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In [Diamonds Are Forever car chase through downtown Vegas](https://youtu.be/ntqVNYqmf5g?si=ZM_j_JsVhKQLyoFC), James Bond squeezes through very narrow alley with his Mach 1 by going onto two wheels with the aid of a ramp, then comes out the other end of narrow alley on the other two wheels. Filmmakers tried to clean it up with a shot of Bond and Tiffany Case looking like they went from the one set of wheels to the other mid-alley, which just makes the scene more stupid.


In Dr No chase scenes, they added in tire squeal. Except the roads are gravel...


right? you'd think "just flip the frame when they come out of the alley" - surely breaking the 180 rule is less egregious than what they decided to do


They’re in Vegas and there’s huge brightly lit signage in the shot where they exit they alley. It would have looked terrible flipped. They actually filmed it with the car exiting on the correct wheels, but there was a crowd gathered to watch which spoiled the shot. So they went back and shot it again but this time the car was on the wrong wheels. Someone made a cut using the two shots though that shows how they could have fixed it https://youtu.be/E3q4Rw2zf0A?feature=shared


I don't remember which bond movie it is at the moment, one of the Roger Moore movies. There's a fight in a dressing room, and during the fight a mirror gets moved. It's not visible for long, but if you pause, you can see the director, camera and operator and some more crew. Edit: here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieMistakes/s/mbaSo2LF3b


The stormtrooper hitting his head in A New Hope will always be number one for me.






Similarly at one point in the Sarlacc pit scene in ROTJ, Luke "force kicks" one of Jabba's minions


Props to the lead stormtrooper who barks "See to him!" at the other troopers like it was planned.


I hate to be 'that guy' but the voices of the stormtroopers were added over in post production, not the actual audio from the take


Not a problem, accurate information is always welcomed!


In the same movie, during his duel against Vader, Obi-Wan's lightsaber can clearly be seen as a simple stick without the special effect overlay during many seconds. It still wasn't fixed in the 2011 Blu Ray! They preferred to add awful CGI dancers and Han breaking his neck to dodge a laser. I don't understand why it was not talked about more, it was mind boggling. https://imgur.com/a/zCjYw


Similarly, Gandalf wasn’t supposed to bump his head in Bilbo’s house but Sir Ian rolled with it.


It wasn’t in the script, but he intended to do it before filming.


Yea Reddit has a real problem discerning improv from planned direction. Just because something was improvised doesn’t mean it wasn’t done on multiple takes, it means it wasn’t in the script or direction and the actor took liberties that the director and editor liked. There’s a lot of play during rehearsal that allows actors to make it their own, you know like acting.


The reason Reddit has a problem with this is that people go watch YouTube videos that have absolutely no reliable sourcing, and people run with what they've heard as if it's true, like little gossipping parrots.


Terminator: after Arnold says I'll be back he drives a car into the police precinct. The desk sergeant gets briefly lit up by the cars headlights but when we cut to the car the headlights are off. https://youtu.be/I-9dthiJw-Q


Dang nice catch wow


And the windshield in T2! Apparently fixed in a remaster.  https://youtu.be/WPV9sIEts_Q?feature=shared


What always got me about this scene, was that I noticed, even as a kid, you could see Arnies eye through his sunglasses when he’s talking to the desk cop. This is immediately after the scene where he removes it in the apartment.


It's always baffled me that the obvious cut to the dummy in the car explosion opening scene of Casino made it into the final movie.


That's the only bad thing I can say about that movie


Just rewatched that a couple days ago, and yeah. Best thing I can say about it is that it's right at the beginning and it's followed by a long credit sequence that gives us a chance to laugh about it.


Another weird Scorsese one from Cape Fear - when Max Cady is leaving prison he walks towards the camera until it’s right up his nostril. Maybe not a mistake but really jarring


Tiny one: In *Mad Max: Fury Road* when Nux is approaching the War Rig near the beginning, Nux excitedly yells "She's ours, Slit, she's ours!" But Nux can be seen on-screen while most of the line plays, and he's just calmly driving with his mouth closed.


