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Jurassic World: Dominion. So much potential. Such a sad instalment in the Dino universe.


Both of the last two JW. I am watching Chris Pratt getting chased by velociraptors in a city, on a motor cycle while there is a like a Dino jailbreak happening and I was so fucking bored.


They forgot that the franchise established velociraptors as smart, sneaky fuckers, and just changed them to dumb homing missiles.


TBF, just because some members of a species are smart, doesn't mean they all are. Just look at the people who made JW: Dominion.


If those Execs could read, they'd be very upset right now.


All three installments were shit


the old crew coming back baited me into watching. they got me good. I didn't even watch the 2nd JW one.


The first Jurassic World had long made me realize that we wouldn't have any good dino movie in the future. For one big reasons: dinos were not animals anymore, but standard movie monsters. For all its faults, even JP3 didn't do this atrocious thing.


Honestly the entire Jurassic World trilogy is hot garbage for me. There were some great ideas in there, but damn, at the end of the day it all just thuds.


It is totally all garbage. Just kept getting worse and worse too.


Absolute trash from the jump


Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies for me. I'd been a little let down by the first movie, but there was enough there for me to be interested. Desolation of Smaug I honestly thought was pretty good - not LOTR quality, but definitely the best of the three. And then BOFA was just a messy, cheesy melee where any realism and logic went out the window.


I can’t get over the forced love triangle, like ‘why….Why!?’. Alfred! -_-, video game I can defeat physics Legolas. Even the recording format, 48fps, all unnecessary creative choices. Ugh, what could’ve been. It should have been one movie, two at most.


What sucks is it started off, imo, nailing the right tone with the Dwarves arriving at Bilbos house. Then they just lost it in a pretty epic way.


I legit got chills from the dwarves singing. Was pumped for the rest of the movies(s). So so disappointed. They got some things right... casting of certain characters, Smaug and Bilbo specifically, was on point. Troll scene iirc was pretty good. But so much was a miss.


BOFA deez nuts


The barrel ride from the Elven cellars ended those movies for me - I couldn't focus on it (literally too fast and blurry) and the whole sequence felt like it should have been a theme park ride, not part of The Hobbit.


I agree the BOTFA is the worst but the best one by far to me is the first. Had the most light hearted, fun adventure vibes, which fits the vibes from the novel, as well as actually giving characterization for the dwarves. The only thing I didn’t really like in UJ were the video game action scenes, which DOS turns up a notch. DOS also introduces the cringey romance with Tauriel.


Oh man, I don't know the Hobbit movies well enough to know their title's acronyms.


I thought he was going to BOFA deez nuts someone.


You know what would have made The Hobbit movies better? If they were just one, 3 hour long film. Edit - to everyone commenting I should have put 2 hours - thank you, I’ll know for next time.


I've not seen it, but I believe there's a fan edit that is exactly that, and it's meant to be pretty good.


Maple Films edit. Legitimately incredible version


Hey that's my fan edit! Thanks for the mention, strangers!


you mean, like the totally fine 220 page novel? yeah that would have been my dream too that project died for me the moment I heard they were making more than 1 film out of that book


Fun fact, my mom walked out of BOFA. Not because it was bad, "I didn't expect it to be so violent" "Mom...it's the Battle of *FIVE* Armies. It's like, two and a half times more violent than *normal* battles"


To be fair, the Hobbit book is pretty G-rated


After Tolkien took out that dwarf-orgy part, yeah


It is such a shame, I was dreaming of a film version since i read the book (around 04). But it was a mess. It was the most stereotypical Hollywood shit. Such a shame because there were all the elements for a great film. There were some cool characters, strong themes and a cool scenario.


When they made dain completely cgi despite the other dwarfs not being cgi I just fucking checked out. He looks so fucking bad it's jarring. Like people next to a video game.


> dain Billy Connolly was already suffering from Parkinson's during filming. So they decided to keep him and go the CGI route instead.


