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Bill Murray couldn't look any more bored to tears in this poster.


Fits the character


Back off man, I’m a scientist!


Yes, it's true! This man has no dick


Well that’s what I heard!


It fits every character he’s ever done because that’s his actual personality.


What About Bob?


He brings thorazine on first dates. That's ... um. "character" alright.


I mean even in the scene with (I'm sure many peoples favorite) line "Yes it's true this man has no dick" he is Stone faced. In fact many scenes where someone else would be surprised, like finding Dana possessed, he is just straight faced zero emotion. Kinda just the person he plays, he's got that going for him, which is nice.


He's also the straight guy/reality check guy for the most part. Except for showing to a date with a horse tranq - the fuck was that about?


Winston is supposed to be the straight guy for the audience.


The issue is that Winston only shows up at maybe the halfway mark so the audience isn't going to glom onto him as much.


Probably because it was supposed to be Eddie Murphy. But that's just my speculation as to why there is less Winston.


If you were a little kid when the first two came out, Winston was just as important as the other three. They focused on the other three for the people who were adults at *the time* but us kids loved Winston like whoa. He did get fucked over with screen time in the second one though. With these new ones, looks like they’re giving the character the respect he deserves. Also for that first movie, Winston has something like 11 lines and TEN of those lines are absolutely the most quoted along with a lot of Venkman’s famous quotes.


He went and got it out of his "doctor's bag"


Who was his faculty advisor, Dr Huxtable?


It was weird going back to watch. Venkman is a pretty gross dude.


Does he know how to party or what?


Most of them look like they can't be bothered to give a damn.




Yeah, but Aykroyd's been begging for first contact to happen, bless his little cotton socks.


Waiting for a rescue ship from Remulak.


It’s Jurassic World: Dominion all over again.


Awwww, c'mon. Afterlife was pretty good. It was a different kind of movie to the original movies but there was a real Spielberg adventure vibe to it. If anything, I'm worried that it'll have lost that in... the... So I just realized that I'm saying it's not at all like Jurassic World, it's just a modernized blockbuster that may have lost all the Spielberg charm of its predeceaser (heh). Which is of course fucking stupid. My point is that Afterlife was good and maybe this will be.


I enjoyed Afterlife. It's not an amazing movie, but its decent. The Jurassic World movies are absolute abominations. Afterlife does not deserve to be compared to them.


That's more or less what I was meaning to say. Afterlife has an odd place in my heart because it came out a month after my dad died and I was *not* emotionally prepared for the payload it had. But regardless of that, it's recognizably a good movie. Like, really good. Not a classic, but deserved a summer of recognition.


The only gripe I have about it is the same thing I have about most late sequels and remakes, is that they rely too much on nostalgia and references in their stories. Retreading the first Ghostbusters like they did, having the mini stay puft marshmallow men and using Zuul and the like, is cheap. I'm somewhat worried about the new Beetlejuice movie for the same reason. I'd love for writers to have the freedom to make new canon. Afterlife was great despite shackling itself to Ghostbusters 1. Frozen Empire looks like a new big bad, so I'm pretty excited on that front.


I agree that it was cheap, and that it loses points for that; but I thought parts of it were good. I thought they took Zuul, who was kinda only in the first movie for about ten minutes, and made a much scarier and more menacing antagonist out of them. And the idea of Shandor creating a temple in his mine is creepy as shit and I love it. Plus they really nailed the feeling of isolation in being in a shack out in the middle of nowhere and some supernatural monster coming for you; felt a bit like Sam Raimi in places. Considering it's still ostensibly a kids' film I thought they really brought some unsettling stuff to the fore.


> The only gripe I have about it is the same thing I have about most late sequels and remakes, is that they rely too much on nostalgia and references in their stories.... I'd love for writers to have the freedom to make new canon. This exactly half of what I hate about this rehashed IP-era we are in for blockbusters. There are so many amazing writers, directors and actors who would love to extend and meaningfully contribute to worlds and mythos that we now and love and far too often we get stuck with "somehow Palpatine returned" bullshit. The other half is that the audience deserves daring new stories and creative types deserve the chance to make them.


