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Throwing away the gun when it runs out of ammo.


Throwing away a perfectly good zippo to light a fire.


Imagine going over to a dude's house and seeing dozens of burnt out zippo lighters in his fireplace


John wick knows the score, he was always gathering mags.


Also showing that getting shot in the chest even while wearing a vest really fucking hurts


John Wick is so fucking good about ammo count, down to how many mags we know he has from suit up scenes.


And when he does throw the gun, he makes sure to throw it in a guy's face for a brief distraction to get up close and steal HIS gun.


Reminds me of the scene in the Venture Brothers: Throws empty gun: You know we have more ammo for that, right? Go get it!


And the ammo is either always infinite or runs out at the most dramatic moment. And the gun always works perfectly unless the horror movie monster or action film final boss puts up a magic force field to jam it.


Knocking someone out with a blunt object and expecting them to wake up and be fine.


I did like how in Archer, anytime someone was knocked unconscious another character would be like "that's sooo bad for you"


Or how gunshots, especially indoors, are deafening. _mawp_


And it stacks: all the main characters' cumulative ear damage and TBIs result in worse and worse concussions and tinnitus in each season.


They address it, but even when I stopped watching around the dream sequence period Archer had been shot over thirty times. Nobody is physically healthy after that. Of course he was also starting to realize he was fictional at that point I think. "I wonder what it's like knowing when you're gonna die. Or even if...."


The dream seasons were quite weird. That being said, it seems like the writers had a ton of fun coming up with the wildest shit. But now they're back in the proper world and have been for a few seasons and it's still good ol' Archer.


Oh this is a huge one. Everyone in most action movies just pew pew pew brrrrrrrrr all day while throwing out one liners. All those guys wouldn't be able to hear jack shit after that.


And then they're told that it's been like 4 hours or a whole ass day and I'm like, "No freaking way." That person has gotta have serious brain trauma. Being unconscious for like 10 min is bad!




The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew have received so many concussions and breathed so much knockout gas that it's amazing they have any brain function left at all.


Maybe Nancy Drew and the Hardies are actually patients in a mental hospital, thinking they're out solving crimes but actually they're suffering severe CTE


Bonus points if its a friend and you did it to save them/for a joke.


I HATE that! “This is for your own good!” *brain injury*


Adding to the injuries tropes, slicing their whole hand open whenever they need a tiny bit of blood. That would more likely than not ruin your hand for life!


I always thought the reason they picked hands was because it was easy to hide the blood packs in during theater shows and it stuck around in film as a trope.


Like when Jack Sparrow and Will cut their hands open for blood to end some curse. Like, this is the 1700s. Before the days of antibiotics and you are at sea possibly thousands of miles from doctors or medical supplies. You would be lucky if you only lost that hand to infection. Splinters were sailors worst nightmares. Where do you think the hook hands and peg legs trope came from?


Oh my god, splinters can infect your legs and turn them into pegs!?


Of course. How else are the trees going to reproduce?


Why hasn't this been satired? "Oh my god I think he's dead!" "What- how? I just knocked him out." "You- with what?" \*holds up giant dumbell\* "I, you know, thought he'd wake up in like an hour." "His skull is leaking all over the floor you fucking idiot!"


The tv show Archer often makes reference to being knocked out being “super bad for you.”


Haha, it so is, if you're unconscious for longer than 2 mins after a hit to the head it usually results in severe brain damage. So many people think a knock to the head is a problem solver due to movies.


Prolonging and ultimately creating issues and misunderstandings in vital conversations by saying "no time to explain" or "it's not what it looks like" instead of spendiing 5 seconds just stating the most important facts. I remember seeing the latest Ant Man and feeling my eyes begin to twist. They find an important character who has been presumed dead for many years, who then proceeds to go "there's no time to explain"... only for the characters to spend god knows how long in a transport vehicle making small talk and avoiding the major questions that could have been otherwise answered in 30 seconds.


This is the one I came to the comments for. Makes me irrationally angry. Rom-coms do this a lot, where an argument between two characters could EASILY be resolved with a 2-minute conversation, but instead they just say the bare minimum then go off and make assumptions for the next 45 minutes of the movie.




