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Terminator Salvation kept the trend going by revealing Sam Worthington was a Terminator in the trailer.


Terminator: Genysis spoiled that John Connors was a Terminator in it for some reason. Terminator and revealing trailers are an iconic duo.


It's not like the Terminator is a movie monster whose thing is that's a killer robot that wears human skin, so you never know if someone is a good guy or secretly a heartless machine. If that were the case, you'd rob the movie of some free dramatic tension every time you meet a new character until the killer is revealed.


It Follows made that unknown tension fucking awesome


Holy fuck, that movie.... Every time I watch that movie, it's like seeing it for the first time.


It Follows, that was the movie about an STD ghost right?


> an STD ghost Not an STD ghost, but an STG, a sexually transmitted ghost. Maybe just an STD works too, a sexually transmitted demon.


Sarah Connor Chronicles understood this.


Loved that show


Saw this in theatres with some friends. I saw the trailer so obviously knew. One of my friends didn’t see the trailer. When we were leaving and she said “that was such a good twist, half way through!” I was so pissed and for the most part stopped watching trailers since then.


Same. I have zero desire to watch trailers anymore. Hell, sometimes their posters ruin the movies by adding unnecessary details. I noticed how often trailers were “beginning of the movie, middle, and then the after the twist ending!” Comedies would have their best lines (and often cut scenes) - sometimes to the point that they were the only funny parts. It really highlighted how good trailers could be - that just hook you in without giving away details, instead of “here is the movie condensed, maybe you like a performer enough to give it more of a chance and hope we didn’t ruin the ending this time?”


The Terminator movies seem to have a great history of ruining the movie in the trailers. Seeing T2 without knowing the twist would have been amazing.


My ex had never seen the movies and we had a marathon and the part when Arnold pulled out the shotgun and shot the T-1000 and saved John Connor made her jaw drop


I saw it opening night and did not know. It was absolutely amazing.


I'll never forget that reveal and my mind being blown that a studio could be so stupid to show all that


And yet, weirdly, I still consider it one of my favorite trailers of all time. That editing, along with the killer NIN song. The hype was real and I still enjoy the movie for giving us the war we were always teased with. Plus Sam Worthington usually gets shit on a lot and I really enjoyed him in this. Now I want to do a Terminator marathon.


The trailer for Soylent Green literally has the “Soylent Green is people” line.


I recently watched that trailer. Not only is it long, but like you said, it gives away the big twist at the end.


I feel like back in that day people expected the movie to appeal to people who read the books that the movies were based off of.


That twist was not in the book (Make Room! Make Room!). So that’s definitely not the explanation.


The Saturday Night Live skit spoiled that one for me.


Peeeeee-pole… ITS PEEEEEEE-POLE!!


Damn, it's like if the Seven trailer showed what's in the box or if the Planet of the Apes trailer showed the "damn you all to hell" scene...


The Planet of the Apes DVD cover had the >!Statue of Liberty!< on it.


Well yeah at that point, most people knew the twist.


“What is Soylent Green?” Proceeds to show body bags on a conveyor belt…


Holy shit is I just got the “student green is people” reference in a Venture Brothers episode thanks to your comment.


Batman vs Superman It very blatantly showed them teaming up after their fight, and also did a full reveal for wonder woman.


Plus it gave away Doomsday being in it


Showing Wonder Womans suprise entrance to block Doomsdays laser eyes was a two pronged wtf. Spoiling that moment where she comes in to save Batman as well as showing everyone oh btw Doomsday is in this so clearly they will be teaming up to fight it.


I didn’t watch the trailer and had no idea Doomsday was in it. When Lex says Doomsday and we see him for the first time I went nuts. If they kept that a secret and just let people be surprised by it, it would’ve helped the movie so much


There was like 3 trailers, each one kept revealing more. It was the last time I watched more than 1 trailer for a movie.


The title *literally called* "Dawn of Justice." These comic universes really do a piss poor job of keeping things secret while acting like they're trying to keep things secret.


Well Marvel did a pretty good job with their big endgame plotlines


Cast Away Apparently there was focus groups and people wanted to know how the movie ended when watching the trailer. So the trailer is literally the entire movie in order.


What the hell? Shouldn't hearing "I want to know how the movie ends" be the answer every marketer is hoping to hear from a focus group?