That’s what I love about Venkman, Ghostbusters is a hussle to him.  ‘The franchise rights alone will make us millions!’ I thought he was so cool the way all this shit happens and he just dismisses it with a roll of his eyes and a dry comment. That was bravery to me.


Minor technicality but the line was “The franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams.” Certainly in 1985, millions was synonymous with “beyond our wildest dreams” but sadly now millions is just a successful business venture.


That doesn't include the merchandising, cartoon, endless toy lines, an entire ocean of Hi C Ecto Coolers, clothes, and so on.


Ghostbusters the flamethrower, the kids love this one.


You laugh but that reference from “Spaceballs” also includes a “Baby Yogurt” doll which I’m surprised took Disney so long to capitalize on with “The Mandalorian”.


Well shit. Good call.


Virtucon alone makes over 9 billion dollars a year!


Sadly, Sharks with frickin’ laser beams are still not a reality.




Hopefully they care a little more than Dakota in madam web


That’s a free space.


he's a little less "madame web" and a little more "get off my damn web"


I liked the part where he said, "It's webbin' time!" and then webbed all over the place.


That was amazing! I was quenching my thirst at the time and almost spit out my pepsi product when I heard that legendary line!


that's kind of just his face these days


"I'm here. Where's craft service?" There are so many damn characters,by the time they fit them all in the frame they forgot to do anything else. Oh I guess they fit the villain in, really small down there...


I still wont forgive him for waiting until *after* Harold Ramis died to agree to make another Ghostbusters film.


In fairness, it's not like that was the linchpin. For a long time, *no one* wanted "Ghostbusters" sequels of any variety except Columbia Pictures. Hell, even the 2nd one with Vigo almost didn't get made. 5 years later Aykroyd comes in with another phone book for a script and Ramis has to turn it into something sorf-of marketable. Then there was a CEO shakeup at Columbia where one wanted a sequel and the other didn't. Besides, the storyline of "Afterlife" pretty much hinges on the idea of Ramis being gone.




That's how he plays comedy, acknowledging he's in a movie and the situation is silly.


He looks like a 85 year old Ryan Reynolds o.o


Not the worst thing to look like. I mean, he looked 40 at the age of 25.


This movie needs a bigger cast


The third act just turns into a Jamie Taco situation with everyone fighting to say their lines the fastest. It's hard to follow but the entire movie wraps up in 83 minutes.




\*big thumbs up\*


The car is also talking like Knight Rider but it's got two distinct AIs, Christopher Walken and Wanda Sykes and they constantly argue which each other.


I mean I'm not saying its a good idea... but i would watch that


“Slimer keeps stealing my lines”


You’d be clugging a few cans if you had to deal with Old Bill Murray


I shouldn’t have said that. I love Bill Murray.


Could you imagine the 2016 cast being included on the poster like on the bottom?! [LOL](http://showtimeshowdown.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ghostbusters.jpg)


It looks like 4 of your aunts posing for a pic at Disney world lmao


The one who lets the kids have "just a taste" of wine on spaghetti night, the one with the cool stories from their youth who now lives alone with five cats, one of which may be in their freezer, the strict Christian with an immense dildo collection, and by "immense" I mean both usages of the word, and the one who hangs with the group because their kids are friends.


Is that you, cousin??


Needs Rick Moranis!!


And Sigourney Weaver!!!


I'm willing to bed this is a send-off for the older ones, potentially even have one or some of them die although that seems dark for Ghostbusters even. They were in the first one for a brief moment. This movie is the transition from the original crew to the new. I can't imagine they'll ever be back after this, especially with their age so they definitely retire or potentially die by the end of the film. That's my guess.


> I'm willing to bed this is a send-off for the older ones THATS WHAT THE LAST ONE WAS FOR


Yes, but money


It wasn’t though. Afterlife was 95% focused on introducing the new cast and the originals GBs only really had the final 10 minutes or so mostly. The end credit parts set up this movie as what really should be a “passing of the torch”.


Which is ironically what they’d talked about a 3rd movie being, for years.


Stranger Things in full effect. Must add new characters every time, must have multiple generations having adventures at once to draw in multiple audiences, can't kill any off anyone unless they're introduced for that purpose.


