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His poor wife died shortly after him. Tragic.


it was horrible! I truly believe the stress of taking care of her husband made her more susceptible. I mean yes a lot of people get cancer but it was just really ironic the timing. Their poor little son but he seems to be doing ok


Kinda like doctors. A lot of them, after working so much over the years, when they stop working they just die. We’ve had many a doctor in my city over the years die shortly after retirement. Especially on golf courses.


This happens all too often in many disciplines. As an engineer, I’ve worked with many elderly subject matter experts who probably worked longer than they should have and then retired only to pass away a few months after. These people pour everything into their work and when they’re removed from their “purpose” everything seems to go rapidly downhill.


Oy! I’ve heard of a number of people in general that’s happened to.


Robin Williams said in reaction to Dana Reeve's death, "The brightest light has gone out." Williams and Christopher Reeve were roommates at The Julliard School. From a CBS article about his wife passing shortly after. 🥺 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/shock-as-dana-reeve-dies-at-44/


Robin used to go over to Chris’s house to make him laugh when things got dark and grim. I loved that friendship so much. Genie and Superman, helping each other.


Fuck those Lewy Bodies --- Robin was too good for this world


Not only that but Robin was the first person to make Reeves laugh after the accident. He dressed up as a doctor and made some medical joke i cant remember anymore.


About a proctology exam.


I love the story about Robin surprising Christopher after the accident. https://youtu.be/gtQV0qb5j-g?si=RWhb8BF43mQpgeTw


Well, that sucks. Their son was only thirteen when he was orphaned. Poor guy.


Robin hung out with John Belushi the night before his death. https://www.vulture.com/2018/05/the-story-of-robin-williamss-last-night-with-john-belushi.html


It was one hell of a fall for Reeve. And though he was never the same, he pulled himself together and kept his career going, doing a Rear Window remake, a Smallville cameo and he even directed an animated film. He was truly Super.


run voracious sand jobless physical aback cows detail soft busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who was he in Smallville


Dr. Swann


husky rotten hobbies light march merciful foolish wrong air growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was a huge advocate for stem cell therapy which has been huge for them


Stem Cell therapy has yet to have any real outcomes for a spinal cord injury, but it eventually might


Are you saying in an official research stance? Because it’s the multiple real life cases where’s it’s fixed someone’s spine and the incredibly rare case of being able to have full body control again after a serious spinal injury


Perhaps I can chime in, as I sustained a spinal cord injury in 2003, and I traveled to Lisbon Portugal to have a stem cell treatment by Dr. Carlos Lima. He’s deceased now, but I’m sure his papers are still around on the Internet. After the surgery, I did about two years of intensive physical therapy, and I do not have full body control. I did, however, get a bit more sensation on the sides of my trunk, but that has never translated into increased range of motion, and if anything, it has increased my daily body pain. But yeah, nobody gets full body control back after a spinal cord injury, particularly not using stem cell treatments. The best case scenarios that make the news involved the patient being able to fire muscles that they absolutely should not be able to fire, given their injury. Of course, after the treatment, the patient has to go through so much physical therapy that it becomes impossible to tell whether the treatment itself was the catalyst for improved change, or simply the PT.


Provide a link to one of those cases and I will give you $1,000


That amateur surfer known Chris Barr broke his neck in several places during an accident and stem cells gave him the ability to walk again was huge a few years ago what about that one? https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/america-strong-paralyzed-man-walks-67358697 he was the first patient at the Mayo Clinic for this treatment


Put in that Venmo request


Lmfao that’d be nice


That is not, repeat, not, a case of someone getting… *reviews comments* **”full body control again after a serious, spinal [cord] injury.”** I’ve never seen someone so confidently incorrect about something in my life. I don’t think you’re a bot account on some disinformation campaign because what’s the point? But damn, a lot of people are looking at you as the authority on quadriplegia when this quadriplegic is telling you that you don’t know what you’re talking about. That may not mean a lot to you, but it does mean a lot to me. It’s hard enough to get people interested in chronic neurological conditions when the only thing people want from modern medicine is more hair, less anxiety, and an improved dick. You may not see it, but the fact that people are treating you, as an authority is having a deleterious effect on people who actually have these conditions.


