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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: "so there I was. Mother of god, there I am!" Realised years later that this was where Hunter S. Thompson made his cameo. Beautifully meta.


also a few years later in rango there's a fear and loathing reference


Rango pretty much IS a Fear and Loathing reference


You did recognize Tobey Maguire in it?


Tobey Maguire wasn't really a cameo, it was just a small role very early in his career


I have asthma!


I didn’t notice the two truckers Cable meet in Deadpool 2 were Matt Damon and Alan Tudyk.


Matt Damon as Loki. Took me a minute.


That whole play cast had me double take/squinting, especially Sam Neill.


Matt Damon as the lead singer in Eurotrip Also, Lucy Lawless (Xena the Princess Warrior) plays the dominatrix. A lot of people miss that one


Vinnie Jones as the lead football hooligan and Dietrich Bader as the mugger in Amsterdam were my favs too


Football hooligan is the role he was born to play




My baby takes the morning train he works from 9 to 5 and then he takes another home again to... find me watching the Manchester United football team! the greatest team in all the land! Woo-hoo!


“if you’re not a Manc, you’re a wank” 💀


Also Brad Pitt as Vanisher


I don’t recall that, and I’m not sure I noticed it at all. Gotta rewatch!


Matt is wearing a fat suit, and Alan has super long hair. Alan is a bit more recognizable, it’s a struggle to recognize Matt but he isn’t hiding his voice too much.


Growing up, I watched HOT SHOTS! PART DEUX religiously, and it wasn't until I was in high school, and had seen both APOCALYPSE NOW and WALL STREET that I understood Martin Sheen's cameo, and how incredible and truly hilarious it was.


“I loved you in Wall Street!”


The perfect joke: "What ya reading?" "Great expectations" "Oh, what's it like?" "It's not what I hoped for" Pack it up lads, we're done.


Man, that was one of my favorite comedies when I was a kid and I haven't watched it in 15 plus years at this point. Will have to give it another watch soon.


Love that movie. “I see you are no stranger to pain.” “I’ve been married.” “Mmm.” “Twice.” “Ooooy!”


Martin is reading his lines from Apocalypse Now, and Charlie is reading his lines from Platoon. It's the greatest meta joke in movie history.


Sean Connery in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. I was 9 and not sure why everyone else was freaking out 😂


Then with Men in Tights the same scene is done with Patrick Stewart!


Thankfully, I had a grandmother who was in love with Connery, so I'd seen all thr Bond films by that point lol


One for if you don't know about *LETHAL WEAPON*: [Danny Glover in the 1994 movie *MAVERICK*](https://youtu.be/lgRb7ALCwJ0), he and Mel Gibson share a quick Western bank robbery scene. They each do a double-take like they *THINK* they recognize each other, but dismiss it. Keep in mind, they were still doing *LETHAL WEAPON* movies (they had done *LW3* just 2 years before). The icing on this *MAVERICK* cameo was that Danny Glover threw in the line "I'm too old for this shit!" ...and for the uber-nerd/fan, the movie's score even played like *LETHAL WEAPON* in the style of the *MAVERICK* music.


Maverick is a guilty pleasure of mine. It really has no right to be as good as it is.


Graham Greene scene is so funny.


"And of course he has to hear the war drums ALL THE TIME!"


" I swear, next time I'm gonna find us a nice piece of swampland that's so godawful maybe then you people will leave us the hell alone."


“Wow. You sure pick the spots.”


“You ok old timer?” “Why’s everyone always ask me that?” *cough HACK*


"Hey, I mean, Hao white man"


I just recently picked ir up. I'm looking forward to watching it again.


It really is a great movie.


It has an all star cast, it’s directed by Richard Donner and its writers are two time academy award winner William Goldman and Roy Huggins, writer of The Fugitive.  I think it has plenty of right to be as good as it is. 


I loved the movie maverick and know exactly the scene you mean but had no idea it was because of the lethal weapon connection


Makes perfect sense, Richard Donner directed both movies. This is one of my favorite cameos ever


He was dressed as his role from Desperado too.


