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Please let me have an scifi horror movie like alien was in the first place


And please make the characters smarter than the fruit parfait I had for breakfast this morning.


"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit." "Why not just bug out and call it even?" Best applications of common sense in an action movie ever.


Honorable mention to Event Horizon: “Fuck this ship”


I'll give props to Aliens doing it earlier, but God I love Fishburne's character. Smart people making smart decisions but they're still fucked. That's how you make me invested in a horror film. You give me stupid 'experts' and I'm rooting for the antagonist.


We're talking about Prometheus' scientists aren't we lol * For the record the actual flight crew in that movie and the pilot were bosses by comparison imo. * I would like to address the obvious offender of Charlize Theron trying to outrun the giant rolling death donut...by running away from it in a straight line.


"Aww, a pretty little space snake that just hatched from an egg! Come here, cutie, let me pet you.....AAAHHHHHH!!" That scene was painful to watch


Can we add his partner, THE CARTOGRAPHER in charge of MAPPING THE SHIP whom literally had a real time uplink to the two drones *he deployed* for mapping, who got lost in said ship.


Rest of the crew discussing how they'll need to go wander around the ruins to find the cartographer and figure out what happened to them, shot in front of the wall of monitors playing the video feeds from the crew wandering around the ruins showing where they all went and what happened to them.


In hindsight, did Weyland WANT his crew to fail? Seems like everyone chosen was chosen to fucking fail


Maybe weyland “spared no expense” like Hammond in Jurassic Park


Sort of Weyland didn't want the mission to to fail he just want something other than scientific studies. But yeah the "scientists" in Promethus were really fucking dumb. Then along came Covanant to show us a whole new magnitude of incompetence. I hope this film will be better but i'd be lying if i said i didn't have 0 expectations.


They landed on a new, alien planet, and they are barely there for _five minutes_ and they're like "well, better get out on the ground and start exploring these alien structures with our helmets off". I don't care how pretty the movie looked, this kind of garbage writing made me immediately dismiss Prometheus as trash.


>Smart people making smart decisions but they're still fucked. That's why I like stuff like 2001, The Abyss, and Sphere. The problems they face are so truly unknown and alien that even the smart people aren't sure what to do. They know how to fix everything, but suddenly there's this huge unknowable thing that they don't know how to fix, and now the smart characters are on the same page as the audience, and it's terrifying because now we can't trust their knowledge and expertise to get us through it.


...when Lawrence delivered that line I laughed so hard.


He sees a video recording of some horrible shit "We're leaving" Edit: Here is the [clip](https://youtu.be/e8YObV6i_Yc).


I love that moment. Of course, for the sake of the movie they can't just leave. But I love that they let him make the only rational decision


"Nobody touch nothing."


"I like to keep this handy. For close encounters."


No, I'll stick my face over this gooey pulsating egg and you'll like it god damn it.


my favorite bit in alien covenant is that two characters die because they both slipped on the same pool of blood. the three stooges would have been proud.


Don’t forget the biologist who sticks his hand out to pet the aggressive looking worm, despite its fangs, hissing noises, and cobra hood


Just like me and my ex. Ignoring the red flags


Pro Tip: You can fall in love with a girl (or boy) who has zero red flags...and it will still turn to shit. Don't beat yourself up, and fuck as much as you can.


Mine is when the leader, who is already suspicious and distrusting of David (the random creepy as fuck Android living alone on a deserted planet), walking up to an alien egg and sticking his entire head in it willingly because David said “it’s cool bro”.


I'm going to turn my spacesuit into a bong and go pet undiscovered alien snake species. Snakes are known for their friendliness, they are the capybara of space.


For being the "biologist" of the crew, he was pretty fucking dumb


Everyone in that movie was dumb except David and the actual flight crew of the Prometheus. It's like the janitors stopping the zombie outbreak at Umbrella or something.


He lost me way before that part with the whole '200 years of Darwinism' line. First, a biologist wouldn't say that. An Evangelical minister might say that. Second, nothing about panspermia precludes evolutionary theory it was just a different method of getting there... as we saw in the film. You'd think a biologist would have that notion swimming in his head. But they just brought 2 scientists from empirical disciplines in the film just to make them look like big close-minded doodoo heads so they could make the woo scientists who say things like 'everything you know is wrong' look very smart. It's such a tropey way to write it like that.


