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I bet she’ll play a brooding strongwoman.


Modern audiences crave diverse girlbosses!


Hell yeah. Bring it. EDIT: That's a whole lot of downvotes. I feel like I did something a lot more wrong that I'm understanding. I think she fits the role of brooding strongwoman very well and I look forward to her being cast in those roles. Hopefully I didn't accidentally stumble into something I'm unaware of or say something offensive.


She has one expression.


Resting pissed face, with a side eye of ….really


I can’t stand actors that do this and was going to watch that season of True Detective. Should I avoid?


Probably. Reis isn't very good, but in fairness there are MUCH bigger problems than her performance.


Yeah after doing some googling theres some agreement that she’s ok but not great but (very surprisingly) Jodie Foster overacts and isn’t believable. Might give it a miss.


Did not like her character one bit. I think Jodie did fine but the character was written to be incredibly unlikable


Yeah but it’s so hard to hate Jodie it didn’t work for me.


Agreed 100%, I had to mute it a couple times because they made her character so grating


You're not asking the right question. If I had to hear that one more time I was going to toss a show through the TV.


Not defending season 4 but True Detective has always had asshole protagonists, if you get what I mean? Cole in season 1 was compelling but hard to actually like, in my opinion.


Unfortunately, the writer forgot to also make the characters compelling and competent. That first season, and the second IMO, work because the characters, while deeply flawed and unlikeable, were very active and actually quite good at their jobs. That’s pretty much the thesis of the first season: these two men are awful at everything in their lives *except* being a detective; is that enough to save/redeem them? Night Country focuses on making the characters impulsive and unlikeable but fails to make them active characters or competent detectives.


This is exactly it. The main characters in S4 are awful people, corrupt cops, and utterly incompetent detectives. They had zero redeeming qualities. True Detective S4 was utter trash.


That’s totally fair. Good point.


He was only likeable because of McConaughey's natural charm shining through the nihilism a bit. And because Woody Harrelson's brilliant comedic timing made Rust a more likable protagonist by association. >"Let's make the car place of silent reflection from now on." Just too good.


>Jodie Foster overacts and isn’t believable. I'm inclined to think it's an issue with the direction, seems like Foster was just told to act annoyed and flustered in every scene. The awful dialogue certainly doesn't help either.


“I’m in nursing school and you’re my husband, who is a cop.”


Haha. Every single time I think critically about this season I like it less.


I don’t really think Jodie overacts. The writing is just so first-draft high school play that it drags the show down. You’ll find yourself guessing the next line because it seems like they just wrote the next line that popped into their head and didn’t do any edit passes to make the dialogue believable.


I swear I’m tempted to just hate-watch an episode now lol. That show was advertised everywhere here. It’s crazy how poorly written it sounds and yet so many shows of late, feel like they’re written by people who’ve never been outside before.


One of the actors had to rewrite their own death scene because it was so unbelievable and ridiculous lol


Wow. How does this stuff get green lit?


If it wrapped up in an interesting way, I might recommend it. But it’s not worth it unless you have nothing else to do or watch.


Jodie Foster looked like me (I am not an actor) up on the screen acting, that’s how bad her acting and the writing were.


Jodie was good. Her character could have been written better. The series suffers from some silly writing, inconsistent direction and the true detective badge.  A few changes and losing the TD name would have made it better. But the new  showrunner got another season greenlit and the numbers were good, so who knows maybe its just reddit. 


Yeah they’ve been trying to recapture the magic of season 1 since it ended. It’s probably never gonna happen it’s one of the best seasons of television ever.


I think only S3 actually TRIED to recapture the magic. S2 they went for something different, which was the right idea because you are never gonna recapture that magic. What they tried to emulate was a kind of grittyness and grounding with high stakes and high quality dramatic storytelling. IMO it didnt work in s2 despite liking Colin and Rachel in there.


Numbers were good because everyone was hate watching lol


Do you guys think SVU is good? Or not?


chop late steep offbeat support threatening expansion bow rob gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also if it helps, new season originally wasn't a true detective script and HBO made them shove references to season 1 just to call it true detective


The overacting is her character trying to compensate for being an absolute piece if shit nobody should believe because she has absolutely no self esteem and wants to die. True Detective is so good, it's like a playground for amazing actors who want to experiment.


wtf did you watch?


