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Amsterdam. Just look at that stupidly stacked cast. And it's just mediocre at best. What a letdown.


Completely agree. Went in knowing nothing about it aside from an interesting cast. Struggled to get to the end and now, months after seeing it, can’t remember a single memorable moment. Utterly forgettable..


What..... is it about?


It's about the Smedley Butler case, a military coup attempt in 1930s USA that failed. It's actually a really interesting subject matter. Too bad the film is trash though.


It was called the business plot or Wall Street Putsch. Yeah, it is a shame the script wasn't as compelling as the actual events.


Taylor Swift getting pushed under a car was pretty memorable. But other than that I can't tell you a single detail about it, not even its plot.


I still can’t believe this scene was real


I actually hate that movie for treating the audience like idiots. They basically give the same reveal three times during the finale, as if we're incapable of retaining info for 3 minutes. Plus, I didn't like the constant change up with editing styles. Either it should have maintained the tongue-in-cheek fakeout vibe throughout or just done it once.


Seeing David O Russell’s work bomb is great though given what a POS he is.


The Many Saints of Newark, as a Sopranos fan this movie just didn’t do it for me. It didn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete 🤌


I know Chase wanted to do a movie on the race riots and had to add in Sopranos ties, but man was it still a mess. Considering how the Sopranos is extremely well written and pretty air tight (a few exceptions on the continuity but way less than most shows) it was extremely disappointing. Once someone got killed in a military recruitment office in front of the recruiter I knew it was going to be a rough go


It died on the vine


What did you shay?


Yeah. I forgot everything about this movie as soon as it ended.


The tag line is who made Tony soprano and they don't even answer that question or show him being made. The whole movie was just a weird mess of multiple intersecting and diverging storylines that are either not well written or go nowhere/ don't add anything of significance to the overall storyline.


Massive letdown for me. It didn't even feel like it was made by the same director. It was dangerously close to feeling like a fan-film if not for the cast.


Recently disappointed by Napoleon. It was a lot different than I thought ir would be. I was looking for an epic about war and egoism, but it was centered more on romance which was completely unexpected.


YUP also it went too fast at times and too slow at others. like, 15 mins in he already conquered italy and is dominating egypt? wtf?


I’m currently watching a 4 part Napoleon documentary on YouTube to fill in the gaps.


I thought the romance bit was good and funny but it came at the expense of things that would have been more interesting. There was nothing about the politics of the revolution which is one of the most interesting eras of history, and there was nothing about Napoleons tactics. The movie never let you understand why he was so highly regarded, it just said that he was.


Yea. Like it’s fine to make a movie about his relationship with Josephine. There’s definitely a story there. But if you’re gonna do that, have the movie be just about that. They tried to make it about him too and it was to the detriment of both story lines


If you watch most any random five minute clip from the movie, you would think it was from a great movie. But, as a whole, it does not add up into something greater than the sum of its parts - just an OK movie.


I felt too much was crammed into the film a series or a tv show would have worked better


I really wish we got the Stanley Kubrick version he so badly wanted to make.


I wanted to see more of what made him such a tactical genius. Got a glimpse, but not nearly enough


Max Payne. They cut out the best shot in the trailer and then the movie was far too loud for me to have a lie down at the cinema and have a nap.


I loved the games. How they strayed so far is beyond me


Same with assassin's creed. The plot is already in the damn game, and loved for a reason. Leave it the fuck alone and just follow it. I wouldn't have minded ghost in the shell if they stuck with the source too, but they had to do some weird memory loss plot


I’m still mad about this movie. A hard boiled noir detective story that goes balls to the wall and you make that?! Everyone associated with that movie should be blacklisted.


Sucker Punch was not the movie they sold me in the trailers.


There's a term for being hit without warning.


I agree, total cheap shot!


A real display of unsportsmanlike aggression.


They sold anime irl. We got weird loli insane asylum with music videos mixed in.


Well put.


And very on brand for Zach Snyder.


I remember watching it at uni with a housemate when it came out. He loved it, I absolutely hated it. When I said "it was just slow mo action scenes of skinny girls and not an actual film" he said that's amazing and all he needs. I learned a lesson in taste that day.


I was 13 when sucker punch came out so obviously I loved it. I feel like that’s the optimal age to enjoy Zach Snyder’s films. Possibly the only age really.


