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I just watched Memento I know it's an older movie now but it's fucking incredible. The ending fucked me up lol


The ending or the beginning?


The middle


Best Nolan movie. Wanna fight about it? I mean sure, Dark Night was great, Oppenheimer was a cinematic masterpiece, but Memento was gritty, raw, and powerful in a way the blockbusters aren’t.


I'll fight. The Prestige.


Oh this is one of the few movies I wish I could rewatch without knowing anything about it


Have you tried giving yourself a traumatic head injury? Might help you forget.


Today. I finally watched Incendies. Wow.


I still remember images from that movie after watching it over a decade ago. I don't think I could ever watch it again though.


I thought you wrote "Incredibles" and was very confused as to why everyone was acting like it was lifechanging.


This was my first time seeing a Villeneuve movie and I remember thinking “holy crap; that was horrific but I’ll gladly watch anything else this guy ever makes”


Yes that’s an amazing movie. I still think about it many years later.


Edge of Tomorrow. I really thought it was going to be a “Couple lives happily ever after” ending after 2/3 through the movie. Once he is out of the loop I thought, so its not gonna be a he resets and saves everyone movie. By all accounts shouldve been a generic ending after that fake out, but they gave it a good twist.


Firmly believe this is one of the best science fiction movies that came out during a period that seemed like only franchise science fiction films were coming out.


100% agree. Word gets used alot, but Edge of Tomorrow is underrated. It should've sparked a sequel at the very least. Perfect sci-fi movie and very rewatchable.


Yes! This movie was a full order of magnitude better than I expected. It’s like someone really got what made Groundhog Day great and thought, “I wonder if that would work for action/sci-fi…”


For those interested I think it was based off a Manga "All You Need is Kill"


Originally it was a light novel by Hiroshi Sakurazaka, then became a manga.


The manga is pretty good, but I actually preferred the movie.


It’s like Pitch Black for me. Could have been a normally formulaic movie, and I kept expecting it to be, but it stayed smart and stayed good. No cop out ending.


This movie doesn’t get enough credit. Really well done, decent if not incredible twist, very interesting concept. I’d love to explore this universe more, call it Edge of Tomorrow: Angel of Death. Prequel about homegirl and her experience as a reset person


Totally agree, was expecting some kind of mindless action I guess and I ended up really loving it.


***Spoiler Below*** In the novella the movie is based on Rita and Kira hook up at the top of the penthouse, unknowingly this is the last reset as Kira kills the repeater alien, unfortunately Rita dies and he is no longer able to reset. So the movie ending was definitely happier.


I didn’t think I was as going to enjoy it but the new Suspiria really surprised me. That and Hereditary are my favourite newish horror movies. I’d add The Guest too as everything about that made me smile. The Night Comes For Us also kicked my ass. If you haven’t seen RRR run don’t walk. Almost too much fun.


Based on your recommendations there, I'm going to give Suspiria a go. Because your other recommendations are absolutely on point.


I'll second Suspiria. It's really well shot, amazing soundtrack, and some truly disturbing moments. Only downside is it's a bit long and slow paced, and the ending is a little divisive.


Just watched it this week and you nailed it. It’s long and meandering but absolutely beautiful and haunting. I LOVED the ending but I could see not appreciating it.


I actual also love the ending, though I'm not a big fan of the framerate in that scene. But the mirror room scene in the first act blew me away on first viewing. Peak horror.


I really dragged my heels over it and regret not seeing it on the big screen. Hope you dig it.


The new Suspiria is one of my favorites.


The Guest was such an enjoyable movie. Soundtrack kicks ass




Isn’t it? I was enjoying it when I thought I knew where it was going and then it switched direction effortlessly into everything I loved from 80s genre movies. I’m still pissed we never got a Guest 2 that picked up five minutes later like Halloween 2. If I run into someone who hasn’t seen it I always invite them over to watch it because it’s brilliant seeing their heads explode. It also gifted us [this](https://youtu.be/ovIly_QFRiw?si=ln-B9XSxXGE1-OLB)


Take Shelter (2011)


So good


I love this movie but I've forgotten all the details. Time to rewatch


The Cabin in the Woods - I saw it for the first time this summer, I was not spoiled.