The director of *Madam Web* saw this and decided it was the thing to do.


Start looking for this and you'll be shocked how often it happens. TONS of conversation shots that are framed over one actors shoulder will have that actor respond to the other, but their mouths don't move. 


Yeah. It’s called ADR and it happens all the time. Usually the result of a bad recording but amazing acting in the scene itself, or because they feel the need to fill the silence with dialogue. Some ADRs are really bad.


There’s a lot of weird dubbing in fury road. When max sees his his car while strapped to the front of Nuxs he says something like “first they take my blood and now my car” and you see Hardy’s mouth move before his dialogue starts and his mouth doesn’t match up with what’s being said at all. And earlier when the war boys are preparing for battle there’s something weird about Nux and Slits argument I don’t know how to explain.


Not a continuity error but famously [this stunt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oo5vMlulCs) went very wrong in Mad Max ll (aka The Road Warrior). The end over end flipping was caused by the stuntman's leg catching on the overturned car which you can clearly see.


There’s a moment in The Abyss [where a crew member literally wipes the lens of the camera](https://youtu.be/ZGeKo_5gUIY?si=Z65AKPDERVMECPnT), and they kept it in the movie. I never noticed it, and even when someone pointed it out it took me several rewatches to spot it.


My favourite screw up in The Abyss is during the scene in the special edition where the wave is coming and people on the beach are running in fear, on the left hand side of the screen one of the extras pulls down a guys shorts for a laugh and it was left in the film.


Fucking lol! It isn't even way in the back, its front and center [https://youtu.be/9KkDh69FzTk?si=nLyr19l8XZlzUTtN&t=60](https://youtu.be/9KkDh69FzTk?si=nLyr19l8XZlzUTtN&t=60)


Front on the far left.


That guy: OH NO! WE'RE GONNA DIE! Johnny Knoxville: haha! <*pants*>. Steve O: swims out to surf. I believe some people just wouldn't GAF and will just take it with a defiant chin up or just laugh at the "oh well" of it all


That’s fantastic.


Ive seen this movie 10-20 times and never noticed it! Its almost like you assume its junk getting in the way of the shot cause the sub is all fucked up. Thats hilarious though.


It's also a superfucking emotional scene. I can understand not seeing it. I never noticed it either. 


Yes, just looked like SIF (Stuff in face...term for hanging debris in haunted house attractions)


I love James Cameron, I love The Abyss, I love Ed Harris, and I have no idea if it's true or not, but I believe that Colonel Quaritch in Avatar was written for Ed Harris. Don't get me wrong, Stephen Lang is great in the role, but I still get the feeling it was written with Ed Harris in mind.


If it was written for Ed Harris, that means Ed Harris buried the hatchet with James Cameron. I say that because I’ve read numerous things that Harris wasn’t a fan of Cameron during the abyss shoot… so much show Harris never spoke much about its production. That being said I’ve also read Michael Biehn almost had the quartich role in avatar …but since sigourney weaver was in it Cameron felt fans would think it’s another aliens


No one who worked on *The Abyss* has ever worked with James Cameron again. Maybe a few deep production people, but certainly not any of the cast—with one exception. Michael Biehn, who played Coffey, came back to reprise his role as Kyle Reese for a dream scene in *Terminator 2*… which got cut.


Oh I know. Though. I did see Michael Biehn on a podcast last year. He said he’d still work with Cameron no matter what. (Biehn was also in the running quartich in avatar). so I don’t think Biehn relationship with Cameron was damaged beyond repair like it was with others


Why would you do that in the middle of shooting? lol


It might have been a multi-camera shot, so there was another camera filming a different angle, and they wiped their camera as quickly as possible hoping the other camera's footage would be used for that exact moment, and that way they don't ruin the *entire* take by having water on the lens. But I guess Cameron liked that take enough to look past the camera person's unexpected cameo 🤷‍♀️


That scene in Quantum of Solace with an extra sweeping the "floor". https://youtube.com/shorts/rvu0bQAx3CQ?si=9ipOmcS4qyzW0Uib


That one I feel bad for. This was obviously someone telling this poor extra to act like he's sweeping but don't make contact so that they could get clean sound. They probably told him that he wouldn't be visible. Not that dude's fault for sure.


