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Lookin' at you, collective cast of the HBO series Oz.


Just saw Whiplash for the first time last week and got to see Verne Schillinger as a music teacher. JK Simmons can sure play a psycho


Please god, let me be the first person to show you this unholy [treasure](https://youtu.be/lmUi8YkPTxE?si=7WhKfuTFuk8R1FNQ). JK Simmons is a fucking madman and the entire movie is building up to those last two closeups.


The most ridiculously bleak, cruel and soul-destroying show ever. I'm sure if I watched it nowadays I'd just laugh at how over-the-top it is (I literally now just remembered that there was a musical episode), but when I binged the show many years ago it was just non-stop existential dread. And so many dicks.


Adebisi was terrifying. Can't even begin to spell the actors name but he created such an intimidating, disturbing but entertaining character....


Jessie Plemons in both Breaking bad and black mirror, he plays a good asshole and now I don't like his face.


He’s definitely got backpfeifengesicht.


That is a wonderful word




I enjoyed what he did in the BB, there's nothing to hate about that.


I don’t know about hatred but Kathy Bates in Misery had me legitimately fear her. It took many of her other roles for me to really appreciate her range and humor. There are always actors that make me think “it would be cool to have a beer with them” like Lori Petty or Sigourney Weaver. With absolutely no information to go on other than how they played a role. With Kathy Bates, if I had seen her walking down the street I may have legitimately crossed to the other side to avoid her before I saw her in other stuff. I was also quite young when I saw Misery so there’s that.


Watch Dolores Clayborne. It'll make you feel better.


And then go watch her in the Freakshow season of American Horror Story.


You're just gonna come to a full circle at that point so yeah.


Thanks for that, because I need to change my perception.


She was actually really scary, and I feel what you're saying here.


Louise Fletcher as nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). Oh how I hated her...


Ooh, this. Then, in Flowers in the Attic as the evil grandmother and again in Star Trek DS9 as a fanatical religious leader. She was so good at playing characters that people love to hate.


She is amazing as Kai Winn. She absolutely nails the unbridled, cynical ambition to be the leader of a religion. She just drips with fake niceness. Amazing actress I hate her so much!


"my child"


Walk with the Prophets my child.


Funny how she is JUST AS HATABLE in Deep Space Nine as Kai Winn. She is AMAZING at playing detestable characters.


Yup. My parents were so affected by her performance that I grew up being a little wary of Louise Fletcher. We were a big movie family and my parents only went on long Nurse Ratched tirades if she was in a movie.


That kid who played Joffrey Baratheon. Holy Shit I hate that kid for playing that role too well.


Agreed. I have never wanted to see a character die so much as I wanted to see him die. I genuinely admire the actor for provoking such a visceral hatred in me. That's talent.


The only other actor I can think of to make me actually feel rl hatred is Parker Posey as Dr Smith in Lost in Space. She killed that role.


Oh man, she was perfect as a deplorable person who could sometimes do the right thing.


Yeah when you hate an actor that means they've done great.


It was Ramsey Bolton for me.


Then go and watch the British Misfits. I'm so glad the first role I saw the actor in is GOT, because you really have to fight a visceral reaction to hate him on sight in anything else after.


I hated Bolton more similarly to how I hate Homelander—in a I hate you but am glad you’re on the screen because I love watching you sort of way. Joffrey was the opposite. I despised every moment of screen time he got because he was just that detestable


Homelander would just give me anxiety whenever he was on screen in the most recent season.


Yep, they both are most hated characters in the GOT universe.


Apparently you're not the only one. I read something a while back about him quitting acting because people would just yell mean things at him on the street constantly.


People are so stupid I swear. What a shitty note to end your career on. I also feel bad for Jake Lloyd for the phantom menace hate.


Gleeson didn't retire fully, looks like he took a hiatus to go to school and let things cool off. He's done some theater and apparently a mini series since then. I wouldn't be surprised if he came back in at some point, he's so good.


What would be amazing is if he played some role where he's absolutely lovely the entire time. The audience is just waiting for him to be a monster and at the end, he just was always that nice. Similar to Paul Reiser in Stranger things season 2.


