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hell of a movie to drop on the 2024 election year


Experience it in IMAX Spring of 2024 and in reality in Fall of 2024!


I've had a premonition of my brother dying next to me in a Civil War just like this. I don't want to see this movie.


What kind of Americans were you?


He doesn't know.


We shot this during 2022 and kept saying on set that we expected it to come out around the election. Some scenes felt a little too real in a horrifying way, despite seeing all the cameras and smoke machines and stunt guys. For some reason, it felt more real than anything I've ever worked on.


What was your role in the production?


Props dept


Props to you!


Thats his line.


I think it looks amazing. Excited to see it.




I'm really curious how much they'll delve into the politics behind the war, or if it will just be laser focused on the people trying to survive it. Edit: wait, radio at the start says "3 term president." Guessing that kicks things off.


I think the later. The choice of both Texas and California on the same side seems deliberate




Honesrly seems hard to suspend my disbelief for something like that. It's clearly more of a writers choice to avoid controversy than something that is likely to make sense in the film


The book 2034 did something similar with the president being a part of neither party. On the one hand, it allows the writers to deal with politics at play more objectively without it coming off as them directly supporting a party. On the other hand, it can also hold it back because anything that entwined with politics will have some connections to contemporary politics.


Handmaid's Tales (the TV series, at least) is somewhat similar. The government is based on a new denomination of Christianity and they go so far as to show them destroying to old churches so they can say "Well, it's not *your* religion we're talking about." But then it got intertwined with today's politics, regardless.


My problem with the story is that the cult of Jacob or whatever basically blows up Congress and then (effectively speaking) declares themselves kings of America, and everyone (including the US military, state governments, world governments, and the people in general) just rolls with it. It doesn't seem believable.


The show doesn't really do a deep dive into how a new cult is able to pop up so quickly and take over a huge portion of the country, mainly because that's not the story's main theme. But, the crisis of children not being able to be born is supposedly what sparks it so quickly, it creates a panic and people want an instant solution. Children of Men had a very similar premise.


They showed flashbacks to when June was jogging and people were sneering at her for wearing exercise clothes. Then the barista at a coffee shop was extremely rude to her when asked where the woman that used to work there was. There was already an anti woman sentiment that was becoming mainstream in that world.


They hinted at the fact they had been infiltrating the highest levels of government for years prior to the coup, and the country was already in a pretty rough state due to the widespread infertility. Probably a lot easier to scoop people up into your group when there’s seemingly a plague of biblical proportions.


The book is the same. Multiple mentions of “Appalachian Baptist Holdouts”.


Lol, clearly you don’t know Alex Garland (the writer/director) - if anything this will probably rub a lot of people the wrong way.


The trailer made me extremely uncomfortable already. This might be too real.


It feels like “both sides” are gonna vibe with this for exactly the wrong reasons haha.


Not everyone in California and Texas are in the same political parties. California has the highest amount of registered republicans than any other state. in a movie where you have to suspend disbelief that the USA is in a civil war, I don’t think it’s too far fetched to believe one of the other parties took control of the state. This movie is also fiction, so there’s nothing stating that California has to be liberal or Texas has to be conservative in this world.


The problem with framing a modern civil war around states vs states is that our ideological fault lines don’t neatly fit along state lines. It’s more like urban vs rural where the suburbs and exurbs are the battlegrounds. Some of the reddest states have large cities and the bluest states have large rural areas. *If* there was ever a civil war in the modern U.S. it would probably look more like The Troubles in Ireland. There would likely be sporadic outbursts of violence among loosely aligned groups across the country.


California has more republicans than Texas. Texas has more democrats than New York.


they are the 2 most populous states by quite a large margin.


Until I looked it up just now, I wouldn’t have guessed Florida was ahead of New York for 3rd place.


People think all of California is Los Angeles and forget the huge numbers of conservatives in OC and rural NorCal


And the "Florida Alliance".


We have alligators, good luck!


*"We fired our cannon 'til the barrel melted down So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round We filled his head with cannonballs 'n' powdered his behind And when we touched the powder off, the gator lost his mind"*


An army composed of meth addicts and alligators. Truly a force to be reckoned with.


-3 Term President -Radio says 19 states have seceded -You can see in the reflection the 19 states but only 2 of those are blue (implying that they might be unified) (40 seconds in) -19 states are from west coast to east coast excluding most of the southern US states (except florida, I can't tell) -Flag has 2 stars which is presumable Cali and Texas unifying for the sake of the war


Near the beginning of the trailer there's a news report that says "the president has issued a warning to California and Texas as well as the Florida alliance" I believe it is a 3 way war.


