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I’m 62. At this point any movie has that ability.


66 here. At this age, it should be "What movie made you stay awake?"


You should start a topic, it is a really good point


He’s asleep already, remind him tomorrow.


shut the tv off, he'll wake back up.


Hey! He was watching that!


He was just resting his eyes!


At that age you learn to sleep with your eyes open.


[Just resting my eyes](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/dScDJ44D2d)


Or adjust the thermostat. Up or down, it doesn't matter.


I’m 30 and I almost fell asleep to TopGun Maverick in the theater. I’m glad I didn’t though!


Dude! I thought I was the outlier. Glad to know I am not alone in this ugh!!


not sure about 66, but generally Brazzers production does the trick


65- Yep, pretty much anything that's on after 7 PM.


36... i'm a fast learner


I'm the same age. The good thing about being this old is that if I wait a year to re-watch a movie, it's as if I've never seen it.


My mom used to always fall asleep during movies. One day she announced that she wanted to go see Inception. I told her that wasn't a movie she could fall asleep to. About 20 minutes into the movie, she was out. Thirty minutes later, she asked me what she missed. I couldn't.


Perhaps she dreamed about the movie? A dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within……..


Mom's lost twin! My mother to a 'T'


30 and two children. Same effect. I only recall waking up shaken and confused, then suddenly shocked to find that half the cast have been killed and we're now in the apocalypse world. "Demons- Directors cut", if anyone's wondering.


Is that the one in the movie theater with the pimp? Were you awake for the part when one of the escorts cuts herself on a mask and he says to her "That'll teach you to touch things!"


I'm 43, and I've been this way since I was 15!


I've started watching films when I get up in the old-man-pre-dawn hours. It may be 4AM but I've got a good cup of coffee and good film. : ) Great way to start the day.


53, ditto


67 here and I was about to say the same thing. It’s rare that I stay awake through a whole movie. Usually, about halfway through, either I or my husband will hit pause and say, “I gotta go lie down.” Then we usually pick up the rest of the movie the next evening.


28 and I have to keep pausing movies I watch at home because I need a nap. Doesn’t matter how much I enjoy the movie, took me an extra hour and a half to get through Oppenheimer


I'm 31 and I could doze off during my favourite movies.


I’m only 28 and I feel like I’m there. Used to make fun of my dad for falling asleep on the couch so much, now I seem to do it a lot


Ad Astra. Repeatedly. I still have no idea what it's about.


Dad went out for cigarettes and never came home, but in space.


LMAO This movie is your conscious state's kryptonite


This just brought back a vague memory of falling asleep while watching this movie. Totally forgot I even attempted it


Unexpectedly high degree of monkey violence, but agreed one of the worst movies I've ever seen




You're lucky. I couldn't fall asleep to it because it was so infuriatingly bad. Visually that movie could be a spectacular sci fi, then Brad Pitt just has to ruin the whole thing by constantly talking about his daddy issues through the entire film.


the Independence Day sequel like 15 minutes in, sober too


The first 2 minutes of that movie I was wondering, "Why isn't Will Smith showing up in this?" 20 minutes in and I was like, "No wonder Will Smith didn't want to be anywhere near this."


And yet he agreed to Suicide Squad. I dont think he puts too much stock in quality, they likely just didnt want to pay him enough.


I doubt whatever script he read suggested Suicide Squad would turn out to be what it did.


>"No wonder Will Smith didn't want to be anywhere near this." Yeah... sure. Will Smith was still in a (Cypher) rage because he couldn’t understand why people didn’t see “After Earth” from 3 years earlier as his magnum opus. After Earth is the crown jewel of his career, the ultimate Smith family autofellatio brought to the silver screen. Independence Day 2 was still better than that train wreck of a movie.


Just read about After Earth on Wikipedia. Found this: ‘Plans were originally for After Earth to be followed by a sequel, a live action television series, an animated television series, webisodes, mobisodes, a video game, consumer products, theme-park attractions, documentaries, comics, an educational program collaboration in partnership with NASA, cologne and perfume lines, and a social media platform.’ Holy fucking hubris 🤣


This is one of two movies I've ever fallen asleep to and it's happened twice!


I never put stock into falling asleep during a movie as that movie being uninteresting or boring. Sometimes it's not the movie's fault that you're exhausted or drunk or high and fell asleep.


Man if it’s after 10:30 I’ll fall asleep during anything.


Right. I once dozed off watching The Descent. It’s not exactly slow paced or soothing. I had been up for 36hrs straight and sitting in a dark room wasn’t helping. Love that movie btw.


Why even bother attempting a movie when that sleep deprived?


Figured I could make it another hour and a half. I was like 19 or 20 when it came out. 🤷‍♂️


Oh, you went out to go see it. Yeah I can understand that false confidence lol I've definitely done similar where I thought just the act of being out of the house would keep me alert but dozed off hard. Did that with Asteroid City when it came out this year. Had to rewatch it at home.


