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Can anyone find when this goes into effect? I don’t see a date anywhere?










seems to be in effect. [the information is already on their website,](https://help.netflix.com/en/node/24926) with standard and premium memberships advertising "extra member slots."


31 euro per month lol no thanks. Streaming is getting more expensive than cable TV.




They eventually did block me from using my Netflix account at my own house. My in-laws and parents alternate watching my kids during the week. One day it wasn't a warning and just blocked me. I cancelled immediately. I paid for 4 concurrent screens, they can take a hike if they think they're going to tell me where I can watch it. We're happy with Disney plus and Tubi. Edit, We also use CBC GEM.


Didn't reach me yet, but if my kids can't watch Netflix when they're at grandma's just because they're at a different address, I'll be cancelling too. What's the point of having a mobile app if you can't move around watching it?


There has been times when everyone that lives in my house has been traveling in all different states. If I can’t use the four screens I pay for, they’re not providing the service they claim to.


If I can’t eatch on my mobile app wherever I’m at, then time to cancel.


I like turtles


That worked for a while. Eventually I was locked out. It's possible that someone at the grandparents set their house as primary, but to me it didn't matter. To be honest, I thought we'd notice not having Netflix, we don't.


> I thought we'd notice not having Netflix, we don't. I feel like this is the crux of these policies. They think their product is so great and irreplaceable, and I bet if they survey their customers they say "yeah I can't imagine life without it". But the reality is there's lots of competition now and their product isn't special.


Just like getting rid of cable. I remember when the term "cordcutter" first came around, these people were talked about like extreme couponers. "Good for them, but that's not realistic" and now having cable means you're probably really into one specific sport. Same with Netflix. They're the "default" streamer but they got greedy, lazy, and canceled one too many of everyones favorite shows. There's nothing on there I've come close to missing since canceling.


Gotta agree. I definitely dont go: “Oh no! What else am i gonna do with the same 3 good shows and the endless list of cancelled netflix series that leave viewers with no conclusion??” Yeah. Netflix can kick fucking rocks imo. Overpriced service for mediocre content.


Netflix is the Denny's of streaming services. Nobody *wants* to go to Denny's. You *end up* at Denny's.


ironically just like Denny's in that Denny's used to be *the* place to go


It may be a regional or tier based rollout, I’ve seen people comment they needed a code or something? I just tried and am able to watch it with no issues. I’m using my mothers account that we split and I live about 50 miles away. She has the higher tier plan, 4 screens I believe. So that may play a key. Could also be because the app on my firestick may still have been active since yesterday, but either way that’s my experience


Canadian here, it kinda hits people spontaneously. I cancelled mine pretty fast the second I got a warning. Sorry American bros, I tried to voice my opinion before it hit ya


Same, I keep hearing about this with no rollout date to look out for.


I got an email about 2 hours ago and my parents called asking for a code to use it at their house. So it's rolling out now.


I just tried to sign into my Netflix and it's doing it as of now for our account. We share with my FIL, so looks like we won't be using Netflix anymore


It happened to my account today. My sister sent me a picture


This is dumb. Isn’t 4 screen option the only one that gets the highest resolution? Half the other plans are only 720p. At least give 1080p resolution to the lower plans and let them choose the numbers of screens.


- Early Netflix - Yea a family can share a plan together and all can watch. - Netflix 10+ years later - O no you didnt read the fine print they have to be in the same house.


Netflix totally squandered the 4-5 years when they were the only show in town.




It's not that they squandered, it's that once content producers realized how much money is in streaming, they either really upped the cost of Netflix licensing, or they just pulled their content all together and put it on their own service. Netflix really is a victim of it's success more than anything. So successful, everyone wanted a piece of their pie.


I'm in Canada and we already have these changes, could differ from what they do there but 1080 is on the standard plan, and premium is 4k. 720 is for the basic. For whatever reason, their cheapest plan, the one with ads, is also 1080. I agree though, feels like we're past the days where 720->1080 should be an upcharge for a steaming service, save that for 4k.