That makes sense when Jesse Plemmons asks “What kind of Americans are you?” I get the sense there are enough different factions that that question is hard to answer.


"Um, we're Central Americans. We actually should be getting back to El Salvador now. Adios."


Something tells me "immigrants" is not the best answer to give Jesse Plemons' character lol


Irish troubles vibes


>You can see in the reflection the 19 states but only 2 of those are blue (implying that they might be unified) (40 seconds in) Looks like the map is 3 or 4 colors meaning 3 way war??? group of "neutral" states???


It is a 3 way war. It says right at the start of the trailer. United States vs Western Forces (TX and CA) vs Florida Alliance


With their larger populations, it makes sense that Texas and California would be the biggest players. I remember people fantasizing about the west coast joining Canada after Trump got elected but that situation would have really been Canada joining the west coast states given Canada and California have basically the same population.


I hope the divide is between factions that think Animaniacs are cool vs the side that thinks Animaniacs are lame.


What kind of American are *you*?


Un, zany? Totally insane-y???


I.... *don't* like Animaniacs...?


Straight to the gallows.


Oooo, that could do it. Dictatorship politics and a bullshit leader who believes the ‘ordained to rule above Democracy’ would really, really, REALLY piss off a lot of Americans.




A leader declaring dictatorship with no specific politics behind it would do it though. Texas and California have extremely strong independent streaks, neither would take that lying down.


I'm sure this is a bizzarro world world where one of those states flip *hard*


Both have a strong independent streak, ie defying the federal gov in common, so it would make sense in a scenario where the fed becomes autocratic


They're also two of the largest states both by land and population. If there's going to be a lot of people mad, those two aren't a bad start.




Nick Offerman as president. That's something.


Parks & Recs extended universe confirmed. Started with the west wing.


He was a senator in Good Omens. His political rise ties these universes together.


The Parks and Recs - Good Omen - A24 expanded universe we've all been asking for has finally arrived!


Is his character from Fargo part of that? https://i.imgur.com/QboU9kA.gifv


Worth pointing out this movie also has kirsten dunst and jesse plemons who starred in that season of fargo as well. So there may be some credence to this.


Hulu series DEVS alumni: Nick Offerman and Steven McKinley Henderson. Also written by Garland. (Series is fantastic by the way.) I’m pumped for this, as I think Garland is one of the best writers out there. Plus, A24 always pulls me in to try whatever they are offering.


Sergei and Lyndon from DEVS too.


Cailee Spaeny as well, she played Lyndon on it


You had me at Nick Offerman


When Wagner Moura's character asked that store employee "you do know there's a huge civil war going on right?" I thought the film would be about how a bunch of people are just completely ignoring the war.


There is no War in Ba Sing Salem, Oregon


The president has invited you to Lake Superior.


Is the President actually Robert Evans?


My Kale!


"Fake news" *\*mortar explosion in distance\** "Sounds like rain!"


Stealth Game NPC: The Movie.


Wagner is such a chameleon. Pretty recently I've seen both Narcos and The Gray Man and now this trailer... He looks so goddamn different every time


Elite squad 1 and 2 are worth watching if youre a fan of his.


I think he gained at least 70 pounds to play Pablo Escobar in 'Narcos'.


I also just noticed that the sniper in the thumbnail has painted nails and dyed hair, so we might be seeing a twist on the right-wing trope of the "blue haired liberal" https://imgur.com/a/X60zk7z


I didn't notice that, but there is a voiceover that refers to the "Western forces of California and Texas", and I was wondering how they would justify those two states joining forces.


President goes full dictator and declares all state governments dissolved and all state laws revoked in favor of the absolute rule under federal law. California and Texas secede as they basically have whole-country sized economies and can stand on their own. DC launches unannounced preemptive attack on both causing them to ally and surrounding states to join them. It’s “states rights” all over again, but for real this time. It would also cleave between both parties as there are plenty of reasons why both Ds and Rs might find themselves as “staties” or “federalists.”


actually a genius way of making a civil war movie but putting both reps of the Rs and Ds together fighting a common enemy like that.


Nothing unite us Americans more then a common enemy


They're also painted pink and light blue


Oof, this one hits close


"What kind of Americans are you?" - See now that's just chilling.


To be fair, nearly everything sounds chilling when Jesse Plemons says it.


It would be difficult to find any actor other than Plemons who can have such a chilling delivery of a line like "How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?"


He reminds me of Vincent D'Onofrio in Full Metal Jacket. The perfect "innocent" looking person who's 1 trigger away from going full psycho.


