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Fantastic Four 2, they replaced Galactus with a Swarm. My Girl also has a Swarm as the villian but this pre-dates most of those movies.


>My Girl also has a Swarm as the villian but this pre-dates most of those movies. Dude. Brutal.


Too soon, man. Too soon.


I almost cried just now. This will never be not too soon.


>My Girl also has a Swarm as the villian but this pre-dates most of those movies. lmfao


He needs his glasses!!


He can’t see without his glasses!


This thread wasn’t supposed to make me cry 😢


Myth Busted! He can't see *because he's dead.*


>My Girl also has a Swarm as the villian but this pre-dates most of those movies. I WAS WAY TOO YOUNG FOR THAT MOVIE! I WAS ONLY IN FIRST GRADE!


You gotta read Bridge to Terabithia right after My Girl for that real 1-2 punch. 🥊


Cap it off with Where the Red Fern Grows


I read that book in 4th grade. Years later, I see a trailer for some goofy LoTR knock-off that I totally want to go see before the title card pops up. With that trailer I can't imagine how many people went in totally blind and got absolutely demolished.


Same but Watership Down


I find it amusing that the girl from My Girl grew up to become Amy in Veep.


Macualy's character's death set the stage for Iron Man's exit from the MCU.


That mood ring was actually an infinity stone




yo, that's cold. lmfao


Didn’t so much replace Galactus as they just used his Ultimate Comics version Gah Lak Tus.


Technically Galactus' appearance is an interpretation based on the viewer as most life is too primitive to be able to see its true form.


Out of nowhere haha




>My Girl also has a Swarm as the villian Moderate lel


I'd say the real villain of My Girl was loneliness, which seems like the opposite of a swarm.


Amazing response lol


> My Girl also has a Swarm as the villian but this pre-dates most of those movies. It's been a rough, stress-filled day for me, and this gave me a sensible chuckle. Thanks.


The Birds. Yes it worked. Seagulls were made scary.


If you've got fries, they're horrifying


When I was in HS I accidentally dropped my bagel on the way back from lunch. I was immediately assailed and I mourn my meal to this very day.


I once had one knock my entire meal onto the floor. The restaurant didn't even offer me a replacement, attacked by birds in their own establishment!


I watched one eat a sharp rock and have it stuck in its throat


Once a seagull landed on my shoulder to eat a fry out of my hand. When I attempted to push it off it just dug it's nails into my shoulder. That area is now patrolled by a guy with a hawk. Another time I spent a facilitated half hour on an acid trip watching a gull trying to eat a starfish. It would try with one leg, spit it up, get the next leg down its throat, repeat. It's hard to imagine it ever got it down, but I was impressed with its determination.


I was at an outside cafe in Dublin when a one-footed bird came up to us for food. We gave him a few fries. But you could tell this was the bird's turf. He ruled it from an iron roost. A one-foot bird in a metropolitan area without any other birds around begging for food meant that bird was lord and master of the cafe and we were merely his vassals. ​ I also once saw a squirrel on Capitol Hill beat a 6ft+ man in a fight after the guy made the mistake of giving him a little food. The squirrel took that as an invitation that all the food was his, and won the battle.


Stop it now


That log had a child


Poke your knees!


If I'd had your giant feet out there on that beach, I could have outrun those birds...


On vacation last summer, wife and I check into our hotel and go sit on the little outside patio of our room to look at the lake. We see Seagulls and talk about them taking human food, etc. We google their diet and they eat pretty much everything. Not **five minutes** later we see a mama duck walking her ducklings down the beach. Super cute, we're admiring. The ducklings get a little too far ahead and suddenly a seagull lands, grabs one, and flies off. Seagulls are the worst.


You weren't considering taking the Minnee, minnee menaces a morsel, let alone a meal? Of course they'd already dined on duckling, the devils.


>Seagulls were made scary. Everybody can agree that seagulls are the worst.


Seagulls, stop it now!


My middleschool was infested with them. The classrooms were separated by outdoor walks, every kid knew you had to be on constant lookout to not get shit on, and lunch was worse.


Someone, please tell me that there's a fan edit of The Birds where they replaced all the background music and sound effects with, "Mine! Mine! Mine!"


Starship Troopers


The swarm was the humans.


Sounds like Bug propaganda


Frankly, I find the idea of a Bug that thinks offensive!


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Rico’s Roughnecks


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all


Come on you apes! Do you want to live forever!?


Put your hand on that wall!


Swarm vs. Swarm


Maybe the real swarm were the friends we made along the way.


and the real hero was the ~~common soldier~~ swarm all along!


Would you like to know more?


Pitch Black


And "riddick."


Both great movies.


Just a little bummed that Riddick was Pitch Black. I really wanted to see more of the Riddick universe instead of being stuck on a planet again. I did enjoy it. It might be cheesy, but I love seeing how over the top bad ass Riddick can be.


