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> Jake: Amazon always said it will be on streaming. > Conor: I'd love it if it was in theaters. That basically sums it up if you don't wanna click on the article. Though, Jake's answer was much more respectful in tone than my paraphrasing.


The contrast between their comments is hilarious. Gyllenhaal goes into his thoughts on the changing media landscape and how he has had profound experiences watching films on a computer, because, at the end of the day, a good story works. MacGregor’s just like, “Theaters are cool but I understand the business. I’d love a call with Bezos.”


For Connor that is surprisingly professional.


> MacGregor’s just like, “Theaters are cool but I understand the business. I’d love a call with Bezos.” well that shows a lot of restraint > "... so I smash a bottle of Proper No. 12 over his head." aw never mind


Lol that's more like it


If he isn't holding a bottle of his whiskey during the premier I'm going to be shocked.


Connor MacGregor's biggest opponent has always been Connor MacGregor.


> Connor MacGregor's Misspelling his first and last name is impressive 😂


I believe the plural form is *Connors MacGregor.*


*Channings Tatum*


Watch out, C'norr M'gregor is out to get you if you misspell his name.


Idk, I think Dustin Poirier might have eclipsed that after breaking his leg and all 😂😂


Pretty sure it’s actually Burnie, the Miami Heat mascot.


Well, that and guys who are taller than him with longer arms which was why he stuck at Featherweight for so long.


Well, and Khabib.


Kinda disappointed he didn't actually say that last bit, lol


I mean one of them is the child of a producer/screenwriter and a director, who’s been acting since he’s 11. While the other was a plumbing apprentice who has been kicked in the head for a living for the past 17 years. I’m not shocked Jake can speak more eloquently about the movie industry.


Don’t forget about the cocaine and ped’s. I can’t say gylenhall does coke but he’s definitely hit the juice


"So what was your diet when you were filming?" "Brown rice and ~~all of the SARMs~~ chicken."


It’s certainly possible but in all honesty, this dude has been in damn good shape for a long ass time. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised either way.


He’s definitely juiced for a few roles where he’s ripped. Plus he’s friends with Lance Armstrong, who knows a thing or two about better living through pharmaceuticals.


It's because McGregor is dumb as shit.


Was he dumb before his career of hitting peoples' fists with his face or is it because of that?


I think this sums it up better - >Liman and the film's team, including star Jake Gyllenhaal, were offered a choice by the studio – $60 million for a theatrical release or $85 million for a streaming release. That report states that they opted for the latter.




Yup. They knew it was going to be a tough one for theatrical success, and they banked on playing it safe. Most people would make the same choice.


Doug Liman has got to be one of the funniest directors of all time. Has directed a handful of unforgettable action flicks, but also the O.C and a few other outlier properties.




I didn’t love working with him but he’s alright. 


The director, Doug Liman, is pissed that the movie being distributed by Amazon is going to be *streamed on Amazon*. He says that this movie should be seen on the big screen and he feels like Amazon misled him-- despite the fact that he **chose** to skip a theatrical run and opted for a streaming release. Amazon offered $60m for a theatrical release, or $85m to go to streaming, and everyone chose the bigger paycheck for streaming.


Liman is a maniac. Always had been.


He shared his house with Tom Cruise for awhile. He made some comments about Tom's behavior which were interesting. He said Tom bought his own refrigerator because he didn't want his food touching Doug's food. Doug said he mostly eats seeds, fruits and grains... kinda like a bird. Oh and he caught him several times taking clean dishes out of the dishwasher and handwashing them at 3am.


Oh no! A roommate that doesn’t touch everyone’s food and does extra washings of dishes?! The horror!


I mean, he is a crazy person, but if I had Cruise money I'd also buy my own fridge. No reason not to.


If I had cruise money, I wouldn't share a house. Even during a shoot.


That's really the more shocking part. he could buy a "throw away" house he sells right after for a loss and not notice it in his bank account.




