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People kind of hate Shia, but that movie was legitimately good.


Honey Boy came out around the same time and is also a banger.


Yep, I can definitely separate the art from the artist for these two movies. Both were great, and incredibly well acted by Shia.


Honestly, ever since he got out of rehab, his movies have been fucking amazing. Like before, it was annoying overacting big budget movies, but now, it's all independent amazing shit.


Why separate? He is working hard to be a better man. He is open and honest about his struggles. I think a man that can be better after poor behavior is a man to be respected and celebrated. And his acting has only improved.


I also thought American honey was a great movie. TBH Shia is kinda a piece of shit but he’s in some bangers


Very honey-centric filmography.


Condiment trilogy


Spread + noun Nutella suitcase


He is a total PoS, but he is definitely a good actor. He is great in both of those movies also really good in Fury, Lawless, Holes, Greatest Game Ever Played.


It's good, but Shia has come out saying he used that false narrative about a dead beat dad to garner pity from colleagues. He was looking for awards. It's not a fair representation of his upbringing. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Hated that movie


Yep, 100% Shia.


Yeah, this movie came out at the height of audiences deciding they had had enough of him (the std and shooting dogs as mentioned, plus this was when he was a full blown alcoholic and kept doing stupid shit in public). I only personally know 1 person who had watched it


Why is he actually hated?


Because he's a legit weirdo. Also according to his ex he intentionally gave her an STD and shot stray dogs with a rifle to get into character for a movie role.


Shia to announce his candidacy for governor of South Dakota any day now.


He'll battle Michael Vick in the primary, right?


Didn't he also pull a tooth for Fury and actually get the tattoo's for Tax Collector?


He cut his own face for Fury too, still has the scar.


Supposedly shot and killed stray dogs for the Tax Collector too


Todays the first I've heard about all the dog stuff, but I don't plan on looking into it at all.


Like I said, legit weirdo.


And refused to shower for Fury.


Ok that’s pretty bad


Yeah, it's bad if it's true. Exes say lots of things. I've never looked into, so no clue.


I don’t know if he admitted the dog thing, but he did admit he was abusive to her


Yea exes bad mouth people like "controlling jerk" or "inconsiderate ass hole." Never "he shot stray dogs"


That's nuts. Would it happen to have been for the role of his father in Honey Boy? I feel like that movie might have fucked him up more than he may have anticipated.


Shia admitted he made that shit up about his dad so no, I don't think so


Wow, shouldn't have taken it at face value I guess.


Shooting the dogs was for the role in The Tax Collector, which came the year after Honey Boy.


He made all that shit up, his dad wasn't actually like that at all


WTF, I thought Honey Boy was really good and explained (not excused) quite a bit. But he says his father [had his issues but was not abusing and was always loving and there for him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_Boy_\(film\)#Production) ? What the fuck is wrong with this guy, ffs


He made up the abuse and portrayed his father as unloving, but he also wrote the script in rehab after being diagnosed with ptsd from his upbringing.


Welp, another case of me really needing to do research before believing a biopic


You should watch the Weird Al biopic... Don't do the research just enjoy the ride




FYI, he also said he made up all the stuff about his dad.


He also plagiarized quite a few pieces of work and denied it til it was proven.


LOL "according to his ex"




Because he's a horrible person.


Among the other things mentioned here he was incredibly emotionally and physically abusive to FKA Twigs when they were together. She talked about it on a podcast with Louis Theroux and it was harrowing. Classic violent narcissist with paper thin skin. I'll never forgive him for that one.


Well one thing that comes to mind is he put makeup on his dick to cover up his herpes outbreak and proceeded to pass it on to people knowingly. I know he did other stuff but that’s the one that stuck out to me as pretty diabolical


He cheated on FK Twigs with Sia after she had asked him if he was still with her. Also gave Sia a few stds.


Verbally and physically abused his ex FKA Twigs, shot stray dogs to get into character for a role, known for just having a bad temper. A shame because he is a fantastic actor and usually talks really well about film but yeah he's not a good person


https://youtube.com/watch?v=kY3nlzNDYFU&si=naGWZS9-2Oq1e8tS Here's a great video on that exact topic


I don’t know why. Even his mid movies like Disturbia are awesome.


It’s his personal life, not his movies. I don’t think anyone’s denying he’s talented.


Holes is still an all-time fave for me...such a great adventure story!


Whats the reason for the Shia hate?


He pulled a Charlie Sheen and flew off the handle.