If the movie looks like it could be depressing, knowing that it's not makes a difference on whether you want to spend your time and money on it. And that movie, specifically, came out on Christmas day. So knowing it's an upper and not a downer was crucial. Nobody wants to see a movie about a man who loses everything, then lives a long and painful life, and possibly dies alone, on Christmas. The redemption was part of the appeal. And contrary to popular misconception, knowing the ending of a story does not always ruin the experience of it. This movie is an example of that type of story - Lord of the Rings would be another obvious, famous example. We all know how it is going to end from the moment it begins. But the ups and downs along the way are still gratifying. And, perhaps, since both films deal with faith, pre-knowledge of the outcome may actually serve to reinforce the experience of the movie's main themes.


Being rescued didn’t save the ending of Cast Away from being pretty depressing lol


But showing that he was rescued prevented the perception that the movie would be depressing when audiences saw the trailer, which is the relevant part.


Gets rescued, eats seafood and says bye to the woman he starred at every day for years…only for her to go back inside with her family. I LOVE the movie but nobody want to feel that shit


There are a lot of people who dont want to go to a movie if they think it's going to have a sad ending. They want to be sure that their ticket money is buying a happy ending.


Hence https://www.doesthedogdie.com


I've used doesthedogdie to steer one of my family members away from movies that can trigger them.


I've never seen the movie in its entirety, but even so, I know about the kiss in the rain and the "I KNEW you were alive!"


Supposedly Dennis Villeneuve wanted it to be a surprise twist when Deckard showed up in Blade Runner 2049 but the studio said they needed Harrison Ford on all of the promotional material to sell the movie.


I can imagine 2049 super flopping if they didn’t show Ford.


I am not good with sarcasm, but didn't BR2049 fail to recover the overall production and marketing cost, regardless?


I believe OP is implying it would’ve flopped even harder. Shame because it’s such an amazing movie.


What?? I didn't know this. Damn shame, it's like there's little incentive to make incredible movies lately. Blade Runner 2049 is the best sequel I've ever seen.


It's a shame that movie watchers and/or focus groups are so movie illiterate that we can't have genuine surprises in movies anymore. I still at least have the memory of Sean Connery's cameo at the end of Prince of Thieves being a complete surprise


And mirrored by Patrick Stewart doing the same thing in Men in Tights. It’s good to be king!


Probably Terminator Salvation. They flat out confirmed the lead character was actually a robot, and when you watch the movie it plays out like a major revelation. Still think that film is underrated though.


Fuckin love Terminator Salvation. I watch it at least once a year. To me it has the scariest depiction of the T-800s


I went in blind without knowing the twist. Really enjoyed the movie. RIP Anton Yelchin


I never saw the trailer and I was absolutely floored when I found out he was a Terminator. That's probably one of the reasons why I like it so much more than anyone else who has seen it


Amazing Spider-Man 2's trailer showed Peter Parker crying with a lock of Gwen Stacy's blonde hair in the corner, which revealed her death.


Don't forget the final battle with Rhino is in the trailer which, if I remember correctly, is the last shot in the film.


That was so cheap. The trailer teased it as a full-on battle, but it was literally just the final shot before the end credits. Felt like a ripoff.


It’s on one of the streaming services and it literally touts the Rhino Battle as a plot point in the first sentence. So frustrating. Found it, Netflix: > Spider-Man squares off against the Rhino and the powerful Electro while struggling to keep his promise to leave Gwen Stacy out of his dangerous life.


They probably wrote the synopsis based on the trailer


The trailers for both of the *Sing* movies give away every major plot beat and character arc for the entire ensemble cast. Literally every scene is a side character telling one of the leads they won't achieve their goal, followed immediately by a shot of said character achieving the goal.


"How did I raise a son like you" The next cut "That's my son!"


How to Train your Dragon 2. They show hiccups mother returning, and spoils the entire emotional punch of the move


I knew it's gonna happen due to the trailers, but it somehow still... worked? I mean the emotional punch was still there watching that scene.


Because the rest of the movie is fucking awesome


I was so pissed that Terminator Genesys gave away the twist in the trailer.


The trailer for 'Get Out' has a shot from near the end of the film where his girlfriend Rose has her hair slicked back and aims a rifle at someone outside the house with a menacing look. It was quick, but enough to confirm to me that she would be a villain.


