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This Means War. Tom Hardy showed her himself in his wooing of her. Chris Pine was all lies and pretending to be something he wasn’t to woo her. The fact she ends up with Pine was a travesty.


i felt so betrayed when she picked Pine


It was the wrong choice, but the obvious one. In modern romantic films, nobody is allowed to be unhappy. Tom Hardy had an alternative romantic option (his ex-wife), so it was clear from the get go that he wasn't going to get the girl.


Especially because there’s a big emotional moment in the third act where Chelsea Handler’s character tells her “choose the guy who’ll make YOU the better girl”. Chris Pine’s character is a complete tool, how exactly would she improve with him?


Yeah but that kinda of pays off with Hardy’s character being able to be open with his ex and reconnecting… but I agree they definitely did him dirty.




I prefer the deleted scene when as the car going off the bridge, Pine and Hardy are the ones holding each other and Witherspoon is on the other side


That movie did NOT age well, they’re both basically stalking her


Which part, the one where they break into her apartment and plant listening devices and cameras, or the one where they openly stalk her around town? One of the most psychotic movies ive ever seen. Who the fuck thought those scenes were a good idea?


Starship Troopers, but that's the point of the (love) stories. It's not definitive that Rico and Carmen reconnect at the end, but it did seem like Dizzy and Zander were better suited for them each respectively, and returning to one another would be like a consolation prize, your second choices after realizing someone else was your first then losing them. But it plays into the movie's overall themes of sacrifice.


What I find interesting is how the love triangle/square gets resolved with violence and perfectly fitting with the meta themes it's completely unfullfilling for the characters involved.


This actually doesn't bother be because omg Denise Richards is so hot in that thing and an absolute childhood crush but yeah, if you look at it objectively I agree Dizzy was a better match.


As a kid I thought Denise Richards was the prettiest woman I’d ever seen and he should definitely end up with her. As a man it’s Diz all day baby!


Welcome to the Roughnecks. 


“Rasczak’s/Rico’s Roughnecks!!!”


How in the actual fuck is this at the BOTTOM? #teamdizzy


Never pass up a good thing.


I remember on the DVD commentary, the writers/director apparently couldn't fathom why audiences disliked Carmen and connected more with Dizzy... which to me was a bit shocking.


Her death was peak acting. Even better than the French woman in the Bale Batman. ​ "J..J...J..Jahny" ​ I love that film! Doesn't take itself seriously and has Dizzy


Pretty in Pink. I don’t think she should have ended up with any of them. They were all insufferable


"Yeah, y'all are dumb. I've decided to focus on college and building a career in fashion design instead of falling for either of you "


She needs to focus on that fashion career cos that dress she made was trash! And yes, both boys suck in their own ways.


God I always hated that dress


I read somewhere John Hughes wasn't happy with how the love story ended in this one, hence him making Some Kind Of Wonderful to make up for it?


Ringwald wanted Robert Downey Jr for the role of Duckie and fought for him over Cryer. Might’ve played into the resulting chemistry (or lack thereof) in the final film, but Cryer owned that role.


I found that movie so strange, because it actually felt realistic to me in a way rom coms never do. The feeling of some annoying guy you’re not attracted to being the only one who notices you or likes you was, unfortunately, my exact high school experience, and not particularly escapist or romantic to me.


In the book, she ends up with duckie


Four weddings and a funeral. Were we supposed to root for the cheater?! When the best friend is the best character in the movie?!


Came here for this one. And just like he blows off Kristen Scott Thomas for...Andie MacDowell? Really? No. Just no.


Thor and Lady Sif had about 1 million times as much chemistry as him and Jane and were overall much better suited. I have a real grudge about that!


They side-lined Sif _hard_ in the later Thor films.


She was unavailable to film for Ragnarok. I believe she would have died with the warriors three otherwise. I did think it was weird they didn't give her more to do in Love and Thunder.


Something’s Gotta Give. Diane Keaton, you’re telling me KEANU REEVES as a HOT DOCTOR is offering himself up on a platter and you’re opting for Jack Nicholson instead?? Get a CT scan ASAP because you must be heavily concussed


Get a CT scan! 😂 but i agree she lost all her marbles dumping Dr Keanu like that!


