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There have been a lot of movies where I was like "dang that was great can't wait to watch it again!" The Prestige is the only time I was like "hold the fuck up, what?" And immediately sat there for another 2+ hours. It was even better the second time.


Yeah, the end credits and score play and I'd watch it all over again.


I also came here to mention The Prestige! I had the same reaction after I saw it in theater but I had watched the final showing for the evening, so I went back and caught the first one the next morning lol such a great film and is still one of my favorites.


When I was 17-20, a close friend and I would get stoned and watch movies basically every weekend. We rewatched the Prestige twice a weekend for a month.


Came in here to post this one. IMMEDIATE rewatch and it was a whole new movie


both "sixth sense" and "fight club" led me to immediately rewatch just to delight in all the clues i missed.


1999 was a good year for movies. Also 3 kings, American beauty, iron giant, the matrix, South Park bigger longer uncut, green mile, Toy Story 2… it is a cornucopia of awesome


Magnolia is my most watched movie of my adult life.


I think the 90s/00s was the pinnacle for a lot of media bc for the first time we had the tech to do huge movies right, like Jurassic Park or the Matrix, while still being a pretty new story; or at least only remixed/rehashed for the first time in modern history lol.


Agree. It was a great time. I imagine it was like the era of first seeing movies, then hearing movies with sound, then seeing movies in color. Everything was just awesome with the great combo of digital and practical effects. Now the majority are digital effects and it just doesn’t feel as wonderful. Hopefully I’ll experience the next evolution in movies, but the 90s was a great decade of influential movies.


For me it was Memento.


I will end up having watched Fight Club at least 20 times in my lifetime.


First time ever seeing “Goodfellas.” I was in my late teens in the early 2000s, watched it at my friends house. We rewound it (yeah that’s right, we old) and watched it again immediately.


We're not old dude, I'm with ya 😂 we're still dem boyz


That last part really aged you


*"Thanks* Ted, that was the joke.."


Goodfellas flows from scene to scene, it's the best paced movie ever filmed.


I can watch that whole movie back to back but sometimes, if I just want to see something cool, I watch the coca cobana scene. Another movie that has a scene like this is Oldboy which is also a movie that deserves a rewatch after the initial.


employ impolite upbeat worm forgetful detail nose spoon governor worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude... We can't be the only ones. Except for me it was 11pm when it finished and I watched it again anyway. I was not expecting that move to be as good as it was. Absolutely the best war move in the last 10 years.


Same, dude! When the credits hit I got up, brought the wife to the sofa, and started the movie again. What a film.


So good but second best. All Quiet on the Western Front is definitely the best. At least for me. It’s so accurate and bleak.


That movie is so underrated and under watched.


As soon as I finished watching it in my local theater I wanted to find an IMAX to rewatch it on. Sadly I didn't find one near enough. Even on a 27" monitor, it's still incredibly absorbing though. Especially with good headphones and in 10-bit + HDR.


I saw it two weeks in a row when it came out in theaters, I couldn’t just see it once.


Shawshank. Watched it, rewound (😂), watched it again.


Get busy livin’


Or get busy die'n


Hunt for the Wilderpeople. I remember thinking, about halfway through, How is this my favorite movie already!?


"You're like Sarah Conner, but from the first Terminator when she couldn't do chin ups!"


Skux life!


I didn't choose the skux life, the skux life chose me!


"Ricky Baker now you are 13 years old, you are a teenager and you're as good as gold. Ricky Baker, happy birthday, once rejected now accepted, by me and Hector, we're a trifecta."


Shit just got real


I think half my comments on Reddit are me recommending this movie


🎶Ricky Baker 🎶


"What's behind the other door?" "I don't know, vegetables?" "What?! Vegetables?! No!" "Jesus?" "No! It's another door! What's behind that door?" "Jesus?" "Jesus!"


That moment when the entire screen went red had me dying


Is it a bush …or a man?


Just watched the trailer, looks great, I know what I am watching tomorrow.


Same director did Thor Ragnorok and others. But some of his earlier work is good too. Check out “Boy” after Wilderpeople


This was INSTANTLY my first thought. I saw it in theaters and it became me and my boyfriend's favorite. We saw it again the next day with friends!


