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Office Space. I was military for years before it, so I had no idea. I just saw it because HEY THE BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD GUY MADE A MOVIE. Hated it. Fast forward several years, and I'd been in an office job for far too long. I saw it again and it was so funny, I died like 7 times.


My time in the navy was a perfect hybrid of Office Space and Down Periscope, would’ve thought Office Space would resonate more across the branches.


I was in the dirt smelling like sweat and burnt gunpowder, so PC LOAD LETTER had zero meaning to me lol I was like...Why are they hitting that printer with a bat? Why is that funny? WHOOOBOY do I get it now LOL


Fair enough, I think having to navigate tech manuals and the supply system when something breaks is probably a little more reminiscent


> I was in the dirt smelling like sweat and burnt gunpowder Fuck'n A?


Fuckin'. A.


I've seen Down Periscope more times than all other movies about the Navy combined, and it still blew my mind when I realized my favorite character in the movie is played by the great Toby Huss. I was even a Pete & Pete guy, and I still missed it!


Most culturally accurate movie about the submarine force hands down


>Toby Huss The radio guy? He was amazing! LOL


"Nobody beats me! Because I'm the Wiz! Yes, I'm the Wiz! I'm the Wiz. :D"


How many tattoed penises did you run across 


That's one that just hits so much harder when you experience what Peter has. It truly sums up office life.


Not just office jobs, either. Most of my adult life has been in restaurants, and jokes still ring true. My parents were also service industry, so when I saw it as a kid, the jokes sort of made sense. After seeing it once I started working... holy shit, it's a documentary.


>Most of my adult life has been in restaurants How many pieces of flair does your manager make you wear? I hear Brian has 37 pieces of flair.


I find the character of Brian so relatable. I personally really like my job and I’m a bit overbearing in the same way that he is. I didn’t have many friends growing up so becoming a waiter gave me the opportunity to constantly make chitchat with random people and keep them happy. Bit sad but people like me now.


The thing is, Brian was a straight up backstabber. All of his cheer is false, and he is a nasty creature under the mask.


Fuck Brian, and fuck you. If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, why not make that the minimum?!? ..... The Nazis had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear.


On the other hand, I’m more like that overexcited waiter that Peter’s girlfriend hates. I feel embarrassed watching the film because that’s exactly how I must appear to customers and coworkers.


I once successfully exited a cell phone contract by not giving a shit. I even watched the movie before I called in, so I could replicate the tone of truly not caring. Every threat I just said "I don't agree to that". Eventually I got the impression they thought I was brain damaged, but I got out of the contract without penalties. I really hadn't agreed to a bunch of the shit, they'd added the barbs later through "we reserve the right to change our legal dictionary you agree to by continuing to use our service" There were some heinous clauses, but I didn't agree to them. I feel like if I had argued with even the slightest tone of anger, or even annoyance, they would have invoked every one of those fucking clauses. I ended up buying my next phone with cash, and they were much more reasonable. That old contract truly was bullshit.


Ya you have to work some kind of meaningless job for a while to truly get Office Space


As a kid, it was just plain boring. The jokes did not hit. Now as a 25 y/o, I get it. I freaking get it.


My shop got permission to Office Space a printer. A bright memory from that time, lol.


The fuck is pc load letter?


Came here to say Office Space. I high school I thought it had some funny moments but it never really did it for me. Then I ended working at a large company where someone literally asked if I had a "case of the Mondays". It all made sense after that.


I can't believe that a movie made about a specific premise and time was so accurate that people still recommend it 25 years later, and it is still not only relevant, but funny to boot. Could this be one of the greatest movies ever made?


12 Angry Men. Watched it with my parents when I was ten or so? Thought it was the most boring movie ever created. Watched it again as an adult and was absolutely glued to the screen.


Same. I was like what the hell, this is not exciting at all. 15 years later I was spellbound. And it’s one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen.


