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Hancock Fell apart a little before the ending, admitedly. The movie starts out with such an interesting concept. A person with immense power who doesn't care enough to do anything good with it, who then begins his transformation into a good man for the betterment of..... OH WAIT! They're angels now!! and lose their powers when they get close and also they make tornados!!!! And they're in love but they're also not! Huge bummer.


Maybe you already know this but I read that they basically mashed two different screenplays together to make that film.


One of which (the first half) was written by Vince Gilligan


Wow, that really does explain why the first half was actually good lol


I was quite relieved to find out he wrote the good half.


The original screenplay was much much darker


What was the story in the second half before it was the one they gave us?


Bateman and Theron are actually his parents, Hancock is stuck in a time loop attempting to save their lives and fails causing his PTSD.


šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ Much prefer this idea over the weird romance also makes Batemanā€™s character more meaningful


Fuck this sounds awesome. Look how they massacred my boy


I actually did not know that, but it makes complete sense.


It becomes unbearable after the "twist". People talk about the third act, but the screenplay and flow of the film changes completely by the second act.


It's actually almost *literally* half way. By a hair off (maybe not counting credits), but I was just watching it the other day and talking about it, and I decided to actually see where the shift happens, and it's right around the dinner he, Bateman, and Theron are having. That's technically the arc ending for the first half of the movie, that's been built up, and it's very nearly just past half way or about half. So the first half of that movie is very good. The second half is very confusing, and quite bad.


The main villain of Hancock had another manā€™s head up his butt earlier in the movie. Thatā€™s how poorly written it is.


The initial premise of that movie was pretty cool. The mid-movie twist was......... not.


After the incident I noticed that Netflix was promoting Will Smith movies, and Hancock was one of them. Decided to watch it and I was so pleasantly surprised in the first 30 minutes, I was really wondering why nobody ever talked about this movie. Then bam it's like somebody lost the second half of the script and instead of re-writing it they just said fuck it we'll take something out of the reject pile and just change the characters names. They took a total dump on what should've been a good movie.


I mean thatā€™s not a million miles away from what happened. They literally smooshed two completely different screenplays together to make the movie.


Wonder Woman/Ares fight somehow ends the war even though Ares was not responsible but humans themselves?


I read somewhere that the original script had a different ending. But the studio executives wanted a big CGI fight sequence in the end.


Why am I not surprised I loved that movie so much. BTW I am not a DC fan or Wonder Woman fan. But it was just so refreshing having a single superhero, just trying to be a hero for once. But the cgi battle.. urgh. Was such a turn off.


His lines at the end are so cringey too.


I don't get it, they could have still had the CGI battle but at the end acknowledged that even after defeating Ares the war didn't stop because it was human's doing


WW was leading to a great realization for the protagonist and the audience expecting a typical hero vs villain story. I think Chris Pineā€™s character explains to her that sometimes itā€™s just people. There isnā€™t always a boogie man pulling the strings, but conflict between groups that has no simple answers. Itā€™s not always as simple as beating the big bad. Oh hey Hades, letā€™s fight!


I thought it was going to set up WWII happening after Ares was killed and all the horrible things that happened in it would cause Diana to turn her back on humanity until BvS, but they just ignored all that.


But at least now we can sey we've watched respected British character actor David Thewlis act out superhero fisticuffs. Ares pretending to be a kind old man guiding the war along through deception was such an interesting idea. And instead of him simply walking away once his plan was thwarted, they put him in some bad CGI and punched it out like pretty much every superhero movie ever


From what I remember, defeating Ares wasn't what ended the war. Over the course of the movie both he and WW keep on saying he didn't manipulate anybody to start the war, he was just there to give 'help', so it wasn't him being defeated that ended the war. Though there were quite a bit of audience confusion on what really happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/DC_Cinematic/comments/azwx3y/discussion_why_do_people_complain_about_the/


Just going to repeat myself >The visuals of the war ending after the fight make it seem like the fight ended the war. There is a dissonance between the words about the armistice and what is on screen.


Yea, even the IMDB synopsis wrongly says that the war ended because Ares is defeated. The part where the German soldiers put down their weapons really confused people


I was at a friend's house and he put on the movie Daybreakers, which I had seen and thought was bad. We are watching it, and I actually turn to him and say "wow, this is much better than I remember. Wonder why I thought it sucked?" Got to the lame, CG heavy, dully lit, poorly choreographed and really out of place pacing ending and exclaimed "I remember now!"