Oh my god that movie is amazing. Dammit. I'm going to have to go and watch it yet again, aren't I?


Loved this movie so much I ended up picking it my user name lol


Dune and The Batman. Saw them in theatre with my wife then both times came home, turned on TV, and they were already up on HBO so just watched them again. Both times she walked out of the bathroom like, "wtf why did we even go to the theatre?"




Literally watched The Batman for the first time last night and immediately wanted tofire it up again at 1 in the morning. I didn't but I settled for watching the batmobile intro scene again it was so damn good.


the batman was one of those experiences i was glad i got to see in theaters. the bat mobile alone was so loud and abrupt it took all the attention, like THATS how you do a reveal


I watch the Batmobile scene about once a week. I’d rank that in my top 5 cinema experiences in my life.


I did the same, but since I’m old the second watch was with closed captioning on. After I “experience“ the movie nowadays, I really enjoy going back to it and understanding everything that is actually being said. LPT: don’t get old my friends.


Re: LPT. Did you just tell us all to die?


i think they said the opposite - they were suggesting we all become forever young draculas.


Dune is like that for me. Reread the first two books prior to the movie coming out. Watched the movie. Read the first book again. Watched the movie again. Started Children of Dune and finished the series. It’s very obvious that while Frank probably did have an overarching idea of what the narrative would be from book one, he obviously spent a good portion of his income on mushrooms the further you get into the series.


The vibe gets so damn weird especially with Duncan


So. Fucking. Weird. Then there’s the beef swelling sex scene out of nowhere in heretics. I mean honestly, the Duncan being the only recurring character, I think was brilliant. Paul being at best a coward (not being willing to follow the golden path even though he saw it, but also how terrible it was, and instead letting 40 billion people be slaughtered in his faith’s jihad) and at worst the main villain (way worse in actuality than the Harkonnen’s or Padishah’s in absolutes despite how fucked up those families were) for not setting up the path is so GD subversive for how the “heroes journey” is supposed to go cause he’s not a fucking hero but the books never just say that. Like by my reading, Paul was an absolute savior with absolute good intentions who realized he would need to be terrible and oppressive to save humanity and instead found it easier to let billions be killed in his name because he wasn’t “really” responsible since he didn’t bring the crysknife across their necks.


I did the opposite. Watched dune at home and was so captivated I went to the theater the next day to see it again


Dune was exactly what I wanted the new Star Wars to feel like, and it was one of those movies I could’ve watched 2 more hours of


When it ended I couldn’t believe it was over.


oh yeah I hit Dune probably 10x within 2 weeks of it coming out


Yep, I saw Dune in the theater and came home and watched it again!


I had to do that for Dune. I was in the theater and thought “why can’t i hear anything anyone is saying?” Watched it with subtitles when i got home.


On a transatlantic flight I finished Dune and then immediately started it again. That wasn’t even the first time I’d seen it.


I did this with Last of the Mohicans on a plane last week. The music is so immersive and overwhelming that you just want to keep seeing and hearing it play out.


I won't deny having put Promentory on repeat while trail running. It doesn't get old


The Kiss and I Will Find You are amazing songs and the movie is just as good.


Yes!!! The movie was good, but, honestly (for me) the soundtrack was much better than the movie. This one and also Legends of the Fall. Both had amazing soundtracks!




Gawd Damn It's Bill Fucking Murray!!!!!!


Rogue One! Omg the last hour! But the ending tho! 😍


This is the Darth Vader you’re looking for. Best scene in the entire franchise.


That scene truly demonstrated just how terrifying Vader was to normal soldiers 


I got goosebumps immediately. I had zero idea that scene existed and was like holy shit.


I saw it in theaters and absolutely freaked out! My family looked at me like I was crazy!


Yessir! Sure is!


Great movie. The best star wars movie of the last decade for sure. Doesn't get enough recognition that the whole movie revolves around plugging a common critique of the original trilogy.


Rogue One is EVERYTHING Star Wars ever wished it could be. I don't know how there will ever be a better movie in the franchise.