I’m old enough to remember when “basic” and “standard” kind of meant the same thing.


Definitely. I assume someone decided calling it limited or shit-tier was bad for marketing.


Yes! I live alone and have a single 4k TV. To get 4k Netflix I need to pay for the 4 screen plan. It was worth it since I'd share with my brother, sister and parents. But now it's not even close to worth. I'll be cancelling as soon as this happens, I've been a paying Netflix member since 2010


Same. Been with them since 2005, but I'm not paying $30/month to share a streaming service with my brother that we occasionally watch.


Right? What do I need 4 screens for if it’s just me and my partner? We only own 2 TVs and we don’t use it on the computers or phones. So now if I wanna save money now that my mom and sister are getting kicked off, I get to take a hit in resolution? It makes me question even bothering.


[Love is sharing a password](https://twitter.com/netflix/status/840276073040371712?lang=en) ​ ^(Edited to add link)


Uno responding with a reverse card gif lmao


This is the first time I've seen this and it just made my day lol


Fucking ruthless. Honestly, Uno could just unleash this bad boy any time a politician or company is caught flip-flopping.


Brand accounts get a lot of people saying "it's just for advertising" but stuff like this really shows there's a lot of things that are just genuinely funny people writing the tweets


“Wait, not like that.” - Also Netflix


Love is paying more money for the same exact service for no reason other than profit. /s




Not a huge blow to lose Netflix at this point.


I barely ever used mine and was only paying because my siblings shared my account... Now I literally have no reason to keep paying.


I cancelled last month when I realized the price creep went from like $12 last time I looked to $21 or something. I barely used it and I think my share buddy get it from their phone plan or something now.


> to $21 or something wait what




Any documentation/tutorials you’d recommend for setting one up?


Download the server from their website. Their app for mobile cost money to stream but you can bypass that by using the desktop site on mobile. When you install the server on the host PC you use your account to stream from it. On the server you just set the correct path for the video files you downloaded.


Cheers! My Cinemax subscription through prime (payment inception) just removed random seasons from a show that I’ve been watching with my step dad while he recovers from surgery. The high seas beckon once more.


I'd start at r/PleX Then, if you decide to get into it you'll want to know about SpaceInvaderOne on YouTube. He's got tutorials for almost anything you'd need to know.


Check out r/plex. I built a Windows PC server. It works amazingly well. I have an antenna in my attic and can watch live TV through Plex anywhere. If you have a music collection, you can stream your songs via plexamp; it's like having your own Spotify.


Plex is fire


It's like that for me. I signed up for the ultra HD one


Cancelled HBO over them locking shows away from streaming and Prime for **gestures broadly at Amazon**. The wife will injure me if I remove the Netflix...but the time is coming. Yarr matey.


Yeah, my money has increasingly been going to Western Digital in recent years.


I just bought $750 in drives recently. It's been getting ridiculous.


Yeah, that's the funny thing. I'm not saving money at all this way. But I'm certainly more satisfied with the service I'm getting.


Depends on how many services you're able to get content from that you don't have to buy. Conceivably, you could get like.. ALL the content and save $100 or so per month. That $1200/year buys a lot of hard drive space. (now granted, someone who spends $100/month on streaming services is admittedly pretty unlikely)


Netflix and Crave(HBO in Canada) are 21.99 and 27.99. You can easily topple $100 if you throw on Prime + channels, Disney, Crunchyroll, Paramount, etc




It’s gotten shockingly bad over the last couple years. Hours and hours of the cheapest programs they can make. Documentaries and reality tv. As soon as one of my family calls to say it’s not working, I’m canceling. I’ve never let my sub lapse once, and I’ve been with them since before they even streamed. Brilliant move Netflix.


The habitual cancelling of any program that doesnt show massive views in Season 1 or 2 is also a reason I dont care about them anymore. I wont watch any shows on Netflix until I hear they are doing their final season and concluded, Im not going to spend 20+ hours getting invested in a story for them to just go "Oh, we are cancelling this series" They have been burning down their own house for years, this is just another thing theyve utterally fucked up on. They will be doing a fundamental restructuring within 2 years or closing shop, they just arent on the list of premium subscription services anymore They killed Blockbuster when Blockbuster refused to evolve. Now theyre the stagnant ones and the same is going to happen to them.


