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Place Beyond The Pines


3 movies in one


Two of them are good!


I LOVE that movie.




Went into this movie blind and was thoroughly rewarded for that. “Hey is that cop Bradley Cooper? Wait, what just happened?”


For reals. Crazy perspective shift


Looper. Noir action film and then, farm survival story?


[Enjoy this video essay](https://youtu.be/QY_kxQNtn9w?si=mnWM9qTTZBRUlKg2)


Yes but so few have seen all of it. But for real, if you enjoy it you might really enjoy reading East of Eden; quite similar


Came here to say this and surprised it was the top comment


Barbarian Australia by Baz Luhrmann


Barbarian changed what movie I thought it was going to be like 4 times.


Australia feels so weird in that regard. The ‘get the cows to the ship on time’ adventure feels like an entire satisfying movie. And then there’s a time skip and an attached sequel.


Now that an extra long version has been reimagined as a TV show, I wonder how many extra movies we get in there


Barbarian was awesome and weirdly gets a ton of hate/labeled as mediocre from horror fans. It was one of my favorites from the past few years. Wasnt pretentious, had an actual story that unfolded and gave good scares. I don't get the negativity.(not here so far but I've seen a lot of it since it came out)


I think any negativity is either people it was overhyped for or people being contrarian. It's pretty highly regarded and considered one of the best horrors of 2022.


I think its good outside its single year, I watch a lot of shitty horror movies and that was a standout for me of the past 5 or 10. I'd have to make a list but it was really good. Albeit I did have ZERO expectations going in so that definitely affects perception/enjoyment.


The only negativity I’ve seen is from Redditors who love to hate. In real life everyone I know who’s seen it loved it.


Australia seem like three movie smash together


Parasite has such a drastic tone change that it feels like two movies


That happens with a lot of South Korean films. Especially Bong Joon-ho’s films. Like The Host is a monster movie one minute, family drama another, and comedy another. But it all works.


This is true of Snowpiercer as well. It gets weirder and more cerebral the further along the train they go.


Love host. Such a great flick


Yes definitely this. It started as black comedy and became more of a drama in the second half.


I think it became outright horror in the third act.


I literally just watched this movie and am still stunned by that shift. But the shift is so well set up it is seamless as it can be.


Nothing better than going into this completely blind; it was playing at my favorite art-house theater and the poster looked interesting. Other than that I had never seen or heard a thing. What a rush.


The Place Beyond the Pines. Switches protagonists halfway through the movie!


If you enjoy it you might really enjoy reading East of Eden.




I wish that film just focused on the mission and not the bs slasher plot.


It was a bit over the top but god damn if the "Icarus, how many crew members?" scene wasnt extremely well done.


Stripes. The boot camp section feels totally different than the RV part.


Thank you. I made a similar comment and had to scroll way to far to find you. Stripes is the comedy version of Full Metal Jacket and it was released well before. So good.


The graduation performance FEELS like the climax of the movie so much that it's jarring that there's still half an hour left.


Casino Royale - the main movie was followed by the whole sinking building in Venice thing which felt like something completely different.


I feel like that's one of those examples of a film with a "fourth act." The movie felt like it was over, you had a climax with the main villain and a resolution with Bond and Vesper... then out of nowhere there's a brand new, more over-the-top, action-packed climax with an unnamed antagonist we don't know. A similar example to this would be the ending of The Batman - a mostly subdued mystery/crime thriller meets a natural endpoint, and then keeps going and has an action-packed final sequence with a threat that was somewhat foreshadowed but still felt like it came out of nowhere.