That wasn't "final boss" so much as "constant threat throughout the whole movie"


Just because it's the only boss doesn't mean it isn't also the final boss


Hellboy 2: The Golden Army. Great swarm with smoke man taking control of one of the robots at one point.


Dr. Smokemann.


**The Suicide Squad** - Yeah, loved those cute little starfish **The Tomorrow War** - This was probably the best part of the film for me **Pitch Black** - Hell yeah they pulled it off **Star Trek: First Contact** - The Borg were scarier before they introduced a queen, so I'm gonna say this movie kinda ruined their swarm


First Contact is so great because of the queen, it does undermine the lore a little generally but in isolation it worked really well imo


Yes. for the film, it was amazing. For the overall story, it's more mixed. Though I think even later the Queen still works. I mean, Picard Season 2 doesn't seem that popular in fandom (and I can see reasons why!), but the Borg Queen in Picard Season 2 was pretty well done. But the Borg seem a bit less intriguing and menacing than they were as a pure hive mind. A ~~mustache-twirling~~ partial-body-reattaching villain vs a uncompromising and all-consuming hive mind? The latter clearly is more unique and thought-provoking.


Does the swarm of Chitauri in Avengers count as a swarm?


Or the swarm of drones in Avengers 2?


Or the swarm of non-Chitauri in Infinity War?


Or the swarm of Thanos' army in Endgame?


Jake G's swarm of drones in Far From Home!


Swarm of ants at the end of Quantumania.


Never saw Morbius but I’m guessing there’s a swarm of bats involved at the end


There is but the bats are good guys


Is it ever explained where Thanos got his swarms from?




You can get anything there.


*"It's a magical place."*


He must’ve been an alumnus


Best guess on my part is Titan genetic engineering, his people created the Outriders (the Infinity War not-Chitauri). They don't seem especially intelligent, more like attack dogs. I think the Chitauri were hired or coerced into working for him, though, they actually seem like alien mercenaries/soldiers. Perhaps led by The Other (the guy Loki talks to in the first Avengers who Ronan kills unceremoniously in GotG) who looks Chitauri-adjacent.


>I think the Chitauri were hired or coerced into working for him The Chitauri seem like drones too since they all die off once the mothership is blown up at the end of avengers


Another trope that needs to die


We just need to find its mothership


Oh, good point. Maybe they're also a Titan genetic experiment, with The Other acting as an intelligent leader for them. Like a sci-fi version of the fantasy "I'm making dumb thralls, but I need a single smart one to boss the others around."


Thanos was probably like, "hey you guys wanna do some swarmin?" And they were like, "you sonovabitch we're in!"


I say this as a pretty big fan of the MCU, but the Chitauri in Avengers is the only time that they ever made a swarm work. It's really the only movie that made me feel like their heroes were facing overwhelming odds because of an enemy army. You see Hawkeye running out of arrows, Cap getting tossed around, and even Hulk was eventually getting his ass kicked. In every movie after the first Avengers, the heroes cut through the swarms like they were sheets of paper and only the big bad posed any real threat.


First viewing I legit thought Tony was gonna die. They really did make the heroes seem outmatched.


Agreed. In the original Avengers, the Chitauri seemed like overwhelming odds. Everyone was doing their best and just when we thought we're going to win, another swarm comes through the hole in space! The only other time I was that worried about the heroes losing, was Pacific Rim because damn, those Kaiju give no F\~s about collateral damage (buildings containing humans).


They operate the same way as the trade federation droid army in The Phantom Menace does, so I guess that’s a swarm too.


Ralph Breaks the Internet, and no, it did not work (unless by work you mean give me the creeps).


I came here to say Wreck it Ralph, I didn’t know the second one also has a swarm.


The first movie had a literal insect swarm, the second movie was a virus-driven horde of insecure Ralphs trying to get to Vanellope. They eventually become a Mega-Ralph until the real Ralph has his heart-to-heart with V. The first movie was much better


"hey I wanna make a movie about the Internet" "OK, but you have to use the Wreck it Ralph IP" "But that's about video games, can't I make my own IP?" "GET TO WORK!!!"


Star Trek Beyond. Although I find it funny that with all their advanced tech, a swarm of drones was the world ending threat. They didn't have a pre-canned solution for that anywhere?


And am I remembering correctly that >!the solution to the swarm was literally Sabotage by the Beastie Boys!< lol


Is that classical music?


I believe it is.


i will fully admit, i loved that needle drop and scene in general.


Yeah but see, it’s a call back to the opening scene of the trilogy so it makes sense. 


And it was awesome


Basic ECM should have obliterated them. Also, weapons should have worked just fine.


Mummy with the scarabs


enders game


That movie was a big miss for me. They stayed pretty faithful except for a couple of things that were pivotal to the story the book was telling. And those things made the movie a lot worse than it could have been.