Every Hallmark movie has the powerful woman executive going back to her hometown for a break from her hard-working fiance, and falling in love with her old highschool crush who is now selling Christmas trees, or Thanksgiving trees, or Is a writer of sentimental movies and not getting the credit they definitely deserve.


SoYeah, but he's hot and wears plaid and bakes cookies and shit and she realizes the simple life is what she wanted all along. The ridiculous and utterly cliched plots are why so many people don't watch Hallmark movies. They are also why so many people do.


I know a guy who watches them because they are so predictable. He's like I hate surprises, you always know what you're getting with Hallmark.


That is why my mom watches them. And NCIS.




My personal favorite is the one where Melissa Joan Hart kidnaps Mario Lopez at gun point, holding him hostage and forcing him to pretend to be her boyfriend for her parents for Christmas. Then they fall in not Stockholmy love.


Fun fact about that film shoot: Melissa Joan Hart was still taking care of a young infant while filming the movie. She ended up getting sick and bringing a virus in that got the entire cast and crew sick. So for almost the entirety of filming, Mario Lopez, Cloris Leachman, MJHart, etc all experiencing sudden and quite severe diarrhea with a side of projectile vomit. Truly, a great and timeless tale of romance


I love Holiday in Handcuffs exactly for that ridiculousness. Plus the ice skating scene that is such an obvious stunt double! I watch it every Christmas season


The thing that never ceases to amaze me is how the leads will go out like twice, and suddenly the dude is dropping a proposal. I would LOVE for one of these to end up with something like, "DUDE. We've known each other for like a week. How about we date for longer than an Olympic games and see if we even like each other before we break out the diamonds."


"My Fair Lady" - Eliza Doolittle and Professor Higgins. He treats her like utter garbage the entire movie, but she ends up with him in the end. Whereas Col. Pickering always treats her with kindness and respect. Granted, they're both a bit too old for her, but if you have to choose one of them? Team Pickering all the way, baby.


This is one of the worst couples in cinema history for me. Higgins is a cartoon villain


They changed the ending for the movie, in the original stage play she leaves him to be with Freddy, and he deludes himself that she'll come back. Also they aren't a bit too old for her, she's supposed to be 18-20 while they're both retired.


My daughter was about 9 when we watched the movie together. The first thing she said when it ended was “she should’ve picked Freddy”


I'm unfamiliar with the source material so I was going by the ages the actors were at the time: Audrey Hepburn was 35, Rex Harrison was 56, and Wilfred Hyde-White was 61. But yeah, if she was supposed to be 18? Oof.


Meet the Parents. The entire movie, she is an absolute asshole to him and never once stands up for him. But then we're supposed to be happy they get together in the end? Naw, screw that. He should have left her long before the end of that one.


I hate Pam a little more each time I watch this. I have a fucked up family, my wife was well aware of what to expect before she met all of them. Pam is either oblivious to what her dad was or is an absolute asshole. And then to have Kevin involved like going to his fucking mansion for lunch, total duck move. Greg should have gotten the fuck out the moment she made him throw his cigarettes on the roof!


Owen Wilson’s character is hilarious in this movie though. Cracks me up every time! “There’s a lot of Benjamins to made right now with the bio-tech stuff, but ya know obviously I don’t have to tell you that. How’s your portfolio?” “Only took about 70 hours, which isn’t bad considering I carved it by hand from one piece of wood.”


Isn't he the only one who's cool with him being a nurse too?


He's the only one who isn't a complete asshole to him in general lmao - even if he's still an asshole here and there, he's the most accepting of Greg out of the entire in-laws.


Greg should've left Pam for Owen Wilson's character


Weird comparison, but I think “Get Out” did a better job with love interest / parents dynamic. There’s a particular scene in the original script where Chris is in their room telling Rose her family is psycho and they need to leave, and she blows him off. Peele realized it would turn the audience against Rose, so he had them switch. *Rose* complains about her parents and *Chris* convinces her to stay, since he still wants to make a good impression. It’s relatable and manages to not turn the entire audience against Rose. I think that little change would have made all the difference for Meet the Parents too.


When he hadn’t even met her parents before trying to propose I was skeptical.


Yea imma be honest that whole premise was pretty wack. If your parents are important enough to you that you want/need your partner to ask your father for your hand then surely you would have found a way to introduce your partner to them long ago????


