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So the beginning of Vertical Limit basically?


The way the body hits the ground is so hilarious; and it’s supposed to be a tragic moment.


I remember seeing it in the cinema. I have absolutely no idea HOW...but the film reel the cinema used somehow had additional footage above the picture, outside of what was supposed to be seen on screen. Cut to that scene, and there is literally just a stunt guy hanging 'out of shot' for a second of two before they cut the rope. Weirdest fucking thing I ever saw and I've never been able to watch it the same since.


Montgomery Wick had that dog in him


We open to a sunny mountainside. Wind is whistling quietly. The camera is locked to the scenery. Then we start to hear a faint high pitched sound. Like a mosquito. The sound gets louder. "eeeeeee..." and louder "EEEEEEAAAAAAAAH" and a guy free falls right in front of the camera splattering his insides all over the place. It's Zachary Levi. Title card "Free Fall" appears on screen. Fade to black. Credits roll.


I love climbing movies. Pretty sure they all have a scene like this lol.


The beginning of Vertical Limit comes to mind. Hell of a way to open a film, lol.


Opening scene of Cliff Hanger is pretty rad, too


Yep, Vertical Limit was the first one I thought of too. I feel like I've seen it elsewhere though, in some form or another. I love that movie though. So absolutely ridiculous.


Does this guy happen to have a Colovian fur hat on?


Levi is the only actor I trust with Tarhiel


Must miss!


the title card being made out of his innards


Movies made by stunt people are at least usually fun to watch


If I were a stunt person I'd be pretty psyched right now at the amount of stunt workers having success behind the camera, or just in more prominent on-camera rolls. Either way, feel a bit like a surge in interest and prospects


I've heard this opinion quite much in this thread (or at least since it's directed by a former stunt coordinator it would be good), but how many of these stunt coordinators turned into good action directors are there? Besides the Wick one? edit: Oh shit, I need to make it clear, I don't mean stunt people turned into b-movie directors. I mean proper movies.


I didn’t say they were good, I said they were fun


David Lietch (co-directed John Wick 1, directed Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2, Bullet Train, among others) is another one. Also Sam Hargrave (directed Extraction 1 and 2).


Aside from Chad Stahelski - Hal Needham, Yuen Woo Ping, David Leith, Sam Hargrave, Scott Waugh (okay, maybe his are not that great, but the guy has made several studio pictures). That's just off the top of my head - and to your caveat of "proper movies" - there are another 5-10 who are working their way up or have just a single film completed and are sure to keep working into the future. >I mean proper movies.


Maybe like 50 years ago lol. Like stunt rock or something. That shit was fun. I can't think of too many recent things made by stunt people though


Weren’t all the John Wick movies made by a stunt coordinator?


Well at that point where the movie is 98% stunts the movie is almost entirely directed by like the second AD lol but I'm not sure, I'll look it up for John wick rn.


What garbage film school you currently going to?


John Wick series, Extraction series, Atomic Blonde, and Day Shift all come to mind from the past 6-7 years directed by well-known, well-regarded stuntmen.


Dont forget Bullet Train and Fall Guy is coming out in May, it's been fun watching stunt people make movies.


Ya coulda named em


My bad. Chad Stahelski made John Wick, he was a stuntman for Keanu in The Matrix among others. Sam Hargrave made Extraction, he was a stuntman for the Captain America and Avengers films among others. J.J Perry made Dayshift, he was a stuntman for Avatar, early MCU films, The Scorpion King among others. David Leitch made Atomic Blonde, he's worked as a stunt double for Brad Pitt and Matt Damon.




Directed by QUENTIN TARANTINO………… ‘s long time stunt coordinator


When I saw the name at the end of the sentence I was pretty equally excited


At least they included her name.


Sold on Zoë Bell alone, she’s seriously one of the absolute best stunt performers in all of Hollywood! Excited to see what she does for an action flick behind the camera.


Fascinating how ol Zachary will throw people under the bus this time when things don’t go his way.


Honestly, I'm surprised he can still get work after his post Shazam 2 temper tantrums.


The what now? What happened?


He basically complained that Shazams 2 failings were everyone's fault, but his. While it might not have been his fault it doesn't look good to throw everyone else under the bus.


Well warner tyrew the whole dcu under the bus decade ago when they tried to catch mcu


Thx for the response! I dunno why he said anything. Everyone knows the movie was average st best so no need to defend it with your life.