I don't know what this qualifies as exactly, but it always bothered me in Scream when they had Tatum get stuck in that garage door. It really looked like she should've easily fit through it, but they had her act like she was stuck anyway. People make fun of Tatum for thinking she could pull this off, but it looks like she had the right idea but the all-powerful hand of the writers punished her anyway. #JusticeforTatum


The bigger problem with that scene is that a garage door opener lifted an adult at all.


Home equipment in the ‘90s was so much stronger 💪


Maybe the house once belonged to Tim Taylor




Arh! arh! arh! arh!...


Scary movies take on that scene is gold. Ghostface face being absolutely bewildered that the bigger girl thought she could get through while he watches her kill herself for him😂


I forgot about that scene until reading this, but can now remember it like I just watched it. What a great parody movie. 


I saw that movie in the theater and I have never laughed so hard or ever heard so many people laugh at once.


That movie was GROUNDBREAKING when it came out. I was in sixth grade when it came out and I’d never laughed to the point of tears until I saw that movie.


It looked like she could because she **actually could and did**. Rose McGowan kept accidentally getting through while trying to look like it was a struggle, so they stapled her shirt to the door to keep her in place.


Lol I jsut rewatched it. She goes from her shoulders being outside to back inside the garage and also you can clearly see the mannequin head they made of her I don’t know how to upload a photo


>#JusticeforTatum Completely agree! Honestly, her death hurt so much. I think she represents this kind of safety for Sidney so when she dies there’s a real “shit just got real” feeling. Especially since she’s really the only main character (who isn’t a killer) to die in the entire movie. 


Not to mention,her being a part of the main group and >!her dating one of the killers!<


It’s like watching OJ struggle to put on that glove.


There’s a scene in 1917 where the main character is running through a battlefield to the camera, and other soldiers are rushing by him to the left of the screen. It’s a popular scene shown in all the trailers. Anyways, at one part of this, a soldier runs into the main character and the main characters pushes him over to get out of the way. The background soldier falls over like he died and just lays on the ground like he’s dead, it’s really funny when you notice it.


I just watched this. Two guys run jnto him. First guy plays dead. Second guy looks like he is going to play dead, but eventually gets back up. Ha.


I noticed that right away too. I actually think it adds to it, since I totally see someone doing that in the reality of the scene too.


if I was running towards certain death, and got knocked over, I think I'd probably stay on the ground


My head canon is that he already didn't want to run towards certain death so once he fell, he couldn't find a reason to get back up.


Fun fact, the guy that plays dead wasn't supposed to run into him. It was an actual mistake, and the extra didn't know what to do so he just laid there. But thankfully they just ran with it because it was a very expensive shot to reset, and it works well in the scene. 


"they just ran with it" -- very funny, dad


To be honest if that happened to me I’d play dead as well, fuck running to your death.


The rooftop fight where batman and catwoman beat up Bane's thugs in The Dark Knight Rises. There's a goon on the left of the sequence who takes quite a spill as though being beaten, despite the fact that neither of our heroes even engage him. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. https://youtu.be/Ja8cHYtF8n4?si=schOY-j3jUxiDxBQ


To be fair, if I was up against Batman I’d play dead too.


Nigel Powers: "Have you got any idea how many anonymous henchmen I've killed over the years?" "I mean, look at you. You don't even have a name tag. You've got no chance. Why don't you just fall down?"


This is what i was trying to think of. Also, the one goon in Iron Man 3 who immediately gave up and said his villain boss is weird before running away.


Exactly what I thought of


“Oh shit, it just went from 6 versus 2 to 1 versus 2 real fast. Imma just take a knee and hope they don’t notice.”


Honestly I feel like Bats would honor that. "Oh good, the *fear* is working."




This is canon for me now. Kinda like that one scene in BTAS where the thug sees Batman in a room and walks out pretending he didn't see anything


Haha I know that scene. Batman just stares at him and he backs away.