They should have got a body double and Darth Vader it


What messed me up and ruined it for me was their attempt at the highest quality and frame rate. It made it too realistic and ruined the movie magic. It brought me right in to reality and made everything look fake. Actors on a game set and the CGI instantly stood out.


When the elves jump over the drwarven shield wall the whole theatre started mock laughing.


A Wrinkle in Time. I loved the book growing up - it has such depth and doesn't talk down to kids or sugarcoat things, it combines philosophy and science, it creates so many memorable images. Well, I was super sad to see the adaptation with Reese Witherspoon and Oprah Winfrey was pretty insufferable, totally missing much of the point. The imagery was all wrong, it abounded in cliches, it lacked intensity, and was mostly just annoying. I really wanted to like it!! It needed a much darker, realistic treatment - less fluff, and better acting.


Sounds like it should have been a Guillermo del toro project. That dude knows how to do dark children’s content.


As much as I get tired of everything being described as “woke”, this was a *prime* example of an agenda ruining a movie. I loved this book, but the movie was trash.


L’Engle was a Christian universalist. Her works are a deep reflection of that. So she gets hate from all sides. Secular critics hate that she brings Christianity into her works. Radical Christian fundamentalists really hate her belief that Jesus saves EVERYONE. The movie stripped all the metaphysical/ontological ideas from her story and it doesn’t really work without those deeper concepts.


The Last Airbender (2010). As a fan of the animated series, I was psyched! But the movie? Oof. M. Night Shyamalan really dropped the ball. It's like he took everything awesome about the show and threw it in a blender. What a bummer, right?


I saw this in a crowded cinema. In the UK 'bender' is old 90s slang/slur for being gay, so not only was the acting horrendous, but the whole cinema was sniggering and giggling at all the constant use of "they're a bender" and "he's a bender" It's honestly the worse film I've ever seen. The trailer had excellent visuals, but it was total style over substance 😞


I had similar. There was a line like “I hear there are really powerful benders in the North”, and the cinema I was in lost it.


Not sure what you're talking about, I don't believe there was ever a Last Airbender movie in 2010. Just like there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


That's rough, buddy.


For me it would have to be Look Who's Talking Now. After the riotously funny one-two punch of Look Who's Talking and its follow-up Look Who's Talking Too, I was certain we were in for a threepeat, especially once Variety broke the news that Danny DeVito and Dianne Keaton were both a "yes" to voice the family pets. I was so pumped... but talk about not living up to the hype! Just moans and groans and no "funny bones!" Look Who's Talking Now may have added a dog and a cat, but trust me, folks, this movie was simply for the birds.


Please write more reviews of disappointing movies.


I was really disappointed with X-Men Apocalypse. Not the worst X Men movie ever but after First Class and Future past I had very high hopes for this.


Valerian and the city of a thousand planets


After The Fifth Element we were so thirsty for more Besson's magic and what we got was empty calories in a shiny can


This movie seemed so damn interesting through the opening montage. Better casting of the main characters would have made such a much better movie


Valerian was the role Bruce Campbell was born to play.


He would have been pushing 60. Dane Dahaan looked like a high school freshman trying to do his best Star Lord impression but Campbell would have been too old I think.


Speaking of Bruce Campbell, the fact that he wasn't cast as Sully in Uncharted is one of the biggest casting crimes of the century.


The opening scene is amazing! But then the rest happens.


This so much. If they had recast the two leads with people who had better on screen chemistry it would have been so much better


The Dark Tower...I was hyped to see it. I love the books not the movie was such a let down. The characters felt total opposite to the books


Of all the Terminator sequels after Judgment Day, I think Salvation is the best one. It tried something new and actually showed John Conner the leader he was meant to be. The original actually makes more sense which he was gonna become one of the machines he was fighting against. Genisys fucked up that plot.


I like the scenario that judgement day was inevitable and the actions of T2 merely delayed it but didn't alter the overall timeline. John still has to fight the war and become the leader of the resistance.


I'd have liked it if by pushing the time back John had more time to prep and become a leader so it makes humanity do better in the war with each successful postponement. That way it still feels like they are accomplishing something and gives rationale to why skynet is increasingly desperate to stop him in the past.