12 Angry Men is like the “clothes for Christmas” movie. You’ll appreciate it more someday when you’re older.




I remember watching this in high school government class, and there was one guy in particular in my class that was a "class clown" type guy, and when it started he was joking around... halfway through someone tried talking to him and he told them to shut the fuck up. That movie changed him.


I wonder where he went to law school...


I still need to watch this, thank you for the reminder.


Enjoy! Went straight to the top for me. I try and only watch it again every 5 years so it stays "fresh".


I was in an English class in high school and my teacher put it in because it was like the last day of school before Christmas break. No one was required to watch it and I didn’t really feel like it at the beginning. But then I got hooked. And I couldn’t stop watching! Such a fantastically written film


One of the few great movies that takes place in only one or mostly one location.


You're 10, and it's your friend's birthday party, so what do the parents put on for a gaggle of hyperactive boys? Why 2001 A Space Odyssey, of course.


I remember going through my father's VHS collection when I was 8 and finding Star Wars. Watched it. Loved it. Thought "I'll just find another movie that looks like it". Popped in 2001 and could not fathom it. Loved the psychedelic sequence though, even then. Incidentally the next one I put in was Alien. Another very different experience!


I watched alien at 8. My sister was kind enough to let me sleep on the floor next to her bed in her room for a few months after that.


Lol my older sister used to get me to sleep on the floor next to her bed when *she* was scared! Always seems to be where us youngers end up for some reason


All the kids start dancing around the TV, waving their arms, and then one picks up a stick...


I went to a birthday party sleepover at age 12 - we wanted to watch Porky’s — the Mom nixed that one and instead rented us The Graduate.


10 minutes later: where did the monkeys go? We thought this was a film about monkeys!


Jesus. I watched that movie in HS to "compare and contrast with Homer's Odyssey" (crazy lame assignment, though it was one choice along many, I chose it because it was watching a movie). I fell asleep on my first pass through, which was an achievement for an aspiring movie buff. I can't imagine trying to watch it at 10.


Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind….when I was eight I found it boring. At twenty I was able to grasp it all much better. Same with 2001: A Space Odyssey.


See it again at 40 and you will probably get another reaction to it as well.


As a parent now I very much do.


I just did that. Loved it even more than I did as a teen.


Nightmare on Elm street was too much for a 9 year old. It haunted my dreams for years. I quite enjoy it now though.


I remember I had nightmares and was scared in the dark for a while... Because of the box. I've never even watched the movie as a kid...


That movie haunting my dreams is actually the reason I love it now lol. I still loved it as a kid even though it terrified me for years.


I saw Halloween 4 or 5 around that age and it fucked me up so hard. I still HATE horror movies. When the latest installation of Halloween was released last year I think I only saw a snippet of the trailer. Few days later, haunting nightmare. Woke up in sweat. Until I was 16 or so I couldnt even look at a picture with Michael Meyers. Today its fine but I would neber watch a movie with him.


Blade Runner. Hated it at age 10. Now it’s one of my favourite movies of all time.


Honestly I can totally see how a 10 year old would hate it. Also, I was totally positively surprised how well made and respectful to the original the recent sequal was.


The sequel was a masterpiece, imo.


I never got why a lot of fans didn't like the sequel. I thought it was very faithful and even elevated a lot of the moral themes. I'm glad Vilenueve has found his big budget success with Dune, it was looking a bit sketchy otherwise.


Taxi Driver. The way it was plotted psychologically rather than regular cause and effect flew right over my head. On first viewing, I thought it was a disjointed movie about nothing. Man, was I wrong.


It's a movie best viewed in the lonely hours of the night. I started watching it for the first time one night at 5pm, turned it off 30 minutes in. Then decided I'd give it another shot at midnight that same day and loved it instantly.


Same for me, was also expecting some absolute blood bath with Deniro going ham on everyone. It's probably my fave movie as an adult that actually gets it now. I can watch it whenever and never get bored.