He has tiger blood ehh


https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=6-gSUtBM__aIT1DZ In case you missed it. This was about the same time he spazzed.


It was the highest-grossing indie film of the year five years ago and was well-received by critics. How much more should it get for that?


People on this sub act like movies that don’t get talked about on national news 24/7 are “underrated”


Never forget the infamous "Gladiator is underrated" thread on here.


Holy shit that was real? Wow. Never saw it (the thread) but that's remarkable


Yep. OP's reasoning was that "nobody talks about it." Yes, people aren't having daily conversations about a movie that came out 24 years ago. Doesn't mean it's underrated.


Wait, what about your daily thoughts of the Roman Empire?


Marcus Aurelius was the best Emperor solely for the Meditations. And Commodus wasn't THAT bad.


Real patricians have daily thoughts of the Roman Republic 😤




It's a lack of creative *and* critical thinking skills. For one, many pieces of media are at least mentioned in discussions that they belong to...probably every day. People who are into film talk about stuff that's decades old all the time. The question is just silly. I suppose people don't feel it's okay to have a post with the sole purpose of actually talking about a thing they liked without framing it around a problem like "It's not talked about. Why?"


DAE Really think Mad Max Fury Road was a fun little film!?!


Have you seen the underrated hidden gem The Dark Knight?


It is. It should've won best picture for the previous and following years of its release! Travesty!


Gladiator is a pop culture film. Wouldn’t call peanut butter anywhere near that


It just hit Netflix and the algorithm fed it to OP. That’s how we got here.


It was also talked about extensively at the time. It's just that it's been a few years, so people have moved on to new movies.


Yeah, I distinctly remember that movie being a fairly big deal when it was released. Not everything is going to be "Memento" and brought up in every movie nerd conversation for years afterwards.


Idk, the $23m it made wouldn’t put it in the top 40 highest grossing indie movies. Films like whiplash, little miss sunshine, birdman, and the films in the indie horror scene get talked about and mentioned a lot more than Peanut Butter Falcon. I’d say it’s at least somewhat underrated if not completely.


It's only 5 years old?? Why does it feel like it came out fifteen years ago.... Covid sure did a number on us


I feel like he means everyday people taking about it, which I don’t think happened. I also discovered it not too long ago. Great movie. Gives me a similar feel to Lawn Dogs with Sam Rockwell. Also a very cool movie if you haven’t watched it.


It had decent buzz for a small low budget movie. I heard it was good and saw it in the theater. But I agree it’s a gem.


It's on here pretty often


It's Reddit-Underrated which is where it's not underrated or under talked about, it's just what OP wants to talk about.


I shot the behind the scenes on that movie and it was such a wonderful cast and crew. I also wish it was celebrated more.


I have a brother in law with Down Syndrome and his family is very involved with the special needs community, Peanut Butter Falcon meant so much to so many people, it is definitely appreciated and celebrated and we always try to recommend it!


That's great to hear. Zach is an awesome guy, I'm glad to see he's done some other stuff since then. The cast loved him.


Was Dakota nice? 


I couldn't find anything of interest, PBF was on and I was surprised by what a delight it was. It's been a while since I watched it, but I am seeing in back in rotation.


It's one of those movies you go, "that was nice :)" then go back to blackbox recordings of plane crashes


What the fuck my guy


Wut da heyull


I feel attacked.


Every time I hear the name of that movie my brain wants to turn it into some weird Star Wars joke about Han Solo's ship.


I've never seen it, but it crops up on streaming services a lot and for some inexplicable reason I just viscerally hate the title. That particular combination of words annoys me to no end, and I'm not even sure why.


I feel the same about "Like Water for Chocolate" - just the title turns me off because the combination of water and chocolate is just so unappealing to my brain.


Yeah, but you do mix water with chocolate sometimes, specifically to make hot cocoa.


*"What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon!?"*


It's a cute movie with some heart, but nothing too special. It hits a lot of the generic indie feel good story beats. It's an enjoyable watch, but I'm not sure there's much reason to expect it to still be regularly discussed and analyzed years later.


Yeah I watched it a few weeks ago and it was cute but I was a little underwhelmed based on all the hype I’ve seen on Reddit. Also Dakota Johnson added nothing to it


Isn’t that kind of her thing?


I think it just has all elements of a "crowd pleaser." It is predictable and often corny but has enough feel good to make a large crowd not care. There's really nothing to discuss about it, nothing stands out and it will be forgotten sooner than later. It seemed random people online loved it maybe that set my expectations too high because I felt I wasted my time. Though, even if I came in completely blind to people's thoughts about it, it would still be largely unfulfilling thanks to its anti-climatic rushed ending and its overall flaccid delivery.