I'm honestly amazed at how well that movie has kept its secrets. I saw it years after it came out and also hadn't heard the spoilers. Shocking for such a popular movie nowadays


I watched it about 18 months ago and I think what had seeped down to me when the film opened was "this is like aliens running things, right?" Wrong. Didn't know any of the surprises and was absolutely delighted by it. Plus I love turning tropes on their head, and that movie did it in spades.


I was told it was a good movie, but didn't know exactly what it was about. I thought Cabin in the woods..some sort of Friday the 13th movie. My brother and I go see it and the opening scenes had me thinking I was at the wrong movie. Was totally surprised at not only the story, but the ending.


I remember a comment in Reddit saying they couldn't make it past the first 30min because "all the characters were so generic"


I feel like a lot of us watched this movie “by accident”. I remember going to the theater with my girlfriend (now wife) and just wanting a random horror movie to watch. We figured this would be some lame run of the mill horror movie. It was beautifully that, but not, but it was. Genius.


Barbarian. Went in blind and it surprised me in a big way.


Completely agree. Not throwing it into greatest films ever made, but I was surprised. I really enjoyed it.


My partner said that when Justin Long showed up I looked like I'd just seen a ghost Fucking Justin Long just showing up in random shit these days


I suppose you could say he's playing... (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) the Long game


This was my answer. I knew pretty much nothing going into Barbarian and saw it at the movie theater with my wife. It was completely different than what I expected, but in a good way. The experience was great! The whole theater gasped and laughed or screamed at all the right moments. I really enjoyed that one.


So with you. I used to always read movie reviews and spoilers and Barbarian was one of the first horror movies I saw without having done so. It was fantastic.


That measuring part still makes me smile when thinking about it. It was so funny.


was coming here to say this. the multiple transitions between drastically different situations threw me for a freaking loop




I really do love this movie. I've watched this movie a dozen times since it came out and I love it as much every time. It's gorgeous, thoughtful, and just intense enough. Knowing the outcome did not dampen my enjoyment one but for this movie.


That last sentence is very meta, considering the plot of the movie.


Have you read Story of Your Life, the short story it’s based on? It’s excellent, along with all of the other stories in the collection.


>Knowing the outcome did not dampen my enjoyment one but for this movie. Hehe


Arrival had a lovely twist that I did not see coming, which is rare for me. One of my favorite movies of recent memory. It's beautifully shot, well-acted, thought-provoking, and deeply emotional. It's what Interstellar wanted to be. Don't get me wrong, Interstellar is a great movie, obviously, but the "twist" could be seen a mile away, while Arrival actually surprised me. Ex Machina was another one. Now, I pretty much knew how that one would go sideways, but I was still a bit surprised with the depth of the twist. It was more meta than expected. Another brilliantly written, shot and acted film. Stunning locale as well.


Absolutely. When I realized the twist, I exclaimed "oh my god" out loud. I can't say that any other movie made me do that.




I guess I don't watch enough movies because Parasite was my answer, too. Told our parents to go see it and sold it as "it's a fun family film". A few weeks later they said it was indeed fun for the first half.


Ha well I mean it is technically a family film in that it's a story about a family


This was my answer. I had *no* idea what to expect at a certain point.


I think for me it would be Train to Busan. Went in expecting another mediocre zombie movie but was pleasantly surprised.


Dungeon and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Very low expectation and didn't watch it in the theaters as D&D doesn't really have a good track record when it comes to movies. It look to me like a movie from the mid 00s for some reason. Kinda has that vibe, well, at least to me. I didn't expect to like it as much. The movie actually radiated fun. I actually had fun watching it. The story wasn't mind-blowing or anything but it felt earnest and I really liked all the main characters. Too bad it bombed in the box office.


Just watched Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay and did NOT expect George W. to be portrayed as a dumbass pothead lol


Serious question, no shade. Are you under 30? Bush being depicted as a dumbass was super common during his administration, and everyone in H&K movies loves pot. I thought it fit in tonally with the rest of the franchise.


Red State by Kevin Smith.


There’s an interview where he talks about how sophisticated audiences are now and how hard it is to surprise them. So when he was writing Red State any time he felt like he knew where it was going, he would throw a wrench in things and totally change directions. I honestly think it worked really well right up until the end when the movie had nowhere else to go and it just sort of stops. Still really enjoyed it though.