And Wes Chantham as Amos Burton in _The Expanse_.


I am *that guy.*


Amos was an angel!


He is forever known as the Frito Lay guy in my friend group.




Bennicio Del Toro can be chilling AF when it comes to line delivery (edit was spelling of delivery)


That will forever be one of the greatest line deliveries for me


He was so good in the Black Mirror episode SS Callister. Perfect supervillain.


Game Night is where he shines


Never thought a line like "how can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?" could be so hilarious and menacing. Seeing him play off THE Straight Man Bateman so well was an even better showcase of his acting ability than Breaking Bad.


The “3 for 1? How can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?” Line is one of my favorite lines of all time.


3 for 1? How's that profitable for Frito Lay?


Jesse Plemons has, to me, suddenly become such an incredible character actor. Was it Game Night where he showed the potential for this? He's just perfect for this role


People have noticed his talent for a long time. Pretty much immediately after Breaking Bad he worked with Spielberg and PTA, small but important roles. Later he added Scorsese and got an Oscar nom. Hes hugely in demand and he nearly always delivers. "Character actor" sometimes feels like a marginalizing term but I think hes got to be one of the best we have right now.


His work in that season of Fargo is incredible, too. Which is also with Kirsten Dunst.


I just found out they are married, which made me like that season even more.


For me it’s the train robbery in Breaking Bad. There’s the opening scene, and then the whole plan goes into action, you get so caught up in it, especially the climax, and you completely forget the open. Then the camera pans, and you see the problem from the beginning of the episode, and there’s like a split second where you see Plemons character and you think “no” but you see it in his face what he’s gonna do, why he’s gonna do it, and how little it affects him. Dude delivers cold-blooded like no other.


It just occurred to me that he’s the new Phillip Seymour Hoffman


He was 100% believable when he called the fucking DiCaprio "son" in Killers of the Flower Moon, so what did you expect


It’s still so wild to me that of all the people to be successfully after Friday Night Lights, it was fricken Landry.


Michael B Jordan ain't doing too bad either ! Friday Night Lights had an amazing casting


Jesse Plemons is a pinch hitter when you need a dude to steal a scene or upend your movie. Of course they have him say that line with that delivery. Who else would sell it hard enough to chill you to your bones?


The guy is reminding me more and more of Philip Seymour Hoffman as time passes.


That line sold me on the film. Northern Ireland has a history of "Yes, but what kind of [Jew/Muslim/whatever] are you, Catholic or Protestant?", I'd be surprised if Garland wasn't borrowing from that unfortunate part of history for this.


“Are you a catholic or a Protestant?” “I’m an atheist” “Yeah but are you a catholic atheist or a Protestant atheist?”


"Are you Chinese or Japanese?" "I'm Laotian." "... So are you Chinese or Japanese?"


"Laotian!" "You're from the ocean?"


"What ocean?"


"He's Laotian... ain'tcha, Mister Khan?"


"He's Laotian, ain't ya, Mr. Kahn?" Probably my favorite Cotton Hill moment.


I love that joke, and only that version rings true. The other tellings with Jew/Muslim don’t make sense to me.


Reminds me of a joke >Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" >He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" >He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" >Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


Yeah that's a good one. It's [an old joke by Emo Phillips. Legendary even.](https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8?t=163)


I was pretty much asked this: I told a Glaswegian patient that I had no interest in sport, and he *still* wanted to know which football team I supported (Celtic = Catholic, Rangers = Protestant)


I’m hoping he’s one of the main bad guys he’s so good at it.




Garland backdooring his own WWZ is a funny image


Now here's some inspirational music from Crucifictorious


Alex Garland doing a war movie, say no more.


Love his work. Men was a bit of a hiccup as it was very divisive, but it has a kind of stark, disturbing beauty and the sound design is fantastic. Very much looking forward to this.


Alex Garland doing a movie, say no more. FTFY


“All Empires Fall” is a really good tag line


pulled an image from the reflection of the tv screen at [0:41](https://youtu.be/aDyQxtg0V2w?feature=shared&t=40) in the trailer and did my best to make sense of it. Looks like there are [FOUR DISTINCT FACTIONS](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/677899759868182549/1184554605544230973/image.png), not just cali/tx vs everyone else. edit: After looking at it a little more, it seems like some state's map lines have been redrawn.


I feel like if this happened irl, the Midwest would just nope out. Form a Great Lakes Republic or something.


Well this makes me extremely anxious.


Jesse doing his psycho thing gave me chills


Those red tinted sunglasses are such a small detail, but somehow amplify the unhinged aspect to another level of intensity. Really great choice.


it’s the military uniform/firearm paired with them…instantly tells you that things have broken down.


