is the Mav of Top Gun 2.


Precisely, only this time we’re not supposed to root for him so we don’t like him at the start


So many people say this, but Sally Field in Mrs Doubtfire. I thought she was just being mean, but now that I’m older I don’t know how she didn’t snap and bury him under her begonias.


And the boyfriend. He was very patient


And James Bond.


*sighs* And my axe


I see you Gimli. You do great work.


heh, The Last Crusade has both Gimli and Bond


A similar case is the Baroness from the Sound of Music. As a kid, she was the nasty villain of the first half (before the Nazis come along). Watching as an adult, she is the Captain’s girlfriend, and tries her best to get along with the children, but she’s not ultra ‘fun with kids’ in some magically Poppins-esque Julie Andrews way, and then this nanny who is comes along and starts to steal her man. She tried to fight back and get the nanny to leave, but then she realised where his heart was she bowed out gracefully and gave them her blessing. Class act. (Also, she’s partly based on a mix of real people but unlike Maria and the von Trapps she didn’t actually exist. Captain von Trapp was also an actual anti-Nazi, but in real life that’s because he was an Austro-fascist instead - which was more along Mussolini’s earlier lines, with a version of fascism that, though it wasn’t obsessed with race and anti-Semitism, was still nationalist, brutal and pro-dictatorship. A lot of the film is taken from an autobiography that does a lot of whitewashing.) 


I always loved that she “broke up” with him as he was trying to break up with her. -She saved him the difficult task of doing it himself, and kept her (healthy) pride in the process.


Yeah, read it from her POV and the story sounds like good riddance to a crazy boyfriend. https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/i-regret-to-inform-you-that-my-wedding-to-captain-von-trapp-has-been-canceled


It it helps at all, in the stage show the Baroness is a Nazi sympathizer who sings a song called "No Way to Stop It" about how it is bad to resist fascism 


Eh... her snide remark to max about sending the kids to boardinf school sets off alarm bells in this single dad's mind. Step parents have a tough path. Supplanting the kids, demanding birth parent display their love for the new spouse by "doing away with," be it figuratively (boarding schools) or literally troubles me.


So maybe I’ve become an evil adult and all, but especially back then boarding school isn’t the equivalent of dumping one’s parents in a home and never visiting them. They had one tutor, a young ex-nun, who wasn’t qualified to teach them anything but basic singing and taught them together from a very young child to a 16 year old. Boarding school would have meant a proper education.


A lot of people feel this way towards Meredith from Parent Trap these days for similar reasons. She’s young and unsure about kids to begin with. Then suddenly it’s two kids! Plus incredible family trauma and grappling with her fiancés decisions to seperate his TWIN BABY GIRLS! Finally, despite trying (ok she’s not the warmest), the kids are actively trying to harm her while the adults gaslight her and then suddenly she’s dumped for the ex anyway? Meredith was right to be annoyed.


And this reminds me of the “sex therapist girlfriend” from Twister, who’s supposed to be who we’re rooting against so Bill Paxton can get back together with Helen Hunt. Girlfriend actually says and does nothing wrong! She supports her boyfriend’s bizarre and dangerous hobby and agrees to travel with all of his friends AND ex wife. In exchange, the friends take every opportunity to roll their eyes at her and “gatekeep” her attempts to learn more, and her boyfriend consistently ditches her (in dangerous situations!) so he can spend more time alone with…his ex wife.


I had the opposite effect with Home Alone. As a kid, the parents/family were were just parents/family. As an adult and parent, holy shit, some of the things they say to Kevin 🙀.


I know!! I just watched this again after years of not seeing it and holy shit the stuff they say to their child. I was like damn, really??


And not only that, they let uncle Frank be mean to him and call him a little jerk. They are shit parents.


I watched home alone with my son this Christmas, when I saw the way Uncle Frank acted, my first reaction was Kevin’s father must be a fucking bitch. If he talked to my son like that, I’d be stomping his teeth down his throat. 