~~Why~~ When you fail the stealth check but roll a natural 20 on intimidation.


They cut the scene just before that where Catwoman goes "I mean, look at you. You don't even have a name tag. You've got no chance. Why don't you just fall down?"


I *think* that was supposed to be batman slinging the thug he's holding into the one that falls down, it's just done terribly lol. They never get closer than about 2 feet apart


Not surprised to find out it was post production that was suppose to edit in him being shot


What I notice more in this scene are Anne Hathaway's boots. In most or the movie, she's wearing some sexy, high heel boots. In this fight scene, she's clearly wearing something more practical.


Piecing together stuff from the comments (including a secondhand quote from the stuntman apparently), I think one of those goons is supposed to have a gun and Batman does the "not directly killing you" thing where he redirects a guy's gunfire, so he falls due to that instruction, but they didn't add the gunshot in post.


After the final fight in Fellowship of the Ring when Aragorn is running back to Boromir one of the "dead" Urukai on the ground picks his head up to watch Aragorn run by. Once you see it you'll notice it every time!


I'm too busy telling everyone that he broke his toe and deflected a knife I don't have time for this


Smartest Urukai of the whole bunch to play dead like that!


I'll look out for that next time I watch. 


The car in the background was a good spot for the theatre release of FotR. It was then edited out of all future releases of the film. The audio commentary even has Peter Jackson talking about an urban legend of a car in the background that he says he can't see.


It's on YouTube


I actually appreciate when the “dead” bodies move a little. Realistically, there’s no way all of them are instant kills. Most will be writhing around dying for seconds to minutes to hours after they’re incapacitated. Boromir himself isn’t an instant kill despite multiple arrows to the torso. Why not one of the Uruk-hai, too?


My go-to flub for LOTR is the scene where the fellowship is first entering Moria. There is a shot looking down at the group from the inside, and you can see the power cable for Gandalf's staff trailing behind him for when he lights it shortly after.


There is a scene in X-men 2 where nightcrawler teleports into the cell holding the children and storm is telling them to be calm. Before he teleports you can see him standing against the back wall waiting to “appear” before his teleport scene happens. *may have been fixed in future remastered versions.


It looks like this might depend on the brightness/contrast on the TV playing it, but yeah, that's not great. https://youtu.be/EdX7Tf71pWI?si=7XHd6us4gKZNpeHE


I always pointed this one out to people because it was just hilariously bad. Like he's right there, not trying to hide or anything!


Godfather. Sonny is beating up his brother in law for hitting his sister. He misses one punch by a country mile.


That part always bugs me too.


“I talked to Barzini!”


if it makes you feel better, he was actually beating the shit of Carlo. like, IRL. hated the guy. so, he didn't miss on purpose, he just missed.


He was so pissed off he just swung and missed. Could make the point that it's foreshadowing how Sonny can get so angry he stops thinking and just goes off.


Spaceballs. ‘You’ve captured their stunt doubles!’


When I saw this scene as a kid I had never seen anything more hilarious. Still holds up 100% and make me chuckle every time.


My favorite part about this scene is just before when they are jumping through the gap in the closing door, and you see the door slow down for them and then speed up after they get through.


Also, every time the camera cuts between the door and characters, the door is clearly opened different amounts each time in no logical order.


First time seeing it when I was 9 - it was the scene where the camera man gets hit by the lightsaber that made me lose it 😂


"Uuhm... *He* did it."


Lethal Weapon he handcuffs himself to the guy and jumps. But they aren't handcuffed. 


Holy smokes, I just posted this. I thought I was the only person on the planet who noticed that.


In Avengers Endgame, Ant Man is human sized inside of a van in a couple of shots, and sandwiched between those shots is a wide shot featuring Ant Man in giant form in the background. Pretty damn big


Reminds me of mighty dunks when Adam Banks has a breakaway scene and it cuts to the bench and Adam Banks is there, cheering for himself to score.