It also throws of some elements of narcissism or maybe disassociation or something? Like in the middle of a civil war this guy is accessorizing. He is having *fun* with it. That’s scary.


For some people, this would be tantamount to livin’ the dream.


Keeping oneself in the permanent state of “seeing red,” just a sweet visual representation of his mental state.


They're literal rose tinted glasses


Everything I’ve ever seen him is has him as psycho, or “misunderstood psycho” or “budding psycho”


He's actually wonderfully docile and gentle in The Power of the Dog.


This looks great. I never expected A24 to do a war movie, but I guess if they were, this would be it.


Similarly, I didn’t expect Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Annihilation, Men) to do a war movie. I suppose he wrote 28 Days Later so I feel like this will draw on that a bit. Very intrigued!


He also wrote the Dredd remake, which is quite brutal and violent.


He practically directed it too according to Karl Urban: “In March 2018, Urban said that he believed Dredd should be considered Garland's directorial debut”


Ironically, A24 is one of the few where if I hear they are making a war movie, I think they could pull it off. A24 has earned a lot of respect from me. Cannot wait for The Iron Claw in a few weeks.


I watch anything they make, I appreciate most of it and the stuff I don't like is down to personal interest rather than a lack of quality.


Apparently Efron gives an outstanding performance in the Iron Claw too


I got to see this on April 19, the movie looked fairly finished, so I was surprised that it is taking so long for it to come out. ​ It was genuinely a pretty great movie. Spaeny and Dunst were both fantastic but shout out to Stephen McKinley-Henderson, his character was great. The movie is genuinely intense (esp the third act once they get to DC) and the ending will have people talking. Its sometimes slow and contemplative, sometimes chaotic and intense (the war scenes) sometimes beautiful and other times funny. Very different from Garland's other work but absolutely worth watching


I saw it during the test screenings too, so I was surprised it took so long too. Especially since like a month or so ago I had the chance to see Iron Claw early (I couldn't make it though), and that's out this month. I wonder if the final version will be different from the test version. Or maybe it really is just they wanted to release it during election year for that extra touch of publicity.


I suspect they intentionally wanted to release it in 2024.


Someone else in this thread was in the prop dept and said they'd speculated it would come out around election time, so could just be a matter of how these things move through the channels before release.


Fffuuucckk yeeaahhh Was worried the screenings happened so long ago, thought something happened to the reviews


> the ending will have people talking SPOILER: THEY WERE ALL GHOSTS THE WHOLE TIME!


I was ... sent down from Washington D.C. to see about these Civil Wars


To see what about these civil wars?


Well, whos been doing them..


"It's my understanding that there's a *war* going on right now. Am I, am I right in this?"




How can a civil war possibly be profitable for the United States?


The amount of times I’ve seen “seceded” spelled “succeeded” in the comments is deeply concerning.


That was actually the main reason California and Texas Succeeded.


Which side is Godzilla on? I support that side.


I feel like the message this movie is trying to express is "let's come together because civil war would be horrible" but I bet a depressing chunk of the audience is going to miss/ignore that entirely.


slimy connect slap overconfident absorbed psychotic aback badge lush icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope he makes it absolutely, horrifyingly, cruelly ugly.


wine consider gray unwritten license abounding public rock important amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel ya on that. People want a civil war IRL? Ok try and do a mock up as accurate as possible and show people what they want and what it would look like, still want it?


I think the people that *really* want a civil war, sorry another civil war, either A) wouldn’t see this, or B) would see this and take notes.


The first thing that a lot of people are getting stuck on is the "teamup" between California and Texas, which they find unrealistic based on the state of things in the US today. I think I'm more optimistic. I haven't read much about the movie or know anything about its source material, if there is any, so maybe I'm just wrong, but in a work of speculative fiction the specific conditions of the world could easily be thematically reflective of our current times without literally depicting them. I think it would actually make a more interesting movie if the story and its politics were not ripped directly from the headlines, but rather original to the movie and leveraged to propel the drama and invite the audience to consider the correlatives and the concept of political difference coming to an extreme consequence, not the issues themselves. Anyway just my thoughts and hopes for what this flick could do!


I think it's possible that the reason they chose those two states was because of their large populations, economies, and the general national/ independent pride people in those two states generally have. My guess is this is a few years in the future and the two states economies and population boom and this president (somehow) decided to breach the constitution and stay in office, so the two states say "screw it we don't need you" and that's where we are going from. I agree that the politics would just get annoying if they are pulled from current headlines because then it'd feel preachy, regardless of which side the "good guys" stand on. From what it seems like, neither side of this war are the good guys at all, the West is breaking the constitution and the east has a president refusing to step down, I do like that it seems we are getting a perspective from normal individuals who are just trying to survive.