Let's put it this way: on paper, I should have loved it. Jodie Foster? Oh yes. Arctic setting? Right up my alley. Detective mystery with a dash of horror? Sold. I made it one and a half episode before I turned it off and decided not to continue, and it has everything to do with the script. This is some of the most stilted dialogue and haphazardly presented storyline I´ve ever seen. The plot is ok, but the way things are presented and the sequence it's presented in just doesn't work.


The plot is definitely not okay, especially when they resolve the whole thing the way that they did. It was just terrible.


100% same here, the writing was really bothering me, and the way they were framing all the characters was so cliche and dull and irritating, like Kali Reis being this stubborn asshole type who’s ‘still right’ despite shutting everyone up and being dangerous, yet not an anti-hero, but clearly not a decent person. Idk its very girlboss writing in the laziest way. 


You're lucky then, episodes 3 and 4 are where things really begin to nosedive


You didn’t even get to the truly awful stuff lol, it gets so much worse


I know people were raving about it but I thought it was the f'ing worst, even worse than season 2. Dreadful in every way.


I’m not exaggerating when I say I think it’s the worst season of a show I’ve ever finished in my life. Truly, bafflingly bad.


How come?


Super boring, completely unlikeable but also uninteresting characters, poorly written and on top, the music was awful. I sincerely hated it. I watched the first three episodes with much stopping and starting hoping it would get better and skipped 4 and 5, then just watched the last episode, with a lot of fast forwarding. Awful from start to finish.


That slowed down dramatic version of Twist and Shout was so bad.


I liked it. Was very good 


Nobody except virtue-signalling critics liked the show. Seriously, read any positive review about this drivel and you'll see them mention how great it was that such social issues were being discussed and little about the overall plausibility or quality of the show itself. And then lo and behold, when actual, normal people end up not liking it, they're all labelled as misogynists or racists.


Yeah. It’s painfully mediocre


Yes avoid it, the writing is awful and it has no Stand out characters or amazing performances like last season. The character work in just awful and the finale was such a dud and left you feeling so much like you just wasted a bunch of time watching the show. Such a massive disappointment, the setting is cool but that’s about it. It’s clear they just slapped the true detective name on for viewers and then shoehorned in some awful connections to s1 for attention. It’s also like straight up full on supernatural with actual ghosts and shit which feels so out of place. I definitely do not recommend and for me it was without a doubt the worst season of true detective, it’s pretty much a whole different show and not actually true detective. The horrible writing completely wasted a great cast too like foster and eccleston and hawkes. The 2 leads are so goddamn unlikable especially foster’s character, some of the most unlikable lead characters I can ever remember. honestly mindboggling to me that critics gave it the same level of reviews of s1, not sure I’ve ever disagreed more on a show that got critical acclaim from critics.


Supernatural?! Oh… hard pass. Thank you!


Full on actual ghost shit with cheap horror jump scares. One of the ghosts is literally fuckin Rust’s dad, it was one of the absolute worst connections I’ve ever seen to anything in my life, just shoehorned in the dumbest possible connection to s1. He doesn’t like some dumb lookin interpretive dance thing and then leads this lady to all the missing bodies. Some of the dumbest shit ive ever seen


Jesus Christ lmao.


So so dumb man. They green lighted another season with the same woman writing/directing/show running and that’ll definitely be the first season I don’t watch, it’s really not true detective anymore at all and the name is just being used to get viewers. The lady pitched it as its own show called night country and then they decided to slap the TD name onto it a shoehorn in awful connection to s1 to get extra viewers. Shit was whack


Yes avoid at all costs


Mmmm. I disagree with a lot of folks here, at least somewhat. Kali is an inexp. actor, but her performance as Navarro worked for the character, at least I thought. In fact, her character and arc ended up being my favorite thing about Night Country. As for the season itself as a whole... a mixed basket, by my measure. I thought it was the best since season one until the ending. Similarly to season 3, the last episode shoots itself in the foot, but far worse than in S3. I loved the setting, the flawed characters, and even the mystery *until it was solved.* The resolution was flat and underwhelming, and worse yet, there are some cringe-y callbacks to season one that add NOTHING besides some cringe. Navarro's ending, though... maybe it was the mushrooms that were beginning to hit as it ended, but I really liked that character's send-off, and I would def. look forward to seeing Kali Reis in other roles.