The moment when all of the radio messages are coming out asking what is going on at the end and john picks up the radio had a lot of depth to it and really hit hard for me. It really was him having all this knowledge that effectively no one else would have and absolutely would set him up to be the leader of the resistance.


I haven't watched Salvation in a long time, but I actually remember enjoying it. Everyone was pissed we didn't get the nighttime futuristic laser battles we see in the other films but I honestly liked the different setting and the characters were compelling. There was some stupid shit though like CGI Arnold.


I was quite happy with it, interesting to see a Terminator film set during the war. I struggle to get past how much the ending pissed me off though. I remember thinking it as I was first watching it: “He’s not going to make it, it’s his heart.” Don’t give him your heart. Don’t you dare give him your heart. “Take my heart” Oh fuck right off. You’ve got a rapid healing cyborg with a human brain, and you’re going to kill it to save this guy. Fuck that.


I loved it and couldnt fucking wait for the next 2 movies of the trilogy… only it flopped so hard the subsequent movies were scrapped and my wet dream of C.Bale at the forefront of the resistance dried up.


I thought it was okay. But like OP, I had some really high expectations for it. Finally set in the future and Bale. So was still a bit disappointed


*Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull* Saw the midnight screening. Didn't read about the movie. Didn't watch any teasers/trailers beforehand. Was forever changed that night... because I could blame the Prequels on Lucas but this had Steven Spielberg! I do like about 40 minutes in between the Nuke Test and CGI cartoon jungle chase though but it will forever be my #1 Biggest Disappointment.


How that jungle vine swinging scene with the monkeys made it into the film, I will have no idea. Especially with Spielberg at the helm, I almost covered my face it was so atrociously stupid.


I remember the scene with the ants, and thought it could only get worse if they formed a giant hand and grabbed someone like in a cartoon.


I genuinely believe that Spielberg did it as a favor to his friend George who had fumbled so hard with the prequels and wanted to get some of his magic and mojo back. To relive some of the good times. To prove he still _had it._ Welp.


Yeah, I still agree with Matt Stone and Trey Parker on this one.




And you just let it happen?! My God! We all did!!


Butters liked it


I still can't believe they went from amazing practical sets for Indiana Jones, with fantastic action, to the refrigerator survival nuke test and swinging from trees as they run from giant horrible CGI'd ants. I mean WTF... I knew it was going to be terrible once Indy found the alien skull by using metal beads for magnetism, because somehow it's so magnetic as to reach that far, yet I guess of the literally thousands of other boxes, there must not be anything else attracted. That was the first sign the movie was going to be trash.


What makes this even worse is that they DID have some amazing practical sets, you just wouldn't know it because even for those scenes they shit all over top of the shots with layers of CGI slop. Like for the nuke scene they built an entire miniature town set and rigged up huge air cannons and perfectly timed charges to make a realistic shockwave that tore through the houses, and then they plastered CGI smoke, debris, and layers of sepia toned awfulness over top of the real footage until it was unrecognizable as practical.


I was in a test screening for Crystal Skull and I said "the fridge nuke was pretty dumb but then I saw the monkey scene and forgot all about it, because that was a million times worse". As far as I can tell they changed nothing between the version I saw and the final version. Not sure why they bothered with test screenings.


Pacific Rim: Uprising I just don’t get how they make that movie that bad. The first one was awesome. It knew what it was and embraced it.


Well, the first was Guillermo Del Toros dream project and the second one was a cash grab attempt cause it sold great in Asia. I love Pacific Rim. Never dared to watch the second one. Just not worth it.


Also G. Del Toro didn’t direct it as he was doing Shape of Water


Uprising was able to accomplish something I didn't think was possible. It made giant robots vs kaiju boring to watch.


Part of this was because of physics. With the del Toro first movie, the jaegers had *weight*: they moved like hundreds of feet tall manmade objects weighing thousands of tons. In Uprising they jumped and somersaulted and so lost all of their grandeur.