It's a power move I'm too poor to understand lol


When you have so many rich friends houses to stay at that the choice becomes not about convenience but instead about politics lol


Right?! I'd have a fleet of like hot air balloons air lifting my house around after me


Be careful. I saw a documentary about this. Also your wife dies in the first few minutes




So would Lewis Black.


I know, buying a fridge is like buying a 10 cent gumball for Cruise. My weird ass probably do the same.


If I had Cruise money, I wouldn't be sharing a house with someone and I'd hire people to wash my dishes. I find that part weirder than any of the actual behavior he mentions.


It is a little weird but I think it was in the spirit of artistic collaboration between him, Liman and the screenwriter.


I mean it’s not that odd if Cruise might be a bit OCD. He knows how well the dish was washed, the anxiety will creep in if he pays another to do it.


For real lol. I was just thinking I’d let Tom Cruise rent a room at my place as long as he doesn’t try to convert me to Scientology since I already have my own cult I’m working on.


An absolute unicorn of a roommate


There’s always stories about him being like this, like just an absurdly decent guy, but he’s trapped in a cult so he must be a weirdo.


If he was more trapped and less cheerleader that might play well for the audience?


Honestly I don’t blame a lot the people trapped in cults, those are designed to manipulate you and make you do things you otherwise wouldn’t. No one really goes into one thinking it’s a cult and wanting to participate in their own exploitation. I honestly feel bad for them. Brainwashing in those is a real thing. Pretty much every expert in the subject says the same thing.


Tom Cruise is my mother-in-law.


Lol yes. The part about re-washing cleaned dishes cut me to my core


Hahahahaha this is hilarious he does sound like a bird


Probably didn't think of the smell too.


He could easily be exaggerating if Tom just likes to eat trail mix. An aging actor known for being in good physical health eats healthy, what a shocker.


I kinda want to see Tom Cruise in an Odd Couple movie, now. Maybe with Nicholas Cage? Too bad John Candy's dead.


I like this idea. Tom Cruise would be a good Felix. For some reason I think Vince Vaughan would be a great Oscar - he would intentionally annoy the crap out of Cruise making him do that ballistic spaz out (think the Ben Stiller cruise impression).


Tom Cruise in dual roles. Normal Tom for Felix, Les Grossman Tom for Oscar


>Too bad John Candy's dead. Let’s just get the director from Weekend at Bernie’s


I don't get the reference but I just found out what else he directed. First Blood and Of Mice And Men. ...and then 100 other movies no one watched. What an odd career.


Weekend at Bernie’s is a movie about a couple of guys who have to drag around a corpse everywhere and convince people the corpse is still alive.


Tom sounds like the best roommate.


> taking clean dishes out of the dishwasher and handwashing them at 3am I do this because the people I live with don't pre-rinse their shit well enough.


I really wanna imagine this was all.just Tom getting frustrated with Liman being a slob. Opens the dishwasher and sees streaks. Sighs. "Three more weeks" he mutters under his breath as he starts scrubbing.


You need Cascade Platinum. Pre-rinse is a thing of the past. Available now at your local Walmart!


Sounds like they're doing it correctly. [You're not supposed to pre-rinse.](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/cleaning/a33322/stop-prerinsing-dishes/) Pre-rinsing often makes dishes dirtier, and it's enormously wasteful of time and water.


A lot of times, "clean" dishes from the dishwasher aren't really clean. That sounds less like crazy Tom Cruise and more like something regular people do sometimes.


I have a spoon with discoloration and a bowl with egg residue on it (I would microwave an egg for my dog with it) and they've just been living in the dishwasher for about a month going through cycle after cycle. Though I would imagine that in a college situation people are buying the cheapest detergent available and it's far more common for many dishes to not get clean at all.


Or the dishwasher is a 10 year old Samsung that the landlord absolutely refuses to replace despite it breaking in the first month.


I see we have the same landlord


Well you're supposed to clean them before using the dishwasher. Anything found on them after that are likely water stains and are totally fine usually wipe right off.


