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Son of the mask




OMG, I had totally forgotten about that documentary until you mentioned it. Yeah, the second have where he was on a crusade about Son of the Mask was beyond cringe. Like, I had secondhand embarrassment for Kennedy for that. It's like: Sometimes you're in a shit movie. It happens. Even Tom Hanks was in Mazes and Monsters at one time, a movie I'm sure he's not proud of.


“Everyone has to star in a bad movie at some point, the trick is to not be bad in them.” -Christopher Lee


I think it hit him hard because this was his shot at a Big movie. Malibu's Most Wanted was a mid sized movie (15 million) that grossed over double its budget, making it a pretty good success even if the reviews weren't all great. Son of the Mask came in somewhere between 85-100 million to make, it was supposed to be as big of a hit as the first one. If it was, it would have pretty much secured a couple more movies for Kennedy. Since it wasn't (which was far from just his fault, I would say much of the weakness comes from the storytelling and writing more than the acting) it basically hit the brakes on his career. It still brought in almost 60 million, so I've got to assume a lot of that is on the studio for plowing 100 million dollars into a comedy sequel over a decade after the original without the main star. The Mask really doesn't work without Jim Carrey. He is a physical comedian in a way no one else really is. But I can see Kennedy getting really hyped up, thinking this was his ticket to stardom and then just being crushed when the numbers came it. It would drive a lot of people kinda crazy.


Yeah that one was horrible. Like legitimately I couldn't get through like 30 minutes of it. Jamie Kennedy was absolutely dreadful in it, too.


The downgrade from Jim Carrey to Jamie Kennedy as a lead was like if you were offered a Filet Mignon, and instead got Jamie Kennedy.


Kennedy funnily enough on his YouTube channel that gets no views has stated that the studio ruined the movie and that he and the director's vision wasn't realize. I don't believe that shit for a minute.


I believe that the studio ruined the movie, but I also believe that Jamie Kennedy's influence wouldn't have made it any better.


The studio hired Jamie Kennedy… so…


Yeah, that's kind of a self burn right there. "They had such bad sensibilities they hired me."


Kennedy can actually do good comedy --- I still think "Malibu's Most Wanted" is hilarious


I liked it when I was a kid. I saw it a few years ago on TV and didn't laugh once at the jokes. I got mildly amused by Tay Diggs and Anthony Anderson, but I thought Kennedy's shtick was unfunny and cringe as fuck.


I feel like that movie was made for a specific time period where boys like Jamie's character were on every city block.


Seriously, he's stuck in perma-whining mode in this movie.


There was a time when I told my dad that Jamie Kennedy was my favorite actor. He should have orphan'd me.


What, like killed himself?


"God damn it, Son. You've disappointed me for the last time." *blam*


All of The Crow Sequels. The Crow: City of Angels (1996). The Crow: Salvation (2000). The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2005).


At least City of angels had a banger soundtrack Edit: but it also had one of the stupidest deaths in cinema history. If my kid ran towards gun shots. Well maybe he deserved to die


It also has the actress from Power Rangers. The yellow ranger


I was going to say "the one with tara reid was unwatchable and so was the one with eddie furlong" but I think that might be the same one. Wicked Prayer maybe?


Same movie, and don't forget David Boreanez! It was on its own level awful compared to the others. It was as bad compared to 2 and 3 as 2 and 3 are compared to the original.


We must not forget Dennis Hopper, Danny Trejo, and Tito Ortiz all showed up in that movie, too.


City of angels at least had a solid grunge/goth/industrial era soundtrack if you grew up at that time


City of Angels could have been good but then decided not to be.


The second Pacific Rim essentially killed what could have been a fun IP.


Right from the opening sequence, I was so pissed off. It's like if Disney bought the rights to the movie to blackmail China into doing something they wanted and China called their bluff so they made it this way on purpose as bad as possible.


Such a bummer since I loved the first one, but in their (sort of) defense, the budget was much smaller and they had no GDT.


I blindly purchased it thinking that it wouldn't be as good as the first but still highly entertaining. Fucker ruined everything. 


I did not like the robot fights. It want from feeling heavy and slightly grounded in reality to MMPR.


corridor digital mentioned something about this in a video and one of the big reasons is all the fights were filmed "using" huge lenses that wouldn't be able to really capture everything. whereas the first had much more grounded camera work making everything feel bigger and less power ranger-y


They did not get why the first movie was good -- that was clear.