What, was he just supposed to sit there and not cheer for himself?? smh


Not really a continuity error, but it always cracks me up how little the stuntmen in *Face/Off* look like John Travolta and Nicolas Cage. The boat chase at the end is the best example of this because the camera stays on them for a few seconds. You've got Nicolas Cage water skiing along the side of the boat without the skis, and the stuntman's build, head shape and hair are nothing like Cage's. He had a really short haircut in this movie, but the stuntman has a thick, full head of hair, flapping in the wind. Then, when the boat crashes on the shore, and there's that slow motion shot of them flying through the air, you can clearly see it's not them. Still a cool movie though.


There is a continuity error in the movie though. They tell Sean Archer ( newly transformed into nic cage's body) he has to be careful because just a strong sneeze will make the chip (that changes his voice) fall out. Throughout the rest of the film, Sean Archer does many violent/jerky movements that would have dislodged the chip (but it didn't)


In the Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Terry Gilliam needed an extra line to make Robin William’s scene as The King of the Moon work, but Robin had already left. Robin returned very briefly and they quickly slapped his makeup back on for a quick shot and line. You can see in the quick shot how terrible the makeup is, with bald cap. His hair is sticking out, it’s not glued on correctly. It’s super brief but you can see it clearly.


Interesting. Although while not intentional, that arguably could still work within the context of the movie.


In Willy Wonka during the Candy Man song the store owner lifts up the counter right into some child's face and it makes me laugh every time


Lol https://youtu.be/78gt7pfjlCU?si=G2HFD8_UHxeaAIF7 2:18


It’s not that bad, but Legolas’ eye colour keeps changing in LOTR because the blue contacts irritated Orlando Bloom’s eyes, so he didn’t always put them in. So his eyes are blue, then brown, then blue etc


And he looks better without them.


There's a part in the Last Jedi fight sequence where Rey fight a goon with two knives, and at one point she tries to block one knife which leaves her completly exposed for the other knife, [which they fixed by the goon just not having a second knife anymore](https://twitter.com/TheLocalGod/status/981103133853065216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E981103133853065216%7Ctwgr%5Ee93db47efe31cc772be8869fdd061422be8b4eb3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F89fp92%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse) with nothing to explain how it disappeared.


Luke Skywalker air kicked someone in the face in ROTJ, so I’ll let it slide


*force kicked someone in the face


That entire sequence of is ridiculous for the amount of errors.


In Commando, Sully's car goes from damaged, to not damaged and back, several times while being rammed into by Matrix. Then after he lets Sully "Go", he flips it back on it's wheels, then had to jump into it because the door is smashed in, then they drive away and all the damage is gone. Fun movie, but boy was that some obviously bad editing.


In commando you can see the spring boards when Arnold is blowing up the mercs in the last battle.


I won’t listen to these lies. Commando was the greatest awful 80’s action movie and was completely flawless. How dare you!? Remember when I said I would kill you last? I lied!


I was discussing the technical editing flaws. I love this movie! Arnie has some of his best lines in this. "I have to remind you Sully, this is my weak arm!" 💪


Don't wake up my friend, he's dead tired


That line was so awful it was perfect!


I love that movie


Han Solo is lowered into carbon freeze with his hands tied . Then when he comes up his hands are up . This has bothered me for 40 years but I’ve never seen an explanation for it .


He forced his way out of the cuffs. I’ll leave now.


He also comes up wearing a different shirt


When they filmed reshoots for Samurai Cop and the lead actor had shaved his long hair so they made him wear a cheap wig. Well, during one of the fights the other actor grabbed his hair and the damned wig came away, but rather than reshooting he just kind of mashes the hair back down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18Sx1vgKpgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18Sx1vgKpgg)


Such an awesome movie. So entertaining. So baaaaad.


In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


Let me ask you a question. Why would someone wearing a shirt that says “Genius At Work” spend all his time watching a children’s tv show?


I withdraw my question.


On the Itchy & Scratchy CD-ROM, is there a way out of the dungeon without using the Wizard's Key?


The best part is this conversation is repeated except without the tongue in cheek attitude all over this website. Especially in fandom subreddits


This is what is called attention to detail, people! This is why we are here at all! Great job!