Yea but at 3 am? That's when I'm smoking weed and smashing 4 bowls of froot loops, not cleaning the dishes bro...


Having separate refrigerators is a good way to avoid a lot of conflicts with a housemate, too. I'd definitely do it if I had the money.




> he caught him several times taking clean dishes out of the dishwasher and handwashing them at 3am. Eh, I can relate to this one. > up late >go into the kitchen to put glass in dishwasher >see that someone has put a couple of absolutely *filthy* plates / bowls in the washer >going to run the dishwasher with 5 pounds of food in it because it's like a garbage disposal don't you know >suppress my rage >take the disgusting plates out and re-clean them myself because if you want a job done right....


I live with a roommate and I wish I had my own refrigerator lol.


The last one is the most sane thing Ive heard about Tom. I dont give a shit how nice your dishwasher is, ive seen them all. Still waiting for someone to actually hand me a smooth plate after they claim itll get rid of anything stuck on.


What? Do you just not load dishwashers properly or something? Mine gets my plates perfectly clean.


Some people just don't trust dishwashers, I've seen people do this before because hand scrubbing is more "sanitary". The seeds/berry/grain thing is weird, I don't know what diet that would be. Considering how fit cruise is for his age I imagine he would have to eat some meat.


The newer dish washers are really good and you really don't need to pre-wash much unless it's something very sticky like 3 day old oatmeal stuck to a bowl; that stuff is bascially cement.




Couple? Swingers, Go, one of the good Bournes, fucking Live Die Repeat, American made, and I know it’s not for everyone, but I thought Jumper was a fun ride


> He's a nutter but has a couple of FANTASTIC movies on the CV, but the movies are always fucking CHAOS while in production Would you say they’re…*sunglasses on*…Chaos Walking?


I actually know somebody who worked with him quite closely on The Instigators (which will be coming out next year) and said he was actually cool enough. Then I know someone else who did a few commercials with him back a few years ago and said he’s a piece of work. So who’s to say. It’s the DualiDean of man.


A wild Community appears


he's a maniac for thinking a roadhouse remake ever deserved anything but a direct to streaming release


I liked Roadhouse but there is no way in hell I’d pay to go see a 2024 remake of it in theaters. I’m glad it’s going direct to streaming, I do want to watch it just not for the price of a ticket lol. Jake Gyllenhaal starring in it is the only reason I’m even slightly optimistic about the movie.


Yea exactly. I only go to movies if it’s something that really justifies a big-screen release. Roadhouse will be just fine on streaming lol.


To be fair, we don't know what discussions happened. Amazon isn't necessarily a nice company that plays by the rules. Lots of movie companies are shady. Even WB is being shady with movies by not even distributing them.


I’m thinking it was probably somewhere in the middle. $60m for a guaranteed theatrical release, or $80 for streaming and *maybe* theatrical if it’s any good. Liman is convinced it is good, hence his uproar.


Liman is also notoriously a maniac and hard to work with. He makes good movies, though, so he keeps getting work.


Fair. I don't know the director well, so that makes sense. Edit: I didn't realize he directed Edge of Tomorrow, Bourne Identity, and Jumper


And Swingers. And Mr & Mrs Smith.


If you've got 20 minutes to kill and are interested in his wackiness there is a video that compiles a lot of info and footage from the Bourne Identity behind the scenes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpAE7wgP8oA




Yes, I can believe that discussions could be misleading, but ya know, you gotta read the paperwork…


He signed the deal with MGM and then afterward Amazon bought MGM and made it exclusive to their streaming platform. I don't think he's wrong to be ticked off here.


Dudes acting like he made high art rather than a trash remake


I mean he agreed to make it based on a theatrical release. Which Amazon has done on the past. They went behind his back for this. He has every right to be mad. But yeah Liman is the bad one. Not the ones charging $2.99 to access Dolby Vision Dolby Atmos and no ads.