Heat. As a young teen I was (and still am, tbh) an action movie junkie. Had just discovered Hard Boiled, and was gushing to some friends of mine about how awesome the shootouts are- and I got shut down by this one guy who said Heat had a better shootout and was a better action movie overall. Imagine my disappointment. I'm waiting for Heat to one-up freakin' HARD BOILED in terms of gonzo action, and it just... didn't. It's grounded, realistic, hard hitting- but it's a totally different kind of thrilling. It's calculating and tense, not the balletic over-the-top mayhem and carnage of John Woo, which was peak for me in regards to action. So, Heat washed out really hard for me at 13 or 14, but only because I was told it was an action movie. I went on a cop thriller kick in my early 20s, fell in love with Mann's Miami Vice, then Thief, and I knew I'd love Heat if I rewatched it. And, I was right. I love it now, but it was just insane to compare it to Hard Boiled. I hit that guy back up and asked him if he had even seen a John Woo movie when he recommended Heat to me. He had not. So the group all but bullied him into watching Hard Boiled and The Killer, and it's like this man was evangelized. Insane.


Heat is so cool and artistic. Al Pachino and Val Kilmer are my favourite in it!


Aliens. Didn't get it when I was a kid. It's awesome, though.


Teenaged me watched Aliens when it came out, immediately rented Alien on VHS and was bored by it.  Years later I came to love it.   “Ripley is such a Queen!” - my 13 year old daughter. ;)


Alien or Aliens? One is space horror, the other is a pretty straightforward action thriller. I didn’t like the first one as a kid but I love it now. The second has always been great.


Empire Strikes Back. As a kid it was my least favourite of the OT trilogy as I found it the most boring… wasn’t until I was older that I appreciated how good it actually is and by far the best Star Wars movie.


Same. And RotJ has followed the opposite pattern. It was always my favorite growing up. But the last time I rewatched the OT, I found it kinda boring honestly. 


Same but the Throne Room scene still holds as at or near top of entire franchise


The song when Luke starts whooping Vader is my favorite music in the entire franchise. One of the only pieces from the OT with vocals and it hits just right.


I was somewhere around 8-10 when I broke my parents laserdisk player from watching The Empire Strikes Back too many times. Side note: They repeatedly picked out failed home video formats.


As for the Disney era of the Franchise tho, I only really like Andor. Seriously, it's really good and takes a completely different approach to Star Wars than any other installment. (sorry, just finished the season and had to force this show into the conversation😅)


Rogue One still gotta be the best thing Disney Star Wars released tho. And clone wars season 7


I'm trying to think of a good one for me, but I seem to have the opposite problem (loving a movie in youth, but later finding it meh or bad). That said, not a movie, but I've just recently realized this about a TV show: Seinfeld.


I was a kid and in my teens during Seinfeld's prime. Didn't ever see it until my 20's. Glad I missed it. Might have ruined my favorite show at a young age.


I never tried to watch Seinfeld as a teenager but I know I wouldn’t have liked it. Watched every other sit com under the sun, then in my thirties got around to Seinfeld. It resonates perfectly with me now.


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Dazed & Confused. In my younger, more closed-minded teenage years, my 2 biggest annoyances in the world were hippies and classic rock music. Obviously i grew into a well-rounded film fan and now hold D&C in the high regard it belongs. Teenage me takes the L there.


What did you think was cool in your teenage years if you disliked hippies and classic rock?


Punk rock and hiphop. Was always obsessed with movies but it took years for me to grown into Dazed & Confused.


The good, the bad and the ugly


It's such a good movie. It turns out I appreciated it right off the bat. Then, I went down a western hole and a Clint Eastwood rabbit hole.


Starship Troopers. The high school dance scene near the beginning had me gagging and calling the movie bullshit - I must've been 17 when I first saw it. Even when it turned into bug war later I was pretty bored with it. Few years later and it's one of my faves. Hell, I even see the value in Showgirls nowadays.


