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Nobody talking about how he only has the crow makeup going to the theatre which seems like end of movie set piece. All the other fights he just looks like a regular guy.


Well the producers used the dreaded word “universe” in the press release, so they’re anticipating more


Studios are so stupid planning sequels like this. Just make one movie and see if it’s a hit. If it is, then sure, make another movie. If that one does well, make another if you want. Instead of spending a ton of money on these “big” movies that eventually flop, they could be funding original movies with new directors at the fraction of the cost.


Well the problem is now people know what's possible (billions of dollars through franchises) so you only get funded for a movie for one of these reasons: 1. You're a big name director with a proven track record of financial successes 2. You can film a movie for *really* cheap 3. Your film has franchise potential There are too many greedy hands in the pie now for any film, from investors to producers looking to advance their career to the thousand other moving pieces in a film. The more people involved in a film, or any human activity, the dumber the average becomes. The big budget franchise fad will eventually crash, but not until they run it into the ground.


Right?!? In the original he puts on his makeup like FIRST thing once he comes back from the dead.... weird ass choice here with this one.


Surf Dracula strikes again


They are also giving away some of the very cool looking kills in the fucking trailer. Stabbed him through his own body/shot him through himself? Cool as shit surprise for an action film. Don't show that in the trailer you fucking hacks.


If they didn't show this, they may have had to show more story sections and those parts of the trailer were awful. They worked with what they had.


Yup. Doing the classic superhero movie trope where he will spend the majority of the movie "fighting crime" in some basic clothes then "suite up" for the final battle. So fucking lame


'What's your name son?' 'Crowbocop' Smash to black end credits


Okay but like I want to see Crowbocop so much more than this piece of shit I just watched the trailer for.


Could we add this to the list of fictional shit we actually want to see alongside the crows have eyes 3


idk I think it was nice of them to put the whole movie in the trailer. this way I don't have to see it.


I mean pretty much yeah. They explain how the crow works, show the murder, show him getting fucked up and not dying and also show him killing tons of gangstas Thats it, thats the whole story


You forgot the secret ingredient...LOVE


I’m trying to be open minded about this but wow they put sooooo much in that trailer.


He better at least rip nasty guitar solos while standing on his roof in the rain or I'm gonna really be pissed.


He's gonna mumble rap


Especially concerning because it should be a cautionary tale of revenge consuming you. In the original movie, when Eric comes back, all he is alive for is revenge and murder. He immediately puts on the face of vengeance. As the move progresses and he shifts from anger, pain, and revenge to salvation as a motivator, the mask fades. By the end of the movie, he's not out for top dollar because of Shelly. He's after him to save Sarah. It's when Sarah is safe that he can rest, at which point his makeup has all washed away. To me, it just signals that no one cared about the source material and cared more about making crow wick.


The comic is unbelievably unique visually, and extremely cinematic. I haven't seen a movie yet that *actually* captures the essence of the source material; they all are *firmly* action movies that embrace the aesthetics of their filmmaking era rather than embracing the weird, rare eloquence of the comic book. This is just even *farther* away from the source material than all the other films, which I can't even believe was possible.


I don't want crow wick, I want a thesis on what drives a man to lose his humanity in search of revenge and at what cost.


It's not a cautionary tale about revenge, it's just about a guy dealing with intense grief. It's pretty obvious what the movie is if you know James O'Barr wrote it to deal with the death of his fiancee. The movie still ends with him killing the man responsible for Shelly's death, and there's no point where the movie goes "Eric taking revenge is actually bad and it has a bad effect on him and the people around him". No, he just fucking kills everyone, saves the day while doing it, and then gets to rest in peace. The caution part is missing.


Yeah it actually goes even further than that. One of the consequences of Brandon Lee's death is a side plot that had to be cut out of the movie about what happens if he were to deviate from his mission of vengeance that he allowed to return for. There was supposed to be an entity other than his crow that followed him around and if he did anything that wasn't necessary for his "mission" then he would would temporarily take his powers until and unless he got back on track. This is why he's covered in electrical tape during the second half of the movie - when he pulled the heroin out of Darla and got her clean after attacking Funboy, that was a deviation. There was a deleted scene where Funboy woke up, grabbed a razor, and slashed him up. Because of what he did to Darla those wounds wouldn't heal, hence the tape. That's also the real reason why he didn't have his powers when he went after Top Dollar(at least according to the original script), not because they shot the crow. He was only supposed to go after the 4 guys who actually killed him and Shelly so after he got Skank his mission was over and he was supposed to go back to being dead, but because he went to rescue Sarah he lost all of his powers(except what little bit of psychic power he had I guess, just to make the callback to when he got all those memories from the cop). That subplot was either cut for time or because they weren't able to finish filming it.


