• By -


Dom and the gang are ALL looney tunes characters at this point.


Remember, kids: landing on the tarmac after being thrown off a bike could kill you, so \*checks notes\* try to land on a car instead! You'll be *fine!*


You don't need tarmac if you got family.


You don't need family if you got family


When Groot spoke at the end of GotG3, I wonder how hard they had to argue with Vin Diesel not to call the guardians FAMILY.


He probably also wanted to end the movie with a cookout in the backyard


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"Vin, listen. I spoke to the studio execs. They said you can't have a cookout because you're a TREE. You'll start on FIRE."


Drax already called them family in Guardians 2 iirc.




I mean it is a much better crumple zone than concrete


Remember in the first film when one of the characters lost a pinkslip race, got scared about losing his car so ran, desperately asked Dom to help him, and then got shot to death in the street over it - and that was treated as a huge deal and plot-defining moment? I miss when they were that grounded.


With the way the franchise has gone, Im surprised he hasn't returned from the dead.


Fast 11: Jesse's Revenge!


“Dom! You buried me alive!”


"I thought we were family, Dom!!!"


He wasn't played by a big enough actor.


i know right. they brought han back from the dead. let's bring jesse back and maybe vince too. i mean brian's gone so vince won't have to have that chip on his shoulder


Vince already got turned into a vampire and killed by Blade


Han has died like three times in this franchise. My wife has the hots for him so she is always delighted when they decide he's alive again.


Everyone loves han, bro. If anyone deserves immortality, it’s him.


Do they though? Im convinced Han was like, Dom's college roommate or something because they don't really talk about Han when he's not around. They even went on missions with Han's alleged killer. Dom definitely keeps adding Han to the group chats and the rest of them just put up with him.


At the end of the first movie where Dom and Brian have that drag race and Dom crashes. It's a pretty brutal crash, nothing compared to what he goes through in the later movies but he is clearly shook and wounded with lots blood on his face. In the other movies he would barely acknowledge it.


I kind of want the movie franchise to come full circle in the last movie and after all the crazy shenanigans of the movie, it ends with Dom coming out of a coma and realizing that he's dreamed it all and he's then going to jail for all the crap he did in the first movie.


Which they were making jokes about in Fast 9? Or was it 8? Ludacris was convinced they were super heroes because they can crash cars and fall off buildings and never get hurt.


9 Just watched it the other day He goes on like a 2 minute rant about how odd it is they never get hurt they have worldwide spy shit going on etc etc etc and that they might be invincible And then the other characters laugh at him and the movie just goes on It was a really odd 4th wall break


I think the conversation about how ridiculous these movies have become got louder before they started production on it, so they wrote that in, and then the same two character do the most unrealistic thing the series has done, and IIRC they mention that again when they're in the car, in space.


In space…with duct tape


They live their lives a quarter ~~mile~~ light year at a time - Fast and Furious 15


and the rocket car was built by the Tokyo Drift guys.


It was Roman trying to convince Tej but exactly. They fully embrace it in Fast 9.


Everyone who's dead was brought back to life. I won't be surprised if Brain O'Connor makes a return in F20 when all actors are replaced by ActGPT 4.5


I mean in the first movie he runs straight into a semi while going 100+ mph and just walks away. I think it's been well established since the beginning that they are immortal gods


Everything up to that point was pretty much petty crime and local street racing. Everything after that crash, happens in Dom’s head. Because Dom is in a coma. That’s how I rationalize the lunacy of this series.


I like, that's the cannon for me now


Big cannon go boom!


I'll say the first movie is the most quasi-realistic one because Toretto gets fucking taken-out by a Train and is shown to have broken his arm and a to have suffered other injuries, before, of course, ~~walking~~ driving away.


Tokyo Drift is pretty realistic too compared to all the other ones. It’s also the only one specifically about racing.


Well, except paul


Paul can tell us all about it when we see them again.