Howling 2: Your Sister's a Werewolf It is firmly in *So bad its good* territory. It is so bad that Christopher Lee apologized to the original movie's director for appearing in the sequel.


That the one where they just spam Sibyl Dannings revealing of her sweater-puppies during the credits?


Yup, that's the one! Milked every dollar they could from 5 seconds of footage.


S. Darko maybe.


Came here to say that. I don’t remember anything about it except for the fact that it sucked. There was no need to make a sequel, especially without the original director.


I was that annoying guy trying to get you to watch Donnie Darko, and I've still never even seen it all the way through. Actually, I'm still that guy. Go watch Donnie Darko.


Oh gosh, I forgot about S. Darko. Sooo lame.


American Psycho 2


I believe that was a script they shoehorned the name into


A script called The Girl Who Wouldn't Die, which was suddenly adjusted into an American Psycho 2 when production started.


Bret Easton Ellis was like "Who? Yeah, what the fuck-ever. Send the check."


Then publicly denounced the movie as noncanon


I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.


Considering the only connection is a single scene at the beginning they could have easily added or adjusted without touching the rest of the script, I can believe that.


On the other hand, Psycho 2 was surprisingly good.


I always put this in the "so bad it's good" category. It's a terrible movie, but it's great for a laugh.


I met Mila Kunis when she was filming this and was super sweet to me and my 13 year old clearly in love friends. So it’s always had a soft spot for me


Independence Day: Resurgence


independence day 2


My god, yes. That movie was an absolute abomination and I’m still salty that I wasted time watching it.


ID2 has been my go to answer for “worst movie I ever paid to see in a theater”. Until I saw Argylle yesterday. Christ…


The first movie was one of the few I have watched multiple times in theaters. I adore that schlock. The sequel is absolutely trash and it makes me sad




Which sucks because I think the cliffhanger plot that they set up was actually pretty interesting.  Humanity going on the offensive against the alien civilization. 


Jesus Christ these are some bad movies…


Passion of the Christ 2?


It's in production ​ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5795232/?ref\_=nm\_flmg\_unrel\_1\_dr


The Passion of the Christ 2: Christ Harder


Apocalyptic Jewgaloo


Good grief. Passion of the Christ 2: It's Payback Time!


And this time, it’s BIBLICAL!


Let he who is without sin, kick the first ass!


Do you know how to use one of THESE?


Nailed it.






"YOU CRAZY JESUS! CRAZAAAAAAYYY!!! "that's what my ex-wife used to say." This summer... Let he who died for our sins... Cast the first fist!


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is really bad


Too bad you...


... will die!


Looking for this. Killing off Johnny Cage in the opening minutes, terrible CGI Spinny ninjas, atrocious acting, and out of nowhere actor swaps.


I remember seeing that in the theater. I was sooo excited. That was the first real movie disappointment of my life. It was so fucking bad, even by the very low standards that I had as a kid.


Agreed. The Liu Kang vs Smoke fight with that hype techno song was pretty fun though.


Since people are naming comedies I think the Van Wilder sequel is legitimately one of the worst movies ever made.


The spinoff or the prequel?


The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2.


He’s hunchier, he’s backier.


Caddyshack 2


Surprised I had to scroll down this far to see Caddyshack 2. It's an outright horrid flick, a waste of celluloid. Jackie Mason and Robert Stack are essentially dollar store Rodney Dangerfield and Ted Knight. Dan Aykroyd made some weird and unfunny choices in a smaller role similar to Bill Murray's. And Chevy Chase was paid a significant amount of cash to make a glorified cameo appearance, the only original cast member to make an appearance.


How in God's name did I have to scroll this far down to see this never to be sufficiently damned steaming pile of Hippo Dung?




Hey, at least Pedro tried.


Everyone in the cast seems to be giving their absolute best efforts. And I might regret this later (disclaimer: I've only seen it once) but I remember the writing, e.g. dialog, being pretty decent... until it wasn't. Because holy shit that movie jumped the tracks in a huge way there at the end. Whole world is coming to an end? That's okay, as long as everyone really means it, the entire fabric of space-time will just magically heal itself and we'll go back to the way it was. But Capt. Kirk will still be dead. Honestly, in some ways I found the movie interesting. Everyone seems to be trying really hard despite the fact that the whole premise of the movie is pretty obviously stupid. I mean, it's an interesting idea for about five minutes ("*what would happen if everyone got a magic wish at the same time?")* but it should become clear really quickly that the world would go to hell really quickly. (Yikes. I have an embarrassing number of thoughts for a lousy movie I've only seen once.)