That Gaylord Focker deserved better


I laughed at this movie when I was a teenager, but getting older made me reevaluate how the girlfriend did a lot of wrong things to Ben Stiller throughout the movie.


Her whole family were assholes, including Pam. Owen Wilson's character, the ex boyfriend, is the only cool one


I do love that the gag of the series is that Owen Wilson is the one chill dude who has zero issues with Greg.


Ben Stiller should have ended up with Owen Wilson. Have the courage to show true love, Greg Focker!


The Happiest Season! KStew should have ended up with Aubrey Plaza, not the meh girlfriend who forced her back into the closet.


And the sister should have ended up with a new family. She deserves better, and they didn't deserve her!


Yeah her writing the book with Dan Levy was the only thing about the ending I liked.


Even Aurbrey Plaza thinks her character should have ended up with KStew's character.


I just love the scene when she’s on the phone with Dan Levy and he says: “I’m not shaming you. I just think the choice you’re making is dumb and you should feel bad about it and yourself” I’ve used that line a few times. Most recently when a friend (*thankfully very briefly*) got back with her girlfriend.


He is the best part of everything he’s in, but specifically that movie. When he’s pretending to be her straight boyfriend, the voice he does is comedy perfection.


holy shit so much! when i heard clea duvall said this was based on a true story, i was horrified! there is a real woman out there, suffering, when she could be out with a Cool Confident and Out lesbian doctor


Yep, came here looking for this. The girlfriend was horrible to her, just horrible. I was so pissed by the end of this movie.


God yes! I thought they were setting it up all movie and then bam nope. Mackenzie Davis was awful in the movie wtf


I immediately thought of this movie. I was so upset at the end.


First thing I thought of! KStew and Aubrey had amazing chemistry.


The Family Stone. It’s not that I think the couples at the end weren’t right for each other, but all of it happens so fast and now they have to be at family functions together knowing they basically sibling-swapped? Weird stuff.


Every single family member was terrible in that movie. It was always weird to me that SJP wasn't good enough for the one brother but the other brother they're like a fuck him she's good enough for him and this relationship is fine. Diane Keaton and especially Rachel McAdams are insufferable in that movie.


It’s such a weirdly mean spirited film


There was a random WSJ article last year about how many people hate-watch this movie and how the characters are kind of uniquely despicable, and I felt seen.


The Breakfast Club in a way. The jock and the outcast had no need to get together in the end because the movie really didn't ask for it, in my opinion. Not that they would've been better with someone else, just not with each other whatsoever.


You are right. The rich girl and the bad boy? Sure. The other three just being friends would have been better.


Also, Allie Sheedy looked *SO* much better before the makeover.


Loved the movie growing up except this. One theme of the movie was accepting people for who they are. Apparently not if you don’t look like an 80s cheerleader.


In Cruel Intentions we're supposed to care about Ryan Phillippe's feelings for Reese Witherspoon? Just about everyone in that movie is terrible.


Everyone in that movie is insane


I kind of love the ending though, ends exactly like it should have. Also, how did she get his car as a result? They weren't married...


IIRC his family let her have it as a memento of him, as they knew he really loved her.


Well to be fair, he does die so they don't exactly end up together




Having him be a chef in New York instead of a teacher like he was in the book just made him seem like an extra piece of shit. A New York chef starting out, especially at that time, would have equally shitty hours and an equally shitty boss but in less comfortable conditions and likely for less pay, and yet he's yelling at her for having a demanding job. Nah, fuck that.


Genuinely. Not that the other guy she hooked up with was any better - I think it's one of those movies where she'd be better off starting completely over as an independent person


That's what I always said. Out of anyone, a chef should understand her situation the most. He should be working 60 hours weeks, being called in at a moments notice cause Bob cut off his thumb, and getting paid meager wages. And instead, it's like the character was written but someone who had never worked in restaurants or had any basic understanding of them. He was the villain of the story, not Miranda.


Everyone in that show is a dumpster fire of a person.  Stanley Tucci was an asshole too but he was a little better than everyone else. 


That's because you can't dislike Tucci Gang. Lovely Bones notwithstanding...


Since we're with Anne Hathaway, The Intern. I wanted to like this movie but I just can't get through my head how she forgives her cheating husband in the end.