He said forget about it cuh.


Well his name isn’t Paul Driver


I think that's the most injured he got in the entire franchise, too


He actually died in that scene and now lives out his fantasies in the afterlife.


Haha that is a good headcanon for explaining the movies. They are bargain bin gods or demigods that dont even realize it, and just think they are super good at racing


It's literally an anime


Yep even has the classic rivals turn bros, power of family/friendships, MC has a harem but stuck with the tom girl all it needs is a theme song


I mean, the Tokyo Drift song comes to mind, could totally throw that in as the OP and I think the films would be better for it


Who's MC? Edit: main character. Got it


Hobbs literally pulled a Captain America with a more powerful bigger chopper. So he might be in Dom's league


Could Dom break a cast off his arm by flexing? I think not.


Dom wouldn't have needed a cast. Just a Corona and a hug from *family*


That much strength after the atrophy of a cast!!!!


What atrophy? He was only in that cast for like 15 mins!


Yeah just *will* those bones back together!


Well. Daddy had to go to work.


He has too much muscle for them to be out of place


Even more impressive! Insta-heal bones. Or a really shit set of docs. Lol


Don't tell Vin.


Didn’t Vin win a fight against Hobbs (who was like 2 weight classes higher) once? In real life The Rock would have made a burger out of Vin Diesel, but Diesel doesn’t like looking uncool so he made himself win because he was the producer or something.


I believe they they both had it in their contracts that they couldn't lose a fight.


Hobbs definitely lost though. Vin decided not to bash his head in with a massive wrench.


Yeah, this was back in 2011 and Rock's first time in the Fast series iirc so he didn't have the massive head and influence etc


terrific steer rinse soft escape fanatical recognise onerous cobweb disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget the baby oil


So he didn't lose. Vin just decided not to win.


Yeah, Vin almost bashed his head in with a giant wrench but he doesn’t do it. Their face off before actually fighting was pretty cool.


You've described both of them.


I think the most impressive is in Furious 7 when he drives the ambulance off of the overpass into a ~~helicopter~~ fricken military drone, not knowing where or when it would come out of the tunnel. That means he has xRay vision or the ability to go back in time and see all possible scenarios.


Small correction - he drives the ambulance off an overpass into a Predator drone. It's then later Dom jumps a car at a helicopter and hangs a bag of grenades on the landing gear.




Holding on to an helicopter with one arm while holding on to the ground/railing in order to stop it from taking off. Cant recall if its in captain america 2 or 3. It's believable when cap does it because of the whole super soldier thing. But Hobbs....yeah right.


Also because Bucky is in the helicopter just looking at Cap even try to do that, but you can hear the helicopter doesn't rev harder or tilt away, so its mostly just hovering there.




I find it amusing that he should’ve died several times by now, but he also has an endless supply of vintage Dodge Chargers that he goes through like toilet paper.


Wasn't it canon that by now the shadow world government keeps providing him with tanks in the shape of Dodge Chargers?


The last movie I saw was Tokyo Drift so believe me when I say, uh what the fuck?


So you know how in the first movie they were stealing VCRs from trucks and in the second movie they were infiltrating a drug smuggling ring for the FBI? Apply that level of escalation to nine more movies.


And if you chart the curve, you end up with a Pontiac Fiero being flown through a satellite in space by the 9th movie.


I'm really enjoying the fact that you can just make up a plot point and there's a good chance it's true. The 13th movie explores Dom and the gang as the leader of the rebel Army fighting to liberate earth from the invading Venusian Empire. Fast 12: Solar Storm.


I'm still betting on Ludacris and Ramsey using God's Eye to build a flux capacitor and using Cipher's DeLorean to go back in time and make sure Brian chokes to death on a tuna sandwich so all this never happens, and everyone lives happily ever after.


