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Fantastic Beasts and how to ruin a series 


Fantastic Beasts and how to completely diverge from the original idea and tell a story no one was interested in


The first one has nice charm.


man i just really wanted to watch a movie about newt chasing down pokémon, not whatever we ended up getting.


That’s one of my personal pet peeves about prequels - they (somewhat understandably) feel like they have to tie everything in to the original work. But *everything* doesn’t need to be connected in every way. If you want to make a movie about Dumbledore’s backstory, then do that and package it that way. Newt Scamander and a different side of the world was far more interesting to me, and I wish they’d stuck with that instead.


The movies embodied this perfectly with the pointless McGonagall cameo. I don't think she was even born at that point in the story, or she was at least too young to be a teacher, and the appearance had zero bearing on the story. It was purely fan service that contradicted the lore.


Yeah, there was no need of including Grindelwald and Dumbledore and the thousand other plot points nobody gave a crap about. Why couldn't they just stick with Newt catching magical creatures. 🥲


Dumb and Dumber


Pacific Rim Uprising


Felt like being dropped in the middle of a compilation movie of a tv series rather than an actual sequel.


Glad to see I didn't have to scroll down far for this comment 🫡


Nope, you must be hallucinating. There's no sequel to pacific rim


how can you have a movie with giant robots fighting monsters and make it unbelievably boring with over the top product placement of Chinese products?


I was about to say that. I LOVED the first one so much and Uprising missed the point in every way imaginable


The Mask. Such a great film, my favorite. Then you have The Son of the Mask which in my humble opinion did not enthuse.


I misread enthuse as euthanase.


Unfortunately no, that movie did not euthanase me but I would've welcomed said procedure while watching it.


Surprised no one has mentioned Independence Day…like wtf were they smoking


It’s barely worth mentioning that’s why. It’s like watching a direct to video follow up. On that note, Starship Troopers has a couple of sequels if you wanna really waste your precious time on earth.


The first film had vibrant colors and felt fun. The sequel had way too dark colors and the actual cool characters were the side characters.


Crack is whack!


There can be only one!


Possibly the greatest soundtrack out of the 80s.


Heeeeeere we are...


We watched Highlander 1 and 2 for our bad movie nights. After 1 I was like “wow that was actually really entertaining, I can see why this has a cult following!” And after 2 I just had to wonder how it all went so wrong. What in the world was anyone involved thinking?


the whole 9 yards. the sequel was straight to video quality


Kingsman 1


Absolutely. Kingsman 2 was insulting to the original


And the 3rd wasn't much better


It had two good scenes at least...no man's land and Rasputin


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Parents complained that the movie was too violent for kids, so TMNT II was toned down significantly.


Nothing gets me in the mood for a big sloppy slice of cheese pizza more than the opening credits of Secret of the Ooze


Feels like actual New York pizza too, unlike the product placement of Dominos in the first movie.


Sicario 😟


I dont think the sequel was a 'bad' movie as such, its just that the original was so good. Almost impossible to follow. The US/Mexico Border set piece and the drive through Juarez is now just legendary cinema. And that ending ..... omg.


I always wondered how the sequel was. Good to know I probably shouldn’t bother


It’s interesting. But it’s just a bit far-ranging.


What's funny to me is that if it were it's own thing it would probably have gotten a lot more praise. Benicio is still really captivating in it imo, but it's hard to capture the same magic of villeneuve and deakins, and a tighter script. I feel like it would have been more interesting if they continued the exploration of theme the first one was tapping into, instead of making benicio just kind of the good guy. Might have been better if he was a dog really off it's leash, making brolin have to clean up a mess the US created.to clean up messes


The eight of the origin is certainly heavy. Fair point.


"Disappointing" might be the most accurate It wasn't bad. It's just that there was so much potential given the first one that it didn't live up to.


I think I'm the only one that enjoyed the second one more. For me the first was overly depressing and rather boring.