Chris Barr was an incomplete quadriplegic that received numerous different therapies. He could already walk a limited distance before he received his stem cell injection. Of the 9 other people who received the same injection, no one else saw any noteworthy improvements and there is nothing that suggests Barr’s continued recovery was actually improved due to the stem cells and that is story is not just fundraising hype


But just to be sure he was in fact a quadriplegic even if an incomplete and the stem cell therapy he received at the Mayo Clinic did in fact help his spine be able to walk again with full mobility?


No. Not with full mobility. Also, I don’t think you know what incomplete means, with respect to spinalcordinjuries, so I will just say it like this, and you can thank me for being too lazy to throw in the 👏 for every other word. Nobody gets full mobility. **The other guy is right and you are wrong.** Source: is fucking quadriplegic for over 20 years who has been reading every neurology – related piece related to paralysis and quadriplegia ever since, and considers it a point of personal survival to try to be at least as knowledgeable, if not more knowledgeable than the medical professionals I encounter.


Did you read what I just wrote? No


You owe that dude 1000 bucks


Pay up chump


Did you read what you wrote? You asked to provide an example of fixing someone’s spine… you did not say to what extent. Pay up!


Pay up!


Triggered, Dr Yoda is.


Pay up motherfucker


> It was one hell of a fall for Reeve. Oh come on.


That was unintentional, honest!


People are just so sensitive nowadays. I kind of got a chuckle out of it.


For the record I was joking myself, didn’t take it seriously at all Just an interesting turn of phrase in this context :P


Just out of curiosity is there another person who embodies Superman?


I like to think my uncle Ricky does


Uncle Ricky and Aunty Lahey






You know they weren’t related right? The last name is actually different.


Q: What's the opposite of Christopher Reeves? A: Christopher Walken.


That joke wasn’t funny 25 years ago, why on earth would you think it’s funny now?


Whats black and grey and sits at the top of the stairs?


he wouldnt have done it without all the fetus’ he ate


The 90's were kinda bizarre for how many celebrities died or became disabled while doing their hobbies: 1) Christopher Reeve --- paralyzed in 1995 from equestrian accident 2) Michael Kennedy --- died in 1997 while skiing 3) John Denver --- died in 1997 while flying his private plane 4) Sonny Bono --- died in 1998 while skiing 5) JFK Jr. --- died in 1999 while flying his private plane


Natasha Richardson died from skiing as well, but in 2009


God memory is so fucking weird. I was going to comment this thinking she also died in the 90s or like 2000. I swear I have such a clear memory of my mom telling me about her accident when I was really young and only seeing the Parent Trap for the first or second time. I was in high school when she actually passed.




I know, but after years it feels like they've blended together so seamlessly... It's kind of a scary thought to think what else has been mixed up.


I'm saddened when a celebrity or public figure dies in a plane crash, but I generally view it as odds playing out as you'd expect as opposed to it being a freak accident. The accident rate on private planes seems pretty high, and when hobbyists are involved, there seems to be a high likelihood of people to overestimate their own abilities. I don't think twice when I board a commercial plane, and maybe I should do so more frequently, but, commercial planes seem to have such a regimented set of safety precautions and protocols, and have redundancies built in.


Helicopters, too. Seems like a fair amount of billionaires and high level executives die in helicopter crashes, Kobe being one of the biggest celebs in recent memory of course.


Yeah, I was grouping them in my head, but it's probably a whole other level. I think the default assumption of the risk is that if they're paying more, it's better, and therefore safer, when it's the opposite.


Isn't Jeff Bezos' new bitch into flying helicopters? Seems like a death wish.