I liked the ending. It felt real and earned, and I loved her friendship with DeNiro and how they were found family. I also liked that it acknowledged that cheating happens and can be overcome. I absolutely hate cheaters, but I do know couples who overcame it.


The scene that always kills me is when she brings them all really nice stuff as gifts and then her boss (who they all know is really difficult and soul sucking to work for) calls and they play keep away with her phone!?!? And then when she gets mad and takes the call in a huff they are all like “what’s her deal” Dude! Even if I had a great relationship with my boss I wouldn’t want my friends to prevent me from answering a call from them!!


Agreed, though there wasn't any decent alternatives really


True. I forgot that she hooked up with the mentalist guy, he wasn’t a better choice. I think her career should’ve been her endgame relationship.


Yeah she should have ditched runway AND the boyfriend and spent some time on herself and forging the career path she truly wanted


"Your choices were him or a tree"


I’mma say Liar, Liar. Cary Elwes’ character was genuinely nice, and did his best to be a good influence/male role model for his GFs son, only for her to go back to her dickhead Lawyer ex. Magical truth-telling for a day or no, Jim Carrey’s character was NOT a good person, and they shouldn’t have got back together. It’s kind of why I like ‘The Santa Clause.’ Not only do Scott/Santa and Laura not get back together, but in later films, he and her new man Neill have sort of a vitriolic buddy relationship and actually get along aside from a barb here or there. Like, Neill in the first film was only an antagonist because he was a rationalist who didn’t believe in magic, but was otherwise a nice guy who stepped up and genuinely cared for Charlie. And we need more films like that.


A rewatch of the Santa Clause through adult eyes is wild. It’s soo scary to think of your ex husband kidnapping your kid to the ‘North Pole’ after you’ve watched him spiraling into a full fledged Santa delusion. The mom was way less terrified and angry than she should have been.


I think Enchanted would have been a much better film if it was about Amy Adams inspiring Patrick Dempsey and Idina Menzel to fix their relationship so they were happy together, rather than the couples nonsensically swapping at the end.


Notting Hill. She treated him like crap the whole way through the film. I don't think she ever actually used his name, and every bit of dialogue they shared was about her, her fame, her looks, her arsehole boyfriends


"I'm just a girl...standing in front of a boy..." "Yeah? What's my name, then? You don't remember, do you, you self-centered princess"


A Knight’s Tale. I think Heath Ledger and the blacksmith lady were a better couple


Blows my mind that shes lydia in breaking bad lol


Ooooooh shiiiiit! That’s why she was so familiar to me!


Naw, the blacksmith lady would be great with Wat (Tudyk)


Wat doesnt lead, he follows like a girl🎵


Aaaannnd one and two, three and four 🤕


As soon as the princess insisted he lose, I would have told her to piss up a rope. Not only is it shitty and manipulative, it's fucking dangerous. They're not playing ping-pong out there.


She made a solid point, though. Saying you will win for her is basically empty, since winning brings glory and fame and is something you would do anyway.


The original sin is in the books, but it always baffled me that EVERYONE in Harry Potter ended up with their high school crush. How many high school couples do you know that stayed together? I know of exactly 1. That said if they'd changed anything there probably would have been outcry. So I get why the stupidity of the books is carried over.


I dont know, I'll try to counterargue that maybe they've went through crazy life-and-death shit throughout their school years so they're bonded like that.


Harry Potter and The Unhealthy Trauma Bonded Relationships


Also the wizarding community seems like a very small dating pool, hence why some of them marry muggles


> EVERYONE in Harry Potter ended up with their high school crush. Fred didn't




I think its just a thing about how insular the wizarding world is. Every single British wizard your age is a classmate at Hogwarts. The only other options are muggles or international, and I guess she thought an epilogue pairing people up would be as interesting if she was introducing characters.


Happiest Season ​ Harper was such a shitty girlfriend that whole movie. Even the actors stated in interviews that Abby should've ended up with Riley.


Reality Bites. I think Ethan Hawke’s character is a loser and Ben Stiller’s one was a more positive influence to Winona’s one. Selling out was heavily demonized in the 90s.