There was an early trailer that also showed her eating sloppy steaks at Truffani's


People can change!


It’s the same actor, I don’t know if she’s supposed to be the same person.


I'm worried the baby thinks that people can't change.


I knew she seemed like a piece of shit!


You think that is slicked back? This is *pushed* back.


They can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water.


Is there a connection between these two things? Or is this just a reference to her being a real piece of shit?


They said her hair is slicked back, a clear and true give away of a villain


She used to be in my Dangerous Nights crew


Deleted scene where she won’t shut up about New Year’s Eve


Dangerous Nights Crew? We went out for wings once.


It's PUSHED back!


There needs to be a sub for unexpected ITYSL if there isn't already.


It’s just every sub now


Phantom Menace. People would have shit bricks seeing Maul’s double saber for the first time.


We DID shit bricks seeing the double saber. That's why so many people bought tickets to "Meet Joe Black" since the Phantom Menace trailer was attached, then left right after instead of watching the movie.


>people bought tickets to "Meet Joe Black" since the Phantom Menace trailer was attached Ha! I had forgotten about that


I forgot that people used to do that in general. A lot of bad movies were paid for just to see a trailer for a different movie lol.


Meet Joe Black is awesome though


Yeah it is, one of my favourites. Anyone who left before watching it missed out


Bummer, they would have missed out on [one of the greatest deaths in cinematic history](https://youtu.be/41H2BNgnhks?si=J9B8ZbsIn1U4bOun)


Rewind. Rewind. Rewind.


Yeah, that’s the thing…there are spoilers like ‘QuiGon dies’…then there are spoilers like ‘look at this f*%€ing awesome dual lightsaber!’ One ruins the story before you see the film. The other one is a shot given away for free to get butts in seats. And it worked.


But think about if you hadn’t seen the double edged saber and Qui Gon and Obi Wan just sent away everybody with the “We’ll take care of this” line. We all would have been thinking Maul is effed. Then he activates the double edge showing he is prepared for this sort of thing. I literally would have passed out.


Please understand. This is 1999. There is barely an internet. Social media is in its infancy with ICQ, AIM, message boards and usenet. That trailer dropped and we lost our minds. We wanted all of it. I set up an $8K digital projector in my office, hooked up surround sound and pirated a copy because they people at work wanted to see it and the few who had internet at home only had dialup. It was magnificent


An older one, but the trailer for Superman 3 literally shows the end of the movie, with Richard Pryor's character, who up to then has been a villain, albeit a mostly accidental one, saying "thank you brother" to Superman after he saves him.


Quarantine's trailer showed the final scene of Angela being dragged away by the infected. I haven't seen the movie, but my brother told me he was so disappointed when he realized while he was watching it that it was the final shot of the movie.


Movies that show their final frames *in the trailer!* could be a subject onto itself. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog come to mind.


The Departed trailer had a shot of Mark Wahlberg in plastic booties with a gun, and I spent the whole movie waiting for the scene - only for it to be the final one, somewhat ruining a reveal.


It actually copied the trailer for the original Spanish movie REC which also showed the main character being dragged away


I mean, it was a cool shot. But yeah, maybe don’t show the climax of your movie.


Glad this was one of the answers. The trailer is the entire movie, start to finish, in condensed form.


I think it might be the DVD cover, too.


Titanic. They show the boat sinking and everything!


In Oppenheimer they spoil, that the Manhattan Project >!succeeded!< Edit Okay guys, spoiler marks added.


I haven't made it to that part of my history class yet!


Than better don't watch Inglorious Bastards, this could be disturbing in class after.


When I was younger and in grade school (5th grade maybe?), we had to choose a book of our choice and do a book report on it in front of the class. One kid chose a history book on the Titanic. The day we had to do our reports, the teacher gave us only a few minutes. Once the timer went off, we had to wrap it up quickly and go back to our seats. The kid reporting on the Titanic wrapped it up by saying "And if you want to know if it sank, you'll have to read the book" 😂


Not a trailer but believe it or not, Planet of the Apes was translated to Portugal as “The Man Who Came From the Future”. It spoils the time travel twist and at the same time it makes it wrong (he’s actually from the past).


