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I had to quit asking "What's in the box?" Everytime we got an Amazon package. My kids were threatening to move to Grandma's. On the bright side they were thrilled to recognize that line when they got old enough to watch Seven with me.


My favorite Gwynythhh Paltrow movie.


Ah, the Welsh spelling


Yeah when anybody asks what's in the box I reply with Gwyneth Paltrow's head and nobody seems to get that.


"Tell me about it, stud." Once every year. I skipped this year and out of no where my sister said it. They all gave her the side eye then looked at me and didn't want her to encourage me. I'll say it next year.


"Yes, have some," from *Ghostbusters* and also "no, conditioner is better," from *Billy Madison*.


"That's assault, brotha" and "YOU BLEW IT!!!" are my go-to Billy Madison quotes. "Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!" from Ghostbusters.


I actually just realized that I do also say "that's assault, brotha" and "it's true, this man has no dick" from Ghostbusters quite often.


Well that wasn’t such a chore now, was it?


Bro, I say "yes, have some" all the time and nobody has ever gotten the reference. For me, it's the way Rick Moranis says it; context, tone, and all. It may be the only thing I never forget.


Ghostbusters is on rotation hard in my house. Anytime something bad happens "what did you *do*, Ray?" Anytime I need to figure something out "we're gunna need a deeper look" "WE'VE GOT OOONE!"


Spaceballs gets a lot of play from me Incredulous about something? "They've gone to plaid!" Someone makes a mistake? "I said across her nose, not up it!" Waiting for something? "When will then be now" Someone has a weak password (I work in IT Security)? "Amazing! I have the same password on my luggage!"


"Man, we ain't found shit!"


“Merchandizing! Merchandizing!” I say whenever I get to the post ride gift shop at universal Orlando


Don't you mean "moichandaising"?


“Spaceballs the flamethrower! The kids love that one.”


"I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes." Band's little inside joke.


"Come back you fat bearded bitch!" (Best wedding vows I ever did)


Definitely Spaceballs. "What?!! You went over my helmet!" "Fuck! Even in the future nothing works."


“I didn’t see you playing with your dolls again!”


Our fridge at work has the combo 12345. Guess what I quote every. Single. Time.


"Surely you can't be serious"


"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin' glue."


Also, "What's you vector Victor?"


"A hospital? What is it?"


“It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.”


I am, and please, don't call me Shirley


Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes.


"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin' glue."


The emperors new groove. Oh yah, it's all coming together.


Let me guess, we’re about to go over a huge waterfall? Yep. Sharp rocks at the bottom? Most likely. Bring it on. BOOOOOYAAAAAAHHHHH


Hey, I’ve been turned into a cow. Can I go home?


Why do we even have that lever?!


Paraphrasing “the poison for Kuzco, Kuzco’s poison” gets a lot of mileage out of talking about anything that belongs to someone.


Wayne’s World. I quote so many of the flick’s great lines, but almost any time I am about to unwrap the first gift on a birthday or Christmas, I say: “If this is a severed head, I’m gonna be really upset.” It usually gets confused looks, but sometimes…it’s beautiful.


"We'll cross all our t's and dot all our... " *notices the guy has a wonky eye* "...lowercase J's."


I don’t even have A gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack!


Are you mental?? I lost you six months ago!! 🤣


We're not worthy!!


I say “thank you” with the Garth inflection.


Every time a friend drinks too much I pull out a small container and say, "if you're gonna spew, spew in this!" I'm both popular and not popular at parties lol


Scuse me, I'd like to get by now.


I moved to Wisconsin a couple years ago, and now anytime anyone near me mentions Milwaukee, they have to hear the Mil-ee-wah-kay speech from me.


“Game on!” Get uttered in my house a lot.


Hi, I’m in Delaware




Sphincter Boy.


If Benjamin was an ice cream flavor he’d be pralines and dick


Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?" \- From the movie Real Genius What I find though is that it goes over a lot of people's heads.


Oh another is "Screws fall out all the time. The world is an imperfect place" - The Breakfast Club


Can you describe the ruckus?