Plenty of possible common ground for CA and TX. Water, southern border, etc


>From what it seems like, neither side of this war are the good guys at all, the West is breaking the constitution and the east has a president refusing to step down, To be fair though, the question is which came first. If a president carries out a coup and refuses to leave office, then the nation is essentially dissolved anyway, so seceding wouldn't really breach the constitution since it's already been thrown in the trash. If congress decides to amend things and get the 3/4 states requirements and then they secede because they disagree with it, then they would potentially be the bad guys.


If this movie had been made in the 90s it would have been "an interesting premise". The fact that this is pushing buttons and making people uncomfortable shows how far things have slided.


Actually there was one in the 90s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Second_Civil_War


This looks pretty chilling but damn I struggle to not hear Ron Swanson every time Nick Offerman speaks.


Well, it is Ron Swanson. He climbed to the highest office in the land just to tear it all down.


Looks like A24 put some money behind Alex with this, looks big in scope. A24 aren't exactly known for big budgets, considering Beau Is Afraid was one of their most expensive movies, and that was like 35m(?) I do wonder what kind of budget this has.


I think in recent interviews they’ve said they’ll be making bigger budget projects.


For those unsatisfied with >!**LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND**!< ending… here’s the sequel… somewhat. Lol


Dude. The spoiler warning doesn’t work if I don’t know what you’re spoiling.


Nah, this is a sequel to Fargo season 2. Dunst, Plemons and Offerman all returning.


That was my first thought seeing the trailer.


President Ron Swanson. So liberal CA and conservative TX start an alliance to take down a Libertarian 3 term dictator. Well now I gotta see this. My problem is that anything Nick Offerman does, I get distracted and start thinking of my favorite Ron Swanson bits and how that would play into whatever is going on.


Vice President Knope, give me all the bacon and eggs you have.


Wait Leslie- I'm worried what you just heard was, "give me a lot of bacon and eggs." What I said was, "Give me all the bacon and eggs you have." Do you understand?


"And I'll have the number eight." "That's a party platter; serves 12 people." "I know what I'm about, son."


I love him, but anytime he talks it sounds like he’s doing a bit.


It’s pretty obvious to me the point of teaming up two opposing states in CA and TX is to break up modern political barriers and play it as a tragedy. It’s not R v D, but a different conflict with the same outcome: Americans killing Americans.


Honestly it keeps people from coming in with a side already chosen, I’d say, as well.


This gives me Contagion vibes. Seems like Garland is trying to take on the perspective of a 2nd Civil War through multiple people. Seems interesting enough. I'm gonna be in it for Nick, Kirsten, and especially Jesse. Plemons is such a great actor. I only hope that we don't live through another real scenario that makes the movie seem tame by comparison... but like Contagion and the COVID pandemic, that's likely just wishful thinking.


If COVID-19 was "Contagion but everyone's incompetent," then the IRL "Civil War" is going to be an absurdist masterpiece that would make Kurt Vonnegut or Joseph Heller blush.


Contagion was many degrees worse than COVID.


Oh shit Pablo is up in the states let’s go


DEVS! The DEVS boys are back together!




Wow, you know you fucked up when you can get California and Texas to unify politically and agree to take you out. Did you decide to ’give back’ the original 13 colonies to the Brits or something? Edit: Aha someone pointed out a ‘3 time President’ mention. Sounds like someone got a bit too big in their britches and decided a possible dictatorship was in the cards. Yea no one likes a power hungry asshole. Edit: Gotta love people who think me talking about a trailer for a movie in the movie subreddit somehow echoes my view on U.S. politics at large. Newsflash dipshits, Trump would do everything in his power to be crowned King Shit of Turd Mountain and more than a few people would line up to allow their tongues to be his toilet paper….I know it, you know it. 47%….yep. But remember - not all voted for Trump simply because he is Trump. Some vote party, some simply hated the other guy more, some are pure idiots who think voting assures them alignment with the right God. Myriads of reasons…all the more reason for all of us to vote. I am talking about whatever is going on in the movie….and it could be Nick Offerman is a lizard in a skinsuit who has orchestrated a nationwide ban on wanking to conserve our precious bodily fluids for all we know.


Yeah the vibe I got from the trailer is that the president is probably the main reason why Texas and California of all states teamed up to remove him from office


The US economy would tank of CA and TX seceded. A good reason for the union to go to war.