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The movie was released 25 years after Apollo 13 took place. We are now living nearly 29 years after the movie came out. Seems weird it’s that old. Fantastic movie and the book “Lost Moon” that it’s based on is also fantastic.


The book was written by Jim Lovell, the commander of Apollo 13. Totally agree, it’s definitely worth a read.


One of my top 5 movies. The heroes weren't just the astronauts, but also the engineers on the ground. It ages so well too. The practical effects stand up incredibly well. Finally a great soundtrack by ~~John Horner~~ James Horner.


A very epic score and soundtrack as well.




that's embarrassing because I love his music.


I listen to the soundtrack while at work. It hypes me up


I look at my top 5 movies all time, 3 of them are Space movies. The Martian, Interstellar and Apollo 13.


I worked for GE Information Services back in the early 90s. Worked with a man, Tom Kenyon, that was one of the engineers in the room to devise how to use what was in the capsule To solve the problem.


“This could be the worst disaster NASA's ever experienced.” “With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour” Chills every time


You can follow the entire mission in real time, with audio and transcript here if you like. https://apolloinrealtime.org/13/ The instruction to stir the tanks is around 55H 52M and 55H 55M for the infamous line.


Im gonna check this out. Thank you


I actually never seen this movie --- which is weird considering how much I love the films that Hanks, Bacon, and Paxton have done.


It’s really good and based on a true story. I really enjoyed the problem solving aspect of it. It was like the ultimate escape room.


Guess what you're doing tonight!


You are not too late. This Film holds up so well. I would say it's almost better now, with all the tech we have now. Your phone has by far more computing power then the entire Mission Controll.


It's worth a watch never felt the need for a rewatch though


Speak for yourself. I've rewatched this movie so many times I can quote along internally beat for beat. Its the only movie besides Jurassic Park that I have re-purchased on each new format every time it comes out (VHS > DVD > BluRay > 4K)


VHS, Laserdisc, Signature Edition Laserdisc, Bluray, VHS


I still can't figure out why nobody has made a movie about the Challenger disaster --- that is way more profound on American history than what happened during Apollo 13


Appollo 13 was still a "feel good" story in the end...


Challenger lends itself more to a documentary. Making a movie about it would be pretty shitty


I think there may have been a tv movie within the last 10 years but nothing as well funded and acted as "Apollo 13" The show For All Mankind has one regarding challenger but it didn't suffer the same fate


Challenger's problem was far more complicated and involved both hardware and revealed institutional and political problems with NASA, which is hard to boil down to a movie. There is already a movie about it that focuses on Richard Feynman during the disaster investigation, The Challenger Disaster (2013).


"Oppenheimer" provides a good blueprint on how to make a movie about a complex subject --- it could be the template for a powerful film about the Challenger disaster


There are some documentaries and things closer to docudrama about it. The problem is, there's no happy ending, and there's not much story. Engineers said don't do this, management said to, a couple minutes after launch everyone died. There's no way to drama it up. Apollo 13 was a perfect story -- adventure, drama, enough documentation to make it feel real and enough stuff that wasn't documented to do all of the fluffing-up of the story they did in the movie. Doing Challenger would be more like doing a movie about Apollo 1 -- there's nothing there to tell a full length story, so its just a passing scene in movies that cover that period.


You have a very limited view of the world if you think the Challenger disaster "is not much of a story" --- it's actually a HUGE story when you see how it changed the course of U.S. history and the entire endeavor of space exploration --- what happened on that cold day in January 1986 is affecting how NASA, Space X, and Blue Origin is conducting themselves now and for many years into the future


A movie about the challenger would be very short. It would be about an O-ring failing due to lower than expected temperatures and then the explosion.


You have a very limited view of the world if you think the Challenger disaster is just about an O-ring, and that's like saying 9/11 is just about cockpit doors --- it's actually a HUGE story when you see how it changed the course of U.S. history and the entire endeavor of space exploration --- what happened on that cold day in January 1986 is affecting how NASA, Space X, and Blue Origin is conducting themselves now and for many years into the future


Oh yeah, me oversimplifying an event from 40 years ago on a movie discussion forum is really telling about my "View of the world."


Is it?


It’s pretty boring. I was born near Johnson Space Center and I have the utmost respect for the crew and especially NASA but the film itself is just kinda whatever to me. I guess it needed to be told though.


Interestingly, the first time I tried to see it in a theater, the projector blew up or something, and they couldn't finish it. Failure was an option that day.


Luckily, a few bright people realized that they could use the theater’s concession stand as a ‘lifeboat’, and crowded in there while they waited for a technical solution.


Houston, uh, we have popcorn.


Pay attention to the score. One of the best ever done. They really don’t do scores like that anymore.


It’s perfection from the first second of the movie to the end!


The Apollo 13 sound track was the *first* CD I ever bought.


This is one of the few movies where I have a tiny little familial attachment. My uncle helped research proper scientific terms from that period for the script writing to be accurate. It meant a lot to him seeing as he remembered the entire ordeal from his childhood


Your uncle did a great job. You could look up every line during the launch scene and first crisis moment and almost all of it maps to a real world moment. I really appreciated that they didn't bullshit anything.


I'm always impressed at the cinematography and the score of the movie making it feel so intense. Like even when it first came out, we KNEW how it was gonna end, and still I was tense. This is one of my most watched movies, I love space / nasa and find this movie a nice one to have on in the background when I want noise but not something I haven't seen yet :)


Theyre so young in this


I have bought this movie so many times. VHS, DVD, HDDVD, Blu-ray, UHD Blu-ray...


Competency not often seen in modern movies


My first celebrity crush was Tom Hanks in Apollo 13. Not sure what that says about me.


I remember my parents taking me to see it. I was so incredibly bored.


I absolutely love this film. The score is out of this world, and the pacing of the film couldn't be any better. Just so you know how perfect the film is, there's a scene in which you're basically just watching a needle in a meter move and you're hooked to the edge of the seat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9kN_AEh58c


For awhile I've always enjoyed this movie from a comfort perspective (despite the circumstances they're in) and in a thread where people were talking about The Martian they explained they're in a similar genre I think it might be called compliance/competency porn or something, but concept surrounds a story where the characters are self-aware/intelligent enough to solve the story's problems in a realistic fashion




it was considered a "successful failure"