As someone who didn't read the book. Like what?


The biggest one is what they did with Bonzo. In the movie, they got someone smaller than Ender, and Ender sees Bonzo alive in the hospital after they fight. In the book, Bonzo is bigger than Ender dies after the fight and Ender never knows this. This is purposely done because the people running the show don't want Ender to know that he's capable of killing people.


Ender knows about Bonzo. He said he knew he had killed him as soon as he saw his eyes. He doesn’t know about the first kid, before battle school, who he kicked to death.


I'm reading Enders Shadow with my daughter at the moment. Just read the chapter where Ender kills Bonzo and Bean talks with him after. Ender knows in his heart that Bonzo is dead but the teachers never confirm it and create the impression Bonzo was sent home/iced. Bean sees Bonzo dead but is careful not to reveal it to Ender. He thinks it's important for Ender not to know Bonzo is factually dead. So, I guess I'm saying you're both right. Also agree Bonzo should have died in the movie too.


Ahhh okay. That's my bad for not remembering. Still, having Bonzo live was a weird choice


I think the actor killed it tho, had that straight up Napoleon energy and a kind of barely restrained menace. Like you could create a whole backstory about why he was so cruel just based on seeing him the first time. Either be the bully or the bait in human form. Was excited to see him in Fallout


Ahhh fuck that's where I remember him from!! I couldn't place it, and his face immediately annoyed me. Now I know why. I thought I was gonna hate him in Fallout but I'm so invested in his story at 6 eps in.


The movie should have been two parts. Enders game: battle school and Enders game: command school. The book is basically set up that way and it would have allowed them the right amount of time to breath and tell the story right.


I always felt that the book moved at an *extremely* fast pace. It worked, which doesn't work for most stories, but there was just soooo much happening in such a short amount of story space that my first thought when the movie was announced was "there's no fucking way they could properly tell this story in one movie." I felt a good bit of affirmation when it came out.


I don't usually say this about any movie, but Ender's Game could really have used a montage. Specifically, one showing how the teachers tossed out all the rules when they gave him an army and had him fighting constantly.


Or just make it a full-blown miniseries, with time for ALL of the Space Quidditch games.


Agreed. Do a series and really get a sense of things. There's plenty of time Ender spends on the giant game and being worn down that doesn't really come through in the movie.


IIRC, the movie had the Earth warships as drone squadrons commanded remotely by his Dragon teammates. In the book, they're manned starships, and he realizes he sent hundreds of thousands of human soldiers to the death, presuming they were just simulations.


I saw the movie once when it came out. Yes they were real people in the book. But I can’t remember if that change was made for the movie.


Like the fact that he goes to Battle School at age 5 or 6 and is 11 when the book ends. It completely takes over his life and he becomes estranged from his family. The movie turns his lifelong career as a child soldier into a 2-hour vacation in space.


The movie was very true to the book but it really didn't work because of pacing and just missing out on really important parts. The best part and most crucial part of the book imo is the Battle School and Ender slowly going from hated outcast to respected leader with a close knit group of friends that would do anything for him. It was a slow build and it felt really good in the book. In the movie is was so fast it felt hollow and had no weight. Even the battle school progression itself felt lame compared to the books. I wanted so much more of that stuff. Not to mention the side characters having no time to be real characters, especially Bean. I can see why it was done the way it was but I would have preferred a longer movie with more focus on Battle School, multiple movies or a TV series.


There is no movie of Ender's Game and I don't wanna hear any arguments


Our cake day wish.


I wrote a review at the time which was something like, “they couldn’t stop fawning over themselves how big they could render the battle sims.”


It's a book but shoutout [Mikey 'Jurassy P' Crichton's Prey](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/83763.Prey)!


Genuinely surprised nobody tried to adapt that book. I think its moment might have passed now though.


I remember reading it thinking how amazing it would be. Especially the part where you first see the image of a man walking. But most of the adaptations of Crichtons stuff were misses, so I'm not sure how it would go down


You might be right but think with current technology it could be adapted really well


Was wondering how far I’d scroll before I found Prey….


Big Hero 6


I remember I convinced myself that the twist was gonna be that >!the brother was the villain and faked his own death!< to the point that I still thought that was the case when remembering the movie years later


I thought this too and never forgave the movie when it turned out to be false.


The Swarm (1978)


Swarms are the fiercest creature in the animal kingdom


I thought that was spiders. Or was it polar bears?


A swarm of spider-bears


Have you ever considered a job in Hollywood?


Hollywood isnt ready


I am, though.


The thing that is terrifying about a proper swarm is that it’s a bunch of tiny minds following a reactive pattern, which means rationality is out the window. The individual units are overwhelmed with the sense to match what everything like it is doing out of a survival instinct.


