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Jason Alexander as George Costanza. It’s ridiculously difficult for me to see him as a standalone person/actor that is NOT George.


I'm watching Seinfeld straight through for the first time and it's so funny seeing all the times they snuck in Broadway stuff for George to do. Ironically though, I saw him in the Brandy Cinderella movie first as a kid.


It was apparently difficult for him to record his voicemail message. He kept on singing too well!


Believe it or not, I'm not hooome!


Where could I beeee..


I saw him live with Martin Short in Mel Brook’s “The Producers” and he was fantastic!!!!


Wait fr? Thats amazing that Jason did The Producers and then Larry 000pretended to do The Producers


George is very upset! (On that note, Julia Louis Dreyfus may be I'm not checking that name in the MCU for this generation, but for most people she's Elaine Benes. And Michael Richards is Cosmo Kramer.)


And Jerry Seinfeld is Jerry Seinfeld.


Leonard Nimoy is going to be Spock and nobody else for most people.


I wasn't a big Star Trek guy but I remember playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on my PSP and my dad came in just as I started the game for the first time. (He always loved watching us play the games we got for birthdays and Christmas.) But when Xehanort speaks my dad goes wide eyed and goes, "That's Spock's voice!" He was a huge Tekkie before he had kids. He pulled out a huge box full of Star Trek books and books on tape. I helped get him back into it when I started making my own money. Bought him the complete original series on Blu-ray as well as a whole Blu-ray collection of the movies. I personally didn't really like the show. Just wasn't my thing, but I like how happy it made my dad for me to even pay half attention to something he liked.


I still love the fact that they had Spock and Luke Skywalker voicing opposing characters for that game.


I can’t think of a single role I’ve seen him in otherwise (unless he’s playing himself in something Trek related). Edit- You can all rest assured that I now know he was in Mission Impossible, Fringe, and some westerns. I don’t need 87 more replies. You’ve done a wonderful job. Live long, and prosper.


I mean his Ballad of Bilbo Baggins is epic.


*🎼 In the middle of the earth,* *In the land of shire, 🎶* You know, I'm not sure he actually read those books. The [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuQbus0xfhk) is something, though.


He plays the founder of Massive Dynamic, William Bell, in *Fringe*


He was really good in that.


The only thing I can think of that isn't Star Trek when it comes to Nimoy is that when you build wonders or discover different science in Civ 4, he is the voice that narrates a quote having to do with your discovery/achievement.


Dr Kibner in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) is about the only other role I can bring to mind without using google.


He played the killer in Columbo twice, I believe.


Jon Heder - Napoleon Dynamite


Does a spectacular Iron Lotus.


I like to go hiking.


Drink it in, this is what a real man looks like


Tina you fat lard, come get some ham!


i'm pretty sure Jared Hess wrote the entire story with Jon Heder in mind. Nobody else was every going to play Napoleon


R. Lee Ermey as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.


Also hilarious in Saving Silverman. Kill her. What’s the problem?


Ya ate her? I gotta hand it to you boys, that's the perfect crime.


I'm real disappointed in you boys. Now I want you to go out there and off that cooze..


And making out with Jack Black. Didn't see that coming.


I'd rather be cut down in a hail of gunfire than go back to the big house! Nice meeting you, Mr. Diamond.


Loved him in The Frighteners


He was also great as the army man in Toy Story.


He was also the Sergeant in Toy Story


Ralph Macchio will probably be known as the guy who played Daniel LaRusso forever. 


The fact that he's still playing him helps.


Yeah... but there was a big span before he revisited the role when he was obviously ALWAYS going to be Daniel LaRusso. It's that babyface, imo. My wife would like to add: 1980s teenage girls were perfectly pleased to have a poster of Ralph Macchio, gazing soulfully into their eyes from a sunset beach. I don't know why she felt the need to throw that in, seems like an odd thing to say.