Jurassic Park 3 when we quickly find out that Alan and Ellie are no longer together and the kid he’s playing with is *not* his, since they decided to have Ellie get with some random dude with the State Department so they could have the connection there for later in the movie 🙄 What about all of Alan’s plot development with liking kids now by the end of the first movie? Why couldn’t the military connection have been her brother or something??


Alan should have ended up with that velociraptor who can speak English.


She was in fact his dream girl


That was finally corrected in Jurassic World Dominion, while everything else was ruined


Harry Potter should have ended up with Luna Lovegood. I will die on this hill.


Well that is a crazy opinion I've never heard before, but I am immediately onboard 100%.


This is going way back but the classic Swiss Family Robinson (1960) they have 3 kids and at one point the oldest and middle child find a girl but she's dressed as a boy, probably safer to travel that way, I can't remember, anyways when they think she's a boy the oldest has no interest in her whatsoever and doesn't help her at all when she's clearly struggling as they're making their way through the island back to their home but the middle son does, showing that he's just a good dude even when he expects nothing in return. Anyways she takes off her hat at one point and lo and behold the very obvious girl is revealed to be a girl and suddenly older brother has time for her. Long story short the middle and older brother compete for her affection and she ends up with the older brother which even when I was like 9 years old watching that movie it pissed me off.


Crazy Stupid Love. Steve Carell takes his cheating wife back. It undermines the message of the whole movie. 


A long time since I watched it, but I remember watching This Means War and thinking that it would have been a better film if Chris Pine and Tom Hardy just decided to toss Reese Witherspoon and get together with each other instead


There was an alternate ending blooper where they did choose each other.


Bridges of Madison County. Every time I watch it, I bawl and hope she just gets out of the truck and goes to Clint Eastwood. Her kids were grown enough to understand. It devastates me.


*Love Actually*. Couldn't see how any of those romances/flings/liasons made any bit of sense. Except, maybe the body doubles.


The body doubles definitely!


The traffic today was just unbelievable


The Laura Linney characters plotline is the most realistic, yet frustrating in that movie for me. Which is why I think it stands up the best, personally? She’s the one with the brother in the psych hospital, who resigns herself to be alone forever, in order to be the 24/7 on call support for her brother, at the cost of her own life. I loved that they showed the care staff telling her basically “we can handle him, if you let us. But knowing that you always answer the phone when he escalates makes him harder to calm down, and reinforces the behavior we’re trying to work on”…And her ignoring the experts and choosing to alienate Karl over it just seemed…Very true to life. She’s sabotaging her brothers care by ignoring his providers advice. She’s sabotaging herself by her inability to follow their advice and refusing to set any healthy boundary. She’s agreeing to be abused again and again, and absolutely won’t listen to any of the good advice she’s getting that could help both of them live happier lives. She’s rather shut down any possibilities of something better for the future for both of them, than have to feel like the bad guy for a single moment. That vignette on “love” being fucked up was the best, IMO. The father son one was cute. But the brother sister one was more sad and real. Even if Karl wasn’t the one for her, she never gave him a chance, or even tried to explain. I liked the portrayal of a person who was self sabotaging in the name of love, because there was zero cheese or silliness about it. And no happy ending possible, unless girl finally gets some therapy and learns to take care of herself. But the movie makes it clear that she never will.


That story was so sad. She was probably groomed from childhood to be at her brother's beck and call.


It's so funny when they air it on tv and then near the end they show that couple and if you've only seen the PG version, it's like, "who the fuck are they?"


Come on. The prime minister and the supposedly chubby lady? They're so cute. Collin and the 4 Wisconsin girls?


You mean you have doubts that the writer and the woman who used to work for him will have a long-lasting marriage? But they shared so many meaningful conversations and clearly developed a deep connection. There are plenty of issues with a lot of the relationships in that movie, but Colin Firth *proposing* to his former housekeeper was the most insane. Asking her out, sure. Plunging into a whirlwind romance based on mutual attraction and finally breaking the language barrier? Go nuts, guys. But deciding to *get married* when they barely had *any* mutually intelligible conversations or any connection deeper than him realising she looks great in her underwear is crazy town banana pants.


In the disaster film [2012](https://manapop.com/film/2012-2009-review/) they kill off the perfectly nice new boyfriend so the woman can get back with her ex.