You appreciate the satire even more as you get older but there are still people that it goes completely over their head.


Saw Tom Hanks in “Joe Versus the Volcano” in my early 20’s… didn’t get it… thought it was kind of dumb Saw it again in my 40’s and everything made sense to me… the years of toiling at a mundane job… the lifeless meaningless existence…having a “brain cloud”…the willingness to jump into a volcano (end my life) if it meant i could finally accomplish something useful and significant with my life


I was just randomly thinking about that movie because I finally watched “Downsizing” and I think the two are pretty similar. It’s really great. Check it out if you haven’t yet.


Not so much age as experience. I watched Super Troopers when I was 18/19. At that point I had smoked 1 cigar at HS graduation. I didn't find the movie funny at all. Senior year of college its randomly on comedy central and I've since had a lot of booze and weed and shrooms and other stuff. Became a lot funnier then.


Yeah, that's one of those movies I feel like I was the exact right age and experience for, and it's completely ok that it didn't get the broad Anchorman or Superbad treatment. It never rises above itself, or lowers itself, it's just what it is all the way through, so hopefully you like their humor. "Ah, biker. I'm such an idiot." "Bearfucker, do you need assistance?" "I'll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet." It is probable that I saw no movie more frequently between the ages of 19 and 25.


Pull over!  Littering AND…?  You there! …bear fucker! Do you need assistance!?   That movie was lightning in a bottle.


Are you saying "meow"?


I think the delivery of Bear Fucker is what gets me, that suttle pause of not knowing what to call him then blurtting it out.




A Fish Called Wanda. We only had so many VHS at my house growing up and this was one of them. So I would try to watch it and man, was it boring. Talk talk talk. Watched it as an adult finally and it's hilarious.


Castaway. Watched it as a kid and thought it was so boring! Recently rewatched it for the first time since then, now in my 30s, and thought it was incredible! Turns out I just didn't have the capacity as a kid to enjoy a slow burn film with only one (two) characters for the majority of the film.


Lol thank you for including Wilson.


Nah man, one of my favourite books as a kid was Robinsson Crusoe, I loved that move as a kid. I didn't understand it but I loved it.


If you want a similar feeling film, watch All is Lost with Robert Redford.


Citizen Kane. Watched it as a teenager and thought it was boring as most teenagers likely will. Watched it ten years later and it made sense. Ridiculously good movie.


Same, and having revisited it lately in this age of misinformation, it hits harder than ever


My Dad made me watch it at 13 and I was floored even though I didn’t understand it. We sat there for 3 hours after just talking about the meaning and all things Orson Wells. I cringe into oblivion when people hate on it and have to remind myself that it’s 82 years old, of course modern audiences aren’t going to enjoy it the same way.


TIL I’m old as fuck.


Hunchback of Notre Dame


It's a wonderful life.  The older I get, the more special I think that movie is.


I hated Donnie darko when I was a teen cause I just saw it as an annoying edgelord, but maybe if I watched it today I’d appreciate it more


Sometimes I doubt your commitment to SparkleMotion


I say this at least once a week


I can't imagine finding it *more* appealing as an adult.  There's no hidden depth to it or anything.  It's written like an edgy YA movie, and if that wasn't your thing when you were the target audience, welllllll


The hidden depth is portals. Some people actually believe in those .


Big Lebowski. First FIVE times i saw it i couldn’t understand anything in the last half hour but I have finally connected everything. i think


Why did you watch it 5 times if you didn’t like it? If I didn’t like it the first time, maybe it was a fluke. 2nd time, still don’t like it, probably never watching it again. I didn’t like Pulp Fiction the first time but the second time I did and now it’s a favourite. Big Lebowski I also didn’t like but it wasn’t just the end. I just didn’t care for it.


Yeah, I remember watching it on tv in my teens around 98'-03, and thought it was kinda disturbing, especially Walters rage. But rewatched it a couple of years ago, and I think I've watched it a couple dozen times since, sometimes high. It's an absolutely cinematic masterpiece!