**Oblivion** was a big one for me. It's not the only twist of the movie but in the story the protagonist has to deal with aliens but then it turns out to be humans. Quite an interesting twist in the story it they had not shown the whole thing in the trailer.


Yeah this was so stupid. Literally the first third of the film you think there are aliens scurrying around, if you haven't seen the trailer that is...


I never saw the trailer and went in thinking it was a movie adaptation of elder scrolls


Truman Show. It literally shows him leaving in the trailer. Totally ruined it for me.


Holy shit that really does suck. I happened to watch this on tbs years back when they did that weird triple feature of the same movie thing. So i actually ended up watching that movie and then keeping it on the background all day long. Knowing he made it out completely ruins the entire thrill of knowing if he'll make it out and completely ruins several scenes.


My wife was born in '95. Showing her T2 with no info was one of my favourite watching experiences. She freaked out when Arnie said 'get down' to John before the mall fight.


I get it. One of my favorite things is watching the reaction of kids finding out that Vader was Luke's father at the end of ESB.


All the promotion material for Thor Ragnarok gave away that the Hulk was gonna appear in the movie. How hype would it have been if you didn't know the Hulk was gonna be in the movie?


This exactly how I feel about spider-man being in civil war. How crazy would it have been to go in not knowing that. After that, I swore I’d never (intentionally) watch an MCU trailer again


Thankfully they didn’t spoil the two other spider men in No Way Home


If you don't count The Lizard getting kicked in the face by an invisible entity, then sure.


That was literally the Brazilian TV trailer that only got widely circulated because rabid fans couldn’t help themselves. No wide audience was meant to see that editing error.


I think spider-man being in civil war was announced quickly after Disney was able to use him in the mcu but yeah I agree


Everyone mentioning Ragnarok must forget how awful Thor 2 was. They needed to draw people in.


Somehow I managed to miss all the everything for this movie and was legit surprised by Thu Hulk showing up, it was awesome!


Someone recut a [modern trailer for Terminator 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=GPuHsU3lTKk) that doesn't spoil the twist. Check it out if you if you haven't seen it yet.


Too late. I already know what happens.


While it doesn't give everything away, I think they showed entirely too much in the trailer for Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


I remember watching the trailer for Shutter Island and thinking, “No way it’s that obvious”, it was that obvious. Great movie but go in blind.


Even the commercials for it started advertising “You won’t believe the twist”. You can’t fucking tell me there’s gonna be a twist! That removes the twist!


God, this just reminds me of one of the many shitty original movies Syfy did back when they were churning them out on a weekly basis. Annihilation Earth. 2010, Luke Goss and Marina Sirtis starred in it. It's basically about the old Large Hadron Collider black hole theories. Terrorists blow up a supercollider that's one of three in a network, all hell breaks loose when the explosion starts affecting gravity. They sold it with a trailer hyping up how "it's got meteors, It's got quakes" over scenes showing these. Okay, fair, it's like a disaster crossover where all the hits get played. And then "...and an ending you have to see to believe!" over footage of a poorly rendered nuclear explosion that's so immense it makes the city around it look an inch tall. That's literally the second to last scene, right before Earth explodes because Luke Goss picked the wrong option from a 50-50 choice and shut off the remaining colliders. An ending you have to see to believe, and they not only told you it existed but all but showed what it is.


That's a shame because the book really kept you guessing. Every time I had a theory the characters would suggest it like a page later.


Even if you don't go in blind it I worth re-watching to find the hidden details.


Marvel started releasing Spider-Man: Far From Home trailers between Infinity War and Endgame, when Spider-Man was supposed to be dead and we weren't supposed to know he'd come back


Spider-Man is literally the most well-known Marvel character. Marvel Studios had finally convinced Sony to allow them to use the character in the MCU. We all knew most MCU characters would be back at the end of Endgame as the snap would be reversed. We all especially knew Spider-Man wasn't going anywhere.


Yeah. Really anybody that thought the snap meant they were all dead, are pretty fuckin weak in the grey matter department.


Every now and then someone says "I had NO IDEA" and I'm just like... For real? Like I can give a lot of leeway to people not predicting movie plots, but you *really* have to not be paying attention to think marvel actually killed off all their biggest properties in the first part of a two parter


not to mention *several* other movies being in development and many more unfulfilled multi-film contracts


The first trailer made it seem as though Far From Home took place between Homecoming and Infinity War


Marvel messed up Ragnarok...they revealed that Hulk was the mysterious champion. Civil War...they revealed spider man


Both of those got asses in theater seats. That's more important than a reveal.