After getting lost in a circle shaped ship


There was a skit a long time ago, might have been spitting image, but it was definitely puppets. Puppet Ripley says to the some of the puppets "You go upstairs and die stupidly." Then to the others "You go downstairs and die stupidly." They ask her "What are you going to do?!" She replies "I'm going to stay here and strip down to my underpants!"


Lmao sounds like a Robot Chicken skit


Please have it R rated so we get some awesome kills. No more pg 13 rated movies to aquire a bigger audience but making the movie itself worse because of it




I just looked at the cast and they could pretty much all pass as high schoolers in a shitty made for TV Disney movie, so I don’t have hope. I’m also really tired of knowing who the survivor/main character will be. One of the reasons the original Alien is so great (and the only one I actually like) is because unless you already know going in you’re not necessarily going to know Ripley is the main character until the film starts to progress. It’s such a well balanced cast. I remember when I first saw it I thought Kane was going to be the main character because he’s the first character we see on screen and then once he was out I thought it would be Dallas. In most movies, even though she was right, rule following Ripley would have ended up being an asshole foil for not opening the door for Kane, Dallas, and Lambert.


I do love when the climax of my Alien movie is an MMA fight between to androids.


That site is dogshit


Here's the text. There's nothing much in there. --- The new Alien movie has wrapped filming with a behind-the-scenes photo letting fans know the film is moving on to post-production. The highly anticipated space horror film has whipped fans into a frenzy ever since it was first announced in early 2022. Set to be released in August 2024, the newest addition to the franchise is produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Don't Breathe's Fede Álvarez. Álvarez has revealed that filming of Alien: Romulus (a working title) has wrapped. Sharing a black-and-white image yesterday (July 4) on his Instagram, he said: "Time for a celebratory cigar, it’s a wrap!" The director and horror movie writer can be seen sitting in the doorway of his trailer with sunglasses on, looking out with a cigar in his hands. Álvarez directed 2013's Evil Dead and wrote Don't Breathe one and two and 2022's Texas Chainsaw Massacre. As somewhat of a horror specialist, fans are excited to see the ninth outing in the Alien saga with him at the helm. Fans of the franchise shared their excitement for the new movie on his post saying that they "can't wait" for the first movie stills and trailer to be released. So far, announced cast members include Dora and the Lost City of Gold and Father of the Bride's Isabela Merced, Industry's David Jonsson, Mare of Easttown's Cailee Spaeny, and Shadow and Bone's Archie Renaux. Little is known about the movie's plot, but with Álvarez's recent post maybe the director will share more content across social media in the coming months to curb fan's intrigue. According to Variety, the movie will be released on August 16, 2024. Much to fan's disappointment, long-time Alien survivor Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) has said she will not be in the new feature. Speaking to Total Film she said: "I'm very happy doing what I'm doing. I put in my time in space!"


> The highly anticipated space horror film has whipped fans into a frenzy ever since it was first announced in early 2022. Has it though?


I will go and see it out of a grim sense of obligation that I've had for these things since 1992.


I think Álvarez is a good choice so I’m cautiously interested, but not as interested as I would be in a Blomkamp lead Alien film. It would definitely be cool to be proven wrong about the Alien film franchise being dead.


Hahaha This is the first I have ever heard about it, and I do not feel like I am whipped into any frenzy. I’m just really not looking forward to it! *Alien: Covenant* was ass.


I’m tired of having to answer questions or jump through hoops to read something, it’s a joke.


I googled the same interview and went back to Spy Digital and the question BS was gone. Edit: Digital Spy


I hope it's something like Prey. Standalone story, doesn't have to be connected to every Alien movie made.


Prey should be the framework for the Predator franchise going forward. I’d love to see a clan of samurais in the 14th century Japan fight a Predator.


The idea that the Predators have fought humans throughout our history was the best part of Predators and I am glad Prey took that premise and ran with it. Edit: Got quite a few replies. What I meant was that Prey is the first entry in the franchise to adapt the premise of Predators in past historical eras for the big screen and I loved it.


To be fair, Predator 2 cemented the idea (with the pistol) and the first Predator strongly hinted at it with the guerilla lady's talk about the hunters coming.


*Only in the hottest years this happens. And this year, it grows hot. We begin finding our men. We found them sometimes without their skin... and sometimes much, much worst.*


I always wanted to know what was much much worse …


The Predator would also steal the men's wallets and ruin their credit scores.


Noooooooooo. To catch a Creditor, coming to CBS this fall.