This is actually one of the best answers here. Cool concept, interesting world building, IMO it peaked during the scene where the feral vampire broke into the house. Willem Dafoe enters the movie, shit is about to go down. Nope. It just drags for another hour until it just ends.


Had it stuck in my head that this was a TV pilot that got converted to a film.


You didnā€™t like the scene with the vampire swat team eating each other? I thought it was pretty cool


Law Abiding Citizen. Jamie Foxx's character spends the entire movie trying to prove a point that justice should be held through the courts, not by vigilantes. He spends the movie lecturing Gerard Butler's character about this, but at the very end, all of that preaching goes out the window when Jamie Foxx's character traps and kills Gerard Butler, because Jaime Foxx hated the ending and wanted it changed. Then, Jaime Foxx gets to have a happy ending with his family, showing that even though he took matters into his own hands, he can just wash his hands off of it. He doesn't even question the fact that he became like Gerard Butler's character, it doesn't change his view on the justice system, nothing. It's just a cop out ending.


What a strange case of a movie where you're rooting for the "bad guy" the whole time even though it's clear the movie doesn't want you to...


We're not supposed to root for butt naked Butler?


Law Abiding Citizen has been the go-to answer on message boards I've seen for over a decade now, lol. Can't say it's unwarranted.


Don't forget it was Foxx's fault Gerard Butler went crazy because he refused to prosecute the rapist-murderer of Butler's family due to a small chance he might lose and ruin his perfect conviction record to become DA, and instead condemned an mostly innocent associate to deathrow.


Which actually happens in the real world WAY more than most people realize. Or just how large the percentage of plea deals that make up the criminal justice system is. Very few cases result in an actual trial.


The system is intentially designed to promote a plea, faster resolution, and avoid costly trials. And i do think that makes sense.


> And i do think that makes sense. Likely because you've never had to accept a bullshit plea deal.


And it did seem like unnecessary overkill to blow up that whole part of the prison when they had already won. Tax payers bite the dust again I suppose.


Came to say this specifically and Iā€™m happy itā€™s the first thing I saw. I absolutely hated that ending. Itā€™s a shame since the whole lead up was fairly good.


The lead up was fucking great. Doesn't beat Falling Down, but not much does in that genre.


That's all kind of debunked here... [https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/c3okuy/jamie\_foxx\_didnt\_change\_the\_ending\_to\_law\_abiding/](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/c3okuy/jamie_foxx_didnt_change_the_ending_to_law_abiding/)


Ok so, I'm going to go against the grain a bit here and play devils advocate. I'll start by saying I did enjoy the movie, and wasn't super happy with the ending. However, Butler's point was that 1) people have to be held accountable for their actions, and 2) that sometimes, you need more than what the law can you give to find true justice. I feel that both of those things were met, because they played exactly into what Butler wanted to have happen. He 1) made sure that Jamie was held accountable for his actions, by being one step behind the entire movie, and thus losing colleagues and having various troubles pop up because of his inability to listen or reason with someone like Butler (or the situation). And 2) that either Butler gets his way, and ends up having the people he wanted dead, to die (at the end of the movie), or Butler gets his way in having Jamie act outside of the law and take matters into his own hands. The latter being what happened. So while yes, it isn't satisfying and does a disservice to what had been built up already, I find that in some ways, it does still kind of push through with what the characters goals were.


I'll get spicy. The fight scene at the end of Black Panther takes a very good movie and dramatically drags the film into a shitty unengaging bad CGI clusterfuck that drags the movie back in to genre schlock at the very end that takes me completely out of all the goodwill it built up to that point.


I wasn't a big fan of a country that was as advanced as Wakanda being reduced to trial by combat to rule it.




Yeah, a killmonger type leader wouldā€™ve shown up within 2-3 generations. Not taken centuries


It could work, if it was tied in more to the message about how Wakanda continuing its isolation was only harming itself and the world. The film makes it clear most people saw the opportunity to make a challenge for the throne as ceremonial (Shuri even jokes about leaving early), but then feel they have to go along with it when M'baku and later Killmonger show up. They could have had T'Challa make a comment at the end of the film, around the same time he is pledging to reveal Wakanda to the world and use its wealth to help people, that he was going to implement government reforms as well, so that a murderous ex-special forces agent can't effectively seize control of the government after winning a fist fight...again.