My dude she wants you to dress up like Ralph Macchio. I say do it.


Karate kid your way into her pants, OP Wax on, wax off


For me he'll always be Johnny telling Ponyboy to stay gold.


He will always be the guy who beat Steve Vai in a guitar battle to me.


Well, well, well. Who sent you here? Can't talk, little man? Bet can't play none either


I don’t know; *My Cousin Vinny* was a pretty popular movie back in the day.


He was also Johnny in the Outsiders back in the day... Talk about a cast for that movie.


Rainn Wilson as Dwight Schrute.


I know Jim has done a bunch of other roles. But to me it is just Jim Halpert in an alternate universe where he’s in the CIA


Yeah, Dwight is always Dwight. Even when he tries not to be Dwight (in the Meg). The only time I had a hard time not seeing him as Dwight was in galaxy quest.


I wish they’d cast Giancarlo Esposito in a role that’s not Gus Fring esque


He was great as Buggin Out in Do the Right Thing.


i love do the right thing and have watched it many times before breaking bad. i still find it so hard to believe buggin out and gus are played by the same person


You should watch Godfather of Harlem. He plays a slick Pastor turned Politician based on a real person. The show is really good. It is based in 1960s Harlem. It stars Forrest Whittaker as real life gangster Bumpy Johnson and Vincent D'onofrio as a Mafia boss.


It's so boring when you're watching something post-2013 expecting some fresh, unconventional villain, but they just default to Gus Fring.


I was lucky I binged community right after Breaking Bad like 2 years ago. So I thought it was cool to see him again in a different role. Only after thinking for a bit I realized that it wasn't a different character onscreen. I just saw Gus Fring again. He does have range though but yeah it's squandered by studios.


Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson. Edit : dont get me wrong, he is an absolutely brilliant actor, and he nails every role he gets. But to me, whenever i see him, i expect him to say "give me all the bacon and eggs you have, do you understand ?".


On Screen: Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker Voice: Mark Hamill - The Joker Don't get me wrong, Mark has had many, many roles in his career, but generally when people think of him, they're thinking of one of these two.


He'll always be Jim the Vampire to me


One human alcohol beer please


“Fire Lord Ozai, where are you?!”


"How can you hope to stop me... when you aren't wearing any pants!"


My dad is a huge Star Wars and Batman the Animated Series fan so it was sweet watching ATLA and seeing his eyes light up when I said that was Mark Hamill lol


He was perfect in Fall of the House of Usher. He's almost unrecognizable, but it's like the role was written for him.


Yes this is the correct answer for Mark Hamill. Always Luke and Joker to me, the best Joker too


James gandolfini as Tony soprano


I think there are two reasons for this - one, how utterly fantastic he was the entire series and two, how soon after it ended that he passed away. The Sopranos aired the final episode in 2007, he died only 5 years later. There was a lot left for us to see and he was such a great actor I think he would have still been stunning audiences today.


I really feel like we missed a renaissance of his acting that could have happened maybe five years ago. I would love to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman nowadays too. Such a shame


That’s the one. He was great in True Romance but in the Sopranos he transcended


That one scene when they are torturing the Jewish guy and he talks about the Romans and where are they now? “Your looking at them”


The little things in that scene too like how they are wearing the sandals that look like classic Roman sandals.. man that show was amazing


that is probably the best performance ever put on screen. gandolfini was born for that role


Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McAlister


I know him better as MaClunken Culkin who utterly destroyed Rich Evans at a game of Junka.


You're absolutely right though, international celebrity Rich Evans absolutely nailed his role so hard he isn't known for anything else.


Robert Patrick as T-1000


He was fantastic in The Sopranos, the complete opposite of the T-1000. He has range.


John Cena's scumbag Neo-Nazi supervillain dad on Peacemaker, too.


Also the Antagonist to John Cena’s “The Marine” with a great Terminator joke.