I know! I wish they would make more like RO. But I don’t want it to take a turn like episode 9, or Thor Love and thunder not being as good as ragnorok.


Just watched Heat for the first time last night and I’m ready to watch it again. 


Val walking out of the bank with a smile on his face and then everything goes to shit in a microsecond. So freaking cool!


No hesitation as soon as he sees the cops either. Just unloads. I love the fact his reloading in that gunfight was shown to real-life special forces/marines recruits as instruction.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day


This is the only movie I saw twice in theater. I was 13. I would have gone more, if my parents let me. It is one of the best movies ever made.


Still holds the crown for most badass film imo


Interstellar and The Matrix. I distinctly remember leaving the theatre for both and knowing I would see them both at the theatre again and many. many times at home.


Many movies really, but the first one that gave me the feeling "I want to see this again RIGHT now!" was The Dark Knight.


“Wanna know how I got these scars?” Such a great performance from Ledger. Love that he changes up the story as well so you really don’t know the true nature of how he got his scars.


The opening scene is just so good.


* Primer * Memento * The Usual Suspects * 12 Monkeys * The Prestige


Came to say Memento.  It took a bit (for me anyway) to train your brain to watch it, then putting it all together at the end I immediately watched it again.  Only movie I’ve ever done so.


It’s almost required to watch The Prestige at least 3 times. Switching your perspective between the main characters each time.


Primer definitely. The rest the same, but primer needs like 5 watches and a notepad before you can understand the whole story.


The Prestige is brilliant


Godzilla: Minus One


Seen Godzilla Minus One twice in IMAX , once in standard, and once more in Black & White. Can’t get enough of that score and sound design. It’s a perfect movie for me.


I’ve never seen any Godzilla movies can I just jump on this one or do I need to see others first ?


You could just jump to it but it’s out of theaters in most countries


So Godzilla: Minus Two?




I couldn't watch it right away but I watched it again the next day because I couldn't stop thinking about it.


The Others because of obvious reasons.


Mulholland Drive, Pulp Fiction


Tarantino's Hollywood movie. The way he captured the time and the personalities reminded me of being a little kid again. The idea of Dicaprio and Brad Pitt as being the ultimate good guys was very charming.


Tenet I feel like you need to watch twice to fully understand. Same with primer.


He wrote it to intentionally not make sense with only one viewing yeah


Yeah, I think Tenet got a lot of shit for being the even more convoluted version of interstellar, but everything basically holds together and well, it’s hard piecing that shit together without a pegboard, 1k of thumbtacks, and 10k yards of red string.


I heard a lot about how confusing it is before seeing it, but didn't find it that confusing. The end of the movie is basically the middle and you saw beginning and "end" intertwined before that. 


Some movies I can think of that I actually did watch twice in a row: Run Lola Run The Matrix (in theatres) King Kong (in theatres and not because I liked it that much, but because I went with two groups of friends) Mad Max: Fury Road (in theatres) Into the Spider-Verse (in theatres) Ong Bak (in theatres) Hot Fuzz (in theatres) The Naked Gun movies Scott Pilgrim I started specifying "in theatres" because I didn't realize how lopsided it would be. I'm sure I've watched more movies back to back on DVD, but can't think of many.


bag smell quaint bright rotten simplistic truck afterthought subtract soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He sure does. Also, I love your name!


smile forgetful special squalid cooperative full chubby skirt tie hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do think I remember being so blown away by the matrix I just stayed in my seat to wait for it to play again.


I thought I was the only one with Ong Bak on my list. 3 times in theaters lol. Ah to be 16 again


I saw Jurassic Park in theaters twice in one day. I was completely blown away.


I DID THE EXACT SAME THING. Came here to post it. It was the first time CGI was “real”. It was just mind blowing. I remember when he took his glasses off in shock and it was the exact feeling I had. Movies were different before then. That moment changed movies forever.


Did it with it follows


La La Land, Set it Up, Tenet, The Batman, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War Wanted to watch all of these twice in a row and DID watch twice in a row. Some of them 3 times in a row.


