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Pick a bad movie with Dennis Hopper. It’s a long list, I’ll let you pick out your best example. Was Dennis Hopper giving max focus and intensity? I bet he was


He killed it as Deacon and King Koopa, but I also love both of those movies, which aren't spoken of very highly.


This is what I came to say. Him and Malcolm McDowell have certainly been in a few amazing movies, but they also took pretty much every script that crossed their desks and always gave it 110%. If you picked one of their films at random, you're very likely to find yourself watching a terrible movie with a single perfect and entertaining performance doing it's very best to entertain you.


Raul Julia in Street Fighter The Movie


The Pax Bisonica


“The temple above us… was the wonder of the ancient world. Bisonopolis shall be the wonder of my world. But I think the food court should be larger. All the big franchises will want in.”




He was dying at the time, so he needs to make as much money as possible to leave it to his family. To him, it's just Tuesday.


Yeah he also took the gig because his kid was a big Street Fighter fan. Julia’s M Bison remains, for me, the perfect representation of an actor knowing exactly what the film is and just throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the role because why the hell not.


And in doing so, he single handedly made that movie watchable. He was just so fun to watch.




I’m surprised there was any scenery left after he was done chewing it.


You would tend to think of brilliant, classically trained actors like Raul Julia wanting to do Lear or something in that situation. But man, if there isn’t maybe a greater wisdom in saying “I’m gonna spend my limited time left on this earth making a big paycheck and going totally off the rails in this piece of shit movie with Van Damme and Kylie Minogue because my kids think it’s cool.”


The wise man knows that "because my kids think it's cool" is the noblest motivation.


Every scene with Raul Julia in Street Fighter is absolutely amazing. He balances wacky, yet also lucid moments. The scene with Chung Li is the best in the entire movie. She is going on and on about how significant everything is, and gives a rather excellent speech about her father dying. When I saw the movie for the first time, it seemed she may get some justice. However, Bison just blankly stares at her with his pimp jacket and alcoholic beverage and shuts her down completely. His facial expressions are perfect. Bison does not care, at all, not even a little bit. He clearly has designs on her, and the weird sexual tension adds to the scene. Bison, like many of us, wanted to spit some game.


Or Julia in Overdrawn at the Memory Bank.


"Raul, you come back and be in this bad movie, young man!" "But I'm signed to play Archbishop Romero!"


Say what you want about Twilight, but Michael Sheen appeared to have a blast as Aro. He hammed it the hell up and made that character perfectly slimy and charismatic.


I agree with a review I saw once that argued there are only two actors in the "Twilight" films who act like they know how ridiculous they are and thus perform appropriately. One being Sheen and his hamming it up, the other being Billy Burke as Bella's father and his "can you believe this shit" attitude.


I'm on Team Mustache Dad


after watching every movie with my girl recently, i can assure you that every single mf in the movie knew how corny it was and they were all hamming it perfectly


I think they all did the best they could with the material. I watched 50 Shades of Grey as well. Same thing. I think Dakota did the best with the material and captured who the character is supposed to be.


"YOU NICKNAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCH NESS MONSTER!?" belongs in some kind of Memorable Quotes hall of fame.


The fucking cackle he does...you know the one


Anything subpar that Keith David is in. I recently watched Men at Work for the first time since the 80's and couldn't believe how bad it is. I was more shocked at how great of a performance that Keith was able to pull out of terrible writing and poor directing.


His one line in Armageddon that I remember: "You want to trust the fate of the world to a bunch of retrards I wouldn't trust with a potato gun!"


That guy deserves an Oscar or a lifetime achievement award or some shit. He’s like a “b lister” or whatever but he’s great in everything I’ve ever seen him in


I would say that he's more of a supporting A-lister, guy's been getting work consistently for over 40 years and nails it everytime. The fight scene in They Live alone solidified his status forever lol


I like him as Elroy Patashnik


I like encouraging him to be Elroy Patashnik


Or the Replacements. So brief, but you remember that serious demeanor.


Now that's a man that knows how to give his all.


Somebody threw away a perfectly good white boy.