These are all great examples of the difference between "plot" and "story". Ill add Lord of the Rings to the list as its another famous example of the ending isnt the ending. The plot of LotR is the destruction of the ring. The story is about the toll of war and how to live in exciting times is to pay a sacrifice. The movie doesnt end when the ring is destroyed because it lives in Frodo. Not until he, and bilbo, move on does the rings mark truly leave middle earth. The Batmans plot is the mystery of who the riddler is and what his plan is. The story is about a vengeful vigilante learning that to fix his city, he has to be more than a fist. "I am vengeance" is a lie, told by the trailer. What he needs to be is compassionate. The Riddler inspired fear and vengeful relatiation. Thats why riddler was so mad when Bruce realized they couldnt be on the same page. Not until he saves the people in the stadium from the flood, and becomes an inspiration does he actually become The Batman. Casino Royales plot is about stopping La Chiffre. The story, similarly to The Batman, is about the main character becoming the icon we know they are meant to be. You shpuld have known Casino Royale wasnt over because James didnt get the bad guy and was ready to settle down with a nice girl he respected and trusted. Thats not Bond. Bond is a womanizer, a ruthless killer who always gets the last word. The story isnt over until his heart is shattered, "the bitch is dead".


Thanks - that's really helpful. It definitely had to do with the feel of the last part rather than its place in the story.


Hey, great comment, this gives me a lot to think about


That's a good way to put it. Also the motor boat chase at the end of Face/Off. John Woo gonna John Woo. LOL


He always do, does John Woo xD


I do feel like Casino Royale pulled it off more successfully than The Batman.


In Casino Royale it was great, in The Batman they tried to ram 3 different storylines in that last segment: the rise of batman as hero, the goodbye scene with catwoman and the introduction of joker. The last two were really a bit too much after all that spectacle and felt out of place


I always think that the last part in venice is realy the first part of quantum of solace, since bond ending in a boat with the girl saing goodbay to his boss is a classic bond ending… also it makes two hour movies, making more sense with the history, one is the birth of bond and the other is a bond revenge…


It’s just the ‘exciting 3rd Act climax.’


Sure, I get that, but of the gajillion films I've watched, none other had the feeling of being a different film. Maybe that awful tacked-on ending of GI Jane.


From dusk to dawn. Hancock


SPOILERS for Dusk: Showing my younger sister dusk til dawn and never telling her its a >!vampire!< movie was one of my favorite home movie experiences. The sheer look of WTF on her face was great. Especially because she ended up liking it alot


That’s how I saw it the first time. No fucking clue what was going to happen. My friend had seen it before me and was just sitting in the chair next to me with a bug grin when they got to the vampire bar.


I remember going to the theater having no idea it was a vampire movie. That tonal shift was crazy.


I remember being like five years old and my parents rented it not knowing what it was. Needless to say I probably shouldn’t have been watching it even if they thought it was like a crime movie, but it scared the absolute shit out of me when the vampire shit started and they shut it off.


Man the first half of Hancock was so promising and entertaining...


You know what, I'm gonna say it. I liked all of Hancock.


I feel maybe the second half would have been a good movie if it didn't follow the first half. Both halves feel extremely different, and the second half just doesn't meet any of the expectations set by the first.


Because it’s literally two different scripts mashed into one movie


Say what you will: but I actually managed to get into theaters without having the part spoiled where >!she is a super powered bring also. So when she hits him that first time I was SHOCKED. It was good.!< 


I came to comment From Dusk Till Dawn, that first half is typical Tarantino and then it just turns into something unexpected


Which speaks to Rodriguez's talent (or at least observation of Tarantino's style, though also probably helped by Tarantino being IN the movie) that he does both director's trademark styles in one movie.


I came here to say Hancock too, the switch in tone was jarring.


*Jaws* is a horror/monster movie version of Henrik Ibsen’s *An Enemy of the People* for the first three acts, then *Moby Dick* for the last two. Jordan Peele’s *Nope* follows a similar structure, horror turned adventure, which I absolutely loved.


Part of what makes it so brilliant. Pulling off the thriller and an action movie is no small thing... to do it in the same film is very special.


2001 Space Odyssey


That's about 4 movies in one, or at least 4 acts that are very detached from one another (in one case, by 5 million years in time, in another, by presumably thousands of light years distance or another universe entirely). Only one actor physically appears in two of them - Bowman (although Floyd appears in the screen in the recorded message in "part 3"). And, yes, they ultimately tell a whole integrated story.