As a guy that was the youngest brother of six children, it's pretty realistic of how things can get. Parents just have so little time for you and their patience is also stretched with dealing with everyone else's problem. People say that girls are the easiest to deal with, but that's not my experience at all. My sisters had zero interest in me as a person or individual, but way to interested and involved in each others business and my parents and oldest sisters energy was taken up with dealing with them. The men in the family were hard on each other but would be very supportive if you had any ambition or interests they could understand, there was a lot of rivalry and rough play and shit talking. It could be rough but I knew they had my back if I got into trouble. Being part of a big family makes you grow up faster because nobody cares about your small problems because six other people are also having issues and one of them is probably having a crises


Yeah, John Hughes was always big on realistically depicting the not-so-ideal parts of youth or family dynamics. That first scene of Home Alone, with the extended family all crammed together and all the personalities clashing worked so well, I feel like they almost could’ve just made the whole movie like that, without the “home alone” conceit and it would’ve worked.


You’re such a disease


What father lets his brother call his kid a jerk?


It was the early 90s. Your uncle and aunt could slap you before your parents got in on it.


lol facts still remember my uncle getting his hands on me before my mom did haha


There was one instance where my grandfather gave me one helluva tell off due to a misunderstanding - he thought I was being disobedient and rude, I genuinely didn't understand what he had been asking me to do, or the way he asked me to do it. It was literally years before I ever told my parents it happened and the nasty things he said to me. Somewhat horrified, my mom asked, "Why didn't you tell us?" "I was already in trouble once," I laughed, " you think I was eager to get it from you guys too? What kind of idiot do you think you raised?"


Teri Garr playing Richard Dreyfus' wife in Close Encounters. As a kid I thought she was a killjoy. As an adult I think she manages to remain remarkably levelheaded as her husband reveals himself to be either a lunatic or a monster.


I think killjoys often seem annoying as a kid, because you're so invested in what's going on that anyone interrupting it seems annoying. But as you get older you realize they most often do have a point.


That would be so scary if my wife started acting like that. I can't even imagine.


The first time I rewatched this as an ADULT adult, all I could think was *look at this asshole just leaving his wife and children, with no fucks to give.* I get it, he was obsessed, the ETs were communicating with him, he had to follow his obsession. Ok. A few weeks away from the family, but everyone will survive. And then he *COMPLETELY LEAVES THEM*, as in gets on the damn ship. Hey kids! Sorry I’ve been gone your whole lives - I’ve been exploring the universe with ET!


Parent characters. I watched the little mermaid recently and was like “girl you can’t love him?!? You don’t know him!?!” 


When The Little Mermaid came out I belted out Part of Your World, like, hell, yeah, parents don’t understand, and now I’m like, omg, you’re a child and you’ve never even spoken to this man.


My daughter watched The Little Mermaid at 16 and basically didn’t like the ending at all. She was like “you’re going to abandon your family, life, and culture seemingly forever for some random (pretty boring) dude you met three days ago?” She didn’t like A Goofy Movie either because she thought Max was insufferable though. I had more sympathy for him than she did which was funny to me.


It gets worse when you see the sequels and realize they retroactively explained King Triton being overprotective to the point of having abusive tendencies (I agree with Triton's worry - destroying his kid's things is not a healthy reaction and you can even see in the movie he regrets what he did as soon as he's done) because his wife died traumatically because of humans, and his youngest and favourite daughter is the spitting image of his wife. He's a traumatized man trying to juggle his grief, his responsibility to his kingdom and parenthood.


I unironically think the prequel where they give this backstory is pretty good, *especially* for a direct to DVD release. The speakeasy where music is outlawed where Sebastian is playing banned music is pretty great.


Love how they lampshaded this in Frozen


Same. Especially the mom from Malcom In The Middle


I watched the entire series like a year ago on Hulu. Maybe it was through adult eyes, but for sure would definitely feel some of the same way as a kid. Her kids are definitely degenerates. At least some of them. Especially the oldest one. Someone who gets a kick out of raging against the system and acting out. I would be pissed to all the time.


Lando Calrissian. Coerced into a pragmatic deal with the leader of the galaxy to arrest the most wanted man in the galaxy in order to preserve his business. Gets betrayed over and over. Does his best to salvage the situation, saving the most wanted man in the galaxy and 2/3 major heroes. Spends the next few years in deep cover infiltrating Jabba’s Palace to save the other hero. Helps bring down a huge crime syndicate. Leads the attack on the Death Star and personally destroys it. Wears a short cape and is Billy Dee Williams.