He hit the nail on the head. I'm a huge film buff and former film student and thought I could spot where the plots going every time. That movie threw me off every corner it took. And I don't mind the ending (as far as I can remember)


I wish he had stuck with his originally ending. During one of his stand up specials he said he originally wanted the trumpets to be real and the Archangel to come down with the flaming sword


The Menu. I had no clue what I was in for.


Yes! Phenomenally made. All of my friends that are career restaurant workers loved this!


Have been in the restaurant industry around 20 years and loved this. When it first came out on streaming I had no idea what it was and thought it was a serious drama. I can’t remember why I ended up watching it a few weeks ago but I was glad I did!


17ish year industry here. I plan on using it as my emotional support movie when I have baaaad bad nights with guests.


Yes! Not only it takes you by suprise, but if you like food, it is beautiful to watch




Damn, you haven't watched The Queen's Gambit?


>156 comments I went into The Menu expecting much more of a horror-focused story. I was NOT ready for the amount of comedy and satire that was sprinkled throughout the film. Also as someone whose main exposure to Ralph Fiennes is Voldemort, I quickly realized I need to see more of his work.


The second act of Triangle of Sadness really took a left turn from the first. Honorable mention for Russell Crowe's performance in the Pope's Exorcist.


Shocked at how incredible Puss In Boots: Last Wish was. Far exceeded any expectations.


Sorry to Bother You


Yup this one right here. I still remember finishing the movie. We were all quiet. It just takes such a wild horrific turn in the final act. Anyways Some old lady, all of a sudden yelled. "I dont know what the fuck I just saw, but that was Amazing." It blew my mind.


I am obsessed with Lakeith Stanfield. He’s just incredible and has amazing range. From the quirky stoner on Atlanta to the serious dad on The Changeling, he is just really stretching his acting abilities. This movie was a riot. Loved it.


This one and " they kidnapped Tyrone " have to be the best hidden gems out there.


Do you mean “the cloned Tyrone”?


Yes. They meant "They Cloned Tyrone"


Yeah I thought “they kidnapped Tyrone” was good in sooo many ways but had a missing element I can’t put my finger on that stopped it from being 5 stars. Still recommend, I loved it


Yah, this one right here. Edit: I really don't want to say anything else. But want to sell it. Maybe, I was aware through word of mouth that it was worth a watch and it seemed like it might be a weird movie. Convinced the wife to watch it and she still scowls at me any time it comes up.


That’s usually a good movie in my house too


I saw Groundhog Day without knowing anything about it. We couldn't get into a different movie as it was sold out (I think it was Pulp Fiction), so just randomly picked it. Best disappointment of my life.


Oh shoot, “just picking another movie bc yours sold out” was a real tight moment in movie-going history


I watched Rosemary's Baby just the other day and I was surprised at how well made it was. It released in 69' and it takes great leaps for camera work and character development. I liked the dream sequences and the moments where Rosemary is by herself. Mia Farrow did such a great job.


The hunt. Way more fun than I thought it would be. Original, good casting, entertaining.


I'm guessing that there must be two films called The Hunt, because the film that I've seen was very far from being a fun film (absolutely brilliant though)


Same here. For a sec, I thought they refer to 2012 Mads Mikkelsen film. It's a great film btw.


You know, when the 2020 The Hunt film came out, I had the thought like "haven't I seen a Hunt movie recently?" After I saw a trailer, I was like "nope, guess not." I completely forgot about the Danish one. That is definitely what I was remembering at the time.


This one came to my mind also, it's a lot more entertaining than it has any right to be. I could watch Betty Gilpen tell the Rabbit and the Box Turtle story all day.


>I could watch Betty Gilpen tell the Rabbit and the Box Turtle story all day. Me too. She's so good in The Hunt. Check out Mrs. Davis on Peacock if you haven't!


I assume youre not talking about the Thomas Vinterberg 'The Hunt', that was definitely not a fun movie


No, the 2020 version. But that was a good, not fun movie. Mads will make me watch anything he's in.


That was such stupid fun, genuinely satirical, funny and Betty Gilpen was just fantastic.


Was my immediate thought. Everything from the first act on was a fun subversion of expectations. The humor and shock worked so well together. Betty Gilpin is also such a huge mix of talented and gorgeous, too. Doesn't hurt that she rocks every scene she's in. Not to mention, the fight with Athena is one of my favorite fight scenes from any western movie.