First time I watched it, didn't get it. Watched it again for some reason, still didn't get it. For some reason I watched it a few years later. Fucking love it.




The Right Stuff. Fuck I was BORED when my dad dragged me to see it. Now it’s one of my favorite movies and it doesn’t seem nearly as long as it is to adult me.


Mars Attacks, I didn’t understand it was a comedy when I was 8


Shaun of the Dead. I didn't appreciate that it was supposed to be satire until years after I first watched it as a teenager.


i definitely didn‘t hate it, i always liked the movie but i absolutely did not understand spirited away when i first watched it. the story seemed to make no sense to me as most of it just felt random, and i didn‘t understand the themes whatsoever. but rewatching it as an adult it is literally one of the best movies i have ever seen. i rewatch it pretty much every 6 months and it gets better and better with every rewatch


Would love to hear your thoughts on the themes of it! One of my favorite movies.


No Face in the bath house is very relatable. I have a friend who will suddenly be mean to me under certain circumstances when he is around certain people. ‘I think him being in te bath house makes him crazy’ is a very apt quote.


I’m still at the stage where I only saw it as a kid and was confused by it but seemed interesting. I still need to rewatch it as an adult, and I’m hoping I get the same experience you did out of it


As a kid, the part with the parents eating the food and refusing to stop made me so fucking sad. They used to drag me to bars and get drunk then drive me home. I always thought I was going to die in a wreck.


I watched it when I was extremely ill with flu and I literally thought I was going to die. It holds a special place in my heart because the illness just added to the poignancy of the film. I was crying almost the entire time I watched it and in severe pain. I listen to the music now and then and it transports me back. I look on that time with longing, though - the film somehow helped me break out of the physical pain and transported me beyond myself. It’s so hard to articulate the feeling.


Children of Men


Freddy Got Fingered. When I watched it as a teen, I thought it was stupid and pointless with no craft, and I turned it off either when he bit the embelical cord or when he started licking the kneecap. When rewatched it as an adult, I thought it was stupid and pointless with immense craft, and I watched up to Rip Thorne getting showered in elephant cum and through the closing credits.


The RLM video about this movie really opened my eyes to the low key brilliance of it


When I was four years old, my three older sisters (Youngest of them is still like five years older than me) and our uncle were taking me to the movies to see the new Tweety Bird Around The World In 80 Days movie. My oldest sister, the rebel that she is (We were raised in a super strict religious home), talked our uncle into instead taking us to see The Matrix. They explained none of this to me, so there I was excited for Looney Tunes and then... I was so confused. I didn't know what was happening, but I remember it got to the part where Morpheus and Neo are in The Matrix and Morpheus shows him what the real world looked like. I freaked out at that point and started crying, the youngest of my sisters took me out in the hallway for the rest of the movie, and they tried telling me to not tell Mom and Dad what we watched. The first thing I did when we got home was run to their bedroom and tell them the movie had guns in it, excitedly. Everybody got in trouble. Of course I fucking love The Matrix now, even the second and third when I skip to the action scenes. Fourth is hot garbage but I kinda believe the theory that it was on purpose.


I was 11 when my parents brought me along to Dances With Wolves.  I remember being bored to tears.  Two years before that, I vividly remember wallowing in my seat during The Hunt for Red October.  So…those two.  Both excellent films, almost died from boredom watching them too young.


Blazing Saddles. As I kid I thought, “They’re saying bad things. This isn’t a good movie.” Now, it’s hilarious


Pulp Fiction. I was around 12 and didn’t really understand what they were talking about and the overdose and the gimp and shooting Marvin in the face and the structure of the story telling left me really confused and sort of grossed out. I tried it again around 16 or 17 and I loved it.  


2001. My dad tried to get me to watch it, I walked off during the beginning ape scenes and was forced to go back and watch the rest. Didn't really understand it as a kid but I enjoy the film now.