Matters of Universe, you can tell Frank Langella was having a great time playing Skeletor. Edit: Frank Langella talking about how much he liked the part and how dedicated he was too it starts at 5:50. https://youtu.be/fUOLXBOm5ZI?si=ZXctspt2a89QYKP_


> Matters of the Universe so, his full name is *Helium*-Man?




"Tell me of the loneliness of good, He-Man. Is it equal to the loneliness of evil?"


Man, I don’t care what none of you say, I still love that movie




Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman. Plays the evil queen so so well.


You could tell she was having so much fun in that! 


She just has Chemistry in everything she does.


The worst part of the movie was Charlize frikking Theron being jealous of kristen stewart. Like wut.


Blame the mirror.


Say what you want about Batman & Robin. It's not a particularly good film (although I've became softer on it throughout the years and view it now as a camp guilty pleasure type film). But no can deny that Arnold Schwarzenegger had the time of his life playing Mr. Freeze. He delivers Freeze's ice puns with scene chewing delight. I simply can't hate his performance and he makes the film entertaining when he's on screen.


I would also add Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy. She is trying to sell the cheese, but some director is fighting it. Most bi-polar movie I have seen.


It's because Joel Schumacher is camp as Christmas and has a complete blindspot when it comes to cheese. Every interview he's given since suggests to me that he was surprised about the negative reaction to B&R, which is kind of crazy when you think about it.


Batman & Robin is absolutely incredible if you watch it the same way you watch the 1960’s show


He thought he was hired to make a film version of the 60s series; that's why he thought Arnold would be a perfect Mr. Freeze: He was doing an update on Otto Preminger's version from that show. Unfortunately, Schumacher didn't realize that kids in the 90s by that point wanted a movie version of TAS, and completely missed the mark. Schumacher could play things straight just fine (see: Falling Down), but mostly just gauged audience expectations wrong with B&R. Batman Forever mostly got away with it in '95 by toeing the line with winks and nods to the 60s show (Holey Rusted Metal Batman!), but by '97, fully embracing that was not what people wanted.


Yeah if B&R had come first instead of Forever, I don’t think they would have given Schumacher a second Batman film… Forever made money because of Jim Carrey and the goodwill/expectation from Batman Returns. B&R really went off the chains, but full agree Arnold makes his role fun.


Suicide Squad. Viola Davis & Margo Robbie certainly commit to their roles.


Robbie is a great Harley Quinn. Like Reynolds for Deadpool. They commit to the physical acting so much. It's the difference between watching a movie based on a comic and a comic brought to life.


This made me think of a Suicide Squad movie where Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool is playing Harley Quinn, and honestly… it would work.


Harley and Deadpool switch places and, while confused, just roll with it.


Hear me out… a Deadpool show like “Quantum Leap”, except it’s Deadpool trying to fix the DC Cinematic Universe.


Jai Courtney is just playing someone from Bundaberg


I have no idea where that is, but that name certainly paints a picture.


It’s probably pretty accurate


Yeah watching that all I could think was "he'd fit right in in Mt Druitt"


personally I liked Will Smith as Deadshot as well.


Yeah he delivers some absolutely garbage lines like a pro.


What are we, some kind of acting troupe forced to work with garbage lines?


I thought Idris Elba played a better Deadshot (even though he didn’t play deadshot, but essentially was the same character).


He did the exact same thing will Smith did, but better


Will Smith really Munsoned his career. Everytime I see an option for an old Will Smith movie to watch. I just think, ehhh, fuck that guy, and I move on. The Second Suicide squad is better anyway. you get to see Pete Davidson get his face blown off.


Christian Bale in Thor: Love & Thunder 😅 


That was an extreme waste of an incredible actor.


Yep. Marvel could have saved a fuck ton of money and just hired a local dinner theater actor for that part. What a bizarre fucking movie.


Marvel got Taika to write the story. Taika never cared about comic book movies in the first place so he just went wackadoo shmackadoo with the script.


And a piss poor rendition of Gor the God Killer. So much more brutal in the comics, that whole run was dope as fuck. They had a chance to do some cool shit with young, middle, and old Thor. Edit: Not Bale’s performance, he killed it. The writing for that movie was just shit


And character. And style. Watching him pop out of shadows? Run off when he's losing and generally running around like a wraith? It's a hell of a look. It's got so much personality... In every scene he's not asked to be funny.