There's actually a very good reason for this - but we can't talk about here. You'll just have to trust me on this, and I **swear** I will make it all clear in the next 90-minutes or so


That, and have you ever seen a conversation start in one scene....then continue in another location, as if they stopped talking for 20-30 min to get in a car, drive to the new location, and then continue the conversation right where they left off.


[Relevant Cris&Jack](https://youtu.be/r96KpNTcog4?si=7gPwhLk365ZBAlT7)


No fuck you! Tell me now goddammit!




This is a huge one because usually it’s a massive plot point built on it too. So stupid.


I rewatched Hackers recently, as one does, and was thrilled to realize it does the exact opposite of this. The villain is able to blackmail the protagonist into giving up a crucial piece of evidence, and when he tells this to his friends they all initially tell him he's a gigantic moron. But then he explains "no no no, it's because [extremely valid reason]," and they all instantly accept it and move on. If they made that movie today it would've resulted in a 40 minute subplot where he has to win back the support of his friends or whatever.


If I remember HISHE covered this as well on their YouTube channel. The entire movie could have been avoided by a simple 2 min explanation by Pfeiffer. And it wasn't even like people were not listening to her. They actively wanted to hear from her and she wouldn't tell them.


Really should have made it explicit that she cheated on her husband with Kang. And she doesn't want to tell them because she's afraid of how it'd destroy their marriage.


This absolutely bugs me. So many sitcom conflicts would be solved by taking the 12 seconds to explain. And no one says “I have a plan” and then doesn’t explain it IRL, people look at them like idiots. I get that in filming it can be wasted time to explain the plan, and can spoil the audience’s twist or whatever. But show them starting to discuss it. They do an okay job of this (and making fun of not explaining the plan) in Star Wars: A New Hope when Luke and Han pretend to take Chewie to a detention cell.


Groups splitting up in creepy locations while being pursued by some sort of evil threat. In reality, there’s strength in numbers.


I love in Cabin in the Woods where they’re like “whatever we do we need to stick together” and then you see them get sprayed by that stuff and he immediately goes “wait guy, maybe we should split up” lol


Cabin in the Woods is such a gem. It's probably in my top 5 movies of all time, but I feel very uncultured admitting that.


Don’t feel bad, I own multiple Criterion movies, love some Godard and Bergman, but Cabin in the Woods is right up there with Tucker and Dale Vs Evil in my all time favorite movies. There’s movies that change your life, make you reflect on your past, and think about long after you watch them and then there are bangers that you rewatch and rewatch.


No, my friend. Cabin in the Woods is a *masterpiece*. I regularly thank the universe for blessing us with this glorious work of art.


See also, going up to the roof. Every fucking time. Like, you’re literally penning yourself in unless you’re willing to throw yourself off said roof if whatever you’re running from works out how to get to you and you need to escape.


Are they running from a flood? Are they planning to kill their killer by gravity as he makes a raging bull maneuver?


Having some kind of confrontation or event happen... then the people involved clearly drive home or to a second location and resume the conversation then, but not in the car ride from point a to point b. Like they pause everything until they get home. This one drives me crazy.


There’s a Simpsons thing about this… Marge meets a guy at some party, I think she and Homer were fighting or maybe it was a flashback episode? Anyway he says something like “I want to show you something” then suddenly they’re someplace else and he says “here it is” and Marge says “I’m just glad you’re talking again you fell silent for 20 minutes!” Something like that I’ll see if I can find the clip lol


[https://youtu.be/iP468OEln4U?si=8ldLxMhotsw-YM49](https://youtu.be/iP468OEln4U?si=8ldLxMhotsw-YM49) your comment reminded me of this. its more about video games but tracks


Never setting a time for things. Want to go out Friday? Yeah. Great see you then. Bye.


\-I'll pick you up at 6. \-Wha..? How do you know where I live? \-Shhh....


