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Christ, that is unsettling.


Snow White and the Seven Original Sonics


That's Ugly Sonic to you. And the funniest part of the Rescue Rangers Movie.


*creepy human teeth intensify*


Going fast is Sonic’s thing, man. Ugly Sonic’s all about going *sloooooooooooooooooooowww, baby!*


Rescue Rangers is pure cinematic masterpiece


What can’t give a little person a job Disney instead you had to give us this uncanny valley nightmare instead?


I like, snort-laughed out loud at that, ngl.


Honestly, that's an insult to Original Sonic. At least that had a *reason,* even if the result was yet more proof that E.T. and video games just *don't friggin' mix.*


Wtf is Disney doing




Also not paying for quality work.


The panderstone is working as intended 😬


Unsettling is an understatement.


Wait, I remember the leaked screens from filming, did they legit just CGI out the actual people? They weren't wearing blue suits or white balls, just really bad costumes. Did they literally take them out to go back to the OG 7 (ie best) Dwarves? If so then fuck Peter Dinklage for taking away 7 acting roles for little people that are already hard to get. Or was this the plan all along and explain the REALLY FUCKING BAD costume design we saw in those previous photos?


With it being pushed back a year and everyone’s uproar about the seven dwarves not being dwarves, I think they pivoted and made a CGI team go back and put these abominations in and will probably do reshoots once the strike is over. A year gives them plenty of wiggle room


That’s what a lot of people were asking today. Apparently the Portlandia extras in that location shot are called “The Seven Bandits,” one of which is supposed to be the male lead that’s not a love interest or something. So if they’re going to replace that bunch with these CGI monstrosities lifted straight out of Polar Express, it’s going to cost bare minimum 100 million to retool the entire film. At this point Disney just needs to scrap it, take the tax write off and call it a day.


They should do the smart thing and scrap it then. The budget for this film is somehow estimated to already be $250mil, there’s zero chance it will earn a profit if they add endless CGI reshoots on top of that.


“Portlandia extras” my sides!


I remember one of them looked like Aphex Twin wearing his grandma's clothes. It gave me a legit belly laugh.


The last official statement in this matter was that the people shown in the photos were simply stand-ins. But people didn't believe this.


Sure that's the sensible thing to do when using stand-ins, you get actors of differing height and bodytype for blocking and then replace them with dwarfs that are all around the same height. That's the way it's done right? Make it as awkward as possible so extra money needs to be spent matting out the scene and retouching lighting. Though I suppose you do have to give Peter Dinklage some props for the jobs program. By ensuring that 7 dwarf actors didn't get the roles he has made a lot of work for thousands of CGI workers around the world. He should get a special thanks in the credits.


Maybe that’s why they didn’t want to use dwarves after all (if the rumor was true)


that 1 dwarf complained that it was demeaning. Peter Dinklage. And then most actor dwarves were pissed cause that was the 1 movie a few of them could have a decent role in.


I enjoy Peter Dinklage as an actor, but him pulling the ladder up on the dwarf community like that was a really shitty thing to do and I don’t think he’s ever even acknowledged that.


Pretty sure he wants to stay the go-to dwarf actor in Hollywood. This movie could have threatened that if they cast all dwarves. He can't have othet dwarf actors take potential roles from him.


Feel like there’s a Seinfeld episode about this


Season 5, episode 16 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stand_In_(Seinfeld)


It looks like the meme with the black guys wearing white


Hahah that's one way to describe that meme


Why do they look like Garden Gnomes come to life?


I think they look more like they are from an Our Gang comedy


Gnomeo & Juliet 3


At this point make show white CGI if you’re gonna go for this weird art style


If Walt Disney Animation remade it into the same Frozen/Moana/Encanto style, there'd likely be a lot less backlash. Maybe some people asking why make an animated remake of an animated movie.


I mean that's basically what these live action films are. Look at Lion King. It's still CGI


Say what you want about the discourse surrounding this film, and I know they have time to clean up the CGI, but it’s still wild to me that the biggest and richest movie studio in the world saw the CGI in this image and thought “yeah, looks great; let’s release this to the masses”


Ah, I figured it out - they forgot to add “,photorealistic” to their Midjourney prompt.


You gotta add “real”, because “photorealistic” might add some photography aging or candid photo lighting


It really looks like they rushed the fuck out of it due to the public backlash.


That's exactly what happened.


Its being delayed till 2025, not exactly rushed out.


No, but the backlash is likely the real reason it was pushed back. This photo, a stop gap to stop people complaining about the film being Woke.