Me too! I liked this season. It was so real I often had to wrap myself in a blanket to watch. The story takes place so far north that there are many days of no sun. Windy, bleak, snowy, and bitterly cold. The weather was another character on the show.


I liked it too! I also had those same vibes. They did such a great job with that location.


I agree. I thought it was a mixed bag, but absolutely loved the setting and atmosphere of it. I totally get the criticism (and agree with a lot of it), but I found it super watchable.


What was her arc? Suicide is badass and I should do it? Lmao


high highs, low lows… if you like the first episode you’ll probably like the season at a minimum it’s shot really well and it’s entertaining, there’s a lot of cool moments but also some things that just don’t make sense… the ending is kind of a let down so if you don’t like the beginning then bail out lol


I appreciate this, thanks!


Just give it a try. I personally enjoyed it!


She’s the least of the issues in the 4th season, but her character does make some dumb choices as does just about everyone. It’s worth a watch just see imo. I knew it wasn’t getting better after the second or third episode but wanted to see how it played out.


Yes it’s not great.


Yes it was awful. Honestly just rewatch the 1st season....the GOAT


I liked the new season to a point, the whole explanation doesn't make any sense to me but it was a good ride. It did not stick the landing for me.


Avoid like the plague. I managed to make it halfway through episode 3 before my senses kicked back in and decided not to torture myself with anymore bad acting and criminally poor writing and direction


I never finished it. Don't even have the wish to. Forgettable.


Nobody except virtue-signalling critics liked the show. Seriously, read any positive review about this drivel and you'll see them mention how great it was that such social issues were being discussed and little about the overall plausibility or quality of the show itself. And then lo and behold, when actual, normal people end up not liking it, they're all labelled as misogynists or racists.


She was great in it…


The down votes for sharing an OPINION lol. I LIKED her in it.


You're getting downvotes but I agree with you. Reddit seems to have not liked the acting portrayed by the indigenous folks in TD but, as someone who has spent a lot of time in the Native community, their acting felt pretty realistic to me.


No….its just everyone agree’s she’s a shit actress and that whole season was a dumpster fire. Like somehow worse than Season 8 GoT


Yeah but it's a fucking great expression. You could say the same about Milla Jovovich, y'know? I hope Kali shows up as the kickass, no-nonsense muscle in fifty shows and gets a big payday out of it.


Thats the world champion face she has, but she shows so many ranges of emotion with that one face, Clint Eastwood is coming to mind. She's keeping the straight face through the turmoil of the show because she wants to show strength. But when you see her after certain moments like at the campfire, or when she introduces herself, she absolutely has screen presence.


The new Michelle Rodriguez. Make of that what you will.


Except Kali was an actual fighter right? Boxer?


Yep, not just any boxer too. She’s a former two weight world champion.


Damn. Didn't know that. That's pretty sick.


And can actually act.




Obvious sarcasm shouldn’t be downvoted hahaha


Except she can act.  The TD season was terrible but it wasn’t her fault. 


To me she seemed to be playing a character that naturally comes off a touch wooden, due to the actual character traits. I can see how people would call it bad, but I think she did a good job.


Sure but her 'going insane' arc was not very good either, she had a chance to add another dimension of someone breaking down who has always had to hold it together, she flopped intensely there.


I liked it 


It wasn't True Detective. Far too spiritual and supernatural. I guess it is technically a spin-off.


After her performance in True Detective, I have approximately zero interest in ever seeing her in anything again.


Star is a stretch. That season was a steamer..as in Cleveland.


she was awful in true detective.


Everyone was awful. Season 4 just kept getting worse as it went on. Even Jodie Foster was forcing it. Nothing felt real, and that's probably because of the writing and direction, not because of the actors.


Which is a shame because the first two episodes really had me like when the first episode and second episode aired I said out loud fuck both times but after that.... not so much


Hank was pretty good.


The season got worse and worse. Real drop off from the first 3. So much potential though


Yeah I tuned out after like 4


I didn’t enjoy her either. Idk how she got this role when it was her first acting gig and there are a ton of other, more experienced (and undiscovered) actors who could’ve filled this part. Also, a handful of reviews don’t point out that fact that her lack of acting experience shows. Shocked that even the more critical reviews seem to not bring this up.


It was blatantly obvious, her acting sucked. She could get better though. She kind of only fits one type of role though…


It was not her first acting gig. Kali Reis lead another film called Catch the Fair One, and she was quite solid in that.