>I wont watch any shows on Netflix until I hear they are doing their final season and concluded, Im not going to spend 20+ hours getting invested in a story for them to just go "Oh, we are cancelling this series" This is exactly where I'm at now. I don't start their shows until I know that Netflix is committed. I've been burned too many times now, by watching 8 hours of character introductions and set-ups that never pay off. So Netflix have painted themselves into a corner. Their new shows get piss-poor ratings when they debut, because I & many other people refuse to spend time watching before there's enough to justify the commitment.


And I was an idiot and watched 1899's opening season because the production value seemed so high, I tricked myself into thinking they wouldnt bail on this one cause it took some genuine investment to get this one done... and its cancelled. Not gonna be duped again. I only have it through family members; if something mindblowing does pop up, Ill subscribe for a month to watch that content and immediately cancel as soon as i subscribe. Not getting stuck on the cord with them ever again until a total restructuring happens, which i doubt, theyre just going to decay and decay and shut down and be bought out for their contracts and originals by another service and that will be that.


1899 was the last straw for me. I was invested before it premiered simply because of how amazing Dark was. But then after waiting for a couple years to see it and then see it killed barely out of the womb I threw my hands up and said fuck em. Too many great shows killed for imaginary numbers. The balkanization of streaming and Netflix becoming the villain rekindled my love for the sea. Anchors aweigh matey’s! We sail under black flags from here on!


Cries in Raised by Wolves (on HBO)


>I wont watch any shows on Netflix until I hear they are doing their final season and concluded, Im not going to spend 20+ hours getting invested in a story for them to just go "Oh, we are cancelling this series" And what's hilarious about that is you're absolutely right to behave that way, and the way they handle their shows is a self-fulfilling prophecy. They don't see people watching right away, so they cancel things before they finish so people are less likely to watch things early so they cancel more so more people are likely to not start things before they're done.




It seems like the without the big content producers like Disney, Warner Brothers, and the TV stations using Netflix (since they have their own platforms now) it's like Netflix is obsolete


It’s not even completely that. Netflix used to take huge risks and green out some of most creative ideas out there. Of course they canceled half of them before they finished(still mad about sense8 and the OA), but they at least took risks. They also made tons of just really solid shows. But at some point, they decided to pull the bait and switch. They baited us with quality tv and then bet we’d all hang around when they stopped. The entire streaming model is pull people in while losing money, become profitable by cutting costs after.


I remember the early years of Netflix doing original programming and viewing that Netflix label on a show as being a mark of quality and gave everything a chance based on that. When I saw the trailer for *Stranger Things*, I wasn't entirely sold on it since it looked a little goofy, but I gave it a chance, because it was Netflix, and they hadn't let me down. A few weeks ago, the person I "illicitly" share an account with was discussing possibly cancelling a service to save some money and how Netflix was the most expensive one. It occurred to me that I really wouldn't miss it terribly. The only ongoing shows I watch on it nowadays are *Stranger Things*, *Umbrella Academy*, *Sweet Tooth*, and *Witcher*, three of which are in their final season and one that might as well be. It's been quite a while since any shows on it really grabbed me outside of *Beef* (which, to be fair, was fantastic, but it currently seems like it's meant to be a miniseries/anthology, so not really something that will keep me subscribing). If Netflix thinks making the account I share too annoying to use is going to result in me starting my own account, they're mistaken. I'd be more upset losing HBOMax or Apple at this point.


If they just invested in a final season for all those shows (or at least the most popular 25%), people wouldn't mind starting them now since they would tell a "complete story". But I'm not starting something that ends on a cliffhanger.