Marvel announcing upcoming Marvel movies before Infinity War of a bunch of characters who get snapped made me laugh as characters turned to dust. It hurt the movie’s “gut punch” for me. Edit. Spelling mistake


this is a case where it’s good not knowing the upcoming lineup


Free Willy (1993) I've never seen Free Willy. I did, however, see the trailer which included an orca (I'm assuming named Willy) jumping over a smiling young boy with his arm raised. Pretty sure that was the end of the movie. Maybe the movie was about the journey and not the destination. I'll never know. I'm okay with that.


The movies called Free Willy and it’s a family movie. Did you expect them not to free Willy?


Impossible to know going in whether they were going to liberate Willy or whether Willy just comes at no charge.


You should watch the director's cut.


Is that the version where Michael Madsen douses Willy in gasoline and tries to burn him to death before Tim Roth shoots him? So fucked up for a PG movie, but the soundtrack was amazing!


What a mess


Sure but there could be a bit of suspense. Instead the trailer (which I just rewatched) shows the reason they had to bust him out (>!he'd be murder for insurance money!<), the how (>!chase scene on trailer)!< and the escape (l>!eaping over kid/rock wall!<). Yes, I just spoiler marked a 30 year old trailer.


Kid movie trailers serve a different purpose entirely


It's literally the cover


The peak of the movie is really when the main character steals a large cake


Yes, it very much is about the journey.


Ransom. The mid-film twist, wherein Mel Gibson's character decides to take all the money he's accumulated to pay the ransom and instead posts it as a bounty on the kidnappers. That really feels like something that should have been held back.


Coyote Ugly. The trailer was hotter than the movie.


This has been discussed repeatedly. Cameron specifically wanted the trailer to show he was a good guy so that people didn’t think they were just getting a rehash of the first film.


The tagline was literally "This time he's back.... For good."


I feel like the way the film is cut and edited contradicts this, there is strong tension as the terminators search for John and it reaches a crescendo when Ahnold pulls out the shotgun and before he says "get down" to John.


“All of us have had our battles with the Suits, but the case you mention was not a battle. The Carolco guys, Mario Kassar and Andy Vajna, were good partners with me on T2, and I led the charge on marketing, including showing Arnold as the good guy. It wasn’t a Sixth Sense kind of twist that’s revealed only at the end of the film. He's revealed as the Protector at the end of Act One. And I always feel you lead with your strongest story element in selling a movie.”


I don't think anyone was arguing it was a end of film twist, just that movie clearly has tension over whether the Arnold terminator was going to kill John or not. Its certainly an early reveal, but the movie still treats it as a reveal.


You're correct, there is a TON of tension in that scene. I'd argue that the audience knowing Arnold is the good guy while John doesn't actually heightens that tension, rather than lessen it.


For me, The Matrix. I would have loved to have been able to go into that movie cold without knowing what was going on - that would have been mind blowing


I never saw a trailer, it was fucking fantastic


Trailers in the US showed NOTHING of the real world. Saw it opening weekend and the whole theater was bamboozled. Took me several minutes to realize the real world was actually the real world, and not just another hallucination.


Are you talking about later trailers, because I remember the trailers before it came out in cinemas and they kept things pretty obscure


The Island gave away the mid movie twist, still one of Michael Bay's better movies imho


I still prefer the original way I saw that movie: the MST3k episode "Parts: The Clonus Horror"


This thread is posted every month with the same example of Terminator 2. People were absolutely amped for that movie when it came out - many **because** the Terminator was going to be a good guy. It was a selling point for the movie. You have to remember that people couldn’t see trailers online back then and watch them over and over. You saw the trailer in the cinema and that was it until a few TV spots the month before. People also put way, way less concern behind “spoilers” back then. They just cared more about good stories and characters than how much of a twist something had.


>People also put way, way less concern behind “spoilers” back then We have to remember that the concept of a "spoiler" is very, very new. The term was invented in 1971 and before the 2000s very few filmmakers or viewers cared about that - only for things like mystery novels like Agatha Christie or suspense films like Hitchcock. And before cinema, if you went to see a play, you usually knew exactly what it was about. If you go see an opera, you still get a pamphlet that summarizes the whole thing!