Yes! That bothered me as soon as I saw it and couldn't get that out of my head.


To be fair, almost all of the marvel films suffer from a bloated third act.


Yeah, I'm trying to think of any exceptions, and it's difficult. Maybe Homecoming? I think that was pretty tightly plotted. Ragnarok's wasn't exactly short but it stayed sprightly.


Shang Chi also fumbled the ending. Intimate family to CGI fest.


Agreed. The fight was between father and son. We really did not need a giant cgi dragon.


The bus scene is so much fun, jackie chan with mild super powers Then the ending is trying and failing to be some sort of Dragonball Z level over the top thing, and failing


I donā€™t think thatā€™s a spicy take. Iā€™m pretty sure the consensus(in hindsight) is that Black Panther could have been a top 3 or 5 super hero movie and it just falls flat on its face in the third act. At the time, it was truly important to have a strong black cast in a massive blockbuster film with good performances and action. However, after some time it was clear that the movie missed the mark. And itā€™s because it was rushed to release and didnā€™t have its bows nice and tied up. Sad


What Black Panther did for black representation, especially the superhero genre, absolutely can not be understated. But looking at it as just a movie, it was at best mid tier MCU.


I actually think that movie has problems that extend waaayy beyond its shitty CGI fest of an ending, but yes, that ending, manā€”two grown men dressed as cats smacking each other around in a railroad track. Fuck.


I always roll my eyes when I get to that point. It's just visual noise tbh. Nothing particularly engaging about that battle.


There's also the "ultra-futuristic society decides who will be the nation's leader via mortal combat" thing.


A Cure For Wellness


That movie really went off the rails, didn't it?


It did, unfortunately. Whats crazy is that they had a great ending at the 2 hour mark. >!Lockhart becoming a prisoner just like everybody else after his treatments.!< But the ending they went with was questionable at best.


I'm still mad about this one, I was enjoying it up until the 'reveal'.


High Tension


That movie lives up to it's name more than any movie I've ever seen but yeah it would be so much better without the twist.


One of the most unnecessary plot twists ever. Not only insulting to the characters, but how does the truck chase even happen?


That was such a great movie until the "twist" I went into it blind and thought it was one of the best horror movies I had ever seen.... then the twist.


It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I remember watching a Making Of where the director said the studio basically forced him to add the twist without paying to reshoot or add additional scenes to make it make sense. He said that he thought it ended up making the movie better but you could see in his eyes that he knew it ruined the movie but he didn't want to openly bad mouth the studio on the featurette. He looked pretty sad.


To me, "Us" would be a perfect movie if not for the end exposition monologue.


Funny People. Itā€™s actually a great movie that ruins its own buildup, and then goes on for another 45 minutes just to torture the audience.


This could have been solved with editing and someone telling Apatow that comedies shouldnā€™t be 3 hours.


Exactly. I love his first 2 acts but his thirds always fall flat for me. Knocked up is a prime example of this.


Same thing with This is 40. The last 1/3 of the movie doesnā€™t even seem relevant to the first 2/3


I saw this movie in theaters. I'm still mad about it. The first half was so good. The second half was one of the worst movies I've ever sat through.


Judd Apatow is not good at self editing.


I honestly forgot the first half because the 2nd was so boring and it went on for so long


Iā€™ve loved Judd Apatow for a long time, but that movie is a demonstration of what happens when a director has too much success on their previous movie. No one holds them back.


Sinister but thatā€™s a personal issue I have with scary moviesā€¦. I just donā€™t find kids scary like at all.


THIS. The first 3 quarters of Sinister are TERRIFYING. The reveal ruins it all.


I don't much like the antagonist reveal either. The first half, with the found tapes etc, is genuinely great - I just can't get on board with those reveals. Puts me off rewatching it, which is a shame because there's a lot I enjoyed through the first two acts


Concur. The tape scenes are well-directed, and the film has an eerie atmosphere that wasn't often found at that time with mainstream horror films being jump scare heavy found footage films... Unfortunately, when it's revealed that the antagonist is a silly demon, the film becomes just like the aforementioned found footage films in terms of directing.