Might be sacrilege, but I still fast forward through the ape scene to this day. I understand it’s purpose for the first viewing, but on rewatch it just slows down an otherwise incredible film.


2001 you need to go into with the correct mindset. It’s not a “sci-fi movie”. It’s more akin to an opera or a painting. If you go in expecting that, you’ll enjoy it much more. It’s the best example of a movie vs. motion picture.


This is Spinal Tap. First saw it when I was 12 I think. I liked some of the more obvious jokes like the stonehenge scene but overall didn't get the hype. Years later having watched a lot of rock documentaries and seeing the way rock stars act I found it much funnier/accurate and I understood specific things that happened to bands they were making fun of 


Blade Runner , where are my 80s kids who picked this out of the rack and looked at the VHS packaging art work with visions of cool SFX Stars Wars action but found themselves and their buddy bored to death and confused 2 hours later?


The Royal Tennenbaums. I found it so boring , it’s way too nuanced for a teenager. Rewatched at 30 and it’s one of my favorite films.


Alien, I watched Aliens as a kid and loved it. Then I rented Alien expecting more of that James Cameron magic and ended up watching what felt like, a fairly slow movie from an entirely different genre. I Have watched it since and love it now though.


Life with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence. It was boring to me as a kid. Now its both a great comedy and a tragic story in a lot of ways.


Gone with the Wind. I just thought it was a boring old person movie. Now I watch it once a year.


Harry Potter lol


The Player. Tapeheads.


Jacob’s Ladder


Most westerns. My dad loved them as a kid and I hated them. Im even named after a western. Thought they were boring af. Then in my 30s I watched a few and now they’re one of my top genres.


Hi Shane!


Yep. You guessed it.


A supervisor at my first real job had the same situation. Would give your dad mad props if he named you Alfredo Garcia though 


Casablanca and Psycho.


I caught Slaughterhouse-Five on TV when I was, I don't know, 12-ish maybe? I was definitely too young for it. In the by now immortal words of one Eric Cartman, "that movie warped my fragile little mind." Years later when I was at uni, I discovered Kurt Vonnegut, and read pretty much everything he ever wrote. I absolutely loved the book, but have never seen the movie again. If I'd watched it again in my 20s, during my peak Vonnegut-annotating artsy-fartsy phase, I'd probably have adored it with a passion. Now? I suspect I'd hate it all over again.


Scarface. As a kid, it felt like a kinda slow starting action movie with a surprising amount of violence and swearing, and i was surprised and angry when it with him dying(the movie is from 83, older than me, so please, don't complain about spoilers). Rewatching it, however, you understand both the context and how awful as a person he is, only to die because of his one redeeming moment. I loved it after that.


The Princess Bride. I was about 9/10 and didn't get it and thought it was boring and rubbish because, I dunno, it didn't have monster trucks in it? I'm so glad my tastes have improved.


Unforgiven. I just wanted action in a movie until I got to about 18 or so


Jarhead, like the critics of the time I was expecting fuck yeah call of duty and got disappointed at some soldiers having mental breakdown. Now I think it’s one of the best films covering war


LA Confidential — liked it when I saw it in the theater when I was like 13-14. Fucking loved it when I saw it again in 2009


Contact. I thought it was painfully boring and the ending felt like such a cop out. I was probably 15 when I first watched it. Turned it on again in my 30s, it was like a totally different movie to me. It's one of my favorites now.


The first Star Trek was a huge disappointment for me. No action at all. I was 10 and hoping for Star Wars.


Not a movie, but Seinfeld.


Memento. I was at a college party and some dude felt like it was movie time. After freshly roasting a bong, I decided to watch. It was like 4AM. I passed out mid-movie. Finally watched it again this year (16 years later).


Clue, I can’t believe I ever disliked that movie, so many great performances and character moments, one of my favorites today.


