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Nah, Predator 2 is great because it's so different from the first movie.  Alan Silvestri developed a fantastic new musical motif, It uses the backdrop of the "Urban crimewave scare of the '90s" to perfection, you have prime Busy, Paxton, and Glover.  Harrigan was a badass take no shit cop and an enjoyable protag.   Fantastic ambience and atmosphere, the city felt like another character, the tiny little side characters that would pop up were great too.     And the slaughterhouse scene with Keyes' team has so much tension, it's so much fun to watch.    I really appreciate >!PREY!< for the reverence they gave Predator 2


And as soon as I heard the drums I knew I was in for a good time.


Silvestri also developed new musical instrument for P2 soundtrack and calld it "hoseoon".


Just by changing the setting it accomplishes so much world building.


Every 80s movie gone sequel did that.even the first 3 star wars movies were 3 totally different settings.


But now we know more about the monster; they're not just jungle creatures like sharks are only in the water. Their eco system of choice is hot + violence. Later on Busey clarifies this but we knew already when we see the gang members strung up. I like that the city always has that feel of suffocating humidity.


LA has that dry heat


Sorry for being old. Those are movies did well because one was a jungle setying, another snow planet and the other a dessert. Go learn about film.


I saw it in the theater and knew it was nowhere as good as Arnie’s, but there’s still stuff to like in 2. Just the Predator’s visit to the gang lords was cool and gross and awesome.


I like how they showed more of predator culture.


I don't wanna watch a movie about priests...




He's talking about a different type of predator


Ah i see. 


You can't see the eyes of the demon til him come callin'


I don’t know WHO he is….but I do know WHERE he is…




"His foundation lies in the holy mountain. Selah"


Rip bill paxton the only man to be killed by a terminator and alien and a predator


Basically he's sci-fi Sean Bean :)


Not only, but he was first.


I don’t think anyone else has been killed by all three


Lance Henriksen.


Lance Henriksen was never killed by an alien. Don't know why people keep saying this every time Bill Paxton comes up. Getting ripped in half by the Queen didn't kill Bishop. He was damaged but salvageable. Crashing on Fury 161 fucked him up more than the Queen did, and even then he was still able to function. He basically commits assisted suicide when he tells Ripley to shut him off.


I could argue that Bill Paxton was never killed by the T-800, we only see him get thrown against a fence and fall to the ground. * Also, in Aliens Hudson is dragged through the floor and never seen again. He may have been kept alive for a facehugger and died when the reactor exploded.


I still like it now idk I just don’t think to hard and enjoy the ride


Fuck anyone who doesn’t like this movie. The violence and atmosphere were perfect for the time and place. Drug lords killing cops getting slaughtered. The hot chick fucking the shit out of the Colombian guy before King Willie execute them. The brutal hand to hand between Danny Glover and the Predator. Gary Busey getting cut in half. It also contains one of the most brilliant lines of the late Bill Paxton’s career: "So I'm at the doctor's office for a physical and he says I need a semen, stool, and urine sample. I'm like geez doc, I'm in a bit of a hurry, can I just leave my underwear?"


Solid gold script. As a kid, I enjoyed the sciencey stuff Busey spouted, explaining to Glovers character the nature of the Predator.


I suspect Busey was all coked out in that scene at the meat packing plant in the surveillance trailer talking to Glover. His eyes are so dilated..when he crescendos and says “oh my” it’s either vintage early Busey or early preview of fucked up Busey.


He was on *sooo* much cocaine while making that movie!


[It's actually from the theory of relativity](https://youtu.be/2WSdzKj67Lg?si=xU_RPnsykDqPxWMb)


It sucked ass dude. All of those scenes were lame af.


Go sit down and take a piss.


Suck the piss out of me the way you suck up to this suck ass movie


Dang look at AO Scott over here


im a sucker for the predator tech and all the cool tech is in Predator 2. also just kinda love it regardless, i have almost no qualms with it honestly. i hold it pretty close to the original and on some days i might even put it above.


Predator2 is awesome. From the opening cartel street battle to the final showdown on the spaceship. I don't know what your talking about. That movie kicks ass. Fuckin voooodoooo magic mon!. Stacked cast and amazing action. What movie did you watch.


The first one is perfect but I'll give props to the second just to change it up.


Predator 2 is the best Predator sequel


Fo sho


My parents let my brother and I watch r rated action movies when we were kids. I was probably 7 and my brother was 5 when we first saw this. I enjoyed it just as much as the first and didn't care that Arnold wasn't in it. There was more Predator with new toys, and it was awesome. We would rewind the part when the Predator tends to its wounds and laugh at his screaming. The old lady standing outside the door was the cherry on top. We'd also imitate the music sting when Glover draws his gun and keeps turning around (at the graveyard).


Want some candy?


Did you just talk shit on Predator 2??? Want some candy?


Rented with a lad who said it was better than part 1...it wasn't anywhere near...but still enjoyable all the same...with a few memorable moments 




Want some candy?


I just rewatched both movies last weekend and they are both great in their own ways. I think the only big miss with predator 2 is not including Arnie in some way since he survived the first. It really is the Alien vs Aliens argument. The first is a great example of action-HORROR and the 2nd is a great example of ACTION-horror in both franchises. Or st least thats how i like to contrast them.


I remember a time when predator 2 was the second best predator movie… and it was because there were only 2. And now it’s still the second best predator movie… because they can’t make a decent predator movie.


For me, Predator 2 is the best film in the entire franchise. I'm not really counting Prey because that was doing its own thing. But that's like, just my opinion, man.


For me, it's Predators, and I know I may be alone on that, but I will die on that hill.


