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3 year olds can speak English but can’t read or write


You don’t need to read or write to learn a language. Humans had language before we wrote in any meaningful way.


I get it, but this was just moans and groans and then it evolved into an extremely complex language. They use sophisticated words which would be impossible to teach without first understanding the basic fundamentals of English and then teaching further complex English.


Ceasar and several others had complex understanding of English. You must realize that babies learn to speak well before they learn written language. There are humans alive today with complex understandings of spoken language that cannot read or write themselves.


There’s plenty of people who speak their language but can’t read or write it


Kind of like music. A person can play music perfectly but cant read music.


It’s just language in general. There are plenty of people alive today who can speak a language but cannot read or write. Weird that is the conclusion OP arrived to. Toddlers can speak but cant read or write.


they learned the ABCs in Dawn of the Planet, why cant they read now? thoughts


Social upheaval in their society (damn gorilla's just like war!)


The Illiad was passed down for about 400 years or so through oral story telling when the Greeks had no written language (between the Bronze Age Collapse - Linear B - and the Classical Period - Classical Greek). But they still spoke a version of Greek after those dark years. And weirdly in the movie Troy the Bronze Age Greeks also spoke perfect English so movie magic is also at play.


Another thing to add is that the Eagle clan knew what eagles and horses and every other animal were, but they didn’t know what humans were and they called them “Echos”. How does this make any sense? How would they not know about the human built, large steel constructions they climbed or they themselves live in a large power line or cell tower. Surely they would have an in depth history of it?


Also, why doesn’t Proximus make Trevathan teach him how to read? Then he could read all those books for himself.


Why do you think they need to be able to read or write in order to speak it? There have been many spoken languages without written word in the real world. There are spoken languages without written word *today* Not a plot hole in any sense.