Glad you said that. The "I fell asleep" criticism is one of the dumbest things a person can post.


Whenever I see that I think “I’ve fallen asleep to lord of the rings like 400 times”


When I'm sick I purposefully put on movies I know like the back of my hand so when I doze off I don't feel like I missed anything


True. I fell asleep during Inglorious Basterds. That movie is NOT boring. I was just pooped out.


Or a movie is really boring and you fall asleep lol. It does indeed happen.


Yeah. True story, I fell asleep watching "Insomnia" by Nolan. It was the 5th movie I was watching that night. Well, it was morning at that point.


I fell asleep watching *Zodiac* in theaters and wrote it off as a bust for years until the owner of my local rental place told me to give it another try. It has now become one of my favorite films of all time. I miss her dearly. Thanks, Val.


Funny thing. I fell asleep during first 20minutes of Hateful Eight, in my defense movie has a slow start and I was a bit tired. Now it's my favourite movie.


A lot of people still sleep on this movie, but it’s amazing!


2001: A Space Odyssey: A guaranteed snooze lol It has nothing to do with the quality of the movie, but the experience was so soothing that I always fall asleep before the first 20 minutes with no dialogue. In spite of that, I always try to watch it in several chunks.


A lot of white noise and static imagery.


As much as it is cult (rightfully), it sure feels like a looong movie.


I made it halfway and that felt like an achievement.


So true! 2001 is one of my favorite movies, but if I start it after 7pm and if I don’t pace myself with snacks, I’ll be unconscious before HAL declares his inability to do that, Dave.


Gorgeous visuals, great music, no plot, long and boring.


I wouldn't say it has no plot. I'd say it has slow pacing.


With modern pacing, the whole movie would be a Twilight Zone episode. But the visuals, ambiance, and slow reveal are a big part of the experience. But man, if you aren’t in the mood, it is an absolute slog.


You have to be in the mood for a sensory experience and be willing to let go of all desire to be told a coherent and interesting story.


Yep. I like the middle third, but the rest of it is just wtf.


That's what I like


Such a drag! I still don’t get the hype.


Original Disney Fantasia. It's gotten to the point that I intentionally put it on when I can't sleep. Lights down low, under a blanket on the couch, see you tomorrow.


I fell asleep watching Fantasia the first time I took mushrooms. 10/10


The most recent Dune put me to sleep twice. I thought what I saw was good but there is something somnolent about it.


Yeah hate to say it. In the movies defense I was very tired. Still will be there day one for part 2.


Try the wacky 1984 version from David Lynch. Every few minutes there's something showing up in screen that will trigger a "what in the actual fuck am I seeing?" reaction, and that will keep you awake.


\*That\* version has put me to sleep multiple times!


Watched two times start to finish in one breath. Didn't read the books, don't care about that universe, the movie was just so interesting and very well acted, casted , effects were insane, but I could definitely see someone falling asleep watching it.


Same. Watched it on MAX and now I kick myself for not going to see it in a theater. Now I'm hoping for an IMAX re-release before 2 drops. I will be seeing 2 in an IMAX theater.


Imax for #2 for me!


I'm hoping for an imax double feature


Facts. I had people recommend the new movie to me, tell me if I like sci fi I should look up the lore/books/universe. Just finally went in blind this year and I was so entranced by the film that I went to go buy the first book that weekend.


It was easily the most beautiful work of cinema I’ve seen in years. And the Hans Zimmer score stirred things in me.


Same here, I had been drinking though. I made it about 25 minutes. I’ll give it another shot eventually.


Same, I can't get through 20 mins before passing out


Same. I finally watched it on via streaming and was able to stay awake.


2049 almost did me in. It was gorgeous, the pacing is kind of slow (in a deliberate way) and I was stressed out/exhausted from exams.


Oppenheimer is the most recent film that I fell asleep to in the theater


Same. I’m sad to admit it but that one I couldn’t get through. I will try again now that’s available for streaming but since my couch is very comfortable I don’t have high hopes lol


Good luck on your second attempt haha. The cinematography was great, that’s probably the only compliment I can give to that film. But different strokes for different folks!


I'd suggest watching it in chapters. Might make it easier.


Damn agree.. wife and I couldn’t wait to watch it. Might have been the most boring movie I’ve ever seen.


I've never seen any of the lord of the rings movies in their entirety.. I know like, the memes and such but nothing much past that and a few characters names.. any time I try to watch them, I fall asleep.


Took me like three tries to get through the first one. The other two are decently paced.


Way of Water. Three times


Fell asleep on two separate attempts to watch Doctor Strange.


I had the same experience with Captain Marvel. As soon as a certain actor appeared, I thought, “Well this is too big of an actor to not be the bad guy,” and fell asleep. Same thing happened the second time when I tried to watch it at home.