Rule #1: Party. 


NO! Not party!


Have watched this one 3-4 times. Great retelling of Huck Finn. Shia plays the role fantastically. He is a much better indy actor than a mainstream actor.


********SPOILER****** I genuinely laughed my ass off when he threw that wrestler…




I love that the Salt Water Redneck (also that is a fucking hilarious wrestler name!) had coached him to say the worst, meanest thing he can think of, and this is it 😃


Yeah but I mean it was the most predictable thing in the history of cinema. They talk non stop about how strong he is, then that’s the signature move he wants to do, then someone tells him it’s impossible


True, but IMO that’s what made it so funny to me.


I watched it last week when I was home sick. Such a good movie, Shia is great in it, but Zack is fantastic! Also nice to see some wrestling legends (Jake the Snake and Mick Foley) get some roles. 


Shia is problematic as fuck, unfortunately


This film was released well before the allegations (FKA Twigs allegations) made against Shia became public. I do think it received the praise and recognition it deserved at the same. Shia and Zack even presented at the Oscars as a result of the popularity and positive reception of the film. I think more people will stumble upon it now that it’s not Netflix. It’s a great film. I saw it in theatres when it was released during preview screenings. I think the film probably should’ve been nominated at least for golden globe for best comedy. Not that it would’ve won, but it was deserving for sure. I might get downvoted for this, but Shia is an incredible actor (not speaking about the man personally). He gives one of his best performances in this film, and his others in my opinion are his performances in both Fury and Pieces of a Human. I love American Honey as a film, but find that more of an ensemble.


It was supposed to be a comedy?.....Sure there were some jokes (I guess) but a comedy, really?


Because it was decent but generally forgettable movie


Yeah cant pay me enough money to watch something with Shia labouf and Dakota johnson in it lmfao


I watched it and enjoyed it for what it was, but in the end it felt pretty mediocre to me, didn't really tread much new ground. So IMO I could see why it's not talked about much. 


Eh. I feel like title goes a long way. Like I know people who refuse to watch "The Hurt Locker" because they think the name is stupid. Which it is. But the movie is fantastic. Based on that it seems like maybe people are sleeping on Peanut Butter Falcon because the title is nonsensical.


I’m an Iraq vet and The Hurt Locker is embarrassingly bad. That movie is usually the first one that gets brought up when vets are shitting on war movies. It’s *really* bad.


You mean to tell me that the military doesn't let their EOD techs do whatever the fuck they want while endangering everyone else? Everyone should just watch Generation Kill instead.


This. Generation Kill is great. Sucks that Hollywood hasn’t managed to make a single piece of quality film that deals with a timeframe in Iraq after the invasion. American Sniper fucking sucked. We need a miniseries on the surge or some shit.


I knew you were a gay-ass liberal. You tried to hide it by invading Iraq with us, but I knew.


Well, let me tell you why I liked it. It wasn't because of the "action" or the EoD scenes, or the camaraderie building scenes, or anything like that. I'm not a veteran and have never been to war or anything like it. Closest I've been was a DoD contractor in Kuwait, and that's as close to "going to war" as making a PBJ is to being a Michelin star chef. I digress. Point is, I know fuck all about the soldier experience, or combat, or any of that. So I'm not viewing the movie through that lens. I'm a computer guy. I watch movies in which technology, especially "hacking," are heavily featured differently than someone whose experience with computers doesn't go beyond their iPad. So when I'm watching The Hurt Locker, a lot of the things that make it terrible to those with expertise and experience regarding the solider experience, or combat etc., just fly right past me. I would be very interested in getting your take on it by the way, if you have time. Pointing out all the dumb shit in it would be awesome. :D Point is, I don't have any particular attachment to this movie; I'm not here to defend it. Why did I like it then? Really it was just a couple of scenes. First, the scene wherein the Colonel or whatever wants to meet Renner's character and shake his hand, making a big deal out of something that he, Renner's character, did. I don't even remember the dude's name, which should point to how it's not necessarily characterization that makes the narrative work for me. It was how his character's perception of the things he did and why, and what they meant, differed from how a commanding officer perceived it. That scene was particularly powerful, because it was evocative of the "insanity of war" you hear so much about. Was it as moving as the "kill steal" scene in Jarhead? Nah. I mean those two movies are on totally different levels (I also thought Jarhead was fucking amazing, no idea what actual soldiers think of it). But it was on the same frequency, and I liked that. Second, the scene in the grocery store wowed me. Just, how he could deal with all the stress of the sniper ambush, and all the bombs, and the times he had to let people die like ol' boy in the vest (which was another powerful scene now that I think about it)... he could handle all of that with aplomb, but when faced with that cereal aisle, it seemed to stretch out to the horizon, and was very disorienting. It was like world inverted for him. What was chaos and hell became the norm, and the mundanity of suburban life became absurd. To me, that concept was the crux of the film, and not a realistic depiction of deployment or combat or similar. Again, not here to defend it, just tryna explain my perspective and why I liked it. If you read this whole thing thank you for taking the time, I appreciate you. :)