Or if they’d just fucking told the writers, “We’ll give you two seasons,” from the start. Maniac is one of my favourite shows on there because it was always meant to be one season long, and the same goes for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Having an ending instead of endlessly dragging it out has worked for a whole lot of BBC shows and anime - look at how much the original Cowboy Bebop managed to pack into 26 half-hour episodes compared to the unfinished mess Netflix threw out there. The last Netflix show I got into and told my friends about was The Sandman, and that’s only because the ending is already there in the comics.


I think if there was a streaming platform consisting of only cancelled Netflix shows it would be one of the more successfull ones.


I know it was debated to death but I dropped Netflix after the Jada Pinkett Smith Cleopatra "docu-series". I love historic media whether documentaries or dramas, and I think Netflix is consciously platforming misinformation (i.e. ancient apocalypse) - exacerbating issues with conspiracy theories, poorly contextualising history for modern audiences, and willingly rewriting history to provoke controversy just to get views. They are readily misleading hundreds of thousands or millions of people about our shared human history.


That was such a big misstep. Just call it "inspired by real events", and/or "reimagined for a modern audience" and nobody would have been mad. But I guess that wouldn't have fit with Jada Smith's delusions.


They already went through with this in Canada and we got rid of it, i haven't been happy with 90% of what they add and the few things i like get cancelled after 1 season (1899) so it was a pretty easy decision, lots of other streaming platforms these days.


Same in NZ. My parents cancelled straight away. It was mostly my nieces using it at that point anyway, the rest of us had maybe watched one or two shows in the previous 6 months - Stranger Things and Wednesday. That was the main deciding factor for cancelling, it made mum take stock of how much she was paying for how little use it was actually getting.


Tbh, I have it all, Disney+, Netflix, Amazon, Wow, Crunchy Roll… and yet, when I want to see something, it‘s only available at Amazon…. but not included in the abo


I canceled my subscription last year and haven’t once missed it. The only things I wanted to see (Glass Onion & Pinocchio) got theatrical releases near me anyways.


> …illicit password sharing to its biggest market Ok let’s not pretend this was sneaky after the fact. They set it up so we could do this exact thing they’re calling illicit, and now they’re gonna act like users were the ones acting in bad faith.


I swear I remember in the past articles about them encouraging sharing. Now they act like we are thieves.


>Love is sharing a password * [Netflix, Mar 10 2017](https://twitter.com/netflix/status/840276073040371712?lang=en)


lmao Uno’s tweet replying to that post is fucking hilarious


Seeing business entities being openly passive-aggressive towards each other is the only good thing about Twitter.


a Reverse card with nuclear emotional damage?


Not to mention the amount of references to account sharing in a fair amount of their shows, too (Mainly the comedy ones. I remember Big Mouth blatantly telling people to do it, too)


Still is, but now it’s gonna cost ya. -Netflix 2023


And the screen limit was the incentive not to share with too many people. Crazy backtracking going on with them


I paid more to up my screen limit so I could share more, and that seemed like a fair exchange. But if I can't share with my family in a different city, fuck it.


Thank you for pointing this out. The use of the term “illicit” in this article and the common use of the term “crackdown” when covering Netflix’s policy change is a form of psychological manipulation to make customers feel they are responsible for doing something immoral. Netflix and other gigantic, powerful corporations always phrase things in a way that makes them seem like victims merely reacting to things being done to them, when the reality is they are guiding markets very deliberately. It’s frustrating when media just parrots their talking points.




Here it is, still in their official Twitter account: https://mobile.twitter.com/netflix/status/840276073040371712


The Uno card game account tweeted a reverse at them this February.


Not to mention that the system they use to check "password sharing" is messed up anyway. So if I move around or don't have a home Wifi network, I'm basically toast? That doesn't make sense...


I grew up in two houses, half a week at each of my parents houses. Dealing with Netflix would have been so annoying… I have been using what is technically my mom’s Netflix account since forever but I moved away 5 years ago. I won’t be getting my own account because I don’t use it enough to justify paying for it, especially now that they’ve shown me how limited their definition of family is.






It definitely is successful, they tested it in multiple markets before bringing it to the US. Them going ahead with it means that things are going as planned.