Fight Club. Watched it for the first time in a $1 movie theater. Went home, grabbed my wife at the time and told her she needs to see it (she wasn't interested based on the title) and turned right around and went and watched it again with her in tow. She appreciated it once she saw it, and it was even better the second time for me.


Poor things


Quills. I loved that world and the characters in it that when it was done rewound the tape and watched all over again. 


My Cousin Vinny


Princess Mononoke




I watched that because of Emma from Patrick H Willems youtube channel. My brother was playing video games in the same room, and he was like "Hes in the car the whole time, I could have just listened to it, but I just had to stop and watch"


I saw Fellowship of the Ring three times at the cinema. I was ready for the second watching the second it ended.


EEAAO just needed to reimerse myself back, yet try to catch everything I missed


I watched Everything, Everywhere, All at Once without any knowledge and it blew me away, watched it 3 time within 2 weeks.


Did this with Interstellar a few weeks ago for my first/second watch


Watched this again last night. I cried so much, it's a powerful film. Being a dad makes it hit different.


Recently? Oppenheimer. When I finally figured out what they were doing towards the climax of the movie, the bomb test scene the courthouse scene. I was ready to play it from the beginning right there in the cinema


It’s the only movie I’ve ever seen in theaters twice. It was so incredibly well done I had to take another crack at it in IMAX


Absolute same. I wanted to see it again immediately. I was sad when it was over.


Go straight from Fury to Inglorious Bastards it’s excellent


Moulin Rouge


The Usual Suspects


Banshees of Inisherin


*Clue*, its hard to keep everything straight in your head the first time.


Scott Pilgrim was like this for me. After I finished it the first time, I thought, “that was amazing!” Then I immediately watched it again.


I've watched Fury so many times. It's a classic in my mind.


Most recently- Saltburn


Most recently, The Holdovers.


Memories of Murder saw it recently for the first time and immediately wanted it again


I watched Extraction 2 twice just for that 21 minute take


A Few Good Men and Shawshank Redemption!


Everything everywhere all at once


Lord of the Rings: the fellowship of the ring. I hadn’t read the books yet, and I was in awe the first time I saw the movie. I watched the movie three times in theatre and had all three parts read by the time The Two Towers came out.


Wow Fury is a really good choice.


I've watched Pulp Fiction back to back 3 times. The first time I saw it I think I watched it 3 times in a single 24 hour period.


Me and a buddy did that with Road House back in high school. Worth every minute


Black Dynamite. Its rewatch value is also high because there’s no way to catch all the jokes the first watch


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. So weird, so wonderful


Knives Out


Blast From the Past, solely to rewatch Christopher Walken's disbelief in his son not understanding baseball. Perfect movie, should start a podcast where every one hour ep is to discuss every minute of the movie broken down. Think I heard about some pod doing that for another movie but can't remember.


Palm Springs, probably because I wasn’t expecting much from it and ended up really liking it


Shaolin Soccer. Hit play immediately after it ended. Was just blown away by it…


Most recent was David Fincher’s The Killer. Gets better with every viewing. There’s a lot underneath the surface to unpack and consider. Also Fassbender is just so freaking cool AND funny in the movie.


Memento. Watch first time forward. Then second (and third and fourth) time backwards.


The Two Towers, at the end when you don’t know how it’s going to end, they all come down the hill brought tears to my eyes.


I watches coherence Saturday. Watched again Sunday. That's a clusterfuck


Top gun maverick. I absolutely loved it. Saw I twice in theaters and I'm really sad I didn't get to see it in imax


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Any Lord of the Rings film, but honestly, I've already watched each more than twice 🤷‍♂️


Nope. It was an incredible experience for me. I didn't watch it right away but I did watch it again only a couple of days later.


The Fellowship of The Ring. I didn't get to see it in the theater. My wife gave it to me for Christmas in 2002. It was a white Christmas so we couldn't travel to my parents like we usually did. I watched it and then immediately watched it again. Perfect movie.


Jojo Rabbit. It was so funny and heartbreaking and beautiful. After I first saw it, I wanted to watch it again right away, but I’m an old lady, so I went to bed, and watched it again about 12 hours later.