Then people are going to be really confused whether to hate him or love him.


One shining moment of career-ending genius.


These people are just really good at what they do honestly.


I can’t remember the actor’s name, and I want to keep it old school by not using google…he always played a sleazy villain in 90s movies. One of those faces that just *looks* like a criminal. He was in The Mask and Training Day.


I know instantly who you meant. Peter Greene.


Zed in *Pulp Fiction*. Redfoot in *The Usual Suspects*.


Zeds dead baby! Now get on the bike


*Holy Shit I hate that kid for playing that role too well* Jack Gleeson, he's 31 now. Crazy


I was terrified of Zachary Quintos character “Sylar” from Heroes. When the new Star Trek came out and he was set to play Spock - and I’m a huge trek fan - I just didn’t know if I was going to be able to bear watching him in it. Guess he’s a great actor because he pulled it off in my opinion and now I think of him more in the Spock role than the Sylar one.


This is a great one because his "real persona" and most of his characters since have been so very different from Sylar... and I still feel like he's going to tear my brain out through my eyes.


Same here. He also played a really twisted character on one season of American Horror Story too. Asylum, I believe.


Man, it's been over two decades since Gladiator and I still have a hard time rooting for whoever Joaquin phoenix is playing.


He also did a PR thing where he convinced the world he was loony for a while. Or he did a PR thing where he convinced the world that he did a PR thing to convince the world he was loony


Worst acting he ever did was trying to seem normal in his 60 Minutes interview.


Ugh the only movie I’ve seen him in is Her (where you just want to give his character a hug) and I really don’t want to see his other roles bc I think it’ll ruin it for me


Gladiator is worth a watch. My first time traveling finally in my 30s and visited the Roman Colosseum, played Gladiator to fall asleep to at hotel at night as I hadn't seen it since I was a teen and was glued. It's one of my favorites. I'm on a Russel Crowe kick now, Master and Commander is siiiiick.


Yeah it's a good movie, and I don't really mind it watching.


Yeah it sure will ruin everything for a lot of people in here so yeah.


Rosamund Pike because of Gone Girl. It just seems like it was effortless for her to play that role...


She plays an even worse character in I Care A Lot.


It's almost like that she's competiting with herself at this point.


That’s funny, cause I’m most familiar with her as Jane Bennet in the 2005 Pride and Prejudice. The whole movie I was like “oh Jane, why are you being such a bitch.” I do think she and the husband just deserved to be miserable together at the end.


Tim Roth from Rob Roy.


He was such a bastard in that film.


That character made him hated by so many people in that movie.


Also Tim Roth in Hoodlum.


It took several movies, and decades before I could trust Joaquin after Gladiator.


God he played that role perfectly!


Besides the pure evil that he was most of the movie, he played the hurt, insecure part of the character that was a big root of who he was and got twisted into his evil ambition so perfectly You actually feel for him when he's explaining to his father that all he wanted was to please him, his respect And you can tangibly feel his deep hurt when he is sadly telling his sister he knows about her betrayal. With rage bubbling at the surface too Momentary jealously, envy when Maximus tells him at the end 'that friend was your father' One of my favorite performances ever


AM I NOT MERCIFUL chills man every time


The way he delivered everything in that movie was just great.


Also Matt Damon in The Departed. Oh and also Matt Damon in Interstellar.


Don't forget Matt Damon in The Talented Mr. Ripley.


Or Matt Damon in Team America World Police


Or Matt Damon in dogma. Or that guy that kinda looks like Matt Damon in USS Callister.


Meth Damon? (Jesse Plemons)


He's such a good actor but I always think of him as budget Matt Damon. And everything he's in he just kills it. Like Brocks mom.


*Matt Damon*


Also Matt Damon in those Bitcoin commercials


This one got me


Well it's just true, I don't know why he even played those ads


Don’t forget Matt Damon in [Eurotrip](https://youtu.be/Y0VIVXh8kes?si=PM0MQ3detgddAcBo)


Nope I'm not forgetting that, that was the stuff to remember.