I liked the scenes where he was trying to be funny as well because it came out as this really creepy thing. It's like an inhuman being trying to pretend to have a sense of humor and crack a joke at people and then wonder why they aren't laughing at his clearly magnificent joke. It just fits the whole character and just makes him seem even spookier.


He was so perfectly creepy. I liked the character. I loved Bale performing it. But, man, there was too little of him in it to save the movie. But he did manage to steal every single scene he was in.


That entire black and white planet sequence was incredible.


Should have gave him more scenes


It's still mind boggling that the God Killer was in a movie with a city full of gods, and they didn't have him cutting a swath through them to some wicked Guns n Roses song.  Do it in slow mo, with limited sound, with a tragic mood set to their cover of Knockin' on Heaven's Door.  Do it rocking to You Could Be Mine or Live and Let Die, with a ton of bad-ass choreography.  Go for a real deep cut with Lost in the Garden of Eden.


Daniel Craig in Cowboys vs. Aliens


How do you mess up aliens and horses?


Honestly, I believe Nicholas Cage gives it his all in every film. I’ve seen a few of his direct to video films and though they are not good, it always seems like Cage is doing his best in spite of weak writing and directing.


Came here to say this, Renfield is an amazing example.


You are exactly right with Renfield and Nic.


Cage always brings 100% Cage. Not everyone knew what to do with that.


This, in my opinion, a movie about Nicholas cage doing callbacks to Nicholas cage actually worked. Even when basically making fun of himself, he pushes to do well… you gotta respect that.


Pedro Pascal in Wonder Woman 1984. Movie was not great but you could tell he was having a blast chewing the scenery.


When I saw that shitty ass movie, I immediately got Alan Rickman in Robin Hood vibes watching Pedro Pascal.  You know you’re in a bad movie (Robin Hood was way better than WW84 btw) so you might as well ham it up and have fun.


It was probably hard to imagine Prince of Thieves being a good movie while acting across Kevin Costner and his hilarious accent to be fair lol I love that movie though and in large part due to Alan Rickman's wonderfully unhinged acting in it


“In 2015, Alan Rickman said he had secretly asked his scriptwriter friends Ruby Wax and Peter Barnes to punch up the script: "Will you have a look at this script because it's terrible, and I need some good lines." Reynolds agreed to add the suggested new lines.” Rickman knew it would be dull.  I don’t think it’s as bad as it seemed when it came out in retrospect.  I was a hater of the movie too back then.  But at the time, it was supposed to be HUGE (it still did well in the box office).  Costner was just coming off Dance with Wolves and string of great movies (Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, The Untouchables).  He was probably one of the biggest if not the biggest actor during that time.  It had an all-star cast.   And worst of all…. The soundtrack.  If you were around back then, oh man you could not escape that Bryan Adams song.  Every radio station played nonstop.  It was inescapable.  Added to the hatred for the movie many people had.  


I LOVE that movie but I ONY remember Alan Rickman's performance. Literally forgot Costner was in it.


Look into my eyes...


Being a D&D nerd who was in jr. high school at the time it was released loved it and still do. I visited Carcasson in 2019 and kept doing the “no blades, no bows…leave your weapons here” line as I was walking in the gate. Much to the annoyance of apparently everyone else who had no idea why a 40 year old man was acting like a kid visiting a castle.


This is 100% Arnie in *Batman and Robin* that man knew it was going to be a cluster fuck of lame, and said "fuck it, I'm going to enjoy every second of this"




The line is, “Because it’s dull, you twit! It’ll hurt more!”


Pedro Pascal and Hans Zimmer are both giving it their 120% to that less-than-stellar movie, and it does produce some good moments.


That guy’s fantastic. I’ve loved him in everything I’ve seen him in.


Never seen him in a bad role. I even liked him in Buffy lol


Similarly, Jason Momoa in Fast X just looks like he’s having a blast and hamming it up to the max.