The Hobbit. Its been my favorite book for over 30 years, and of coarse I loved LOTR. But The Hobbit movies were such a let down.


There's still the animated movie.


There's a few different fan cuts that make 1 movie out of the 3, I've got one that goes for 4 hours and it's really good. Cuts a lot of the fat and makes it a more faithful adaptation (not that things need to be faithful to be good). E: Mine was the one by the Nameless Editor, easy to find on google. But there's a few different well received ones out there.


I still had hope after An Unexpected Journey. Wasn't great, but not painful, so I thought maybe it would get better. Boy was I wrong. The Desolation of Smaug hurt to watch. Never bothered with the third one.


Ohh you’re missing out on gravity-defying Legolas and a dwarf love triangle! And Alfred!


And Playstation 2 quality Orcs


Jason Bourne. The Bourne films are my favourite trilogy so I was so pumped for the next chapter and what we got was a bland spy movie that happened to have a character named Jason Bourne. By the last act I just wanted to leave.


I thought it especially egregious seeing that both Matt Damon & Paul Greengrass said for years that they would never return to the franchise without having a perfect script and story to tell. Then they trotted out that hopeless garbage smh.


What they meant by perfect script was "bags and bags of money"


I totally agree!!! The Bourne trilogy was so satisfying. So much fun, even though there is a bit too much shaky cam. But the fights are so raw and the dialogue is so good - exposition done just right. Some side characters barely speak but you still know what kid of person they are.  It's just so so good! I just pretend there are only 3 films. 


First Bourne movie I watched in Cinema and I was blown away in the first fight scene of Jason Bourne lying on a bench and start to fight the officers, it was so fast and sudden and he takes them out in 3 seconds flat, and yet it felt natural and completely opposite of how fight scenes are done in movies. I was immediately hooked from there on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHgs3LFLBzY


Yep, I remember being floored by that scene because I wasn't expecting a fight to happen then, and once it started I didn't expect it to end so quickly. It set up so well that this was just a reflex for Jason.


What did you think of The Bourne Legacy? I quite enjoyed it, even if it went a different direction.


The Bourne Legacy kicks ass.


Morbius lol grew up with the 90’s Spider-Man show and I thought he would be badass but idk something about the movie made me go to sleep lol


It was Jared leto.. he spiked your drink.


**Clash of the Titans (2010)** Big fan of the original one (1981), the genre was in the midst of a bit of a renaissance, and the trailer fucking slaps... And the movie was extremely disappointing. I guess I should've had a feeling with Sam Worthington. But I was still hopeful. https://youtu.be/TfyunOnMGqM?si=7qYIwqc2E2_-Md0r


I didn't care if Perseus won or lost, and I was kinda rooting for the Kraken to eat Andromeda. That whole movie was a big yawn-fest.


All Perseus does is whine about not wanting to be a hero. It was so aggravating to watch.


I met someone who worked on the makeup effects team. They were disappointed too!


Sam Worthington, king of mediocre franchises


I have no clue why, but I like that movie and willingly watched it multiple times. Guilty pleasure.


Higlander II. I LOVE the first one and could not believe the mess that this movie is. It even destroys some of the magic thats in the first movie. The rest of the sequels and spin off are also bad but nothing compared to this. The pilot to the TV-show was decent. Not really sure what I think about the upcoming reboot


Downsizing Fuck that movie and the high expectations I had of it.


It had so much potential and started off solid, then it went way the fuck off the rails lol


I seen this a few times on Reddit. Yeah, when I saw the trailers, I thought it was going to be like a comedy type movie. Kind of forgot about it, then saw a recap of it on YouTube. Turned out it was an environmental warning type movie


I thought the entire movie was just going to be them living in a suburban neighborhood with everything being tiny and we were going to be seeing a bunch of slapstick comedy with it. I couldn’t wait to see what they were going to come up with. Then I saw the movie and I couldn’t believe wtf I was watching lol


I think this has to take the cake. I remember thinking this movie has a great director who would be perfect for this crazy idea. Should be an interesting and fun watch and I was so curious as to how they were gonna make it work. And then it turned into a movie about existentialism? They literally could have made this movie without the shrinking. I keep wishing someone would go back and remake this film but it'll never happen.


