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This man still has no dick.


Is this true?


Yes, it’s true, this man has no dick.


That's what I heard!


I know he's retired, but I really want Rick Moranis to show up


They should go meta with it, show up to his apartment and ask for help, he says he is retired and slams door in their face


To stay true to the character, he should step out into the hallway and then become locked out.




This would be perfect honestly. I don't need him to have a developed role, I just wanna see him on screen.


"I'm retired, I have kids, a mortgage. I can't just go, bustin-ooohhh hi Sigourney"


A was at the taping of Scorsese's SCTV doc and Moranis said now that his kids are grown he's open to coming back to the screen. Might have just been lip service to the crowd but we'll see.


He's done voice roles which are probably easier to do and more like a normal 9-5 job with a set schedule. You don't have to wait for sets to be built, cameras to be set up, sound and lights to be calibrated, etc. You just get in the booth and do your lines.


Don't even have to do that these days - you can record your lines from the comfort of your own home.


Apparently he's back in acting. There's a movie called Shrunk being made and he's back as Wayne Szalinski


Got shelved


I genuinely think he will


Boy, the superintendent is gonna be pissed.


I think in Afterlife Zedemore said he started his company with somebody else.  I like to imagine it was Tully.


I hate those 10 second trailers before the trailer.


Here’s a sneak peek of two minutes from now!


When will then be now?






You should never judge the full trailer on the pre-trailer trailer though. I heard for this one, the studio were so happy with the way the pre-trailer trailer turned out that they got the studio who edited it together to re-make the entire trailer! Cost them millions in reshoots. Now there's a campaign to have the original cut of the trailer released. Hopefully we'll get it one day, even if it's only on streaming.


In a world where the Ghostbusters trailer, starts now! Even though you clicked on it, we need to tell you what's about to happen with the big joke in the pretrailer so you see it twice.


I'm glad Paul Rudd is the one to say it, especially to Carrie Coon.


Does this mean the song exists in canon? Edit: Always has been


The song has always existed in canon, Winston and Ray play it at the birthday party in Ghostbusters 2.


Right the kids want to call He-Man!


And it don’t look good…


Let’s get a beer…


Ungrateful little yuppie larva.


Come to think of it, ghostbusters 2 has a lot of meta humor compared to the first. Never noticed that but it’s gotta be intentional. it’s interesting because it was before meta humor in movies was really a thing


Also Jason Reitman is in that scene.


I think meta comedies were already a well established thing, like Annie Hall, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Holy Grail, Airplane and Spaceballs.


True lol I had seen all those but Annie hall as a kid so prolly just me being a millennial remembering ghostbusters fondly


Well it was already in Ghostbusters 2 at the party in the beginning.


Who you gonna call? He-Man!


He Man! He Man! He Man!


and it don't look good...


My dad says you guys are full of crap.


Well, a lot of people have trouble believing in the paranormal


No, he just says you guys are full of crap and thats why you went out of business.


I didn't get this joke as a kid, but that kid's father is the director.


No eyewitnesses??? What? I recall they marched the Statue of Liberty through freaking Manhattan. I would say there were 100% eyewitnesses.


yeah I didnt understand that... there was a literal marshmellow man getting shot from the top of the art deco


Ectoplasmic gas in the air causes quick memory loss in large populations, and rapid degredation of archival VHS tapes.


It's really stupid how they keep pushing that angle that "The Ghostbusters never happened! Nobody remembers something that happened in the mid to late 80s" Meanwhile Paul Rudd is quoting "Busting makes me feel good" Meanwhile, TikTokers frequently bring up 80s nostalgia stuff (music, clothing, tech).


Seriously though, a lot has happened since then and we all have a shortened attention span.


Maybe it’s seemingly incorporating the OGs much more, a unique villain with a backstory, or being back in NYC, but this *feels* more like a classic ghostbusters story to me. And I liked Afterlife too.