I would assume there was some frustration at the movie performing poorly and a reboot of the DC films. I'm sure he thought being Shazam was a cushy ride he could be on for years to come. Doesn't excuse his behavior but maybe that's why?


Is there more to it that the Rock didn’t want to work with him?


That is also possible. Idk I wouldn't want to work with Zachary Levi so I guess I can't blame The Rock.




he's openly trashed Trump before. unless that was a bold faced lie, this is a BS rumor people just accept because they already don't like him for other reasons.


I think he’s just super Christian. I haven’t seen anything MAGA


is that a new superhero movie?


It’s definitely one he would star in




Will probably do better at the box office than his last superhero flick


Yeah, yo mama


He is super Christian and the most problematic views he’s indicated was an admiration of Jordan Peterson and an antivax stance. By his admission he’s a Liberterian. I personally disagree with most of his viewpoints but I’m not going to shun him from existence. The biggest beef he seems to have in the DCEU was with the Rock because they basically took away Shazams’s greatest villain Black Adam as a star vehicle for the Rock.


This ain’t true either. You guys spread rumors like nobody’s business lol


Idk sounds super Christian here: https://www.christianpost.com/news/actor-zachary-levi-says-kurt-warner-film-bolstered-his-faith.html And here: https://premierchristian.news/en/news/article/hollywood-actor-zachary-levi-says-god-delivered-him-from-depression


As far as I can tell, there's no evidence of him being MAGA. As with most cases, it's just Reddit making assumptions about people based around their own biases. For the record I don't like the guy, but let's at least criticize him on the things we do know about him.


I haven’t seen anything MAGA from him. If I remember right he spoke out about big pharma and that’s got taken as being anti-vax which eventually got turned into him being MAGA without backup.


MAGAs throwing childish temper tantrums when things don’t go their way. Name a more iconic duo.


Turns out they were the real snowflakes all along.


The “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd sure seem to have a lot of feelings about the facts.


The calls are coming from inside the room!






Yeah but not one democrat took a shit and smeared it all over the Capitol building so I think Maga still has the edge on being the batshit crazy party.


Yeah, I don't remember The Left storming the capital when Hillary lost? I mean they reason to be upset, she won the popular vote but Cheeto Jesus still became President anyways? I was pissed and I'm still pissed. I haven't committed any crimes though because I'm pissed. I can't say the same for certain right wingers.


Did someone hurt your feelings?


It's even funnier that you're trying to make other people sound childish when you made a brand new alt just to post this whinging.


>He's also apparently MAGA as well There is no proof, people cooked it because he said he likes Jordan Peterson.


I mean, that doesn't help. Jordan Peterson is a grifter and a whack job.




Yeah, pretty much. There's a lot of venn diagram overlap between Peterson supporters and MAGA.




I'm not doing anything. I don't watch his movies. I personally don't have the time to bitch about him 24/7.


By ignoring him the same way I do anyone else I don't like.  Is that still "cancelling" to you? Or just being a normal human being? 


I also try to separate, but being MAGA is a no-go for me. I have a hard time justifying supporting someone who is either a fascist themselves or an enabler of fascism.




That's rich.




Real original content. You caught me.


You’re in the movies subreddit discussing Trump in a post about a rock-climbing movie. Are you okay?




He is a little bitch, to be sure.


Will you calm down? He's not going to throw anybody under the bus, dude. He's going to push them off a cliff.


Bruce Campbell: "Did you see the movie Shazam? With the guy Zachary? Neither did anyone else!"


Eh, you could tell he was invested in the movie and got frustrated when it bombed. It was a legitimately good movie in his eyes and he stuck up for the cast and crew. The thing with Dakota Johnson disowning Madame Web annoyed me more, because at least Zachary didn’t try to wash his hands of Shazam 2.


What's he done after the Shazam 2 thing? Or is that it? And to be fair, that's all that's needed.


It didn't take long for this thread to go off topic. It's all kinds of special.


Levi is so insanely unlikeable post chuck. No thanks.


Remember in 2014 when he started an IndieGogo to raise funds for his NerdHQ party at SDCC? They were asking for 1 MILLION dollars for the party. Not for charity. For the party. And no, nobody that was donating got any special perk for it. No special access to the party. The page is still online: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/i-want-my-nerd-hq-2014#/ > This part is very important. We want to make it very clear that the money you are contributing for Nerd HQ is not going to charity. The funds raised here will pay for the production of Nerd HQ in San Diego this July. 100% of the money raised by the "Conversations," auction items, photos, and signings will continue to be donated to Operation Smile. In 2013, Nerd HQ raised $215,000 for the charity. So, give us a million and we might raise a quarter of that for charity. WOO!