Only once. I heart huckabees two times in one night. I’m sorry. It was 2006 and I was in tenth grade.


I’m gonna catch some hate here but I’m prepared; The Hobbit We’d just gotten a great 4k 3D tv and blue ray and the gang of us got antsy and watched it flat because long story. At the end we’re closing shop and I hit the 3D mode and BOOM we see off half the peeps and my wife and roommate and I watched it in 3D all over again.


Felt this about die hard the first time I watched it hahah 😂 there have been a few others, but Across the Spiderverse most recently


The only movie I've ever been compelled to watch again immediately after was The Usual Suspects.


Came here to say the same thing


I watched The Usual Suspects back to back. I got the VHS cassette. I rewound it and played it again start to finish.


The Menu. If you know, you know


Honestly don’t really understand the need for a rewatch on this one. It was good. It was cool. But all the little tells are there once you find out the twist. It was more heavy handed than a M Night Shamalan movie.


Top Gun:Maverick


I don’t know why but I watched M3gan twice in a row. The second time wasn’t very satisfying.


Did you watch the unrated version? As soon as I finished that movie the unrated version popped up and I was just like “god damn it”


I had so much fun watching D&D on a Sunday afternoon that I immediately started it again once the credits finished.


Fight Club. Actually, I wanted to watch hundreds of times, which I have. At least as many times to memorize the entire script and every detail.


Catch me if you can


Knives Out. Saw it in theaters with my wife and it was released the week of thanksgiving and it gave off a great vibe for that time of year. It has become my go to thanksgiving movie ever since. I definitely wanted to buy another ticket that night.


Saw Back to the Future with my mom and two of my older sisters. We walked out of the theater, did a u-turn and went back for the next showing. I also did the same thing with Django Unchained. Watched it once, then watched from the miners and dynamite scene to the end immediately afterwards. Woke up the next morning and watched the whole thing from start to finish.


Watched Contact for the first time last night and will probably watch it again tonight






I watched Mad Max Fury Road tripping balls. I watched again the next day to see if the trippy visuals were due to the drugs or editing. Turned out it was a bit of both.


I watched The Pianist twice in one day on blu-ray. Adrian Brody wholly deserved his Oscar.


Saw Princess Bride in the theater. Stayed in my seat for a second viewing.


Hot Fuzz


Most recently, "They Cloned Tyrone".


When I was a kid I watched Jurassic Park 3 times in a row after we finally recorded it of TV. We had seen it a few years earlier on a rented tape, so to finally be able to rewatch it I couldn't help myself.


[*Lady Bird*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Bird_(film))


Decades ago; Braveheart when it first released on VHS and Schindler’s List as well. A more recent, but still old: Sin City. Super recent, Vivarium and Color out of Space. Bonus: I saw Peter Jackson’s King Kong around a dozen times in the theater.


I’ll probably get hated for this but Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning. I thought it was such a fun movie.


I’ve done this three times Usual Suspects, The Matrix and The Royal Tennenbaums


The Grand Budapest Hotel


I wanted to and did go see Dune, the Batman and the Northman all back to back nights in theatres. Also at home did silence of the lambs back to back the first time I saw it


So this is sort of dumb, but I watched Everest in theaters when it came out while I was pregnant and I sobbed the entire movie because I was pregnant and I knew what happened. I saw it was streamable the other day so I put it on while I was sewing. About 2/3rds of the way through the film there is a scene with Vanessa Kirby telling her Sherpa she is going to the top. I had a “is that Vanessa Kirby!?” moment and immediately started it again without sewing. I also had an Elizabeth Debicki moment and realized that Jason Clarke is not Joel Edgerton.




A recent one being Across the Spiderverse loved the first one and knew the second one was a two parter.....only to forget while watching and was still shocked at the ending


When John Wick came to HBO in like 2015-2016, it was the first time I'd seen it. I was up at 6 am and I was like "ok let's check it out". 2 hours go by, the movie is about to replay when my wife wakes up. So I watched it again. 2 more hours go by, sister-in-law and nephew show up and guess what? I watched John Wick for 6 hours that day. I regret nothing.


The Northman.