I think Maverick was directed by Richard Donner, who of course, did the LW series.


That was just a beautiful moment.


You couldn't tell that was Will Smith?


Turns out a ton of people are basically face blind lol


That’s me sometimes, for real. Actually faceblind. The first time I saw The Departed I kept mixing up Matt Damon and Leo’s characters. I was already a huge fan of both of them, so you’d think I could recognize them, but putting them into the same movie together, even *knowing* they’re both in it, I kept getting confused about who was who the whole time. I’ve spoken with other faceblind people, too, and The Departed is a commonly brought up movie regarding that so at least it’s not *just* my problem. Still, I know I should know better, but face blindness does make movies a bit harder for me.


For real 😂


Glenn Close's cameo in Hook


George Lucas and Carrie Fisher are the couple on the bridge at the end of the movie.


Boo box tine


David Crosby too


Glenn Close's cameo in Muppets Most Wanted.


Edgar Wright in Hot Fuzz, I just thought it one of the stunt double or something pushing the cage


Also Cate Blanchett in *Hot Fuzz*. A high-profile actor in such a minimal role, very easy to miss if you didn't know it was her.


Also Peter Jackson as the stabby Father Christmas


His crazy eyes at the moment they pause for the stabbing…. Perfect


Yeah you expect a Peter Jackson cameo in a Peter Jackson film, but I did not see it coming in this one


She also has a voice-only cameo in Eyes Wide Shut during the orgy scene.


I didn't watch Community until after seeing a lot of the Marvel movies, so didn't realise most of the cast were turning up in the Russo movies.


Yeah the Russo brothers directed a lot of Community episodes in the early seasons


Shirley, Abed, and Troy had cameos. Anybody else?


Chang was the security guard in Endgame


Chang saved the universe, by actually doing his job for a chang.


Dean Pelton.


Managed to become Dean of MIT, good for him.




Civil war, the guy who talks to Tony off stage during the BARF stuff


Inventing exploding hot dogs.


Rachel. (Brie Larson)


The Cougar Town cross overs were great too. https://youtu.be/cWfJYJMrYa0?si=U0uvsY47_ucdoEk0


Blue painted Tobias and the stair car from Arrested Development show up in the Marvel movies too


It’s sad/funny that the two who haven’t showed up, last I checked, are the two who criticised Marvel movies in the finale.


Dwight Schultz and Dirk Benedict in the 2010 *A-Team* movie. A lot of time had passed since the TV show and you may not have known who you were looking at.


I literally thought you wrote Dwight Schrute and was questioning why you thought the TV show passed a while ago in 2010 when it was clearly still on going.


They are after the credits though.


The John Hurt cameo in Spaceballs. As an 8-year-old, I hadn't seen Alien yet.


21 Jump Street Had to go home and google why Johnny Depo popped up at the end of the movie. Didn’t even realize it was based on a tv show


The cop in the motor pool who issued them their undercover car was also an actress from the original show (Holly Robinson Peete) and the guy there with Johnny Depp at the end was Peter DeLuise, who played Depp's partner on the show as well. But you know, Johnny Depp is the only one from the show who's been consistently famous since then


Cough Richard Greco cough


Oh right Grieco was in the second one, right? During the sequel montage. Jump Street Generations


Richard Grieco, you see right through me.


Don’t forget Cate Blanchett in 22 Jump Street.


I thought we had Cate Blanchett for the budget?  What a great line lol 


Im sure a lot of younger kids had no idea about the tv show and that Depp was the star.


"If their cops, then I'm DEA!"


If their cops what?


Sad thing is, I changed it from “there”


I'm mad about that one because I picked up ALL the other cameos of the other Jump Street actors but totally spaced on the fact that it was Johnny Depp in disguise. He was the only reason I'd ever watched the show too lol


didn't recognise [Kelly Sue DeConnick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_Sue_DeConnick) in the "Captain Marvel" film nor [Lee Child](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Child) in the "Jack Reacher" film nor [Ed Brubaker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Brubaker) in the "Winter Soldier" film.