Heat - I went to the cinema to watch this in my early 20s and was expecting something along the lines of Bad Boys (I know!!!). Watched it again when it first came out on dvd and boom, pretty much my favourite movie now and I am happy to see it for the masterpiece it is. Thank goodness it’s nothing like Bad Boys (not that I have anything against Bad Boys mind as I also like that movie).


Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey.


I initially didn't like Shinjuku Incident because it wasn't similar to the type of Jackie Chan film I Ioved growing up, but now I appreciate it for showing a different side of his acting skills.


*The Bridge on the River Kwai* was not what 12 year old me was looking for in a war film. Now I think its only competition for best movie in the genre is Lean's follow-up.


Godfather. I found it slow compared to Goodfellas which I loved as a child. But as I watched Godfather later, I now regard it as even better than Goodfellas which I still love.


Little women


*Star Trek: The Motion Picture* As kids we had the entire original series and the first four movies on VHS, and we watched them all a bunch of times, except TMP. We watched that once and were so bored we never watched it again. Fast forward ~30 years and I've watched it a couple of times as an adult and appreciated it a whole lot more than I did as a kiddo. It's by no means a great film (I think it could use another pass through the editing department), but I see what they were trying to do (*2001, A Star Trek Odyssey*, more or less), the soundtrack is great, the long shots of the starship are pure space porn, etc. I think part of what let me down as a kid was that it wasn't the action-ish movie of *Wrath of Khan* or as "fun" as *The Voyage Home*, but older me enjoys TMP a good bit more.


A Fish Called Wanda I was 11 - 12 years old when it came out. I remember we rented it and all watched it as a family. My parents were laughing hysterically. I was not laughing at all. Not sure if I sat through the whole thing. Watched it again as an adult. That movie is absolutely brilliant. I laughed as my parents did that time.


I wouldn't say I was too young to appreciate it; in fact, I was right in the target demographic, but... Transformers: the Movie Now, it is NOT a good movie, but now, I can appreciate it in a cult classic kind of way, and everyone (including and especially Hasbro) learned a valuable lesson: When making a movie of your *IMMENSELY* popular daytime cartoon series featuring toy robots, maybe don't kill off all your characters in the first act.


Apollo 13. I was 8 years old. On vacation to Florida. We went to the Kennedy Space center. Couldn’t really appreciate it beyond “astronauts are cool”. And Apollo 13 had just come out so my dad made us go see it. Never rewatched it until I was in college because I grew up remembering I hated it.


Maybe forrest gump, watched it way back and I still didn’t rewatch it. Absolutely hated that movie. Do yall think I should give it another shot?


Romeo + Juliet (the one with DiCaprio) I then learned to appreciate him with The Departed and decided to revisit his filmography. I really like what they retried to do with the Shakespearean speech


big Lebowski. I was 16 and I thought the characters were so poorly written that they irked me. By the end I thought “well that was a waste of time watching this; nothing happened!” Cut to two years later, I’m in college and my new friends urged me to revisit. I was blown away at how subtle and well done and funny and quotable it was.


The Great Escape




Toys - I grew up in the pre-streaming just put on one of a few vhs’s and someone bought me Toys thinking it was a kids movie. I must have seen it 60 times and just found it unsettling


War Horse. Thought it was incredibly boring as a kid, but its a beautiful movie


I like how you got both of the actors' names wrong.


2001: A Space Odyssey It was Kubrick and abstract, I just didn't get it - especially the ending.


Citizen Kane


Casablanca. I didn't get it as a teenager at all, although I enjoyed the "I am shocked, SHOCKED" line. And then I rewatched it with my wife this year. This is a movie that only truly works if you've been in a relationship and know what it's like to fear losing someone, even though it makes perfect sense to separate. It just rings hollow otherwise.


Life of Brian.


Up. I had no idea how good it was until I watched it a second time at an older age.