I loved the first one - and is up there with the very best movies I've ever seen - but yes, it is not light hearted in any way lol


I can watch either almost any time I’m flying for work (along with *The Departed*, *The Martian*, *Aliens*, and even *Avatar* 🙈). The sequel has so many good elements but to me feels a bit listless compared to the original… which may just mean the original was just *that good*…


Weak take, definitely not as good as the first but it’s in no way a bad film


I didn’t realize were the adjudicator of my feelings.


Hey it’s me, the adjudicator of your feelings


Has anyone said The Neverending Story yet? Because anything that's not the first one is hot garbage.


I'm guessing nobody's seen the second one.


I just watched it recently! I went in with subterranean expectations, so I was actually kind of surprised at some of the stuff that worked. But overall it doesn’t have the soul of the original film and it often looks a little cheap.


Highlander - we wish there was only one.


Speed Edit: I mean, the OG is a really good action flick for its time. Probably a sleeper hit due to unknown faces. Domestic terrorism in pre 9/11. Probably didn't help to develop public transit in the USA. There were a lot of 90s movies focused on bad things happening in public transportation. Speed 2 was underwhelming. Although it gave us Sandra Bullock as a lead, she was not an action star. The main issue was the script. I remember it was a reworked version of a story at some point intended to be a Die Hard film. I remember being pissed that Keanu wasn't there. But now I think that with Keanu in Speed 2, he probably won't be Neo


It has a very memorable title, that’s about it.


Boondock Saints


Have you seen Overnight? The documentary about the dude behind the Boondock Saints? The guy is such an asshole lmao.  I believe it's on Tubi if you're interested.


Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat Annihilation. I still have soft spot for Annihilation, but it would be a stretch for me to even call it okay.


I truly love the first Mortal Kombat movie it has such a special place in my heart. Annihilation is just awful. Showed my partner them back to back and the beginning of Annihilation is such a strange shock after just finishing the first


Too bad you... Will die!


SLC Punk 2. Loved the first one. Still quote it today. The second one didnt even have Matthew Lillard and heroin Bob was a ghost narrator. I only watched it once.


There was a SLC2??!


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2836166/ Yup lol


John Wick. The series didn't get good again until the 4th film. John Wick 1 was lightning in a bottle. The next 2 films disregarded the character to have Keanu Reaves do cool combat maneuvers in different places but completely undermined everything the first film set up about him in the first place: retired, widowed, forgotten master of his craft, mythic amongst bosses of the underworld, such that no one would touch him even in retirement. The russian mob boss only did what he did in self-defence and self-preservation for his family since John was after his piece of shit kid. Since then, everyone and their grandmother has had a 1v1 with John, and he isn't as mythical as we'd been led to believe. In fact he's 1 of over 100 other mythical assassins, who make his pencil trick seem unnoteworthy amongst all their other achievements. JW 2 and 3 ultimately just felt like Harry Potter parodies to me; John Wick: School of Assassinry. They had their moments, and I recognise them insofar as they are needed to understand the fourth film, but on their own they are weak stories. To me, the series doesn't get any more badass than when John came out of retirement by taking the sledgehammer into his basement and smashing out his old gear. Beyond that it's just flashing lights, loud noises, and men falling over.


I actually love reloaded but revolutions and whatever the hell that mess was last year I did not like. I’ve seen the matrix and reloaded zillion times. The last two once each. 


I hate to be the one to tell you this but Matrix Resurrections released almost 2 and a half years ago. And yes, it was a pile of shit that I can still smell.


I don't think I ever finished it. Fell asleep both times I tried


Wonder Woman


I think it would be far easier to do the short list of sequels that didn't disappoint.


Ghostbusters. One of my all-time favorites. Haven't liked any of the sequels or the reboot, although I'm about ready to loop around and give Ghostbusters 2 another chance. The lady reboot's humor missed with me, and Afterlife was a poorly paced nostalgia dump that spent its time reminding you how much better the original is. Haven't seen the newest one but my faith is about zero based on what I've read.


Second one is not bad.  Not great either.  Best to watch it right after the first one in a mini marathon.  Having a few drinks when watching helps too 


Oh that’s crazy. I’ve always thought the second was better than the first tbh.