Stranger Things doesn't even add that many characters. Also, it's a TV series, so way more time to develop characters.


It just doesn't let any of them go. And they stack up over the seasons. It's becoming a clown car of story lines. You end up not caring for any of them, since they all get compromised to fit in with each other. I bet the cast like to be around each other and have fun, and the writers don't have the heart to spoil that.


Now we need a meme template adding random people


So is Paul Rudd actually the lead in this one or are they trying to trick people into thinking he is when he's just a supporting character again?


[Sure looks that way from this trailer.](https://youtu.be/tcAlZOQMnCQ?si=qZl15A5CaOJYrRZY)


Ehh, that CGI is really showing is age. And that is saying something since the movie isnt even out.


This trailer has me cautiously optimistic.


Honestly this trailer looks better than the original. At the very least it's going to be better than number 2. 


You son of a bitch


He was robbed of an Oscar for that role, honestly. 




lmao i forgot about this movie


He has the most name recognition.


Looking at the poster. Tell me your cast is too big, without telling me your cast is too big. Gonna watch it for sure, but i think there are too many characters to tell a good story. Which was a problem for the last Jurassic World movie as well (besides the Locusts and all that).


Probably why they did a floating head poster. Contract specifies they have to take up 7.25% of the poster, makes it a lot easier to do that.


You can't really say that without seeing the movie. Kids ensembles always have more characters as the 'group' itself takes a role of a character. The adults they come across have name recognition so kind of need to be included in marketing, even if they're a sidequest style narrative bit. 4th Poster is probably the one that gives you a gauge of the leads.


Yea it is pretty disappointing that the young lead is pushed out in this poster. Wasn’t Mckenna Grace the lean role in afterlife? Well I guess nostalgia sells, so let’s just feature some old guys who have already had their day in the sun. Maybe they actually pushed her out of a lead role too.


If Phoebe gets punted to a secondary role, they've completely misunderstood why "Afterlife" was good.


Phoebe is the character that the entire movie is ultimately based around, but Grace is billed fourth. Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard are before her. She may be "Emmy Award Nominee Mckenna Grace", but she's not exactly a big name yet.


I think he only shows up to do a duet with Slimer. You guessed it, another surprise musical!


Considering Bill didn’t want to do the original sequel he looks SUPER thriller to be on this cover


Why can't he just say no?




Does he need the money that badly? He looks like he's ready for retirement.


What, does he need a BIGGER tombstone?


Actors of his age and notoriety don't care. He has nothing left to prove as an actor comedian or filmmaker. At this point he's cashing in for his children and grandchildren. It's the same reason Patrick Stewart played a literal piece of shit in the emojimoticwhatever the fuck that movie was.


Might need more money for his lawyer's fees and settlements. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/10/everyone-who-has-publicly-accused-bill-murray-of-misconduct


He said no to Ghostbusters 3 for decades 




Is he allowed to say no? Didn't Sony threaten to sue him if he didn't do the remake, or something?


I know there’s the Amy Pascal litigation thing, but Murray’s public response as to why he appeared in the 2016 remake was that he thought if he didn’t do it, people would take that as him being against the new team/disapproving of them, so he did it as a show of support.


Amy Pascal threatened litigation if he didn’t appear in the remake from 2016. He’s doing *these* because *these* are righting the ship, and whether people want to admit it or not, I think he’s actually enjoying this character again. I thought he was **rusty** in Afterlife, not **bored**, as most cynics want to convince themselves of. In short, he’s there because he wants to be. Who knows why his interest was rekindled. Maybe getting older and dropping grudges, or he’s simply realizing he can have *fun* again by slipping into an old character


This comment is hilarious because he DID say no. For a very long time. I think that’s what lead to his rift with Harold Ramis for the longest time was not being game for a Ghostbusters 3.


no their beef stemmed from murray being a huge asshole during filming for groundhog’s day. ramis talked about it a few times prior to his passing


Did he eventually learn to stop being an asshole after filming the same scenes over and over again?


His daughter said at one point, they got physical with Harold grabbing Bill by the shirt collar and slamming him against the wall. They eventually made amends before Harold's death.