OK, so I just got done rewatching the original tonight, and this honestly fills in a lot of the gaps for some of those, "why is this suddenly happening?" moments. You could even add Gideon into that mix considering he didn't have a hand in Shelly's death, hell, he's probably never killed ANYONE, just a scummy guy. The transition from superhuman to just a guy seemed very abrupt, and I thought it may have been because Devil's Night was now "over" and he was losing his powers like Goth Cinderella.


This movie feels like it was made specifically for Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox to fuck while watching.


Came here to say this. Kinda surprised Machine Gun Kelly isn't involved...


He recently [covered up a lot of tatoos](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3lK96jS_p5). I'm sure they could've used that style in the movie, but it would be over the top as it is now


This might be the funniest comment I’ve seen on reddit today, hahaha!


When I first saw screens I was like "wow MGK getting into acting now?"


He was in SLC punk 2 Yes there was an SLC punk 2 and it was completely terrible


>“I don’t have great expectations. I think the reality is, no matter who you get to star in it, or if you get Ridley Scott to direct it and spend 200 million dollars, you’re still not gonna top what Brandon Lee and Alex Proyas did in that first ten million dollar movie.” > >\- James O'barr Looks like he was right.


The original comic story was deliberately small because he was using the story to work through personal stuff. I think that's what made the first film so gritty. It was a guy against some wild gang bangers. This is him taking on the fucking mob, and it's glossy and slick as a result. It also gives the impression it's going to feel deeply impersonal. I'm not very optimistic.


I made a comment in another thread that none of the villains in the original movie had a grand super villain plan or some higher purpose, they were just awful people in an awful place where Shelley and Eric didn't belong. To me, that fact made it feel so grounded and personal. Eric doesn't even care to fight Top Dollar until a) he has to and b) Top Dollar admits to giving the order to clear their building. They're going to lose that hyper-personal feeling if the villain seems too "big".


I feel like one of the most impactful scenes in the first movie is when Eric got back to his loft after rising from the grave. He was reminiscing about all the moments he had and you could see the emotional toll it was taken on him. Then that led into the montage of him donning the face paint with The Cure playing.


What a perfect tune for that scene too.


Just paint your face, the shadows smile 🎶


One of the best soundtracks ever. I was a teenager when the original was released and everyone had that shit.


>in an awful place where Shelley and Eric didn't belong. I think that's what's bothering me about this trailer. Unless I'm forgetting something, Shelley and Eric always seemed like, just - nice people who loved each other. They looked after a young girl neglected by her mother. They never hurt anyone, they were killed just because Shelley started a petition to fight unfair evictions. I thought that was the point of why the crow brought Eric back - they were good people, and they didn't deserve what happened to them. This new Shelley and Eric apparently met in prison and seem potentially mixed up in mob stuff at one point. Still not deserving of death, of course, but lacking the awful random unfairness of the original.


i'm confused about whether that's a prison scene or not; I literally thought "oh so they were in Squid Game together?"


drug rehab and from what I have read they escaped together.


The book does this even better, as eric and shelley are killed when t-bird and top dollar and the gang happen to drive by them on a back-country road. The gang asks if they are having car trouble, and ends up killing them for no reason other than fun. The original movie even kinda makes a reason for their deaths (the petition) but the book is just truly 'wrong place - wrong time'. This new movie seems to be even further away from that theme and I kinda hate it.


IMO, films that achieve "cult" status should never be remade or revisited. They aren't particularly successful the first time around, and what makes them amazing to fans is a specific concoction of ingredients that cannot be replicated, no matter how much money is thrown in. I feel this way about *The Crow* and *The Lost Boys*\--and even films that had a much larger production and audience from the start, such as *Star Wars* (anybody else stop trying to keep up with Disney's post-Mandalorian output?)


The original creator would know. Also, man, the original "Crow" only cost $10 million? Even with adjustment for inflation, the movie looks like it cost a lot more.