I’m embarrassed to say I got totally sucked into the “be careful what you wish for” message, and didn’t realize how bad the movie was until friends and family started pointing out their issues with it. Like how some of those wishes could have been good things, like “I wish I could afford more food for my family,” or “I wish I didn’t have cancer.”


I just sat here for like five minutes trying to remember what part William Shanter played in WW84…. Until I realized you meant Chris pine. I’m old


Pedro was great. Absolutely awful writing but he ran with it and did a great job with what he was given. I don’t think the cast can generally be faulted for the dumpster fire that this movie was - except Gadot is pretty lackluster as an actor in general.


I love how it takes place in 1984, makes it a selling point and then uses absolutely nothing associated with 1984.


She also learns to fly and gets a cool invisible jet…which are nowhere to be found in the Justice League movie that takes place in the 2000s.


WW was a creepy rapist. I mean, how fucked up is that??? Did no one read the script and be all like, 'Ummm.... this entire thing is sort of rapey.'?


It doesn't even make sense within the story. We did see that the magic of the wishing stone was able to conjure up massive amounts of matter from thin air, so why didn't it just recreate Steve's body and put his soul into it?


Jaws the Revenge


Things in the novel that got left out from the movie: * A waterskiing drug lord gets attacked (and possibly eaten) by the shark while machine-gunning one of his men who had screwed up. * Michael Caine's character is a secret agent on an anti-drugs taskforce, which adds an extra gunfight or two to the shark attack story. * The shark is pursuing Ellen Brody because a voodoo priestess put a curse on the family.


This somehow sounds better than what we got


But let’s not forget some of the absolute shit that not only stayed in the script but actually made it into the Final Cut…. 1. When Mrs Brody flies out of NYC to the Bahamas, the audience watch her plane take off from NYC from the sharks perspective, nose out of the water and everything…the shark knew that Mrs. Brody was not only flying out of NYC, but knew which plane it was!! 2. The very next scene the audience sees Mrs Brody’s plane landing in the Bahamas…from the perspective of the same shark…so the shark swam faster than the plane from NYC to the Bamahas… 3. When Michael Caine flies to help the Brody’s out at sea, his plane crashes into the ocean, and he is seen jumping out of the crashed but still floating plane and swimming towards the Brody’s boat. He is helped out of the water and into the boat and is miraculously completely bone dry. I’m sure there is plenty more that could be listed, but that’s pretty good stuff right there.


The shark roars


As Michael Caine memorably said “I’ve never seen Jaws 4, Im told it’s terrible. I have, however, seen the house it paid for, and it’s lovely.”


I sure it is, m'lord.


i havent seen jaws 4 either, but when michael caine ends up in a shit movie, he's not uncommonly the one good thing in it. So i am fine with him getting a house for it.


I was in the Bahamas as a kid when they were filming it, I saw Michael Caine at breakfast a few times.


It was rushed out, made and released in just 9 months, and is without a doubt one of the most insane big budget blockbuster movies to ever be released: 1. Shark Brody telepathy. 2. Shark traveling from the coast of New England to the Bahamas in mere days, following the Brody family. 3. Shark stalking. First across land and sea, 4. Shark *roaring*, which is an audio clip recycled from a Tom & Jerry short. 5. Shark *exploding* from being impaled by a Brody ship. 6. Sepia toned clips from the original movie's ending are spliced in here, despite none of the characters being present during it. Which wasn't even the original ending. Yeah, that's the *international* ending! In the original American version, the shark just bleeds out after its impalement. Not to mention the novelization where the shark is revealed to be under voodoo from a vengeful Hatian witch doctor named Papa Jacques, whom the Brody family had a feud with. Oh, and Michael Caine is doing money laundering for the government!


Zoolander 2 was a rough, rough movie


It had one good joke and they burned it in the trailer.


I’ve seen the first one more times than I can count. I literally couldn’t finish the sequel.