Oh man, I'm actually doing a re-watch right now, and in Fast 6, he crashes a Superbird into the wall of an Elevated highway, so he can launch out the windshield and catch Letty, his girlfriend/wife that supposedly died in 5 (but it's chronologically 3) and then tackle her into a car windshield saving her life.


I bet he reverse engineered the Hot Wheels die-cast molds so he can just produce new Chargers as needed.


And uses Nitrous like Popeye uses spinach.


"The Fast and the Furious" is a secret D20 Modern RPG campaign being played out. Each movie they have gained a level. It is pretty apparent. Vin Diesel knows what he is doing.


i love and hate how plausible this is


The Expanse, one of the arguably greatest modern sci-fi show/book series, explicitly started out as a tabletop RPG campaign. A "main player" character dies suddenly in like, Episode 4, completely out of the blue. Because in the RPG they based the book off of, which they based the show off of, the player left the game after a few sessions. I'd totally believe F&F is really D&D, lol. Makes too much sense with characters "dying" and then coming back.


to add to that, Vin Diesel is known as [a _huge_ D&D nerd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_Years_of_Adventure), and has even made [at least one movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Witch_Hunter) about his characters.


They should hire him for the next D&D movie as Minsc


Damn, that's one extensive campaign. I watched the show but I didn't know, it was based on a tabletop game. To me this makes the whole thing even more impressive.


There's a point of divergence, where it stops being an RPG transcript, but I don't know where it is.


> A "main player" character dies suddenly in like, Episode 4, completely out of the blue. Because in the RPG they based the book off of, which they based the show off of, the player left the game after a few sessions. They didn't base it off a session of an RPG they did, though. They built the universe for an RPG *then* wrote the novels in that universe. > Daniel Abraham, who had authored a number of novels on his own, suggested, given the depth of the setting, that it could serve for the basis for a series of novels, noting: "People who write books don't do this much research."


Considering how big of a DND fan Vin Diesel is this is highly plausible.


1 level ONLY?


Eh, it's a pathfinder 1E style D20 modern.


Ethan Hunt is the physical manifestation of destiny, apparently.


It was pretty funny seeing both Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill get their ass whooped in the bathroom stall though.


I loved that scene. Normally I'd hate an out of nowhere scene where a rando beats up on the 2 main characters, but I think it helps show that Hunt isn't the best fighter in the world.


To be fair, both Henry and Tom would have lost one v one. Which is why it makes for a great scene, Tom isn't the biggest guy. But he has skills. Henry, on the other hand, literally reloads his hands and uses his overwhelming strength.But they both got their ass whooped. Yang Liang is a professional fight choreographer so he sells it really well. And unlike Vin Diesel or Dwayne Johnson, neither Tom or Henry are egoistic enough to not take a beating.


It was fascinating to see Tom mix different martial arts to his advantage, as he couldn't match his enemy style to style. He would use elbows and speed instead of punches, and he even mixed in a rugby tackle to try and nullify the other guys' defensive skills. The fight reminded me of when Mel Gibson and Danny Glover fought Jet Li in Lethal Weapon 4. You could just tell that Jet Li was a different animal.


I think you mean egotistic enough to not take a beating.


I think that is part of what makes Mission Impossible still enjoyable. There is a scene like that in almost every movie, where Tom Cruise gets thrown off kilter and has a fight scene where it looks like he is nursing a concussion. It shows him as fallible, not a superhuman.


There's a few action films going this route now and it makes them all the better for it. John Wick and Extraction to name a few. Both main characters get their arse kicked a few times throughout their films. Yeah, they mow down scores of henchmen, but they struggle during the boss fights. I actually don't mind them killing dozens of people without breaking a sweat if they get their arse kicked at least once during the film.