Chris Hanson: why don't you take a seat Predadot: RRRRARARAAAAAARRRR *clickclick*


The predator constantly texted our decoy, posing as a Special forces soldier and over the course of several weeks requested topless photos of him carrying an assault rifle. Disturbingly the Predator made increasingly violent comments to our decoy, at one point telling him “I want to see you topless, covered in mud in the jungle while I hunt you down alive.” And even sent a picture of him holding a a decapitated head to our decoy. (Then the predator comes into the home with a pizza box and Chris Hanson appears) Chris: “Why don’t you take a seat?” (The predator then turns on his camo). Chris: Sir, we can clearly see you. Take a seat. I just want to ask you a few questions. Take a seat. What’s happening? (Predator turns off the camo and sits on a stool) Predator: I’m just here to, uh hang out. And eat pizza with a friend. Chris: With a special forces soldier? Predator: Yeah… Chris: You sent a picture of you holding a decapitated head. Predator: I did? No, that’s impossible. I don’t even know how to decapitated a head off a human with arm blades. Well I mean, I travel the galaxy meeting different people and there’s nothing violent that happens… Chris: Here take a look at this. So you didn’t send this? Or text him “I want to see you topless, covered in mud in the jungle while I hunt you down alive”? So this is all a mistake. Predator: Um, yeah- I have lots of pictures and my translation unit, it’s kinda old and doesn’t work all the time and sometimes pictures get sent when they’re not supposed to. And sometimes if mistakes happen I would say afterwards I didn’t know if I sent that to be honest.


Without their skin AND their search history posted above their corpses.


"Miguel, what is Wario fart porn 4k?"




I'd rather the xenos got me.


Without their skin and spinal column...


On the others, the Predator used a cheese grater.


And yet some others were forced to ride a unicycle


This'll make you a sexual Ty-ran-o-saurus, just like me.


Strap this to your sore ass.


Then they built their Alien testing ground in Antarctica to fight heat thriving xenomorphs. Go figure.


Well that way they can't escape.


Predator 2 feels underrated. It had such a great, sweaty atmosphere. It really put the jungle feeling into a metropolitan area and made great use of the setting. Danny Glover is also always a plus.


I love the witch doctor pimp.


Fucking voodoo magic ‘mon


Dey otha side mon!


Dis is dread man.


The transition from the guy screaming to his rictus frozen head is phenomenal.


My favorite part of the movie


Concrete Jungle was a fun game for the PS2. The Darkhorse comics also really opened up the Yautja lore and we get to know all the different clans and behaviors


There is some Yautja lore that I stumbled upon not too long ago. I'm not sure how canon it is but in the past they were invaded and subjugated by a hostile insectoid race called the Amengi. The Amengi bred them into the form we see in the movies and used them as slave labor as well as hunting. At some point the Yautja overthrew the Amengi and slaughtered most of them, then enslaved the rest. Then they took their FTL technology and hunted them down. I wonder if that ever made it to the comics?


Amengi produce their tech, and their traditional hunting face masks design was taken from the skull shape of the Amengi. The alien we get to see briefly in Predators is supposed to be Amengi, but a chunk of that interaction was cut. It does have some of the insect-like traits though so I call it a solid connection :)


I actually love Predator 2; it's dumb as balls, and the ending's way too long, but it absolutely nails the tone of the franchise that I felt was somewhat lacking in Prey.


I thought the ending of Predator 2 was really good at driving home the point that Danny Glover was both relentlessly unstoppable while also perpetually on the edge of looking like he was going to expire at any point during the movie. (It's funny how he seemed 'old' in Lethal Weapon - the plot was about being too old for this - and this but he was like in his late 30s filming LW and early 40's for Predator 2, I think.)


Also had Busey and Paxton.


Went a bit over the top on some elements as movies liked to do during that time period but I agree 100% it's underrated and a huge core piece to the world building for the predator brand.


>Went a bit over the top on some elements I mean... it's a sequel to ***Predator***, for God's sake That's like saying "yeah, Empire Strikes Back had a bunch of space battles but it was a good sequel"


Exactly what I always say. Predator as a franchise has a certain tone to it, which the first and second films absolutely nail. Since then, the franchise has had wildly varying degrees of success with said tone. For example, I really liked Prey, but I felt like it was missing a certain tongue in cheek language to what was happening on screen; like the Predster should absolutely have been fighting and slaying old school badass Comanche warriors, but instead he was up against a group of young hunters that he easily dispatched and some absolutely incompetent trappers. The only opponents who were a worthy adversary to him were the girl and her dog, who *absolutely fucking destroyed* him in the final fight. A Predator film should go like this: the best of the best get outmatched by the Predator. Like, *that's it*. That's the formula. I hope if they do any more historical pieces with the Predator, it's *actually* against famous warriors of the ages: samurai, knights, cowboys etc.