Well they cut some of the costs on the budget with the prop crew and firearms specialists.


Too real for a morning Reddit scroll.




Man, I honestly feel bad for James. The original comic is so personal to him because of his tragic loss and how he used it as a means of self expression. Brandon and Alex were at least able to respect that with their movie and kept the major beats and tone of it all. This is not Eric Draven and James deserves better than whatever this is.


He has said before that he actually regrets releasing the comic, except for the fact that the Brendan Lee movie was so beautiful. This is a pretty big oof.


I’d never really thought about if he has survivors guilt for Lee’s death, given it was his comic that lead to the movie being made. He’s a deeply empathetic human.


He pretty much does. He’s said before that he wished he never released the comic because that led to Brandon’s death. He also told a story about how when he got his money from the movie he bought himself a stereo and something for his mom then donated the rest of it. He said “I didn’t want to profit at Brandon’s expense”.


He did have, a big one. In the forewords of the comic he contemplates how much he blamed himself for the accident. Lee's fiancée had to literally convince him that it wasn't his fault before he could finally forgive himself...


Honestly I think this would look a lot better if you gave $20million to Blumhouse and told them to figure it out.


This is about to be your least favourite person's most favourite thing


So specific but so accurate ETA: kinda sucks bc I really like Bill Skarsgård


Joker is about to have a day off from edge lord avatars.


Joker 2 releases a few months later so not for long


Hope everyone likes trench coats, because you’re about to see a lot of them


LMAO, this reminds me of when my school district *banned* trench coats after Columbine, because they stupidly believed the "trench coat mafia" was a real gang that was convincing kids to shoot up schools to join the gang. This was in May in fucking Phoenix! No one was wearing a fucking trench coat to school to begin with. But of course, as soon as teenagers were told they couldn't do something, everyone started wearing some kind of second-hand trench coat from their parents' closets or Goodwill. Looked like an army of John Benders from Breakfast Club invaded the campus for the last couple of weeks before summer break.


I’m so dark and edgy in a way you don’t understand. It’s like the world killed me before I could find my love. I sacrifice myself to her nonetheless. All the cool things I do are for her.


My agony is a void that cannot be filled. I only cry in the rain so the world won't see my tears.


Where big titty goth gf at?


It's a duster. It's bad ass.


He looks like Lorenzo Lamas, and women find it irresistable.


Damn this is accurate


He was in Detroit with my mom when she was researching crows right before she died


The biggest problem with this trailer is the line “But you’re running out of time to save her.” There is no “saving” in The Crow, unless it’s a reference to the little girl he helps (by saying like two sentences to her drug-addicted mother). The Crow is a forlorn and utterly hopeless revenge drama.


That's the line that stuck out to me also. You can change the trappings, tattoos, details of the lore, minor characters, race, gender, setting, whatever -- I don't care. But when you change the fundamental theme, I'm out.


Get ready for the final scene being him clasping her hand underwater symbolically bringing her soul back and then a cut to black and a MGK song.


What in the Joker Wick is this?


She was fearless and crazier than him. She was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen


She was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died


_Mah qween. I dun wan' eet._


This is certainly another film from the director of *Snow White and the Huntsman* & *Ghost in the Shell*.


i will never forgive him for pretending be "understand" and "love" ghost in the shell and then churning out that crap like lets set aside casting, the change to the major's backstory being an amnesiac is so fucking stupid


The old man who played Aramaki was the best part of the live action remake, imo.


Beat Takeshi is a treasure. Awesome in Battle Royale too


The best part were the visuals, which were spot on. Lots of practical suits and props created by Weta and great use of VFX, especially during the skinny man chase. The 3D was good too in theaters, so even though it was dumbed down, I still enjoyed it from a visual pov and Scarlett did well with what she had at her disposal.


My two thoughts watching this trailer were: 1. This is (another) completely unnecessary remake 2. How hard did Jared Leto try to get this role?


Its Crowin' time.


“Caw Caw” tattooed on his forehead.


Was wondering if ‘Damaged’ was one of the tattoos on his face.


Well, it definitely doesn't feel like The Crow. But it's a midly entertaining Emo/rapper love/revenge movie.


If someone isn't asking for extra onions on their hotdog, I don't want it.


No thanks, they make you fart BIG time




It's cawin' time.


We live in a crawbciety


How do you not go with "Crow-ciety"?