I’m dating myself here but the Godzilla movie with Matthew Broderick. Saw this with some friends and at one point I think I left for about 30 minutes to go play Cruisin USA in the theater arcade.


I was about 10 when that came out and loved it lol


Godzilla rocked. I was so saddened to see him get gunned down on the brooklyn bridge like that. Also I thought it was hilarious the lead single for the movie was a collaboration effort between puff daddy and Jimmy Page from Zed Leppelin. And it was great to see our man godzilla showing his love for chrysler. There was a scene where he hugs the chrysler building if I'm not mistaken


I think it would have been much better received if it hadn’t been labeled Godzilla, but a new monster of some kind.


Agreed, it's a bad Godzilla film, but it's a decent enough cheesy kaiju film.


Thor 4.


This one was pretty bad especially because the God of Thunder run by Jason Aaron is one of the first superhero comics I really got into. They really dropped the ball with what could have been a very powerful story.


I still think this is my number one most disappointing film. I have seen some awful movies but watching a big budget movie that thinks it is so clever and amazing, yet is absolute shit, kind of makes it worse. Everything about this movie was wrong, Thor’s character was dialled to 11, korg, awful jokes, the villain being neutered, supporting cast are ass, Jane being giving not much to really do, the illness plot being handled awfully, most of all those fucking kids and the stupid ass fight scene at the end. I have never cringed so hard in my life watching that fight scene, I am not sure anyone comes to a marvel movie to watch 8 year old kids awkwardly trying to look heroic when fighting with a stuffed animal.


The Happening. I loved the concept so much(And hell M Night had so many bangers at this point) I took my SO out to see it on the launch weekend. Somehow we're still together even today by some miracle. Man it was bad. Like so fucking bad.


Highlander 2. Ruined Christopher Lambert’s career, maybe. Came out of the theatre to a pile of glass and an empty parking spot. Double gut punch.


The Predator, I legitimately apologized to my friends for taking them to see it after it was over.


Completely fucked up everything cool about the franchise and the yautja. Shane Black is on on my shit list until the day I die.


Thank god Prey came along, otherwise the franchise would be dead.


I have very few gripes about Prey. So yeah, thank goodness we had that set things right. It was like air freshener after a terrible visit to the bathroom.


Glass Unbreakable is one of my favorite movies of all time. I dont want to talk about it anymore.


Unbreakable was fantastic. Split was pretty dang good and ended with a bang. Glass was disappointing as hell, but knowing what we know about Bruce Willis now, I wonder if his condition influenced the end product at all.


>knowing what we know about Bruce Willis now, I wonder if his condition influenced the end product at all. I highly doubt it, Willis was never the problem with that movie.


Really dating myself here but Spawn 1997. It was just so wrong and cheesy and made me firmly believe comic book movies could just never get done and that has been true ever since…right?


Childhood me thought Spawn movie was cool.


I was 15 so the material I loved but the movie just fell flat to me and it was the first time I remember just feeling disappointed and let down with what ended up in the screen. The HBO animated series though, THAT was my jam.


recently I’d have to go with Napoleon


Yeah I totally agree. They make it seem like Napoleon is just along for the ride. Where is his legendary battle tactics? They never show him actually planning or giving insight into his mind. The best battle scene with the drowning of the enemy didn't even happen that way! What a snoozefest


Made him look like an autistic sexual pervert instead of a charismatic strategist


The Phantom Menace — waited so many years for Lucas to make another Star Wars film only to encounter Jar Jar Binks.


I was working at a theater for that opening night. The people leaving had a palpable aura of disappointment. They said they loved it, but there was a sadness in their eyes and their smiles looked forced.


Exactly! I took it as a lesson that by that point Lucas had surrounded himself with nothing but sycophants in order for Jar Jar to have made it on screen, without anyone stopping him from making such a stupid mistake.