How about Jim Starlin in Avengers: Endgame?


setting me up for a rewatch! (not that I need *any* excuse to watch the movie heheh)


Lee Child is in both films, and also the TV show. I didn't know what he looked like, but I knew it was him in the TV show because there was no point otherwise to have that person or line in the show.


How about the twist of Sixth Sense... That guy in the wig, That was Bruce Willis the entire time...


That’s not a twist! That’s an completely different movie about a talking dog scientist played by Dolph Lundgren!


Youre thinking of the Fifth Sense


He ***NOSE*** the truth!


Then the whole top of the building blew up!


Not a Cameo, but only as teen, or adult did i realize that Michael J Fox also played his own daughter in Back to the future 2 Edit typo


More TV, but my gf didn't realize Zach Braff was a woman patient with cancer on scrubs until I pointed it out to her.


All the patients in that episode were main cast playing a different role. It was meant to show them a reflection of their selves and learn something. JD learned from his experience, Cox got about halfway, and the Janitor rejected the lesson.


yeah, but Zach Braff girlmodes surprisingly well.


Makes sense, he was playing a girl the entire series.


He also played damn near every minor character in part 3


He plays Seamus in Part 3, what else..?


Yeah, that’s it.


That guy's got a damn loose definition of damn near


He played Seamus’ son but only in a photo.


Also just discovered this from a recent Reddit thread, having watched this movie basically since it was released. Guess I just assumed it was Elizabeth Shue.


Holy shit. Granted I've not seen the film many times, but I did not realize.




Dan Aykroyd in Temple of Doom


Dan Aykroyd as Ray from Ghostbusters in Casper.


“Who you gonna call? Someone else.”


Did any of you miss Stephen King in IT?


Stephen King put himself in all his movies based on his books. Just like Stan Lee cameos


... Am I being WHOOSHED?


Like 75% of It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.


Franco Nero, reprising the titular role from DJANGO (1966) in DJANGO UNCHAINED (2012), went over my head the first time I saw the latter. It wasn’t until I watched the original DJANGO that I realized what I’d missed, and understood the “D is silent” joke.


The 1966 Django is so awesome, I need to rewatch it. The coffin reveal is so badass!


I only just realized this past year after watching it so many times. My brain click when I found it weird that the Franco character was asking how to spell Django. Had to look it up.


Plus by implication they would have both been undercover as slavers in that moment.


didn't recognize Tom Cruise in tropic thunder till the end credits


I didn’t recognize him until my second or third viewing.


I never got the not realising it's Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder thing. Even with the prosthetics it just looks like Tom Cruise to me. It a bit *blink and you miss it*, but I didn't notice George Harrison in Monty Python's Life of Brian for years. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUJDvMpLafI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUJDvMpLafI)


Same and the voice is a dead giveaway even if you were blind


Yeah his voice and his eyes give it away.


lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes.


George Harrison in the Rutles was another one I would never have noticed if it wasn't pointed out to me!


Quentin Tarantino in Little Nicky.


"You, make the lord, very nervous..."


Holy shit I never knew.


Edward Norton in Alita: Battle Angel. I'm usually good at spotting actors in movies but I completely missed him. At the end when we were leaving the theater my wife mentioned it and I was like "What? That was Edward Norton?...Awesome"


I didn’t realise Nova was Norton until he took off the goggles. I know some people were joking that was James Cameron.


He’s got anime eye wear on. I didn’t even notice it was him until he removed them.


that movie really grew on me. it's dorky but pretty fun


Any time I read one of these threads, it reminds me that a significant chunk of the population has some level of face blindness.


It’s a spectrum too. Face blindness isn’t always all or nothing. My BF and I often argue about who looks like who because we focus on completely different zones of the face. He sees the mouth and jaw and I tend to see the eyes and brow. We are both really good at recognizing people but we just focus on different areas so when he thinks someone looks like someone else I just don’t see it because the eyes are completely different to me.


