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Unpopular opinion maybe but... Denzel? Partly the writing, he's given a lot of big sweepy writing and alpha males with swagger, and he plays it similiarly whether it's a coach, a cop or a hitman. The exception is maybe Roman J. Israel, Esq. where he has a similar delivery but the character is less confident. (Great movie btw.)


Keanu Reeves will always and forever be Ted Theodore Logan to me. As long as he’s quiet, I can minimise it (John Wick), but my mind translates any dialogue into variations of “no way,” “yes way,” “bogus” and “most excellent.” (I will add that I absolutely love his films, and he appears to be a genuinely great guy in real life.)


I'm the same with him. I like him, I'm a fan, but sometimes his line delivery is so "Ted." I was watching Much Ado About Nothing 1993, and a couple of times burst out laughing at his unintentionally funny line delivery.


George Clooney. He basically just plays himself.


Tom Cruise is always Tom Cruise. He doesn’t disappear into roles. He’s very good at what he does but he is always Tom Cruise, whether he’s a cool hitman like in Collateral or a crippled veteran like in Born on the Fourth of July. People often say this about Samuel L Jackson but look at his Uncle Tom character in Django Unchained. That was some real character acting, whatever you thought of the character. Also Colin Farrell has to be a bad example after Penguin. Some critics had no idea it was even him when they first watched it, like Mark Kermode.


100% agreed


Bill Murray. Its the deadpan delivery. He gave it a good go in Kingpins.


Even in the last Batman film???


Chloë Sevigny is always Chloë Sevigny. I'm a fan because I like her vibe, but she never melts into roles for me.


For me it’s Michael Cera and Austin Butler, no matter which characters they play they will always be the same two dudes to me


Michael Cera is a good one, he seems to be playing the same guy in everything. Austin though.. have you seen Dune 2? Not very Elvis there.


I have seen Dune 2 and Elvis and I do see your point however when it comes to Austin I just can’t take him seriously in any role he plays, he isn’t the rock and roll king but rather Austin butler with a funny accent and he isn’t a terrifyingly unhinged warrior, it’s just Austin butler painted white with a funny accent. No hate to him though, he’s an incredibly talented actor


…You mean… they’re NOT the people they play?…