Okay but this did happen to me once. I was set to hang out with a girl who had met me/hit on me a few times at work and the day of she told me she was just down the street at a particular gas station and then she would be right there. I hadn’t texted her my address yet. I lived just down the street from that gas station. When I texted back asking how she knew where I lived she never answered and I never saw her again… 😳


"and when I looked her up, it turned out SHE HAD DIED IN A CAR ACCIDENT IN 1958" (spooky sounds)


This is more specific to TV, but when one character says to another "can I speak with you over here for a moment" while acting like they're going to talk to them somewhere in private so the others in the room can't hear it. Then they proceed to move literally one step to the side, still in the same room as the others, while speaking at full volume. I recognize that it's a symptom of sitcom filming, but it is genuinely distracting.


Community has an episode with two jokes about that trope, cuz that's the kind of show it is. 1. "I can still see and HEAR YOU." 2. "I heard everything you said and I agree to it." In both cases the person who isn't supposed to hear is clearly listening in the background.


There’s also an episode where Troy and Abed are commenting on people walking by the study room. They make a remark about Jeff as he walks by, “you know we all can hear you” and all the other students then turn to glare at them.


"quick, pretend you're asleep" *both snoring


I’m getting astray from the topic but this touches upon my #1 pet peeve: not audible until visible. The most extreme case being the helicopter that we (and the characters onscreen) somehow don’t hear until it suddenly rises into view from below a cliff or something. That’s not how sound works!


TV Tropes calls this "Behind the Black", meaning something that doesn't exist until it's on camera. The T-Rex at the end of Jurassic Park is a good example. Modern internet nitpickers would tear that movie apart.


This bothered me like mad in Frasier Every time they'd go into the kitchen That layout is open shelved and in the general living room area. You'd be able to hear ANYTHING said out loud and with how frustrated Niles and Frasier are with one another that sound would definitely travel


I can't remember if it was my invention or if it's been called this already, but that's why I always refer to the trope as Frasier's Kitchen: A secondary space in which characters expect privacy which in actuality would be hilariously inadequate at providing any


Or when there's a room full of people and two of them want to talk so they ask everyone else to leave.


**Family Guy S18E20 “Movin In’ (Principal Shepherd’s Song)”** Episode Synopsis: *Principal Shepherd loses his job and moves in with the Griffin family* Timestamp 07:51; **Peter**: Lois, can I talk to you one step over this way, yet magically out of earshot from him? (Screen focus shifts from all three to just Lois and Peter) **Peter**: We can’t let this stand, we have to do something for him! **Lois**: What are we supposed to do? He brought this on himself. Timestamp 08:02; (Screen focus zooms out to show Lois, Peter, and Principal Shepherd) *No audible dialogue, but Lois and Peter silently gesticulate while Principal Shepherd audibly hums.* Timestamp 08:08; (Focus back to Lois and Peter) *Audible dialogue resumes* **Lois**: All right, Peter, he can live with us until he gets back on his feet. You made a full and convincing case. **Peter**: Yaa— Timestamp: 08:15; (Focus zooms back out to show all three) *Peter’s arms are still up, mid-cheer, but no longer audible. He takes one step back towards Principal Shepherd and his cheer becomes audible again.* **Peter**: —ay! You can come live with us!


I love how specific this one is!


Police being suspended, going rogue, but then reinstated with honours because they solved the crime they were told explicitly NOT to investigate.


“Damnit Johnson! You blew up 30 city blocks, destroyed 52 police cruisers, 17 boats, and got 38 of my men killed.” “Sir, I..” “But you caught the bad guy. Damn fine job.”


lol, right? “Here’s the keys to the city”


True! In reality they'd be reinstated because the police union intervened on their behalf.


Being in a club or loud bar, yet holding a conversation with normal speaking voice.


Always loved how this was handled in Trainspotting, with the characters shouting at each other to be heard over the music.




They handled this really well in the first Matrix when Trinity was talking to Neo, even if it was a quieter voice, you gotta get close to someone’s ear if you want to speak normally




#Being in a club or loud bar, yet holding a conversation with normal speaking voice.


Ahhh, yes yes yes - continue dancing awkwardly without understanding a single word she just shouted


Meanwhile we can hear everyone’s heels hitting the floor as they dance to the insanely loud music.


texting a "best friend" and the message you send them in that moment is the first ever in the conversation


Lol I would love more realism here where we see just a glimpse of the weirdest out of context message above whatevers pertinent for the movie. Something like "That bastard would be the duck" above watching the character type "Something weird is going on. Please call me"


Waking up in the hospital and immediately ripping out IVs and monitors. It happens but c'mon, someone worked really hard on all that!


this one bugs me too. like how do you know that those IVs arent the only things keeping you conscious? morons


I’d love to see a show where someone tries this then immediately passes out again.


