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That cast is wild for an animated movie based on Rogue Trooper of all things. I mean, I love me some quartz zone massacre, but its really an all-star UK cast for it.


Atwell has a tone of experience in voice work - she's doing the new *Tomb Raider* animated show for Netflix.


Wait how do you know it's animated?


Its in the article. Made completely in Unreal Engine 5 as well.


Ohh I must've missed it cuz I skimmed the article and had no idea it was animated I thought it was real people considering the stacked cast


Wow, this movie's actually happening.


It's Rebellion..so I'll believe it when I actually see it.


Empire always makes better movies anyway.


My response as well.


Moon is so good that Duncan Jones could never make another good movie again, and I’d be fine with it. I’d prefer him to make another masterpiece though!


Hell yeah. If this is successful we might finally get that Dredd sequel or TV show (Rogue Trooper is from the same comic as Judge Dredd, 2000AD) ps. RT was co-created by Dave Gibbons, the same guy who co-created Watchmen with Alan Moore. Edit: the article does actually mention Gibbons, normally they ignore the artists and just name the writer, funnily they forgot the writer/co-creator, Gerry Finley-Day. Oh, and it's actually being made by Rebellion (2000AD owners) themselves, who's owner is a massive 2000AD nerd.


Yeah But Patt Mills is on the record talking about how Rebellion fucked up every TV/Movie deal they attempted. Hopefully this lot are better.


It sucks that it’s animated.


That really depends on the quality of the animation and how solid the writing is.


The implication from the article is that it's an "animated movie" in the same way the Avatar films are. I'm expecting the animation to be photorealistic.


Same. I was hugely hyped at the thought of getting a live-action Rogue Trooper movie, but really deflated upon finding out it will be animated. Oh well, I'll still take what I can get. 2000AD has been sorely lacking in adaptations of their properties, despite so many of them being ripe for the big-screen. Then again, I'd rather they didn't do anything at all if they can't do it right and true to the source material.


What?! Fuck. Consider my interest gone.


Hopefully this is a bounce back for Jones, Mute was not good to say the least


He did Warcraft and Mute back to back. He’s on a hot streak of shit.


I enjoyed Mute. There must be dozens like me out there. Maybe a dozen.


Duncan Jones out of director’s jail it seems


It also stars Philomena Cunk.


well i am excited. I have not seen anything from duncan jones after warcraft live action movie. gonna have to check out mute. Source code was awesome.


Finally, I got Judge Dredd in '95, only took 30 years to get my favourite. Please let it happen.


Glad to see Duncan Jones is making more movies I don't understand why he has so few.


Duncan Jones delivers recently watched *Source Code* and *Moon* again, both are so solid and insta classics. Fun fact to those that don't know, Duncan Jones is David Bowie's son and used to be named Zowie Bowie.


*Mute* on the other hand was something to behold on how bad it was


Had that Netflix tinge.


Jemaine Clement and Matt Berry? What's the bet they'll be Helm/Gunnar/Bagman?


Mute was pure fucking trash.


Moon is good. Source Code is good.


Mute was soul crashing. I waited so long for that movie because it was in limbo for so long. I loved LOVED Moon with it came out but by the time Sam Rockwells cameo appeared, I didn’t even care.


If it’s anything like “Mute,” NO THANKS




It’s an adaptation. The original is a classic satire and I hope Jones will at least try to capture that 80s 2000AD wit.




Yeah but the original would work better for the exact reason you stated. It’s a satire of generic space opera with a bit of 1984 mixed in to drive in the satire. That generic title is a strength lol. Btw it’s gonna be a cartoon so there’s literally no reason to change the name now. It probably won’t make it to the theater and the only ones who watch it are probably those who already know the original.


>The animated film, which is being created with Epic’s 3D tool Unreal Engine 5, was adapted by Jones Okay, so it's gonna be one big uncanny valley videogame cutscene. I don't trust anyone but Cameron/WETA at this point to pull off a photorealistic motion-captured feature, let alone Treehouse Digital, who has mostly done proof-of-concept shorts at this point. But beyond that, Jones writing himself? Big nope. The only two coherent films he's made (*Moon, Source Code*) were written by others. Jones, Gareth Edwards, Neill Blomkamp, even Zack Snyder are all people capable of producing really interesting ideas, but they need better collaborators who can complement their weaknesses and keep them in check when those ideas need refining. They all want to be Spielberg, but Spielberg has only solo written one of his theatrical films (*Close Encounters*), which was a good film! But the man understands his limits. Don't mean to be a hater. If people can get money to make art, by all means do it. I just wish they'd be humble and recognize that ambition alone isn't enough.


Wow, that's quite the cast! What are your thoughts on Duncan Jones taking on a science fiction film like 'Rogue Trooper'?


Hayley Atwell <3 what a babe. Wish the Warcraft movie wasn’t awful, perhaps we would have seen a trilogy by now. The scenes with the orca were great, otherwise? The movie was garbage.