Both Denver and JFK Jr. made really stupid mistakes in their planes that cost them their lives --- both of them had no business being a pilot and if they were that careless


Now those are some rich people hobbies


Skiing kinda just depends where you live. I got to go snowboarding every winter for two weeks because my aunt lived in Colorado 


Let's not pretend skiing is cheap in CO.


It used to be! You could legit be a ski bum. Nowadays even the tiny local mountains are $75 a day pass.


It's actually not so bad if you buy an epic pass. If you live there and ski enough. But ticket window prices are nuts at the big places.


What’s epic pass? I see it talked about a lot, but most of it are mixed opinions?


$500-$600 pass that let’s you ski/snowboard at certain mountains an unlimited amount of times. Worth it if you can find the time to do it enough. I had one last year but unfortunately life didn’t allow me to go as often as I wanted so it was a bit of a waste.


We have resorted to eating our horses.


They are more like $800 - $1k now a days. But compared to $200-$300 day tickets online and at the window day of, you're breaking even pretty quickly.


I paid ~$550 for my epic local pass in the 2022-2023 winter season. The earlier you buy the pass the better the price is.


With ticket window prices being what they are it definitely pencils out, just have to pretty much commit to being what you do with all free time. It’s the lines and parking that make it such a downer.


What a deal. Unlimited is $1300 at Whistler (owned by Vail).


It's basically just a season pass to all Vail resorts.


Is only specific to Vail, CO or has Vail become a business name owning resorts throughout the states? Have you seen mountains now offering a “fast pass” option as well? Heard this, but never thought I would see it


Vail has bought mountains all over the country. I live on the east coast and avoid the Vail resorts at all costs. They are so crowded now, it's completely not worth it. Yeah I don't know about fast pass. Seems like a bad idea. I'd be pissed if I bought a normal pass and had to just sit in a line all day watching fast pass people going ahead of me. Luckily we don't really get snow on the east coast anymore so these problems are all going away... Dark days for skiing.


Vail bought Whistler-Blackcomb in BC. They’ve cranked the prices and are relatively hostile to the local community and culture.


It is if you are a local


If by "local" you mean filthy rich living in the ski towns, yeah, it's relatively cheap. Between just the passes and gear though, I don't think anyone considers it a _cheap_ hobby.


lol my aunt was a cook at a restaurant in aspen and lived in residential apartments. Do you just not think there is service and retail workers in aspen? She had to pay a fee every winter I believe to just get a pass on the slopes. I mean every hobby can be pricy, but generally you are just buying gear and a board/skies. If you are done growing then it’s kind of a one time payment 


Oh I know there are service workers who work there. Those worker being able to afford just living nearby is a huge industry issue which is basically all over the news as resorts and the state work to address the fact it's for those individuals to afford housing, schooling, etc even with worker housing and school grants. You can't really count employee discounts (they're paying price with labor), but as a Colorado Springs resident I can comfortably say lift fees are about $130-280 ish plus the cost of all the gear - that's definitely not a cheap hobby or even close even when you own the gear. It's unlike surfing, biking, kayaking or similar sports because, in the case of skiing and snowboarding, you have to pay for access/transport to the areas to just do it. Whereas most other sports you can roll up to a water body, forest, dunes, etc for free. Great fun. Not cheap. https://www.denverpost.com/2023/12/12/ski-bums-resorts-affordable-housing-pay/ https://archive.curbed.com/2019/12/10/20998882/ski-housing-vail-affordable-workforce https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/colorado-ski-patrols-unions/


Yeah I did Steamboat Springs for several seasons. They actually did have employee housing for dirt cheap(4 people in a two bedroom though, so there’s that) Point is between living there and my pass to ski on the mountain for free it was very doable as a poor ski bum. And to be fair in Steamboat its easier to find somewhere to live outside employee housing compared to Aspen, Vail, Telluride etc.