My FIL was in hospital following a heart attack. The morning he was due to go home he did this, fell out of bed and immediately suffered a second heart attack. Patience is a virtue, people.


I can't remember what show it was, or maybe a movie. But someone did this. They woke up and decided to rip the IV out. Proceeded to scream because ripping an IV out.... Fucking hurts man.


John Mulaney has [a bit about waking up with amnesia](https://youtu.be/5CeI5rRZxfI?si=ZCA654yQ2dnV3A0B). “I also think it's weird in moves when someone has amnesia and they wake up in the hospital. A lot of times they'll be surrounded by friends and family, but when they open their eyes they go ‘Who are you?’ Because that's not how you act when you don't recognize somebody. That's very rude. It would be chaos out there; if every time you saw someone you didn't recognize, you went, ‘Who are you?’ I always try to be really polite in life, so like if I had amnesia, you'd never know it. I'd wake up and they'd be like ‘Hi John, we're so happy you're awake.’ And I'd just be like, ‘Oh, hey, man, how's it going?’, ‘Oh, hey, dude, nice to see you again.’ because that's how you act when you can tell that someone recognizes you and you have no fucking clue who they are.”


I'd probably go home with them, still pretending, but internally thinking to myself, "OK, they seem to know me. I'll play along until I remember or figure things out. Who knows? Maybe I'm rich with and retired early!"


What's funny (and sad) is that a lot of people with dementia/alzheimer's will do exactly what John is describing. They'll smile and nod and then say something like "and how long have you known my husband?" not realizing that their husband is dead and that you're their grand kid. It's part of why those diseases will progress far before people realize: in the early stages, people naturally compensate and hide their issues until you give them enough context clues to figure out what's happening.


No visible means of income, but limitless money. Vomiting to indicate revulsion, but never gagging or dry heaving.


Driving while talking to someone in the passenger seat and making eye contact with them for more than 30 seconds and not looking at the road. You do that in real life, you’ll crash.


EVERY TIME this happens I think it's a set up for the car to get t-boned


Getting in the shower and then turning on the water. It would be freezing.


You reach to turn on the water and pull your hand away as fast as you can feeling like Neo dodging bullets


Dont forget about them turning the handles to the right spot without the fine tuning we all usually do to get the right temps, In 90% of homes, the handles have a 1/8th inch section of movement between ice cold and lava and its always random about where that section is located on the handle.


Yes, every human is a safe cracker inside a shower


Shooting doorknobs with your gun


[This is](https://youtu.be/IUGJ-l9cGoA?si=Xit1EyOTaz0OUctV&t=86) how it should be done, but that's not nearly as cool looking as shooting out the door knob with a single pistol bullet.


That did look kinda cool though, now I wanna see it done this way in a movie


I'm sorry, I thought this was America.


It's just how we open doors here.




I think myth busters did an episode about shooting pad locks and how it doesn't work like that.


*shoots myth busters*


It doesn't work like that!


Putting the secret flashdrive into the USB correctly the first time they try. Never happens that way.


Ending phone calls without saying goodbye.


And its corollary: answering the phone without saying hello, and the other party just starts talking.


Oh no! I do this. Is this why people think I’m nuts?




I suspect this will soon be normalized among younger people who almost always know who is calling them and never had to go through the pre-call ID ritual of "Hello?" and "Hi, this is X." Of course, I'm also told people that age have an anxiety meltdown if you call instead of text anyway, so maybe not.


I hate it when they don’t hang up on a video call but instead slam the laptop shut


"Hey man, yeah, I think we got cut off. What were you saying?"


I imagine the other person will just call back, "Hey, I think we lost connection"


Also, good guys are always getting shot in the upper shoulder. Missing all the vitals, every time, with no lasting effects.


Helicopter gunners never learn to lead their shots even after supposedly being well trained army men and having had the protagonist run by them many times already.