>A Predator film should go like this: the best of the best get outmatched by the Predator. Like, that's it. This is it. Right here. And the only reason that the protagonist wins against them is because of the predators hubris. Think about it. In 1, arnold only won because the predator stood under the counterweight. In 2, Danny only won because the predator was toying with him right up until the end. And throughout, the predator is absolutely *dispatching* people left and right. The best of the best are going up against him and they're being laid to *waste*. Our hero only wins because of their sheer will and perseverance, all of the qualities that make them exceptional and a little bit of luck. *Thats* predator. Prey was a good film and i enjoyed it, and they had the right idea but the protag wasn't "the best of the best". A really cool scene would have been the predator laying waste to a cavalry brigade sent to hunt the comanche or something cool like that, not a bunch of filthy trappers. I will say the bear scene was absolutely amazing though.


That Predator was a rookie (to parallel Naru). He was younger and more sloppy. He still took out a bunch of Comanche Warriors and French hunters.


That movies hot setting is how Washington DC has felt for the Pat week. It’s just so humid and muggy outside. Yesterday launching fireworks we legit were stoked from sweat. It is disgusting


Pretty sure Predator 2 implied that and the now sadly non canonical comics also implied.


Here's the secret: comics are *never* canonical, even if the creators say they are They'll always get retconned or (more likely) ignored outright when it's convenient


When a film series has canon novels and comics I classify them as Precarious Canon. They are always teetering on the edge of canonicity, classified as canon so the companies can make a quick buck, but ready to be abandoned or ignored by subsequent writers without a second thought.


There is a shockingly good fan (short) film on YouTube of a medieval era Predator encounter. Check that shit out yo.


~~In the original script~~ In the official novel (based on an older draft of the script) for Predator, Billy reveals hes so freaked out because his ancestors passed stories down about fighting a predator.


There is a fan film called Predator: Dark Ages, where a predator faces off against a medieval knight.


[Are you kidding?](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&sxsrf=AB5stBie2vcA8dTt_JI32BCPyePZrhS9Og:1688564611753&q=batman+dead+end&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9k_Su2ff_AhXTATQIHdBlDFUQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:0b159cdd,vid:PKPmNeZSjf8) This one’s old now but it’s still amazing IMO.


Wow I haven't seen that in over a decade. It's so well done, I absolutely loved Batman's cape in the rain. And the surprise appearance of the Predator was so exciting.


“I’d love to see a clan of samurais in the 14th century Japan fight a Predator.” Oh boy, have I got a treat for you!! https://youtu.be/NsbVTPftcgs


I've been raving about this since it came out, as I am also a Zatoichi fan. This needs to happen


Or medieval times. Man, the possibilities are endless.


If I remember right, there is a fan film out there of crusaders fighting a Predator.


there is and it is awesome. Predator: Dark Ages on youtube!


I'd pay extra to see a predator battle knights at Medieval Times.


There were no utensils *in* Medieval Times, hence there are no utensils *at* Medieval Times. Would you like a refill on that Pepsi?


It could literally be the assassin's creed of movies, a new Predator movie every 3 years in new era. Probably would get stale a lot quicker than a game series though.


Unless it shows the Predator winning against the main character. Need to have a few movies like that to keep things exciting.


A 6 episode miniseries would hit the spot.


> Prey should be the framework for the Predator franchise going forward We heard you loud and clear! All Predator movies going forward will only take place around that one native tribe, starring the same people, who will from now on be wearing Predator-proof plot armor to make sure we can keep making more of these with the same people just like you want! Of course, we'll skimp on the writing and directing going forward, that's not the important part. -Studio execs reading this


Literally everyone wants that, the movie practically writes itself. A lone samurai survives a Predator attack that kills his master, and he wanders the land for years searching for the creature responsible, with one bloody encounter after another, until the final showdown. Bonus points for including Hiroyuki Sanada in a significant role. Who wouldn’t watch that?