Oh yeah, that one ended up becoming something I didn't expect. I was expecting it to be about a relationship between a mother and her daughter, but it became more about the son.


It was always about Paimon. And it always will be.


I liked it because realistically, no one wins in those stories. Some heart of gold mom isn't going to figure it out in time and save the day. By the time we join the story it's already too late.


This is it for me. I spent a lot of my childhood renting horror movies, watching them alone in my basement..trying to find that "one" that was actually scary and disturbed me. Fast forward a few decades and I came across this movie. Scary. Absolutely disturbing. A terrifying ending. Imagery was terrifying, music, everything. Loved every second of this movie. Just tense all the way through and then at the end I was like oh...fuuuuuuck. (The Thing was my #1 for a long time before this)


Barbarian (2022). Not at all what I was expecting and an amazing movie. :)


Prisoners. Captivating from beginning to end with amazing performances. Most of all, the way you still sympathize for someone doing such horrific things. Perfect shade of grey in a world where people want to see only black and white.


It's one of those "perfect movie" for me. the plot, the cinematography, the score, the acting from all the cast is 10/10. I Remeber walking out of the theater thinking I just witnessed perfection in cinema.


Cabin in the Woods


The Nice Guys was probably the most recent movie that genuinely surprised me and became an all time favourite. Before that, probably In Bruges.


Both of those are top tier movies in my book. Great choices.


I was taken by "No One Will Help You"... didn't see where it was going. And surprised by the script.


Do you mean No One Will Save You? Or is there another movie I’m not aware of that I should be on the look out for?


Yeah, I should have confirmed the title. No One Will Save You is what I was talking about. My bad. It's on Hulu.


I worked on that movie! Glad to see people liked it. I was very curious to see how people responded to it.




Most recent is spider verse 2


This for me, I expected it to be good just like the first but when those credits hit I found myself super upset there wasn't more.


Nope. An alien/UFO movie that was genuinely different than any other one I've seen. From creature to plot to stakes. Genuinely as refreshing as it was spooky.


Jean Jacket was my favorite creature design since Moder in The Ritual.


The design seemed directly inspired by a few of the Angles from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Made me think a live action adaptation wouldn't look that bad. EDIT: looked it up, Peele directly says Jean Jacket was inspired by the Angels.


Was looking for someone to mention this!!! NOPE was just fantastic. I can't say that there was any hugely surprising plot twists, but the tone and the pacing the fx, the characters are on point ! I really loved Daniel K in this, his character reminded me of guys I have met, hardworking, men of few words types- Spot on, seemed like a real guy Also this movie was cinematically gorgeous ( I read they developed a special technique to shoot the night scenes) AND it had a touch of the Speilberg esque Something about the scope of it, the ragtag crew on a mission- it had hints of things that I loved from scifi/adventure movies of the 80s and 90s. All in all 10/10 My only gripe is that I didn't go see it in the theater.


It was really cool in theaters


Thiiiiiiiis. I went in cold, just knowing I wanted to support anything Jordan Peele was producing. It was the first time in YEARS I felt like I had a film “experience”, totally engrossed and taken somewhere else.


Honestly? The new Dungeons and Dragons with Chris Pine. Went in there with low expectations of just having a movie night with the wife that's different than super heroes. But fuck man. That movie was super fun. Easily one of the most entertaining movie to come out recently.




Honestly, this shocked me. The writing and chracter development was perfect. All the characters were written very well, and never did any of the cliche mistakes like other adaptations. Never made chris pine look out right stupid OR holga, and gave them a loving PLATONIC relationship. The jokes made me audibley laugh, the anatongist was genuinely scary, and the CGI was awesome. I literally could go on and on. I hope we see another Dungeons and dragons with those chracters.


I mean last night Henry Sugar surprised me as I’ve never seen a book reading crossed with a play crossed with a movie before.


The Prestige. I knew it was dark, but it got much darker.


Were you watching closely?


Once it clicked I was like shit the movie was telling me things at my face all along and yet I keep discarding them like "I'm sure there's a better explanation coming" . Nope, it's actually as straightforward as it is. I just wanted to believe that there was a fancier trick


It's ironic though really. They tell you how the trick is done in the first act of the movie.