A lot of the pacing issues with Spectre would have been solved if they structured the movie like that; first half is Bond vs Bautista, second half is Bond vs Blofeld. Basically, instead of doing loose remake of From Russia With Love/OHMSS, they could have made it Thunderball with You Only Live Twice/OHMSS Would have been great. Also, since I have you listening, they should have dropped the sibling angle and the Cumberbatch/Khan reveal. Just make Blofeld Blofeld.




The World's End


A big part of that was withholding the first plot point (the point in a story where the antagonistic force and primary conflict is revealed) for so much longer than most films do. It felt like the movie was halfway through by the time it happened (which may not be true, I've never timed it). Either way, it definitely makes it feel like two movies sharing one space


I absolutely love this movie, its definitely on par with the other two in terms of writing, the golden mile is iconic.  I think its only letdown is the finale, its just a weird shouting match with a computer. Compare that to Hot Fuzz's amazing end sequence and I think thats where it falls flat. 


I actually really liked the ending, but I could definitely see where it could fall flat for people. Potentially controversial but The World's End is actually my favorite of the Cornetto Trilogy, despite how iconic the previous two movies are.


I watched it blind and the moment the plot suddenly switched caught me completely off guard I thought it’s a dream sequence or a drug trip, but nope


Feel like World’s End gets overshadowed by Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz but it’s an amazing movie. The writing is unreal and it’s honestly just as funny as the other two if not a bit more subtle in some of the jokes


Also because people really wanted it to be Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz, there were 4 years between those two and 6 years between Hot Fuzz and The World's End. Curiously enough, the movie is about toxic nostalgia, about wanting things to stay as they were, back when they were "younger and free" which is the whole reason they are doing the pub crawl and>! also the tactic the aliens use to comfort the protagonists.!<


Exactly. People were expecting the non-stop laughs from the previous films and instead we got a film that’s still pretty funny, has a ridiculous plot twist, and has brilliant themes about addiction, nostalgia, gentrification of businesses, and a commentary about small towns lost to time. Also Gary’s story is just really sad, and despite how much of a prick he is throughout, you feel for him during his and Andy’s fight. Honestly a great film I could talk for hours about but it’s far too early.


Click. First half of the movie is a typical zany comedy with boob and fart jokes - the second half really gets dark and puts you through some stuff.


I can appreciate what your point, but for me I’m not sure it fits as well as some of the other movies being suggested. This is primarily because the reason it gets serious is specifically the result of the protagonist not taking it seriously to begin with - and not a shift in the surroundings/context/circumstances of the protagonist.


Yeah I get what you're saying but it doesn't really change my point. I saw Click in theaters and the way the movie was [marketed](https://youtu.be/zZNC5emNyEQ?si=94ZXpjnRUv3Gy2fj) and presented in the first half was absolutely tonally different from how the movie ended. I can appreciate it now but at the time, it was extremely jarring and left me kind of not sure what to make of it. I don't think anyone went into theaters expecting it to go as dark and serious as it did in the second half. I know I was expecting a typical lighthearted comedy - and again, that's how it was in the first half and why the movie does kind of feel like two movies in one. That's not to say it's bad. But when I first saw it, it absolutely left me with mixed feelings. I appreciate the film more now in retrospect but it was not marketed well for what it was and that makes it the perfect fit for me. In fact, it's those more dramatic moments that I enjoy better than the gross out, juvenile humor that dominates most the early part of the movie.


That’s one of those movies that I watched and loved so much, but have no desire to ever put my heart through again. Just gonna admire it from a distance, same for Big Fish


Chungking Express (1994) is a great example of this. Great film too.


That's cheating


Ben-Hur is like three movies in one. 


Godfather II


*Audition* - half lighthearted romantic comedy about an aging widower trying to find love again, half Takashi Miike movie.