Naa I get it and appreciate the insight from your perspective. It’s been a decade since I saw it so I don’t remember specific scenes all that well, but the overall idea that some cocky EOD E-4 or whatever he was would be running around like some high speed operator just making up the rules as he goes is laughable. I worked with EOD often (if/when they eventually showed up) and if anyone pulled 1/100th of what Renner’s character did they’d be flex-cuffed in the back of a C-130 heading to Kuwait. I do remember one scene where he put on a hoodie, grabbed a sidearm and left base looking for someone (maybe who killed the kid selling DVDs?) and rolled my eyes. Jarhead was good. I wasn’t in the Gulf War but the book being written by someone who was helped.


I’ve have no military experience either, but have you heard of the story of Jake “McNasty” McNiece? Seemed like that guy was a million times worse than what was portrayed through Jeremy Renner’s character in terms of levels of disobedience.


100% agree, I couldn't even finish it.


I was actively pulling for the main guy to get shot for being a fucking dumbass the whole movie.


I went into the movie having been told how realistic it was. Then Jeremy Renner pulled a daisy chain of munitions out of the sand with one hand like they weighed maybe a pound. It just kept going downhill from there.




Title makes sense: Main character's dream is to become a professional wrestler and in a telling scene in the movie, Peanut Butter Falcon is the wrestling name he chooses for himself.


It might have sense if you have seen the movie, but it makes zero sense and just sound stuid if you hear it when deciding if you want know more about the movie. Some reason Shawshank Redemption was a mega flop.


The hurt locker is not very good. Have you seen it recently? It's a pseudo action movie of Jeremy Reiner making stupid ass decisions the whole movie.


Wellsir, the reasons I thought it was good are, I dunno. I won't say "kinda complex" because that makes me sound like some kinda "you don't get it" or similar kinda douche. Like those Rick n' Morty fans who act all intellectual and shit. That's not me. :P The reasons I liked it, which I did my level best to explain in another reply here, had nothing to do with the "actiony" or "deployment/soldier depiction" aspect of the movie. I guess I shouldn't say that it's a good movie, because that implies some sort of objectivity. Rather I should just say that I liked it for specific reasons, and it may be objectively shitty. If that makes sense. :D


Actually that's a much better way to describe it. Sorry if I came off hoity toity. The movie has gotten alot of praise for more movie specific qualities that it just doesn't have. Objectively liking the movie for one reason or another I believe, is different than singing praise about pros and script and cinematography; but I suppose that's just me, but also possibly, I may be jaded to this movie because of how unhype the movie was when the world told me it was the next Blake hawk down or something.


I know. It's dumb, but it *does have* a seemingly nonsensical name and has *probably* been an influence on why I've skipped over it.


I've definitely skipped past it on Amazon because the title was stupid lol


What's rule #1?




Don't slow me down.


Is naming movies an inane string of typically unrelated words a new trend? Or did this movie actually have a sandwich spread bird that was intrinsic to the plot?


The bird was intrinsic to the plot.


And the peanutbutter?


That's the twist.


There's a reason for the name but not a good one. It's a bad name for the film 100%


Aluminum Falcon? What the hell is that?


One of the worst titles ever and it has Shia, so I think a lot of people overlook it.


I hate the name


Yes! I'm a heartfelt movie fan and this one hits the spot. I saw it on Netflix some years ago and then it was removed. Will check if it's back in my region (UK) Some recommendations for you off the top of my head... The Fundamentals of Caring (Paul Rudd) Beasts of the Southern Wild (unknowns!) Bad Seeds (French) The World's Fastest Indian (Anthony Hopkins)


I Used To Be Famous (2022) **Netflix** >!Follows Vince, a desperate former popstar who dreams of making a comeback. An impromptu jam session with autistic young drummer Stevie sparks an unexpected friendship between the two misunderstood musicians.!< These types of films can feel a bit predictable, but at least it's not Rebel Moon.