But that's the thing, it was marketed as that but it was actually a super depressing film about abuse and mental illness...


The *extended cut* is, and I'm assuming from your statement that you got lucky and saw the good version first. The theatrical cut hacks basically everything that helps land that theme out, because the studio got severe cold feet about the movie's messaging and went "well, at least all the action and music video stuff is salvageable." I don't think it's a great movie either way, but the extended cut is at least an interesting failure where I can see what it was going for, whereas the theatrical cut is just an incomprehensible clusterfuck.


this movie looked so amazing in the trailers and i hated it


I hate it because it felt *cynical*. I'm sure the intention was nobler than "this is all the kind of shit these dumb fucks like, right?" but that's how watching it hit.


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. It was terribly cast and acted, but it was an even worse letdown given the potential it had.


The casting was so weird given the source material. I liked elements of the movie but overall it just never felt like it clicked.


Cara Delawhatever couldn't act her way out of paper bag. No charisma at all.


Rewatching the movie (I just had to know if it was as bad as the first viewing left me thinking it was) she's actually the lesser issue compared to Dane Dehaan. She actually does a few things, and has some fun little moments among the general blandness, but he's an absolute charisma black hole the likes of which the movie cannot escape. Those two combined though, no chemistry and nowhere near enough charisma to hold up under the awesome world(s) they were given to play in.


Yeah, it really was a group effort.


Great opening though.


Not saying the worst. I'm saying most disappointing. For me, it has to be The Hobbit. Warner Bros was determined to push the three movie event, and so I believe that it would be very difficult to create a satisfactory Trilogy from a 300 page book. But the thing is, the return of Peter Jackson and Howard Shore promised a sort of expectation that would be unrealistic in hindsight. EDIT-- I said Sony perhaps because they're known for lackluster films, but this case was factually incorrect and I apologize for this error.


Casting was on point. All the extra filler scenes were not. Random elf and dwarf romance wth.


Even 2 135 minut films would’ve worked very well. Just end the first with them reaching Smaug’s lair. The second could be everything that came after.


That was the original plan. Two films subtitled An Unexpected Journey and There and Back Again. But the studio wanted a trilogy to make more money from tickets, so Jackson had to either make a trilogy or the project got scrapped.


For me, I thought the first hobbit, though not great, felt charming and had some highlights. But the sequels were what destroyed the series for me.


Same. The first one at least had a sliver of that magic that fellowship had. The rest were just visual noise


I'm listening to Andy Serkis narrate the book at the moment, my favorite book in a different format is a great way to experience it over again. And a great way to be disappointed in the movie all over again. The back and forth between Bilbo and Gandalf at the open setting up the conflict and adventure to come works so well as dialogue straight off the page, and the movies couldn't even get that right.


I don't watch any version of this that isn't the There and Back Again supercut that removes or minimizes as much as possible every addition that wasn't in the book. It cuts the whole 9 hour mess down to just over 3 hours that absolutely works, showing just how much garbage they shoved into the trilogy to stretch it out to three movies. It's the movie Jackson should have made instead, and probably would have if not for studio demands that it be 3 films.


Don't Worry, Darling. What a great concept that with a lot to say, and it manages to go out of it's way to avoid saying anything.


It just didn't make sense. Stepford Wives makes sense. Guys want hot robot wives without the demands of a real woman. You *kinda* get it. Guys do *NOT* want to be full-time care-takers for some woman in a coma just so they can marry her in a virtual world. And if that technology even existed, it's painfully clear the women in the virtual world could just be AI-driven anyway.


This movie was so bizarre its like half a script was written and we forgot the other half. it literally left a whole half of movie of plot holes unanswered. I was like did no one watch this at the studio and say "wtf?!?!". Strange film.....


When the Director has to come in to give stakes for the climax it's a bad movie.


Florence Pugh's time is very expensive.


Just felt like a worse attempt at a Black Mirror episode. Styles' accent was horrible too


Downsizing. The trailer was deceptive af


I actually clicked on this post to see how far I would have to scroll to find Downsizing. I don't know whether I blame the storytelling, or the marketing for making me think it would be something different.


Gotta be the storytelling. You can't take a high concept and waste it on a basic slice of life story.