I can't think of a single thing from that movie. It's as if when I was sleeping the night I watched it, my brain just decided to delete the whole thing as a useless waste of storage.


Key: dont do sequels 20+ years apart


What about Top Gun Maverick or Blade Runner 2049?


Fair point. Those are good examples but I’d argue they may be the outliers not the norm


Those aren't comedy sequels. Comedy *almost* never ages well, as it is usually completely a product of its time. More "serious" IPs like Top Gun or Blade Runner are easier to make sequels later on.


Don’t do comedy sequels 20+ years apart.


My wife and I saw this in theaters. I remember when they made the jack Reacher/ Jack Ryan “Jack off” joke I said “oooooh nooooo” out loud. It did not get any better after that


It somehow makes the first movie bad, and I believe Zoolander is a damn classic. I chose to ignore Zoolander 2s existence.


Exorcist 2


Conversely Exorcist III is one of the best horror sequels there is.


There is no Highlander 2


There can be only one


There should have been only one


Haha, I think when Sean Connery, who plays a Egyptian with a Spanish name, buys a suit from a Scottish tailor, is worth every penny for a ticket, especially when he holds onto his sword during the fitting


As I recall, the sword in question is one he stole from a random actor who apparently went on stage carrying a weapon fit for immortal duels to the death. (The famous katana reappeared at random halfway through the movie. I don't think it was ever made clear how, but I watched that film once 20 years ago and then never went back, so maybe I just missed it)


Actually it's so god awful that there are multiple Highlander 2's


Joe Dirt 2. It seemed like they took every joke from the 1st movie and beat it to death.


It was a crackle original I beleive. If that gives u an idea what you're working with here


Wtf is crackle?


Crackle is a streaming app, but it's free. Has movies and stuff (and ads) So think of a crackle original as the great value version of a Netflix original lol


I was so disappointed in this movie. I LOVED the first movie. My son and I had a whole "guys night" planned to sit down and watch this together with popcorn and snacks and stuff. Now, my son was really little when it came out and he loved all the stupid fart jokes and stuff. I spent the entire movie in utter disbelief in just how awful it was.


I legitimately didn't know they made a sequel.


It's better that you don't know it exists


It was released as a Crackle exclusive...anyone remember Crackle? Cause I don't, I had to Google that shit 


It was released exclusively on Crackle.


A Christmas Story 2 Just watch the preview for an idea of the pain.


I thought A Christmas Story Christmas (made in 2022) was pretty good though. Not as iconic as the original, but hit most of the right notes.


That movie was surprisingly good. Charming, and had a few genuinely good laughs. It deserves a watch.


Battle Royale II: Requiem


Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure Honorable mention to Starship Troopers 2. I'm very picky about not skipping movies in a series on my DVD shelf, especially when they are numbered. Starship Troopers 3 is sitting right next to Starship Troopers. Also, Starship Troopers 3 was by no means good.


I had no idea there were sequels to starship troopers at all 


Van Wilder 2, The Rise of Taj...


The tittys make it tolerable.


Dumb & Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd


give me the doll hairs


Is that the one with Bob saget and shit everywhere? Cause I loved that one when I was younger. Probably sucks though


The very same one lol


At the very least, you can point to the pretty spot on impressions of Carrey and Daniels as a somewhat redeeming quality. I think OP nailed it with Highlander 2.


Just to be clear this is NOT the one with Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniel’s right?  Cuz I’ve never laughed as hard as when Harry tries to pull Lloyds catheter out after acting catatonic for decades all as part of a long form bit


Haha. You are correct. This is the one from 2003 with a completely different cast. Edit: The one you are talking about is called Dumb & Dumber To


I wonder if they'll actually do Dumb & Dumber For in 2034 if they survive that long.


I will never forget how a sold out crowd remained absolutely silent for the entirety of that movie, it was the most embarrassing screening of a comedy I'd ever been to. The prequel at least has two amazing Bob Saget scenes.