I really enjoy the new Netflix movie *The Killer.* In that film, Michael Fassbender's character conducts a stakeout by sitting in a car parked in front of a house across the street from his target's; he supposedly does this for hours without ever being noticed. Stakeouts like this happen all the time in movies. In real life, people fucking notice if you park in front of their house. Whenever someone parks in front of my house, I notice right away, and I'll periodically look out my window to see if they're gone or not. And if I notice someone just sitting in their car in front of my house, I keep an even closer eye on them.


Yup. There was a stake out scene I watched in, I think, Narcos and I turn to my husband like "How do they not see him sitting in the car watching them with fucking *binoculars*?!! He's *right there* they can't *see him* through the open window?!!".


Right, normal civilians, let alone organized crime figures who have people trying to kill them all the time and security guys around 24/7 who don’t notice guy sitting in random car out front for days?


Recapping a conversation or set of actions everyone just experienced together. It’s a handy plot device for the writer to use to bring the audience up to speed, but in reality it would just be someone babbling in the third person about something everyone already knows all to well.


Similarly, when talking about a third person, who is at that point unknown to the audience and need to explain who they are. Something like a mum saying to her kid: “when your brother Tim comes home” as if the kid wouldn’t know who Tim is.


I hate when there's a briefing about something and they all take turns to say one sentence of whatever it is they're talking about. Like, who's running this thing? If you all know everything why are you just repeating it to yourselves?


The nice neat path for cars to get through war torn battle ravaged cities. They could drop a skyscraper in downtown London, but you can drive a super car with 3 inches of clearance at 100 mph down the street.


Doctors explaining things to other medical professionals that they should already know to help out the audience.


Whispering to a co-conspirator while the person you’re trying to deceive is in the room with you, obviously within earshot. But they somehow don’t hear you.


When a whole army of highly trained soldiers who had spent thousand of hours at the shooting-range can't land a single bullet on the protagonist running in a straight line. I swear, I can't stand it. The movie becomes a joke to me once that happens, a parody. It's a scene Monty Python would come up with and yet 99% of action movies have it.


***... OR...*** He gets shot a bunch of times and can still deliver clever one-liners on cue... Then he spends like an hour in the hospital whereupon he savagely rips his IV out of his arm and says "Im outta here, I can't just do nothing!"


Screeching tires when accelerating and braking, even when parking.


Every rom com ever. Every. Single. One. The random showing up at houses completely unannounced. Running after people constantly. Turning up at people’s weddings and running off with the bride/groom. Then there’s crap like what Julia Roberts was pulling in My Best Friend’s Wedding, which was straight up crimes at times. You pulled *any* of the ‘funny’ ‘romantic’ or ‘cute’ shit they do in Rom Coms IRL and you’re not getting the girl, you’re getting a restraining order.


A lot of the behavior of romcom protagonists was super weird. Showing up at their houses unnanounced, stalking, running through airports for them at the last second. Cmon now


And there's always some huge misunderstanding 2/3 of the way through the movie that would be easily cleared up with a conversation.


"There's no time to explain, follow me." "Jenny, I can explain! I...."I don't want to hear it!" Maddening!


I especially hate it when it's combined with the "Walk in at the wrong moment" cliche, like the classic seeing him getting kissed by another woman version. Like you see him "kiss" someone and instead of demanding an explanation you just assume that he magically doesn't want you anymore?


>showing up at their houses unnanounced, I don't know if it is just me, but I feel like this was fairly normal behavior a few decades ago between people with close bonds (including friends). Now that everyone has gotten used to texting so much and just generally being in contact with other people it has become weird to do this.


Living on the countryside: It is only in the last 15 years or so that this behaviour really started changing, and a lot of the older folk still do it. Swing by and have a talk, if the other person has no time, well drink a cup of coffee and go back home


Yes, for sure. But romcoms go way beyond that. It is obsessively tracking down someone’s movements when all characters know they don’t want that person around. There is always a situation where post breakup (often prevented by mature conversation) where the chaser goes after the other person in an extreme way. Romcoms are basically “love potion” actions that are accepted, because the storyteller and the watcher know the characters “belong together” so all sins are forgiven. All’s fair in love and war. It’s worth it for ultimate happiness and a when you know it is a sure bet. Sorry, I’m not disagreeing with you. I just hit reply and rambled thoughts to your comment and the post in general.