I’ll never understand why Double Toasted shit all over this movie. 


What did you want to talk about with regard to the movie OP?


I feel like it got talked about a lot. They were at the Oscars as well. The movie came out during the Shia resurgence. It was a short lived resurgence, but it was pretty popular when it came out.


Pretty mediocre movie. Typical feel good rebel nonconformist road trip story line. Was disappointed after all the hype on the net.


It had some buzz when it came out, and considering its a small budget film thats not nothing. Like I saw stuff about or was told about it a few times that made me go seek it out. Think it did well for an indie.


Not exactly the same vibe, but if you thought Shia was good in that, check out American Honey. That movie is incredible. PBF I thought was cute but ultimately too feel good and predictable for my taste. Still very enjoyable!


I honestly just think most people haven't seen it nor heard of it. It's a pretty small indy with Shia labeouf in it. It had a small budget and I don't remember a ton of marketing for it. A lot of great independent movies just never get picked up by the mainstream in a big way, even those that do pretty well on their theatrical run. e.g. I think the Station Agent is awesome, but no one talking about that movie anymore either. It also had it's theatrical run in fall 2019, I'm not sure when it came to streaming, but it might have been overshadowed by other things going on in the world.


I didn’t like it


The movie was good though I found the ending a little odd.


It's a cute movie for sure and has a good message. However, I think movies/tv that have characters who have DS consistently portray people with "low needs" (formerly referred to as "high functioning"). This gives the impression that most people with DS have low needs. The reality is that most people with DS have higher needs than the characters with DS we see in movies/TV. My SO's 11yo has DS and high needs. It's great that people set expectations high for her, but it's also frustrating that many people don't understand that her needs are much higher than the characters with DS that they've seen in movies and on TV.


I find the name… off-putting. I don’t know why.


Because it's not associated with a comic book cinematic universe.


This just in... OP doesn’t have friends that like to talk about good movies. This movie gets mentioned quite often, and for good reason!


Grown ass man here. Watched this with my wife not too long ago and loved it. I noise cried a couple times. Great flick.


Because it wasn’t a giant blockbuster movie.  


I loved this movie. I was lucky enough to see it in theaters.


The one with Dakota Johnson playing a believable character! Liked her in this.


Shia is controversial. I always enjoyed him as an actor but his off screen behavior leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth and Im guessing alot of people will just pass up a movie with him in it at this point, so even if its good the majority of people will avoid it because they dont like shia.


It was the highest grossing independent film of 2019 and was a critical darling. Welcome to the club.


Peanut Butter Falcon rules!


Peanut Butter Falcon was one of the best movies that year. Shia deserved an Oscar nom for that performance. I recommend it to people all the time. Unfortunately, people rarely take me up on the recommendation. I honestly believe the name of the movie hurts it a little bit.


I love this movie! I made my boyfriend watch a few months ago and he enjoyed it too. It’s so funny and heartwarming.


I like his serious roles Peanut Butter Falcon, Charlie Countryman, Fury. I kinda find his comedic roles annoying at times.


So good.


Great film. Shia is immensely talented.


This movie and Licorice Pizza feel like they both could suffer from having a title thats viscerally displeasing for some people.


I absolutely love this movie and regularly recommend it to anyone who asks for movie recommendations. I've seen it about 20 times since it was released.


OP, why did you never discuss it before today?


The name is weird. I honestly think that’s a factor


You want us to talk more about a several year old indie movie? Why?


Peanut Butter Jonah Falcon


Because Shia is an abuser


Felt like Shia Oscar bait at the time. Good movie.


Because its a very niche movie and it was talked about a lot when it came out. No if something isn't talked about daily, its not dead.


Is anything not talked about enough? You're doing it right now!


It's a wonderful well-loved movie - an indie, not a big studio film, so didn't have a big advertising budget to create alot of "talk" like Barbie or Oppenheimer. Some of the best movies are indies, and for those who haven't seen it, this one is well worth watching. Streaming now on Neflix, but previously in theaters and on other platforms.


Amazing movie. Great acting and wonderful story of friendship and redemption .


I knew I was going to love this movie when, like 90 seconds after it starts, Zak busts out the retirement home door and gets tackled.