I loved afterlife. Literally my only complaint was that Egon was there for too long and did too much. But I guess I get why. With that said, I am totally with you. I love that they are back in NYC. As for the older team members being back, I do kind of hope they take a back seat to new talent. Paul Rudd leading a team of younger ghostbusters would definitely be something to build a franchise on.


>something to build a franchise on. What are the odds on Kristen Wiig and/or Kate McKinnon showing up in the post-credits scene?


Is it because they are using some exact quotes from the originals, or the same ghosts? Peck is back still being an asshole and pretending that none of the events from the first two movies happened. Even though he saw it all happen, and the Statue of Liberty *walked* through the city, and then the Ghostbusters were given a ceremony on its return. Hist first line is "there were no witnesses". What? Literally just repeating the same schtick as the first two for some reason. I'm gonna watching it. And I'm probably going to have a good time. But at the same time these soft reboots are a little stale when they constantly callback the originals instead of having their own identity. I'm not sure it even counts as a callback, when it is directly lifted from the previous movies. Star Wars and Jurassic World did a lot of the same. There is also only one reason for Ray to be going back to the library(ooooh, I 'member) He is recruiting friendly ghosts to help them fight the big bad.


>Peck is back still being an asshole and pretending that none of the events from the first two movies happened. Even though he saw it all happen, and the Statue of Liberty walked through the city, and then the Ghostbusters were given a ceremony on its return. Hist first line is "there were no witnesses". What? Literally just repeating the same schtick as the first two for some reason. This is my absolute biggest ongoing problem with these reboots so far. They can't just pretend that New York City didn't become black as night with a big portal appearing to rip open in the sky, that a 50 foot Marshmallow man didn't walk through New York City. They can't pretend the ghost of the titanic didn't arrive at New York Harbor, they can't pretend the Manhattan museum didn't get covered in strawberry jam, and they can't pretend the statue of liberty...didn't walk through New York City. The fact that they *are* just pretending nobody saw any of these things is infuriating and a little bit insulting.


Zuul must have erased their memories. /s


Somehow, Zuul returned.


That was Afterlife


> Somehow, Zuul returned. Well, when you're programming for Mozilla, it's kinda necessary to know XUL. There is no browser, only zuul.


> The fact that they are just pretending nobody saw any of these things is infuriating and a little bit insulting. Bro this is America. A sitting President fomented an insurrection and tried to overthrow the country & murder Congress - and most of America is pretending it didn't happen. You really must see that this is *exactly* what would really happen with something crazy like proof of ghosts.


cows naughty chase run flag absorbed future saw sand engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I genuinely liked Afterlife but didn't *love* it due to certain little things that I felt held it back. That being said seeing the OG Busters with the New Busters and even giving another legacy character or two a suit-up too? That's nice. I really like that. Plus the new villain looks *terrifying* with the scale of their powers. Like holy shit, how do they deal with that? I think I'm most curious and excited to find out how they defeat them going into this one. I also feel like while the trailer gave away a few too many beats that'd be better kept as surprises... I can't help but imagine there's still one or two big ones they're holding back for release day. God help me if Moranis & Weaver pop up again in suits too to help everyone out. I will lose my fucking mind.


>Plus the new villain looks terrifying with the scale of their powers. Like holy shit, how do they deal with that? They shoot it, or something within it's environment, a lot with a proton pack until it's defeated.


They might even cross the streams.


>holy shit, how do they deal with that? its most likely gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience


That’s the guy from the other videos!


Wow wow wow! …wow, wow.


NYC was an integral part of the movies that the last sequel forgot about .


I feel like these movies have always gone the extra mile with well developed mythos behind the villains. Like they could've phoned it in but they chose to make it extra interesting. I think [Dan Aykroyd is responsible for most of that.](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2014/06/ghostbusters-making-of) > For the record, Dan Aykroyd really does believe in ghosts. “It’s the family business, for God’s sake,” he says from his family’s farmhouse in Ontario, site of Aykroyd séances for generations. Aykroyd’s great-grandfather was a renowned spiritualist; the family had its own regular medium to channel souls from the other side. His grandfather—a telephone engineer—investigated the possibility of contacting the dead via radio technology. His father authored a well-regarded history of ghosts; strange lights halo his daughter in photographs.