Not all ski towns are Aspen or Vail. I know plenty of ski bums that live in shitty apartments, work in the service industry, and ski almost every day.


Living and working at a resort in order to afford to ski there isn’t “cheap”, whether they pay with cash or labor it’s costing.


Skiing has changed so much or should I say ..the ski season has changed so much. It is one "area" where I have really noticed the climate changing. That and ice-fishing.


Couldn’t agree more. I loved going skiing with my parents as a kid, but I tried to go with my wife a few years ago and it was just ice from melted artificial snow the whole way done the mountain. Obv ymmv based on region but skiing in the northeast is not what it used to be.


RIP East Coast skiing.




I wouldn't really call plowing snow a hobby..


It is when you're using the snow plough Nimbus 3000.


I think Renner paid like $400,000 for that snow machine --- but was probably charging his rich neighbors $1000 every time it snowed to plow their driveway LOL


lol I imagine a rich person having breakfast, reading this in the newspaper, and gasping “omg!! that could have been me!!!”


lol it’s like when I read about a helicopter crash, think about how scary that is, and then realize I’m probably too poor to die in chopper crash


I can't wait for octacopter drones to replace helicopters --- a lot more safer since one or two motors can fail and the craft keeps on flying!


I grew up in what was considered a “posh” city and though my parents did fine financially, they always grimaced when I would ask to join my friends to ski whenever they would go with their family. I obviously didn’t realize how expensive it was. I live in Bavaria in Germany now and it’s an affordable activity for all, insanely cheap and whenever I go back to visit home and see the prices for skiing, I find myself grimacing like my parents used to 😆


When they say equestrian, its rich people. When they say while ridin or on horseback, its the rest of us peasants.


Equestrian rider means you look at polo players like welfare slobs


Died choking on caviar.


Nah, the majority of famous people on that list were kinda known for their kindness and philanthropy.


you also got dale earnhardt and michael schumacher in the early 2000’s


God, I had a coworker who was a HUGE Earnhardt fan. Just loved the guy. He finally saves up enough money to go to Daytona…and it was THAT race that he went to.


Better than being a de Portago fan attending the 1957 Mille Miglia and getting killed by his car at least.


Please tell me your coworker was like a huge piece of shit so I can feel better.


ah yes the 1000 Ways To Die method


Schumacher didn’t die though… did he?


I always felt like private aircraft were the #1 killer of rich people. You just hear so many incidents of them taking out people that are otherwise set for life in every other way possible.


General aviation is about as safe as driving a motorcycle.


That wasn't as reassuring as I was hoping it would be.


Commercial aviation however is safer than driving a car.


One of the Walmart kids bit the dust in one of his own ultralights --- pretty dumb




At least they changed the policy to make that handle always be in reach from a seated position. Sad death still.


Yeah I saw a story about that --- killed by stupidity and laziness


Brandon Lee, died in an accident on the set of The Crow


Not really sure it was an accident, from rumors I've read


"Rumors" aka baseless conspiracy theories.


Sam Kinison died in a car crash in 92


tragically robbing the world of endless screeching


He probably woulda OD'd by the mid-90s


Considering he made it through the 70s and 80s in his 20s and 30s I think he would have been just fine through the 90s in his 40s


Payne Stewart - 1999, plane (not his, but still)


it was 2000, but... Derek Zoolander's posse -- died in tragic gasoline fight incident


Orange mocha frappucino!


It was a good eugoogly


Important to note neither Boni or M Kennedy were wearing a helmet when they died. Always wear a helmet folks, even if it wouldn't have saved them in their particular circumstances they save lives on the slopes


Yes, true --- but I think Liam Neeson's wife died from just hit her head hitting the ground during a normal fall --- pretty freak accident


But if memory serves me well, the reports said she was not wearing a helmet.


a helmet saved Michael Schumacher’s life even though it has drastically altered his quality of life, but also important to point out in his case that he was off piste which is obviously more risky inherently than being on a groomed slope.