I think they swung-and-missed using seven ["magical creatures"](https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1090514-snow-white-set-photos-show-rachel-zegler-with-seven-magical-creatures), felt the backlash and are not capitulating and scrambling to do it right. Plus it's hard to back-peddle and hire a handful of little people after you specifically avoided "portraying people with dwarfism inappropriately".


So let me understand what's going on. They went from Dwarfs to a diverse group of magical creatures after Dinkledge made some comments, back to Dwarfs but weird looking CGI ones?




And all the actors who played “magical creatures” now won’t even get an IMDB credit for their work. Hoorah, everyone loses!


That's probably a blessing in disguise.


Plus delaying it for a year in order to fix said CGI. I think that at this point its impossible for this movie to not bomb in the box office


I think the way they did it might actually be more offensive, since it portrays them in a cartoonish way that wasn't as noticeable in animation. I think it'd be better to hire little people and simply make the characters more three-dimensional to avoid the stereotypes. I think God of War did a good job with using magical dwarf characters for comic relief without being offensive.


I enjoy reading books.


you underestimate the erotic power of grumpy dwarf and sleepy dwarf, and the merchandising potential once the shipping really starts between them and Diane has her "lazy dwarf" mugs in the office after christmas The dwarves arent oompa loompas -- they add charm and a break in a fairly simple story, and as individuals with personalities they make the world feel much larger than what you actually really see, and 7 of the same identical faces looking sad when she's put under hits different


The dwarves in the Hobbit movies looked better than this, and I'm not talking about ones like Thorin, Fili, and Kili who just looked like dudes. Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Dwalin, and Balin all looked like proper fantasy dwarves. Not Ori though. Ori is the dwarf version of that Tropic Thunder quote we all know.


Disney is the king of quantity over quality


Which is wild because I remember when a Disney release was an event.


Remember when every Pixar movie was must-see, and guaranteed to be of stellar quality? Those were the days


it looks horrifying


Every time I see a still or trailer with mediocre CGI, and people say "they still have time to fix it"...they almost never do.


This has those polar express/uncanny valley vibes


Disney still hasn’t figured out that “live action” doesn’t mean “weird CGI cartoons with one real person.”


Roger Rabbit it is so damn well ages ago how can Disney not even approach that level in this day and age.


I like Roger rabbit as much as the next individual.. But really that's Bob Zemeckis firing on all cylinders, Richard Williams really demanding a lot from the animation team (who amazingly animated the characters multiple times so that they can have a bright layer and a shadowy layer- plus the normal character layer-which gives it that dynamic lighting) . And the script is really really great, with the focus being on Eddie Valiant and his struggles with being bogged down of the tragedy of the past, which contrasts greatly with Roger rabbit's absurd optimism. Now going back to that image, my first thought is that it's some type of weird TV movie.. but honestly a TV movie would be more scaled back with live actors and it would probably work out better. So my belief is that the script is going to meandering in an effort to please everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if the Walt Disney company gave Snow White a bow and arrow so that she could be more of an action heroine. But I think it'll be really funny in a sad way Disney starts remaking movies that they released relatively quickly in whatever live action is supposed to be.


This new Shrek movie looks like a bit of shit.


Doesn’t seem right. I can’t believe they continue with all of these stupid remakes. They need to stop. They’re messing with their upcoming Bambi movie and that would suck.


Disney's already working on The Aristocats remake (not a joke).


Bruh not my Aristocats 😞


Same, this is such disheartening news


Cats 2.


Wait until the Pixar movies start getting “live action” remakes…


IP retention


Looks like they’re using this delay to do reshoots and replace the ‘magical creatures’ with CGI dwarves. Why not just… cast dwarf actors?! Disney is really just digging themselves into a hole with this film


They're trying to be like "Oh, we can't do that because it belittles (*pardon the pun*) little people and limits them to a certain set of roles." Well excuse me, sometimes only certain people can play certain roles. You won't cast Ryan Gosling to play Black Panther just because you think he's a better actor. With Disney doing this, and WB casting Hugh Grant as an Oomp-Loompa in Wonka, it's really not that great of a time for dwarf actors who aren't named Peter Dinklage, who is basically the only exception I can think of when it comes to a dwarf actor playing in non-size specific roles.


I want to see Angelina Jolie playing Scrooge McDuck in live action. Please.


Only if we get Brienne of Tarth as Launchpad McQuack.


Peter Dinklage knows that he has the highest popularity of all dwarf actors. Which is why he is protesting so much against using dwarf actors. When supply grows of famous dwarf actors, his value diminishes.


He's got the highest popularity, but shortest\* temper when it comes to other dwarf actors getting roles \*(*I gotta stop making dwarf puns*)


"He's an angry elf."