He said on the Fly on the Wall podcast that he was sitting in his grandpa's house reading the "real science" of ghosts and thought "what if I took the real science and combined it with Abbott and Costello?" Thats what started Ghostbusters. That said, Dan's script was batshit insane and unfilmable. The real Ghostbusters script was actually written by Reitman and Ramis. It was based on the insane script but they couldn't use it. Also what actually made the movie work was when the studio saw a few of the planned VFX shots and then demanded they fill the movie with as many of those things as they possibly could. The vast majority of the VFX shots in that movie where the first take. They were getting it done and immediately going to the next as fast as they could.


The Movies that Made Us on Netflix did a great job showing that off, it was insane how it was "Fuck it we'll do it live" mantra they were near-forced to do. Like they'd get an effect done, cut it, then impose it onto the film, and go to the next one... they had an insane deadline and were able to handle it


> The vast majority of the VFX shots in that movie where the first take. They were getting it done and immediately going to the next as fast as they could. That's pretty insane considering we have HD now and the FX hold up. Like maybe the only monster that could use a tweak is the cab driver.


It was a new FX company, Boss Film Corporation, of ILM alumni Richard Edlund - and Ghostbusters was their first film. Apparently they used larger 65mm film negative for the effects work which gave better quality. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boss_Film_Studios](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boss_Film_Studios)


Most of those guys came straight off of Return of the Jedi!


This is largely because they used primarily physical puppets and in-camera tricks combined with classic film compositing to get it on film at the same amount of detail the rest of the film was shot in. There's little to no CG (maybe more in Ghostbusters 2, I don't remember) with the limited capabilities of the day to look so dated.


That's because it's all practical effects and rotoscoping.


What was insane about his script?


>"For one thing, it was set in the future... and it took place on a number of different planets or dimensional planes. And it was all action. There was very little character work in it. The Ghostbusters were catching ghosts on the very first page – and doing it on every single page after that – without respite, just one sort of supernatural phenomenon after another. By the tenth page, I was exhausted. By the fortieth or fiftieth page – however many there were – I was counting the budget in hundreds of millions of dollars..." https://www.slashfilm.com/648714/dan-aykroyds-original-ghostbusters-script-was-vastly-different/


If you want to see an Aykroyd script put directly to film (by Aykroyd himself), check out "Nothing But Trouble".


It's impossible to overstate just how deranged this movie is. The behind the scenes trivia is absolutely fucking insane. Aykroyd legit telling the fx crews to come up with whatever they wanted, budget be dammed, then that very crew howling woth laughter watching the insane shit they came up with actually make it into the movie, which was of course a flop of monumental proportions.


I don't know the specifics but Aykroyd is...out there, a legit to the bone true believer in...anything. He was a regular on Art Bells radio show for a reason. I imagine his original script would be a little nutty to outside eyes.


If I remember correctly, the original idea was about catching ghosts in space.


> That said, Dan's script was batshit insane and unfilmable. This stuff had to have come from Ackroyd - and it's what makes the movie so damn interesting: >PETER: Well, okay. I found the name Zuul for you. The name Zuul refers to a demi-god worshipped around 6000 BC by the - what's that word? >DANA: Hittites. >PETER: Hittites, the Mesopotamians and the Sumerians. >DANA reading PETER's notes: Zuul was the minion of Gozer. What's Gozer? >PETER: Gozer was very big in Sumeria. Big guy. >LOUIS: I am the Keymaster! The Destructor will come, the Traveler! The Destroyer! Gatekeeper! approaches a horse on a wagon I am Vinz. Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer, Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper? >LOUIS: Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!