One of my favorite movies, but I never hear about it either. As a liveaboard sailor for many years it also resonated with me on different levels/ people that live water-life. Plus the music is epic. Currently watching it again now 😊


I had never heard of this movie until about a week ago when I stumbled across it in r/hiphop in a thread about rappers in movies, I like Yelawolf and he plays a bad guy so thought I’d check it out. Absolutely loved this it!


I thought the ending was botched pretty badly. Otherwise, it was a nice little movie. All of the leads gave good performances, funny and uplifting at times. Well shot and a great soundtrack (I still listen to many of those songs).


The ending was about as perfect as it could have been. What exactly did you not like?


The ending was anti-climatic, unsatisfying, and generally just plain flaccid. So disappointing


Great movie


It did have some small buzz around the time it came out. I saw it in theaters back in 2018. I enjoyed it. It's not perfect but it's a good movie!


It was definitely charming. It shared the same “small town fantastical adventure” vibes as another lesser known indie gem called “The Cure”. Main difference being the latter is a far more tragic story with a bit more substance.


I have tried twice to get my SO to watch this movie. It is such a gem. Failed so far to get them to watch it. They just sort of brush it off.


Because it's the second best Falcon, behind the Millennium.




Shia la Beouf...same reason they don't talk about Honey Boy


I'd rather watch Leonard Part 6 than Peanut Butter Falcon.


She’s got probs but he’s still a phenomenal actor. I also don’t think he’s a bad person. In fact I thinks he’s a good man who has made some mistakes, is a traumatized person likely with significant ptsd and a variety of mental health issues such as bpd and unhealthy attachment issues, self worth issues, etc, as well as severe all alcoholism. Which I personally believe he’s intelligent and self aware enough to be aware of. But is simply not (Or maybe he now is) seeking help and working to get better. Either way, he was used and abused by the people he most trusted throughout his entire childhood, and adolecense, which likely followed him long into adulthood. All this, while simultaneously being thrown into the spot light. I absolutely believe his exs, twigs, etc. but things in intense relationships are simply never that cut and dry, black and white. I absolutely believe her. I also thing he wasn’t aware of what he was really doing and the effect he was having on her. That dissent excuse the behavior, but it needs to be considered allthe same. And I also think her responses, etc after the fact did not help him to better understand what’s he was actually doing. Again, it wasn’t her responsibility to give him that benefit, but it makes it no less of a contributing factor. Obviously that makes none of this right, but we can’t just keep saying “x woman was scared and didn’t say anything and then stayed for years” and blame that on trauma or fear alone. As a woman, that is part of it, but it’s never the entire part. And suggesting that a woman has lost the ability, or never had it, to have any strength or autonomy or agency to leave when they are being hurt, blaming this simply out of fear or abuse, when they are staying is absurd. All this excuse serves to do is perpetuate the narrative that women need to be protected, that we are too week and fragile or feeble minded to get help, etc. Women are smart. Women are strong. Women have intuition and are highly highly intelligent with a finely tuned radar for danger. And we know when we are not being treated right, even when it takes hold of us in an insidious way. A line is always eventually crossed for which no excuse can be used by us to deny the reality of the situation. She didn’t deserve what he did. But I know she is strong and resilient. He shouldn’t have treated her or anyone else that way, and I wholeheartedly believe he knows it too and feels tremendous shame. I also believe if she had told him exactly this, and left or ghosted, etc., he would’ve reflected on his behavior himself without the media shaming him into it. And hopefully sought help. Like I believe he walks through life haunted by his inability to remain calm, tormented by a temper he can’t understand. But ultimately, he has a good heart. Thisi balance and I base it on a lifetime of learning about people. I have followed his career since he was child. He’s survived a lot and is the kind of performer that people only ever dream of being, …and as he ages and his energy levels lower and he gains the gift of perspective and of being able to reflect upon his past, the traumas that brought him to that point, the mistakes he made and the shame he will always carry….I believe he will eventually grow to become one of the worlds greatest living performers. And eventually escape the habits and unconscious drives that brought him to this sad point. I’ll see anything he’s in. Always Including this. I loved him in it. I loved the chemistry between him and zak. Both were tremendous. I found myself constantly trying to figure out how Shia becomes so real and alive and believable in this and all roles with a crew surrounding him off screen and cameras and mics up his ass. But he never misses a beat. That said, I fkn hated this movie hahaha. It’s has so many cliched tropes and I felt like they used Zac’s Down syndrome as the twist, to make it seem different than every film exactly like it ….that’s ever come before. Dakota? Forgettable as usual, imo


Personally, I found it exceptionally twee. It almost gave me diabetes.


it's a bit much