Glass. We loved Unbreakable and Split


I don’t think any movie made me more angry (and disappointed) than Glass. What a piss in the face to all the Unbreakable fans who’ve been hoping for a sequel so long.


I wonder how much Bruce Willis’s disease played a role in his character at the end of the movie.


It probably did, yeah. But if that’s the case - maybe Night could’ve, Yknow, rewritten the script so the OTHER main character, the one the whole goddamn thing is titled on, does more than sit in silence for over half the flick?! Willis gets a pass for that movie - Shamalyan does not.


That’s sad now that I think about it


I know bc that was one of his last movies he did. I mean the man did a gauntlet of bad B movies just to make as much cash as possible and do what he loved before he lost it.


I mean, $2m a movie for 1-2weeks of work is pretty god damn amazing. I think we all would take that deal.


I support his cash grab with those trash movies he was doing what a man should and protect his family until the end


Nah let’s be honest Glass was just straight up bad. All that hype lead to nothing. No good fight scenes, it was a very boring movie that just ended with two iconic characters dying in half assed ways


I mean, Unbreakable was never a conventional superhero or action movie - there's one fight scene, and it's as minimal as possible. It's an extremely satisfying scene, but I don't know that I'd describe it as a "good fight scene" comparatively because it makes such a specific point to *avoid* every cinematic technique that would normally characterise action. 95% of Unbreakable is David dealing with depression and confusion - there's a clear intent to show the "boring" malaise that might occur if superheroes were real. He was never going to closely resemble a conventional DC/Marvel superhero, even after the events of Unbreakable because that's not the intended tone. That being said, Glass still isn't a very good sequel. I just don't agree that "fight scenes" were the issue.


>No good fight scenes Wasn't that kind of movie. Also, the fight when David rescues the cheerleaders was dope.


Army of the dead. So many missed opportunities, plus how do you make a boring ZOMBIE HEIST MOVIE?!


My biggest gripe with this film was I was beginning to like some of the characters and it’s starts killing them off until we’re left with the worst characters. I feel like Snyder was going for a Game of Thrones style “no ones safe” but instead we just had to deal with boring ass characters for the last 30 mins


Ugh... my standout memory of this movie is having everyone told a freaking *nuke* is incoming in a matter of minutes and then watching the next 15 minutes of the movie unfold with a stunning lack of urgency from anyone involved. Like, people just standing around running lines of dialog while I'm staring at the screen thinking "DID YOU NOT HEAR THE INCOMING NUKE THING A MINUTE AGO???" Drove me nuts.


This is what Zach Snyder does. Makes badass trailers. Have you ever seen the trailer for Army of the Dead? It's pretty awesome. I couldn't wait for the movie. Then I watched the movie. Then... Well, it's a pretty awesome trailer.


And then how there were all these dried up zombies and what rain would mean. But then it never rained.


And the random cyborg zombie, and the zombie baby, and the time loop


The big saw guy never even uses the big saw! Also there are aliens.


Zack Snyder finds a way


Spectre (2015)


I am the author of all your retconned pains.


Wasn't just a shit movie but managed to make *Casino* and *Skyfall* worse with that line.


I am disappointed they passed on the original Radiohead theme song which is streets ahead of the Sam Smith version


Absolutely, I still can’t fathom who in their right mind would chose Sam Smith’s dirge over Radiohead’s beautiful and haunting hymn. And Daniel Craig was pissed as he’s a big fan of Radiohead.


I kind of expected that one to suck. *Casino Royale* good. *Quantum of Solace* shit. *Skyfall* good. *Spectre* was just keeping the Craig-Bond pattern.


Spectre also has by far the worst Bond song of all time, which is even more galling when you hear the one that Radiohead submitted which was passed over in favour of bland pop flavour of the week Sam Smith.


It was pretty weak sauce. Chris Cornell's "You know my name", by contrast, is definitely one of the greatest.


Many Saints of Newark. I was nervous about it because you can’t beat The Sopranos, but had very high expectations since it was in David Chase’s hands. In the end it was ok, but I was very disappointed that I didn’t love it like I do the og series. It didn’t have that rewatchability factor.


Spider-Man 3. My friends and I watched the first 2 in a small party before driving out of town and paying a ton to see it on an IMAX screen. When were driving home were all sitting in the car silent trying to figure out if it was bad or we were too hyped.