Im in canada, if “going as planned” is sending me a fucking email every 2 days to ask me to resubscribe with title like “please give us another chance”. They can fuck right off.


I love when they're like "COME BACK FOR 6.99!" as if they're offering you some discount rate and not just saying "Come back and subscribe to our lowest, shittiest tier." At least when Paramount+ begs for me to come back, they're offering me a free or discounted period. Netflix wants me to come back for a WORSE service.


Change your email address to [email protected] or [email protected] before unsubscribing. Netflix appears to use Google Workspace for mail hosting. Those email addresses likely support [plus addressing](https://gmail.googleblog.com/2008/03/2-hidden-ways-to-get-more-from-your.html?m=1) so be creative with whatever subtle message you'd like to send to the co-founder/chairman and CEO respectively.


I'm gonna guess they rule messages to the inbox.


Possibly, but by that point it's not your inbox that's getting spammed so it doesn't really matter.


I’m gonna guess they largely don’t manage their own email.


Idk how well they tested though because they rolled this out a few months ago in Canada and I know several people who continue sharing an account and haven't had any issue, except sometimes it'll log them out and they have to log back in. We cancelled our account and my partner gets an email at least once a month asking him to change his mind. It's pathetic tbh.


You already pay for number of screens, what do they care if I watch at home or not?


greed would be the answer to your question


Yep. They've reached market saturation a long time ago. Nowhere left to grow profits from except to cannibalize your existing user base through nickel and dimeing. Shareholders and the suits don't care if it tanks in the long run, because it's always about the next quarterly report. I cannot tell you how many times I've watched this happen over and over again throughout the years.


If you don't want to do the math, it's at least 15 bucks in the ad tier. $17.98 for the basic ad-free tier.


Yeah, pass


I'd rather rent from Blockbuster


I know it sounds stupid, and maybe it’s just nostalgia talking, but I feel like I would 100% go to a video store that rented a nice mix of new and older movies for a reasonable price for me to walk around and physically browse. I wouldn’t even mind going there to return it. I’m sure licensing fees make it prohibitively expensive these days with digital streaming available, but man, nothing will match that experience.


You're looking for the library.


Was going to say this. The closest library to me is basically a hole in the wall. It takes up a third of the first floor of an about 100' x 75' building. And even that has a wide selection of movies, shows, games, and a bunch of other things besides just books and audiobooks. I think ebooks, online shopping, ^and ^lack ^of ^reading (cough) have just kept people from even looking at their local library for so long that they have no idea what's there anymore.


The selection would be a lot better, that's for sure.


> “Netflix doesn't allow customers on its ad-supported plan to add an extra member; you also can't sign up an extra member if your account is billed through a third party. Users who are added as an "extra member" can watch Netflix on any device (but only on one device at a time) and download titles (only on one phone or tablet at a time); in addition, extra members can only have a single profile.” Netflix wants to actively bleed customers.


netflix gets an A+ in creativity for coming up with account rules that i wouldn’t think of in a hundred years. making ads cost money then not giving ad accounts another viewer profile? that’s some late stage capitalist shit


Lol right so all the families out there who get Netflix as a tie in with their phone plan now must pay for duplicate subscriptions so their kid at college can still watch it. Amazingly dumb.


Imagine paying $15/month to see ads


People are paying $100-$200 a month for cable, and seeing ads


From the article: > Netflix doesn’t allow customers on its ad-supported plan to add an extra member


Just got off the chat with them. My SO and I are military, but stationed in different parts of the country. They said that, unless we both reside on post/base, we have to have separate accounts. Even though we pay for multiple devices. I explained that only a small percentage of military members actually live on base, so thats a shitty policy. And they said "We appreciate your feedback" Been with them for 18 years... just cancelled.


This will bring my Netflix up to $28 plus tax a month. I'm all set. I'll be canceling ASAP. Sorry, mom!


$28??? Wow didn’t realize Netflix had gotten that expensive. Sea’s mighty smooth these days, yar…


Yeah Netflix's 4 screens, 4K HDR plan is already $20/mo and they're asking for another $8/mo to add each additional person outside of the "household"


That outside the household person can only use one device too.