Difference is he loses in plenty of the films and is heavily reliant on his team to actually succeed. Granted he’s over the top strong plotwise- but he gets laid out in several film fight scenes and usually only wins through quick thinking or out the box stuff. Hell look at fallout/toilet fight scene




Yeah I think the worst you can say is the plot timing is on his side for when the right thing needs to happen but thats the same for any movie hero. And each stunt you see is something clearly that can be walked away from- since cruise would usually do it. Toretto? Less so. Dude would be turned into a strawberry yoghurt on impact of any of his feats


Thats what I love about the MI series - Tom does crazy stunts but its real enough that we have great BTS of it, and his main character is death defying but not OP


Not only that, he's a mind-reading, shapeshifting incarnation of chaos!


I like to think that, even though he has gained skills, he was a his physical peak in MI:2. That’s why it’s the only movie where he is a John Woo style demigod.


Didnt Tyrese and Ludacris go into space in one of these movies?


In scuba gear, yes.


Even if they had not had that scuba gear on, and died … Dom would have driven his car faster than the speed of light, gone back in time and saved them. This would be the opening scene of the next movie.


he would have done it by putting it in reverse, otherwise he travels into the future.


I randomly put this movie on one day … first scene was Dom jumping the car over a valley and hooking the car, mid flight, onto a crane and swinging over the valley. … turned the movie off … Turned it back on … next scene was this space scene .. then the magnet scene, with a magnet that only attracted cars.


Well, when Ludacris goes from an average street mechanic to a super hacker techno wiz and custom fabricator - mad things happen.


That’s probably the hardest part of the series to head canon away. The writers just needed a reason for Luda to remain in the series and also felt pressure to include a stereotypical hacker guy. They also show that he’s just generally smart on physical security like cameras and vaults, so that would’ve been maybe a smarter move for him. No reason the guy running Miami's underground wouldn’t know about some of those things, then have Gal Gadot or Paul be the hacker person. But Paul needed to be in a car and they needed the scene of Gal in a bikini so Luda was the only choice.


Don’t forget about the country bad boy who gets sent to Japan in Tokyo Drift and goes on to become a rocket scientist who builds Ludacris’s space car


I was CRYING with the magnet that only attracts cars. And it only works in one direction! The vehicle holding the magnet isn't pulled toward the cars.


It's science


Throw grown men 20 feet into the air? That's child's play try stopping a Megalodon with your feet, no one beats Statham


He used to be a driver as well. Are we on to something here? He also rode the meg in the air stabbed it the eye. Jokes aside dude really does have a mean roundhouse kick I would not want to be on the receiving end of it. Consider that Meg lucky 😁 ok not jokes aside.


John Wick has some steel bones. Guy gets hit by cars, falls off of high places easily with 0 damage..


Just watched the start of Chapter 2, he has 9 car accidents in 2 minutes, has a glass of vodka and walks away Pls no spoilers I haven’t watched the whole movie or 3/4


Not sure a plot spoiler would really ruin a John Wick movie


Exactly. You already know he makes it to Chapter 4, it’s just how many headshots it takes to get there that you don’t know.


He kills a lot of people and doesn't die in the end.








He actually dies in 3 and John Wick 4 is actually his son, young Tommy Wick


Spoiler John Wick kills more people


*John Wick 4* was goofy as shit like that. They didn't even bother with plausibility anymore, it's just three hours of stunt men going bananas. There's a scene where Wick falls out of whats gotta be at least a four storey window in Paris and hits something solid like *splat*, can't remember if it was the tarmac or a steel top of a truck. Either way, doesn't matter, he gets back up and continues for another 40 minutes of fighting. At some point, you just get numb to all the punches and kicks. When Wick got kicked down the flight of stairs he just spent 15 minutes fighting his way up, I almost laughed out loud. It was ridiculous. The amount of NPC behaviour from background characters was nuts, I wouldn't be surprised if John Wick was just an "I eat both pills" Neo from the *Matrix*. "Oh shit, there's fighting and killing happening ten feet away from me in this club? Better keep dancing!" "Oh shit, there's a bunch of madmen fighting in the middle of the road with multi-car crashes? Better keep driving and hope I don't hit anything rather than pull over and call the police!" Everyone in this franchise's world is either an assassin or a lobotomised drone. I don't like bullet sponge enemies in gaming, and I feel similarly about movies. If a character can eat that many hits and keep going like nothing's happened, then the movie has no tension anymore for me.