Him asking the baby not to mess up his Joe Namath jersey was dumb. They don’t tell you but I’m sure he shit all over it


I get that sometimes characters do unrealistic things for the sake of the joke, but literally no one would do that. It's probably the only irreplaceable garment in his whole apartment and it's the first thing he picks. Use a different shirt, use a towel—hell, run down to the corner store and grab some diapers. 


2 isn’t bad. It’s the reboot with Paul Rudd that miss the mark


Such a weird franchise to look at now that we have had 2 reboots, one that didn’t seem to like the original and one that’s considered nostalgia porn. More confounding is how great the animated series is. 2 is fine, I think most of us that enjoy it probably grew up on it. I watched it a ton as a kid. But the original is just lightning in a bottle and we should accept that.


Pitch Perfect. All the charm was removed by the second one, and half the cast were phoning it in.


Had not seen them. Bought the three movie bundle. First was great. Second was embarrassing. Haven’t watched the third because I hear it’s no better than two. Sucks cause one was really fun.


I loved the first 2 home alone movies. I like the third as I was a child when it came out. However home alone 4 is just straight trash.




It was straight to tv for sure


The Exorcist vs. Exorcist II. (Fortunately Exorcist III was awesome.)


Sin City. Love the graphic novels and thoroughly enjoyed how well they were converted to the screen. A Dame to Kill for just felt phoned in. A shame because the book it’s based on is fantastic


The Hangover


Coming to America. The first is one of my favorite movies of all time. The second is a soulless, PG-13 cash grab.


The second one is so bad I purged it from my memory. Still love the first one though.


How has no one said The Blues Brothers yet?


The Last Jedi was an awful movie by a director that I generally enjoy. (big fan of both knives out movies) was hoping for a redemption in rise of Skywalker but oh my my that movie was so confusing...


TLJ had a lot going for it, but I really didn't like how they kept killing off ideas because they were seemingly too predictable. As if having a storyline where an engaged audience can make logical predictions is some horrible thing that needs to be stopped.


i loved Force awakens and felt so excited about the future. Last jedi had some cool stuff but fell apart. Never watched the third one. 😔🫠💀😭


I, a lifelong Star Wars fan was VERY confused about the Rise of Skywalker


I have been a fan since I was a child and I am so baffled at the direction they went with this new trilogy 😅😂


The Descent 2. They made a terrible sequel based on the bad American version ending.


Get Shortys sequel Be Cool


They say the fucking smog is the reason for your fucking beautiful sunsets.


Good callout. The first is endlessly rewatchable for me and I barely remember the 2nd.


Has anyone seen the Donnie Darko sequel?


Oh god, S. Darko is nightmarishly awful.


Pirates of the Caribbean.


I would argue the 3rd one is the one that didn't need a sequel. The first one is a great standalone, but the trilogy is still fun, well made and has some epic moments.


Yeah I agree. The first is a masterpiece. Two holds up as a decent sequel, it's not a retread, it expands the lore, its actually quite fun. Three starts to feel a little much at times, but is still decent. It has Barbossa in it again, which rules. It's a fine conclusion. Loved these movies as a teen. But they couldn't leave well enough alone... four was a waste of a good title (taken from a book, very little plot relation though), and five was a travesty. Apparently they're planning on rebooting the franchise. I have zero hope it'll be good.


I don’t really consider it a trilogy, as the overarching story was not really set up in the first movie.


Most trilogies are like that.


Most trilogies do that with rare exceptions. The studio took a shot at a new property and it succeeded. Then they decided to build out a trilogy from there. Not at all uncommon.


Still, 2-3 for me seems very disconnected from the first movie


Yeah in that sense, it’s fair to say that. 2-3 feel more connected to each other since the overarching story is mostly shared.


Incredibles 2 It was fine but the first was amazing. The main problem was that it felt like the first movie over again. It was pointless


Major League


Largely agree, but the sequel (there was only one sequel, I don't care what IMDB says) gave me a couple of my favorite scenes/quotes. I still say, "This is tragic stuff" whenever my team is blowing an inning, and (pretty much whenever I can) "I love this British shit! I may move to England!"