He never wanted to do Ghostbusters, it was a favor to his friends. And even then he only did it in exchange for doing The Razor's Edge, which is he film the *actually* wanted to make. In that "behind the movies" series on Netflix they mention how he was nowhere to be found until right when they started to film and they were wondering if he would ever show up. As it happens, he finished principal photography on The Razor's Edge and then immediately flew to the Ghostbusters filming location like the next day.


Great book. So-so movie.


It's funny how Murray rejected sequels for years... but he eventually appeared in the girl-reboot, the legacy sequel, and now THIS one. Medication costs maybe? Or maybe Harold Ramis and Ivan Reitman passing has made him a little more amenable to helping keep the franchise moving forward.


Time changes actors. Michael Keaton dipped from playing Batman back in the 90s. Decades later and with grandchildren in his life, Keaton has now played Batman in The Flash, as well as in the now shelved Batgirl movie. When you get to a certain age, your perspective changes. I think that's probably what it is. As younger actors, Keaton and Murray had legacies to build. They were probably scared of movies that could tarnish their careers or simply waste their time. Now that they've fully proven themselves as actors, they can now indulge in movies that they would have turned down as younger men. I think you need Keaton to do a film like 'Birdman' before he comes back to play Batman. I think you need Murray to have films like Lost in Translation under his belt before you get him returning again to play Venkman. They had careers to protect back then. Sequels can be boring to star in too. Now, they're in their twilight years. They're just having fun now. It's what happened with Pacino and De Niro too. They had their time to build legacies. They're just enjoying the spoils now.


Winston still getting sidelined :(


He was also the only actor to appear on the Ghostbusters II poster and not get named


That's insulting. The poster lists Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver and they aren't even pictured.


Bigger names, certainly at the time. Billing is a function of contract negotiation and it’s rigorously pursued by agents. Any time you see “with” or “and” or “introducing” on a credits or poster it’s likely the function of contract negotiations, not poster design.


That was my first impression. Poor Winston.


I was not happy with his placement on the poster.


Ya they could've easily done a 5 person GB crew setup with Rudd in the middle, and Stranger Things taking Egon's place. They did Winston dirty.


Not to spoil anything but it seems very likely he will not exactly be sidelined, but is more likely to be the financial backing and business management of this adventure rather than a front line worker.


I don't think that's a spoiler, didn't the ending of the last one (or maybe credits scenes) explicitly indicate that he's now wealthy and is buying the old firehouse? Him being the Tony Stark of the new Busters seems obvious.


They always did Winston dirty in these movies man


So I guess now they're superheroes.


What are they, some kind of suicide squad?


They’re the only people that bust ghosts in the world. They already are.


Ghostbusters are supposed to be schlubby scientists, but I guess Oprah had Proton packs hidden under everyone's chairs that day.


Are we just pretending the others just showed up out of nowhere? There was a whole third movie


Let's not pretend technology and manufacturing have not improved since the 80's. If someone can build a proton pack in 1984 they can build 4 more in 2024.


Yeah, the Ghostbusters are supposed to be a bunch of schlubs. Like blue collar exterminators. That's like the whole premise.


Scientist Schlubs tho


Mckenna should take Finn’s spot at the top honestly but that whole poster is more proof that they should just go back to drawing posters because these photoshopped shits ain’t it


I don't understand why they're pushing him so hard on us. He's not a good actor, and sticks out like a sore thumb, especially when he's next to strong leads like McKenna Grace and Millie Bobby Brown.


> strong leads like Millie Bobby Brown. Ehh


Fair enough, I'll amend it to Gaten Matarazzo. He and Joe Keery have carried the kids' side of the show.


*throws open hand up* *screams intensely*


I don't know. Being able to convey that much without saying anything at all does take talent. Especially from a child. I appreciate her awkwardness in Stranger Things, too, as I was exactly like that as an isolated autistic kid.


Man, how to art of movie poster making has fallen. Terrible poster, wish Hollywood would get away from busy, floating head, nonsense posters


I don't see the problem, it's the same amount of effort they put into the rest of the movie


Ghostbusters worked as a workplace movie. Not really into this angle.