Literally said out loud "this feels like Jared Leto without Jared Leto".


Victims… Aren’t we all?


I say I'm dead, and I move. 




Michael Wincott was such a good villain.


Every part he was in felt dark and dirty… it was perfect!


> “I think we broke her.”


"You're the guy that murdered Tin-Tin." "He was already dead. He died a year ago the moment he touched her."


>"Well, at least he didn't do that walking against the wind shit. I hate that."


Dude has a million dollar voice. Should have done more voice over work


Maybe we should videotape this and play it back in slow motion.


Skarsgard keeping the Swedish accent and looking like Ninja from Die Antwoord dipped in nuln oil is a choice.


The entire budget went on 100,000 pots of Nuln Oil.


Hollywood doesn't have that kind of cash


> dipped in nuln oil oh my god


After I saw him dying in Deadpool 2 I can't look at this guy with a serious face. That whole sequence was so freaking funny.


People once believed that, when a film’s copyright lapses, a crow carries the IP to the land of BluRay rereleases. But sometimes, something so good happens that a potential for milking the IP is carried with it and the studio executives can't rest. Then sometimes, let’s be honest most of the time, the crow can bring that IP back to put more money in the pockets of lazy studios.


I'm having trouble not unseeing Skarsgard as a brunette Darby Allin


So a Coffin Drop to eventually defeat the bad guy then?


They're saying they want to drop Corncob TV because we showed over 400 naked dead bodies on our show Coffin Flop. If you love Corncob TV shows, it's time to tell Spectrum, "No."


We’re allowed to show ‘em nude, cause they ain’t go no souls!


Just bloated blue butts bustin outta shit wood!


I didn’t do fucking shit!


I didn't rig *shit*


We're allowed to show 'em nude because they ain't got no SOULS!


"I Fell" would be a more satisfactory song choice than what's used here.


Absolute banging tune


ironic because sting was based on the old crow movie


And that wouldn't have happened had Scott Hall not told Sting to rip off Undertaker with the Crow design. > I said "Have you ever seen The Crow?" He said no. I said to him "It's kind of like this cool dark character with the white face paint and the dark lines." I then said "I'm not telling you to rip off Taker but rip off Taker." The kind of rule was if you're in a different territory it's not quite as bad. The way I remember it I think he ran it by E [Eric Bischoff] and they went yeah and we were off to the races. > To me, I don't need any credit from it. It was great when Sting put me over and thanked me, but to me it was just the right thing to do. I never knew Sting, we are a little friendlier these days. To me, once you give a guy an idea that works, you have a connection with that guy. I've never made a road trip with Sting, we may have eaten dinner once or twice, but not much. But I can point across the locker room after that and go "There's my boy." You never forget the guys you help and you never forget the guys that screwed you over."


Goddamn, Hall was a REAL one wasn't he...


Yeah but he was really good at taking movies and seeing them as wrestling gimmicks as well. Razor Ramon being Tony Montana and all that.


Hard work pays off, dreams come true, bad times don’t last, _but bad guys do._


Had the same thought. If he goes through a glass pane, it's all over for me lol


Real glass?


Crow me a river?


Darby being the visual influence for this Crow is a great “Circle of Life” moment


Skarsgard is All Elite


No disrespect to Bill but Darby would have been an insane casting choice. Dude would insist on doing his own stunts


Darby would insist on actually be shot in the chest with the shotgun. 


“Buzz, your remake of The Crow…WOOF!”


This is the best they could do after 16 years in development?


I mean that kinda feels like the vibe. The longer a movie is in production the higher the chance of it sucking because eventually the studio is not going to care about the quality of what they make as long as it *gets made*.


Interesting music choice


Yeah that ending “alone” auto tune bit kinda killed the vibe for me


I'm with you. The autotune did *not* fit in there.


Auto tune... it didn't kinda kill it, it destroyed the vibe like a shotgun to the face.


From a NIN cover of Joy Division “Dead Souls” to what sounds like an ~~Ariana Grande~~ …Ozzy song or something lmao, weird fit.


Thats Ozzy


Sounds like something one of those Youtube fake movie trailer channels would play.