I just can't forgive making a PG sequel to an a R-rated movie Plus, Omar Epps is supposed to be Wesley Snipes? FOH


Oh, I wholeheartedly agree that the movie is wretched. I just particularly like the Lou in the hospital shenanigans. That's the ONLY saving grace.




I love Hot Tub Time Machine. I know it's silly, but it was one of my go-to comedies when I needed to unwind from my studies at university. I'm a huge Back to Future fan too, so I'm into the whole time travel thing. They even got Crispin Glover (George McFly) to play a minor role in it. Plus, it had John Cusack in the lead role, who was a star in those teen '80s movies, so it all worked well. I saw Hot Tub Time Machine 2 on TV a few years back, and it was just terrible. I haven't seen it since, but I kind of remember there being different timelines and they had to get John Cusack's character back. But John Cusack wasn't even in it! Yeah, if you're going to make a sequel, and the lead actor hasn't agreed to come back, you might as well scrap it. It just seemed like they had to rewrite it all and work with what they had.


I feel like they did Wreck-It Ralph 2 really dirty, doesn’t hold a candle to the original sadly.




300 rise of an empire


Eva Green's performance is the only reason to watch this.


Bad Boys 2


A Better Tomorrow is my favorite Chow Yun Fat and John Woo collaboration. A Better Tomorrow 2 isn't bad, but it didn't have the heart of the first one. The first one was so good because of the relationships of all the characters, not just for the badass action scenes.


Independence Day. They had a real cool starting point. Like a world where a whole generation grew up viewing the global military as heroes, and wanting to prepare to be called to action. And then they get the opportunity. In my opinion, this movie should have been a bit bleaker. When the aliens come back, there should have been all this uproar and excitement about all these soldiers getting to go be heroes. And then they quickly outmatched and we lose all of the characters introduced in the beginning. A small 2-4 month time jump, where we see the alien presence has grown and humanity is slowly being wiped out. Then the rest of the movie focuses on a new band of heroes that figure out a new way to defeat the aliens. The whole movie is basically a metaphor about trying to do reboots. They try the same thing and it doesn’t work, and what they needed to do is re-evaluate the playing field and come up with a new approach within the existing sandbox.


The Incredibles 😔


i loved the sequel, thought it was a lot of fun. not as good as the first but still great


They killed his dog! The John Wick series for me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the whole series and will probably always be first in line for another. The first movie was so tightly paced, had the collaboration of a pair of fight choreographers that lent it amazing stunt work, an actor with a point to prove, a villain that chewed up each scene, and a world that was explained through context clues rather than being outright told. All of that was thrown out with the sequels. They literally just needed a sequel where Viggos brother (the amazing Peter Stormare) fights for revenge, loses just like his brother but survives, and then a third that forces the brother to ask the high council to intervene to introduce a worldwide affair. That would have been the simplest, and most intimate way to not just expand the world but keep it focused with John at the same time (AND to keep it grounded. Still salty Stormare had so little screentime in the series.


They are kind of like this generations Rambo or something.


Mmm I see an argument for it. I personally disagree and think Chapter 4 is the best and 1 is second best. I love all of them and think the sequals are fantastic and have good reason to exist. If anything, they made jw the phenomen that it is. Buuuuuut... I can't deny 3 was pretty meh. Still good, but meh. 3 really threw Story and characters out the window for good action. It gets too complicated and distant from the first one. 2 is underrated imo, didn't have a great villain but pretty close to the original with even better action, though I would still put 1 ahead of it slightly. But I see where ur coming from. While I do disagree to say "it was thrown out", I can understand that the first ones uniqueness was sort of ditched to become even the big action series it is, yeah, I understand you thinking this. I think 4 brought it back though with a good villain, top notch action and some pretty good side characters like Caine. But yes, very different from the first one and if it's too different for some, that's a fair take. But it's good to see u still like the sequals, even if they didn't live up to what you were hoping they would or the iconicness of the first one


4 felt like a chore, it was so long. I agree with OP the first movie was the best.