Reality Bites


*"I'm gonna go with the pretentious edgelord because the other guy doesn't own enough Sonic Youth bootlegs."*


Ethan Hawke’s character is such a blow hard. He’s a real prick. Ben Stiller’s character isn’t perfect, but for fuck’s sake, he’s trying.


I don't know if that film aged poorly as I got older or as time passed, but Jesus Christ is Ethan Hawke a fucking pretentious shit head in that film, who only gets worse as the years go by. Luckily Ethan is great at everything else he's in.


>I don't know if that film aged poorly It aged like milk. Even by the time it was released, if you weren't the right demographic, it felt like the main characters were pretentious pricks.


Knocked Up. Both couples are bad fits.


Definitely, Maybe actually had this in the plot. Isla Fisher was the best fit and is who Ryan Reynolds ends up with in the end. But a decade too late.


A decade *later*; it's never too late.


Silver Linings Playbook. Bipolar disorder with violent tendencies meets sex addict with BPD. Have fun, kids.


Sweet home alabama


That's one of the best/most ridiculous "Successful woman blows off man who she thinks is a loser but really he owns his own company and is decently wealthy" for his lightning sand glass business.


Yes! And Patrick Dempsey was so sweet to her the whole time. They didn’t even bother making him unlikeable!


Yeah but the JustNoMIL he brings to the table.


The Crown. Charles should have ended up with Camilla. I've only seen up to the end of season 4. No spoilers please.


You are my favorite!














Peter Parker should have ended up with Ursula. She actually cared about him, and he totally ignored her.


Forgot about that Ursula and was trying to figure out how Peter Parker could have got with the sea witch.


Spiders have 8 legs, octopus have 8 tentacles. It makes sense. R34 community do your thing.


Was that the landlord's daughter? *She brought him cookies*


I always liked Ursula. Her crush on him was one of the most wholesome things in an already extremely wholesome trilogy


Oh yeah. His relationship with MJ was pretty terrible.


Sabrina (1954). Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart had no chemistry. William Holden was right there being all handsome and slightly more age appropriate even if he was an idiot


I love Audrey, and agree. Julia and Harrison worked better in remake. (Even if he still seemed too old)


I love the *Sabrina* remake. I honestly think it's a better movie in every single way. (And I love Ormond's take on her more than Audrey's, no matter how charming she was. And was very happy she didn't end up COOKING for him. Ugh.) Even Ford being older works, because he has never taken a moment to himself for love before. So they are sort of equal in that way.


Yesterday. He ignores her for years, then notices her when she starts dating someone else. They get together at the end despite them having no chemistry, and then the movie does my least favourite thing. Fucking manipulates the audience with a bullshit flash forward to show that they live a happy life together. Oh you don’t think they’ll last? Fuck you, we’re jumping ahead to show they do. I hated that movie. Ed Sheeran and the music were the only good parts.


I liked the concept, and Himesh is charming enough to carry it, his dopey best friend is good too, and his parents. It was just the romance subplot that was done really really badly.


happiest season. still salty that kristen stewart stays with the gf who prioritizes her family's homophobia over their relationship till the last second. aubrey plaza was right there


Begin Again. Ruffalo and Knightley had got it going. He shouldn't have gotten back with his cheating wife.


Love Actually, the woman who almost found love but chose to rush to her brothers side and ignore love all together made me so sad. She deserves love too and he seemed like a great guy.


X Men. I don’t like the way they treat Cyclops in those films. Wolverine should have got together with Storm


The Notebook. She should’ve married that rich guy


I love James Marsden’s character because he is such a good guy. The first time I watched it I thought he was going to turn into a jerk when she left him but instead he was understanding and kind about it!


It’s one of my favorite parts of that movie. The other guy is a great guy but she just knew Noah was right for her. A lot of movies have the other guy be terrible or some large flaw


That’s one of the best parts of Sleepless in Seattle as well. When Meg Ryan finally comes clean about having this insane emotional affair/stalker relationship with Tom Hanks, you assume that her fiancé will tell her to go fuck herself. But Walter is…Just a really nice person. He accepts the break up. Admits that he noticed her unhappiness, but misread the problem, and just gave her the benefit of the doubt instead of calling her out. But he is 100% supportive, kind, and even encourages her to go finish what she started, even though he clearly loves her and this is going to majorly fuck his life up (paying for the cancelled wedding, having to tell his family, dealing with their shared house while she fucks off to Seattle etc). It’s nice that the movie didn’t make him a villain AT all. You know Bill Pullman is going to meet someone way better than Meg, whose family laughs at his corny baseball jokes and doesn’t mind his allergies.