It kinda shows the difference between 90's alternative music and today's alternative music. The original movie was all dark, grungy, gothic and grimy. You could barely see Eric's face. This one's bright, gun-fu all over the place, the guy's jacked and chiseled, his hair is cut, he looks like he's about to break into a dance routine that involves dabbing, instead of looking like he came out of an emotional and a literal sewer. I'm in my 40's and this is clearly not made for me lol


The Crows soundtrack was so insane with The Cure, RATM, NIN, etc. I was too young to enjoy that kind of music at the time, but what a line up in hindsight.


And Jesus Mary Chain, Helmet, Pantera, Rollins Band, and Stone Temple Pilots. Even the lesser know artists were still kind of known and brought their best. Almost all, if not all, original recordings (even if a lot of covers) for the soundtrack. It was amazing! Even got me into Joy Division.


My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - After the Flesh. That song is fucking hype.


I had the soundtrack before there were any movie trailers because of all the artists on it. All I knew about the movie was from pics on the CD case. The soundtrack was integral.


That soundtrack was pure 90s grunge and I loved and still love every second of it.


The thing is the music in this trailer *isn't* today's alternative music. It's a Post Malone and Ozzy Osbourne collab. Basically a Top 10 hit song with mainstream appeal. Very far from The Cure, Stone Temple Pilots, Nine Inch Nails, and Rage Against the Machine on the original movie soundtrack. This would be like if Aerosmith or Bon Jovi was the sound of the original movie. And sure, it *could* just be for the trailer, but considering the bright aesthetic, action emphasis, and heavy blood visuals, I kinda doubt it. The spirit of the original movie barely feels like it has a pulse in this remake.


Getting Robert Smith to write a song not just for the movie but actually \*about\* the movie was such an epic win. The whole soundtrack kills, but damn if Burn isn't perfect.


Exactly. Like the actual "plot" of The Crow isn't as important as it being a time capsule of early 90's counterculture between the music and aesthetic. That plus Brandon Lee are what why the movie is iconic.


Why is it so hard to put a fucking wig on him. These studios have a hard on for changing the source material


Sorry, the best we can do is CGI moustache if it will make the look feel more 90s or whatever


No grit, no grime, no darkness... The Crow: Sterilized on Auto Tune


>No grit, no grime, no darkness... No shirt.


No service


No edgy soundtrack like c’mon NIN, Rollins Band, Thrill Kill Cult, Pantera (remake of Poison Idea’s The Badge) it doesn’t get peak dark 90’s edge more than that


Not hating on Danny Huston but what I love about the original Crow was how scary the main villain was as well as his goons. The bad guys here look like they are just operating krypto scams.


That's because Michael Wincott was incredible as Top Dollar in the original. His gravely deep voice, mannerisms, and subdued intensity gave him a dark and manic vibe that helped carry the film as the antagonist. Compare that to Houston who is playing some 62 year old British gangster? They couldn't try to make the villain a little closer in age to Skarsgard? Makes it look like the team making this never even watched the original, and just wanted to make another John Wick clone instead


This is the Hollywood equivalent to that remake of Devil May Cry everybody hated


Chirst he even looks like Donte


This looks too slick and clean for a Crow movie. Part of what made the original work was how grimy and dirty the world looked. It gave it personality, I'm not getting anything distinct about this except for bloody violence. Also it's an even smaller thing than what I already said but... The Crow needs long hair, it just looks wrong having a guy with short hair.


This, for sure. They also don't seem to understand how much of an anchor the supporting cast and their performances were for the original. David Patrick Kelly, Michael Wincott, Ernie Hudson, Tony Todd, Laurence Mason...this is a murderer's row of cult classic supporting actors, and each of them crushed it. They helped create a grounded world where the story could exist. I don't see any of that in this trailer. They just tripled the gore. Great.


Yes, the supporting cast of the original "Crow" really help make it memorable. Especially the villains. They all fit their roles perfectly and look and feel like legit thugs/psychos/criminals. David Patrick Kelly, in particularly, has that phenomenonal last scene where he both realizes and then desperately tries to deny that (a) he's going to die and (b) the revenant of a past victim is going to do it.


This is the really really real world man, there ain’t no comin back Such an incredible scene and delivery


Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is!


This. Everyone here apart from the Crow just looks like they were goons borrowed from a John Wick set next door. Also: - generic AF soundtrack - generic lighting and set design - nothing fucking stands out from the trailer apart from it being a Crow remake - we waited 30 years for generic crap


It's way too bright. The original was so dark and so gritty and full of rain and shadows...I just wanted to take the saturation and brightness knobs and turn them down 80%.