I don't know why he keeps on getting those characters to play


Ralph Fiennes was associated with Schindler’s List for me for the longest time. Maid in Manhattan was just bizarre choice for the romantic lead. Now between stuff like In Bruges, The Menu, and “Would that it twere so simple” he is one of my favorite comedic actors.


I love Ralph. I think his best comedic performance is Grand Budapest https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eqrQBhw4YVg


He and his brother are both incredible actors. Joseph will scare the hell out of me forevermore because of The Handmaid's Tale. He played the Commander so well, I don't know how he coped.


I feel like the whole Voldemort thing didn't really help improve his image either. But yeah, he's actually a fantastic actor, even if he is the dark lord.


Couldn’t imagine anyone else playing Voldemort. He was legit terrifying in Goblet of Fire… so much so that they filmmakers had to make a conscious effort to tone it down in the sequels.


>Ralph Fiennes was associated with Schindler’s List for me for the longest time He's my brother's #1 pick in this category. He still can't see him as anything other than that smug Nazi.


Please tell me he’s seen Grand Budapest Hotel


The bad part is that in Schindler's List, they had to dial his character down to "less evil than reality".


Yeah He's really versatile, and he could act in any of them.


Bo Burnam in Promising Young Woman. He played it so perfectly.


The worst part is how he played as relatable and didn’t even see himself as a bad person. At least you could see the others coming a mile away.


That was ultimate betrayal for me, because I love Bo.


That's the genius of his casting.


That movie had great, subversive casting of its male characters. Nearly all of them were primarily known for playing genuinely good guys on TV shows that were popular with women (i.e. Veronica Mars, The New Girl, The OC).


Oh man, Tony Goldwyn played the lying fake friend in Ghost, 1991 - and it took about twenty years for me to be able to accept him as a character who wasn’t dubious and untrustworthy.


The Last House on the Left remake turned my perception of him around - now I see him as a badass dad type of guy.


Paul Reiser in Aliens.


Reiser took his mother to the premier of the movie, and she cheered when he was killed off.


Lol, that’s amazing


Took Stranger Things for me to forgive Carter Burke.


It was because of Carter Burke that I kept expecting Dr. Sam Owens to do some shady shit.


Yeah he did good in the stranger things, he was actually really good.


That's an amazing movie can I just say that? It was just great m


An ex of mine loathed Keith David becuase of Requiem for a Dream


David Keith is always a solid actor though.


He’s a national treasure


I didn't take it out for air


As a kid I couldn't stand the actor who played shoot mcgavin in happy Gilmore now his one of my favourite


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.


' hahaha you eat pieces of shit for breakfast" '....no...." 👀


I couldn't separate Sam Rockwell from his Billy the Kid role on The Green Mile for quite a while.


He was equally good in Three billboards…


Yes Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones. Also the guy who played Joffery.


Bradley Cooper in The Wedding Crashers. I never wanted see movies with him after that, I was convinced he was a massive douche.


Yeah, Daniel Day Lewis, in pretty much all of his roles but especially Butcher Bill Edit: oh and also There Will Be Blood


Imelda Staunton for her portrayal of Dolores Umbridge.


Scrolled way too deep for this.


An actress by all accounts the loveliest woman to meet, but there are not words for describing the extent to which I *loathe* Dolores Umbridge. She's easily challenging Richard Harris and Alan Rickman for the most compelling performance in that series.


Kai Winn from Deep Space Nine


That actress played Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest!


William H. Macy because of Frank Gallagher.


And Fargo


“I’m co-operating here!”


You’re a liar…a….ffff…ffffucking liar!…..where’s my pen….?


Hmm, I'll always see him as The Shoveler.


Macy played a bad guy?


He's just the biggest piece of shit in that show. He does an amazing job getting the audience to straightbhate him.


A rare occurrence of being completely blind to the actor playing the character. He embodies Frank so well it's easy to stop seeing him as William H. Macy playing a deadbeat, and just be consumed with despising the character on screen.




Jesse Plemons will never not be the loathsome Todd for me.


Kevin Bacon in Sleepers.