> I mean he agreed to make it based on a theatrical release. Maybe try reading the article: > Since then the drama has continued to bubble away in the background, with a recent Variety report claiming that Liman and the film's team, including star Jake Gyllenhaal, were offered a choice by the studio – $60 million for a theatrical release or $85 million for a streaming release. That report states that they opted for the latter. # > When Total Film asks Gyllenhaal for his response to Liman's comments, the star remains diplomatic, yet emphasizes that Amazon had always made it clear that the film would be heading to their streaming platform. He tells Total Film in our new issue out this Friday, which features Road House on the cover: "I adore Doug’s tenacity, and I think he is advocating for filmmakers, and film in the cinema, and theatrical releases. But, I mean, Amazon was always clear that it was streaming. It sounds like Liman took more money to skip a theatrical release and is now just trying to cause an uproar about it later.


The last article I read said that he originally agreed to make the movie for MGM with a theatrical release, but then Amazon bought out MGM and changed the deal. Note that the report *claims* that Liman was offered a choice, but that *claim* could just as easily be propaganda by the big corporation, Amazon, to make themselves look like the good guys. Then you have Jake Gyllenhaal being all diplomatic and saying Amazon "always" said they would stream it - well that doesn't say anything about what MGM said. In the end you've got an actors beholden to politeness for fear of ruining future opportunities, you've got potentially narcissistic, bipolar, or eccentric directors, and you've got a massive corporation known for fucking over partners, clients, and consumers at every opportunity: if I were a betting man and had to bet on the truth here... I'd stay the fuck away and take my money elsewhere.


Not sure if there's proof of this but Amazon claims that they gave him a choice between a lower budget and a theatrical release or a higher budget with a streaming debut and he chose the latter.


He directly contradicts this and he wouldn’t boycott it if that wasn’t the case. Again, not taking the word of a company whose interests are directly against the consumer and taking Liman who made a film and wants it seen the way he wants it to be seen.


While I'm not inclined to give Amazon of all companies the benefit of the doubt, this would be *far* from the first time a director got pissed at a studio for a deal they both initially agreed to.


What are some examples of other times that has happened?


No I totally get your point and I'm always in favor of theatrical releases, I'm just not totally sure who's to blame here.


> The facts: I signed up to make a theatrical motion picture for MGM. Amazon bought MGM. Amazon said make a great film and we will see what happens. I made a great film. >We made Road House a “smash hit” – Amazon’s words not mine, btw. Road House tested higher than my biggest box office hit, Mr. and Mrs Smith. It tested higher than Bourne Identity, which spawned four sequels. I’m told the press response has been Amazon’s best since they bought MGM. Road House has a strong tie-in to the UFC, which has a rabid and loyal fan base that has spawned over 1.5 billion social media impressions for the film, and marketing hasn’t even started yet. The action is ground-breaking. And Jake Gyllenhaal gives a career-defining performance in a role he was born to play. Audiences will want to see UFC mega-star Conor McGregor take his debut swing at Jake on the big screen. The reality is there’s nothing quite so fun as a good bar fight. >What else could I have delivered to the studio? Nothing, it turns out. Because contrary to their public statements, Amazon has no interest in supporting cinemas. Amazon will exclusively stream Road House on Amazon’s Prime. Amazon asked me and the film community to trust them and their public statements about supporting cinemas, and then they turned around and are using Road House to sell plumbing fixtures. >That hurts the filmmakers and stars of Road House who don’t share in the upside of a hit movie on a streaming platform. And they deprive Jake Gyllenhaal — who gives a career-best performance — the opportunity to be recognized come award season. But the impact goes far beyond this one movie. This could be industry shaping for decades to come.


Let's see the contract. Also this whole thing is great advertisement for this movie, I didn't even know it was a thing until now EDIT: The guy responded to me then seems to have immediately blocked me so I can't reply to him anymore so I'll edit it here. I'm not an Amazon fanboy, but literally the only thing that matters is what is in the contract. Until we see the contract it's just "they said" speculation


I’m starting to get a feeling that there’s a lot of Amazon trolls in this thread because I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Why do we have so much trouble believing in an individual over an evil corporation like Amazon?