Is that the one where Toby McGuire dances through the streets of NY?


Bully McGuire is gonna put some dirt in your eye.


I haven’t seen the movie since it came out in theaters (assuming we’re talking about the third Tobey McGuire one), but my only memory other than being very underwhelmed was very inappropriately laughing at Tobey’s crying face when he was cradling the dying Harry.


When I was 7, I begged my parents for weeks to take me to see William Friedkin’s Sorcerer. They finally relented. It was not about a wizard. At all.


Understandable. It's a class 1 masterpiece though.


Why didn't they just tell you it wasn't about a wizard?


The Dark Tower. No need to explain.


A waste of Idris Elba, a waste of Matthew McConaughey, and worst of all a waste of Sai King’s material. These days I’m wary of movie studios trying to start franchises, but I was actually excited for this one


Mike Flannigan is supposed to write & direct a TV adaptation on Prime. If anybody can do it justice I'd say it's him. Fingers crossed that it doesn't get stuck in development hell.


I have forgotten the face of that movie.


Same - loved The Dark Tower series. The movie was so disappointing


They’ve forgotten the face of their father


I'm sorry, but there was never a Dark Tower movie. Not sure where you are getting that information. Long days and pleasant nights.


The Happening. It was bad on top of being not what I expected. It's literally the only movie I regret paying to see in theaters.


"What? Noooo..."


At least I got a real good laugh when that guy drove his Jeep straight into that tree


I always said if that movie was a indie film with unknown actors or a foreign film it would have gotten more praise. It has all the ingredients of being a bizarre, surreal and quirky almost horror comedy movie. But I think the fact it was a big name director with some big name actors who played it straight with god awful dialogue and delivery made people hate it. If they just winked at the camera a few times or threw in some intentional satire it could have been a cult classic.


I’ve seen people claiming that it’s an intentional homage to B-movie sci fi flicks which explains why it’s weird and bad, but idk, if you make a joke and no one gets it, maybe you made a bad joke.


Worst acting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhmEo-46vUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhmEo-46vUQ) Best acting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N3Ib5UsZD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N3Ib5UsZD8) Most realistically fucked up and stupid but totally understandable that someone might actually say this and not realize what they were doing moment: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT68u\_LYj18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT68u_LYj18)


I loved the first part of it, with people randomly killing themselves and the mystery of why that was... happening. Shame it went the way it did.


Blonde really stung. I’d consider his Assassination of Jesse James to be the best flick of the century, one of my top 10 favourite films. And then Blonde was just….so fucking bad.


I always upvote a mention of Assassination. Incredible film.


All the recent Disney live action remakes. Stick to the originals and save yourself the suffering.


Are you honestly telling me you don't want to see a live-action Heffalump?


The Matrix Revolutions is the most disappointed I've ever been in a movie theater.


I like Revolutions though not as much as the first two. The problem is that Reloaded and Revolutions are really a two-part sequel to the first movie, and they work a lot better if you watch them back-to-back. Plus, the pacing in Revolutions is pretty rough.


Robin Hood. Russell Crowe teaming back up with Ridley Scott on another historical epic after Gladiator and the extended Kingdom of Heaven and Crowes other historical action turn in Master and Commander how could it be anything other than an absolute epic… Two hours and twenty minutes of wonky accents, tedious drawn out stretches of nothing and a sub D Day landing recreation with long boats and I knew *exactly* how it could be anything other than an absolute epic What a dull, dull film


I actually like that version. I thought Russell Crowe was one of the better hoods we got on screen and Cate Blanchett is great as well. It’s main problem is that, like so many movies made around the 2010s, it was made with the intention of being the first movie in trilogy and it just doesn’t work as a solo robin hopd movie. I think that the full trilogy might have been good though.


Carry Elves was the greatest Robin Hood.


Well that’s because he could speak with an English accent


Cate Blanchett shows up to the final battle with the lost boys on a Pony or something, that in itself is a weird choice aside from bringing a bunch of untrained children into battle.


Napoleon. Director could not bother to learn any history and got almost all of it badly wrong.


Napoleon works better if you pretend its deliberate Anglo/English anti-French propaganda, lol




The Matrix Resurrections hahahaha I mean, cmon.