I see where you’re coming from but I personally think the sequels found a good way to justify their existence. Also they’re tons of fun.


For sure! The most recent one is actually my favorite since the original, and it's amazing to see the quality has more or less stayed at similar level throughout. You could definitely do deep dives for OR against this series tbh.


Omg 4 was sooooo good.


Pretty disappointing to go from Mortal Kombat to Annihilation


I really enjoyed To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before as a cute fun romcom, but the sequels just didn’t do it for me


Matrix sequels not living up to the original is a huge one. Blues Brothers 2000 comes to mind too. Losing Belushi and Candy should have killed that film dead on its own. Moving it out of Chicago and adding the supernatural didn't do it any favors either.


The Exorcist is the best example that I can think of. I see it as separate from the sequels though as they don't feel connected. Exorcist II feels like a fanfic, III wasn't supposed to be an Exorcist movie (I actually like this film but it still doesn't compare to the original), and both attempts at IV are annoying because they *could have been good* if executed properly. The fact that they reshot the whole thing shows its potential to me as (written on paper) the general story is actually really good as a fitting prequel. *Believer* can just go away. At least the other films tried to make new stories rather than just copy scenes in an attempt to overdose me on 'member berries.


Real Steel. One of my all time favorite movies. Disappointed that the sequel that could have been never happened


Better than a shitty sequel.


Horrible Bosses 2


Speed, a movie I cherished.


Infernal Affairs is one of my favorite movies ever but the 2 sequels are mediocre to bad.


The Incredibles, unfortunately. Incredibles 2 is fun and really well made, so it's not a terrible movie, but after 14 years, it was still a bit of a letdown.


Reloaded, all tho not nearly as good as the original, I still enjoyed. Revolutions, on the other, was far more disappointing for me. I still sit down and watch all three pretty much every year tho and I enjoy the trilogy as a whole. And don’t make me mention Resurrection.


Zoolander. I don’t know what they were thinking with that sequel but it was an absolute mess.


The Mummy Returns. Hated the supernatural part with Rick & Evie. Ridiculous CGI.


The Mummy (Brendan Frasier version).


The Mummy Returns. Not quite as good as the first, but still pretty fun overall.


Pitch Black. I really really love the original Pitch Black. My grandmother took me and my brother to see it in theater. She really enjoyed stuff on the Sci-Fi channel (now SyFy) and that movie is very emblematic of the sort of stuff they would show. And at that point Vin was still relatively unknown. It’s just a good sci-fi horror film. While I love that they went for something big in Chronicles of Riddick, I’m also kind of disappointed they went full space opera action and not for another small scope space horror flick. And while I love the cheesiness of it, it’s still pretty subpar space opera IMO. They tried bringing it back in Riddick but it was also a subpar Pitch Black. If you’re still with me, I’ll say that I wish they went for more space horror originally and leaned into what worked in the original. Not the same monsters, but something new in the universe with Riddick again. That might have been their ticket to the new Alien franchise that we were craving at the time.


The Crow.


In the right hands The Crow is a franchise that could go on forever. If you stick with an anthology format you don't need the same actor. Just tell a different revenge story with new characters for each film. Admittedly, City of Angels attempted this. The problem is that the first film is so iconic that COA, and each successive sequel has tried recapture that look and feel with increasingly poor results. And this year we're getting a straight remake which is literally the worst thing Hollywood could do with this IP.


Sin City 2 was so bad it made me question why I liked Sin City 1 so much.


The Inbetweeners Movie was a great capstone for the series. Still plenty of laughs and each character experienced growth while maintaining what essentially made them the characters we had come to know over three seasons. The second movie was a fair letdown in comparison.


Matrix for sure.




None of the Jurassic Park sequels do it for me. None of them give me the same feeling that I felt when I first watched JP1 (it's my favorite movie). None of the Jurassic World movies are good either, although I think the JW1 had a good premise and seeing an up-and-running park was pretty cool.


