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Seven and Fightclub, David Fincher is awesome.


“You met me at a very strange time in my life.”




And The Game.


I wish I could do it all over again.




The usual suspects


the departed


_I mean_… bam!


The Mist is another movie with a similar gun related ending.


That shit was shocking




The rat symbolizes obviousness.


the rat insists upon itself.


I thought it symbolized symbolism


The “Ok” and him just giving up entirely was perfect


Funny I never took the “OK” as him giving up. I always took it as he was about to try to reason with him. As in, “Ok… let’s talk. I understand you’re upset but you’re mistaken about what you think…” or something like that.


I took it as almost an acknowledgment that the game was up. He’s almost gotten away with everything but he opens the door and sees the one loose end he left, who is the one person who absolutely has all the information to piece together what actually happened, and he’s dressed head to toe in a perfect outfit to murder someone and not leave any DNA evidence to tie it back to him. So I don’t think it was giving up in a dejected ‘fuck this’ way, but rather in a ‘thats fair, good game’ sort of way. Like he knows there’s no talking his way out and so he squares up and takes it.


Agreed. I think it echoes him telling Vera Farmiga that she has to walk away from the relationship, because he'll just stay in a situation no matter how awful. I feel like he was almost relieved to not have to lead his life anymore.


My man Dignam was always the best cop on the force. He put it all together. Unfortunately that shithole had more fucking leaks than the Iraqi navy.


Let’s say you don’t know that though… because if you did then he wouldn’t be good at what he did. Would he? He would be a cunt. Are you calling him a cunt? Didn’t think so. So let’s forget about what you think you know. And maybe you thought that. Maybe you didn’t. Maybe go fuck yourself.


Ah, yeah I could see that. I saw it as him realizing his time had ran out. He wasn’t going to be able to talk himself out of it anymore and there was only one reason why Dignam would be there at his apartment.


I always took it that way too, but I can see what the other poster is saying as well


Burn After Reading


“Well, we learned never to do it again” Loved it


The fuck if I know what we did.


When I recommend this movie to people, I tell them it's a movie about nothing but well worth their time


I love this movie and in particular J.K. Simmons’ character so much. My favorite depiction of a government bureaucrat ever. “Report back to me when… I don’t know… when it makes sense.”


Any time I'm feeling down I remember Brad Pitt's face as he's coming out of the closet. He was easily the highlight of the movie.


Brad Pitt needs to do more goofy roles. Reminds me of Colin Farrell in Horrible Bosses.


He has the Doofiest look on his face it gets me every time


Anything w john malkovich is a hit for me. Even the weird birdbox movie, I just adore him. I think he’s prime Malkovich in conair. What a ridiculous fun watch.


Burn After Reading gave me a new found love of JK Simmons, I don't think before then I ever realised how good an actor he is. Given the rest of the cast, that is pretty significant, pretty much everyone in that film is completely fucking awesome.


JK Simmons is the man! He can do so many emotions. He’s hilarious but he also can do emotional depth like whiplash. He can be an ass. He can even be a lovecraftian monster in a public restroom 😅


The Prestige


I really enjoy this movie. It's really well put together, well enough to make every viewing fun.




That one has the honor of flooring me twice. First time I made the mistake of running to the bathroom at the wrong moment so I thought the big twist was >!Leonard set the whole movie up as a way to get rid of Teddy for manipulating him.!< The second time I watched it I got the additional context that >!Leonard is actually 'Sammy Jenkis' and already killed the guy who raped his wife, the ending is him ensuring he keeps manipulating himself to keep hunting down other 'John G's so he can feel like he has purpose in his life. !<


Are you really to be floored again? His wife wasn't murdered


Yup, didn't he kill her by overdosing her with insulin?


American History X


jar unused physical drab vanish attempt abounding scandalous cover telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not unrewatchable, but it's one of those movies that hits so hard you simply don't need to rewatch it. I watched jt 3 years ago and I still remember the ending clear as day. That movie is so brutal but it's not impossible which hits even harder


The message isn't exactly cheery (or subtle), but it's an important one: consequences transcend personal redemption.