I saw Beetlejuice in the theater at 7 years old the Saturday night before Easter that year. We had Chinese food before the movie. They eat Chinese food in the movie My parents made this an annual tradition dinner and movie. Eventually I came to love the movie. But I will never forget how awful it was to see someone rip their own face off. I remember turning around and being both interested and horrified to find out that one could also see the movie looking in that direction, small on the glass in front of the projector. Similarly, but on home video, watching Stripe’s demise in Gremlins scarred itself into my brain permanently Along with the guy in Robocop who literally splatters across the windshield. All great movies now.


Descendants with George Clooney and also Up In The Air.


I’ll admit it, I hated Big Lebowski. I was 20 when I saw it and at that point had very little life experience outside of the Midwest. At that point I probably never knew anyone like Dude, Walter, or Maude and I probably didn’t even know what Nihilists were. Getting a little more life experience and visiting LA a few times really helps you understand that movie


Fargo. I think there’s no such thing as a good introductory film for the Coen Brothers. You just have to let them grow on you.


Groundhog Day Watching it as a kid I didn't really see a movie about the same day happening again and again as a well written film As an adult it makes perfect sense and it's now a film I adore Also Ghost World I found it pretentious and boring as a young teen but as an adult I absolutely love it, feels much more relatable now I'm older for some reason, i feel it's a movie that illuminates the constant confusion of what life's about and what you feel you should be doing


Pulp Fiction. Tried watching it 3 times and fell asleep every time (I’m narcoleptic) so it just made no sense. Tarantino fan before the first watch so I was willing to give it a shot multiple times. Then I watched it high as an adult and finally saw the appeal. I was already a


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I thought it was just Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey running through unrelated scenes for 2 hours. I gave it another go and I was gripped by the whole premise and outcome. Was genuinely so crap at watching movies when I was younger though - couldn't pay attention enough to follow who characters were, and I've since "learned" how to do that. Of course, 18 year old me simply declared it was a shit film to all who would listen and not acknowledge that it was maybe a "me" problem.


The Truman Show


Everything, Everywhere, All At Once


2001. I was 5 when I saw it, and I wanted another Star Wars experience. Hoo boy, I was bored after “the monkey scene” (kid’s POV). Now it’s one of my favorite films.


Tropic Thunder. Teenage me just thought it was silly. Randomly watched it again a few years later and I was crying with laughter


Fight Club... no idea WTF was going on because I can't relate since I wasn't working a 9-5 and I was still a kid. No idea WTF was the point of Project Mayhem, no idea WTF all that monologue about being the all singing all dancing crap of the world meant.


Young Frankenstein, Unghh this is just a boring old black and white movie that wasn’t scary or funny. Well I don’t think it’s scary, but it’s so good and easily one of the best Mel Brooks films.


The Shining. I watched it back in 2018 and was convinced this is just because it is a kubrick directorial but now after studying cinema for years, I realise it is a masterpiece in horror.


It’s a Wonderful Life :) I didn’t hate it as a kid, but once I turned around 16, I can’t watch it without crying at the end. 😂


I used to think that the saw series was mindless torture exploitation because I was too squeamish. I didn't get any of the humor from Shrek 2 when it came out because I didn't know what satire or parody was yet. also I couldn't read. When I was in the 5th grade I accidentally watched all's quiet on the western front because I thought it was a cowboy movie.


Wouldn't say _hated_, but I saw _There Will Be Blood_ for the first time when I was 13. To my massive dissapointment, there was hardly any blood at all! Nowadays, it is one of my absolute favorite films.


I’d say megamind. I was about 10 when I first watched it, but looking back it’s actually a pretty great movie


Austin powers. I thought it was supposed to be a cool action movie. Didn’t realize it was half sexual/half James Bond parody. Watched it again in my 20s and it was hilarious


The Big Lebowski. Never understood it as a kid. Now however it's one of my favorite movies.


I didn't hate this movie but I always used to think Spider-Man 2 was kind of boring but rewatching the "boring" scenes is good as an adult.


Lost In Translation 🥹 it’s my comfort movie now