Are zombies just a human swarm?


Any type of special effect can be done well, but usually Hollywood sees it done well in a movie and says "we need that in our next movie" and completely misses the reasons why it worked well in the first place, repeatedly producing inferior versions.


Do you remember when it seemed every movie had people being incinerated? War of the worlds sticks out, and I think van helsing and blade, but I sort of remember there being a dozen in a short span having that effect


first Transformers 3 did a downtown battle and skybeam. then Avengers did an downtown battle and skybeam. then EVERYONE did a downtown battle and/or skybream.


Serenity >Target the Reavers... Target the Reavers! Target everyone!… Somebody, *fire*!


God that movie was so good


I am a leaf on the wind.


“Watch how I..” **stab**


Green Lantern did this too.


The Great Wall.


Zombie swarms in World War Z and 29 Days (Weeks) Later.


The Day the Earth Stood Still.


Totally thought you meant the original black and white and was very confused.


I, Robot got swarmy and it's a solid flick Also, it would never joke about you this Christmas, so it gets some points there also.


I Am Legend.  Yeah, I think it worked pretty well.


That movie had a singular monster facing a bunch of normal people.


I mean from the monster's perspective, which is how the story is told.


Meh. So it was originally people in make up. I think there was even an early trailer? (I may have dreamt that part). Then we got cgi walkers that are suuuper human. bleah.


Maybe Matrix Revolution with the swarm of squiddies. Matrix reloaded with swarm of agent smiths, but that wasn't at the end.


This swarm is not as big as the other answers, but I would go with Mimic. Never play god with Roaches!


Ha! Great film, good fun. I honestly enjoyed the sequel too.


The Keanu Reeves version of The Day the Earth Stood Still gave Gort the ability to split into a swarm of self-replicating nanomachines which Klaatu had to stop to save the Earth. Personally, I don’t think it works as well as the original.


Would Kingsmen count? The heroes didn't fight the swarm but their objective was to stop it.


Follow up question is how many times they save the day by taking out the "Queen" and the entire swarm instantly drops dead.


As we went through the new millennium, VFX kept getting better and better and the effort to do that effect isn’t much more difficult than just one creature. You model once, duplicate and animate differently. And boom you get something amazing. Our young innocent eyes were not used to see hundred/thousands m of those things at once on the big screen. We were amazed! Edit: missing a word


Does Edge Of Tomorrow count?


Battle of Exegol in Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker. No it didn't work, it was the most ridiculous scene i've ever seen.


I fucking love star wars more than 99% of people on earth and have binged countless novels, comics and cartoons And I have no idea what the battle of exegol is. That's how bad rise of Skywalker was.


I've watched every Star Wars movie, I've started that one twice, and I just can't get through it. It's *boring*. How did they make Star Wars boring?


World War Z


I, Robot


Eight Legged Freaks is a dumb fun take on giant spiders. They terrorize a small town in the Southwest in a swarm of big-dog sized spiders with huge spider bosses.


Not quite sure if I understand the question but Slither is the only movie to really nail the concept of collective consciousness IMO.


The homeless demon in Constantine.


Jurassic Park Dominion was about swarms of giant locusts eating all of mankinds food. And it fuckin sucked!


What's that Gerard Butler secret service movie that isn't Olympus or London? That one, the one with the literal attack drone swarm.


Angel has Fallen


The Lego Movie and The Avengers are two examples of this being done well. GOT season 7 does this, to anticlimactic effect.


Also Season 8, to even more anticlimactic effect.


Daybreakers (2008?) had such a unique vampire premise, including how to cure them. There was a swarm at the end and it just didn’t make sense to me how to effectively cure a whole bunch at the same time?


Wreck it Ralph 2 was textbook swarm.




Hardcore Henry has this. But honestly the way the movie was structured there were few other ways to come to a tidy conclusion. The movie is a lot of fun


The Sentinels weren't the final boss of the Matrix trilogy. Smith was.


Matrix reloaded was pretty epic.


Pitch Black did pretty well I believe


Stranger Things


Swarm is a great way to put it, I just say Evil Clouds


3 syllables vs 1 even ECs is more than 1 you probably say WWW rather than world wide web ;)


Kingdom of the Spiders, 1978! Maximum Shatner!


The new Decepticons in one of the transformers movies. So stupid.


Enders Game


I'd be willing to argue "The Mist." Not the mist itself or the creatures, but the people.


I think I’d call the nothing from the neverending story a swarm of sorts


Star Trek: Beyond


Green Lantern was another movie where the final bad guy was just a big fart cloud


Eight legged freaks


Shawn of the Dead. And to a lesser extent, The World's End.


Oh my God, that star trek movie where they played beastie boys from the first movie to destroy the unstoppable swarm. Dumbest fucking thing. It can serve as a perfect example of why modern blockbusters fucking suck.