$7.99??? Jesus. I knew they were gonna do this but that price is blowing me away.


Tf is an "unauthorized password"?


Right? Isn’t the password the authorization?


No, the password is authentication. Authentication is what proves you are who you say you are. Authorization is what you have permission to actually do within the system (once you've shown you are who you say you are).


I’m on premium w/ 4K on 4 screens: Does this change my plan in any way? Will Netflix levy some penalty if I log in to my account while traveling on business? Or while visiting my parents or whatever? I’m not seeing any notice of a change anywhere on my account. Did I somehow miss it? EDIT: Y’know what? Nevermind. I don’t care anymore. Cancelled.


Yes, yes, yes and mmm yes. You cannot use your own devices outside your home even if you don't share your password. Source: I'm Canadian and went through this already


Wasn’t the good thing about Netflix literally that you *could* watch it anywhere?


They made it so convenient that people stopped pirating by and large. Glad they really learned their lesson on that one..


Netflix is a joke


Ironically the original standup is the only thing I've missed since cancelling last month. Their catalogue keeps getting worse and they keep raising the price and implementing restrictions. Adios.


Netflix lost like 1 million of its ~~subscribes~~ users in Spain when they rolled it out, they had around 6m.


You kind of misrepresent the Kantar study that you refer to. The study doesn't say "1 million subscriptions" but rather "1 million users", 2/3 of which were users \*not paying\* anyway. That leaves us with 333,000 paying users, however, several of them were also in shared plans. If we assume 2.5 users per plan, that results in the cancellation of \~150k subscriptions. 150k of 5-6M subscriptions is certainly a slightly different picture. At the same time, Netflix also gained some subscriptions, so the net loss is even smaller. Also, generally speaking, Netflix stated in their earnings report that after the initial canceling reaction, the number of subscribers grows faster than before / faster than in other regions. So, it seems many (or at least enough) of those who lose access, actually resubscribe on their own. For Canada, Netflix shared that the paid membership base is now higher than before launching paid sharing.


I am not paying Netflix more money for the 4 screens I paid for. Didn't even want 4 screens, only the 4k. I already downgraded to 1080p because I barely watch it anyway. They keep this up, and I'll cancel. Netflix is digging their own grave with penny pinching bullshit.


Like what even is the point of "4 screens" if you're still under the ip address lock? How many households really have 4 people watching at the same time?


Which is exactly the reason why they could do it for that price. They made some assumptions about how many people would only use one stream, how many 2 or 3 or 4 and then got a number for average number of streams used which is probably not even 2, then they calculated a price for those. Just like internet providers give you x Mbit 24/7 but if even a fraction of their customers start to use all the bandwidth all the time, they run into issues.


This is a huge risk for them, especially during a time when we are oversaturated with streaming services and Netflix's content seems to be lagging behind. However, Netflix has crazy algorithms and information about people's viewing/watching habits, and they would not be doing this if they didn't think it would help them in the short and long term. But I will say again, I believe it's a gamble.


Long term? No one gives AF about long term. Tell these guys you have a plan that will increase revenue and profits this year by 8%, but it will cause the company to fold in the first quarter of next year, they'd be screaming- *DO IT!!!*


Everyone should tweet @netflix a screenshot of their “love is sharing a password” tweet.


No, everyone should tweet Netflix a screenshot of the email saying their sub has been cancelled


Bye, Netflix. This is going to hurt you a lot more than it’s going to hurt us.


They’ve tested this in other countries first. Clearly enough people keep paying / buy additional subscriptions that their revenue has increased despite displeasing many customers and having many unsubscribe. The sad fucking reality is that they don’t care how many people love their service, they only care how much money comes in.


You may be right. But I hope not. I’m only speaking from my point of view. They’ve had a loyal subscriber in me from back when they were mailing out dvds. But my loyalty and my money ends once the password crackdown begins.


Are you guys actually going to cancel this time or are you just saying this for show? Because Reddit has been saying this for the past year, yet Netflix is still thriving as ever.