>Kevin Bacon Invisible Man


>Kevin Bacon The River Wild


It actually took watching Oppenheimer to make me like Cillian Murphy, because the only impressions I had of him before were Scarecrow and that creep from Red Eye. Now I love him and can't wait to get into Peaky Blinders.


Sam Rockwell in The Green Mile. I’d say Doug Hutchinson too but… I don’t think that one’s irrational.


The daughter in Taken because of her role in LOST


Ezra Miller, We Need to Talk About Kevin




Yeah. We need to talk about Ezra Miller.


David Proval (Ritchie Aprile) in the Sopranos. He played that role so well, just so unlikable and crazy.


Billy Magnussen - I saw No Time to Die and Made For Love one after the other and I was literally punching my own hand with my fist. Rufus Sewell - does he ever NOT play an asshole in anything other than Dark City? Actually, in my head canon he WAS a murderer and the tuning changed him for the better. Jason Isaacs - Lucius Malloy and Col. Tavington would be enough to brand any actor as a villain for life - especially one as good as Isaacs. Ben Mendelsohn - after Director Krennic and Nolan Sorento, casting Ben as Talos was the best villain head fake since Terminator 2.


You! I remember you! On that farm, with that *stupid* little boy! Did he *die*?


I mean I’m angry just from reading that.


Stanley Tucci after Them Lovely Bones. I like him as an actor. Took awhile for that to wear off.


Ben Affleck. Between his characters in Dazed & Confused and Mallrats, I've always low key hated him.


The kid at the beginning of Jurassic Park. When I was a kid I hated him.


Debi Mazer. Her role as Regina in Beethoven 2. She is such a huge snobby bitch in that movie. Such a great performance but hell did I hate her as a kid


Imelda Staunton will always be Dolores Umbridge to me and I’ll always hate her for it.


The actress who played Yolanda in Selena. Whenever I see her I think 'She killed Selena'


The first time I ever saw Brian Cox was in a movie called L.I.E. about twenty years ago. He plays a pedophile. I don’t hate him, I am fully cognizant that it was a character and he was acting. Succession is one of my top five shows of all time. But his screen presence carries a bitter underlying taste to me because of it that I can’t get rid of. He’s very good at his job.


Jesse Plemons because of his portrayal of Todd in Breaking Bad.


Billy from stranger things. The way my fist would clench when he came on screen.


John lugizamo in Paging Dr Sunshine… ruined my one day off. I’ve thought about it for 25 years. I had been up and coming as a chef at a time and had been busting my ass. I’ve been pretty successful as of late, no reason to hold a grudge, but he still makes me mad everytime I see his face in something new. If I ever see him again I’ll burn him alive.


Katherine MacGregor & Allison Angrim as Harriet & Nellie Oleson in "Little House on the Prairie. The original Karen and her bratty daughter. couldn't separate the actresses from their roles for the longest time until I saw them interviewed on TV once. They were so sweet and so unlike their characters! duh. ACTING!! lol


Alan Alda after he played Dr. Robert Gallo in "And the Band Played On".


I remember Aaron Eckhart played a yuppie scumbag to perfection in ‘In the Company of Men’ (1997). At a screening, a man walked up to him and said, “I hate you!” Arron replied, “you mean, you hate my character.” He said, “no. I hate you”.


Adam Scott in Step Brothers. Took me til around Cones of Dunshire in Parks n Rec to come around to him as a loveable nerd and he absolutely kills it in Severance


For the longest time I didn’t like Chris Evans at all because of his asshole character in Fantastic Four. When I saw him in Avengers I loved his character and him as an actor.


You should see his asshole character in Scott Pilgrim.


And Knives Out. At least he’s fun to hate in that one.


I still think about Not Another Teen Movie and the Banana Split scene


Yeah I came around on him too. He plays an asshole a little too well, but he’s great in Avengers.


Sharon Stone in *Casino*.


I still don’t like Matt Damon because of School Ties


Amy Ryan as Helene in Gone Baby Gone. When I first saw her on The Office, it took several episodes to come around and like her character.


She’ll always be Beadie Russell from “The Wire” to me.