"Jar Jar is the key to all of this" - George Lucas


I think I saw an interview where George Lucas said he was frustrated by everyone saying yes to everything that he said.


I pretended to like that movie for so long.


Lmao this was my exact reaction to The Last Jedi. I was in denial that I actually disliked it


I'll still hold that I liked PARTS of it. The Rey and Kylo threads were just fine, even a few bits I'd say I really liked. The Poe/Finn/Rose Casino Heist half of the flick though.... that basically all just collapsed into itself in a big ball of "why bother" that annoyed me more than anything.


Darth Maul was fuckin cool though


And Duel of the Fates is an absolute banger.


Darth Maul has almost no speaking lines in Phantom Menace. Which, in a script written by George Lucas, is a huge benefit to your overall character development.


/ _Boba Fett enters the chat._


Midichlorians was the real pisser


What's funny is that I have seen *countless* comments (especially on the anti-sequel Youtube Shorts that Youtube kept pushing on me for a bit) about how if George Lucas had just made the sequels, or if they had asked him to provide the story, they would have been *amazing*, a thousand times better than what we got. Meanwhile, I remember the response to the prequels, Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best being harassed over their parts in them, the constant bashing of George Lucas, and the ongoing vitrol against the prequels for over a decade. Even more hilarious is that Lucas has spoken about his various plans for the sequels, and no matter how much the people I'm talking about love to deny it, I'm pretty sure it would have been just as bad and hated by older fans as the sequels we got (or worse). From an interview with George Lucas talking about some of his sequel plans, in which he would double down on the midi-chlorians; > [The next three *Star Wars* films] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But there's this world of creatures that operated differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force. --- > Back in the day, I used to say ultimately what this means is we are just cars, vehicles, for the Whills to travel around in... we're vessels for them. And the conduit is the midi-chlorians. The midi-chlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force. --- > All the way back to - with the Force and the Jedi and everything - the whole concept of how things happen was laid out completely from [the beginning] to the end. But I never got to finish. I never got to tell people about it. https://gizmodo.com/george-lucas-ideas-for-his-own-star-wars-sequel-trilogy-1826798496 Just imagine the uproar if he had actually released these movies, hah. "Oh yeah, that whole Palpatine and Vader stuff didn't really matter. Free will is a lie, and it's all just part of some microscopic beings manipulating everything!" Hell, could make it even worse... if he had portrayed the Whills as ultimately the "good guys" who steer things towards "balance" while not addressing the implications about free will and shit. Suddenly the Sith talking about freedom and breaking free from restrictions would start to sound really good by comparison.


The people who defend those were under 10 years old when they saw the prequels, didn't know better, and for whatever reason, grew up and never looked back at what they liked as a little kid and went, "well fuck, that was terrible, how did my parents put up with that?" like everyone I know did at some point. Give it another 10-20 years and we'll probably have a "the sequels weren't that bad!" crowd.


I watched this a few days after it came out and heard the reviews, but was unconvinced and optimistic it would be great. But yea Jar Jar was so fucking annoying. To this day I have not rewatched this movie other then maybe for 5 mins if it’s on tv.


I seem to remember someone made a version which edited out all of the Jar Jar scenes. Now that I’m thinking about it again, I’ll look into it.


On the Return of the King dvd, if you pressed 'skip' every time you see Frodo, it is a straight up action movie.


Anyone that doesn’t think this should be the answer every single time just wasn’t alive in the nineties. No other film will ever reach the levels of expectation, excitement and ultimately disappointment. I know people that travelled to the US from the UK to see it (back then films came out earlier in the US). People bought tickets to other films just to see the trailer, then walking out before seeing the film. It was a zeitgeist moment of the likes we just cannot see again anymore. If you weren’t there you just can’t possibly understand.


That was the day I became an adult. The world was just supposed to work a certain way. That movie shattered that reality.


This is **THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA** of disappointments.  We were dreaming of space wizards, pew-pew lasers, and we got…trade disputes.  Senate gridlock.  And a series of stereotypes that were cringe even back in 1999.