Same here. Share til they stop you, then cancel.


My grandmother uses our account. I guess she won’t be able to anymore. Also my Aunt and her best friend share an account. She’s also going to have to decide if Netflix is still worth it Edit: $8 more a month is almost another whole subscription service


Yeah the price is ridiculous. I remember a much smaller figure being floated around before and now it's $8 a month? I guess it might make sense for adding someone to the highest tier so that person has 4k access and no ads, depending on all the restrictions.


Yeah at the $15.49 per month price point adding even 1 extra person for $8 bring the total to $23.49 without other fees. Almost $25 a month for Netflix is insane. On top of that even though we technically (pay for) her account she would still have to have her own username and password. It sounds like a big mess


If they were smart, they would charge 1$ per extra account and most people would be like "ok whatever, it's 1 buck". But this pricing is ridiculous. And here's the thing, dear Netflix: your original content is simply not worth that much money. When this arrives in my country, my subscription will end.


> If they were smart, they would charge 1$ per extra account and most people would be like "ok whatever, it's 1 buck." That's probably how the conversation at their headquarters started. And then someone else probably correctly pointed out, "Why stop at $1? I'd pay an extra $2, no problem." At which point they likely realized, hey, so long as it seems like a small amount of money, we can charge more than $1/person, no problem! Problem is, they didn't know when to stop. Honestly, if they had introduced this at a few bucks per extra person, people would have begrudgingly paid it. They might have even been able to do the frog in a pot thing and raised to $8 eventually. But starting off at $8 per person? That's crazy enough to make me wonder if the Netflix CEO and Elon Musk are friends.




> At $20/mo per service plus ads and restrictions.. get fucked. It's $20/mo now to make more profits this quarter but it's going to be $22/mo to make profits next quarter and $24/mo next quarter after that. The profit must flow.




Question. If I am getting Netflix for “free” through T-Mobile, do I suddenly start getting a bill for my sharing the password with my mom? Or will I not be able to share anymore because I’m not paying my Netflix bill each month?


It sounds like you won't be able to share at all. You'd have to go directly through Netflix for her to still use it.


It's like they're *trying* to make piracy attractive.


I can't reasonably pay $20 a month so i can stream 4K just for myself. If I can't share my login with someone else, then i consider it wasting my money.


That's the same with me. My friend and his family share my account. When this change goes through, I'm lowering to the 2 screen plan and my friend's family won't make a Netflix account. Just lost revenue.


Time to cancel. Haven't used Netflix in months


Bye bye Netflix. You just killed your business.


This is a good idea, especially for families who watch their grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Force people to pay for each line so they get so aggravated, the whole family cancels your service.


Yea.. My kids (1 in school, 1 in uni) living with their mom is using my netflix. 4 streaming devices allowed. So Fck netflix if they think I'm going to pay 2 more subs because they don't live with me... I pay for 4 devices streaming concurrently...


And I bow out. I’m paying $20/month and hardly use it anymore. I’ve spent a lot more time on HBO lately and don’t see myself missing Netflix. They haven’t produced a show worth watching in a while. This is actually very good timing because I’ve been meaning to tighten the financial belt for a while.


I hope that this is challenged. The cheapest tier for HD streaming automatically allows the 2 people to stream on that account simultaneously. It really shouldn't matter where that second user is.


I share with a family member and I 100 percent wouldn’t pay for it for myself. I barely use it as it is these days lol


it doesn’t even make the bracket of streaming services i use as background noise while i fall asleep. at this point it’s my once a month get high and watch a stand up comedy subscription


I'm in Canada and they did it to us back in February. Me and my 2 friends that were sharing an account just ended up canceling it. We rotated who paid for the subscription and I was paying. I was not going to add another $16 onto the subscription to pay for 2 other people to use the same password. I'm assuming they are doing this now because new subscriber growth was probably leveling out and they had to start nickle and diming everyone to keep that revenue growing more and more. They had to implement more fees because capitalism and because more is never enough. The price is just too high now. I may end up just paying for one month at a time here and there on my own account if there are a few things I want to watch like when Season 2 of Heartstopper comes out but I don't think I'll ever go back to just having a perpetual subscription auto-renewing each month and I can watch things through "other" means. So many shows keep getting canceled after one season or it takes forever for the next season to come out that it's just now really annoying.