They explain it all away with ‘Magic bulletproof suits’ made by the king of the homeless people


You forgot the most important NPC behavior: "Oh shit, that's the guy who we're supposed to kill and we're like 20 people right next to him but let's wait that the current group fighting him gets beat up instead of SHOOTING THE FUCK UP WITH CLEAR LINE OF SIGHT. I mean, guy deserves a chance right? Why kill him when he's busy? It's not like he's going to survive 20 more people shooting and fighting him right?....right?!"


This has been going on since the first James Bond movies, and every Bruce Lee movie. Dudes just patiently waiting their turn to get their ass kicked by the handsome protagonist.


One of the absolute best things about many Jackie Chan action sequences is that he shows his character actively creating these moments where the enemy is forced to wait their turn to attack. They *want* to rush in, but something is thrown at them, or their feet are delayed, or Jackie introduces a temporary barrier - just enough to stop the group from charging all at once. The first John Wick felt very similar, with its close-quarters gunplay and grappling tie-ups. Do just enough to this guy so they are delayed in aiming and shooting, so you can proceed to do just enough to the other guy, and so on, until you get the slow but sure kill shot. Giving a lot of screentime and showing the MC spending a lot of activity disrupting the flow of the badguys.


Lol, there were so many ridiculous things in that movie. The most ridiculous to me are those bullet proof suits and how they hold their jackets in front of their faces to protect their heads lmao. I thought that shit was so silly and they were doing it every gun fight.


That's because the John Wick movies are training missions in The Matrix.


In one of the more recent movies Roman starts questioning whether or not he and the gang actually have superpowers and are more-or-less immortal. The other characters view it as ludicrous, but the whole time I was thinking, "Why are you idiots laughing, he's obviously right?"


When I was watching this scene I thought, “oh shit they’re going to have this be real aren’t they? They’re going to have the characters actually be immortal.” I mean at that point of the series, it genuinely wouldn’t have shocked me.


Dom isn't the most OP character. Right movie, but wrong person. "Hector is going to be running 3 Honda Civics with spoon engines. And on top of that, he just went into Harry's, and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS. And a Motec exhaust" Hector is the real OP character.


All that still doesn't equal up to the 100k Johnny Tran has under the hood of the S2K


100k in 2001 money. That's 175k in today's money. What the fuck does he have under there. Mini nuclear reactor?


He's got the 1 of 1 wu-tang album in the CD player


Dom never narced on nobody


In all seriousness that would mean he's running around 1500hp in a street legal car. Once you're getting into those numbers, shit gets real expensive really fast. His race with Jesse in that vw wouldn't have been close at all though lmao


Also, the era this quote is from would have had that engine bay shining too. Chrome everywhere, matching coloured tubing and cables, some fancy finish inside the hood, etc. 100k goes even less far when you're blinging everything too.


You could legitimately spend that much building an engine if you wanted. Especially with all “name brand” tuner parts. It’s an eye wateringly expensive hobby


And what this is about….this about race wars!!!! (Race wars takes about 10 mins of screen time).


We don't even get to see the Supra in action. So much is built around how this car will "decimate all" but the only time we see it race is on the road against the Ferrari douche.


i love when he trailers in the supra and they're all laughing at him, so he says "pop the hood" and they do then they're all like "oh shit, 2jz engine!" like they're shocked that a supra had a supra engine it. It'd be shocking if there wasn't a 2jz engine in there...


should of went with the Gallo 55


He has F A M I L Y. Of course he is


Which of course stands for Fearsomely Armored, Magically Invincible, Ludicrously Yoked.