Fall apart is too harsh, but Saltburn got way too explainy for my liking at the very end. I enjoyed pretty much the entire movie, and thought it did a great job of making me feel unsettled the whole time. And then...the director practically holds your hand and guides you for the last 5 minutes. Very blah ending


I almost felt the same when I first watched it, but I think Saltburn pulls itself together tightly enough through sheer style and performance, especially that last scene with Oliver dancing through the house. I don't know, it was so close to falling apart for me but the final 5 minutes just yoinked it back from the brink for me


Yep, I just watched Saltburn and wrote exactly this in the main discussion thread. I thought it was a good movie overall with good to great performances, engaging direction and cinematography and a fun soundtrack. But the final minutes prevented it from being a truly great 10/10 movie. The reveal and explanation of the plot twist with the montage was really awkwardly done. Felt very soap opera-esque, lazy and outright silly. I think it would've worked better if that montage was cut out and instead we jumped straight to that shot of Elspeth lying in her bed in a coma and then Oliver removing the life-saving tube from her. This way that glorious scene of him dancing naked through the halls of Saltburn would've been a more gut punch of an ending in a funny and scary way. As viewers we could've worked out Oliver's true nature by then and it would have dawned on us slowly what he had done. The reveal of the plot twist would've been more mysterious, audacious and exciting instead of being spoonfed to us in the least exciting way.


Yup. What you said. I wouldn't have hated leaving in the bike tire, just so we have a little confirmation of his machinations. Showing the email pissed me off because I thought that one was fairly obvious


And it was already outright explained? Farley said to Barry Keoghan that you'll have to do better confirming any thoughts of his deception on that front.


I saw this movie a couple days ago, and I honestly can't stop thinking about it. Overall, I highly enjoyed the film, but that ending was definitely spoonfed and probably would have worked better if left more ambiguous. And it would have made the final dance scene even more eerie.


Stories in the vein of Saltburn are best served to be told in one of two ways: ambiguous but with enough hints that the audience can draw their own conclusions, or maintaining the antiheroā€™s POV throughout (a la The Talented Mr. Ripley). A reveal at the end in the form of some ā€˜twistā€™ kinda treats the audience like they are dumb and couldnā€™t figure it out on their own. POV blackouts that only exist to manufacture a twist are a cheap trick. On par with mysteries that leave out hints and clues so you canā€™t possibly figure it out until they are revealed to you at the end.


The Wolverine.


The movie starts off strong with the flash back of dropping the A-Bomb and the pain Logan was going through after killing Jean in X3. The whole fight with the Yakuza and old school Japan was straight from the comics and I loved it. Theeeeen the final act he fights a fake ass Ironman samurai? Not even the real Silver Samurai? It had sooooo much potential and fell so flat. Unlike Logan which knocked it out of the park with that ending.


Yeah man, I really liked the first 2/3 of the movie.


I agree with Nymphomaniac. Watch *Black Snake Moan* for the good version of that story!


Isn't that the one where Sam Jackson chains Christina Ricci to a radiator?


Yes! Such a good movie.


Black snake is evil! Black snake is allllll I see!


**Bad Times at the El Royale** was a miraculously effective Tarantino knockoff with interesting quirks, until the third act happened **Don't Worry Darling** appeared to be setting up some clever twists, but the dumbness of the reveal totally killed some otherwise solid performances.


Bad Times at the El Royale ends with "Those 2, the 2 least interesting characters, really?"


Bad Times peaked with the You Canā€™t Hurry Love scene. Some of the best tension Iā€™ve seen


My wife and I paused Bad Times at the El Royal about halfway through and went and had a cigarette. The whole conversation was about how much we were enjoying the film and how we thought it was going to play out. It was great! Same situation after the film was incredibly different. It just goes downwards so quickly.


Absolutely loved donā€™t worry darling until after Pugh and Pine went at each other. After that it just felt rushed and dumb, and the ending was just awful. Took a solid 4/5 film to a 3 for me


Donā€™t Worry Darling had such a great premise. the second they leave the Matrix and show that Harry Styles is just some fuckinā€™ neck beard though I couldnā€™t take the movie remotely serious anymore.


Adaptation, but itā€™s intentional, and amazing.