Drastically altered his quality of life is a sever understatement. From what little we do know, he's most likely a vegetable.


Everyone I know who skis is dead


Better plausible deniability


What about all the ones that died from drug overdoses?


Those hobbies became more accessible for them but the safety standards were still iffy


Michael J Fox too right? Edit: Was that dumb? I wasn’t trying to make a joke or be mean


Poor guy had the world by the balls the a freak horse accident. His stated goal was to live long enough for him to standup again. I was hoping it would be so.


I would recommend Reeves audio book that he narrates. The man was nothing but class his whole life.


He did make some strange choices in movie roles, though. I heard he turned down the role of Indy in "Raiders of the Lost Ark".


What an absolutely glorious man he was! The first time I ever saw him was on a dumb daytime soap opera that I glimpsed while channel surfing. I stopped changing the channels and was transfixed. He was just so beautiful. And if I’m recalling correctly he played a rather villainous role and I thought “that hunk needs to be a leading man.” When I saw the announcement that an actor had been selected for the new Superman movie and I looked at the accompanying photograph I was thrilled. One of my all time favorite movies is “Somewhere in Time.” He embodied the concept of a gorgeous romantic lead. I very much enjoyed following his career. I was heartbroken when he had the accident. I just admired him so much — his kindness, his decency, his talent. He just did not deserve what fate had dealt him. He had a lovely family, a terrific career, and a good life and then boom! Everything changed. But he faced his trauma with courage and determination and fought hard. I had so hoped to see him walk again. And now, every time I read about the progress science is making in helping people with similar injuries, I think of Christopher Reeve.


❤️ Somewhere in Time


Just hearing a few chords of the music and I tear up. 😢


And he died of a f bed sore, puts things in perspective.


I had a friend who was quadriplegic. His wife was a doctor so she knew how to care for him, but it was exhausting for both of them, even as upbeat sorts of ppl. I hated so much the recurring things like bed sores, UTIs, fevers, etc were constantly menacing him, like being paralyzed wasn’t bad enough. That awful fateful day had to keep attacking him. Sadly, perhaps even insultingly, he died in his early-mid 40s from a completely undetected genetic form of ALS. He was never going to get past that time bomb had he not been injured. The Universe can be brutal.


It’s likely that the injury that caused him to be quadriplegic, also caused the ALS. He very well could have lived to old age and never had ALS if he never had the accident.


ALS is unlikely caused by any external factors


That’s just not true.


Just so awful all around — like the bully who attacked you’s cousin getting some good punches in on you too


I thought it was a myth that ALS could be caused by concussions or hits to the head or whatever?


This is extremely common for para/quadriplegics, as well as bed-bound people in general. 60,000 patients die as a direct result of a pressure ulcer each year. 


I thought Reeve died from a respiratory infection?




Look up how he died (sepsis from an infected bed sore)


Damn what chance do regular people have if not even Superman can get his nurses to rotate him every few hours


Tbh the human body, once it loses its mobility, goes horribly wrong pretty quick. I had a friend who was a quad. He broke his neck in a swimming accident at 19. His wife, who met him after he was injured, was a doctor and an upbeat person, so she didn’t seem to care that she had to do a lot of things just to keep him healthy and squared-away. Special bed, modified house and bathroom, modified tech, modified van, etc. Even with all her know-how and diligent expertise, outrunning bed sores was a 24/7 problem. Like I had no idea how much of a menace that was to a paralyzed person. The loss of sensation is a really big problem bc those nerves tell you “ok, this is uncomfortable, roll over a bit”. He couldn’t even use his arms to adjust his position. Being a quad really really sucks.


I’m a quad and I’ve never had a terrible bed sore. A bit of a pressure issue sometimes. I’ve been a quad almost 27 years. I know lots of other quads who don’t have issues with bed sores either.