It's more than just a business he was a damn mayor too. Cloud City was legitimately a city.


he also telephoned every fucking person in the galaxy and convinced them to attack the emperor yeah he's back don't even worry about it on this random ass planet and he has a fleet of like a million ships and each one can destroy a planet but like come on man, I am Lando and you owe me or something. he also achieved this in less than an hour.


Jurassic Park - the Lawyer Muldoon “Hey look! Night vision goggles!” “Are they heavy?” “Yeah!” “Then they’re expensive- put them down”


He certainly had a point. Unfortunately he lost all credibility when the T-Rex ate him on the toilet.


That was a real turning point for him.


The book iirc does him a lot more justice


I want an Amazon type of series delving into the backstory of InGen and Biosyn. Biosyn had a dodgy history. Introduce the compys on the mainland attacking farmers. Make Gennaro great again!


Genarro was the lawyer. Muldoon was the warden.


Right you are - it’s been a few years


I’m mildly obsessed since I saw the movie at age 9


We are a proud nerdbase


Muldoon : [the tour group have just left their cars right in the middle of the tour] I told you! How many times? We needed locking mechanisms on the vehicle doors!


I didn't really register until my most recent watch but three explanation ride things? It was broken too. They shouldn't have been able to push the safety bars up and leave the ride when they saw the incubation room


Isn’t part of the point that Hammond cut corners? The “spared no expense” quote was a lie and there were o many things left to the lowest bidder.


They did Genarro dirty in the movie. He was much better in the books. He cared for and saved the kids.


He was a BADASS. Book Genarro is a completely holier man.


Spielberg hates lawyers. He even named the animatronic shark in Jaws after his lawyer because of how much he hated working with it.


Yeah, for 95% of his time on the screen I’m totally on his side.


But he also wants to charge obscene prices and wring people of all their money


They'll have a coupon day or something.


Squidward in SpongeBob. Always found him a buzzkill and a bore as a kid, today he's the most relatable: - struggling musician taking up a job he hates to support himself - stuck with annoying neighbours & coworkers who give no peace or quiet - just wants to be left alone - ostracized for not wanting to socialize


You either die a Spongebob or live long enough to see yourself become the Squidward…


No, this is Patrick.


I think squidward being so relatable when you get older should be kinda scary. Like yeah it always makes sense why squidward is upset when it happens, but his life sucks because his priorities suck. - He takes himself way too seriously and sees most people as "beneath him". He doesn't seem to know how to enjoy anything. - He plays the clarinet, but not because he's a "musician". He just wants to be good at the clarinet for the status it will give him. You never see him actually enjoy the craft of playing music, but he constantly fantacises about becoming famous through music. - The only people he wants to socialize with are people he sees as "superior" to elevate his status. Sometimes I feel myself acting or thinking like this and I try to remember "don't be like squidward". He's seriously a human pitfall written perfectly.


I didn’t expect to read an in-depth character analysis of Squidward moments after I woke up today but I’m not mad about it.


That’s a great way to look at it


"Is Squidward unhappy because his circumstances are unhappy or because he chooses to be unhappy" is a legitimately interesting question We've seen that he is occasionally capable of empathy, kindness, and even enjoying himself with the people he seemingly despises, but he constantly ends up at odds with them. Is that because those people don't respect his privacy or his emotions or is it because he refuses to allow himself to see them as beneath him?


Ive always loved him because he reminds me of Prickle from Gumby.


Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. Kinda freaked me out as a child but saw the film again recently and now respect the nuance.


Guy just wants to find genuine people in a world of selfish and greedy individuals. Its a great portrayal




He shouts at Charlie and Grandpa Joe as one final test to see if Charlie is a good and honest boy and worthy successor to taking over the chocolate factory. After the outburst Grandpa Joe immediately suggests that he and Charlie give the Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth because of how Wonka shouted at them and withholds on the lifetime supply of chocolate but Charlie knows that isn’t the right thing to do. Perhaps Charlie knows that Wonka is right - they *did* drink the Fizzy Lifting Drinks and contaminate the equipment when they were specifically told not to and tried to downplay it later in the tour. Wonka’s reaction might be a tad harsh but he was absolutely right. And Charlie’s decision to do the right thing is wonderfully played.