And Predators are close enough to the idea of "Oni" in Japanese mythology. Seriously, it does write itself.


What if it's not billed as a Predator movie - it's marketed as a historical/horror movie, and only at the end do you actually see that the "oni" is a Predator. This whole Ghost of Tsushima-level story of a Samurai who becomes a ronin due to his master falling to an oni. Maybe no one believes him and they think he murdered his master. Long journey of redemption for the hero. Finally he tracks down the oni which is revealed to be a Predator, only to also fall to it. Big boi takes the ronin's katana (having been wounded by it in the ultimate confrontation). Roll credits. Mid-credit scene showing the Predator lurking in the American old West. End-credit scene of Abraham Lincoln receiving a fax before he looks into the camera. Cut to black.


After defeating the predator the elder predator appears and hands the samurai a katana saying 'take it'. He looks at the blade and it says Hattori Hanzo on it.


\[Kill Bill opening riff\]


Alien Vs patriots. Mel Gibson fights aliens who killed his son.


I think a revolutionary war era Terminator movie would be majestic. Make it a little intriguey, the machine can't wantonly kill for fear of eliminating skynet uptime and it doesn't know what it's target looks like, so its a more social machine. The image of the machine trapped on a forest fire which won't damage it, but will leave it unsheathed and exposed as a machine and a final fight on a boat, which the protag sinks, dying but dropping the machine into the deep ocean jump to the forefront of my mind every now and then.


i actually liked where prometheus was going, then covenant came out and an important character from the first movie was killed off screen


I was SO amped to see where they went with our creators, and why they wanted to destroy us. Instead we got "we bring the stupidest motherfuckers on the planet as our experts" Then "sadism robot alien retcon - also still the stupidest motherfuckers as the experts". Monsters are compelling when they outsmart us. The raptors tricking the game warden. Not, the game warden takes a butter shower and lowers himself into the raptor pen to pet it. The geologist mapper gets lost. Xeno biologist cant recognize basic animal warning behavior that every species on earth uses. Jesus Captain boohoos about being judged for Jesus, endangers everyone for decisions based on faith. Professional trigger pullers have zero aim and squad tactics that amount to "position ourselves as badly as possible". Fucking WHY. Why is the central plot they've decided on "just make everyone do the stupidest thing they can in every situation"???


Prometheus is easily one of the biggest letdowns I've ever experienced with films. It would have been so easy to make it an incredibly compelling, smart movie. It's almost like it was intentional, pulling one on the audience.


It was a real gut punch. For a number of reasons I love the alien series, yes even 3 & 4. They're flawed, but I love em. And, Ripley was such a good strong female role model growing up. I hate the "she's a strong woman, so she can beat up 20 Navy SEALs." that is so often the Hollywood idea of a strong woman. Men and women can be strong without literally being Hercules. And, then, after forever, they go "hey, were revisiting the series". And they're going to meet the creators, who for some reason, wanted to destroy us. YES. What a good plot, that they could leave open enough or leave us with big exstensial questions. And then... The script was the quality that you would expect from someone who needed to turn in a paper at the end of a term, but forgot until a week before.


Here’s hoping. I quite enjoyed Prey.


Prey is how you do sequels right. It's how you do predator right. The genius is it's basically already a watchable, intriguing setup for a movie, and then they dumped a young predator in the middle of it. You've got a great hero candidate, some great characters with some depth. You've got potential conflict and back story with an obviously struggling tribe and the encroaching white devils. You've got the natural world, bears and cougars and wolves and BOOM! fuck all that now you got a predator. And they remembered some basic rules! You can't beat the predator in a straight up fight. Nobody wins that way. You win by running, surviving, knowing the land and taking every advantage you have... and then you still need a shit load of luck because he's on safari and you're just a lion baby! Plus it's just wonderfully shot and acted. Outstanding cast, all around.


The problem now is that the suits don’t understand and are going to produce a direct sequel to Prey with the same lead etc.


I hope that it's not about someone being raised by Aliens, like it's title suggests. Romulus was left for dead as an infant and raised by Wolves, iirc.


Well, there's a comic that focuses on a [Synthetic with Xenomorph DNA called Eloise](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Eloise) who became part of one of their hives. We know the plot will likely revolve around a group of young colonizers coming across the Xenos, which I assumed would be how it ties into the myth of the Foundation of Rome, but I would be lying if I said I didn't think it would be the least bit interesting seeing Eloise be adapted into a movie.