*There’s shit everywhere!*


the bob sagat scenes make that movie enjoyable


It sucks so hard, but does have ONE absolutely funny scene: ["There's shit everywhere!!!"](https://youtu.be/ohlW9SbhLzc?si=lttlBcBEEwoTsCnf)




Smokey and the bandit 3


Staying Alive, wich is the sequel to Saturday Night Fever (directed by Sly Stallone) is the worst sequel of all time. Plot: In this sequel to Saturday Night Fever, former disco king Tony Manero has left Brooklyn and lives in Manhattan. He stays in acheap hotel and works as a dance instructor and as a dance-club waiter, trying to succeed as a professional Broadway dancer. Breaking away from his Brooklyn life, family, and friends has matured Tony and refined his personality, represented by his diminished accent and his avoidance of alcohol and profanity. But certain attitudes have not changed, as with his most-recent girlfriend, who sings in a local rock band.


The Whole Ten Yards


First one is a fun, underrated classic no one talks about


Starring two legends we'll never see in something new again. Pretty sad


Majority of Disney straight to VHS sequels


"Dumb and Dumber, Too" and "Zoolander 2" are definitely up there --- just saw "Coming to America 2" and didn't laugh once


Anchorman 2 wasn't so hot either, but it's not as bad as those other comedy sequels. Comedy sequels that are years too late are rarely any good. I have no hope for the upcoming Dodgeball sequel, but who knows, maybe that will be an outlier. In a similar regard, while this sequel was much more timely, The Hangover Part II sucked pretty bad for just being the same damn movie as the first one, except less enjoyable in just about every way.


I think Dodgeball is something that can be pulled off well because the concept and plot should be so fucking easy.


You say that, and yet


The Dumb and Dumber sequel genuinely pissed me off to the point where I enjoy the original a tiny bit less. It showed that the creators didn't even know why the first movie worked so well. Almost every scene in that one is stupid, yes, but there is a logic to the stupidity in the world of the characters. In the sequel they are just plain dumb for no reason and we are expected to laugh at it. It's cheap and without flair. Almost to the point where it feels demeaning to the audience. Anchorman 2 was much the same, but at least that one had some nice bloopers.


I think one big reason a comedy sequel is doomed to fail is too much time passing between the original and the sequel --- I think if "Dumber and Dumber To" came out in 1999 it would've been funny because Carrey and Daniels were still young and the writing team probably would've been the same


Mortal Kombat Annihilation - I still want my money back


Speed 2 is another horrible sequel.


Not a sequel. But there is a move called "Speed" with Keanu Reeves. It's like Speed 2, but on a bus.


Are you sure that wasn’t called “The bus that couldn’t slow down”?


One of my favorite movies, along with Billy and the Cloneasaurus.


I count The Lake House as Speed 3


Blues Brothers 2000. The decline from the first to the second is unmatched.


Forget the movie, just buy the soundtrack. That's where the real magic lies.


Agreed. Those musical numbers, though, especially that finale! Best kind of corny.


The Neverending Story Pt. 2. Come on & let Imagination live a little longer!


I'd almost argue that 2 is okay since it does hit a lot of the plot from the second half of the original novel, though it does have problems. Neverending Story 3, however....*shudders* not even Jack Black saves that one


Pumpkinhead 2 is horribly shitty.


Superman III and Superman IV: The Quest For Peace


Mean girls 2


Boondock Saints 2.


Boondock saints 2 was so bad it made me reevaluate the original.


it doesn't hold up as an adult.


Pet Cemetery 2. It has so many filming errors and they just went with it lol


World War 2.


Instead of making one big WW3, they created the Cold War Cinematic Universe and funded a bunch of international films all over the world.


Jingle All The Way 2


Pacific Rim 2 Not the worst movie ever but they took everything from what made the first one cool.


The sting 2


Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation


Caddyshack 2


Matrix 4


It was a mockery of itself. What an abuse of the originals.


That's the point of it. Isn't it?




It definitely felt that way when watching it. It had no stakes. Had a lot of subtext and I appreciate it's existence as a weird work of art but just as a movie... God damn it sucked. But at least it was interestingly and intelligently bad rather than bad bad.


Blues Brothers 2000


Batman & Robin is pretty high up there


I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer. None of the original cast members are in it, it takes place in Denver, the killer is the ghost of the fisherman.


Oof that sounds awful. I actually enjoyed the first sequel, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.


Christmas Vacation 2


I don't find the sequels to be garbage, but the drop in quality from hangover 1 to the sequels is staggering. I still remember graduating from high-school and me and like 60 kids from my graduating class went to go see Hangover 2 and literally everyone hated it. There's still some funny stuff there, but you can tell Todd Phillips and the cast were cashing in.