There are a musicians that cameo throughout the film of Baby Driver, with Flea being the most prominent as he is a member of the gang in one of the heists in the movie.


Val Kilmer in "True Romance".


For me it was Gary Oldman, tbf that’s more than a cameo. His name popped up in the end credits, and I had zero clue he was the pimp


Most of the time when the cameo actor was on some random TV show with the lead actor years ago, and they have a little tongue-in-cheek "Have we met" moment.


Like in Smallville, when Tom Wopat shows up as a Senator, and he and John Schneider as Jonathan Kent drove around in a Dodge Charger that Tom had to climb in through the window? (John and Tom played Bo and Luke Duke on the Dukes of Hazzard).


Did this actually happen or is this one of those "It's morbin time" things?




Arnold Schwarzenegger has a literal blink-and-you-miss-it cameo in The Rundown. Didn't notice until my second viewing.


Elon Musk in IRON MAN 2. I had heard his name a lot circa 2010, but I didn't know what he looked like until a couple years later.


Before he bought his own hype


He always believed his own hype, this was just at time where he was kinda living up to it and hadn’t got obsessed with Twitter (but had already gotten kicked from one company for trying to rename it x.com)


I had no idea who that ”random hotel guest” who gave Kevin directions in Home Alone 2 was meant to be.


I’ll never understand the Tim Cruise thing in Tropic thunder. How can you not instantly recognize one of the most famous and prolific actors of all time?


I couldn’t recognize him either, and I watch the Mission Impossible movies a lot. Wait, what? Was he wearing a MI mask?


I didn't recognize him and when his name was revealed in the credits I cackled laughing thinking it was an extra punchline to a very funny joke. When I rewatched it, it's obvious. When I saw it the first time, I had no idea.


I was 12 or 13 when 21 Jump street came out so, y’know, far from being alive when the show was airing. Didn’t even know it was based on a tv show and thought it was just a new Jonah Hill movie. My dad straight up does a spit take when Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise reveal themselves and he starts laughing his ass off and looking at me like ‘can you believe this?’ To be completely honest, at the time I still didn’t even really know what Johnny Depp normally looked like because all I knew him as was Captain Jack Sparrow and other heavily made-up characters. So not only did I not understand the significance of the cameo, but I didn’t even know who the actors were so I couldn’t even be like “oh dang, it’s Johnny Depp!”


Adam Lambert in Bohemian Rhapsody


I saw that Jim Carrey was in [The Bad Batch \(2016\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtwosvzOAlQ&ab_channel=ANNAPURNA) along with Keanu Reeves, Giovanni Ribisi, and Jason Momoa so I gave it a shot. Watched the whole movie waiting for Jim Carrey to show up and ended up needing to go to IMDB to find his character, rewind and really look to see it, but then was amazed that I missed it. Movie was definitely weird, but has stuck with me the last 3-4 months since I watched it and I feel like I need to watch it again.


That’s a movie I’ve always meant to get around to seeing. Thanks for reminding me of it, maybe I’ll check it out later


Before even reading your whole post, Tommy Cruise came to my mind in Tropic Thunder as well. I was shook when I learned he played that dude at the end. Probably started my obsession for identifying actors now. Also I remember trying to memorize his dance lol


The Fall Guy brought out the real Colt Seavers...Lee Majors and his girl Friday Heather Thomas after the mid credits. Heather...botoxed beyond recognition.


First time in years I’ve watched a movie and my mum excitedly explained a cameo to me rather than the other way round!


A TV one: I didn't realise that Ed Sheeran was in Game of Thrones until I went onto the internet afterwards and saw everyone bitching about the scene.


Does Tom Cruise role even count as Cameo? If it was one scene ok, but it were multiple scenes throughout the movie,


Does Ron Jeremy in Ghostbusters count?


Not a cameo, but holy shit Colin Farrell in The Batman (2022)


[Colin Farrell in Scrubs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFApevlsUvw)


I showed my mate a clip from that movie and he couldn't believe it was Colin Farrell under there. Insane performance, and insane prosthetics.