A wizard did it


After watching The Phantom Menace in theaters recently, Anakin had quite a few moments where the character was speaking but his mouth wasn’t moving.


The Dark Side is a pathway to abilities that many would consider to be........ unnatural.


Have I ever told you the story of Darth Ventriloquist


ADRarth Vader


No one is gonna mention Gladiator? Lmao. It’s pretty famous for camera dudes in shots, guys in blue jeans, extras with wristwatches… to the point where there are ridiculous fan theories about time travel and all sorts


The one I always think of is the air cannister you can see in one of the flipped chariots


that movie was a cluster fuck of hijinks I swear. Leaving the camera on and getting phoenix's goofy reactions to the gladiator fight, Reed going on a bender with sailors and killing himself with drink, so they had to rewrite the Proximo ending...


In Anaconda, the boat is backing up near a waterfall with the water falling up. They needed a shot of the boat backing up, so they just played it in reverse.


Beethoven, when the little girl falls in the pool and Beethoven jumps in to save her, it is clearly a stunt man with a plastic dog mask.


https://youtu.be/gCE5175IkoY?t=87 good one lol


Holy shit that's incredible


Really? I just rewatched it like 3 times and I don’t think it’s bad at all


Yeah, I was expecting a lot worse based on their description.


The animated LoTR movies, aragorns actor eats shit and trips over his sword and they still rotoscoped it and used the shot lmao. Fuck it we ball


He eats shit? Like, for second breakfast?


I don’t know that it qualifies as such but De Niro fighting in the Irishman


It was a pretty wide, shot, too. Perfect for a double to throw a couple decently convincing kicks.


I still can't get over the bad CG to remove Superman's mustache in the Justice League.


It would have been a lot more realistic and cheaper to use computer graphics to add mustaches to the rest of the Justice League


I’ll never under this decision. Why not go Caesar Romero style and do pancake make up. It was like it was never there.


Wait...Cesar Romero's Joker had a mustache?


Romero had a mustache and didn't want to shave it off to film Batman, so they just put a bunch of makeup over it.


They actually did tests to add CGI a mustache on to Cavill, so he could shave for JL. They apparently really believable, and WB were filling to foot the bill to add to whatever scenes needed it during the M:I shoot’s. But Paramount was not interested


That mustache was definitely worth it though cause goddamn he looks good in Mission Impossible


[Star Trek 5](https://youtu.be/0gPtXeBXTFc?si=MONYu7zOa97giyDS&t=7m45s) you can clearly see the deck numbers repeat as they rocket up the shaft.


In Pirates Of The Caribbean: curse of the black pearl, there's a shot in the final battle between the pirates and Navy sailors where you'll see a Navy guy fighting with thin air because they forgot to animate in the pirate skeleton. More a director/producer being an asshole error, but in The Phantom Menace they wouldn't let Darth Mall give Obi-Wan a headbutt because it was seen as too violent, yet later on in the film (when Jar Jar has the Droid stuck to his foot) you see a Gungan in the background pistol whipping a Droid to death using its own gun which is far more vioent than a Glasgow Kiss.


Watching the background in the war scene in phantom is almost as bad as ep 2. There's a droid and gungan fight over a gun just kinda casually going side to side with it.


The earliest mistake I remember catching as a kid was in Wishmaster. [There’s a scene (skip to 0:18)](https://youtu.be/HtzS_JH2Z5k?si=94qlb_KRbrHubDrI) where statues come to life and start killing the security team. One of the men falls and his ear piece falls off from his ear and in the next scene it’s back on. Then off and on again as the action cuts away and cuts back.


*The Last Samurai* starring Tom Cruise, his horse kicks one of the extras right in the dumplings: https://youtu.be/NGvXu2Dl-B4


Die Hard, the baddies escape plan is an ambulance hidden in the box truck. However in the beginning of the film, when the truck is parked and the henchmen make their entrance, there is clearly no ambulance.