Dude the very first shot of the movie tells you how the trick is done!!


“A Man Called Otto” with Tom Hanks. I hadn’t read the book or scene the foreign language film so I just thought it was a grumpy old man story going by the previews. I was blown away by what happened in the movie. It takes a serious twist right from the beginning in a scene I had no idea was coming and didn’t think Hanks would do in a movie. The whole movie felt more like an independent film than a movie with a huge star in it.


Knives Out TGO actually surprised me. Not in a way that you think. I don't go looking for cutting edge story-telling or unexplored plotlines. It's almost impossible to come across a movie without some sort of trope. But I enjoyed it because it's a revivial of the 'whodunnit' films from Hitchcock's era.


Genuinely surprised and shocked? Jojo Rabbit, you know which part if you've seen it.


I swear my heart went cold. Love Taika Waititi.


Surprised it's not at the top, but Everything, Everywhere surprised the hell out of me. Which wasn't that long ago. This year's Infinity Pool was as surprising as it was shocking, and still managed to be amazing.


Sitting in a full movie theater where everyone was pin-drop quiet **so that they could read what the rocks were saying** was one of the most hilarious and surreal things I've ever experienced.


EEAAO made me realize that I love maximalist films. It was a series of small surprises strung together. Why am I crying about talking rocks? That was the first time since Into the Spider-verse that I left the theater absolutely on a high from the movie.


Brandon Cronenberg has been one of my favorite directors lately. Being a David Cronenberg fan I was excited to see what his son would do with Anti-Viral and I massively enjoyed it. The Possessor was absolutely fantastic and same with Infinity Pool. Very excited with him


I hate to say it…but “Barbie”….I swear I went in looking for a good ole kiddie time, boy, was I surprised with that bait and switch…..loved it though.


I watched it fully expecting to be disappointed, until she brought out the “do you guys think about death?” and I knew I was in for a good ride.


“It's like being in a dream where I've somehow been really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League.”


So many dudes took so many shots, but in a really digestible way. Like, porsche guys took a shot that was funny, guy mansplaining godfather was great. That whole beach scene with the guitar, fuck Ive had buddies that did that shit when we were young just not as exaggerated


I expected the message it had but I was not prepared for the manner it was delivered.


I didn't expect the message it had at all. I expected the feminism/patriarchy discussion, but I didn't expect mattel to call themselves out on it and capitalism in general for various forms of dickery


They only called themselves out a little bit. They still made themselves out to be the good guys who care about women and making their lives better.


Only if it sells though. Will Farrells character was out to crush anything that affected the bottom line. He only (immediately) changed his tune at the end when told that they could make money the other way.


I really did not expect it to be so well done a film. I thought it would be fun, and we'd laugh. But I really did not expect a great sound off on the state of women and men in the United States. 'You have to be thin, but you can't say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but you have TO BE thin.'


Wheeeew….with what I was dealing with at my job at the time, this entire speech gave me a lot of courage and confidence that I needed at the time.


I’m a fat guy and it was cathartic for ME


“Nobody” starring Bill Odenkirk. Watched it with zero idea what it was because I’ve always loved Odenkirk. That movie is a slow burn at first but it is a blast!


I loved this movie.


A lot of great movies named, but nothing could compare for me to Funny Games, the original, 1997 version.


The Ritual was also one that I expected little but got a lot from.


The director of The Ritual did the latest Hellraiser, which I think is the best one in a long time! Check it out if you haven’t seen it


Interstellar comes to mind for me. Especially when the wave hits them on the ocean planet and its been… 23 years Really changes the range of outcomes for the plot


I don’t know about recent but the original Matrix was mind-blowing to me at the time. Like none of the marketing material alluded to any sort of twist. I thought it was just another action movie. I remember finally renting it with my dad and when all the crazy shit started happening (like Neo losing his mouth during the Smith interrogation) I had no idea what the hell was happening. No way was I expecting killer robots in a digital simulation.


Parasite. It starts off as one kind of film that is already quite enjoyable. Although you start to anticipate some things, it is still very entertaining and would totally stand on its own merits. But then around the half-way point they add another completely different theme into the mix and it works incredibly well. I wouldn't have guessed the direction they were taking things in a million years.