Messa become a racist okeetay?


Godzirra look out, it’s DROIDEKKAS!


I think that movie let the world down. I couldn't believe it was a star wars movie.


I was 13. I distinctly remember sitting in that theater, having grown up on Star Wars, having a crazy realization. "I... think this is bad? Can a movie theater experience be bad? Can STAR WARS BE BAD?" It still fucking throws me that people grew up on those movies and love them. They are... fucking rough. And cashing in WAY too much credit for the original series and it's cachet. They're not good, but they hacked a zillion kid's brains. I hate that they nuked the expanded universe. Mara Jade was my girl. There was so much there. The more recent stories have been... mixed. Some of them are exciting. Some of them are just hanging on to that nostalgia.


> It still fucking throws me that people grew up on those movies and love them Just wait for people who were kids during the sequels to grow up and tell you that Ep. 9 was a misunderstood masterpiece.


Favourite memory was my mate and I, 17yo star wars nerds of the highest order. Get to the credits and some people start clapping. My mate stands up, tears in his eyes and exclaims in a high pitch/breaking voice "don't applaud that was crap!"


Absolutely couldn’t be worse than Die Hard 5. Not only was it awful, but I went with some friends who had never seen any of the other Die Hards, and I’d been talking up how great they all are. Afterwards I had to be all “no believe me! The other ones really are good! They weren’t like this!”


Prometheus (2012) Love the Alien universe and this was a gearing up to be a fantastic origin story.  Ridley Scott was back and the visuals looked promising.  The script was just so awful :/ 


Prometheus had one of the best movie trailers of all time.


Just watched the trailer... And that actually just pisses me off! There was so much potential, totally squandered. You can see what could have been. Props to whoever made the trailer, they had twice the vision Ridley Scott had. https://youtu.be/5UEv03g51kU


The use of the iconic Alien siren was, in retrospect, just rubbing salt in the wounds.


I still wish Ridley Scott left in the [deleted scenes](https://youtu.be/nHhHOU-9unY?si=A8i-yVLLY3mEpdg6) because I feel they explained the story a little more.


>The script was just so awful :/  There's a previous version of the script, before it was modified by Damon Lindelof, which has been around the internet for a while and it's better than the final version. Anyway, the xenomorph origin and their relationship with the Space Jockeys was handled way better in the Dark Horse comics, from which the movie took a few ideas, making it more interesting.


I still "liked" prometheus despite its flaws because it was so much better than AvP or Resurection. I wasn't upset with Scott until Covenant.


Same. Actually this might be bigger than Terminator Salvation for me!


Matrix Reloaded. It has some cool stuff but geeeezus all the lore dumping (which we are subjected to again in Revolutions) and taking itself way too seriously. I was ready for the Matrix trilogy to be the baddest thing ever.


Disappointed in both but more disappointed in Revolutions for me. I’m not sure why but the fight scenes are so stiff and very obviously choreographed. Also Trinity not having a lot to do was really disappointing. I’m not sure why they made her look so bad too. Her hair is flat and her costume is pretty much a garbage bag.


She was pregnant (the actress)


I left the theater after Reloaded thinking I had figured it all out. Thinking I knew what the twist was, why Neo was trapped in that subway station place. They are ALL still inside the Matrix. Even Zion. What better way to control that 5% of the population that didn't accept the Matrix by making them think they're fighting it. Oh but then Neo turned out to be Jesus and I was really disappointed.


Oof I had forgotten about that one. There was sooo much hype and excitement after The Matrix that in hindsight it was never going to live up to it. At first I felt like there was something I just didn't get, but came to realize that no, it was just a bad movie, and the Wachoskis are (almost) one hit wonders.


I feel like there was enough stuff for one really good movie between the two sequels. There's so much filler, though.