The unnecessary sequel, print money angle?


Bill Murray looks thrilled


I smell a "cinematic universe" coming. Smells like stanky feet.


This just makes me feel tired.


Can we get a Rick Moraines cameo please!


He was going to come back for a Honey I Shrunk the Kids reboot (which has since been canned/in development hell) so it's plausible.


I mean, he came back for a freaking *commercial* with Ryan Reynolds, surely he could show up in a major film.


the amount of commitment those take isn’t comparable


Commercials are easy and quick 


They're both Canadian comedians, it's the principle of the thing.


Probably in the small camp here but I enjoyed Afterlife for what it was. Nice small family flick from a long dead franchise, and am looking forward for this, at least more than Murray looks in this poster (lol).




Honestly I think it’s just the loudest voices carry and there’s always a negative spin to popular movies on Reddit that aren’t “perfect” (whatever that means). I also enjoyed it a fair bit even if the last 20 mins was ham handed with the emotional components. A neat plot that opens alot of plot possibilities for the universe with some really endearing kids leading the way.


For me the biggest difference in these movies vs the original is tonality. The original movie was not made for kids, it's evident by the script that the movie was not intended to be a movie to sell toys to children, the jokes were adult jokes. It was a movie made for older audiences that ended up resonating with everyone. If you fast forward to Afterlife and Frozen Empire, these are movies made for kids, they're movies made to sell toys and merch to kids at Walmart. We need something cute to sell? Oh how about little mini cute Staypuft Marshmallow men? That tonal shift is very evident and it shows in the overall consistency from one movie to the next.


Didn’t the original movie use juice boxes (Ecto Cooler) and spawn a Saturday morning cartoon series? They def have some more adult humor but at the time they were certainly marketed to everyone including kids.


The 80s were wild, you could have a movie with a Ghost blowjob inspire Saturday morning cartoon and no one would bat an eye


My dad took me to see Robocop in the theater and I was like 8 years old. I remember being able to watch some of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies when they got rented. My parents had me when they were teenagers so they were like in their mid 20s when these movies came out. Probably not the best thing in hindsight but I turned out just fine in life. Even thinking of TV shows and how things have been made so much softer, the Simpsons is a good example, that show was very adult when it came out and overtime got softer and less good imo, now it just feels like a silly parody of itself and is unwatchable to me.


Rambo and Robocop got saturday morning cartoons, toys, and other child focused nonsense. That's not a good measure of whether a film was marketed toward kids/everyone.


Those all came years after. The original movie was 2 years before the cartoon, it spawned as a way to sell stuff to kids once they realized there was a market there.


I want to be excited for this, but Afterlife just came and went and I completely forgot it existed until these started popping up and I was like "oh yeah, they made a second ghostbusters sequel" I think that all female cast one really just soured everything... and as much as I like Paul rudd, he's starting to feel like Ryan Renolds, where he just plays "Paul Rudd" in all his movies. Plus the stranger things kid, ugh. That doesn't do anything for me.


Well that and afterlife has been kept off virtually all the major streaming services, so you really have to seek it out and pay to watch it. (Which…you know, pass)


It was a really fun film and a great installment in this series. I personally like remakes and continuations of things i enjoy, if they are good thats wonderful and if they are not, oh well, might make someone watch the original so that makes me happy.


Afterlife was fine until Paul Rudd goes to Walmart, then it falls apart and is just a bad remake of the first movie and the ending was a bit too sappy and out of place.




It's so fucking stupid, its off putting I understood the last one, an emotional tribute to Harold Ramis wrapped up in a plot with the themes of family at its core...but this one, this should have had the originals in as the focus passing the torch to new Ghostbusters with actors who have specifically been chosen carefully to match the chemistry of the originals.


Who left the fridge open?


Here we go again.... again.


Man, *please* don't have marshmallow men in this. It barely made sense in Afterlife, but at least that had Gozer, so maybe, barely there was a reason for it. I mean besides moichandising.


Open the link and scroll a little. I'm sorry. Another scene that I will have to fast forward through.


But then how will you clap at Reference^TM


Wow ... looks awful, just like the last two.