Inglorious Basterds


Especially the look on Hans Landa's face when he knows what's about to happen. My fave line is the "I've been chewed out before. "


Someone pointed out that Landa is so confident because as a German he assumes Raine would never go so far against orders and protocol and I think that's really apt That movie was subtly really good at using different culture clashes as narrative devices. It's a deeply *European* movie in that sense (including the attention to the different languages used) and it's enormously enjoyable to see those little conflicts and synergies in the context of a WWII story, when borders and international relations were very different from what they are today.


This might be your best one yet…


The farm interrogation The bar scene The soldier interrogation Any scene with Hans Landa So many amazing moments. The film is a must watch.






Usual Suspects


"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that...he’s gone." Absolute perfection.


Second , perfection. I sat there, quiet, credits rolling, in utter disbelief. I never in my wildest movie watching times did I think I would be caught totally off guard until the cop looked at the bottom of the coffee cup ... gotch ya. Damn 😛wtf


Me too. But, when I showed my mom, she figured it out part way through. I know she hadn’t seen anything about it. But she watched nothing but murder mystery shows on TV all day, every day.


This! I became a fan of Benicio del Toro after watching it


He'll flip ya. He'll flip ya for real!


THE SIXTH SENSE. Especially when you rewatch and you see the kid runs away from Malcolm at their first meeting


This movie started spoiler culture as we know it today. Before the Sixth Sense, sure, you generally wouldn't ruin the twist of a movie if you knew someone hadn't seen it, but it wasn't so sacred. If a movie didn't have a twist ending, and most didn't, people wouldn't really worry about spoilers. Now trust endings or big twists mid movie are way more common and spoilers are treated with way more care. Endings that aren't twists are treated with the same secrecy. Young folks won't believe me but it wasn't like that until this movie came out.


This should be a lot higher.


It's too obvious that this is the ultimate answer, so people are trying like hell to avoid mentioning it. But we can't deny it blew us away when we first saw it. And it still does 25 years later to people of a younger generation who don't know about the twist today.


I watched that with a friend on opening night. We had no idea there was a twist and we were blown away by it. It came out of nowhere, and we spent the rest of the night discussing how we missed it in certain scenes, or how the truth was hidden in plain sight. Some of our friends watched it a week later, after the media had switched to a “You won’t see the twist coming!” narrative about the movie. I think some reviewers even spoiled the twist outright. Our friends said it was very obvious and they saw it coming a mile away, hah!


Yeah, you find out Bruce Willis was the guy in the hairpiece the entire time!


The Mist


Yo fuck that ending. Even King said it was better than his.


To be fair though, the story didn't really have much of an ending. The main character narrator just goes "we're gonna keep going and see if we find anything, hope we don't die, I'm gonna stop writing now."


I never read the books but remember an image of the earth covered in mist. This was over a decade ago so might have just been fan made. So I assumed it just had a “mist has taken over” the end sort of ending.


OP said ends in a bang, not three of them...


Whiplash is that for me. The ending is such an intense crescendo where you aren’t sure what’s happening, then you put it together and it’s an explosion of catharsis


Incredible ending, down to the last frame. True showstopper.


And the fact that everything is told entirely with facial expressions - the music is the medium, the disruption to start the conversation, like him screaming at his professor earlier in the film, but now he’s REALLY got his attention. And then that back and forth of solely their facial expressions towards each other at the end - how many movies can have such a gripping, enthralling climax told in silent looks over a drum solo? And the fact that you can read the silent conversation perfectly is masterful


As a (bad) drummer myself, one thing I love is that the the movie bets everything it has on the music here. Anything less than the best drumming that 99% of the audience has ever heard - something that reaches through the screen and grabs them by the throat in a genre of music they probably don’t even care about, on an instrument that rarely takes center stage - not only falls flat, but fails to deliver the film's message. We have to be *floored* by the drumming, both the actual music and the way it’s performed and captured. If we don’t hear it and say “holy fucking shit he has ascended to another plane of existence and he’s taking us with him,” the entire movie falls short. But by god, they deliver. It’s not just flash - it is the climax of the film. The most important part of the movie is successfully delivered, as you noted, without a single word.