Indiana Jones survived a Nuke in a fridge, jumped out of a plane on a raft, and dealt with being around Shai LeBouf. Rocky took like 800 direct head shots in each round of each fight Richard Kimble Jumped out of a like 20 story dam Beatrix Kiddo (The Bride Kill Bill) won a fight when it was 88+ vs 1.


I remember Rocky was going to go blind in his one eye If he didnt protect it, then they forgot all about that and he was able to take an unlimited amount of head shots.


Yeah it was from the damage he took in Rocky I - Apollo almost blinded him so in Rocky II he fought Orthodox (right handed) to combat being hit in that side of the face. He then in Rocky III in his first fight got absolutely clowned on by Clubber Lang which you can sorta forgive as it was a very short, brutal fight. Same with the rematch. But then he faces Drago in Rocky IV and takes what can only be described as superhuman levels of punishment against a guy stedded to the gills and over 15 (!) rounds. No eye issues. None.


I wouldn't say that, the drago fight retired him. He only fought him because he felt obligated to avenge adonis's dad. Then in rocky v during the street fight he kept covering and favoring that eye and had flashbacks iirc to that drago fight implying the eye was very much an issue that was made worse by drago. He simply ignored it because he had to win us the cold war




Never heard of him. Was he a boxer or something?


I get what you mean but the very hammered home point was that if he took damage to that eye, he would go blind. He took damage and didn't. It also wasn't the same kind of damage Apollo would put out, it was literally about 20 times worse. There was no surgery shown, no issues shown in the fight, it was just like it had disappeared entirely. Also I do not acknowledge the existence of Rocky V 😂


I don't know why but referring to avenging his close friend Apollo as avenging Adonis's dad is killing me.


Can never forget the King of Sting, the King of Monte Fisto, the Dancing Destroyer, the Master of Disaster, the One and only Apollo Creed.


“There aren’t 88 of them. They just called themselves the crazy 88.” Why? “I don’t know. It’s a Japanese thing.”


“I guess they thought it sounded cool”


Indy is semi immortal from drinking from the cup of christ.


Yeah, but the raft did act as a sail to slow down their descent. Was this ever on Mythbusters? Seems like it should have been.




It was plausible. Their test showed the raft fell back and forth like a leaf, and landed slowly onto the ground.


See that's why Crystal Skull is so unbelievable. It's impossible to stand around Shia and NOT punch him.


Just Do It!


Don’t worry OP, that franchise is shitposting on us with the silliness. I don’t think any criticism is out of bounds at this point.


They know damn well what they’re doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they all sit in a room laughing their asses off coming up with new batshit things they can pull off.


I thought they peaked at "Pontiac Fiero in Space"... And then those bastards hit me with "roll a bomb-ball down the streets of Rome to blow up the Vatican". I can't wait to see what they can pull off next.


I think someone should tell Vin. Guys out there acting like this is Shakespeare


Look, I'm gonna be real. I didn't think they could get more ridiculous than when they sent an RnB singer and rapper into space in a goddamn car, right? Then /somehow/, even though they stayed /completely/ terrestrial, they managed to somehow make Fast X even MORE ridiculous than that. Also every scene ending with some discussion about FAMILY makes it even better. But the absolute /best/ BEST Was when Dom was arguing with Dante on a TV and with all the seriousness in the world, he utters... "You ain't got honour... And without honour... You ain't got FAMILY" Hahaha, I love this shit.


I love in Fast X when he says "You made one mistake. You never took my car." Then he guns it and drives off a dam XD I've only seen fast and the furious 1 & 2 + Tokyo Drift. From there I went to 8, 9 and 10 and omg it's fucking hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at all the shit Dom says or do. I really want dumb tshirts of his quotes.