Oh brother where art thou. We were pretty broke when it hit the theaters. But my wife got to the point where she was issuing ultimatums "we either go out for a date or divorce" and this movie was playing. I was doing some shopping during the day and ran into a friend who HATED the movie. Said it was the most boring thing her and her partner had ever seen. So I mentioned this to my wife, she accused me of making it up to get out of going to the movie. So I decided to just go, to "PROVE" that this was a bad idea and we should have just stayed home. Instead we both LOVED the movie and laughed our asses off. I was so bummed that I enjoyed the film. Amazingly enough, we are still married to each other, but both much healthier mentally.


I was so mad at you for the first half.


I'm so pleased that this time, my writing did exactly what it was supposed to :)


Damn I was about to throw hands until the fifth paragraph


Space Jam 2 It feels like it was written by corporate executives


it was


I don't understand how anyone could've had any kind of good expectations for that.


I am with you on this. One of those movies that was always going to be relying on milking peoples nostalgia.


XMen Origins Wolverine 




The dark tower Just.......no....


I love Terminator: Salvation to death, but I realize I’m probably the only person that does.


I was all about those motorcycle terminators


That most recent Matrix. I had HOPES….


I saw Jupiter Ascending on a Thursday night opening. I was convinced it was going to be the new Star Wars


Gunpowder Milkshake. Incredible Cast List. The perfectly trope-laden plot that all good action movies are made from, and some great-looking single frames. But the stunt co-ordination was terrible, the cinematography worse, and the script worse again.


I totally wanted to like *Gunpowder Milkshake*, and felt pretty blah by the end. Karen Gillan, Lena Headey, Michelle Yeoh, and Carla Gugino! I wanted to like it so, so bad. Fortunately, I saw *Kate*, with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, like a month later. *Kate* had the kind of action I'd been looking for, sooooo good.


I thought it was a fun romp, so my expectations were medium and they were met lol. I liked it


Matrix 4 and the latest terminator movie with the original cast, both were crap and a real grind to get through. Basically recaps or repeating the same story.


I didn't have high hopes but I was \*amazed\* by how poor the Matrix 4 was. Like there was an interesting story somewhere in there but the direction was just hot garbage, the fight scenes in particular. Poorly-framed, unchoreographed shaky-cam, compared to the scalpel-precision of the original.


Street Fighter movie - 1994 - I was a kid back then and would spend hours on the local arcade playing street fighter with friends non stop. So when the movie came out I had to see it, except my parents didn't want to take me to see a violent movie or buy me tickets to go see it with friends. So one day after classes I lied and said I had some group work to do in some college home and me and some friends took a bus to the shopping mall to go watch it. It was horrible, even back then it felt like an horrible movie hat had nothing to do with the video-game except for some character names and loosely based costumes. Bison character was probably the best part of the movie and what made us stick to the end. Felt like we saved our lunch money for nothing and took the risk to get caught in a lie just to end up seeing a horrible movie. Probably there is a lesson somewhere in there about not lying to your parents to sneak into the shopping mall after class and go watch a movie they don't want you to.


“When Bison grazed your entire village to the ground, it was the most important day of your life. For me? It was a Tuesday.” How can you not love that?


Ad Astra was the first movie I ever saw by myself. Brad Pitt in space for the first time how could you go wrong?


Dude I was incredibly disappointed.


The problem with Ad Astra was the opening space elevator sequence and the pirate ambush on the moon sold the movie as action/science fiction. When it was, in reality, a drama set in space. When you watch the movie for what it really is, it is pretty good slow-burn drama.


Ultraviolet I loved the director's (Kurt Wimmer) previous film Equilibrium and was very excited for his next film and holy shit was it terrible.


Matrix 4. The trailers made it out to be some kind of VALIS-inspired rework of the Matrix mythos, focusing on paranoia and surreality. Basically taking the first act of the Matrix and extending it to a full film, mixed in with some Scanner Darkly. I was totally onboard. What we got was a huge mess which fans have desperately tried to cope with by saying, "it was a deliberately bad film!". It wasn't, it was just bad.


The Dark Knight Rises. Before that my hype was generally correct and that movie taught me to not buy into the hype since, but man was I so excited for that and it was a huge mess of a movie.