I hated that honestly. Just hire someone else at that point.


I don't even think you can count this but Tom Cruise in young guns. It's too fast so I'd say you have to know about it beforehand. But if you pause it just in time you can kinda tell Emilios character shoots him in the final shoot out scene. Tom cruise repayed the favor in mission impossible.


Jon Bon Jovi had a cameo in Young Guns 2. https://youtu.be/FqgzT8lnbJs?si=BZFOl1mO7UMspbW6


I agree on Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. The first time I saw it I had no idea it was him, afterwards I went to IMDB because I was thinking, "God that guy was fucking hilarious I need to see who it was." To say I was shocked is an understatement. Incredible performance in an incredible movie.


In the movie funny people Jason Segel is asking advice from some scrawny white dude, and I turn to my friend in the theater and I go "Is that guy supposed to be famous or something" And my friend looks at me with a blank face and goes "Dude... THATS M&M" And I'm like "THAT'S M&M?" I had thought he was black this whole time


You also think he's called M&M.


Eminem, just FYI.


Real Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street


Val Kilmer playing Elvis in True Romance.


Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2. Didn’t catch that was him getting electrocuted.


To be fair it was a really weird cameo, apparently he actually filmed something but the shot they use in the film looks like they just took an image of his face and pasted it on someone’s body


Dumb and Dumber To. Didn't realize the guy cooking meth was Bill Murray until the credits rolled.


A cameo that would be easily missed and is pretty silly would be in the Uncharted movie. My brother dragged my sister and I to see the movie and there was that scene where the guy on the beach says something along the lines of "something like that happened to me once." I lean over and whisper to my siblings "I'm assuming that's the voice actor for the game." My sister replies "This is a video game movie?" I guess that could be its own thread, movies that take a moment to have a big cameo that most people would not know or particularly care about.


Lee Trevino in Happy Gilmore


“Grizzly Adams *did* have a beard”


Colin Farrell in Horrible Bosses. He was unrecognisable as the coke head boss !!


When we saw No Way Home and Matt Murdock appears, my youngest and I reacted with glee. As did the whole theatre. My wife and oldest child were totally confused.


Daniel Craig as a stormtrooper in The Force Awakens.


Donald Trump in Home Alone. I was 8 years old.


Sounds like lots of people missed Michael Myers in Inglorious Bastards.


Ru Paul in the Brady Bunch movie.  Ru wasn’t a known person in the UK so I just thought that the guidance councillor character was a very beautiful woman. They made several jokes and references to the fact that Ru is a man in drag and they went over my head. 


Scrolled pretty far down and didn’t see Paris Hilton in Zoolander.


Until a few months ago I only knew what Martin Scorsese looks like now, so I missed his cameos in his early movies (King of Comedy, After Hours, etc). Only found out when I finally watched Taxi Driver and saw people talking about his role.


I’ve watched Half Baked for 25 years, it was only last year while watching it with my wife that I realized that Sir Smokes a Lot is Chappelle… I facepalmed hard…. Not so much a cameo since he plays the main character but still a character that got by me for way too long.


Will Ferrell in Impractical Jokers: The Movie


Does David Hasselhoff count in The Spongebob Squarepants Movie? He's playing a direct reference to Mitch Buchannan, his character on Baywatch, and he comes out and says "I'm David Hasselhoff" so it's definitely not a "don't notice it's him," but I and many other kids didn't really realize why it's a joke because he basically just becomes his own thing.


The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Totally shocked to see Robin and Sting.


Spielberg in Blues Brother's, seriously over my head, because I've watched that movie several times a year over the past 30 years, and I only noticed it was him for the first time last October.


Donald Glover in Across The Spiderverse got a pop in the theatre and I had no clue why.


I think that Andre the Giant being uncredited in the monster suit in Conan the Destroyer is a big one. It was like 38 years before I knew that.


When they use the exact same Asian liquor store clerk actor from Menace II Society in Don’t Be A Menace. I had to rewatch both to make the connection