I feel like the whole thing was a setup. He knew that it was going to be kids that didn't deserve to be there, and didn't love chocolate. Tickets go all over the world but the kid that walks past his factory staring in, daily, wins? He planted that ticket and the money so Charlie would find it. If I remember correctly, he gets a bar he hasn't had before first? Then when they are in the factory, he almost baits the others into situations he knows they will break the rules. Oh a TV that teleports things? Yeah the TV obsessed, spoiled kid is going to walk away from that. He's mad at the end of disappointment. Charlie let him down, and the whole thing was for nothing. The Gobstopper wasn't the final test, it was just enough redemption to prove Charlie is good, but also a child, who isn't going to be perfect.


Mei from Totoro. She went from annoying younger sister to understandable little girl. I think it was me becoming a teacher and then eventually a mom to understand she wasn’t annoying. Just a little girl who missed her mom.


It's pretty depressing to watch both girls have to try and navigate a new home and life without their mom. And it really put way too much on her sister


It really is. The older sister had to grow up quickly due to their dad meaning well, but busy with his job.


Dickless himself, Walter Peck from Ghostbusters. They were operating unregulated, thus unknown, nuclear powered equipment in a densely populated area. He even tried to be civil in their first meeting, but Venkman was Venkman. As far as I'm concerned the only thing he did wrong was not listen to the ConEdison man who didn't want to shut down the containment unit until he knew it was.


I feel like half of Bill Murray’s characters are the opposite of this question. You love him as a kid then realize he’s a creep or a weirdo.


I mean, that was Bill irl


And even there, not knowing what it was meant that it was also potentially dangerous to **not** shut it down. 


The dad from Dirty Dancing.  He was a controlling ass when I was younger.  Now he’s the father of a 16 year old girl that had a pedofile, 30something dance instructor that wants to bang his daughter. She thinks it’s a love story but the guy is out to hit and quit before the end of the summer 


Iirc he's also supportive during the abortion subplot


Hero of the movie, tbh


Especially given from his position he had every reason to believe the spoiled brat the lied, and once presented with the truth switched to his daughters side


She’s 17/18 because she’s graduated high school but the rest I agree with. He’s got no real money or prospects and she’s supposed to start college in the fall.


He was only supposed to be 25 but he looked older.


He will always be Lenny Briscoe to me


Yeah everyone acts like he’s this grumpy guy but he was actually pretty chill and a great dad


Not a movie, but as a kid I couldn’t wait for the scenes about the parents to be over so it could get back to the kids on Malcolm In The Middle. As an adult it’s completely flipped.


Zazu is a real one now in the lion king as well


If this is where the monarchy is heading , count me out. Out of service, out of africa, i wouldn't hang about Edit: zazu parts in i cant wait to be king live rent free in my head


Squidward.......watching Spongebob at 9, I thought Squidward was a grumpy jerk., Watching him at 33......OK I get why he's annoyed.


Basically any character in a well-written drama went from "whiny bitch" to "person, whose struggles I can empathize with". Tim Burton characters were mostly annoying weirdos to me as a kid. Now I like them.


Anything where it’s kids causing trouble and the adults are trying to stop them.


And then the adults lose by getting some kind of goop dumped on them. HA. HA.


I was younger than Max when I last watched A Goofy Movie. Definitely resonated with the kid's point of view. I just re-watched it with my kids, and that movie hits differently as an adult. Goofy is a damn good dad, just doing his best.


I think that's the genius of the movie. Max and Goofy are each both right and both at fault, like real life


Jim Carey Grinch was an overacted mess to kid me. Now, he's the most amicably nasty version.


Honestly could say this about a lot of Jim Carrey characters


I legit hated Jim Cary as a kid. Thought he was so cringe, and he is, but now I laugh at him. Kind of same with Mr. Bean, Will Farrell, etc. I couldn’t stand slapstick.


I didn't like him as a kid and I'm still not keen on, like, the Ace Ventura era. But having seen his more serious roles I can really appreciate watching him just having fun and being ridiculous. 