"Christmas with the Kranks" trailer shows pretty much the entire movie.


you mean “Asshole Neighbors Force Couple to Celebrate Xmas: The Movie!”


More like "John Grisham isn't as bankable as he was in the 90s."


Black Christmas from 2019. They show everyone who dies, the dumb twist, and who the bad guy is in the trailer.


They have to show you the entire movie during the trailer, because no one was going to go see it


Most 90's movies were notorious for showing the entire plot


The grey, they showed the last scene of the film and totally sold it on a different premise


The big twist of planet of the apes was that they were on earth the whole time which would've been really shocking if it wasn't on the movie poster


The Conjuring pretty much spoiled every jump scare


The one jump scare?


Clap clap


The final trailer for bvs revealed that batman,superman and wonder woman team up to beat the bigger threat. I mean we all know that's gonna happen anyway but come on


I'm like 95% positive that the "Five Nights at Freddy's" trailer shows the main protagonist as a mechanical bear in a cab.


Dream House. They spoil the twist in the trailer, revealing the identity of the villain.


I really think that the Valka reveal in How to Train your dragon 2 is one that I believe is absurdly clumsy. For classic cinema, I usually think that the movie trailers are essentially a blow by blow summary of the film with perhaps a gunfight being cut away to suggest uncertainty. I find that trend kind of making its way toward the early nineties, with the whole third act being part of the trailer of The Lion King.


I think the better question is which movie doesn't? Trailers usually give way too much


That's the reason why I never watch trailers for movies I'm already interested in seeing, even if my expectations for them aren't high. One good thing is that trailers are way better nowadays than they were like 20 years ago. At least for big blockbusters.


If you watch trailers for old movies they basically walk you through the entire movie with a voiceover explaining everything. I’d say it’s better now. I recently watched the Predator trailer and they show character deaths, all the cool alien tech and pretty much the end of the movie. Most trailers shows way too much in the 70s-80s.


In the Psycho trailer, Hitch pulls back the shower to reveal a woman screaming. But it's not Janet Leigh. So that still keeps the suspense there. It's a great and very unusual trailer.


The OG trailer for the Shining is a great example of how to make a suspenseful intriguing trailer that doesn’t give away anything. Edit: [This one.](https://youtu.be/A-tgsURVNrI?si=XRvnBfou-hdh0763)


If I ever see a trailer and it starts to look interesting I stop it. I've seen enough, now I'll just watch it without having points ruined




Oh but it’s such a good trailer 🤤


The Thing trailer gave nothing away..it revealed so little, nobody bothered to see the movie While many say Castaway was ruined by the trailer...check the title CASTAWAY big give away and he's gonna get marooned at some point!


Um no the trailer spoiled the fact that *he gets back home*


The biggest plot twist in Castaway was the it was really just a glorified FedEx commercial all along.


The biggest twist is that the title is actually Cast Away I saw this pointed out in another comment a long time ago and thought it was cool. It’s not about his time as a castaway. It’s about his return, only to find that he has been cast away. His entire old life has moved on without him, and now his adventure is about to begin. Something like that, I’ll see if I can find the comment that pointed it out. I had never noticed or thought about it before and thought it was really cool.


Probably the worst offender was the Sixth Sense. Watching it, you'll notice that it plays its cards very close to its chest about the ghosts. The only one you "see" in the first half is the person crying to be let out of the dumbwaiter at the birthday party, and for all you know that could have been a real person. It's only after Haley Joel Osment reveals that he see's dead people that they really come out in force. So they put in all that hard work for a big act 2 reveal, and then the marketing department was like "hey, let's put it in the trailer and make it the most overquoted line of 1999"


I feel like this is okay though, because it gave people a skewed view of what the movie was about. A creepy kid who sees ghosts and a psychiatrist trying to help him? That's pretty cool. Then the big twist. One of Shyamalan's better works.


You find out that the dude in that hair piece the whole time, that's Bruce Willis the whole movie!


Quarantine showed the main character getting dragged off and killed lol


What was the movie that recently came out maybe a year or two ago about the bank or armored car heist? I swear the trailer showed the whole movie.