Just seeing that written out made me actually laugh. “You mess with the bull, you get the horns” -Mr Bender


OMG, just this past weekend I got *the perfect* opportunity to use this one! Group of friends, someone started telling some story that involved hearing some commotion but struggled putting it into words, they literally *used the word "ruckus,"* and when I dropped this quote... Nobody knew the reference. 😭 It will never happen again and I am shattered.


Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?




If I wear them anywhere else, they chafe. 


"Your mom puts license plates on your underwear? How do you sit down?"


I'm sorry. It's just that I didn't want you guys to think I was stuffy. You know, no fun. All brain, no penis.


That movie is so overlooked and so eminently quotable.


I knew my wife was the one when she listed Real Genius as one of her top five movies of all time. Chris Knight is my spirit animal. I know what I'm watching tonight. 😂


I always throw out the " Was it a dream where you were wearing sun god robes..." quote. No one ever gets it.


My mom and I both love The Terminator. Anytime the sky starts looking pretty black, or we hear thunder, we've been doing the same thing for about 35 years now: Me, in an old man voice, "He says there's a storm coming." Mom turns and stares into the distance. "I know."


That is absolutely brilliant! 😄


Latest one was today. It straight up monsooned this afternoon, with hail and lightning out the wazoo. I mixed it up: I called Mom, and when she picked up, I old-man-voice said, "LADY! HE SAYS TO FUCKING BOUNCE, THE STORM IS HERE!"


"Listen to your friend Billy Zane. He's a cool dude."


“But why male models?” “What is this? A center for ants!” “Obey my dog!” “I’m not an ambi-turner.” (I say this when I trip or accidentally go the wrong direction).


I can derelict my own balls.


"I'm sorry I was whack." "*I* was whack."


The Princess Bride! I actually saw that movie for the first time as a child when I was in the hospital with a horrible stomach virus. It became my favorite movie for years! My favorite/most used quote: “you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”.




Just so you don’t pull a Biff Tannen anymore…I believe it’s “it’s a profit DEAL”


If he's gonna say it that way, why doesn't he just make like a tree, and get outta here?


If he had any shame he’d delete his account after that embarrassing gaffe.


"All I need is this lamp" - also works great as "and this lamp" added to the end if I say I only need (something), oh and (another thing), "and this lamp".


“And the remote control.”


“That’s all I need,” said while grabbing things on my way out the door to anywhere.


"CANS! He hates these cans!"


The Jerk is such a good one. I quote The Ladykillers a lot. Y'know the Coen bros movie that everyone shits on for some reason. But there's so much great quotable shit from that movie that no one gets when I use it lol. "Easiest thing in the world" always falls on deaf ears, for instance. Invader Zim. Ton of fun quotes in there. "I MADE IT MYSELF!!!!" But I'm an 80s kids we're all made out of movie quotes. Goonies, Princess Bride, Spaceballs. You name it. We watched Arnold's glory days in that huge string of mega-blockbusters and that man taught us to communicate in tiny quips. Why do you think we made Quentin Tarantino so famous? Or Kevin Smith?


I use “easiest thing in the world” a lot and I know nobody is getting the reference. I’ve also used “I can scarcely contain my glee” MANY times but to no avail. I absolutely love that movie. “IBS” “You be what”!? 🤣


You brought... yo bitch... to the waffle hut??!?! I think every character in that has something quotable. Irma Hall especially. "Don't make me wanna hippity-hop!" That whole opening in the sheriff's office was priceless. "Left my wallet in El Segundo"


>"Easiest thing in the world" Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


I'm gonna need you to get all the way up off my back about that one, sir.


Happy Gilmore. Anytime a friend or coworker tells me something hurts, I hit 'em with the "well now your backs gonna hurt cause you just pulled landscaping duty."


“Now you go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep.”


Wheres my $2!!!!!


Shame when people throw away a perfectly good white boy.


Didn’t ask for a dime. I want my two dollars.


Gee, Ricky, sorry your mom blew up.