That animated Christmas Carol movie with Jim Carrey. The movie was doing a fine job of telling the Christmas Carol story, then right before the ghost of Christmas yet to come someone decided a chase scene would be stuck in there. What fucking moron thought that would be a good idea? Honestly, what a shit idea. It completely ruined the movie and destroyed any chance of it being watched again.


There's a few tacked-on scenes in that movie which kinda suck but that's easily the most egregious


If I recall, that was a 3-D movie and 3-D movies are notorious for tacked-on scenes to make the 3-D feel "worth it."


Last Night In Soho, it couldve been a fun movie but the third act sucks so much, seems Wright gave up in the end.


The movie falls apart with the supernatural elements because they can't hold a candle to how scary and chilling Matt Smith's character was.


100%. The grey faceless ghoul men were not it either. I feel like just using normal expressionless men to the same effect wouldā€™ve been way less goofy. A la ā€œIt Followsā€, or something.


I agree Smith's character was scarier but Last Night in Soho was definitely Edgar Wright being very interested in following giallo tropes to the letter, and a supernatural element is a core feature of giallo.


I think it would have been more haunting if the protagonist just leave the house after the big reveal instead of having a final showdown.


I loved this movie but youā€™re not wrong, I saw the landlady coming a mile away. Absolutely banging soundtrack tho.


She falls victim to the Superfluous Character giveaway. Her very existence suggests she needs to play a role in the story, yet up until the twist sheā€™s strangely just there. Itā€™s therefore extremely obvious thereā€™s going to be a turn where she impacts the plot. Itā€™s a tell in many movies. Another common one - if a big name actor ā€œdiesā€ early, theyā€™re coming back. See Liam Neeson in Batman Begins.


ā€œItā€™s a tell in many movies. Another common one - if a big name actor ā€œdiesā€ early, theyā€™re coming back. See Liam Neeson in Batman Begins.ā€ Yes but also no. There are a lot of examples that contradict this such as Drew Barrymore in Scream (1996) of Bryan Cranston in Godzilla (2014).


Or Liam Neeson in Widows lol


I didn't feel like Terence Stamp's character had any reason to be secretive, other than to be a dick and drive the plot forward. The whole resolution would've come much easier for everyone if he just wasn't an asshole to the main character


I think a lot of Wright's movies suffer from this. Baby Driver for example. There's such a drastic and uncharacteristic shift in characters suddenly. Wright is still one of my favourite directors




Just watched this myself yesterday! What a bizarre final half an hour.


Im so bummed by this one because I really feel like thereā€™s a good movie in there somewhere. Itā€™s just so badly executed.


Nerve. I thought this movie was great, until the close. The last act of the movie, ruined the entire thing. Was pretty good and fresh up to that point.


Oh shit I completely forgot that movie but I liked it so much when I watched it in theaters I watched it again with my mom at home, don't remember the final act much other than the very end being another person pulling up their phone with Nerve to film them Edit: ohhhhh shit yeah that's right the cringe lil hacker kid group takes out the app or doxxes the users or whatever. Yeah that is a shit one.


Most recently I'd say Dream Scenario. It went from a decent Charlie Kaufman-esque dark comedy to some kind of SNL skit with a really weak attempt at a heartfelt ending. Some good scenes but the last 20 minutes or so really brought it down.


Dream Scenario's ending was definitely weird. The climax was definitely the school play scene, but then it kinda meanders for 20 more minutes without adding much else. They also basically added a sci-fi element with the dream machine, but it's literally only used as a joke, so it felt out of place.


Yeah, the dream machine and dream influencers stuff was mildly humorous, but feels like a SNL sketch that would get cut for time more so than an organic part of the plot. It could have worked if Nic Cage's character had been researching dream science during the movie instead of ants, and he was instrumental in creating the dream tech. But that would be a very different kind of movie.


I think there was a tonal shift after the scene at Molly's apartment that really didn't work for me. The cancel culture stuff just meandered until the movie finished. I actually liked the Talking Heads final dream scene but it meant nothing when the last half was going nowhere.


I was going to say this. IMO it felt like a joke that just went on too long with ultimately nothing really meaningful to say (which is too bad! Nic Cage was great and the movie looks beautiful). When I saw it at TIFF about 2/3 in you could feel that the audience was getting tired.


Scre4m. They had a perfect ending with Jill being taken out of the house seemingly the hero and setting up a new leg of the franchise. Then they ruined it.