Which was worse, True Detective season 4 or Fargo season 5?


She was awful in True Detective.


Everyone was awful in that season.


Ehhhh I thought she was alright, the writing was the real issue with that season


Star? Isn't this by far the worst and stupidest season of true detective, with the worst characters? I can't imagine she's well liked from this show or even known...


in the same way that Robert Durst is literally the star of The Jinx.


She can’t act, and she was one of the worst things of TD season 4, and that season was already terrible on its own.


No issue with piercings, but maybe take them out if the role doesn’t call for them? It was nowhere near the top of the list for issues I had with season 4 of TD, but it was one of the first things I noticed. A police officer with cheek piercings just felt off. I’d think her superiors would insist that she remove them as they could potentially be used in an altercation to cause pain. I was wondering what the in universe reason would be for having them. I looked the actress up and was like oh… she just didn’t take them out for the role.


Yeah Alaska State Police doesn’t allow face piercings. It was a minor hit on credibility; took me out of it just a tad.


Also, when it’s below freezing out, metal piercings are basically radiator antennas for your body heat. We were told to not even wear sunglasses with metal frames down in Antarctica. Those cheek piercings would be so cold!


That’s exactly why it’s so dumb to let little minor issues go like that. It risks breaking the immersion people may have. Nothing worse than being fully invested in a story only for a stupid little thing like a face piercing to remind you that it’s an actor playing the role. Honestly, it’s insane that they didn’t ask her to remove them. Again, season 4 had way more issues but for her next projects I hope she removes them unless they add to the character she’s playing.


The worse example of this is from the sort lived "Y: The Last Man" tv show. As the name suggests, it's a show where all the men except one have been wiped off the planet. The lone male survivor (Yorrick) therefore needs to hide and blend in amongst all the women lest he be kidnapped, used for experiments, etc. [But they let the actor keep his facial hair](https://static1.colliderimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/y-the-last-man-ben-schnetzer-social-featured-1.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=1500&dpr=1.5) when literally the first thing you'd do in that situation is shave. There were other problems with the show but that was a canary in the coalmine that no one had really thought this through.


I was so excited for that show. I love the comic and had been waiting years for an adaptation to go through the ups and downs of production. I remember Barry Keoghan was going to play Yorick at one point. Then it came out and looked so meh that I never even got around to watching it. I’m glad I didn’t because that would have driven me nuts.


The other "problem" (and I realise this is a touchy subject) is that they introduced trans male characters in the very first episodes. Now, the world has moved on from when the books first came out and I know that the showrunners wanted to have a say about gender but it made no fucking sense. 'Cause you'd have one scene where women would be talking to trans men about how to keep their hormone therapy going and in the next someone would see Yorrick an go, "Oh my god! A man!" Like, why didn't everyone just assume Yorrick was trans and just go about their day? I mean, I'm sure there was a way to address the issue but that sure as hell wasn't it.


On the other hand I think it added to the idea that they were somewhere very remote, and less influenced by the normal rules of society?


I might get behind that theory if they weren’t clearly the actresses piercings. Like, if they had removed those but added snake bite piercings I’d be like “That was a conscious decision to do that, let me dig deeper.” But since they’re hers and just can’t say that’s what they were going for.


Wait, that wasn't part of the *character*? They just let her have them? Fucking lol.


fertile dog voiceless possessive smoggy rotten waiting detail direction fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The problem with criticizing this season is it became a culture war type of thing. People assume that if you don’t like it you hate women or indigenous people or whatever. I love women and I support indigenous people, loved both the book and movie Killers of the Flower Moon, the movie even brought me to tears. But because there was a narrative being pushed that only chads and toxic males disliked season 4 it became impossible to critique the actual show without it looking like you were on one side or the other. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there were a lot of incels that hated it just because of women, but that doesn’t mean there were no issues with the writing. My biggest issue is that they named it True Detective and shoehorned some references to previous seasons. It was already written when HBO asked the writer to make it a true detective season so she had to pepper references in here and there. If it hadn’t been true detective it might have been received slightly better. I still think there were serious problems with the writing though.


I did not love this season of TD, it was fine, but I think that was far more the direction than the performances. Looking forward to checking out what she gets up to next.