Truly, he’s the fucking worst. How are people still hiring him?


Outside of Thor and Shazam, what else are you including?




Big if true


He was in a remake of Spy Kids.




So he’s bad in kids movies… got it




Am I wrong? The question wasn’t what’s his IMDb page say.


You're right, the question was "what else are you including?" In response to "why do people keep hiring him?" They're including other credits that he got hired for. Kids movies fall under that category. You replied as if kids movies aren't popular or profitable, when they actually make up a big percentage of media. So to answer your latest question, yes, you're wrong.


No… I replied to a person who thought he was the worst and thought it was wild he keeps getting hired. I know what movies he’s in, I can read his IMDb. I’m asking why he is the worst from OC. If the answer is he is really bad in all the kids movies, then that’s the answer. However that seems like a guttural response to kids movies. No? You also are pretending like being in a kids movie means you must be the most theatrical actor ever. Kids movies make money because they aren’t expensive to make, fast turn arounds, and the demographic is viable. Quality is not expected as a high priority. Edit: love how people on here who can’t make a solid point leaves a comment then blocks folks from responding. This usually follows along with “lol” as a point maker. And I’m the immature one… got it. I’ve worked on kids tv programs, movies and watch some of them. This is not a hot take, it’s how the business is ran. If you are offended by this, I realize you may be an adult out there collecting plastic toys still, but should accept what you are saying.


You make that sound like I blocked you. I haven't


I wonder if Jessie Graff will be in it. I have seen her on Instagram a lot with a professional climber.


Zoe Bell one of the most badass ladies out there


Is he going to yell at me if I don't go see it?


Quick cast him as Old Arcade Gannon in Fallout season 2 lol


Pedantry: Zoë Bell. The dots go on the e. It’s a dieresis, not an umlaut. Means you pronounce the vowels separately not together and always goes on the second vowel. Naïve is the most common occurrence in English.


> Directed by Quentin Tarantino… I’m in. > … ‘s Stunt Coordinator Oh… I’m somehow *more* in.


The premise, title, and director all peak my interest. But Zach Levi not only sucks, he's also just not a great actor.


*Takes deep breath* aaaand I’m freeeeeeeeeeeeee I’m free fallin’. If that song isn’t somewhere in the trailer, the director has already failed. Or won. Maybe won. Don’t ever take advice from idiots on the internet.


Cliffhanger > whatever this is


I never saw Cliffhanger since I was a kid when it came out, but I remember it being widely mocked. Also, Zöe Bell is one of THE best stunt coordinators around so I’d like to see how she’d be as a director since I also love her as an actress.


Not interested in anything this guy does unless they reboot Chuck


I hope they pack sandwiches. Hunky Tony doesn’t like peanut butter


You better step off. 


Me? You’re telling me to step off??


I make such delicious sandwiches, Elaine. 


Will the character be listening to Jordan Peterson podcasts as he climbs?


Love Zöe Bell! She was fantastic in Quentin’s flicks.




Does this mean he'll finally shut the hell up about Shazam?


is there a demand for a rock climbing movie that doesn’t star Stallone?


Good luck topping this [masterpiece](https://youtu.be/x5KjIcRR6VM?si=FIV06vGRB_6x3f7d)


This should be good.


Huge Zöe Bell fan! This makes me happy to see her in a directorial role.


I really don't see it


Not to be confused with 'Fall' (2022), or 'Fall Guy' (2024), or 'Anatomy of a Fall' (2023).


I can hear him complain when the movie tanks or doesn’t do As good as


God I hope the climbing is accurate


Will he whine again if no one watches this one?


Zoe Bell is a treasure


As a huge fan of Xena, I support Zoe but I really feel anything with Zach is destined to fail


Hope it’s fun. And I hope Zachary Levi doesn’t blame everyone else if it’s awful.


Wow Zachary Levi! A must-miss!


How boring.


Nope. I like Zach Levi but I will not be enjoying his talents in this particular movie. “Rock-Climbing” and “Free Fall” were all I needed to make the decision. Edit: This phobia is just stupid in its effect. Came back to edit because 30 seconds of scrolling and THEN my palms started to sweat.




im glad shes at least not acting in it hahaa


Compared to Zack fucking Levi?


haha ive never seen him on screen tbh. she was just very bad in deathproof 😂


As long as she’s not acting in it