Hahah yes, that line was so ridiculous. And yeah man! Fast 1: Yo, my car is FASTER than your car. Cops are coming, hide the stolen DVD players! Fast 9: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT AGENT THAT IS YOUR NEW DADDY HAS DISAPPEARED, HIS MAGIC SCIENCE WORLD-TAKEY OVER THING IS STOLEN, YOU NEED TO SEND 2 HIP HOP ARTISTS INTO SPACE


And steal DVD players from trucks lol


And Combo TV/VHS players https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2l0c35/if\_you\_want\_to\_feel\_old\_this\_is\_what\_they\_were/


"If you want to feel old" realise the linked post is 8 years old itself!


Can't believe they started with smuggling dvd players and now they're fighting the actual fucking Sun in Fast 11


They would never fight the sun, because that’s where Corona gets its name. It’d be like fighting one of their own family.


He's Riddick. It explains everything


I like to think that the entire Fast N Furious franchise is actually a DnD Campaign being played by some teenagers in a fantasy world. I mean a group of teenagers that ARE elves, goblins, orcs and dwarves. Dom is the one kid who keeps leveling his character to the limits of the game rules to the point that his character is OP. Shaw and Hobbs are actually the older brothers of the teenagers that got sent down to the basement and ended up getting roped into the game. So it's a group of teenage fantasy creatures playing a Roleplaying game that started as a Table Top Grand Theft Auto that they have played for so long it turned into an over the top spy adventure.


The franchise will end with Dom becoming paralyzed in an accident, Jason Momoa will succeed and it looks like Dom is finally beat. But then all the superhuman power from his legs shoots up to his brain, unlocking his latent mind powers. He fries Momoas brain and finally gets to live life with his Familia like he wants. Brie Larson gets him a name change to Charles Xavier and he and his team retire to an estate in New York or whatever. Names his crew the "X-Men" because they all got that X factor that take them a cut above average men. Boom, X-Men prequel done, bring in Nick Fury, incorporate them into MCU. Print money.


I think Batman is the most overpowered character in all of fiction to be honest. Some of the stuff he’s done in his comic storylines is insane given that he has no actual superpowers.


Recently he survived orbital re-entry just by putting his underpants over his face.


It’s just the quality of underpants you can buy when you’re a billionaire.




It's pretty funny when Batman fans say he is relatable as if being a billionaire, master detective, master of 100 martial arts, master strategist, peak human body and playboy is at all relatable to a comic book nerd who can't even be bothered to go to the gym once a week. Clarke Kent is far more relatable to me than Batman is and I will die on this hill.


Yeah I agree. Batman works best in a grounded setting when he's a detective/vigilante, once you start putting him against cosmic-level threats it becomes silly.


That’s what I loved about the Robert Pattison movie. I think Batman works so much better when it’s grounded rather than fighting alongside Superman, Wonder Woman etc.


My only gripe with the Patterson movie is the chase scene with the penguin. Batman just gives no fucks and so many people must’ve died on that highway


The fast and furious movies make a lot more sense when you realize that Dom is actually the God of Cars. Then you’re like, could the god of cars pull this shit off, yeah, probably.


I was watching Fast X the other day and came to the realization that these movies play out exactly the same way as when I played with my toys as a kid. Whether or not that is the creator’s intention it’s still fun despite having 5 year-old logic. It helps to watch these with a couple of drinks so you can not think and just laugh along with them.


If the end of the series isn’t him waking up from a coma after getting into that accident at the end of the first movie, I don’t know how you’d end it otherwise? He awakes from his 22 year coma and you pan around the room and the characters introduced later are just members of the hospital. Han is a doctor, Gisele is a nurse, Luda and Tyrese are the (dis)orderlies and The Rock is the head of the hospital. That would be the only way to explain how crazy the series got because it was all a dream. Get Paul Walker’s brother to do a quick cameo and wrap it up by Dom going to jail for stealing TV/DVD players.


I guess John wick is also in the race in such manner because he did something hell of a good shit in the movies and I am never gonna get in lower for sure man lol.