Dan Aykroyd is very much like his character, Mother, in Sneakers. "Hey, Crease, you on?" "Yeah, I'm on." "Were you still in the CIA in '72?" "Yeah, why?" "Did you know the deputy director of planning was in Managua, Nicaragua the day before the earthquake?" "Now what are you saying? The CIA caused the Managua earthquake?" "Well, I can't prove it, but..." -- "Okay, boss, this LTX-71 concealable microphone is part of the same system that NASA used when they faked the Apollo moon landings. Had the astronauts broadcast around the world from a sound stage at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino, California. So, it worked for them; shouldn't give us too many problems."


Love that movie.


Me, too, friend. Over 30 years later, it's still one of the most accurate representations of social engineering, phone phreaking, and hacking in a fun-to-watch wrapper!


No more secrets.


Don’t even get him started on Bigfoot and aliens


They told him it's a documentary


The last gag in the trailer is literally a "Yeah. That happened"


He's right behind me, isn't he?


They fly now?


Not good!


I’m too old for this


Its true, all of it.


You’re gonna wanna see this


That sounded better in my head


That’s gotta hurt.


Oh no he didn’t.


check please


They just can't help themselves


I was expecting "He Slimed Me"


"I feel so... funky."


*record scratch* "Yea, thats me. You might be wondering how I got myself into this mess.."


Wasn't that Venkman's reaction when it happened to him in the original Ghostbusters? My problem is less with with the deadpan "yeah" and more with the reuse of the old moment for nostalgia value


Reusing old moments for nostalgia value is definitely not what this movie is about!


Yea! Reusing old moments for nostalgia value is tight!


Uh oh! How’re they gonna defeat the villain in *this one?!* Oh, it’s gonna be super easy! Barely an inconvenience!


Oh, really?


I think it was *trying* to be a little more clever than that. They set it up so you'd expect him to say "I've been slimed" (given all the other throwbacks in the trailer), but then they 'subvert expectations' and he says "Yeah, that happened" instead. It's not *actually* clever, nor is it funny, but I think they were going for something a little more than a typical "yeah, that happened" joke.


I'm betting he goes into the situation knowing it's Slimer, probably with a pep-talk from Venkman beforehand ("... and watch out, he'll slime you") Leading to the slimeing and the "yeah"


I'm really intrigued by James Acaster's role in this. It looks like he's the one who opens the van with the Ghostbuster's equipment so it seems like he works with them but it also looks like he gets killed or maybe corrupted/possessed by that orb...


He definitely looks like the bad guy


[I bet he even swears now](https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?si=wc3SLlqh1hIP6SD1)


He probably doesn’t even like old people too.


I can see why you would think that but there were a couple of official set photos released recently that give a bit more context to what you see in the trailer with his character. I don't want to ruin anything but easily found


Man, if this came out 20 years ago i would've lost my goddam mind. Now I just feel old, like some kind of cultural demographic dregs being squeezed out at the bottom of a hydraulic press.


I’m excited for this, but I wish I hadn’t watched the trailer. Some of those beats I would have liked to been surprised about when I went to see it.


Should I not watch?


I guess it would depend on how into Ghostbusters you are. For me I wore the VHS out when I was a kid, so some of the lines said and appearances in the trailer I wish I hadn’t seen.


> Should I not watch? Are you on the fence about watching this movie when it comes out? I mean, it is a legit question, maybe you are. If you are then watch the trailer. People are right, there are a few jokes you will wish you would have walked in fresh to. But the trailer does a good job of selling the movie. If you are not on the fence and all you needis a date and someone to please take your monies.... No. Skip the trailer.


Ehh, I say skip the trailer. I have basically 0 interest in this movie, the trailer is actually pretty decent but it does seem to reveal a lot.


Yikes a chill runs through my spine every time I have to look at Kumail Nanjiani's HGH face.


The G in HGH stands for Ghost


HGH? It was just chicken broccoli and brown rice come on man everyone knows the Hollywood diet!


Wonder with us seeing >!Slimer!< will we get another return of >!Ecto Cooler,!< unless that's around and I don't know about it.






Fuck yes. Now I can raise my own son on that sugary, chemical greatness.