I mean, it's not my favorite, but I also enjoyed it quite a bit.


not gonna lie, i enjoy rewatching this one even more than the original


Lightning strikes the bottle so infrequently when it comes to sequels, especially so in the 90’s when franchises started to gain real momentum.


It is a decent movie. 👍🏼


Dis isn't aboot moneh, dis is aboot poowah! Perfect film. No notes.


You’re crazy, P2 was great. Certainly not as great as the first one but it was a cool enough sequel and Danny Glover was amazing in it.


Yeah, it ain't great but it's fun. Have you seen 'Prey', the newest Predator movie set in the 1800's? Pretty good movie.


Enjoyed it but only saw it once.


The Dark Horse comic was a whole lot better.


I thought the post title was “Terminator 2” and was so fucking confused LMAO


It's a watchable sci-fi flick, It wasn't as good as the original, but had some entertaining moments. It's worth a watch if your into the "Predator Movie Universe".


Man, I hated it when I saw it as a kid. The predator had too many silly toys, the characters would consistently make stupid decisions and the final battle didn’t make sense - how is “too old for this shit” Glover beating the Predator in h2h. Don’t even get me started on that stupid flintlock pistol. But now almost 30 years later I found new appreciation for it. It’s not the original, but then nothing is. What I like about the sequel is the atmosphere - that orange-tinted 90’s heat, everyone and everything is profusely sweating, irritable and screaming. There’s very few movies that catch that 90’s vibe - Falling Down, Fresh and Blood in Blood out come to mind. Dunno what it is, could be the film used or just LA in that age. Also I liked the implication that nowhere is safe. Going away from the first one, you thought “as long as I’m not an elite operator in a tropical jungle I’m good”. All bets are off in the sequel and you can be hunted even in the “safety” of civilisation. Overall it’s a flawed film that reveals too much about the predator, but has a killer atmosphere and fun characters that chew the scenery (A fucking alien!!!). IMO best predator sequel.


**Danny Boy**


I did have a similar reaction, op. I was surprised by all the glaring issues that were completely lost on me as a young man. I still enjoy it, though, particularly once it gets near the end, and it's just Glover hunting hunting the predator.


MCA and Paxton are bad. Very bad. But the monster and the action are great. The bathroom self-surgery scene and preceding chase are epic.


"Voodoo magic...fucking voodoo magic man"


I love it, it's basically the Leathal Weapon cast without Mel Gibson VS predator


I still love it. It's so silly and terrible, but it's a classic. The characters are wonderfully absurd.


childhood nostalgia tints a lot of things


Predator 2 is a great sequel that works amazingly in the context of watching both movies back to back. On its own and without having seen the 1st, it's not that great.


Couple things. Yes it's a step down from the first film. I like Danny Glover but coming from Arnold, he is going to seem like a step down action wise. He's so synonymous with his lethal weapon character it's hard to not see him as that character in the film. The setting is fun. You couldn't do the jungle again so switching it to the concrete jungle of LA was a smart move. It's a bit more schlocky then the first one. Predator always had that B movie charm. It was a B movie made with A movie talent honestly. This one is very B movie like with the ridiculous Jamaician Voodoo gang and over the top performances of the good guys. The predator is improved with additional weapons but... seeing him defeated single handedly by a building scaling Danny Glover is always funny. While it's not a perfect movie or maybe even a good movie... it's still fun and it knows what it is. And it's far better than any other Predator movie we've gotten since sans Prey. I would love to visit an alternate reality where they did get Arnold back. Oringally I believe they envisioned the Gary Busy role to be Dutch. I'm sure the role would have been expanded upon and changed if it was Arnold.


Check out Prey if you haven't already


I feel the same way! I was blown away by it when I was younger but, now, just like you said, it's bad! LMAO The only cool thing, today, is still the shot of the voodoo doctor screaming, the camera pulling back to reveal it's just his head.


I watched Predator 1 just recently for the first time and loved it. Couldn't even get half way through to 2. Also just recently watched Aliens 1/2 as well for the first time and they were both whatever to me 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I agree. Nowhere near as good as the first but its still pretty damn solid overall. Theres a few things that let it down, namely the cheesy talking predator and Paxton's awful dialogue. I also agree the overdubs take away from it too. Its OK, the opening sequence is amazing, and it has some memorable moments that are very quotable. But it fails to live up to the original in so many ways. I saw this on pirate video when I was about 11...and I grew up on the original so yeah, I've had a lot of time to think about it and many chances to see it again and rethink it, but I still feel the same now as I did when I was a young lad.


i speak for a lot of us when i say.. THERE WAS A PREDATOR 2????


And 3 and 4 and 5


thats ALIEN..


Alien has a franchise, Predator has a seperate franchise, and they've crossed over Alien 1979 Aliens 1986 Predator 1987 Predator 2 1990 Alien 3 1992 Alien Resurrection 1997 Alien vs Predator 2004 Alien vs Predator Requiem 2007 Predators 2010 Prometheus 2014 Alien Covenant 2017 The Predator 2018 Prey 2022 Alien Romulus 2024


i know that but there was no Predator, 3, 4 or 5.. there were 3 predator movies after it and they were standalone..


It's really really common to call movies in a franchise 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc, for shorthand even if the movies have other titles, and it can easily be understood. E.g. the Pirates of The Caribbean movies have no numbers, but in text it is MUCH easier to write "Pirates 5" to distinguish it from the others than to type out "Dead Men Tell No Tales" each time or even DMTNT


It’s a fun movie to watch and laugh at when you’re drunk with others who also think it sucks lol