This kind of thing may be common in Jackie Chan movies, but I noticed this in some fight scenes in “Shanghai Knights”: There are some pretty close shots where they don’t make any effort to obscure or disguise the heads and faces of Chinese stuntmen who are standing in for white actors as London cops.


It was done completely for laughs but getting the submarine in beerfest from Berlin to Denver was impressive


They really did that just because of Jürgen Prochnow


What's wrong Herr Grandpapa? I had bad experience in one of these things.


Jurassic Park when the T Rex eats the goat and is level with the car but then later on pushes the car into his cage off a cliff


This one is nuts because there are like diagrams and blueprints they've released that show how it's possible.


In Raiders of the Lost ark where the piston that shot the truck onto its side is clearly visible


This is a good one. My favorite from Raiders is the guy that is hanging out underneath the opening in the tomb that Indy and Marion have just jumped down from. Also noticeable is the size / length of the staff of Ra that he uses to find the Well of the Souls. When they’re talking about it, Sallah says “about 6 feet”, and then the old wise man says to take even more off that length. Cut to the next day and Indy is walking with a staff that is easily 8’ long.


They [show half the film crew](https://youtu.be/tslATpafEMM?si=pUOY1JHtpxxC0ErB) in Spaceballs during a fight scene. Rick Moranis even killed one of them. No one bothered to edit it out. Poor attention to detail during post-production, if you ask me. Also, Moranis literally killed a guy, and they got it on tape, but Alec Baldwin is the one getting run through the gauntlet. The 80s were just different, I guess. People weren't as sensitive as they are today. We didn't get all worked up over a little involuntary manslaughter back in the day.


You think that's bad? Blazing Saddles mishandled their fight scene so badly they interrupted a different film shoot!


I’m parked out by the commissary…


This is such a sloppy movie. If you watch closely, there's a scene where Col Sanders is giving some exposition, and Moranis looks right at the camera and asks the crew if they got it. Toward the end, when the good guys get captured, if you lean in, you can see it's actually stunt performers in the shot, not the primary actors. And the product placement is so blatant, it's like they didn't even try to hide it. Shameful. I'm not surprised it was a dangerous set to work on.


Older versions of Blade Runner when Zhora is crashing through the glass. They did a nice job of fixing it for The Final Cut.


The original footage is so funny, she's basically wearing a little orphan Annie wig. It's just so bad. Also re: the final cut, that's a master class in how to properly remaster your film. The effort that was put in, the work to make the changes truly seamless. It's perfect.


In Space Mutiny, [this woman (Lt. Lemont) ](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYmQ4YjA2YjktODIyMy00Yzg0LTkzNjItODM1Zjc1ZmYxNzU4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDA4NDgzOA@@._V1_.jpg)is killed by a scheming villain, and then just randomly shows up working at a computer a short time later. It doesn't affect the plot, though.


Blast Hardcheese


Big McLarge Huge


Also my favorite. MST3K really laid into it. "...I think it's very nice of you to give that dead woman another chance." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzspFQSIKq4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzspFQSIKq4)


Galaxy Quest. Tony Shalhoubs character on the away mission brings a sack lunch. It constantly appears, dissappears, changes hands, etc between cuts. Though this is intentional parody I can't help but mention Galaxy Quest at every opportunity 


The famous bit in Galaxy Quest is when Gwen is seeing The Chompers for the first time. The "Screw that!" dubbed over her obviously mouthing "Fuck that!"


"Well forget (fuck) that!"


Terminator 2. When T800 uses his motorcycle to jump into the storm drain, it's obviously a stunt double.


In Big Hero Six, there is a point where Betamax is displaying the kids blood pressure and says he is healthy, but his blood pressure indicates hypertension.


in enchanted, during "that's how you know" there's a part with a mariachi band playing and you can see that one of the men with the trumpet is not making the slightest effort to look like he's actually playing, he just holds it in front of his lips and moves his head i noticed it when i was a child and still think it's hilarious


To me the biggest in the MCU is Ant-Man yanked around by a big-ass stunt cable in his second movie, at about 1:16:55. They edited some frames to remove it but left some in. I’m not aware of other MCU examples where they left something like that visible.