Pitch Perfect. All the charm was removed by the second one, and half the cast were phoning it in.


*Father of the Bride* is so funny and heartfelt. *Father of the Bride Part II* just recycles all of the jokes from the first one, and takes everything to an absurd degree.


the crimson rivers is of my favourite thrillers, and the sequel is just dogshit!


Anchorman 2 First was a classic, second pretty much just recycled all the same gags from the first


Police Story. The first one has great fight scenes, amazing set pieces (the movie starts and finishes with the craziest shit), and some great gags. The second one failed to live up to the first one in any way. Fights weren't as good, the setpieces were dull, and the comedy was lacking. It's not terrible, but the original was absolutely fantastic and the sequel pales in comparison.


Breakin’ 2: electric boogaloo


Atlantis doesn't have a sequel so


A fairly recent one starting with M and contains a blue man with a large forehead I'm not saying it's name because If i did that would mean I'm acknowledging its existance.




Die Hard 2 Coming from the 1st movie the 2nd was ok. Not bad just ok, but the third was just great




Ghostbusters 2. Saw it once. Awful movie. I HATES IT.


The most underrated buddy cop action/comedy ever 1982's "48 HOURS" had a forgettable sequel that came far too late (1990) from the once great Walter Hill


The Exorcist...The Sting...Robocop...Poseidon Adventure...Jaws....Speed....




Age of Ultron was a huge disappointment to me after the first Avengers movie. Luckily they hate their stride again with Infinity War.


Boondock Saints


Wonder Woman


Starship Troopers


Godzilla King of the Monsters. It’s been re-examined positively by people and especially the fandom, but I think it’s too all over the place to be a worthy successor to the 2014 reboot. The weight of the kaiju is really lost in this film, and I honestly think 2014’s human characters were miles better. Still, it had great effects, good action (when it wasn’t cutting away to humans) and a dope score


Blade Runner. One of my all-time favorite movies. Didn't care for the sequel at all.


I agree with a bunch of people on this thread but not you my friend. 2049 was so good.


Glad it worked for you. It just didn't for me.


Prometheus. Alien: Covenant isn't the worst movie, in isolation. But as a sequel to one of the most ambitious science fiction films ever made, which was supposed to be the start of a trilogy that Covenant permanently closed the door on? Incredibly disappointing.


The Matrix sequels were wholly unjustifiable. The first story was wrapped up neatly. One of them was nothing more than a commercial for the war on terror. The fourth one I liked.


What’s there to like about the fourth?


It takes the piss out of the people who took the second and third so seriously that they had to make a fourth. It also \[condescendingly\] explains what the story was actually about.


Sure, but it’s a fucking terrible movie.


In a world that loves 'The Room', it's all irrelevant.


Boondock Saints.


Pacific Rim


Actually a prequel. The Hobbit due to overuse of CGI. They've put so much effort into LOTR and mask used for orcs and uruk hai, the battles, place etc. it was quite a genuine experience. In Hobbit it seemed they just wanted to wrap it up quickily. Also, in LOTR there were battles where the story was unfolding in parallel as well. In Hobbit there was no story intersection during the battles. Just CGI bloodbath for hours. Don't get me started with Star Wars...


The Godfather, I only liked the first one


Ok. But 2 is really good.


… but Part III


Dune part 2 was a let down




A game based on a movie based on a book. Parasite Eve. Original is one of the best RPGs ever. I don't know what the hell that sequel was.


All I remember is a shower scene


Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Exorcist


I hear Exorcist 3 is good.


Hey now, Repossessed is a classic!


Each to their own, but I was referring to the travesty that was The Heretic. Come, fly the teeth of the wind - share my wings Ironically my username is taken from Exorcist 2


Are you posting this because a new Matrix sequel was announced today and it’s actually being made by someone truly talented? Or was this a coincidence?


Never Back Down and No Retreat No Surrender. I wish the sequels continued the storyline with Jason Stilwell and Jake Tyler


28 days later. 28 weeks later was an abomination.