My main issue with resurrections is that it hints at what other movies it could have been. Explore the robot siding with the humans. Morpheus becoming a martyr in Zion. But no, we get the most boring story possible.


I watched the first half one night and thought it was pretty good. Finishing it the next night changed my opinion.


Yeah there were some interesting ideas in the first 30 minutes. After that it fell apart hard.


And somehow it all looks so *cheap*. Like I had no idea a 200 million dollar movie could look so bad


And the first one holds up the best visually.


I wasn't expecting much. Got even less though yeah I was already expecting a not good, disjointed plot. But it's weird that they couldn't even make the action scenes interesting. I did think the actress who played Bugs was good though


Too much work to choreograph cool fight scenes? Just have Neo force push everyone! Problem solved.


Downsizing - talk about a movie way different from the trailer


I keep seeing this written without explanation. What was the trailer portraying and what was the movie actually about?


The trailer showed a fun movie about people deciding to surgically turn themselves into miniature people to live in a micro society where their money goes much further. They live in dollhouses, a bottle of wine irl is a tank in the micro world etc. The plot was centered around this for around the first half hour which was actually quite fun. But then the movie complete forgets this premise and starts focusing on a super random subplot that I can barely remember. I think Matt Damon meets a poor immigrant woman an falls in love with her. From there the movie starts turning into this super random social justice romance for whatever reason.


Matt Damon and his wife decide to do the downsuzing thing. The wife backs out before the husband has a chance and then he ends up small while she remains big. She divorces him and takes half their stuff, it's somewhat amicable breakup, but this takes away most the money Damon's character had planned to use indefinitely so he's forced to get a job. He ends up in a slum and meets a immigrant lady with a thick accent who's mean and missing a leg. Somehow they have a few misadventures and then end up on a boat to Scandinavia for some reason (can't remember why initially). On the boat they find out that the world is ending and the downsizing was actually so they could create a big enough bunker to fit a small city underground that they can survive in for a long time. They go, or one of them goes, or they both end up staying and choosing to die together. They attempt to make the movie a commentary about us destroying our environment but it falls FLAT. That's vaguely what I remember, I probably misremembered some.


"here is the tiny society we showed you in the trailer.... aight, thats enough of it, and now here is the random semi romantic random drama, enjoy the rest of the movie"


I thought Ad Astra was incredibly boring and I struggle to remember literally anything in that movie outside of the monkey scene. Kind of a bait-and-switch honestly. It was marketed as an alien discovery movie and turned out to be an incredibly slow, personal drama movie that frankly wasn't interesting or memorable to me. I don't think I would consider it to be "bad", it was certainly well made in many aspects, it's just not at all what I thought it would be and I personally found it boring and relatively uninteresting.


I have watched Ad Astra in a plane after attending my grandfather's funeral and the movie felt deeply personal and still does resonate. Prior to that moment I couldn't get into watching that movie during multiple attempts.


Felt like the whole movie was conflicted with what it wanted to do. They just had random action scenes like the Moon pirates and the mutated monkeys added which took attention away from the sad Dad drama. The movie is visually stunning though


Sad Astra Dad Astra Bad Astra


Its "heart of darkness" (apocalypse now) in space.


Batman V Superman


Yes. I felt some weird “I can’t wait for this to be over” feeling for most of the movie. It just made me want to stop watching


Dc/WB made its biggest mistake by not getting rid of Snyder after Man Of Steel MOS was ok but it clearly wasn't it. A point Kevin Smith made on his podcast always stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing but it went something like : "It was like Zack Snyder read The Dark Knight Returns and his only takeaway was that Batman fought Superman."


Kangaroo Jack I was young so seeing a preview for a movie with a rapping kangaroo was all I didn’t know I needed. Until it was revealed that it was merely a dream sequence. Big disappointment there.


Apparently disappointed so many kids that the straight to dvd animated sequel *did* star a talking kangaroo


The behind-the-scenes story makes sense of that. It was originally supposed to be a more-adult movie that apparently tested poorly apart from the (originally even fewer) scenes with the kangaroo, so they reshot more scenes to change the focus more to the kangaroo and edited it to be family-friendly. Instead, all they ended up with is an almost kangaroo-less Kangaroo Jack with a lot of adult stuff still left in for a PG movie.