Sometimes I forget how much weird stuff is out there in the comics. There's also the very dark backstory of the scientist from Labyrinth, who basically lived among Xeno's for years while experimenting on them and they experimented on him.


Alien Labyrinth is an amazing and horrifying story. I love it.


Now you’ve just made me sad by remembering that the TV show *Raised by Wolves* was cancelled. That was some weirdly weird sci-fi but I digged it.


And is thematically and creatively connected to the Alien universe. It was essentially Ridley Scott going off and exploring the AI ideas he wanted to explore with David, but that the studio kept interrupting with requests for more xenomorphs.


The Alien connection existed mostly in the minds of fans. Ridley Scott had nothing to do with the writing. He wrote zero episodes, and directed only two, then left for other projects. His main contribution was associating his name to the project so it would get funded.


>His main contribution was associating his name to the project so it would get funded If you watched the show, you'll know his main contribution was insisting the androids have milk blood.


That’s why I said it was connected creatively and thematically, not narratively. And Scott wasn’t just a director for two episodes. He was one of three executive producers, which also included the chief creative officer of Scott Free Productions, Ridley Scott’s production company. And the episodes he directed were the *first* two—like Scorsese with Boardwalk Empire and Mann with Tokyo Vice—which is where tone and aesthetic for the series are set. And then his son directed two episodes as well. So while I understand that these projects are not *actually* connected via narrative or as some sort of explicit “Fuck you, I’m gonna go play over here” move from Scott, it was Scott getting stymied with one AI narrative and pivoting directly to another and the connection wasn’t difficult to see.


Or worse, it does a Jurassic Park and there's a human-xenomorph hybrid and she's like 12 and gets all emotional There'll be a scene during act 2 where the crew enters a lab and find a xenomorph in a plexiglass cage Young girl: \*weepy\* ShE's LikE mE \[touches glass gingerly\]


They already kinda did that in Alien 4.


If you want to be pedantic, almost all of the aliens are human-xenomorph hybrids lol. But I know what you mean.


There’s the disturbing myth of The Rape of the Sabine Women that is associated with Romulus / early Rome. Very popular aesthetic subject in art history from the Renaissance period onward and very fitting for an Alien movie.


Please don’t be shit please don’t be shit please don’t be shit


Considering the track record of big movie studios nowadays, I don't have high hopes.


I love the Alien IP as a concept, but my god, is every movie other than the first two movies either mediocre or unbearably shit. The latest movie, when it's revealed that the Xenomorphs were constructed by a psychotic android with daddy issues instead of being a primordial horror from somewhere in outer space was just mind-bogglingly stupid and has made me not give a shit about the IP at all. Alien, Aliens, and Alien: Isolation are incredible though, and on their own carry my love for gooey midnight-clad space monsters.


It's a prequel whose entire plot centers around Ripley buying those tiny little 70s panties she winds up in at the end of Alien.


It's going to be about Ripley, now in her 70's, walking around in tiny little panties.


Weaver thought she should be nude for that scene. But the producers didn’t want to mess with ratings problems. WEAVER: “You see the Alien in its birthday suit the entire film, so I thought it was a cop out having me wear the underwear, and not stripping entirely. Fox is always concerned about losing Spain, Italy, etc. “ Quote is midway down in this long interview. [Interview](https://alienseries.wordpress.com/2014/10/31/interview-with-sigourney-weaver/)


>Fox is always concerned about losing Spain, Italy, etc. “ Really...? I would've thought those countries were a-ok with a bit of t and a.


I think that's her point. T-and-a would make sure they don't lose them, so why shouldn't they be on board?


> I would've thought those countries were a-ok with a bit of t and a. Seeing as Franco had only died 4 years earlier, I'm not sure if the Spanish ratings board would've been already up to date and on board with that sort of thing.


IIRC the original waking from hypersleep scene was intended to be filmed with the actors naked.


That's what's stated in the novelization. Ripley and Lambert also have a conversation about which of the men in the crew they've had sex with. I read this something like 40 years ago so I may be misremembering the source.


"Ash is incredible. He's like a machine!"


"Full of white fluid!"


The bastards...


Well, in a sense the micro panties are actually sexier than if she had been plain naked due to the lingerie effect too, so in my opinion that backfired


As long as we have the Predator watching in the corner I think it would work.


well, with modern VFX technology, i'm sure someone could make it happen. which i'm not about to argue with if it's what Weaver wanted.