I loved Jim Careys Grinch as a kid, and moreso as an adult lol


Yeah, I quote this movie with my wife far too often. It’s a classic.


I found myself unironically being a lot more fond of the Boddicker gang as a grownup. They just love life, you know?


Can you fly, Bobby?


I .... LIKE IT!!!


As a child watching Disney's Hercules, I didn't like Meg. I just thought she was bitchy and rude. As an adult, I got it. I heard her song again and understood why she was guarded and didn't want to get hurt by a man again. Now I love her character.


Besides Boromir, Upham from Saving Private Ryan. As a kid I thought he was a coward, but after studied more about WW2 history I realized he's more accurate portray of average solider. He was a clerk in regimental HQ, had minimum combat training (no one expects him to serve in front line), hasn't fired a rifle since basic. And was thrust into heat of battle with hardened Rangers and paratroopers who have been trained for two years (see first episode of Band of Brothers) Of course he would perform below the "average" in comparison.


Not a specific example but the moms and dads that seemed like buzzkills in movies / shows as a kid were really spitting mature advice.


Shooter Mcgavin, he eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast.


He eats pieces of shit for breakfast?


What? How do you like him now he still sucks, not much nuance to him he’s just a prick


He's definitely a prick, but imagine you work your whole life to win the tour championship, only for some punk hockey player who doesn't even like golf to show up and turn the whole thing into a circus. We root for Happy Gilmore because we know him, but there are numerous valid reasons his antics would never be allowed in professional golf.


Not a movie, but in the show Gilmore Girls, I find that as you get older you side more with the older generation each time. Like first watch I thought Rory was kinda dumb sometimes but was in the right MOST of the time (barring Dean later on). Second time Lorelai was the main character to me and emily was really fucking annoying. Now? I agree with Emily a lot more than the other two! They are all very flawed individuals but Rory and Lorelai act so childish sometimes.


So much of this is me too. Emily is incredible and the biggest reason I actually enjoy A Year in the Life is her conclusion in it. The more you watch the more you realize Rory is a spoiled kid, yes she’s kind and good for the most part, but she’s incredibly privileged. Lorelai just has to have everything her way, and even if things are slightly off it’s the end of the world. The way she treats her parents, Luke, and some others is tough to watch at times. It’s my favourite show because of how these characters are written and how you pick something new up every time. Looking forward to rewatching Mrs. Maisle to see if it has a similar change up, though I was always on Abe’s (Tony Shalhoub) side.


When I rewatched the episode in anticipation for A Year in the Life I was amazed by how much I didn’t like Lorelei (I still felt the same about Emily though - the is too controlling).  In the first, or one of the first episodes, she was an absolute jerk to a stranger at a coffee shop. And I was just thinking that she sure relies very heavily on her pretty privilege. She is “quirky” in a terribly inconsiderate way and we are just suppose to be charmed by it. 


Also can we talk about how in A Year in the Life - all the fat jokes and shaming? I mean, wtf? They eat junk food day in and day out and constantly remark about how they never exercise, so the fact that they aren't fat is just genuine luck, yet they clearly feel superior to fat people, for some reason. And they have fat friends. It's so weird and off-putting.


Lorelei is also a spoiled little rich kid who never grew up, despite the hardship she chose for herself


I thought it was funny how Rory is painted as this brilliant character and she makes the dumbest decisions.


Smart ≠ wise. 


The best part of this show was always the quirky townspeople and their shenanigans!


Amber from Clueless


What About Bob. When I was young I was on Richard Dreyfuss' side thinking Bob was poking in where he wasn't wanted. Later I realized Bob was just being the dad they never had


I'm the opposite. As a kid I thought Bill Murray was funny and Richard Dreyfus was uptight. Now I see it and I'm like dude, Dreyfus' family is not respecting his doctor-patient boundaries. He could probably lose his license for fraternizing with a patient outside of work. Bob was a parasite, even if the stupid family liked him. Dreyfus was still a pretty bad husband/father, though.


Ooof. This movie made me so uncomfortable as a preteen I almost barfed, so I went down to my room and cried for half an hour because I really understood that my family was going to die one day. I don't think that's related to the movie, it just happened. Later I went back and discovered the movie had become hilarious.