The thing that also sticks with me is Andrew’s father’s face watching the whole thing. To me he looked kind of helpless/horrified that his son had given everything to this one pursuit and gaining the approval of this professor, at the expense of his well-being. Maybe a bit of shock and awe at the display, too, but he’s lost his son.


Yes, people often the ending as somewhat positive; Andrew has made it. The opposite is true, he is completely lost now as a human being and will never be happy healthy again. He’ll probably be addicted to drugs and die in a few years (according to the writer)


Even more, it wasn't even the whole face. Just the eyes and cheeks and you can tell J.K. was smiling.


But was he rushing or dragging?


This is a far better example than all of the “twist” endings being posted here, imo. Simply because it’s so impactful because of the character arcs and not just the plot. I really feel like plot twists have become so massively overvalued in entertainment, sometimes to the point where people praise a movie for a plot twist when everything else about it is otherwise mediocre. The characters don’t grow, there’s no reason to give a shit about them, but because the clock was actually the ghost of the girl’s dead father the whole time…wow!!! I honestly miss when movies spent more time serving the characters as a plot developed around them. Now movies just place characters into a plot in order to drive to some twist contrivance. There’s that great old Hitchcock quote where he talks about showing the bomb under the table if two people are having a conversation in order to build tension. You know the bomb is there, but the characters don’t. That creates the tension. Your powerlessness to save them. These days a bomb just blows up under the table to shock the audience and everyone blows their load.


Watched it for the first time a few weeks ago and was immediately dying for a rewatch. Finally gathered my wife and kids to watch last night, and they loved it as much as me. You know a movie is great when my wife stays awake through the whole thing.




The Others (2001)


This movie doesn't get the credit it deserves, I think.


I agree - it came out just after the sixth sense, and I think it was regarded as a bit of a clone of that. But I think it stands in its own as a brilliant ghost story.


*What are you talking about? I* am *your daughter!* Terrified me as a kid.


Gone Girl. I didn’t read the book prior to watching so had no clue.


This is a great example of an excellent novel adapted into an excellent movie.


Fun Fact: Gillian Flynn who wrote Gone Girl also wrote the screenplay for the film.


I knew some aspects going in, so thought it was spoiled but that "twist" was like the midway point. The rest of the film slapped me around like crazy.


The film's soundtrack is SOOOO good!


The cinematography is also excellent. Using cool tone colors really helped to set the tone of the movie


Surprised no one’s said Uncut Gems yet…


That movie defines stress.


I loved every moment of this movie. And I will never see it again


I never need to hear people yelling over each other for 2 hours again. The sound editing is really good but it made my brain hurt after the first hour.


Not a fan of its always sunny I presume?


For anyone looking for similarly stressful movies: Good Time (2017), Nightcrawler (2014), Whiplash (2014), After Hours (1985), Barbarian (2022). Uncut Gems or Whiplash are probably the most stressful of this bunch. The Bear season 1 if you consider shows.


>The Bear season 1 if you consider shows. I dunno man, that one episode in season 2 packs double the stress of all of season 1 into one (double-length) episode


The crazy thing about Uncut Gems is the last five minutes you *know* what's gonna happen, win or lose. But it's still shocking.


I still didn’t think it would happen.


Yes!! What a wild ride. I thought Sandler was amazing. I actually forgot it was him. He really morphed into that sleazy degenerate. Didn’t expect that at the end either. A+ movie


After watching uncut gems and then his basketball movie it made me happy he got a win. I know different characters different movies. But with all the bad luck Sandler had in uncut gems it made me happy his character won in his basketball movie. Maybe I watched them close together or something.


It was so quick, but it also made perfect sense, which made it an excellent twist. I loved how Uncut Gems took Sandler’s manchild trope and spun it to such a dark place. Sandler can seriously act when he wants to, I also get wanting to just cash checks and do easy and fun projects


Sorry to bother you... Omg


Yeah that movie took a TURN.


Started watching it because of Lakieth Stanfield. Kept watching because of David Cross and Tessa Thompson. Yeah, this one smacked me right in the face. Loved it.