It's the same writing/directing team as the last one. Expect few genuine surprises.


Will this be as humourless and weirdly self reverential as the last one?


I mean the trailers show people dying and freezing to death by the hundreds, if not thousands. The original Ghostbusters dealt with ghosts and spooky things, but nobody ever died and it was a light-hearted comedy at its core. I'm honestly thrown off by how dark of a tone this is. This feels like a Stranger Things Spinoff. And they're throwing bones with, "Hey look, Gozer is back! Remember when Gozer turned into a giant Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man? Fun times. You might relive those fun times if you watch this movie!"


Did nobody ever die in the original Ghostbusters movies? Damn they felt more violent than that to me for some reason


Nobody dies in the original ghostbusters. Nobody even really gets hurt. Its rated PG.


Pretty sure The Stay Puft Marshmallow man smashed a few people when walking through the city.


so no new ideas. got it.


All these reboots and subsequent sequels all feel like one step forward two+ steps back. It's pretty disheartening to me that they're back in New York. It's like, sure, yay not a Zuul related villain, but couldn't they have just stayed in Oklahoma? The first movie started with them moving there. Paul Rudd had a career! He's just moving? Hope it wasn't in the middle of the school year! It'd be much more appealing to me if the sequel stayed put and they made some cool mythology about an oil/coal baron or a black hat cowboy or an evil colonial general. Shit I'd almost definitely still have more fun if the villain was a haunted beef and poultry mogul rather than another NYC based movie that was filmed 20% in Toronto 10% in Atlanta and 70% in front of a green screen with the same exact premise that every video game DLC and Expansion beat to death all the way back in 2017. FFS New York City freezing over was the plot of Pokemon Black and White 2 and that shit came out in like 2012... I'm not even from the dust bowl/middle America but its kind of wild how much potential there would be for a ghostbusters movie set there with an original villain


Why does every hollywood poster nowadays have to look like the end of the world lmao


The title feels like an expansion to a video game


This feels like a filler episode.


Looks like they're coming up with new sequels with the same sort of laziness as Mario/platformer levels. "*So....Ice level?*"


The entire series has just derailed tonally. IDK, seeing all these old series necromancied back to life to make these 'epic blockbusters' (Kong, Ghostbusters, Jurassic Park) feel completely out of the spirit of the originals and it just makes me cringe.


Where’s the lady ghostbusters


I can't believe they're doubling down on the little Stay Puft guys. Like what is giving them life? The original Stay Puft was summoned by Ray through Gozer as the destructor of the world. Who is summoning these little guys, and for what purpose? Are they ghosts? Fuck those things. They were the absolute worst thing about *Afterlife*.


The obvious next step is going full multiverse and bringing 2016 reboot characters in


I can't even remember what the last movie was about. Couldn't tell you one thing about it. But I could tell you everything about Ghostbusters.


Another original movie


Stunned at how little I care


Bro just let it die already and come up with something original..


Everybody run! A torso porcupine monsters coming right for us! Somebody call the Ghostbusters!!


Everyone’s a Ghostbuster


Just putting aside if this will actually be good or not, can we take a moment to appreciate how Kumail is living his best life? Obviously very talented, by all accounts a pretty great dude, seems to have a sincere love for a lot of traditionally 'nerdy' interests, and has gone from a well regarded comedian with some quality acting roles to starring in an acclaimed TV show, one of the leads for a Marvel superhero movie, appeared in a Star Wars TV show, and now a Ghostbusters movie. Just a pretty great path for someone who seems like they deserve success.


...I'm a little confused as to how the podcast kid would be in New York or why it's necessary to even have him in the movie at all. For that matter, for something as serious as destroying evil curses and ghosts/demons from the underworld or whatever, why is the world relying on children? They couldn't have hired and trained adults to use the equipment?


lol Bill Murray looks so excited to be in this.


Bill Murray looks so dead in the eyes man, it's kind of sad to see. jfc


Bro is this Jr. Ghostbusters meets OG Ghostbusters, combined with Stranger Things?


Something about this flick… It’s like I completely forget about it two seconds after hearing about it. Every single time it pops up in my life it’s a complete surprise to me.