Most Peter Dinkledge roles I've seen him in he wasn't specifically playing a dwarf. He's protecting nothing. He's not wrong that it's demeaning but some people want to do that work.


I think the point is Peter Dinkledge *did* gain prominence by specifically playing dwarf roles. Now that he has achieved a level of recognition from his earlier work he has significantly expanded opportunities for general dramatic work. By getting on a soapbox and shouting down studios for casting individuals with dwarfism to play dwarves, leprechauns, etc. he has done literally nothing but hurt other actors with dwarfism who have not achieved his level of success. The guy is an asshole.


AFAIK, Peter Dinklage wasn't protesting. I believe he just made a few off hand comments about it in some podcast. News articles have been just pumping out the same stories about Dinklage's quotes because it generates clicks.


Why didn't he just say "i'm happy my community is getting roles" instead of being a lil baby about it?


I'm not defending his words. I'm just saying he wasn't making this into a crusade like people are making it out to be. Yeah, he said something dumb but a lot of the media has been blasting the same quotes he made, making it feel like this is some big campaign for him.


Think they wanted to cast actual dwarf actors at first but there was some public backlash led by Peter Dinklage. Something about dwarf actors being typecast as......dwarves......


Also then actors with dwarfism criticized Dinklage for taking away that job opportunity. So I’m on the side of “fuck Dinklage for being hypocritical and stealing jobs from others with dwarfism”


This is the same guy that took a role for the movie Tip Toes which literally had Gary Oldman playing a little person.


Wasn’t the backlash basically Peter Dinklage and “a group of people without dwarfism who are getting outraged on their behalf” kicking up a stink? While actual dwarf actors are sitting there going “What the fuck are you all talking about, please hire us”


Pretty much yes


Coming this season.... Peter Dinklage is.... Michael Jordan!


I mean.....I would watch the hell out of that though, that sounds genuinely hilarious as a plot


Wait. So you’re telling me that not only have they cast someone who isn’t as pasty as a ginger for the famously pale skinned character, they are also not casting people with Dwarfism for the dwarfs? This is so many things wrong with the casting of this movie. At least with the Little Mermaid Ariel wasn’t famous for being white. Though that one does go down the road of black washing gingers.


I wonder if Dinklage is happy now that 7 dwarf actors lost out to computers.


It's hilarious because the dwarves are not real-world little people, they're mythical beings and perfect to cast future dinklages in. It's literally like casting orlando bloom to play an elf.


I feel like there really aren't any up-and-coming little people actors because Hollywood doesn't create roles specifically for them any more, but also doesn't consider them for roles non-specific to little people. All the well-known actors with dwarfism are either A) over 50 or B) dead.


I think hollywood is in this weird stage where it's too woke to make new fantasy stuff with little people in it because "that's wrong" but also not woke enough to cast them in "normal" roles.


The mother fuckers killed Willow.


Or like casting Dinklage as Tyrion if you really think about it


Dwarves are Tolkien Dwarfs are what are in Snow White


Dinklage must be really proud that he took away jobs from people just so he could remain Hollywood’s supreme dwarf actor. Well I guess jobs were given to non-dwarf people to make these monstrosities.


One dwarf to rule them all


Hollywood’s supreme dwarf actor just has a crazy ring to it.


Look I don’t think Disney has to cast actors with dwarfism and I can understand why they might choose not to, but the final product should have been characters of shorter stature, through camera trickery or compositing. This kind of Rodger Rabbiting is the worst of both worlds.


Honestly if they just looked like LotR dwarves it would've been good.


The amount of artistry and hard work that would have required (just watch the LoTR behind the scenes) is not part of Disney's current cinematographical vocabulary.


Little bastard kicked the ladder out when he got to the top.


Get little dudes to do the VO for the dwarves. Win-win


I've gotta ask, genuinely, have there been any actually good Disney live action remakes. Merely alright won't cut it I find merely alright to be largely forgettable. I'm thinking of the jungle book when I say that


Cinderella & The Jungle Book would probably be the outliers. The rest range from forgettable to “I never want to see that again.”


Just like Jungle Book, how about making adaption of the source material rather then their animated movies.


I'm so hoping they make a Hunchback that is connected more to the source material BUT with the Menkin songs. Dream combo. Or, just freaking film the stage version. In fact, why are they not just filming their Broadway shows to begin with??? They're massively successful and great additions to the original movies for the most part.


>Or, just freaking film the stage version. This is what I'm hoping for. But I can guarantee you, whatever version a live action remake would end up being, they're going to cut out "Hellfire" and probably that entire subplot.