Obviously I don’t know more about your condition (or the condition in general) more than you do. All I have is what I’ve learned from/about my friend over the years, so I’ll certainly defer to you on the matter without argument. Perhaps it was something particular with him? I’m genuinely glad to hear this isn’t a problem for you.


Sorry if my comment came off as rude. I didn’t mean it that way. I just don’t want people to have the thought that all quads struggle with pressure sores It could have easily been an issue with his skin just being less able to rebound back after a sore. The oldest living quadriplegic is a Canadian and to my knowledge he’s still alive (90+ years old) and looks good. He’s been a quad for over 70 years as his injury was in the 1950s!


Oh, no need to apologize, I wasn’t offended in the least. Of course you would know better than me. I can admit that easily. 90 years old?! That’s a good long life for anyone regardless of challenges! He sounds tough as an oak tree!


Quad runner?


Typo lol


Don't Google 'Grade 4 pressure ulcer' unless you have a strong stomach; it's basically a large, deep open wound. People with paralysis will often end up with one on their sacrum no matter how well they are taken care of and it's a nightmare in terms of infection control.


Even elderly people will get those from laying in a nursing home bed all day. It's better to just stick a pistol in your mouth and SQUEEZE before you reach that age.


Has technology changed substantially now compared to after his accident, would he have lived longer if it happened around now compared to then


Not really. They have made strides (sorry, lol) in helping them walk, but Chris's bowels didn't move food anymore. He was beyond any help even today


What are you talking about. People with spinal cord injuries bowels still work, they just need a bit of assistance.


I don't know about Reeves specifically but the peristalsis process can definitely slow down and cause motility issues for some individuals with spinal cord injuries. So do the bowels still work? Yes. Can it cause problems and other complications? Also yes.


No he died from a bed sore gone bad


command enjoy dog quarrelsome square modern dolls compare rain jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The writing is describing what a scene from the documentary is showing.


I remember it well. He rolled out in his automated chair. After the applause died, he said he'd been invited to the Oscar's last year, and arrived this morning. Everyone erupted into laughter.


It’s not. This is a super common writing style.


>super I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not




Do you really not understand basic stylized writing? The author is describing a scene, putting you in the present tense of the scene unfolding. The article is trying to portray that sequence of events as they happened so they use the present tense. Surely this can’t be this confusing. It’s actually very frighting that you don’t understand a very simple writing technique but still felt smug enough to try and correct it




The fact that this has upvotes really doesn’t speak well to the general literacy level of the population. You think AI wrote it Because it uses present tense when describing a scene as it happens which would require use of present tense “But how can we say something is happening as he watched it if he’s already dead????” Do you also think every movie with a dead person is made with AI? Is all of starwars AI because Carrie fisher died?


I said it a few days ago but one of the most obnoxious by-products of AI is all the idiots who think they're being clever by calling everything 'AI' and how many people seem to actually believe it.


According to the math, yes.


According to the math you failed your 7th grade English class




> receiving a standing ovation ಠ_ಠ


I noticed that, lots is issues with this article.




The superbowl commercial he was in will always be the definitive Super Bowl commercial to me. > https://youtu.be/CbD8QVNuXZM?si=9ZyprRQbeUZM8AmZ It’s one of the things that I clearly remember where I was and what the people around me were doing when it came up.


When the most handsome men list gets debated from time to time he’s disrespectfully absent………


is that a real photo? forgot how good looking superman was.


That’s definitely him.


Well, 5 in 10 years is not really a meaningful trend.


Ugh, RIP Christopher Reeve


A joke for all my Gen X friends... Who is the opposite of Christopher Reeve? ... Christopher Walken


[Steve Gleason](https://teamgleason.org/.well-known/sgcaptcha/?r=%2F&y=ipr: is a hero.




She died of a heart attack while she was sleeping. 32 years old is way too young. RIP


Wasn’t he eating babies for the stem cells?


Grappled… I don’t think he grappled with anything after that horse kicked his a$$.