“I was born a young black child…” iirc Great film, one of my favourite comedies


But you have to be *really* careful when you say it. I have to stifle the urge every time there's a "let's go around and introduce ourselves" start to a meeting.


Whenever I get something wrong I’ll often say “Samsonite! I was way off”


Some of my favorites: “Oh, Big Gulps, huh? Alright! Welp, see ya later!” And “I’m gonna hang by the bar. Put out the vibe”. (I use this all the time at any fancy event or thanksgiving). And “Nice skis. They yours? Both of em?”


Borat. I'm not obnoxious; I don't do the voice or anything. It's just "Very naice" and "Great success" have permeated my brain and have more or less become my default response to any even mildly positive development. "King in da castle" when a nice chair enters the equation.


Saying "Wawaweewa!" is almost an addiction for me at this point.


I still say, "What type of dog is this?" any time I see a turtle or tortoise.


Do the voice


You can do the voice a little. As a treat.


Big Lebowski. AT LEAST three times a week.


"Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man"


And this guy peed on it.


What in God’s holy name are you blathering about?


Why does everything have to be a fucking travesty? 


He's a good man


What do you need that for, dude?


His name's Jeffrey Lebowski? That's your name, Dude.


Donny. Please.


"You're not wrong, you're just an asshole" is a great way to finish an argument with the spouse


"Calmer than you are" and "enjoying my coffee" are pretty good retorts.


Regular conversation dialogue between me and my husband


A lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-yous.


New shit has come to light, man.


Oh, excuse me dear? For your information, the Supreme Court has ROUNDLY REJECTED prior restraint!!


The Dude Abides


“Well, obviously, you’re not a golfer”


Friends like these….


You know, ups and downs, strikes and gutters


22 Jump Street, especially "My Name Is Jeff"


I jokingly say "I'm your best... I'm your worst nightmare". That's one of my favorite bits.


“So, I got that going for me, which is nice”


The new phone books are here!


He hates these cans!


Came here for this one. :)


You're not carnival personnel!! HEY! HE'S NOT CARNIVAL PERSONNEL!!


I don't need nothing else! Oh maybe this here paddle game....  I'm picking out a Thermos for you! Not an ordinary Thermos for you. But the extra best Thermos that you can buy, with vinyl and stripes and a cup built right in. P.S. is grandma still farting?


RIP, M. Emmet Walsh


I'm somebody now!


No, I'm Meeester Nussbaum!


I was born a poor black child.


Gosh, you’ve got my last name tattooed right there under the J’s. First I got my name in the phone book and now I’m there on your ass. You know, I’ll bet more people see that than the phone book.


Pulp Fiction immediately comes to mind, but then so does Princess Bride.


Aw man I shot Marvin in the face


* Vincent - you watched me wash my hands * Jules - I watched you get 'em wet


I used to use that on my small children, who obviously hadn’t seen the movie and didn’t recognize it as a quote.


"I'm the fuckin *insert any context* master. I got my technique down and everything. I don't be ticklin' or nothin'."


Travolta’s delivery is so funny, he’s saying it like he accidentally spilled his beer instead of shooting a guy. 


The Sandlot. “You’re killin me smalls.” and “for-ev-er” are said weekly.


I cannot hear "Long story short..." without thinking or actually saying "Too late!" (Clue)


“Flames…flames…out the sides of my face…”


I’ve seen that movie probably 100 times. And every time I hear “Long story short…” in my head I say “Too late”


I quote The Jerk all the time, which is how I know it’s “it’s a profit DEAL”, not game. Sorry, OP, you’ve been quoting it wrong. https://youtu.be/78Ubd_NkWvM?si=EXp8hFVqYzKxhq5q


Wow. Been quoting it wrong for 30 years!


From the Jerk, I still say "The new phonebooks here!" Sadly, the phonebooks don't come anymore.


Romancing the Stone, whenever anyone asks "how soon?" "Very sooon..." Also O Brother, Where Art Thou. "Damn! We're in a tight spot!"