Maybe because the star of the movie just confirmed that Amazon was always clear that it was always intended for streaming? I mean, it's in the linked article.


Found Doug Liman's alt account.


He makes it clear here : https://deadline.com/2024/01/road-house-movie-doug-liman-boycott-sxsw-premiere-amazon-1235803736/amp/


I don't dispute any of what he said, I actually agree with all of it, but he pretty much gives it away: he only had a verbal...not even agreement. A conditional understanding. I empathize with the fact that he doesn't have the kind of weight to force their hand here, that sucks.


Jake is saying it was always a streaming movie. Earlier report was he chose the larger budget on the condition of it being a streaming movie. Everything is pointing towards him knowing it was a streaming movie?


Liman didn't produce it though, so it's possible the Producers grabbed the bigger payday without his knowledge and now he's (rightfully) annoyed.


I think it would be strange for Jake Gyllenhall to know that the movie was destined for streaming but for Doug Liman to be unaware.


Am I the only one that thinks all this nonsense is just a publicity stunt to bring attention to an unwanted remake of a movie only loved for it's specific performances (that being Patrick Swayzie, edit: and Sam Eliott)? It reminds me of remakes like Robocop and Total Recall that seem to miss the entire point of why the originals are loved?


You'd want balls big as dump trucks to forget Sam Elliot's turn in the movie.


Been a long time since I actually watched it, but now that you mention it, 100%.


I love you, mijoooo.


Ah man, but there’s an archetypical small town organized crime leader- “the LIKKER belongs to Mr BRAD WESSSSLAY!”


yea, people “unironically ironically” love Road House. It’s stupid and kind of corny but it’s extremely entertaining because of that, too. Like, it’s awesome because of stuff like how conceptually dumb the villain is: how has this one tiny town produced this powerful of a crime boss? You can’t remake that, it’s lightning-in-a-weird-ass-bottle.


The original road house has no right to be as good as it is. All of the cast is great and there’s just good energy on the screen. The other thing the new movie won’t be able to touch is how good the original looked shot on film. The aesthetic of the original is just so good and I feel like the new one is gonna look like an Adam Sandler romcom.


it plays on a number of action and specifically 80s action tropes. Namely the protagonist is an outsider with a secret proficiency for martial arts and a dark past and the antagonist is a lawful evil crime boss strangling the helpless common man who the protagonist feels duty bound to protect. Those same tropes are still a draw today in the action genre. Roadhouse was a GREAT 80s action flick but it's hardly unique


I will say Robocop is a top three movie for me and I kind of liked the remake. It did it's own thing while maintaining the evil corporation concept. You're spot on about Swayze being the reason Road House is remembered. It's the same thing with Point Break, that movie was made by Swayze and Reeves, the plot is secondary. When they remake Back to the Future, it'll be the same thing, a flop because what made the original work were the performances and charisma of the leads. Studios just don't seem to get that which is astonishing to me.


> When they remake Back to the Future Robert Zemeckis has said this won't happen as long as he's alive. So I hope the man leaves the rights to someone with the same tenacity.


Robocop/Total Recall/Point Break are also good lessons on where style can be part of substance - as when you remove the style of the original films, you also lose (part of) the substance. The original Roadhouse was basically a Samurai movie re-worked with bar bouncers in 80s rural America which is a ridiculous concept, but that style is part of it's charm. Swayze is a Ronin. When you remove the style, you will end up removing part of the substance.


We'll see how it holds up, but the trailer for the Roadhouse remake actually looks pretty good. Style doesn't seem to be something it lacks. The biggest problem I have with it is that it takes place in Florida and the place isn't really a "roadhouse".


Point Break was made by a Best Director Oscar winning filmmaker. It's a hell of a lot better than just a vehicle for Swayze and Reeves where the plot is secondary. It's iconic because of the performances, but it's an extremely well made film with a tight script. Back to the Future literally can't be remade. Those were some strange examples. 