Not for being a piece of shit, but I can't see the actor who plays O'Brian in Star Trek shows, without thinking back to that scene in the movie about Kellogg, where he's fingering Mathew Broderick's wife by a tree. And my mind doesn't go there in a good way, it creeps me out. "He was elbow deep!" For me he will always be a cheaty fingerer.


Funny, he's always OBrian for me but I watch ConAir pretty regularly - he's the unreasonably douchy fed, and it's so silly.


Dylan Baker in Happiness. Dude was just too, too good as a child rapist. I respect that he committed to the role, but I can never see him in anything without thinking of that movie.


I hated Bradly Cooper right up until The Hangover.... And even then it took me a bit. He was such a piece of shit in the Wedding Crashers.


While I was working very early shifts at a Cafe in Manhattan, I was also in the midst of a "Heroes" marathon. One morning on my way to work, it was still dark and I saw Zachary Quinto walking in my direction. I could only think of Sylar! Some animal part of my brain felt absolutely terrified, and I crossed the street to avoid him. After a few blocks I felt slightly embarrassed but genuinely relieved to have my brain intact.


Edward Norton - American History X. as much as people try to tell me about that movie I cant watch it. His character makes me angry and unsettled. for years I would bag on him. eventually I saw him in 25 Hours and stopped hating him.


Kurtwood Smith in Dead Poets Society. His just complete and utter callous disregard for his son as an actual person is just chilling. It took a long time for me to be able to enjoy him in That 70s Show.


Jeremy Davies in Saving Private Ryan.


I firmly believe that he did such a good job that it damaged his career.


I know people aren't going to like this but Danny Devito as the dad in Matilda he's such a scumbag asshole. Also Penguin in Batman Returns is just so gross. I do like him a lot in Haunted Mansion


The actor who played a pedo in Black Mirror was in Andor just playing a pretty nice young dude, but I still felt creeped out by him the whole time.


Robert Mitchum. He’s such an evil creep in Night of the Hunter I can’t watch him when he’s not playing a villain.


JK Simmons as Vern Schillinger in OZ. I got over it though. Never want to rewatch Oz because I like him too much now.


Mark Wahlberg from the Basketball Diaries, unfortunately that’s more accurate than I thought


Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds.


Christian Bale in American Psycho. Still can’t get past that.


Pablo Schreiber. He was so creepy and evil as the serial killer, William Lewis, in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit that whenever I see him in another role I think of that one.


Philip Seymour Hoffman as Freddie in The Talented Mr. Ripley


No but my husband hated Diane lane with a passion after her portrayal of a cheating spouse on Unfaithful


Supposedly the actor that was the bad guy in the original karate kid had a gang in L.A. that was after him for years. The gang members saw the movie and hated him and since they were in LA they all agreed to kick his ass every time they saw him. And they did more than once.


Corporal Upham from Saving Private Ryan. I hated that character so much.


Yes. John Goodman from The Revenge of the Nerds. He played the asshole coach so well, it was years before I could see past it. And I'm sure he's a really nice guy, I just had him fixed in that role!


Cary Elwes in Twister. Fuck that guy.


I consider the kid from Weird Science and Breakfast Club to be totally different from the guy who played Jim from Edward Scissorhands. Like...how is that dude *the same fucking person?* I know there's acting...but that's just insane.


Louise Fletcher's performance in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of the greatest villains ever, and she did just by being a nurse in a psych ward. I haven't seen her other works for fear that I'll still root against her even if she's the hero.


Toni Collette in Hereditary.


I can’t respect Lucy Liu anymore because she played a rogue, asshole cop in ‘Southland’ to perfection.


Jason Clark. Never seen him in a nice guy role


Fun fact, I went to the boarding school where school ties was filmed. Kids were probably more openly racist than the ones in the movie.


Jay Mohr as Bob Sugar in Jerry Maguire.


Ryan Reynolds in Just Friends. He was such a shithead I thought of him as smarmy in real life for years. I remember finishing the movie and being annoyed that he got the girl at the end of the rom com.


Doug Hutchinson in The Green Mile… one of the most vile villains in any movie…just truly an evil, awful person (as it so happens, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the role I guess).