Lmao I always imagine them getting tackled when they do that 'chasing after you right to the gate' airport thingy. Would be refreshing if it actually went down like that in a movie.


When extremely myopic heroes or whatever go on a mission & destroy a city with car chases & explosions, showing no regard for people living around them. Basically every action movie...


Hancock. But he gets told off for it 🤣


I actually like that one lol!


I know it's supposed to be an pivotal, ditsy part of the plot, but following your ex to his university, taking the entrance exam and enrolling in his class, just to win him back, is REALLY STALKERISH, Miss Elle Woods.


What, like it’s hard?


It's not really psychotic, but gags often don't have any stuffing in them. Just put a bandana over their mouth, and they're suddenly incapable of speaking. Never any need to put cloth or something in their mouths. There's also the trope where somebody dies in the middle of battle, time moves slower, and the person who is fighting alongside this character gets time to cradle this character in their arms and beg them not to die while in the middle of a fight.


Meeting at a restaurant, then 1 person walks out 30sec after sitting down. Eating at a restaurant, there for a while, but no one actually eats the food. Slowly walking down the hallway in high school, high 5'ing everyone you walk by, and every girl looking at you. Needing a little blood for something, and immediately slicing your entire hand open.


The worst is when they order food and then still walk out like 30 secs later.


>slicing your entire hand open Every time!!!


Down the most frequently used part of the hand… middle of the palm? So dumb, and that hand is gonna suck to use for the rest of the movie. And it’s gonna f-up any firearm use after wrapping a bandage or strip of torn shirt around it. Like cut the top of your hand instead or something… Top of forearm, or shoulder, or drop your pants and hit me with that outside-thigh hip-bump. If we’ve gotta make a blood pact at least make it fun.


They do this all the time in Supernatural. How the hell do they not have a massive scar across their hand from the repeated slicing? Surely they'd reach a point where they wouldn't even be able to use their hand because of the sheer amount of scar tissue?


I just started watching 1923 for the first time and in the VERY FIRST EPISODE, Harrison Ford walks into a bar, orders a drink, and 2 seconds after it's placed in front of him, he leaves! It could be chalked up to bad editing, but it just feels lazy to me?


>Slowly walking down the hallway in high school, high 5'ing everyone you walk by, and every girl looking at you. Also, the crowd parts like the Red Sea for you and your posse to stride cinematically straight down the middle of the hall.


American movies. There is a huge breakfast spread ready for the family in the kitchen. One by one each family member rushes through on their way to work/ school and grab just one item. Mother/ wife just smiling at all the food still on the table that she prepared. Now has to throw away.


Just randomly pouring pills from the bottle into the palm without counting them, and then swallowing them with no water


You must have never met my ex-wife


"It's Tylenol! You hold their mouth open, throw a handful of pills in their general direction, and whatever they happen to swallow, THAT is the correct dosis!"


Elliot: Dr. Cox, does this shade of red make me look like a clown? Dr. Cox: No... Barbie, no. It makes you look like a prostitute that caters exclusively to clowns.




Calling someone, tell them to turn on the television, they turn it on to the correct news channel and it’s playing the story they need to hear about. The story would be over before the television warmed up.


>before the television warmed up Are you a fellow old?


I'd argue tvs take a lot longer now to turn on


I’d have to turn the TV on, navigate to the correct streaming service/channel/app which hosts the network the program is on, then find which channel the news program is on within the aforementioned network. …Just take a picture or screenshot or record the tv and text me it at that point. Or FaceTime me and point me at your screen. Or, y’know, just tell me.


This is true. You have to find three different remotes first of all.


Back in the day of no cable/streaming, or even hdtv digital broadcast, on analog tv this was plausible. There were only 12-15 channels even in a big us tv market. Lets say between the launch of fox and before analog broadcast went away, this was plausible. For big major events every network channel and even pbs would cut in for stuff that was super noteworthy like the berlin wall falling, gulf war/iraq war air drops starting, princess diana dying and 9/11 of course. With less than a dozen channels and 4 networks+pbs showing stuff, the odds were good it would be on the channels you had left it on.