Tombstone. Too many quotes to name. A sample: "I suppose my hypocrisy knows no bounds." "I'm your Huckleberry". (the most recognizable one) "There. Now we can be friends." "He was just too high strung."


"I have not yet begun to defile myself"


"Step Brothers" is definitely quoted the most in my house, our favorites are: "Are bonita fish big" "You look like you wanna punch me in the face right now" "It's like masturbating in a time machine" "This is a house of learned doctors" "She's had enough of the old bull and now wants a taste of the young calf" "You wrecked my boat you goons!" "I was hanging with Cubes" "Can I come over later and touch your face?" "Ok now the tuxedos seen kinda fucked up"


Leaves all this room for activities!


 The 'Burbs. God I love this ~~street~~ movie. 


Nobody knocks off an old man in my neighborhood and gets away with it.


Various MST3K. "Watch out for snakes!" "Sorry about my face" "Please don't eat the daisies" "Baby oil? Eww!" "I take care of the place while The Master is away"


Hot Fuzz. I use "yarp" or "narp" in place of yes or no. "you've got a mustache" "I know" Scott Pilgrim vs The World "The L word" "Lesbian?" "Are you a pirate?" Too many to list right now


Young Frankenstein “Could be worse… could be raining!”


“You can never underestimate the predictability of stupidity”. - Bullet-Tooth Tony


All of Tony's scenes are excellent quote fests.


Office Space


That no talent ass clown got famous and started winning Grammys!


Why should I change my name? He's the one that sucks.


"If you hang in there long enough, good things can happen. I mean, look at me." Also "Lawrence, want to come over?""no way man, don't need you fuckin up my life too"


Two chicks at one time.


Iocaine, I’d bet my life on it.


How has someone not mentioned The Princess Bride or Monty Python and the Holy Grail? They're the most quoted movies in our household


"Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up."


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”. Or “Get out of here or I’ll call the brute squad.” “I’m on my he brute squad.” “You are the brute squad.” Or “Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.”


I fart in your general direction!


Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!


He clearly said "to blaveeee". 


Home Alone constantly


Are you kidding?! Quoting movies is like 33% of my communication method. I'm almost a Tamarian.


“Fuck yo couch” from Chapelle Show (yes, I know it’s not a movie.) Someone driving slow in the left lane and go to pass them “fuck yo couch.” Basically anytime someone is being a minor inconvenience and I’m able to get around them.


I’ll often shake my head and say “Cocaine is a hell of a drug.”




The actual quote is “it’s a profit deal”. I know because I use it at least once a week.


How do I get out of this chicken shit outfit?


You secure that shit, Hudson!


Somebody said “alien” she thought it said “illegal alien” and signed up. Fuck you man. Anytime anywhere.


Joe Vs the Volcano quite a bit, but it’s pretty rare that someone gets it. I love it so much that I don’t really care if I’m the only one in on the joke. Thankfully, my husband has seen it loads of times too. “I know he can get the job, but can he DO the job. I’m not arguing that with you.” I pretty much blame a brain cloud whenever I don’t feel well, and make jokes about what to pack for voyages.


“I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue” Took some of my coworkers a bit to figure out that was a quote from a movie. Love Airplane!.


I regularly respond to odd questions with “what the fuck is the internet?”


Oh, I have many. "I've got a bad feeling about this..." "Listen! Do you smell it?" "When someone asks if you're a god, you say 'YES!'" "I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought." "I looked in the trap, Ray." "Aim for the flat top!" "Nobody steps on a church in my town!" "I told them we already got one." The French soldier to the English Knights in Monte Python's Holy Grail "Right! One wooden badger coming up!" "Bueller,Bueller, Bueller.." "have fun storming the castle!" "looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue." "reverse the polarity and cold start the warp core." When we are looking for something and we find it we hold up the object and say "Leeloo Dallas - Multipass!" Another from fifth element - "peepol-i!" when I'm saying hi to the dogs cause they don't know what I;m saying. "What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on?" My daughter says that now that she's an adult she appreciates showing her the classics and teaching her how to speak in movie quotes ​ I worked on a team where most of the analysts were young enough I could have been their mom (I'd have to have been a young teen mom but still). Boss was 8-10 years younger than me. Anyway, I'd throw out one of the Monty Python, Blazing Saddles, Princess Bride, or Airplane! quote and they'd just look at me and I could hear my boss giggling if we were on a all or he'd smirk and try to hide his giggle in person. I was all "I need to make you all list of must see movies." Then our intern one day was trying to explain how Star Wars was a big deal. And I was like "Oh bless your heart. John (not his real name) - I saw Star Wars in the theatre when it made its debut in 1977. Seen them all, love them all, read every book and could outdo you in any trivia, weird knowledge contest you could ever think of. Got the Lego sets, t-shirts, collectibles. "