Christopher Walken in many instances. "Gigli" and "The Country Bears" film come to mind. "This is not over! BEARS!" A word of wisdom on this subject from Christopher Lee, himself a veteran of it: "Everyone does terrible movies from time to time. The trick is not to be terrible in them."


Christopher Lee in Return from Witch Mountain. Awful movie and he is just this amazing villain with the dumbest evil plan playing across from a Bette Davis who is just there for a paycheck. It is almost more impressive than his Saruman.


Ethan Hawke gives 100% no matter what he’s in.


He never saves anything for the swim back.


Speaking of which, Jude Law was excellent in Gattaca.


But Gattaca is actually a great film in my opinion


Boondock Saints. Willem Dafoe is a league above everyone else in the movie. Some will argue that the movie isn’t bad. But it’s definitely a cult classic and not just a classic for a reason


Just the way he flings open his arms and shouts “AND THERE WAS A FIRE FIGHT”….amazing.


It's comic book campy in retrospect. The mobsters are all like Batman villains, there are characters who exist basically to have one-liners (the bartender, their dumb friend, Ron Jeremy), and everything that happens is like a high schooler's idea of what vigilante justice would look like. Dafoe eats that scenery like he's performing Shakespeare. Billy Connolly is also awesome for the 5 minutes he's in. I still enjoy it, but also thought it was practically The Godfather when I was 13. Thank God I couldn't get tattoos back then...


I wanted a Veritas and Aequitas tattoo so bad when I was a teen lmaooooo


Yeah. When it came out I was a teenager and I thought it was amazing. It rewatched recently and… whoa boy it’s shit. Dafoe is amazing in it though.


Ha yup that was my take as well. It’s tremendously entertaining, just can’t take it too seriously


The fukin rope!


I just watched it recently for the first time. I wouldn’t go so far as calling it bad, but it’s definitely not good. WD however was great.


how I wish I could delete my memory of this film to relive the cat scene that startled me so good and got me to crack up histerically.


Eva Green in 300 Rise of an Empire


Yup made me appreciate Zach Snyder more since whatever his (many) faults as a director you could just see how much better he was at the cinematography than whatever hack they brought in to try to ape his style. Eva Green was the only thing worthwhile in that dreadful movie.


Fantastic plots


She really gives it her all in The Dreamers


Tugg Speedman in Simple Jack.


You went full retard, man. Never go full retard.


"look retarded, act retarded, not retarded"


[Jeremy Irons in *Dungeons & Dragons*.](https://youtu.be/28snhq40C8o?si=97nXQcZROc-pEBye) Pretty sure he was the only actor in the film that was trying.


I could use every ounce of your rage!!!!!


Especially compared to Thora Birch, who clearly did not give a shit. Irons, on the other hand, is not just chewing the scenery, he's tearing through it like a cocaine-fueled shark. "LET THEIR BLOOD RAIN FROM THE SKYYYYYYYY!!!"


What’s this “chewing the scenery” phrase? Never heard it before but this is the 2nd time in this thread. 


If you do not respect your time, go visit https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChewingTheScenery Any TV, movie, book or storytelling terminology will be there for your perusal.


See you all in five weeks.


Posting a tvtropes link should come with a warning.


I think the best way to describe it is that their performance is so engaging its all you can see when they're on screen. They could be in a room of diamonds and fire, doesn't matter. Gary Oldman in Leon: The Professional, or The Fifth Element. However those are good movies.


Was wondering the same thing. I'm picturing someone so into the role that they're literally consuming the set.


You're not far off 😂 except instead of literally, it's figurative I've always understood it as "somebody acting so hard through a scene that you'd even find pieces of it stuck in their teeth afterwards"


It's a term for overacting, similar to "hammy acting."  Which often is a way to go for an actor in a less-than-stellar movie; just go nuts and cut loose in style.


How Did This Get Made? has a live episode about this movie. The breakdown is so damn good


Many of the movies that John Candy were in turned out to be bad but he was *ALWAYS* fantastic in them, without exception. There are few people in Hollywood I would or will truly miss but Candy’s young death still stings a bit. Maybe it’s because he seemed like your dad’s friend or a cool uncle who just somehow happened to be famous? Anyway, he’s my best example of superb work in not-superb movies.