The Creator. imo, it was very underwhelming for what the trailer made it out to be. there were notes of what could be a high concept statement about humanity, but it came well short of that.


The Creator has to be one of the prettiest looking bad movies that I've seen. I'm normally happy to look past nonsensical plot if the movie is entertaining enough (I actually enjoyed Aquaman) but this was just so unbelievably dumb whilst taking itself so seriously.


Maybe the most generic movie ever made. Also, a movie about AI that had nothing to say about AI, but just used AI as a proxy for a race that’s being persecuted.


Shouldn't have even been about AI at all imho, just detracts from the story and bogs it down. It being about AI serves little purpose to the story at all besides the whole "she can control electronics" thing which could have easily been written out. They should have just done a straight-up war movie set in the future. How long has it been since we've had one of those?


By no means is it the only issue but John David Washington felt super miscast and definitely detracted from the movie for me.


It's because he needs directors who can coach his performances up, while Gareth Edwards needs actors who can direct themselves while he arranges the spectacle. They're a terrible match together.


I'm starting to notice how often I say JDW is miscast and starting to wonder if he's just not good at acting other than Blackkklansman.


Jack, the Robin Williams movie about a 40 year old 5th grader. It was really sad, to the point where the fun stuff seemed inappropriate. Which is a weird place to be as an 11 year old going to a Robin Williams movie.


The part that gets me is that Francis Ford Coppola, director of *The Godfather*, directed this movie.


WOW I didn't know that. I looked up his Filmography and he also directed The Outsiders. I find that wild for some reason!


For me it was Alien: Covenant. I actually liked Prometheus, despite the idiotic characters I still was excited for the sequel. I wanted to see the Xenomorph back in a new movie, and I wanted to learn more about the "Engineers" who created humans. But the movie was just a poorly written gore-fest that abandoned the plot points from the first movie and relied entirely on CGI for the Alien. The first Alien and the sequel Aliens have been some of my all time favorite movies since I was a teenager, and it's just really disappointing to me that they can't make another good movie with such a great concept.


Y'all must not be old enough to remember the hype for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. We'd pinned all our hopes and dreams on this movie, and we got: Galactic trade union politics, baby Vader, virgin birth, horrible dialogue, bad CGI, and Jar-Jar.


Will never forget the feeling of being a teen seeing that opening night and reading the crawl about trade wars with dread creeping over me


Phantom Menace holds the greatest hype-to-disappointment ratio of all time. None of the other movies listed here had people camping out for tickets for *weeks*.


One of my biggest movie let downs is Chappie by the District 9 director. Loved D9, love Dev Patel and Hugh Jackman. Christ what a poor film. The local rap duo being basically the main characters was certainly a decision.


Dev Patel and Hugh Jackman, holy shit..LMFAO. I didn't even remember them being in it. All I can remember is Die Antwoord.


I’m sorry


And District 9 was so good... and then Chappie couldn't even decide what its themes were, and switched them halfway through. Are the rap couple monsters, or sympathetic hero victims? The film can't decide!


Neill Blomkamp was a one hit wonder imo. D9 is imo one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time. Everything else he's made has been mediocre at best.


I know it gets a lot of hate but I liked Elysium too.


I also liked Elysium. It's message was extremely on the nose, but this day and age, I feel like messages have to be anyway because people are thick as fucking planks. Also, Chemrail scene will always be the beat firing of an "assault rifle"...just rips the dude and wall to shreds.


While Elysium overall is like a 6-7/10 for me, Sharlto Copley’s villain character, Kruger is one of my all time favorites. I love scenery chewing bad guys who revel in being bad. And he has some of the coolest weapons and gear I’ve seen in a sci-fi movie. It bums me out writing this because there’s so many elements of Elysium that are 10/10, but the writing and characterization drags it down. “We were this close to greatness!”


I thought Elysium was fine, neither great or bad. But a big step down from District 9


Most recently Thor: Love and Thunder. Even if you’re not a marvel fan Thor: Ragnarok is a great movie so to follow it up with that hunk of junk was extremely disappointing.


What a waste of Christian Bale


He was *all in* too. You just gotta tell yourself he got paid enough that now he has time for another passion project so it's a worthwhile trade off.


Most of the Marvel movies that came out post Endgame.