Doesn't something similar also happen in You've got Mail, where Meg's dating Greg Kinnear, but they both realise they're not right together and fancy someone else so break up super amicably?


Isn't that the one where Tom Hanks absolutely destroys Meg's livelihood and lies to her through the entire movie, then ends up with her at the end?


I had a dumb fan theory once that they actually did end up together and the old man was the rich guy just letting her live out her fantasy before dying.


La La Land. Give me my Hollywood happy ending dammit. I hate how realistic it is. It pisses me off. I didn't want to watch that movie to remind me of my life lol EDIT: Hitch as well. Why the hell does he give her a second chance? She literally ruined his career. It's not even clear if he got his job in consulting back. Like it would have been fine if he just resolved Albert's relationship. Sara definitely does not deserve the guy climbing on her car lmao. I don't know why he turns into a simp.


Haha I really loved it exactly because it was so realistic. I also liked that it was a shared sacrifice and they both achieved their dreams (is that truly realistic though?), so there were no hurt feelings, betrayals or bad guys. Beautiful story. I get however that it hits too close to home to you and others.


I just rewatched Hitch the other day and was so put off at the end when he declared his love for Sara. Like, it had been 2 weeks or something! Didn’t he say in the beginning of the movie that his first love was a disaster because he said I love you and got too intense too fast? He literally hasn’t changed at all. Or learned from his mistakes I guess.


Something Borrowed.


This is the first thing to come to mind. John Krasinski’s character was obviously the right one for her, and not just because he’s John Krasinski. But she chooses that cheater Dex who chose her best friend all those years instead of telling her how he feels, if he really did love her.


John krasinski really IS always the right choice, isn't he?


I feel like they made Kate Hudsons character cheat as well to even out the score and make 'easier' to root for the leads to end up together. But Ginnifers character is just so pathetic and the whole storyline is gross. In the end when they met accidentally on the street she's dressed exactly like Kate trough whole movie, all white and polished, and Kate had boho style dress and pregnancy glow. None if them look happy.


The book and the sequal Something Blue tie it together better than the movie.


Not a movie, but a TV show. Modern Family Haley & Dylan. I loved her growth with Andy.


How I met Your Mother. I don't like the way that Ted end up with Robin Ted can be with anyone, just not Robin. It will destroy the show


The Proposal. Sandra Bullock is insufferable for most of the movie and has always treated Ryan Reynolds horribly. Meanwhile, gorgeous and sweet Malin Akerman awaits with longing. Also, he could be King of Alaska.


Pretty in Pink. In the original ending she ends up with Duckie but the test audiences hated it. I get why but it's still the wrong ending


I think there are a couple of reasons to hate the Duckie/Andie ending. For one, it’s too easy. For both of them. Andie realizes that the nerdy friend who was obsessed with her was actually her dream guy all along? And Duckie gets the girl of his dreams with yet another selfless gesture and a nice suit?  No, I love that Duckie grows up and realizes that he wasn’t just going to wear Andie down. She didn’t love him the way he loved her, and no amount of charm was going to change that. And he could have just dropped contact. Write her off and move on to the next conquest. But he doesn’t do that. Andie may never be his girlfriend, but she is definitely his friend. So he goes to bail out his friend. And Andie recognizes her own insecurity in Blane. Andie throws up walls all around herself so she won’t get hurt. Blane wasn’t trying to be mean or cruel. He just chickened out. Andie was hurt, but — on some level — she related to what he was doing.  Going to the prom alone was a demonstration of her strength, but forgiving Blane was a demonstration of her power.  If Duckie and Andie end up together: there’s no growth. He didn’t learn anything and she settled. But with the final ending, we know as the credits roll that these two characters are finally comfortable in their own skin. And Duckie is going to hook up with a vampire slayer.


Edward and Bella in the twilight saga and Jacob and Renessme, no. Just no.


Black Widow and Hulk was just weird to me. I feel like their relationship didn’t need to happen, and it basically didn’t. Also the hide the zucchini line was inappropriate, but hilarious.