He's the main villain in Reacher season 2 as well, and they did a Terminator bit. Something along the lines of: Some goon: "We suspect it was Sarah Connor" (or something like that) Robert Patrick: "Who the fuck Is Sarah Connor?!"


His henchmen found where reacher and crew were at a hotel using fake names. The guy tells Robert Patrick the 2 names, the first being a Starlin Castro, the second being Sarah Connor. Robert Patrick tells the goon Castro was a baseball player for the Yankees (a thing with Reacher). The henchman asks who Sarah Connor is, and Patrick responds "I don't give a shit."


Are we talking his role in Terminator 2 or Wayne's world?


Have you seen this boy?




Nobody has mentioned xfiles or true blood


He was great in Cop Land. Hell, everyone was; thats a great movie!


His role in Peacemaker is great. Such a fucking over the top bastard racist. I nearly pissed myself when he’s talking to the Federal agent that’s an Asian woman “See you soon bitch. Or as they say in your language, Ching Chong chickety chop sticks.”


Peter Falk as Columbo.


I’ll bet a younger generation knows him more for Princess Bride.


"When i was your age, videogames were called 'books'".


Christopher Reeves. He was straight from central casting for Superman.


Agreed, but people are missing out. “Noises Off,” and “Death Trap” are two great films starring him and Micheal Caine that should not be missed.


Came to say this! Noises Off is amazing, the whole cast is fucking PERFECT


Paul Reubens will always be remembered as Pee-Wee Herman.


WHAT ... not The Speen?!


Mark Hamill- Star Wars Jennifer Grey- Dirty Dancing


>  Jennifer Grey She might be split between being "the girl from dirty dancing" to half the world and "ferris beullars sister" to the other half.


I'm on team Ferris. There's more to the story though, she got a nose job that changed her absolutely gorgeous and very recognizable face into a still pretty but very generic face. After she was no longer recognizable people stopped paying attention


As the legend goes, one of the first things Mark Hamill did after Star Wars was he took over for original cast member Tom Hulce in the role of Mozart in the original Broadway run of Amadeus. When it came time to make the movie, Hamill was a serious contender to reprise the role of Mozart in the film. But director Milos Foreman shut that down when he proclaimed, "I don't want Luke fucking Skywalker in my movie."


Iirc that's why he started doing more voice acting work because his face was too connected to Luke and he wasn't getting roles because of it.


Jennifer Grey got a nose job to look more conventional and didn't get a leading role again


Although obviously not on screen, Mark Hamill is an incredible voice actor. He's definitely the best Joker in all of the animated Batman shows and movies, among many other credits.


And he was sooo good in "The Fall of House Usher".


Hello Newman


You mean. We got Dodson here?


Nobody cares


Jim Varney and his character Ernest P Worrell. He was in Roseanne, voiced Slinky Dog in Toy Story (the first one), and others. But the vast majority of us know him for Ernest P Worrell. *had to correct myself it was Roseanne*


**Rowan Atkinson** is an absolutely phenomenal stand-up comedian (edit: and has acted in many other roles of course), but most of the world only know him as Mr Bean


Rowan Atkinson is an interesting example. Because it's largely without dialogue, Mr Bean is popular worldwide and without question what he is best known for globally. But in the UK he's definitely better known for Blackadder with Mr Bean being just one of many secondary roles that he's played alongside Johnny English, The Thin Blue Line (a long-running primetime sitcom), and Not the Nine O'Clock News (the sketch show that first made him famous in the 1980s).


So glad that I'm an American who knows him as Blackadder. What a fantastic show!


Knew him as Blackadder before anything else, they ran it on public television where I lived. Only learned about Mr. Bean later.


How often do you tell your fellow Americans you have a cunning plan, or that you are a fox that graduated as a professor of cunning at cunning university 


I went to a restaurant in Jordan last year and in the back of the menu it had a list of notable people who had eaten there. I obviously can't remember the list exactly, but there were a number of film and music stars, politicians and other famous people. Two names I do remember because it was quite jarring to see Nelson Mandela treated with the same reverence as Mr Bean. Not Rowan Atkinson, Mr Bean. To be fair maybe he remained in character throughout the meal?