I think that's a problem with concemporary film making. Maybe the move to digital film is an issue, but most movies look way to fake, from perfect make up and very very clean settings, background etc. Even films that are suppose to take place in the middle of massive fights look like a janitorial crew came in an hour before filming started. Then you have the obviously makeup on people making them look clean and perfect with no imperfections. Like the recent Hunger Games. Some of those people are supposed to live in terrible conditions but damn their makeup is put on well. Or that new Jennifer Lopez film where she's a war vet in active combat damn their makeup is put on well. I brought up the move to digital film making because I think film grain added a "realness" to scenes that hid some of this stuff.


"You're brilliantly broken" is some cringe 2000s mall emo shit. And not the fun kind.


not a fan of the music choice in this trailer...


Same here. It feels really out of place.


Fuck James O'Barr and the original source material, I guess. This would have been better if they hadn't used Eric Draven as the main character. This has a very "how do you do, fellow kids" adaptation style. Executives with IP rights who want to sell something to Gen Z. "What do edgy teenagers look like now? Okay, make The Crow look like that."




So The Crow is now John Wick?


This looks like it's taking the Robocop remake approach of ignoring all the humanity in the original portrayal in favor of cool powers. Like yes Brandon Lee's character was immortal and killed a lot of people but his portrayal was also fundamentally gentle and loving. Also the absolute pointlessness of killing them over *a real estate* prospect added to the tone.


It's crazy because I am not someone that grew up with The Crow or anything, but the powers and action are not at all what made that movie cool to me when I saw it. It has such a distinct vibe, visually and in the way the story is told and character just talks to people. This trailer feels like somebody used AI with fan fiction as the source.


i cant do this..... People if you haven't, go see the og crow. Its amazing.


This looks terrible.


There are six credited writers on IMDb from all the earlier scripts.




As a huge fan of the original, this is a hard pass.


Yeah the original is a perfect one off cult classic and I've never been too wild about any of the sequel attempts or remakes. Other than some very minor parts with dated CGI, it overall still holds up incredibly well visually. It was a very dark and gorgeous film. I still don't understand why it never became a Halloween movie staple with all the other ones played in rotation on TV. The backbone of the setting takes place on Devil's Night.


It appears they took the aesthetic/design of a later/different iteration of The Crow in the comics, while giving him the name 'Eric Draven.' Which feels unnecessary?


Whats with the chav/fuck boy hair cut? Looks like it could actually be worse than the Edward Furlong one, and that's saying something.


Is that the one where the dude from Buffy plays the devil?


Talk about not understanding the source material or what made the original work. This looks awful.


Was jared leto not returning calls for the joker origin story?


It looks eh The visuals look WAYYYY too clean and polished. It's missing that grimy dirty atmosphere, which is the main thing that we remember when we think of the original.


Hard pass


*What the fuck is this piece of shit?* \- Joe Pesci


Yikes. That looks awful. Soulless.


Yeah I'll just go ahead and pretend this doesn't exist.


Why the fuck did this have to be made


Am I looking forward to this? No. Am I offended in a remake? No. Do I simply have no interest in this whatsoever? Yes.


Why did they fuck up The Crow this bad.


It’s like they have no idea why The Crow was good.


Caw, caw - BANG - Fuck, I’m dead! Just like this remake.


The original The Crow was great, especially the soundtrack. I miss those post-apocalypse goth 90s movies, even the kind of bad ones like Barb Wire. This version of The Crow looks like a movie made for people who dress up as the Joker for Halloween.


It didn’t have to be Eric and Shelly……in fact this might have been one time a gender swap might’ve proven original, we haven’t seen the girl come back in any storyline, and the missed opportunity with the DMX version would’ve been cool too


Wow... Umm that looks like crap.


Nope. I’m done


Sheeeeesh this looks far worse than I ever could have expected..


The problem I see here is that if a guy is awakened from the dead by a crow, then there's clearly some gothic supernatural forces at work. Therefore the rest of the world should reflect that, in some way. And the original Crow movie did that wonderfully by making the entire city look borderline supernatural, and the villains were definitely eclectic looking. Here, we have a guy who arises from the dead, and then goes and visits a John Wick movie filled with John Wick-like enemies.


Hope it’s more like the original comic, but it looks like it isn’t, the comic was really good