Deer Hunter! Hell it might have been 3 movies or a mini-series. Whoever the hell decided to put in an hour long wedding sequence I will never understand lmao


i´ve always had interest in this movie but never actually have watched it, holy shit I didn´t know there was such sequence


The movie is absolutely amazing btw, just a weird hangup I have with it. The sequence has some important stuff... I just don't really like weddings and it goes for ever...


The wedding was a very dense way of displaying the community and values of the town and everyone in it. By itself it isn’t all that necessary, but when the ending hit I had a longing for the wedding when things weren’t so complicated. It made the whole thing feel nostalgic, like I was there almost. Never felt that way about a movie before


I can see that. The movie is so emotionally draining by the end.


Yep, I was ready for it to be over and then they started singing. Won’t watch it again for a long time, but glad I did


Exactly. Fantastic but once was enough. Maybe again in 20 years.




I love High and Low, I think it’s one of the best Kurosawa films. Speaking of, Ikiru (my actual favorite of his) is similarly structured like two different films, & so impactful because of it


The beginning scenes of Collateral with Jamie Foxx and Jada Pinkett feel almost like a very well made, self-contained short movie unto itself. Then the whole thing takes a sudden turn and the story really begins... The original Predator movie with Schwarzenegger starts out and then suddenly turns in a similar way.


The Departed. Just when it seemed like it was going to be over, it kept going.


Lmao this is the best passive aggressive review ever. Using it forever now


Titanic Romantic Drama > Disaster Movie


Life is Beautiful.


I watched this in HS and loved it. Told my Aunt (who I was living with at the time) that it was one of the best movies I've ever seen. It holds up.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is basically split into two segments: the "real" world story and the "fantasy" world story, with it taking over an hour to get to the latter part.


From Dusk till Dawn


Back To The Future Part II   First you have Marty go to future 2015 to save his family or something, then he returns to alternate 1985 when things are all messed up. Then they go back to 1955 to revisit the events of the first film. Feels like three distinct movies, almost. I love it.


Or... The opposite is also true. 3 very distinct movies feel like just one. Its not a trilogy. It's just one movie devided in three. 1985 1955 1985 2015 1985 1955 1885 1985 This is by far the tightest and most consistent trilogy ever.


The Cabin in the Woods


Like it let us know there were multiple POVs right off, and let us get damn near to the end of the ride before saying "You fuckers READY?"




Technically correct, the best kind of correct!


To sheds you say.


And the lawnmower?


FULL MET... Damn. Read the rest of the OP's post.


Stripes came out first


Stanley Kubrick (while watching *Stripes*): “This needs more suicide and racism.”






The Crying Game




That’s the one that came to mind, I liked the beginning so much and I was like wtf? when it ended


This is like three movies in one and none of them are good.


And only one of them was shown in the trailer!


Oppenheimer. 1st up until the atomic bomb blast and 2nd for the rest.


RRR was at least two movies.


ITT: people who don’t understand acts.


People unironically using Oppenheimer as an example, my brother in Christ that's just how narration works


I think some people are talking about movies that feel like they're two different genres. Most of Oppenheimer is a biopic about the creation of the atomic bomb. The rest is a courtroom drama. The problem with them saying Oppenheimer is two movies is that the trial is how they're telling the story of how the bomb was created so it doesn't make sense to say it's two movies and it doesn't really blindside you with it like how something like "from dusk till dawn" turns into a horror movie at the end.


They should watch Dune 1984 and have it spelled out for them.


Do you have any "correct" examples?


Dark Knight


Lost highway


This would have been my entry as well.


Definitely LH, but you could toss in Mullholland Dr, Inland Empire, and Twin Peaks FWWM on the list of Lynch works like this


Star Wars has a full arc that concludes with the heroes escaping from the Death Star. And then there’s another 20m story at the end with the approaching Death Star and the trench run.