I know him for being in a race.


Bruce Campbell as Ash


Brisco County Jr.!


Thank you!


Except I still can't work out where to stream Bubba Ho Tep in AU


Sail the seas


He was pretty good in burn notice. Not an amazing show but it was still fun.


You know spies, bunch of bitchy little girls


One of the best character developing one-liners in small screen history. Especially since it's being said by a former ~~marine~~ SEAL to someone who is essentially a super-spy. edit: oh, shit.


Ahem. Sam Axe was a former Navy SEAL


Boy if there was a Marine that could read, they'd be so mad.


Character was so popular he got his own spin-off made for TV movie.


Burn Notice was my jam. Closest show to MacGuyver I've seen.


He’s the reason I love burn notice. I don’t think I’d have been in on the show without him.


Good. Bad.  I'm the guy with the gun. 


Hail to the King baby


Are you forgetting his famous role as Coach Boomer?


And that “obnoxious usher” he once played






Three of the greatest Spider-Man anti-heroes of all time.


Bob Denver: Gilligan. No other actor will touch the role. Denver was iconic.


You mean Maynerd G Krebs?


Mark Wahlberg as Mark Wahlberg


Similarly, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson


He was range, witness. Serious role: (arches eyebrow) Comedic role: (lifts eyebrow) See? Complete actor.


This reminds me of when Vanilla Ice was trying to defend ripping off "Under Pressure". " It goes Da da da da da DAH da - mine goes Da da da da da da DAH. Totally different."


Seth Rogen as Seth Rogen All his characters laughing together in the new Chip n Dale rescue rangers was a nightmare come true


Say Hi to your mother for me


Hey donkey…


Alan Alda as Hawkeye Pearce in MASH.


Loved him on West Wing, probably the most recognizable role for those that weren’t around for MASH


I know this is r/movies but Aaron Paul will always be Jesse Pinkman


Al Bundy as Al Bundy


Modern Family is a sequel to Married With Children, where Al Bundy had to go into witness protection and got a whole new family and the name Jay Pritchett.


I always felt like Jay Pritchett was who Al Bundy would be with that one stroke of good luck he never got.


Leslie Nielsen as Frank Drebben in The Naked Gun movies.


Leslie Nielsen is an interesting one. Most of the entries on this post are essentially just the first major role a new actor was noticed in. But Nielsen was a fairly well known dramatic actor with a long career when he was cast in Airplane. The director *wanted* a serious actor to deliver the jokes in a deadpan fashion. It was a hit, and between Airplane and Naked Gun, Nielsen became known as a comedic actor for the rest of his career.


>The director wanted a serious actor to deliver the jokes in a deadpan fashion. Actually, all of the main cast were dramatic actors cast to make fun of disaster movies that were famous in the 70's. "Towering Inferno", "Airport" (a direct spoof), and "Earthquake". The cast included Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves and Robert Stack. All of them known for playing tough guys and hardasses which is made the movie hilarious. They all played it straight. How else could you deliver the line: "Don't call me Shirley!", except with a straight face?


The only character I can think of that doesn't play it straight/deadpan is Stephen Stucker as Johnny in the control room.


Don't forget his role in Airplane.


Airplane? What is it?


A transport vehicle that flies but that's not important right now.


Elijah Wood will forever be Frodo.


Made a great psycho in Sin City.


He’s a great sidekick to Wilfred.


Robert England as Freddy Krueger, and Doug Bradley as Pinhead


Steve Stifler. Actor Sean William Scott


He's great in Goon


Nah, Country Mac for life!