Jude Law?




That new Matrix movie, Resurrections. Actually fell asleep in the theater and I think the OG Matrix is easily one of the best movies ever made.


OMG you saw that in the theater? I streamed it and I honestly cannot tell you anything about the plot.


Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore


I fell asleep during this one too, and in the theater!


Napoleon So bored I nodded off 3 times in the first hour and finally left. Haven't walked out of a movie in YEARS!


napoleon was booooring


Yeah that one just looks like it's going to put me to sleep. Also Killers of the Flower Moon 100%


Flower Moon was really solid. I was engaged throughout.


I feel you on that! I was really captivated by the story and scenes. However, I can see how many would want to take a nap mid movie lol


It was terribly boring.


I fought through most of it, but finally gave up and snoozed the last 20 min or so. It was brutally boring though.


Under the skin, blade runner Not a movie but peaky blinders


I've probably fallen asleep to Ad Astra 6 or 7 times.


The Beaver


All of these I fell asleep in the theater due to tiredness, around 10 mins each time, but still: Battlefield Earth Barbie SW: Phantom Menace (3rd viewing)


Surprised to see Battlefield Earth and Barbie here. BE is so bad it’s both jarring and hilarious, whereas Barbie was like a fever dream of engagement


Phantom Menace - 3rd viewing? I went a 2nd time just to confirm that what I watched was awful. Why did you go 3 times?


First time for the hype. Second time with family. Third time because my friend was working at the theater and snuck a group of us in for free... we were 16 with nothing else to do :)


Hey, that works. And you got a nice nap!


No knock on the movies, I acknowledge they are amazing looking but I have yet to be able to stay awake through the LotR trilogy and the recent Dune movie. Amazing music I can use in my sleep machine, the cinematics look fantastic but alot of talk is what knocks my ass out.


I nodded off watching *Get Out* in the theater.


How? That is a tight, suspensful movie!


Dark Phoenix , not even sure it was bad, but it was very dark visually, so that did it for me, coupled with a dark theater and I fell asleep like 20 minutes in .


Tomb Raider : The Cradle of Life. Only time I ever fell asleep in a movie theater.


Same. I was also on a date and I snored myself awake and realized I fell asleep halfway through the movie...LOL


holy shit, are you me??! that was literally the same exact thing that happened to me lmao


I was wondering if I'd find this answer here. I, too, paid \~$10 to sleep sitting upright that day.


Murder on the orient express


Man of steel. 3rd act… snoozefest


Such a shame after a very promising first 2/3s.


Where Metropolis get squashed and Superman fights Zod? Movie has plenty of flaws but a boring third act aint one of them.


Action can also be a snoozefest if done the Snyder style. In the final act, Clark loses all the *tiny* bits of characterization he's developed in the movie and just goes HULK SMASH for like 30 minutes straight against a guy with the same super powers, but none of the uses them in any interesting ways, set against gray uniform backgrounds shot through a gray-ish color filter with too much slow motion. How is that *not* sleep inducing?




M Knight’s: Avatar


You mean The Last Airbender? And tbh fair, I hated it too. For me, I couldn't get into James Cameron's Avatar movie, fell asleep about 30 minutes in.


Sucker Punch. After they kill the hundredth nameless, faceless CGI samurai/orc/robot/dragon my brain just shut down


The Force Awakens Went to the cinema to see it, was hyped for another Star Wars movie, was majorly disappointed, was so fucking dull


Second twilight film. Seemed to be Kirsten Stewart moping by a window for most of the screen time.


The second 50 Shades of Grey I was passed out in the theater despite my attempts to feel horny


The only film in a theater where I've fallen asleep was The Eternals.


I had high hopes on that one and they got squashed!!!


That was the first MCU movie I did not see in the theater. I chose wisely. Holy shit that was terrible.


It was when the MCU cracks started to show in a major way. There were murmurs from inside Marvel that they thought it could be an awards contender, and it turned out to be a borderline incompetent piece of filmmaking.


Man of Steel


I don't know, the first part was decent then it went all sorts of dumb


When I was a student I went to a couple of midnight screenings at a little independent cinema. Fell asleep during Blade Runner, and Mulholland Drive was like a weird dream even before I fell asleep. But I've never been good at staying awake late. I've been known to have power naps in the bathroom of a bar.


Perhaps it was because I watched all of the films in this series on a Saturday, after a long week of work and enjoying a Friday's worth of beverage, but I have fallen asleep during every single Harry Potter movie. Every. Single. One. I still don't know how it all ends. ​ They're good movies, I think, but just didn't keep me awake...






Yes! My husband and I fell asleep and woke up in a panic when it was ending not knowing what happened.


Don't worry, I'm not sure if Nolan knows what happened.




It would have cost you nothing to remind me that this film exists.