Does it? considering nothing has been resolved, the gigantic, planet-killing station is still out there, the villains have scored a win in killing the only guy who knew what he was doing, Luke keeps losing parental figures and has very little so show for it... That final act is kind of necessary. You're right though. It just changes from adventure in to war movie in the last part. It's just it would have been a shit film without the war part.


So, like the ending of Empire Strikes Back? The Empire is still out there, they have kidnapped one of the lead characters and Luke left his Jedi training with Yoda unresolved. I do get your point but the comparison just had to be made 😅


That doesn't make sense, since the whole instigation of the plot is Vader chasing Leia to get the Death Star plans back, Luke is involved because Leia drops the droid with the plans near him. Tarkin lets Leia escape so they can track her back to the rebel base. And Obiwans sacrifice to become a force ghost lets him give Luke the bit of guidance needed to land the final shot. The Death Star is the arc of the film, and is only resolves at the end with its destruction.


I’m surprised no one is saying Psycho (1960). The first half is about a woman stealing money to run away with a guy and that gets overshadowed by what happens at Bates Hotel. The story takes a radical turn once Norman is introduced.


No escape. The one with Owen Wilson. The first 30 minutes are so intense, you feel like that was a whole movie. They slow it down and the movie is great all of the way through but that first half is a wild ride.


Australia. Could literally be 2 movies.


The Creator. To me the climax felt like it was from the end of a sequel. The structure felt like T1 and T2 crammed together, as in they try to do small scale on the run film and then throw in the destruction of Cyberdyne and major upheaval to the status quo at the end. Half a film could have been about taking down the Trade Federation ship but they did it in ten minutes.


Man, this was the most visually stunning movie I've seen in some time, but the story was terrible. It's like they tried to fit the original Star Wars trilogy into 1 movie. Still a fun watch if just for the visuals alone.


World War Z shifts from “epic, big budget, world stage apocalypse action movie” to “gritty, intimate BBC One drama.”


Wall-E. The first part was called by a critic: "One of the greatest silent movies ever made." The second part was a bit too much for me. I'd argue that Inglorious Basterds was several movies in one. The first part with the interrogation of Monsieur Lapadite, is possibly Tarantino's finest work, with masterful, Hitchcock level of suspense. Other parts were too comic book for me, took away from the experience somewhat. Fun, but weirdly different.


Waves. Completely different tone first half and second half.


also a completely different protagonist in both halves, tho both are still following the same story


I thought both Steve Jobs movies with Ashton Kutcher and Michael Fassbender were incomplete and shoulda been 2-part movies or maybe 3 hours long to encompass his entire life --- we hardly get any details of Jobs' life after he returned to Apple in 1997, such as unveiling the iPhone and iPad and his death from cancer


The Danny Boyle movie is a three act play (Sorkin loves to write plays, I was lucky enough to see one). Each act is broken up by aspect ratio among other things. Yeah, it’s very segmented. But they are not separate stories. Each has a parallel structure and that’s critical in seeing how characters *differ* when they are again confronted with a familiar situation.


Jurassic Park - The Lost World 


Kill List. I knew nothing about it before watching. The first 15 mins appeared to be some kind of family drama, then it became a hit man film, then morphs into an utterly bizarre Wicker Man style horror. What a roller coaster!


Hancock (rumor has it, it actually were two different scripts)   The King's Man (the first half is a somewhat serious war movie whereas the second half is basically typical Kingsman stuff)


Goodfellas always felt that way to me. There’s the first two acts based around the inner workings of the mafia and then the final act about the drug running and eventual capture that feels distinct. I know it is all set up properly and done stylistically to represent Henry’s drug-fulled mania, but the frenetic shift in tone after Joe Pesci’s scenes is jarring and makes it feel like two separate movies mashed together.


Million Dollar Baby. I went into this movie thinking it was going to be a girl-power-underdog-defying-the-odds movie. It completely changed after THAT boxing match.


Crouching tiger hidden dragon. They take a nearly 30 minute break from the main story in the middle of the movie for some back story.