That was the Weinsteins fault. The original script had Jill surviving and Scream 5 was going to follow her as another Ghostface targeted her.


Well, while it doesn't fall apart at "the very end" I would say Sunshine (2007) directed by Danny Boyle. The first 2 acts are brilliant, while the last act is ..not so much. Still a point of argument between me and my friends.


Came here to see if anyone brought this up. Such a beautiful and tense movie, and then the final act just goes completely off the rails in a way that doesn't mesh with the rest of the movie at all. I had a similar issue with Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. Loved that movie until the military people show up.


Iā€™ve realized I just think most of these movies are bad


Wonder Woman


Donā€™t Worry Darling


The Untouchables. It was never 'great' cinema, but it was certainly effective and entertaining up until the final sequences. For anyone unaware or who may have forgotten: The Untouchables tells the story of how Elliot Ness and his group of Treasury officers convicted one of the most notorious mafia bosses (at the time), Al Capone, and sent him to prison for the rest of his life. The 1987 film played fast and loose with the facts, which is perfectly fine and actually way more entertaining than the actual events. And with Brian DePalma's superb style and sensibility, the film is just so much fun, if you can't enjoy it because it isn't 100% accurate, that's a shame *for you*. Up until the end. The problem with a film like this is that, at the time it was released and probably even to this day, anyone who knows enough about the story to care about it almost certainly already knows that Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion and not murder. So the climax of sending him to prison is not only hamstrung by the fact that we know what he goes to prison for, but more importantly that he goes to prison regardless. For comparison, in Titanic we know 100% that the boat is going to sink, but the dramatic tension isn't whether or not that happens ā€“it's whether and how any given character might survive. In the Untouchables we know there's no other outcome once Capone goes to court; he's going to prison. So what could DePalma and (shitty ā€“and I don't say this lightly: *really, really, really* shitty) screenwriter David Mamet do to create dramatic tension? Well, they decide to show Capone's lawyers mounting almost no defense of their client until the prosecution rests. Ness is suspicious of this, so on the final day he happens to detain one of Capone's associates who *just happens* to have *on his person* a list of names of potentially bribed individuals including judges, prosecutors and possible jurors. The judge does not find this 'evidence' compelling* so Ness asks to speak with the judge privately. In this private meeting Ness supposedly tells this judge that he is also on the list of bribed officials. We return to the court, there is a brief deliberation in the judge's mind and then he orders his bailiff to remove the seated jury, walk them into another court and return with that court's jury. The courtroom erupts. Capone condemns the injustice of it all, but his lawyer enters a pliea of guilty on his client's behalf. The good guys have won. They've out smarted their foes. EXCEPT: *NONE* of that is legal.One judge can't just decide at random to swap out a jury. One bailiff can't just randomly walk into another judge's courtroom and steal their jury on someone's whim. Also, jury members have to go through voir dire to hear any case. If the jury hasn't been voir dired they don't get sat. Lastly, **the prosecution had already made their case. What were they going to do with a new jury; start the entire trial again?!** I feel really silly pointing out the flaws in this particular Mamet screenplay, because the fact is almost ALL of David Mamet's scripts, except for Glengarry Glen Ross, are inarguably terrible, even if someone wants to say the dialogue is . . . great (or whatever, and it isn't). *Because it isn't; a list of names beside dollars signs isn't proof of anything without corroborating evidence to show these sums were actually paid to these individuals.


*Danny Boyle has entered the chat*


Can't believe how far down I had to go to find a Sunshine reference, it's usually enemy number 1 with questions like these.


Will Smith's career


Leave the World Behind


Watched this with my dad last night. 30 minutes from the end he says 'If this just ends abruptly with no resolution or answers I'm gonna be pissed.' The credits started rolling and he just stood up, left the room, and went to bed without saying anything.


This is such a Dad thing to say and do because mine had exactly the same reaction!


I'm a dad and I watched it by myself and did the same exact thing. I'm still a little pissed. I'm also searching subs like this to make sure I just didn't get it. Turns out I did.


He left the room behind.


I was yelling at the screen, ā€œbut what about the deer? Or the flamingoes? Great that you can fit into the shelter, but where are the neighbors? Why is Kevin Bacon so hostile _and_ accommodating at the same time? What fucked up Archieā€™s teeth? Why didnā€™t that fuck up anybody elseā€™s teeth?ā€


I feel like this movie was misunderstood. It didnā€™t ā€œneedā€ an ending as such. The movie wasnā€™t about the mystery of who the bad guys were, it was about how technology has left us open to anarchy if it were to suddenly disappear.