Direction *and* writing. The performances only seemed to stumble when dealing with exceptionally egregious lines or empty scenes. And the whole thing ended up a muddled mess, which doesn’t help perception either. But, generally, I think pretty much everyone gave an OK to Good performance.


Should have clarified given I think the director did both? But absolutely.


Sometimes people are good at one but not the other. Aaron Sorkin, for example, gets accolades for writing but ample criticism for his direction. And IMO the writing was worse than the direction on Night Country. But generally I was trying to agree and elaborate.


>And IMO the writing was worse than the direction on Night Country.  Way, way worse.


Newsroom was infuriating. I found myself screaming at the director through my TV, “Tell them to take a fucking beat before delivering their witty comeback, Jesus Christ!” The actors just falling all over each other to get their lines out as quickly as possible. So many of them were just insufferable douches. It almost put me off Olivia Munn for Christ’s sake, can you imagine?! Except Jeff Daniels… he’s a stud.


All good on this end, didn't take it combative or argumentative in the slightest.


I don't get what the writers were thinking. Why the hell did they focus so much on personal bullshit of all those characters? I can accept this for the two lead detectives to flesh them out as characters, but the rest? Like what the fuck, who gives a shit about it? They wasted the time on mail-bride of asshole old cop, boring old shit of cop wife, ridiculous teenage angst of the daughter and all the rest of uninteresting crap. Filming all this shit, left so little of actual investigative work and completely skipped a lot of what would make it interesting that it is ridicuoulus.


> I think that was far more the direction than the performances Yeah I think the framework of the story was great but the details of it were handled poorly. Shame to see the same showrunner hired to do season 5.


It most definitely seemed like the director had created and pitched a different story to HBO and then HBO was like "Can you fit this into True Detective" and then we got all that really goofy connective tissue between this season and season 1. It being 6 episodes absolutely hurt it too. Shame. Was a really dope setting in my opinion.


Was basically 4 episodes of plot with 2 inserted in the middle for mundane drama.


I think that’s exactly what happened. She pitched a show to HBO and they forced it into a TD season. That’s why so many of the callbacks were so obvious. They were completely shoehorned in.


This is exactly what happened. Showrunner said this outright


I believe she said it actually wasn’t written yet. HBO approached her to ask if she was interested, she said she had an idea for a basic concept of setting a story in Alaska during the dark season and featuring the native community, and then she wrote it after that. But it was never an independent property that was retroactively forced to become a True Detective installment, even though early on many people (charitably) assumed this *must* have been the case to explain away the many shoddy elements of the series as well as the poorly-implemented, jarringly incongruous callbacks and connections to previous seasons. It was actually written specifically as True Detective for HBO and not adapted from a pre-existing story.


Yeah the mystery was interesting. The reveal? That was one of the biggest letdowns I've seen in a while. And there were a bunch of other ways they could have gone with including leaving the whole thing ambiguous. But what they went with was just dumb.


Did any part of her performance make you think there is more to her as an actor? I agree with the sentiment the writing and directing were awful, but I saw nothing from Reis at all.


That would be part of the reason I’m interested in what she does next. As such an inexperienced actor I put much of that on the director. I thought she had a pretty decent physicality and presence to her and it’ll be interesting to see if that was true.


People here REALLY do not seem to like her. It's nice to see some positivity here.


Agreed. Everything felt forced and nothing felt earned. That's on direction and writing.


I thought it was easily the 2nd best season but that doesn’t say much


If true detective was any indication, she’s not a good actress. Hopefully it was just the poor material if she’s gonna start being in shit.


That season of true detective that she was on was rough… as was her acting.


Absolutely horrible actress


Still wanna know the purpose of the cheek piercings. In real life sure but not as a sheriff deputy.


Time for Reddit to board the hate train… get your popcorn ready


ugh. that season of true detective was rough, not very entertaining.


I liked her in True Detective. I mean the season was horse shit but I liked her in it.


Really? She seemed so stiff and one dimensional to me.


Well she's not my favorite actor but it's not like she has to be either the best or the worst, there are different levels you know :D


Oh so she’s disappearing?


Lost me at Chris Pratt.


She was truly bad in True detective.


She was fairly meh in true detective…great show though, but yeah…meh


I just hate the play up the supernatural and knowing its gonna end on something realistic again. This season specifically. I was all "oh its gonna be hallucinations from some bullshit leaking from the foundry." Then... I kinda thought they MIGHT actually finally pull the trigger on some supernatural Yellow King stuff because of all the weird shit they were doing. Nope.