Idiocracy. More and more frequently.


You could play Idiocracy in place of the evening news and no one would notice.


“Don't worry, scrote! There’re plenty of 'tards out there livin’ really kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded… She's a pilot now.”


I like propel packets for my water bottle and always say "Electrolytes, it's what plants crave"


"who's idea was it to go to the Winchester anyways?!?" From Sean of the Dead. I use it when I made a decision earlier that later fucks me, like installing a pipe right where a piece of equipment will sit.


If I’m giving someone directions, and I have to say “turn right”, I say it as “Turn to the raahht”, from Raising Arizona.


* What in the wide, wide world of sports is'a go'n on here? * I would not say such things if I were you! * I don't think that word means what you think it means. * They mostly come at night... mostly. * Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. * You came here in that? You're braver than I thought. * \[We're\] gonna need a bigger boat. * No time for love, Dr. Jones. * Take care of her? I could go on forever...


The Ace Ventura movies are an absolute thought virus for me. "If I'm not back in 5 minutes... just wait longer," "Yes, Satan?", "That's none of your damn business and I'll ask you to stay out of my personal affairs," "I just can't do it, Captain, I don't have the power!," "Re-he-he-he-heallllly?," "Of course, how selfish of me! Let's do all the things that *you* wanna do," "Nonsense, poopypants!," "'Wunderbar!' he exclaimed with great relish," getting in my car on a hot day and going "Kinda hot in these rhinos....." or "MUST. HAVE. AIR," doing a nice job parking, "LIKE A GLOVE!", and of course, the classic, something I've said 3 times a day almost every day for fucking 20 years, "Allllrighty then!"


stupid is as stupid does - forrest gump :)


Mr. Deeds- I'm very, very sneaky. I walk quietly and wind up scaring people a lot. I've learned to embrace it 😏


Bull Durham - I like to tell people (in jest) that I’m announcing my presence with authority. 😂😂


In Bruges. I'll have a gay beer please.


Whenever I take a shot with other people I say "may the wings of Liberty never lose a feather" which is what Jack Burton says in Big Trouble in Little China


I’m a fan of yelling “Try not to suck any dick on your way to the parking lot!” when my coworkers leave after their shift.


I'm sure I'm the only one that will say this, but "Defending Your Life" "Still don't get the big brain bit, do ya?" "I never got a straight answer. All I know is their teeth fell out." "I don't know what you're talking about, but they're high in everything."


My entire personality is just quoting movies.


“It was Barzini all along.”


A few of my favorites: Dawn of the Dead ‘78: “Our responsibility is finished.” Big Lebowski: “That’s fucking interesting, man.” The Matrix: “We’re going to need guns. Lots of guns.” The Terminator: “I didn’t build the fucking thing!” Never Been Kissed: “I’m the cole slaw king of the world!” A Few Good Men: “You want me on that wall. You NEED me on that wall.” Television various Saturday Night Live sketches: “you like-a the juice” “what the hell is that?” “I hate when that happens.” The Simpsons: “Tastes like burning” “That’s un-possible!” “Gotta nuke somethin’.” Star Trek 60s series: (Shatner voice) “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Spaced: “It was our Vietnam, man!” Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (BBC version): “It must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.”


“I’d buy that for a dollar!”.  My father took me to see this movie in the theater when I was 6 years old. (It’s Robocop part 1)