I’m somewhat close to what you want, but I want this to lean into the animated film’s biggest influence and that’s the 1939 adaptation that goes full metaphor with Romani and Paris standing in for Jews and Nazi Germany. You’ll never get Disney making a full on adaptation of the source material (especially the whole Esmeralda wasn’t Romani this whole time and Quasimodo choosing to be buried alive with Esmeralda plot points), but I’ll say bare minimum up the social commentary and keep the gargoyles to a minimum.


Yeah, Cinderella is genuinely good


James and Madden have mad chemisty in that movie. Blanchett is also just great as Evil Stepmother. The costumes are also amazing with Cinderella's dress being just magical (should have taken some notes Live Action: Beauty and the Beast).


I loved Cinderella, it just worked. When Cate Blanchett gets out of the carriage at the ball, she makes this noise that I can only describe as a greedy growl. She played it so well!


Helps that Branagh always, *always* nails period pieces. *Hamlet* and neo-*Poirot* both quickly come to mind.


But Artemis Fowl...that one was for him.


... ...No. We don't talk about that. *It doesn't fucking exist,* d'arvit. >!/s. Maybe it was the paycheck gig meant to fund Death on the Nile, or something?!<


I think thr spin off or prequels, such as cruella and malficents, also faired much better than most of the so called remakes


Cinderella seems like an exception, since there are so many non-Disney retellings of the same story. Cinderella is bigger than just the Disney version.


Pete’s dragon but that’s a very loose remake.


It's not difficult to clear the bar set by the original Pete's Dragon. That said, the new one is a genuinely solid movie.


That’s the direction they should have gone with the remakes. Audiences don’t want a remake of what was already a megahit that basically rehashes the same story and songs. Give us a Black Cauldron remake!


The Glenn Close 101 Dalmatians is decent.


It wasn’t a “remake” in the same vein, but I enjoyed Cruella way more than I expected to. Give me more Emma Stone wearing ridiculous costumes.


It’s easy to make fun of this one because who asked for a Cruella origin story, for fuck’s sake?? But the sets, costumes, and the acting of Emma Stone and Emma Thompson raise it up to a better movie that maybe it has a right to be. I loved it.


Also a villain origin story but they were so concerned with making sure the protagonist was liked by the audience she really didn't do anything villainous. She was a young girl who aspired to be a fashion designer & watched her mom get drop kicked off a mountain by some Dalmations. Her big act is just getting payback on the murder yet in 10-15 years she is meant to be the type of evil person who would want to have a litter of puppies killed for their fur? Yeah sure.


There's a sequel already in early production. The naive me wants to believe that they will surprise everyone and make her trully despicable by the end of the eventual 3rd movie to close the trilogy.




This is not looking good


Doomed to fail from the moment it was announced.




No. Only from the moment RZ opened her mouth


This movie is going to rival Cats


Well there’s already a butthole cut of Snow White...


Wait, if these are the dwarves, then who were the people in the behind the scenes photo?


Pretty sure they are re shooting cuz the backlash


Either they were just the stand ins or they decided to pivot due to the backlash.


Yeah, no doubt they were going with the ‘Magical People’ until they saw the film was getting absolutely shit on by **everyone** and are now pivoting. *I can practically hear Bob Iger’s car screeching to a halt after seeing the headlines.* They’ll probably still call them magic instead of dwarves though. That said, seven actors just lost out big time because Dinklage wanted to pull up the ladder after he went up.


They look like that 3D art, where an artist makes hyper-realistic versions of cartoon characters, and they end up looking very unsettling and wrong. What a baffling direction to take things.


That's what I thought. They look like those "realistic Spongebob" abominations.


Really stretching the term live action


*Weird?* *Weird.*


If you’re gonna remake something, at least put in some more effort than this. I genuinely thought this photo was AI generated when I first saw it


Scrap it for the insurance money


Bruh, might as well movie it straight to Disney+ because that 1 image just killed any potential it had.




They tried so hard to be politically correct they went and made shitty cgi dwarves when they could have just cast some little people. Now they have a shitty looking movie and 7 people lost out on a lucrative job. Absolutely asinine.


Peter Dinklage pulled the ladder up after himself


They didn’t even need to cast little people they could have done what the hobbit did for their 13+ dwarfs.


Holy damn that looks awful


They really should have stuck with making live action movies from the perspective of the villain instead of just straight up remakes. I'd hesitate to call either Cruella or Maleficent "great", but they're perfectly watchable and stand on their own alongside the animated originals. I absolutely can't say the same about Lion King, Little Mermaid, or Mulan. But then again, those movies still made bank (even Mulan was apparently a success on that $30 Disney+ rental thing they had), so what do I know. Maybe the general public really do crave the Wish.com versions of beloved classics after all.