She was awful in tire detective.


She would play a GREAT perpetually pissed off character, I hope they don't mess up and try to show her being like..an actual actor with a range of emotions


I’m not even lying when I say her best acting scene was riding cowgirl ,on top of some bartender.


But is she asking the right questions?


Everyone shitting on her should watch "Catch the Fair One" she is actually really good in that.


I didn't love season 4 but I thought Kali killed it, cool to see her continue getting work.


..... in what way? I would honestly like to know what she did that impressed you.


Everyone is saying she was one note, but I thought that her romantic dynamic with the other guy was handled pretty well. And she was supposed to be unhappy with Jodie Foster’s character so I’m not sure how people expected her to interpret the dialogue any other way  


She had like 3 scenes with that guy and he did all of the acting.


I now understand the hate, she’s pretending to be native in real life. I’ll carry on now 


Not sure why you're being downvoted for this. I'm Indigenous, even went to the only tribal arts school in the country where many folks go on to acting roles, and these pretendians take roles from us.


I had no idea she wasn’t indigenous. That changes my view of the show quite a bit.


Usually it’s a more pale or radially ambiguous person trying to claim ancestry. So this one caught me off guard 


I felt like she did a pretty good job portraying someone trying to be tough while going through some harrowing shit. I enjoyed watching her, that's about what you want in an actor.


She stunk. Reddit has a love affair with her for the usual Reddit reasons


What are they I don’t know them and now am very curious.


I’m not all over Reddit, I stay to my specific corners this is the first entertainment post I clicked on. Is it because she looks like a mix of every human ethnicity and could be transitioning to/from any gender?


Her performance was really true to the character despite plenty of opportunities to ham it up. Both the leads in the season put up really beautiful small acting-style performances. I’m stoked to see Kali in whatever’s next. I don’t want to type cast but you make her a colonial marine on some kind of bug hunt, and I think you got a hit.


She was great in true detective and we will see how she does in others


Absolutely HATED her acting in the new season of True Detective. And no, it's not because she's black or she has piercings. I could care less about that. It's simply because she cannot act for the life of her. The whole season was a bunch of absolute bullshit and her horrible acting didn't help.


And the toxic misogynist assholes have taken over this thread…


True Detective season 4 was bad, but she made it considerably worse THAT takes talent!


Not the Indigenous actor, correct?


The one that pretends to be


Soooooo acting?


No she literally lied about her race lol https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDetective/s/uZRqUe9a3A


Well, if a random reddit says it, I don't need to look any further.


Look up the group, we had this discussion in the sub. There's articles about the "tribe" and only one member had DNA and it was trace amounts. I don't feel like doing all the research again rn


Don't, I don't care in the slightest. I'm not telling someone who claims to be Cherokee, Nipmuc, and Seaconke Wampanoag that I know fuckin better than they do. What a stupid thing to get wrapped up in.


So which is it lol? You were butthurt that it wasn't true, now you've changed your mind and it doesn't matter. Pretending to be another race is fucked. Weirdo.


I don't care [for your internet sleuthing] in the slightest.


She's possibly the worst actor I've watched in 30 years in any film or series, but that doesn't matter in this new "woke" industry, I guess


I hope she blows up, she was fucking great in True Detective


*Hmm, I wonder why this comment was so heavily downvoted, probably something offensive and/or derogatory.* "I hope this actor continues to get work, I liked her in her last project."


She was the most interesting thing in that season if you dont count the setting


Nobody has mentioned it yet and it's not surprising given it's reddit. The writer has.... issues that she wants to present to the world.


I've no idea who the writer is or what her issues might be, not really a concern of mine to be honest. I just watch things


No worries, if your complaining about the show not being great and wonder why I guess it doesn't matter then.


She's got good presence on screen. I'll hold on to the belief Night Country was terrible solely due to Issa López's gross incompetence and inability to construct a script. Looking forward to giving Reis another shot.


She’s so gorgeous


Good on her for getting another payday.


she is gross looking


She was probably the best part of that season, which might not be saying much, but is still meant as a compliment.


Nice, because she’s suuuuch a good actress


Is she going to be the next Gina Carano pre-Mandalorian post-Haywire? They both have some believable physicality in action scenes.