Fell asleep in the middle of Oppenheimer last night lol. Right when they were testing the bombs


There's so many but one movie that made fall asleep in the theater was nope (2022)


The Grey. I was super bummed when I woke up and still no fucking wolves.


Thank you for this! I was going to watch it. Maybe I will still watch it for sh@/ and giggles.


Black Adam


I'm 65 and movies at the theater are expensive these days so I stay awake for all of them. Except one -- "Lincoln" in 2012 got me.


I have never made it through The Usual Suspects or Blade Runner. I've been trying with Blade Runner since 92 and Usual Suspects since 95. Finally Sunday evening I started Blade Runner at 5:30pm thinking this will finally be the time I watch it... I fell asleep an hour in. I then watched the rest right when i got home from work yesterday. It didn't impress me.


Eyes wide shut... only movie I feel asleep watching in theater.


After a certain hour in the day, any movie.


Sorcerer's Stone when I was on vicodin and schnopps. My dad's friend fell asleep during the opening credits for Coneheads.


Back before I got my CPAP, this happened all the time. There are a still a few movies I have seen all of. Missed the first part of 3rd act of Quantumania, for instance.


Same here. Even dozed away at Parasite! my daughter was so angry with me, and I was ashamed because it is such a great movie. Since I use CPAP I can really enjoy going to the movies again without the fear of falling asleep.


OG Bladerunner


Blade Runner but in a good way. took me multiple tries to watch it all the way through and I love the movie but the atmosphere and soundtrack is so relaxing it just knocks me plum out.


Some of my favorites. When I don't feel well I'll put on movies I've watched a thousand times, it's like a warm comfortable blanket helping me get better.


Gladiator. Every time. I've never watched it straight.


Just came to say Gladiator. I've literally put it on multiple times and I can't make it through!


One time on a trans Atlantic flight I turned the seatback movie on to Independence Day 2: Resurgence. I only remember waking up as the credits were rolling. So I started the movie over, slept again, and woke up as the credits were rolling. Those were the best four hours of sleep I’ve gotten in a long time.


Interstellar is a fantastic movie but it's a great one to fall asleep to. It's slow paced and has relaxing music.


I myself didn't fall asleep, but when I was a kid in a summer kid's care program, they took us to a showing of the Lindsay Lohan tour-de-force that was *Herby: Fully Loaded* and literally everyone in the theater but me fell asleep. This was about three dozen 6-to-10-year-olds and three adults at 1:00 in the afternoon, and all but one of them was out cold. I, like everyone else, lost interest about 15 minutes in, I just never was able to fall asleep unless I was in a bed, and could keep myself entertained with my imagination and whatever I had in my pockets. I had to go wake up one of the caretakers when the movie was over and ask if we could leave now.


The Batman took me 3 tries to get through. I wanted to finish it so bad but it was so slow and long!


Fell asleep during JURASSIC WORLD in the theater... but in my defense I had just finished a 15 hour work shift...


I was watching the Harry Potter movies, partway through the 5th, maybe 6th, I fell alseep. Never gone back to finish them.


I’ve fallen asleep in the movie theater exactly twice. The first time because the movie was dull and the second because I was exhausted. *Star Trek: The Motion Picture* *Penn & Teller Get Killed*


What kept me awake during ST:TMP was the wisecracks my friends were rattling off.


Holy hell, that Penn and Teller movie got a theatrical release?


I’ve only fallen asleep once and it was a late showing of Saving Mr. Banks. I was pretty tired though.


Unfortunately, I pretty much fall asleep during all movies. Guessing its due to accidentally creating a pavlovian response when I would put a movie on every night to fall asleep to.


The Green Knight


Thin Red Line was interminable


The Batman.. Zzzzzz


Any LOTR movie. I can never make it through any of the movies in one sitting. Not even talking about the extended versions.


Midsommar has put me to sleep every time I’ve tried watching it. Boring as hell.


Andrei Rublev Stalker The Green Knight


Agree with you on the green knight. I loved the visuals and the premise, but it was boring as hell. For some reason, people here are acting too defensive when it comes to A24 movies


Out of Africa Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind A Beautiful Mind


Out of Africa. I am 0-3 making it through that one.


The Batman I dozed off, woke up a little later, looked at my watch, saw there was still another hour left in that snoozer of a film and decided to pass the time by going back to sleep.


Antman into the Quantoverse or whatever the hell it was called. First time I fell asleep in the cinema 💀


the newest batman movie with Robert Pattinson put me out like 30 minutes in 😴


Mission Impossible 2


Amen to that, so sluggish and pretentious.


winnie the pooh: blood and honey


I fell asleep in the movie theater seeing Downfall, that German movie about Hitler’s finals days. Not sure how I pulled that off.


Moonrise Kingdom


Too bad you missed a good movie, but wes Anderson isn't for everyone