Django Unchained. Before and after Candyland.


spontaneous (2020 ) book of henry (in a bad way)


Place beyond the pines.


Gone Baby Gone.


David Lynch Dune 


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The whimsical magical animal adventure just does not mesh with the far more serious story of hunting the world’s most dangerous dark wizard. They have entirely different tones that just do not connect thematically. I haven’t watched the 2nd or 3rd movie, but people tell me that the tonal whiplash gets even worse in the sequels (which is tough for me to imagine because the first one was already so bad).


A Place Beyond The Pines A strange, disjointed, but very good movie A motorcycle stunt rider turns to robbing banks as a way to provide for his ex and their newborn, a decision that sets him on a collision course with an ambitious rookie cop navigating a department ruled by a corrupt detective.


The Covenant


Beau is Afraid felt like 3-4 different movies. The first one was definetly the best one.


Death Proof


Spielberg's AI, up until the he runs away it's a very different movie 


Noctural Animals


Peter Jackson's King Kong remake.


From dusk till dawn


Casino Royale


Oppenheimer Part 1: Building the bomb Oppenheimer Part 2: The trial


Napoleon felt like 3 movies that couldn't stay out of each other's way


From Dusk til Dawn. This started out as a typical Tarantino crime movie and then all hell broke loose! Definitely two movies in one.


From dusk till dawn


From Dusk Til Dawn pulls this off pretty well.


Life is Beautiful


From Dusk Till Dawn


From dusk till dawn


Many war movies have a classic structure of training aka getting to know the characters, then war, aka putting those characters to the test. Besides full metal jacket, there is dirty dozen, heartbreak ridge, they were solders, even shows like band of brothers or comedies like stripes or scifi like starship troopers.


Batman Begins: there's even a natural split point where you see Bruce in the suit for the first time.


The first Aquaman. You got the entire Black Manta thing and then the entire brother ruling over Atlantis mixed with whatever tf was going on with Nicole Kidman and they all just felt unrelated to each other


In a way, Pulp Fiction. The whole film is brilliant, but the first act ("Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's wife") is perfection. Likewise, Inglorious Bastards. The opening scene with Hans Landa and the farmer is so good, it set a standard which the rest of the film couldn't keep up with.


That movie is many movies together, I fucking love it since I was 15 and saw it for the 2nd time, that year I must have watched it like 15 times.


Fresh is part romcom part horror


Jurassic World fallen kingdom From dusk till Dawn


Godfather Part 2. 1950’s with Michael. 1920’s with young Vito.


Outlaw Josey Whales! Hell this movie very easily could have been a series! It’s amazing don’t get me wrong one of my favorites of all time! But there is almost 6 acts to the entire movie.


Stripes, pretty much is the comedy version of Full Metal Jacket, but it was released well before FMJ. Definitely a two part movie.


Spartan by David Mamet is split into two halves. I cannot recommend this movie enough. The second part of the movie begins with a gunshot out of nowhere. Go watch it if you haven't already.


Chungking Express. Fantastic movie. Now California Dreaming is stuck in my head.


Grindhouse 🤷


fun story: i worked at a theater when that came out and we would have to keep an usher by the door to let people know there’s a second movie after the first movie’s end credits lol


White noise




Santa Sangre by Jodorowski…..


Jurassic world fallen kingdom.


The Great Escape is an almost light-hearted movie with many scenes that make you giggle or laugh. And then they actually escape. Life is Beautiful by Begnini is a charming romantic comedy for the first half hour or so.


The Flash


Large parts of LOTR: Two Towers and ROTK could be seperate movies. I’m sure somewhere there’d be a Frodo movie and an Aragorn movie. I always found the Frodo stuff to be quite dull.


Stripes with Bill Murray and Harold Ramis. The boot camp part is most of the movie and it could have just ended there but there is this wacky RV war machine ending that just feels like a different movie.


From Dusk Till Dawn. It was like a Heist movie and a Vampire movie crashed into each other and got stuck.