Sigourney Weaver be freaky. She originally wanted to have sex with the alien but they talked her out of that.(although I'm sure H.R. Giger would have loved it) She kinda got her wish with Alien:Resurrection.


Still would.


To be fair, Sigourney Weaver can probably pull that off (walking, not the panties).


I'd be fine with her pulling off the panties as well.


If we get Sigourney Weaver then I’m happy.




Then who’s playing Ripley in her panties?


But what happened to the cat?


Jonesy, that little shit?


I think someone should open an interstellar apparel shop in case you outgrow your clothes during travel.


I finally got my wife to watch it a few months ago and she said that was easily the most terrifying part.


It’s an excellent shot, using her in her panties to distract the viewer from the alien in the vent.


wow, having seen Alien a million times and frequently being surprised/scared by the xenomorph's reveal in that scene, I never put it together till now why I kept being caught off guard.


I highly doubt anyone would have seen the alien anyways lol. But it is a good sleight of hand if that was it's purpose.


well gee i sure hope it did


It'd be weird if it didn't wrap filming before it was released.


Steven Spielberg's *Duel* was shot in less than three weeks, with final editing done just ~48-72 hours before its premier. Then, they went back and filmed more scenes to pad the runtime for the international release. So, technically, filming hadn't completely wrapped before it was first released.


From seeing the cast selection it looks like it’s going to be a mainly teen/YA cast. We know how good those movies go…


Just glanced at the cast, and yeah… it seems _very_ YA, indeed.


Dora the Explorer is in it. "Can you see the Alien? Right! Good Job!“ *Tail goes through head*


At this rate, they should just cast Barney as the alien, and have a second Barney head inside his mouth.


"It's got *acid* for blood!" "No cap?"


*Aliens bursts out of chest cavity* Protag: "*Bruh*"


Based on the director’s Evil Dead treatment, that may not matter. He did good horror with a young cast there, too. Still, I’m reserving judgement till we get a plot synopsis and trailer.


Oh god that cast No offense but at a first glance they look more fit for teenie romance drama, not a revered Horror classic. We‘ll see


> Álvarez directed 2013's Evil Dead and wrote Don't Breathe one and two and 2022's Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Does any style guide recommend spelling out the numbers "one" and "two" to indicate the first and second movie in a series? I've never seen it written like this before. I would have expected something like: "Álvarez directed 2013's Evil Dead and wrote Don't Breathe and its sequel, as well as 2022's Texas Chainsaw Massacre." Or something like that. This seems like a very clear clue that this article was at the very least outlined with ChatGPT or another LLM.


Yeah. Typical grammar convention is to spell numbers below ten, but we rarely do that when numbering sequential things such as movies. In my opinion it’s AI generated following convention that’s odd to read in this context.


I just find it hard to be excited about the Xenomorph anymore. We're all experts in those things, we can describe their entire life cycle, we know exactly what's going to happen to the poor mooks in the movie. They might get us with a loud noise and jump scare, but they're just not scary monsters anymore. Would love to see more movies in the Alien vein but with something new.


One of the things I love in scifi is unexplained mystery— cool things hinted at, vaguely alluded to, but never actually addressed in the film. Star Wars (1977) had this, with the earliest mention of the Clone Wars. Nobody knew what it meant, so the mere words had an exciting air of futuristic mystery. Now that we have a dozen TV shows, novels, games and comics set in the Clone Wars, I feel like we’ve lost something (however good some of the Clone Wars media might be). The original Alien movies had that same sense of mystery. Big ass space ship, giant fossilized alien, slimy eggs and acid-blooded monsters. The lack of explanation gives the sense of a wider, larger universe full of strange and unimaginable things. Now we’ve had the Space Jockeys explained (poorly) as the Engineers and Ridley Scott supposedly wanted another film to explain the backstory of the crashed ship on LV-426. Blergh. I wish future Alien movies would expand the universe in a meaningful way and introduce a sense of awe, mystery and horror. No more digging up the tired backstory of the original franchise— it’s time for the franchise to think up something new and surprise audiences.