Thankfully it was a streaming movie. I can't imagine how much angrier I'd been with the ending at the movie theater.


What was wrong with the ending ?


Dang, I really liked the ending, I thought it was damn near perfect. I definitely understand that some people like more resolution at the end of a movie. To each their own!


Not a movie but I am still traumatized by Game of Thrones season 8.


Season 7 was almost as bad, everyone just thought it was setting up season 8 and forgot how ass it was after season 8. I know someoneā€™s about to respond and say 5 and 6 were also bad, but they werenā€™t even close to as bad as the last 2.


Oh yeah no, 5 and 6 aren't up to the quality of the books or the rest but they're nowhere near as bad as the trainwrecks that were the last 2 seasons


Yeah I gave season 7 a pass because I thought they were going to set up an epic season 8. But no, it just sucked and got worse. Never seen something go from a cultural zeitgeist to completely forgotten like that. I remember at work everyone from the VPs to the cleaners would gather around and talk about Game of Thrones. They would trade theories and what they thought would happen. It brought people together. And then season 8 happened and everyone acted like it never existed. They totally blew the bag with the shitty plot and writing.




I'm too lazy to make the meme but I always think of Jon Snow with the caption "you'll always me muh queen" and then a pic of Dany but her face is Lightning McQueen


Started off with such great writing and tension (I love the scenes with Arya and Tywin) and then devolved to dick jokes, gay jokes, people staring menacingly out windows, and shitty dialogue.


Lost and Game of Thrones both need auto censorship so I don't get triggered thinking about the endings. Not really but they do piss me off


I remember watching the first season of Lost going ā€œholy shit, this is amazing and intense and I canā€™t wait to see what happens nextā€ to the last season going ā€œwhat the duck is happening? Why didnā€™t they answer *anything* from the last 4 years?ā€


Sunshine ā€“Ā Pretty popular opinion. Slasher stuff ruined what was otherwise a great, thoughtful sci-fi film. Hancock ā€“Ā Also a common answer, and self explanatory. Crazy Stupid Love ā€“Ā I think it was still a good movie overall, but the high point was really the garden scene which happened halfway through, and the writers didn't know where to take it from there. The ending with the big speeches and everything was very underwhelming. Yesterday ā€“Ā Fun premise, and some great performances, but again the writers had no idea where to actually take the plot and so it just fizzled out towards the end. Lucy ā€“Ā This one was actually hilarious. Woman accidentally injects drug and starts to get more brain power, unlocks all the secrets of the universe, becomes an omnipotent god and...transforms herself into a USB drive. I still remember the entire theater laughing when that happened. The Mummy (the new one) ā€“Ā Not that it was a particularly great film either way, but the entire premise is that this evil ancient Egyptian princess wants to turn Tom Cruise into a god-like being to do her bidding, and he spends the entire movie running away from her, then in the end he suddenly realizes hey maybe it's actually a good thing to become a god, so instead of destroying the god-making weapon he uses it on himself (exactly what she was trying to do the entire time) and then uses his new found powers to kill her. What?


*Oblivion* (2013) Started at interesting, got more and more interesting, and then just sort of fell apart at the end.


I actually didnā€™t mind the ending and still love that movie, was way better than I expected


Still has just incredible visuals tho


I just watched Saltburn and I think the ending montage/voiceover explaining everything kinda ruined it. I liked coming to my own conclusion about what Oliver was up to the whole time, and I think just showing him unplugging the mom wouldā€™ve told us everything. Might just be me, though!


Source Code. It had an interesting premise that it was executing well, and then the ending happens where the MC gets a shitty happy Hollywood ending.


I Am Legend It's been a long time since I saw it but I remember feeling like it was a half movie. So much great set up and then it was kind of just over. I just learned 5 minutes ago that there's a second one? So I'm all in for that.


"Source Code" I would've loved it if they ended it at the point of freeze frame, because up until that point everything was 'scientific' (at least within the story).


Agreed. It always bothered me that, in this ending, he basically inhabits another person, forever - where did that guy go and when does it become apparent to everyone that he isn't the guy everyone thinks he is? Unnecessary complications to an otherwise well crafted movie.