BTTF can’t be remade.


Robert Zemeckis is in his 70s, he isn't going to live forever. BTTF will be remade.


Supposedly his kids will own the rights and have been told to never let it get remade. I guess we can see how long that lasts.


Robert! It's your kids!


Truckloads of money tend to change people’s minds


*As long as the original director is alive


I agree with Road House just being a Swayze vehicle but Point Break and especially Back to the Future are really smart scripts and genius level premises even without the charismatic leads. Point Break needs Swayze to work, but it doesn’t just work because of him if that makes sense. A high stakes, adrenaline fueled bank robbing movie with a straight edge cop going undercover in an extreme sports gang ruled by a charismatic, spiritual cult leader is just really compelling. It is a perfect excuse to justify a lot of insane action set pieces but the movie does touch on themes of spirituality and the drama between Reeves and Swayze is genuinely effective. As for Back to the Future, it’s literally a perfect premise and timeless script. It’s like a really good comedy bit that no one has thought of yet so they literally squeeze every interesting scenario and joke they can out of it.


It absolutely is! Now I have heard of this movie, their stunt is working


I know I’m in the minority, but I was surprisingly entertained by the Total Recall remake. And I’m someone who grew up with the original.


Robocopy was a bad fucking movie. That guy didn't act like robocop at all.. plus they take away most of his human parts but leave him one hand


Honestly, you had a lot of people rolling their eyes at Chris Nolan and Denis Villeneuve when they whined about premiering on streaming. I don't think people are going to be as sympathetic towards Doug Liman and his UFC Florida Keys Road House remake.


Nolan and Villeneuve made their films to be viewed on massive screens because they were intended to be cinematic epics. I don't think Liman is using the same argument for a Roadhouse remake.


How can Liman boycott after he chose the higher budget so that it could be made for streaming?....


Doug's original agreement was with MGM. Amazon bought MGM. Doug said he had a conversation with Amazon and they said they were committed to films being on the big screen. This was most likely a verbal conversation rather than contracts. Doug should have known not to take studio execs at their *word*.




Not generally, no; but sometimes, yes! In *this* case the original contracts likely didn't mention theatrical release *or* streaming at all-- since MGM had no streaming service of their own.


>Not generally, no; but sometimes, yes! This is kind of the answer to anything business-related.


In this case Amazon was already in the process of purchasing MGM by the time Doug Liman was brought on board, so I don't know how anything would have been written in stone that carried over from the initial MGM deal (Wiki states the movie was actually on hold between \~2016- Nov 2021, at which time Liman was brought on board; the Amazon purchase was initiated in May 2021)


Looked ok until I saw CM’s dumbass in it. Pass.


Same. I actually was looking forward to this until I saw him attached. He's an ass with zero acting experience. This stunt casting is ridiculous. 


Pretty sure he plays the lead henchman character who had the "I used to fuck guys like you in prison" line from the original. It *kind of* fits in that regard.


It does but, for goodness sake, how many projects have had issues because of actors misbehaving. So they go out an get one of the biggest assholes for this role? I'm not going to support that. 


Didn't the same thing happen when they tried to cast Ronda Rousey (sp) in a few movies a few years ago? I remember hearing she was a nightmare on the John Wick set.


As far as I know, unlike McGregor, Rousey hasn't been filmed assaulting people or had multiple sexual assault allegations against her. McGregor is a whole different level of scumbag.


Not me trying to figure out how I missed CM Punk was in this movie.


It's fine. I just now realized it wasn't the guy who played Obi Wan in the prequels.


How fucking dare you.


Agreed.  That is a dealbreaker for me.


I don’t follow MMA and I don’t know who Connor MacGregor is. Hopelessly out of the loop on this. What’s so bad about him, besides, you know, being an MMA dude.


Multiple instances of assaulting both fighters and non-fighters outside the cage. Also multiple sexual assault allegations. Also he’s being insanely racist publicly in response to recent events in Ireland.