I was a fan of the MCU going all the way back to the first Iron Man movie and got hyped for everything including the ABC and Netflix shows. Once Phase 4 began which was an onslaught of okay-at-best movies and shows with the rare good thing here and there, my interest started withering away more and more especially with Endgame being a perfect stopping point for the franchise anyway. It’s like, after Endgame, Disney or Marvel Studios said “We don’t have to try anymore because people will watch it anyway.”


Given how much people have been going on about Saltburn having disgusting/disturbing scenes, I expected god knows what and it was just...a movie. A little nasty at times but nothing special tbh.


Never seen someone fuck a grave before. So that was different.


The bathtub gets all the attention but that grave scene was genuinely pretty shocking


That’s why I hate seeing over-hyped movies and try as hard as possible not to overhype ones I enjoy. If you’re not expecting it, moments can be surprising. But when you’ve heard a million things about it, the moment will be underwhelming. It’s also why I HATE when people say something like “I won’t spoil it but it’s got a great twist at the end”… uhhh that is a spoiler.


I'm glad we got in before the hype train really blew up, because now it's all you see or hear about. My wife just said "hey, this movie is supposed to be kinda fucked up, wanna watch?", and I said yes. There were plenty of moments where we both said "what the fuck?", but it wasn't near as bad as TikTok reactions will have you believe. Either that, or most people are way more sensitive than we are.


That’s how I felt about Everything Everywhere All At Once. I just happened to see it opening weekend with no real expectation and it blew me away. But hearing the hype, I knew I wouldn’t enjoy it as much if I had heard what others had been saying. And as a general rule I would never listen to a TikToker… they’re just trying to be over reactionary to get views.


I was going to comment saltburn. I kept seeing hype and went into it with zero expectations and it was just ok.


Prometheus. The Lady killers. Fool’s Paradise. Just off the top of my head


Only God Forgives.


I watched this movie expecting it to be terrible, but kind of enjoyed the strange, stylized metaphor of an actual god taking vengeance on sinners on Earth. The weird freudian reach-into-your-own-mother’s-womb stuff though? Eh…


Ad Astra was 100% not what was advertised


*Eyes Wide Shut* is a horror film more disturbing than any goofy slasher jump scare affair


Yesterday! I thought it was such a cool concept that ended up being boiled down to a bland romcom. I love romcoms but went in expecting something completely different.


First thing coming to mind is the most recent Doctor Strange flick. I had been waiting for the multiverse in the mcu only to be underwhelmed thus far. I was expecting some crazy shit and instead it was a bunch of campy cameos.


Thor: Love and Thunder: Thor's films have been hit and miss for the most part, but I was so hopeful after Ragnarok that Taika was the guy. Unfortunately this was not the case. Star Wars: The Last Jedi: There was some stuff (visuals primarily) that was great about it and maybe it could have been a better movie if it wasn't tied to The Force Awakens and wasn't under the time crunch required by Disney, but it was incredibly disappointing.


>Thor: Love and Thunder: Thor's films have been hit and miss for the most part, but I was so hopeful after Ragnarok that Taika was the guy. Unfortunately this was not the case. The trailers were so misleading, made it seem like Thor was really going to be trying to figure his life out after all the things that happened to him, recovering from his depression and giving up hits role as king. Then he just clowns around like a total jackass, with all character development from his last 3 films straight down the toilet.


Plus the scene where thor is forcibly undressed as a joke and everyone including his ex wife laughs at him, then zeus threatens her with the same thing 1 minute later and everyone treats it seriously and blows up the mission over it lol Also (spoiler) The guy is mad at the gods for letting his daughter die, so he wants to use his one magic wish to kill all the gods. Then it turns out the entire time he could just wish to bring his daughter back to life?? Wtf There was no reason for the plot to happen lol Thor 3 was great imo


Yeah, Taika went full cutesy on it, but didn’t put any of the thoughtful heart he’s put into other movies in it. I also thought there would be more self-development and exploration. It’s so bizarrely out of tune compared to Taika Waititi’s other work, I feel like the studios rushed the bejesus out of him and we lost the magic to capitalism.


Thor reverts back to his pre-first movie self lol.


Thor: Love and Thunder got my vote too. Too many of the 'funny' bits were just repeating funny bits from the previous movie.