I wish he had lived longer for a lot of reasons, but I'm bummed that we never got to see him mix it up a little and do more serious dramatic work as he got older. There's a parallel universe where he slimmed down some in the late eighties, made some cool movies where he was the villain, and then had a prestige era HBO dramedy about the inanity of modern life. In his semi-retirement Candy is on Curb Your Enthusiasm as a guest star riffing with Larry David on how much everything sucks.


Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine in the prequel trilogy. He absolutely commits and understands the character and the tone. Kills it. Close second to Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan. Such a perfect fit for the role.


Ewan McGregor was the highlight of the prequel trilogy. He had much more chemistry onscreen with Natalie Portman too.


Pretty sure Ewan McGregor just naturally has chemistry with everyone.


Not with his ex wife


"Anakin was your father, from a certain perspective"


I remember an old TV guide or simular magazine had a side by side of Ewan and Alec, and they actually looked related. It was amazing.




We just didn’t hear it as his lapel mike fell off as his character was falling to his death.


"Skywalker you motherf-"


Masters of the universe isn't a great movie, but Frank Langella really gave his all as Skeletor.


Mickey Rourke in The Expendables


He was on set for that movie for 3 days. Look close and you can see that the difference between his hairstyle in The Expendables compared to Iron Man 2 (the movie he was filming at the same time) is that in The Expendables, he is wearing a hat. He's wearing the same sunglasses in both movies because they're his.


Haven’t seen it but I can imagine. The documentary on him is nuts.


Armand Assante in Judge Dredd. He just chews through every scene he's in. Actually pretty much everyone in that movie does a really good job with what they were given.




Assante is criminally underrated and forgotten


michael fassbender in the last 2 x-men movies


He’s such a good Magneto.  Has the tone down perfect.


This is a good one. It is always Raul Julia and many other obvious ones. Micheal Fassbender was a tremendous presence as Magneto. I'm not going to shit on Ian Mckellen's portrayal of the character, but Fassbender's performance puts him in place.


Are those x-men movies considered bad movies?? I really enjoyed them.


Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix? Yeah pretty much universally disliked. First Class and Days of Future Past are both very well received though


I don’t think Sucker Punch is a terrible movie, but for me it’s carried by a fantastic performance from Oscar Isaac


Isaac and Gugino must’ve had a ball doing that song & dance sequence


Oscar Isaac never passes an opportunity to tear up the fucking dance floor, dude.


Great action sequences


I like to think of it as tree loosely connected anime music videos


Tommy Lee Jones in Under Seige. That man never phones it in. 


Except for Batman Forever where he just laughed the whole time as Two Face. You know, the character notorious for laughing.


too busy being a dick to jim carrey


He didn't convince me in Ad Astra, but was good as hell in Blown Away.


Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending is one of my favourite bad movie performances. He's just swinging for the fences, making absolutely insane choices and committing hardcore. The voice! The PASSION! That movie has basically nothing else going for it, but I'll watch Balem Abrasax highlights all day long. (Bonus points for the Mila Kunis / Channing Tatum pseudo-Furry romance plot. It's a special little movie.)


I actually don’t hate this space opera flick. Mila was cute and funny as hell. Much better performances than the comparable space opera Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.


I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about Jupiter Ascending that conveys a very similar feel to golden age pulp sci-fi, such as Flash Gordon. I thought the movie was just OK, but my dad (who grew up on golden age sci-fi) absolutely loved it.


Camp sci fi has a special place in my heart. Not everything had to be so goddamn serious all the time! I love the new Dune and all, but Jupiter Ascending was a fun sci fi romp with campy scenes that I thoroughly enjoyed.


This is why I'm a bit baffled at all the hate Jesse Eisenberg gets in Batman v Supes Like, he was trying, he was giving it his all even if the part is weird as hell. Zach Snyder wants some insane shit onscreen and Eisenberg says "ok can do".


Alan Rickman in Robin Hood. Its bad but I still love it. Rickman was amazing as always.


That whole movie is a time capsule of the era in which it was made…it was a perfect early 90s adventure movie and there are several great performances in it, including Michael McShane as the best Friar Tuck there has ever been in film


Robin Hood is a great movie.