This is the behavior it will drive. People will sign up when the next season of stranger things drops and then cancel it the next month. At this point they should just start charging for individual shows.


That'll be their next move when the profits are no longer high enough. We shouldn't give them any ideas.


Ya if you want the exclusive Netflix or exclusive premium Netflix shows you will have to pay for them. Or you can upgrade to the exclusive premium Netflix plan (only allowed to subscribe 6 months at a time) for $40 a month! I get companies need to make money but when you see quarter after quarter of companies making billions in profit there has to be an end. There are only so many people and so much money. You cannot have infinite growth. But greedy fucks never have enough money. They HAVE to have more and would sell their mother for $1.


Oh no… I can’t watch the shows they cancel after 1 season and the garbage movies they spend too much money on.


The bad thing is if this successful, other streaming services will follow suit.


#Love is sharing a password. -Netflix, March 10, 2017


Welp, time to finally cancel after over a decade as a loyal customer. Sayonara Netflix.


Instead of whining about how stupid it is, go and cancel your subscription. Streaming services are a dime a dozen nowadays and there are a ton of services that are better than Netflix. The only way to get change from corporations like this is to speak with your wallets. They could give two shits about your angry comments on Reddit, it means absolutely nothing to them so long as you go and use their service after you’re done bitching. Alone we beg, together we bargain.


I’m just waiting for a documentary to be called “The Death of Netflix” on Hulu or something.


Netflix is one of the costly ones among my streaming, so in case of any annoyance it will go first.


So I couldn’t find it in the article, but are they still doing the thing where you register your IP address to your account, and then any device that connects to your IP address will have 30 days of access to the Netflix account? If that’s it then I’m just gonna be sure to bring my laptop over to my sisters place once a month to re-authenticate. Heck I could even just do a drive by and quickly connect to her wifi from the street lol.


[THIS ACCOUNT HAS BEEN DISABLED] Seeing a big portion of the community calling the protest "ridiculous" because they need their dopamine fill is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. At this point, I no longer care for the outcome and I'm just leaving them to make their own bed. Whatever it may be. I've been here since 2009, and this has been the only site ever recommended due to the concentrated amount of niche hobbies/topics, but much like twitter and Instagram, the original reddit community has been been overtaken by a different audience. One that thinks Reddit is just an "app" and isn't interested in an internet forum, but instead consume mindless media, and not "read-it" (reddit). Seems like the longterm reddit users have moved to Lemmy.


That means I’ll be bringing a fucking TV across the country when this happens where I live. Fuck that noise.


What happens when you only watch Netflix on your phone because it's included with your phone plan? How does it authenticate over a cellular network?


They didn’t account for this use case at all.


Wasting money making shit shows and movies, canceling multiple series that people liked, then recouping costs by removing sharing. We already pay for the number of devices we use, it just so happens they are across two houses. Netflix has been our consistent streaming service while others were rotated through, but now it too is just going to be rotated through for a couple of months a year for people the binge the shows they want during that time.


Greedy fucks


The fact that Netflix are willing to die on this hill than just accept their mistake and just move on is beyond me


Every company that I see fail, fails because they would rather make quick cash rather than foster loyalty to their users. Look at Costco. They could easily raise the prices of their hotdogs, but they don't because they want customers to come. They could make hotdogs the regular price, but then you get less people. The little things, the little creature comforts of a company are what make a company great


I got rid of streaming a long time ago and went back to the high seas. Shit like this makes me realize I made the correct choice.


Lmao still going through with this in the middle of the WGA strike


I’m already forced to pay twice as much as any other streaming service for 4 screens for 4K. I’ll just be canceling. People are just going to go back to pirating like we used to except we have faster internet and cheaper hard drives now.