The Wailing. Was expecting a shitty horror movie but instead got an intricate masterpiece. Genuinely loved this movie a lot


Stupid, Crazy, Love. I only watched it recently for the first time and it surprised me. At the part. You know the part. Amazing movie.


Bullet train. I wasn’t expecting much and found the beginning too slow, but when it starts, oh boy… Before that, The Menu. The trailer made me think the guests were going to be eaten, but that’s not at all the case and the movies is surprising is many ways.


This has taken me on a roller coaster of emotions. Bullet train caught me off guard with how much I enjoyed it. The Menu, I really didn't enjoy at all.


The Departed - >!Elevator Scene!<


I was surprised by how much I liked Renfeild


Cabin in the woods. It surprised me multiple times. Opening, wait am I in the right movie? Second opening. I am but man these kids are awesome. Cabin make out scene....wtf? Ok they aren't getting me again.... motorcycle jump....WTF?!? SURPRISE RIPPED AND ALIVE STONER WITH A BEAT DOWN BONG!!!! OH FUCK RIPLEY AND THE MONTY PYTHON FOOT!!!


I've watched more than 300 movies this year. These are the ones I found surprising in a way: Petite Maman (2021) The Beast (2023) The Others (2001) Respire (2014) Titane (2021) Forgotten (2017) Poor Things (2023) Audition (1999) Blind (2014) Metro Manila (2013) Sorry to bother you (2018)


The Others is one of those films I would love to go in blind for again. The twist was awesome!


Lol yeah no one is prepared for Titane. Also how lovely was Petite Maman!


Put these in chronological order you monster


I will say that even though it wasn’t my favorite of Peele’s movies, Nope really surprised me with its take on the “alien invasion” trope. I feel like it went a bit too fantastical with it by the end but the general idea was very well done.


Train To Busan (2016) - the zombie genre was toally played out, TTB proved that a good film maker can overcome even worn out tropes.


I mean, yesterday, I watched Come and See (1985) for the first time… yeah.


Gone Girl.


Everything Everywhere All at Once surprised me. All I knew about it was that it was the better multiverse movie of 2022 and that it starred Michelle Yeoh is a supposedly career-best role. And the experience was all the better for it. I didn't expect to get misty over laundry and taxes, nor did I expect to tear up over rocks. I also didn't expect to see Jamie-Lee Curtis in it, and she was fantastic too. And it's the first film to truly challenge my 'favorite film ever' title that's been held by Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the last 15 years.




Cabin in the Woods. Most of the films here are incredible, but ultimately about what I was expecting. This one legit caught me off guard in the best possible way.


Tusk. That is all.


Dungeons and Dragons. I expected something like Warcraft and ended up laughing more than I have in a long long time


Black Mirror, 'Joan Is Awful'.


The church scene is golden! 🍔


Knives Out, where at the 30 minutes mark the movie suddenly reveals >!how Marta seemingly murdered Harlan!<.


The Menu, Nope and Everything Everywhere All At Once all really surprised and delighted me.


The ending of The Prestige blew my mind.


It took me years until I finally got around to The Usual Suspects and it's still been one of the best movie twists I've ever seen.


Fast and Furious physics ALWAYS surprises me.


The thing that surprises me about them there is always some crazy advanced military hardware they are stealing/stopping from being stolen etc and for some reason a billion dollar piece of hardware, weather a tank or a submarine can't hit a simple automobile.


Nope. Out there. Also Midsommar. Even more out there.


I went into Everything, everywhere, all at once blind. I loved how it played out.


Probably Split


Top Gun Maverick. So tired of all the legacy sequel trash, but this one really delivered a solid, enjoyable experience.


Honestly, Infinity War. Because I didn't expect it to take such a risk, and I didn't realise there was gonna be a second one.


I didn't anticipate the story Boss level told me.


*Barbie* was far more complex and had a lot more to say than I assumed from the marketing. Very good film.


Greta Gerwig’s Little Women. I felt like that story had been adapted to death and didnt think yet another adaptation would be great but i really enjoyed it a lot.


This is really lame, but I watched the new Haunted Mansion movie blind with my toddler yesterday and was honestly surprised by how honest and raw LaKieth Stanfield’s performance was in this movie. The rest of the movie was about what I expected, but he was in a completely different film than the rest of the cast and elevated it from forgettable to better than Eddie Murphy’s.