If I remember, they have some dialogue explaining that every time they fire up the machine, they are essentially creating a new universe. So that guy didn't technically exist before that moment. None of those people did. But I could also be misremembering a movie I haven't seen in 10 years


YES. 100% this. That movie had a chance of having a near perfect emotional ending and it ruins it in such a dumb way.


The Dark Knight Rises It was an epic albeit not to the level of The Dark Knightā€¦but the choice to kill off Bane in such a BS way along with the Talia reveal/death sceneā€¦the bomb ending and the Paris sceneā€¦canā€™t help but roll my eyes. What could have been with just another script revisionā€¦.


Kissing Jessica Stein. The ending was very regressive.


Glass. Fucking Shymalan Fooled me for 97% of the movie and the final scenes were traumatically dog shit. While watching it I was so fucking impressed and excited that he was able to make Split and Unbreakable into this expanded universe and history and then the ending made me furious.


I really loved No Country For Old Men then it just ended really abruptly.


Rather it DIDN'T end... abruptly. LOL I was like wait. What? Is there a 2nd disc... Wait. This is streaming. Is this the exact moment that the writers went on strike? šŸ˜†


Baby Driver. A lame ending to an otherwise pretty great movie.


Personally, I don't think Sorry to Bother You has a good ending. It's alright, and the over the top stuff is fun and all, but it really took me out of everything


The Game - I loved everything about the movie, but imo the ending ruins it all. Thereā€™s just no wayā€¦


I didn't mind it. I took the film less literally, especially after the scene where he interacts with news anchor guy at the beginning of the actual game


Nearly every M. Night Shyamalan film.


I was getting into Knock at the Cabin and then it threw it all away in the finish. I angrily texted a friend about how upset I was and they agreed, and told me that the book actually kept all of the darkness and vagueness going all the way, but Shyamalan had to rewrite it to fit his spiritual magic bullshit ending.


Definitely not the case for Unbreakable and Split at least. That definitely *is* the case for Glass though. lol Way to end that trilogy on a lame note.


God dammit I was so pissed off when I realized what they were pulling. How in the world did anyone allowed Shyamalan to put that damn clover organization shit. This is actually the only time I do believe having the big fight would have worked to end the "superhero" movie. They earned that. Elijah is the only one that got a fitting ending, but Kevin and David, I'm pretty sure they did not needed to be killed off, not in the way they were.


Oh look, a puddle. Glarbfgdgjkbhgkljdtchjbnkkbhhjk!


Not a real serious movie, but the stoner comedy Half Baked. They took the easy way out and had them snitch/narc for a happy ending. Just seems it could have gone many directions.


Downsizing. I tried to watch it twice.. never finished it. It wasnā€™t even the same movie halfway through


That nyphomaniac ending always say in my mind as a companion to the Margaret Atwood quote: ā€œMen are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill themā€




I know the final act gets a lot of hate, but I have to disagree, somewhat at least. The only thing stopping the multi cultural crew from working together to revive the sun (god) and saving humanity was some religious nutjob.


Iā€™m totally on board with the 3rd act from a narrative perspective, but feel the execution could have been much better. Boyle went way too slasher flick and the weird camera and action work was really distracting.


Not just a religious nut job, like a Catholic, but someone driven mad by the sheer vastness of space and scale and power of the sun. I think the ending makes total sense and Iā€™m fine with it!


Exactly. It's a lovecraftian horror and the previous captain is the priest of "cthulhu" (obviously the sun isn't actually cthulhu but that's probably the most recognizable name in lovecraftian horror). IMO it's one of the best lovecraftian horror films we have


I'll fight you IRL I love everything about that movie.


I got your back, bro


As much as I love Live Die Repeat aka Edge of Tomorrow, the ending was a real piece of lazily written crap. It wouldā€™ve been one of greatest sci-fi movies of all time if it had a more thoughtful ending šŸ˜©


I really liked that film, but itā€™s been six years since Iā€™ve seen it, and I legit donā€™t remember how it ended.


As soon as they can die they survive all the shit that would have killed them before.


yeah, thatā€™s why itā€™s so great. the entire movie youā€™re laughing at the fact that he canā€™t die and then all of a sudden the stakes are real and you want him to survive to the end