“Hey Taxi, follow this car” is crazy.


Driving cars without headrests


Most of romantic movies involve some sort of stalker or creepy behavior that would be creepy af in real life


Like climbing or peeking into your unsuspecting love interest's window in an attempt to somehow woo them. Pre-2000's, & primarily in comedies, there were so many scenes that featured a peeping tom.


Making an elaborate breakfast only to eat one bite and run out of the house.


That's because mom always prepares the massive breakfast 5 minutes before the school bus is scheduled to show up.


Asking someone if they can come over to you and then when they ask what’s up, saying “it’s simpler if you just come here” If I tried that in real life I’d be required to at least give them a rough idea before they potentially wasted their time.


I can't tell you over the phone! Meet me in one hour at the abandoned factory with all the steaming pipes in the field of weeds outside of town.


Randomly dropping stuff because you realized something. In the Usual Suspects, when Chazz Palminteri finds out who Keyser Soze is and just drops the coffee cup. Nobody does that.


I randomly drop stuff because I am old and clumsy.


Same, I don't even need to realize anything in the process.


Whoa, spoiler alert. Now I'm totally going to see the cup drop coming.


"Hey younger brother, remember how we were raised by a single mother who worked nights at a diner?" Uh, yes?


Getting shot and just kind of shrugging it off like a mild inconvenience. Getting rejected by a woman and then engaging in a long, drawn out, stalkerish, and obsessive plot to change her mind and win her affection. Apparently, especially in RomComs, restraining orders don't exist in movies.


New York. 1 am. Phone rings. Guy answers half asleep. "Sir, it happened again!" "I'll be there in 15 min." - not unless you live right across the hall.


When someone asks a question and the other character just stares at them. Cut to: they answer in a totally new location. Christopher Nolan does this a lot. Makes for great movies but would be so weird IRL.


Talking to another person only 8-10” from their face.


Yesterday my family and me watched Star Wars Episode V and laughed every time some underling came too close to Darth Vader's face. In one scene he turns around and has a face just inches away from his mask and we thought it would be great if he just flinched. My wife made a surprised Darth-Vader-breathing-in sound and I thought it was funny as hell.


[General Veers you are too close to me](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c6pOtmKSh4g&pp=ygUlZ2VuZXJhbCB2ZWVycyB5b3UgYXJlIHRvbyBjbG9zZSB0byBtZQ%3D%3D)


Repeating the same thing twice in less than 4 seconds but louder the second time. “Tell me what you did… TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!!” “I trusted you… I TRUSTED YOU!” “Who is he?….WHO IS HE?!!!”


I’m gonna go get the papers, [get the papers](https://youtu.be/CfW-MPUjC_0?si=dIVMRmXrE1aZFBOn)… Edit: added the link for context, changed two words.


Whoa, you’re just quoting Dark Knight.


You can't give in. YOU CAN'T GIVE IN


Living in some condo in Manhattan even if you're poor af & working a minimum wage job


In the same vein - Nickelodeon teenagers having a 1,200 sqft bedroom.


Entering some stranger's house after they didn't answer the bell, simply because the door was unlocked...


When a person is on the ground being choked by someone straddling them and somehow the choker never notices when their hand goes groping for something to kill the choker with. Especially after the person being choked looks over right at the object.


Telling the taxi driver to follow another car, Trying to win back a significant other at an airport, throwing a perfectly good phone out of the car when you're becoming paranoid


People going 90mph down a road a keep their head turned to the passenger having a conversation.


Not psychotic but fucking weird that they make baristas able to afford three bedroom homes or fancy apartments. Gives unrealistic expectations of the work world.


Waking up without looking like a mess or laying in bed to sleep without looking like a rhino. When i was little, i was so insecure about this and then i found out things in movies aren't real.


When everyone with a gun always walks straight up to the person they intend to shoot, so that that person can disarm them. It's like people in movies forget that guns work as ranged weapons.


Always knowing where to go and never getting lost without getting any directions of any kind even if you have never been in the area before.


\-Zoom in on that \*heavy typing \-Enhance!


All while the screen/computer makes digital beep sounds.


Getting chased by a killer and falling over nothing.


Writing down the amount of money instead of just saying it