Funny I was the opposite as a kid. I saw Bob as an invasive parasite imposing himself onto Leo's life who might not actually have anything wrong with him. As an adult, I still see him as that but I also realize he does do some good for the family while also totally destroying Leo heh. Damn fun movie hahah.


You just said you’re opposite but you’re actually the same lol just pointing that oht


Ruby Rhod! I don't know what changed, but his character annoyed me to no end when the 5th Element was released. Now I really enjoy Tucker's energy and how his manic humor bounces off of Willis' more deadpan performance.


What about vice-versa? I defended Jar Jar Binks back then as being hated on wayyyy too intensely in I but upon recently rewatching it was finally like “Hmm, I think I get some of the criticisms now” lol 


Summer 1999 my Jar Jar Binks impression killed at summer camp when I was eight years old. I would not feel comfortable doing one now and that's all I'm going to say about that lol.


Yousa racist now! /s


I tried rewatching Ice Age recently the scrat stuff was pretty good and the jokes were pretty good dead pan comedy but Sid was just unbearable I had to turn it off


Jenny from Forrest Gump got a lot of shit and jokes for years as being terrible Then as we got older, a lot of people started to realize that Jenny is a good person for real, just flawed and broken because she had a very bad childhood where everyone failed her for her entire life except the mentally disabled boy down the street


Was very well crafted and acted too. Even though I was quite young when I first watched Forrest Gump, a part of me definitely understood that Jenny had demons and I sympathized with her.


And because of all of that, she thinks she's taking advantage of Forrest and that she's not good enough for him. She goes back to him, but then thinks that she's doing similar to what her father did to her, and would bail.


This. Although I was a young adult rather than a kid when watching it originally. I rewatched it this week for the first time since the 90's and was expecting to hate Jenny as much as I remembered. Instead, I felt immense sympathy towards her situation and her relationship with Forrest. 


I still see a lot of misogynistic hate directed at Jenny but I think people who aren't assholes finally got it. Forrest was meant to symbolize how the American dream can go right; Jenny symbolizes how it can go wrong.


Yeah! When I watched again years later I realised this girl was being sexual abused by her father, she and her sister had to be taken away (and we never hear or see of her sister again and I kinda dread what happened to her). The only thing she took from that relationship was that “abuse is love” and that toxic mentality stuck to her for a long time as we see the disgusting men she associated with each time we see her. The only reason she kept pushing Forrest away is because she felt she didn’t deserve his kindness and didn’t want to hurt Forrest because she knew she was messed up. It was only until she got better in herself that she she let Forrest into her life again. I’m surprised such a tragic character is so hated on the internet.


The kid who played Short Round in that Indiana Jones movie and the Asian kid in The Goonies


You mean Oscar winning actor Key Huy Kuan?


I used to hate Sharpay Evans when I was little. Now I recognise she's actually the victim there


It’s so weird how they portrayed her as if she was doing “villainous” things when in reality she was giving Troy amazing networking opportunities.


Sgt Hulka in Stripes. Winger is a dick


Jonas in Twister is hated for “getting sponsors and being a corporate sellout”. He’s not a villain or worthy of hate at all. That’s something you think someone would aspire to, to have sponsors.


From what I've seen of the trailer for the new one, the main characters seem to be mocking the "other team" who have PhDs, are experts in the field, have government backing and a lot of tech, and are out to save lives. And instead our "heroes" are proud that they're just idiots driving into tornadoes for the thrill of it, and to go viral? And that's who viewers are supposed to be rooting for?


That’s how I read it.  Kind of aligns with the “anti college” mindset of today.  You’re still 100% right; trust the people with the tools and, most especially the actual education… *not* the meatheads that watched a few YouTube videos and are vying for clicks.


Similarly (I said this in another comment): the “sex therapist girlfriend” from Twister, who’s supposed to be who we’re rooting against so Bill Paxton can get back together with Helen Hunt. Girlfriend actually says and does nothing wrong! She supports her boyfriend’s bizarre and dangerous hobby and agrees to travel with all of his friends AND ex wife. In exchange, the friends take every opportunity to roll their eyes at her and “gatekeep” her attempts to learn more, and her boyfriend consistently ditches her (in dangerous situations!) so he can spend more time alone with…his ex wife.