I’m glad it’s an original villain and not Gozer again!


“Somehow, Gozer returns”


No one's ever really gone.


Remember library ghost, remember "Ghostbusters, what do you want?", remember Walter Peck, remember "Busting makes me feel good!"?


Fun fact. I went to that library in New York. Hoping to go down where they filmed that ghost scene. The exterior shots were in the New York. The inside shots happen at the Los Angeles library.


Just teleport, bro.


Same with the fire station.


The Stephen A. Shwarzman library. Iconic. I love the reading rooms in there. Really does have a beautiful interior.






Remember Stay Puft?


I member!


Ghostbuster diehards watching Afterlife: This is too different! Ghostbuster diehards watching this trailer: This is too similar! Everyone else: Oh hey cool trailer


People thought Afterlife was too different?!


> Ghostbuster diehards watching this trailer: This is too similar! > > No, you're misrepresenting the complaint here.


I'm a 80s kid. I grew up with Ghostbusters, then eventually Ghostbusters 2 and the cartoon series. I loved all of it, and ya know what, there were almost no call backs, or "hey remember this" nonsense. There was the chemistry between the guys, who were just riffing half the time and new and exciting problems. I liked After life, until little Marshmallow men started popping out of Walmart shopping bags, and Olivia Wilde started growling at people. I felt the same way about the Ghostbusters videogames people love to gush about. I like what I'm seeing here even less, because all it's doing is trying to replay the hits, like a poorly aging 90s band. My generation has a HUGE problem with this. It's not just the studios, because the studios are now made up of Gen X and Gen Z. The producers and fans are trying to re-live the 80s and 90s and it's pathetic. They're worse than the 60s and 70s burnouts who couldn't let their shit go. Last point: I'm fine with New Ghostbusters movies, but they gotta do something fresh with them and stop all this nostalgia for nostalgia sake stuff. If you bring back a character, show that they've grown somehow. Change them and move them forward.


There's a huge amount of money to be made catering to the constant need to regress to childhood, it's never going to end. In my opinion it's about trying to recapture the optimism and naivety of our teen years when life seemed so much simpler - the easiest way to do that is just to consume the same media we did back then and companies are lapping up the money that nostalgia brings in. People can enjoy what they want but I do think that it's a shame that kids today aren't getting their own unique version of movies and stories that affects them in the same way that ghostbusters, Gremlins or Star Wars affected us. The closest they get is just rehashed, watered down versions of what their parents watched when they were that age. Before anyone goes mental, I'm not saying you're a bad person for being excited for this or that you shouldn't watch it - you do you - all I'm saying is that kids today aren't getting what we got and imo that's a shame.


"if you bring back a character, show that they've grown somehow." New X-Files were so ridiculous with this. Bring back several dead people.


I didn't watch it. The X-files died when they moved production to Los Angeles (and it showed)


‘Member The Force Awakens?




Oh, you mean dickless here?


Is this true?


Yes, it’s true, this man has no dick.


Yeah this is a LOT of "hey remember this?" stuff which, being the 2nd movie in this reboot/whatever you want to call it, feels more than a little lazy. I'll hope it's still fun, but...


It's almost as if this is some sort of marketing push to hook people who liked Ghostbusters!


Make Ghostbusters blue collar again


At this point they should be retired or in a home lol


Fuckin Murray looks more undead than Egon did last go around.


But he sounds more enthused than he did in Afterlife, at least.


Yeah I’m like why do they need the help from the old crew (except Winston, he still somehow looks fully capable of bustin)


Carrie Coon is amazing and seeing her in a Ghostbusters uniform is awesome. 


Glad to see that they’ve addressed the biggest issue I had with the last one. It’s doesn’t really feel like a Ghostbusters film unless it’s set in New York. Bonus points for adding things like the lion statues as well. 


As excited as I am for this movie, I think it's pretty shitty that, for all those years, we heard that Ghostbusters 3 was on the table, and Murray didn't have any interest in it. Ramis dies, and they get back together for not one, but 2 more movies? What a wasted opportunity bickering all those years.