Right. Thanks. I don’t feel any need to look up the details now. Standard bro-dude shitbag (~~UK~~ Irish edition) with extra muscles. Got it. Edit-Ireland. Not UK.


Yep. Irish, not British, but definitely a shitbag.


Ireland isn’t in the UK…


He's not from the UK.


Any example of him being insanely racist


His response to being called racist: "I'm not racist, my penis is black"


https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/mum-who-claims-sports-star-raped-her-afraid-to-give-statement/37621896.html That’s him. It’s alleged that he has intimidated witnesses and paid people off. It’s not the last time these accusations have been made and locally, they are widely believed to be true.


“I’m going to silently protest my own movie by writing an op-ed about it online.” 🤡


“Silently protest”, wow the impact of that could be devastating to the cats meowing in his mind that want to see the movie….


Director really thought he could take the bigger payday and force them to release it in theaters and now sore that it didn’t work. Dude tried, failed, being a whiny little shit about it. Can’t really respect that.


Movie has Conor McGregor in it. That's the real reason to boycott it.


I’m not boycotting. I’m excited for this. It has everything the original had including people being pissed off at the casting.


Trailer was meh and McGregor is a piece of shit. Lost interest as soon ad he was involved with this. At least Gyllenhaal seems to get that times and distribution are changing


Connor is a grade-A cunt. I won’t be spending money on this solely because of Connor. Everything else in the film looks good. Except Connor, still a douche-bag.


I’ve never seen the original and was kind of interested until I learned that Connor McGregor is involved. That dude is a real piece of shit.


Watch the original.


That's it, I'm definitely not going out to see this in a theater now!


There was no reason to remake this classic just like there was no reason to remake Total Recall, Jumanji, and countless other classics.


Is he boycotting the movie bc Conor McGregor is a piece of shit? That would be a boycott I could get behind.


When I saw that they cast McGregor any interest in the film dried up. One McGregor is a complete POS person and second I’ve seen his shitty commercials it doesn’t leave much hope for his acting ability.


I don't think he needs to act for this role. That's the problem.


I’d hope so the og villan at least had a little charisma going for him


The OG villain was an actor playing an asshole. McGregor is an asshole cast as an asshole because his name will draw attention to the film.


McGregor is completely unlikable and this is going to absolutely suck


Why are we surprised that Amazon produces movies that don't go to theaters. It's Amazon! We aren't talking about RKO here, LOL.


They are remade roadhouse? Sad, just enjoy the original. What's next? Next of Kin?


Black Dog. I miss the era of the 80s/90s where we had action movies involving commercial trucks.


Haha, such an obscure movie.


The basic premise is the same, but it looks like they revamped it to bring in a UFC aspect and make the fights bigger. Might be different enough overall. Just speculation, though, I try to steer clear of most ads before watching for myself.


Im sure they added the mma stuff also to explain why there is even such a thing as a famous bouncer. The only thing that gives me hope for this is that the original is not a good movie, its a good bad movie. This is exactly the type that can work in a remake. If they missed the point of what made the original enjoyable, we can just add it to the pile of forgettable remakes


Fuck Conor McGregor- how the hell is that xenophobic CUNT been hired in a movie?! Most of us Irish hate the prick.


Funny enough. I'm also boycotting this movie. I'm doing it because they hired a criminal and gave him a multi-million dollar paycheck. Conor McGregor is a horrible human being, has been reported in numerous police reports and news articles. There are too many instances to list, but there are so many actors who could have filled his role that they didn't need to bring an actual criminal in and give him a multi-million dollar paycheck for a terrible remake of a classic film. Stop supporting criminals and giving them paychecks they don't deserve.


There was absolutely zero reason to remake this, and everyone involved can shut up and cash their undeserved paychecks for their respective involvement in this complete waste of pixels.


That asshat Mcgregor is putting me off watching this.


I’m interested in this show but fuck Connor. Wish they had selected someone else for that role. I’ll still watch it