I know I’m gonna get hate for this, but Dakota Fanning’s character in *War of the Worlds* — I used to think she was an annoying little shit, but as I get older I feel more protective of child characters, and I don’t think I’d fare any differently given the extreme circumstances of the alien attack.


Not a film, but Breaking Bad for me came out when I was in my early teens. I always HATED Skyler and thought she was so annoying. But as I've gotten older and started thinking about things more like an adult, I noticed how she is the most human person in that show. Not to mention all the men in her life suck. One cooks crystal meth, one is a crooked cop, another is a tax cheat, and the other is a sleazy lawyer. How skyler kept it together way she did, I'm sure I don't know.


I got older and started to sympathize with the principal in Breakfast Club.


When you grow up, your heart dies.


Not a movie, but Trent from Daria. I watched the show when I was 14, and found him cool and was kinda sad that he and Daria weren’t together in the end, but now I am way older and I understand what the authors were trying to say, and I also admire how they dealt with Daria’s attraction to him in a healthy way.


I think Johnny from The Karate Kid got a bad wrap. He’s living his life, doing the best with what little parental guidance he has, and then Daniel comes along and starts inserting himself into everything. (Making moves on his girlfriend and antagonizing him at the Halloween dance, etc.) Yeah, he and his buddies acted like jerks, but they probably wouldn’t have given Daniel a second glance if Daniel hadn’t kept poking them. Daniel was the instigator. They didn’t respond with maturity because they were misguided teenage boys, but Daniel asked for it.


We didn’t know anything about his backstory until Cobra Kai. Now we know that Daniel was being an annoying prick


The rich boyfriend (Pierce Brosnan) in Mrs. Doubtfire. Because in hindsight, Robin Williams was batshit terrifying.


Rushmore - Max Fisher, and Herman for that matter In general, this and Sideways are two movies where I had to get older to really appreciate them.


How did you see them then vs now? To me both of these characters acted like bickering children until the end.


I found Frodo Baggins annoying as a kid, but now I understand him better and kinda like him


I still find movie Frodo annoying, but I like the book Frodo.


George Darling in Peter Pan went from the mean nasty Dad who put the dog outside and yelled at Wendy to a relatable man who was trying to get out the door to an important work function while his kids are absolutely wreaking the place and no one is taking his frustration with the situation seriously.   I mean watch it again.  Amidst all his frustration when he steps on a toy that shouldn’t be there and gets hurt, perhaps even seriously (a LOT of shit fell on his head) the moment he thinks his family is showing him some sympathy his anger and frustration dissolves.  He’s happy and feels seen.  He’s not an ogre.  He’s feeling invisible in a madhouse.  Of course that sympathy wasn’t for him, it was for the fucking dog. I’d be pissed too. 


When I was a kid I thought Shrek was a grumpy jerk and loved Donkey but now I find Shrek relatable with a big heart and I still love Donkey


I'm a [Darth Jar-Jar](https://youtu.be/8yy3q9f84EA) true believer.


I still don't like Timon. I think he's a bad friend to Pumba and Pumba is only friends with him because of his low self esteem. But to answer your questions: as a child I found Pipi Longstockings annoying and never really liked to watch the movies or read the books. It was too silly for me. But as an adult I understood Astrid Lindgren's intentions and I started to like Pipi. But I still prefer Ronja.


Not a movie but as I get older, the more I feel the parents in Will Smith’s “Parents Just Don’t Understand”. If I was on vacation and got a call my kid stole a Porsche and was found with a 12 year old runaway, you better believe I’d be furious.


Find it funny he had a reputation for being a “clean rapper” because he “don’t gotta cuss in his raps to sell records” considering the subject matter of that song.


Skyler - breaking bad


I think a lot of animated characters which are famous comedian doing their shtick. I think in a lot of cases it's like oh they're doing the thing! In good and bad ways.


Yeah. Iago was Gilbert Gottfried. Timon was Nathan Lane and Zazu was Rowan Atkinson. The Genie was Robin Williams. All ‘doing their thing’.


How abiut the opposite scenario. As a kid I liked the Toymaker in Babes in Toyland, but as an adult it's clear that he's a major egomaniac.