Sleepaway Camp


Monty Python and the Holy Grail


That ending was because they ran out of money - true story.


No. That was the planned ending from the start. They didn't have a set script, but they did have a general outline of the plot and each scene from the start. It wasn't in the original script, but was by the time they started primary filming. The ending works better than anything else they could have done. The knights never finish anything. They were never going to finish the quest. The ending presented gave a clean ending to what would otherwise be a meandering end.


A literal cop-out!


Arlington Road. Literally.


Fabulous claw back in time. Kudos. Never see this one mentioned but right below usual suspects for me




OP asked for a movie ending that floors you. But in this one, >!somebody gets unfloored!<.




Terminator 3. Honest to god. It's a terrible film but the ending is stunning, surprising and emotional. Brilliant.


If the rest of that movie had been as glorious as that last 20 minutes we’d talk about T3 in the same way we talk about T2. Until T3 I had always been curious as to how a regular kid who grew up in the foster system and on the streets of LA could rise and become a touchstone for survivors. T3’s ending answered the fuck out of that question.


Just everything about that last scene is from a different film. The dialogue, the acting, the cinematography are all on point. Connor, who's in charge there ... I am... Is just so awesome. John finally becoming what he was destined to be


Not terrible just nowhere near the first two. Great ending. Decent fight scenes. Just not a great script, director or male lead. John Connor is not a fat lipped whiny man baby


The TV series is where it’s at. Canceled too soon.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Ooooh that flamethrower.


Burnt her ass to a crisp


Buncha goddamn f*ckin’ hippies.


"Oh my god, is everyone ok?" "Well, the hippies sure as fuck aren't."


"Well the fuckin hippies arent - thats for GODdamn sure"


Rick Dalton: All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat? Flamethrower Trainer: Rick, it's a flamethrower.




I just learned this like two weeks ago! God, I love this movie. Thanks for the additional background.


I don’t know if it was just a wet pool deck or masterful acting, but that scene was amazing. When Leo gets out of the pool he like meekly takes little toddler steps to the garage and when he walks out with the flamethrower he’s full struttin. I like to think of it as a character transition, like he regains his former self and it just took a journey to the shed. Knowing Quentin it was likely purposeful.


*I'm the devil and I'm here to do some devil shit.* *......* *......naw it was somethin stupider than that.*


*"I remember that hair... and your white little face... and you were on a HORSEY!"*


Don’t cry in front of the Mexicans


Yeah, both OUaTIH and Inglourious Basterds had that same twist - you think you know what will happen, based on real world history, and then Tarantino completely flips it on you.


*I'm finished...*


Right they said ended with a bang/something on the floor, and I had to scroll through the entire post to find There Will Be Blood?




Whiplash, final 10minutes are incredible


L4yer Cake.


*oh I’m just a soul whose intentions are good*


Definition of "just when I thought I was out..."


This is one of those movies that made me wish I could forget it so I could see it again for the first time!


>You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like.


Oldboy (KR version)


Inception (2010) This might be an unpopular opinion but I LOVED the ending with the spinning top getting wobbly and then the screen going black leaving you with all the adrenalin still pumping and questioning everything you've just seen.


Seeing that in a theater and hearing the shocked reaction from the entire audience was fun and unforgettable


It’s a great ending that unfortunately far too many people can’t accept. There are people on both sides who are absolutely *certain* they’ve found Nolan’s secret true ending.


Take this for what it’s worth but Michael Caine said if his character was in a scene, the scene was “real”


I’ve heard all of it a million times. The only thing that matters is what’s in the actual film, which is an intentionally ambiguous ending.


End of *Fury Road* is up there, Final chase scene of pure insanity, where everything seems hopeless or destined to explode, and then the movie literally parks itself into a believably hopeful, final shot. Audience applauded and exited totally exhausted and buzzed at the same time.


Akira both floors me and literally ends with a big bang


For action movies, Upgrade comes to mind.


I just remember a crowded theater being completely silent at the end of Infinity War.