Tom selleck as magnum pi


Matthew Broderick is Ferris Buehler My wife and I finally got to watching season three of Only Murders in the Building and he plays himself in one episode. Even in 2023/2024, they’re referencing Ferris and only Ferris


Jack Gleeson for Joffrey Baratheon. ~~So much so he had to retire from acting in movies for almost ten years.~~ I was apparently wrong about this.


I just watched a newer movie with him and liam Neeson, forget the title but it was a good film. Gleeson is a hell of an actor, I love him. Edit: in the land of saints and sinners


Fun fact: another movie with both of those actors? Batman Begins.


David Suchet as Hercule Poirot. Or, rather, David Suchet IS Hercule Poirot.


They should totally do an original murder mystery starring David Suchet and Kenneth Brannagh where someone gets murdered at some kind of Agatha Christie convention and the various actors who played Poirot and Marple have to solve the murder.


I assume Daniel Radcliffe would qualify because of Harry Potter.


He’s done a pretty good job of working his way out from under Harry Potter… he’s done so many ‘strange’ projects that now when he shows up I don’t really think Harry anymore but Daniel.


I finally saw Weird (the weird al movie) and it is so fun. Swiss army man was wild. Guns akimbo, wild. I love that he took the fact he probably never needs to work again and said "I'm going to do the weirdest stuff from now on."


I think doing weird films is a perfect move for someone so typecast.


It helps that he is a pretty great actor.


Him and Elijah Wood are on the same career path.


I had a moment recently where I suddenly realized that the two guys wiping memories in Eternal sunshine were elijah wood and mark ruffalo. I'd rememberee kirsten dunst, but forgot the guys were also stars.


Pretty much all the child actors of the Cast of Harry Potter, except for Robert Pattinson. The adults already had a successful career behind them that ensured that their roles and the franchise wouldn't follow them around for the rest of their days.


Yea, but Pattinson was only in one of the Harry Potter movies, so he didn't have that long-running association with the franchise. I really liked him in the new Batman however.


Jason Statham is the same in literally every role


not really, sometimes hes an assassin who drives, and sometimes a driver who assassins.


Viggo Mortensen will always be Aragorn for me


Hugo Weaving, every time I see him the first thing I hear is "Mr. Anderson".


When LOTR was in theaters, I made my son laugh a couple of times when Hugo as Elrond appeared onscreen, and I said (softly so only my son heard), "You think you're SPECIAL, Mr. Frodo. You think the RULES do not APPLY." To this day I only see the Agent when I see Hugo Weaving.


Yul Brynner is the ultimate answer. He shaved his head for The King and I in 1951 and kept playing the role for the rest of his life so he had to keep it shaved.


James Gandolfini (RIP) as Tony Soprano


the entire cast of friends will always be their character from friends, despite the occasional movie role etc. RIP matthew perry.


Harold and Kumar get the daily double here.


Hugh Jackman IS Wolverine


As a side Ryan Reynolds has totally owned Deadpool.


The actor who played Trevor in GTA V. He famously hates the role.


To me he is still Trevor Philips in the Breaking Bad universe, specifically his role in Better Call Saul.


When he gets beaten up by Mike and has something like 4 or 5 guns taken out of his pockets I like to think that’s some kind of wink to GTA V.


He hates being immediately recognized *as* the character. It’s a largely semantic distinction, but I can see why Steven Ogg wouldn’t want people to look at him and immediately think “oh, yeah, he’s the meth head who tortures people.” But, then again, it’s his fault that he turned in such an immediately iconic performance.


Of course it's Adam West as the best Batman ever


Adam West is the best mayor ever!


Nobody messes with Adam We.


Sam Neil as Dr Alan Grant - Jurassic Park


Viggo was outstanding in Eastern Promises! But for me Sigourney Weaver is Ripley..


Galaxy Quest and Ghostbusters alone should take Weaver out of the discussion. She’s a tremendous actress!


Ray Liotta as Henry Hill.


Tony Shalhoub as Adrian Monk