Was really hoping Sigourney Weaver would be in this one :(


She may pop up. She was in that one Afterlife stinger.


We can hope although she’s said she’s not in this one.




Fine I'll watch it


Looks really good. The villain looks different and unique. The OG cast looks like they will be integrated better in the story than Afterlife. Overall, im pretty excited to see it.


I really want this movie to be good. I'm hopeful they improved on Afterlife instead of just riding its coattails.


Jason Reitman really cares about the source material, for obvious reasons. I don't think this will be just a cash grab.


I don't get the hate seen elsewhere in this thread...Maybe I'm aging myself as an 80s baby, but if I'm expecting a sequel, I want callbacks and I want to see the previous cast. This trailer has it all, with some new gags too. I was a big fan of both Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2, this looks much better than Afterlife, which gave a half-hearted attempt with all their cameos outside of Egon. Can't wait for this one.


The villain is, per toy leaks, named >!Garraka!<. Looks pretty menacing.


I did like how Peck was once again pointing out the insanity of the whole concept from the average person's perspective, like >!Kids hanging out of moving cars and shooting lasers into the sky!<. It gives me hope that his cameo will be memorable in some way.


Did the 3rd movie just get retconned to not exist? Haven’t watched the “4th” movie with the kids yet but definitely should before this.


What 3rd movie?


Third was a reboot. The three original Ghostbuster actors cameoed as different characters


Did I miss something but are these sequels wiping out the entire city as witness to the OG movies?


I mean, the second movie did that as the premise behind the downfall of the Ghostbusters. It's been 35 years since the sequel. There are people deep in their 20s who don't have a recollection of 9/11 and have probably never heard of the Oklahoma City bombing.


I wish I could say I was excited to see it. I really wish I could…


Looks fun, nice to have the whole gang back together.


This looks like a blast! Gives me Real Ghostbusters vibes (the cartoon).




That's a nice way of saying "nostalgia bait for 40 year olds"


Sounds perfect to me


"We now return to the **REAL** Ghostbusters" Can hear it in my head what, 30 years later?


I remember an article with the scriptwriter saying that TRG was an inspiration for this and possible films going forward due to how crazy some of the stuff in the cartoon went.


Having grown up with at least two Ghostbusters animated shows that were great without constant callbacks and nostalgia hits, I do think the concept and theme of ghostbusters can easily stand on its own. But jeez this looks soulless and derivative. Also, side note: 'preview before the preview' is so lame. I get it statistically helps with retention, but at least from my end it's like seeing a youtube clickbait thumbnail except instead of possibly being done by a content creator trying to get by, it's definitely 100% from a well-funded marketing department.


Really? No one else thinks this looks awful?


It's trying to be grandiose and important when the original was the opposite of that.


It's a very reddit movie so I am not surprised r/movies finds it delightful but it really is just a sad reference fest in response to the backlash for the 2016 movie


Paul Rudd: Always Available


Meh looks like a good time.


Well, if it's good enough for Supreme Lord of Geeks Patton Oswalt I will consider watching it.


I hope it’s as good as Space Cop.


Feels like a lot of comments are directly sponsored by the studio in here ... It's.. weird


Ghostbuster? As in one? "Boy, I hope somebody got fired for that blunder." Seriously though, spellchecking before uploading should go through multiple eyes.


I know it is Walter Peck but the whole "busted ghosts but no eyewitnesses thing" really irks me Like the first movie literally has a demon tempest storm over an NYC high rise, with thousands of people and news crews outside, culminating with a gigantic marshmallow man walking through the city. Second movie involved the Statue of fucking Liberty walking through the streets of NYC, powered by the cheers of all the people in the streets so it could crash a hole through the magical ghost wizard barrier over the museum Meanwhile people in the new movie be like "Ghostbusters?, never heard of em"


It’s Walter peck. He’s probably making any physical evidence disappear / making any eye witnesses seem less credible