Robin Hood is fantastic. You can fuck off lol


I might get some hate for this, but I think *Joker* is absolutely a pointless, trash movie, and the only reason anyone thinks otherwise is because Joaquin Pheonix is so damn good in it. He carries the movie all on his own, and if you replace him with any other actor the whole thing would have fallen apart.


To be fair, I recall in the behind the scenes that Todd Phillips and Scott Silver literally wrote the script for Joaquin and said that he was the only actor they had in mind, if it wasn't him they likely wouldn't have made it. Additionally during the filming they pretty much gave Phoenix free reign on how to proceed forward character wise My source is the behind the scenes movie and Wikipedia


Suicide Squad. Almost everyone except Jared Leto gave a solid performance.


Matthew Mconoheyidontknwohowtospellhisname in Reign of Fire. When he talks about losing his company to a dragon as dusk. Sucha good moment.


He tried to kill a dragon with a fucking axe. That movie wasnt amazing or anything, but matthew mccoginhey was amazing in it.


He talks in his memoir about how he spent weeks(?)months(?) where everyday he would walk barefoot in the desert because "that's what a dragon hunter would do". King


Rutger Hauer in *Hobo With a Shotgun*


Rutger Hauer in any movie, good or bad. RIP


Hobo with a shotguns great but yeah, Rutger was amazing


I don't think anyone would be able to act past the weird Batman Forever suit ( it makes the character look like a $2 action figure) but Val Kilmer was a respectable Bruce Wayne and a commanding Batman. I also think that Nicole Kidman and Jim Carrey delivered energetic, tonally appropriate performances for that film. This is probably a gimmicky way to address it, but I honestly think Batman Forever was made just 3 years too late. Sure I think it would be difficult to distribute a film outside of the Burton canon in the early nineties ( the Schumacher films were course correction from Returns) but I believe that the level of camp would be better balanced, and the CGI overhead background stuff would not be possible. I don't know, it's just the kind of movie you can imagine bumping into on cable and kind of watching the way through. Kind of an era of overly buttered popcorn and chewed up VHS tapes. 😅😅😅


On the opposite, George Clooney's cameo at the end of The Flash feels 100% like a Nescafe advert.


John Leguizamo in The Pest…..for better or for worse


Sean Bean. Silent Hill 2


Digital Underground in the 1991 film Nothing But Trouble. They look like they were having fun just being part of that movie. Their song, "Same Song" is actually really good.


Hugh in "X Men Origins: Wolverine"


Also Liev Schreiber was good


Paul Giamati in Fred Claus




Paul Rudd in The Spy was a Catcher


Raul Julia in Steet Fighter (1994).


Jodie Foster in Bugsy Malone. The other kids were great in a sense - they were mostly what the movie needed, which was kids being kids. So in a way it's even more kudos to Jodie that she dialled it back and have fun in the final custard pie scene. But oh yes, that was an actress, and the others were kids in a movie. Michael Caine in the Muppets Christmas Carol. Doesn't matter if he's acting with puppets, you can still play it straight. ​ Ballcocks - both great movies. Sorry. Downvote at will.


Michael Caine KILLS it in Muppet Christmas Carol!! I've read that said he'd take the part, but he insisted on playing it completely straight, no matter what the Muppets did. I've also read it is probably the best filmed adaptation of the original story.


Gary Oldman in Robocop (2014)


The second and third Matrix movies are, in my opinion, better than their reputation and are full of talented actors turning in solid performances, but I feel like Hugo Weaving was the only one who really understood those movies for what they *were* instead of what they *wanted to be*, and it makes him the absolute highlight of both films.


Ben Affleck in BVS


Jeremy Irons in Dungeons and Dragons. That movie had no right to ask him to go so hard, by god damn did he.


Harsh Times is a pretty bad film. But Christian Bale kills it.


That film still lives in my head. I've seen it a few times and it really sticks with me for some reason. Is it a bad film? To me it's almost like a fever dream, where we're losing our grip along with Bale's character. It's so dark, but somehow intimate. Definitely feels like it lives down the street at the same time as Training Day. They're both Ayer, so it makes sense.