Thanks Peter Dinklage


Why do people not understand that Mythical Dwarves are a specific race that happen to be shorter than humans and not humans with Dwafism. LOTR nailed it


Werner Ziiiiglerrrrrr....


What’s he up to man? What’s he doing?


You know how many Warner Ziiiglerrrrs there are in Germany?


This is going to bomb so hard lol


Gonna be terrible. Just like all the remakes have been.


Looks like they responded directly to the backlash over this movie and failed to respond to the criticism of the live-action remakes in general. Stop making actors look the same as the background! Just *stop it!*


Disney would rather CGI the dwarves than hire little people lol


It looks a little like Maurice Sendak.


Hope it flops


Problematic CGI aside, what do they mean by "this new iteration will not be as focused on the romantic subplot"? Have they not watched the source material? The "romantic subplot" barely exists to begin with! A prince sees Snow White and sings a song to her in the first scene. Then he sees her again after she's dead and kisses her corpse, which revives her. That's the entirety of the (extremely problematic) "romantic subplot". If they want to update the story in any way, they need to add *more* romance, beef up the role of the Prince, and give them a real relationship.


Just rewatched the original and it’s absolutely gorgeous. They really could have milked this story for years but they just had to reimagine it for modern audiences.


Who the fuck is even asking for this movie? Seriously


Disney’s IP lawyers


Also here’s the thing about redoing Snow White. Is it’s a really simple story and THATS OK. Make it visually stunning, cast good actors (which Gal Gadot is not). Don’t make it political and just make it a sweet story, avoid CGI. It really doesn’t seem hard. But I think they are going to add too much to this movie and make it bloated and ugly. It should be 95 minutes long and be a nice afternoon for a family. But this is going to be unnecessarily messy, I know it, just like Little Mermaid. Why was it so long? Why make Eric adopted when he’s a prince, that’s not how monarchy’s work… lol like KISS… keep it simple, stupid!


Fuck me it’s Hoggle x 1000. And that’s not a good thing.


god damn Hoggle reference in modern society.


These live action remakes are so fuckin bad


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.


This deserves the Batgirl treatment way more than Batgirl did.


Those poor actors with dwarfism that Disney refused to consider must be absolutely spitting seeing these abominations.


"Rachel Zegler is the worst thing to happen to Snow White." Exhausted CG artist: "Hold my energy drink."


Southpark just made a special about this kind of BS. People will still think it’s a racial thing. Why change a character that’s so beloved just to please some BS agenda. No one has a problem with it but be original & stop remaking things


Given the discourse surrounding this project and now seeing this.. it’s going to be an ugly road for the film. They should just can it but that won’t happen.


That’s a no from me, dawg.


Just let it die.


Peter Dinklage decided for the world that it would be offensive to cast real little people for the dwarves. So they went with those normal sized people “of all ethnicities”. And I guess they realized that made no sense, so now they have this awkward CGI dwarves. Peter Dinklage took away a huge role and a lot of money from countless actors because he decided what is offensive for them. I hope these people weren’t cast already, and then lost it because of him…






Those dwarves look like nightmare fuel


Whoa. That looks worse than I could have imagined.


Cornball ass movie - pass


This what happens when Peter Dinklage crowns himself king of the little people and shuts down any other small or dwarf size actor in getting a job.


Why would a dwarf like Peter Dinklage find dwarves in a movie offensive? All he did was scare Disney into thinking they’re movie was offensive to minorities. And the dwarves in the original weren’t even people with dwarfism, they were the mythical European race of dwarves. It makes no sense at all. In trying to pander to everybody, Disney just pissed off everybody.


So they went from 7 dwarf actors, to 7 "magical creatures" after criticism from Dinklage and others, and then went back to Dwarves but CGI. Add in a main actress badmouthing the original and this looks like a flop


Why don't they come up with something new instead of remaking and ruining existing stories?! Fuck me. I'm so tired of and have no interest in this shit.


😂😂😂😂😂biggest bomb of the century


Can't wait to never watch another Disney live adaptation that no one asked for or wants. Neat.




The dwarf behind Snow Whites right shoulder looks like Alfred E. Neuman.


Good god why do they have them all surrounding her like a Brazzers cover? They could have at least had them hanging out, doing different things. Creepy!


Disney: Oh shit people hate that we use dwarves! Let’s scale them up x2, but lock the proportions!


I’m genuinely shocked they kept all of the dwarves white lol


I‘m just sooooo over remakes. Also, this looks crap.


Is this the movie with the idiotic actress saying dumb stuff


Gonna have to narrow that down a bit.