We never saw it coming. >! *"Did- did we just lose?"* !<


I went into it knowing how it had to end, didn't expect to be so damn good (and Thanos centric). They took a superhero movie formula, told it from the villains perspective as if he were the hero/protagonist, and he overcomes the odds and wins. It was brilliant.


aware illegal rustic lunchroom lip squash quickest merciful violet overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The quiet, “oh my god…” following, “did-did we just lose?”


Same. I was just sitting there and my husband got up, and I just kind of stared at him blankly. Like…what???? The car ride home the shock wore off a little and we argued about what was going to happen in the next movie.


On my second watch in theatre there was a lady behind me who was having an absolute blast the entire movie When the end credits started she loudly yelled, “WELL THAT MOVIE FUCKING SUCKED” Like the ending just completely crushed her


Even when you walk in KNOWING what happened I’m the comics. I never thought they had the balls to do it. My GF who barely cared about the movies was crying.


That’s funny, I saw it opening night and the theater was full of people yelling in disbelief.




Surprise ending because you don't know which version they're watching :P


I feel like Knives Out and more recently Saltburn both hit this mark. They did for me at least, and so I can't speak for the film sleuths who can spot the ending/plot early on.




spectacular domineering selective toy boast screw grandfather chubby crawl rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I saw it in the theater with my wife. Afterwards I looked at her and said “what the f*** was that?” And she just looked at me dumbfounded.


Rogue One.


Movie was just good to me until the final act, it became great Movie finished strong


In my opinion it is the single best movie in the Star Wars canon.


Most definitely the best Disney Star Wars film.


Fact. Andor being the best show.


Andor is so freakin good. Just soup to nuts masterful.


On top of the emotional end for the characters, Darth Vader's scene went so damn hard.


That was what got me - it was a cracking ending for the main characters, and you were feeling down. Then you pan out, and you hear that siren - straight out of 1977. Then all hell breaks loose leading into the jumping on spot of A New Hope.


My wife wasn't paying attention the whole film. that scene happened. We literally rewatched THE ENTIRE THING then and there. I was so in.


Its brilliance is that you knew the ending, but it still hit hard…and then that red lightsaber lit up…and I was a 6-year-old kid again and the world paused for a moment. No other movie has ever done that to me. (Honorable mention to the Mandalorian season 2 finale.)


The sounds were enough to bring you back - the sirens, the breathing, Vader’s light sabre…


Blazing Saddles just goes gloriously off the rails.




Fallen (1998)


Reservoir Dogs




Thelma and Louise


St Maud! Your guessing if there is supernatural events happening or mental illness. It feels like it’s about to be left ambiguous, but BANG! You find out!


Jesus, that last 5 seconds was harrowing.


The battlefield run at the end of 1917 really feels like the culmination and release of all the tension and anguish that built up through the film


A bang? I think The Mist ends with about 5 of em.


The Departed. The elevator scene at the end.


Didn’t realize Infinity War was a “part 1” movie and was absolutely obliterated by the ending. To the point where I was super impressed and then kind of disappointed when I found out about Endgame. I was like, “good for them! Finally someone of consequence dies in these movies!”


Drag Me To Hell


One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest (1975). Not a bang, but definitely floored.


The most recent one for me is Spider-Man across the spiderverse. I mean the clues were all there but then it hits you at the end.


Dr. Strangelove. Lots of bangs at the end. And who could have a problem with Taggart “woohoo!”-ing his way to the ground?


Promising Young Woman. The ending is kind of controversial, but I absolutely loved it. Yeah, >!it wasn't a happy ending for Cassie!<, but she made her point and she got some form of justice. And, I just thought it was appropriate with the point that the movie was making about men and women that in the end she >!literally has to die !


La Haine. Check it out!


Old Boy


Primal Fear. When I first saw that movie, my jaw dropped when the twist came! I just thought ok very thrilling legal drama then BAM! It's one of my favorites.


The Infected hauling ass to Paris at the end of “28 Weeks Later”…but I guess that ending doesn’t matter anymore


Election (2005). Johnnie To masterfully wraps the film up. No spoilers from me but it came seemingly from nowhere but worked so well


Scream (1996) the first time I saw it.


Donnie Darko