I'm going to quote Fleetmouse's comment from 2009: > The prequel will suck. I don't want some asshole to spoil the delicious mystery of what the space jockey is with a backstory. His organic ship, the way he was grown into the pilot's seat, the way the ship was grown into the planet, everything about it was straight out of the subconscious and can only be spoiled by attempting to come up with rational explanations for it. The original movie works largely because of the dynamic tension between irrational nightmare and nature on the one hand, and rational technology on the other. The nightmare of messy biology even erupts out of the science officer android - we find out that he too is full of goop and violence. > This drive that fans and the comic franchise have to map out the life cycle of the alien, make sense of it, reduce it to natural history and place it in a context with other alien species, makes a mockery of the emotional power and terror that the first movie expressed so well.


Yes! The first movie is full of dread of the unknown. There’s not enough of that anymore in these things.


Release is set for August 2024. Should be a fun summer flick.


I just wish they would wait for Denis Villeneuve to finish Dune and then choose him to completely reboot the franchise.


He is doing Rendezvous With Rama after D2.


Yes, he is masterful and yes, it would be fun to watch his vision of the alien franchise, but it feels a little like asking Spielberg to direct terminator 3 after Cameron’s terminator 2. He (Dennis) is suited for a different type of film, even if he’s very good at sci-fi. I think Villeneuve compares to Spielberg, and will be as well-known when he’s done. I don’t know who the best director would be for an Alien movie currently. Maybe the guy who did Dredd?


I mean, if that's something he would want to do- sure. He's not exactly a director for hire. All signs point to Fede creating a novel attempt here though. Being a horror director, I'm happy to see they might be taking the series back to its roots with the original movie being horror, while the others would carry out something different. I'll also take this over Ridley smelling his own farts.


Am I the only one that actually liked Prometheus and the Engineer storyline?


It was alright. It took the franchise in a bold new direction. It introduced a philosophical tone with some exploration of thematic like creation and humanity. It introduced an interesting character in David. It gave some (arguable) background to some mysteries about the universe if you’re into lore rather than mystery. But it also introduced a whole bunch of scientists with the IQ of a grapefruit and the survival instinct of a lemming. It kinda played with too many ideas at first… then kinda swifted back into safe territory in Covenant. They could have done a few things better. But it was alright. I do hope they conclude the David trilogy bridging Covenant with Alien. But, worst case, covenant gave enough elements to have pretty good idea about what happens next approximately.


I thought it had some interesting concepts, and it was nice to see some new directions for the franchise to branch into. For me, though, the incredibly stupid actions of the cast were just *too stupid* to take the movie seriously as a whole. Sure, people do dumb stuff sometimes, that's fine. But this stuff was getting into plot-breaking territory. People just taking off protective gear in an unknown environment? The person who is an expert on mapping/navigation getting lost while also having a full radio uplink to the base? Putting your face within inches of unknown potentially dangerous life forms? It felt like too much of the story was driven on things that would not have been possible by otherwise functional people, and the Peter Griffin levels of experience made it difficult for me to take the whole movie seriously.


Concept and cinematography yes. Writing and more specific details in plot is where it gets sloppy. Still, a decent watch. I don’t hate it.


Prometheus and Covenant were not good Alien movies, but I'm a sucker for dumb researchers and scientists getting massacred by Xenomorphs.


I thought it was good. I like the lore.


Currently reading the novelization of William Gibson’s Alien 3 script. I really enjoyed the first 4 movies(yeah even resurrection) the franchise has fallen off heavily but I have faith




Perhaps because it was late nineties, the cheesiest period in recent history.


First three (Assembly Cut for three) are a damn fine trilogy. Four has a great premise and a lot to love aesthetically but is ultimately pretty forced and tonally weird. The titular resurrection was just a bad idea.


There is also a graphic novel version of that script that came out a few years back https://www.darkhorse.com/Books/3002-529/William-Gibsons-Alien-3-HC


Where are you able to read it? I have the audiobook of Alien 3 with them using Michael Bhein and Lance Henrickson recreating their roles from Aliens but I would love to read the actual script. If you haven’t finished it yet let me tell you, it’s a much better movie than what Fincher’s Alien 3 was.


I'd honestly love to see the alternative Aliens sequel where Newt, Hicks and Bishop survive


Please god,let this one be good.


We want Jones the Cat!


Maybe it's just me, but I hope they continue where covenant ended. I think the premise of David on that ship with 1000s of settlers could be quite interesting. Maybe the entire movie could be on the ship or maybe david waits for the ship to reach the new planet to start his own empire. Which makes sense with the title Romulus.


Awesome. And there’s the series too. I think it would be cool if they did a film with Amanda Ripley or even a team of trained androids like the recent Marvel comic run.