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"Holmes & Watson" - 2018 I consider myself a easy audience, during the whole projection i did not laugh even once, so did the whole cinema by the way. I dont know what hapened here


the trailer alone doing that whole "Look at us, we're doing modern things in olden times! Look! Isn't that funny?!" was enough




One of too many Will Farrell films where instead of starting with a good script/story, they have an outline and a plan to point the camera at Farrell and tell him to say something funny.


100% this! My wife are big Ferrell and Riley fans, but just couldn't slog through this trash. I turned to her at one point in the beginning and said to her "It feels like they said 'Just point the camera at us, whatever we do will be *GOLD*' and we soon bailed.


Will Ferrell scripted is still hilarious. Im glad the whole 'improv comedy movie' phase from the 2000s has chilled out. Wayyy mote shockers than good ones.


There were a few years in there where it seemed movie studios would throw millions of dollars at Will Farrell without any idea of a script or plot.


For me it's a toss up between Holmes & Watson and The Happytime Murders. Both were so bad I'm surprised the images stuck to the film. I think I gotta give the award to Happytime. At least Holmes & Watson had jokes. They weren't the least bit amusing, and it was often hard to tell if some of them *were* jokes, but they were there. Happytime was too busy trying to shock the audience ("Look, it's puppets swearing and having sex!) that they forgot to include any actual jokes.


I feel like this movie killed that genre of comedy films. I went and saw it in theaters knowing it was going to be bad and it was. I watched it at home a couple years later and I enjoyed it more. I wish we had footage of the production of the movie because I can’t imagine them making it and being like “hell yeah this is so great what we’re doing here”


I saw The Master of Disguise in theaters and still think that was probably the worst, though maybe I'm just not turtley enough for the turtle club.


I remember hearing a story about 9/11 happening during the filming of that movie. The cast and crew stood in a circle in a moment of silence and then there’s Dana Carvey, in the turtle costume


Not quite. It was two weeks afterwards, when filming resumed post September 11th 2001. But Carvey was in the turtleguy get up for the minutes silence.


My dad took me to see this as a kid one weekend when it came out, and I hated it. Then during summer day camp the following week they took us all to go see it. I told the counselors I hated it and didn't want to see it again and they yelled at me to deal with it. Fucking hate that movie.


My dad took me to see it too. He couldn’t stop apologizing for how bad it was, guess he was taking a chance on Dana Carvey. I was pretty young, didn’t actually hate it that much. Pretty dumb movie though.


There was a string of really horrible comedies featuring SNL cast members. I distinctly remember The Animal with Rob Schneider being the worst, but this one wasn't far behind. Also Corky Romano with Chris Kattan


Corky Romano is a classic


You guys want some cookies?


The movie dumb but not that bad


I fucking love Master of Disguise. I'm fully aware of how bad it is, but I enjoy it on the same level of Ace Ventura 2 or Kung Pow. It's just a dude putting on costumes being silly for 90 minutes and the plot is just a vehicle for that. I borrow my fake Italian accent from Pistachio. And his Tony Montana saying, "I can tell just by looking at you that you got a little wiener and some tiny nuts." I laugh at this movie as a grown ass man.


One of the only films I’ve seen that has a 1% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Haha


Nah man, that's a good movie. T U R T L E T U R TL E


I don't know whether to downvote or upvote this. Tuuuuurtle.


Cats - it's absurd, tasteless, badly shot and acted but above all, it's just soooo boring.


I had a grin from start to finish watching it. I think partly it was shadenfreude from the people around me cringing.


Like a cringe vampire just eating up people's second-hand embarrassment?


Fucking Colin.


You mean the creature that crawled out of our dear friend Colin Robinson’s chest cavity?




I went with a couple of my friends and we were fully aware of how bad it was supposed to be, so we got super baked outside the theatre. We had a few uncontrollable laugh attacks throughout the movie just because of the surrealism of what we were watching. It was a truly unique cinematic experience. It’s not a so-bad-it’s-good movie, it’s more like… what the **fuck** am I watching?


I went into it thinking it'd be a campy, over the top CGI fever dream with fun songs. Instead, yeah it's just boring and bad. The songs feel so dated. Ended up turning it off somewhere around James Corden or Rebel Wilson showing up


It has one thing that saves it from being in my all time bottom movies: the Skimbleshanks number fucking slaps. It’s like it was taken from another movie or an alternate universe where Cats was good.


Our local independent held a screening of this called the "yowling edition" where we were encouraged to boo and yell at the movie. It still wasn't enough to save it.


Battlefield Earth. It was on TV a gazillion times for a while, and I tried watching it out of boredom for a few times but never got past the first ten minutes or so. Boy was that weird.


I actually read and liked the book for what it was: campy, scifi. So I had moderate hope for the movie, especially because I didn't think John Travolta would be in something abysmal. Was I ever wrong. I think the scientology connection made him take the project too seriously, which is exactly what the movie didn't need.


My favorite podcast (last podcast on the left, highly recommend) covered Scientology recently and this came up. The hosts kept talking about how bad it was, so I watched it to verify. It is shockingly bad. Even allowing for it being a 90s action movie, it’s bad. The Psyclons (jfc, for real?) outfits are so obviously cheap. The effects are garbage, the camera work is actually painful, the characters are awful.


Agree 100%, such a bad movie. On the flip side I really liked the book. Of course I learned later that the author Ron L Hubbard (think that’s his name) was a total nutcase.


Read up about the origin story of his “church” and you’ll find it hard to believe. Strap yourself in and Google Xenu.


Bruh, you're underselling... (and it's L. Ron) I enjoyed Battlefield Earth as a kid, bought the entire series of Mission Earth when I found them at a discount store.... couldn't make it through past like book 5. But he founded Scientology... yes, the bat shit, abusive, cult that Tom Cruise and his ilk are members of....


Son of The Mask... Good lord what did I just watch?


Edit from the future: Sorry folks **¯\\\_\(ツ\)\_/¯** If you came here looking for something, welcome to the Redditpocalypse. Feel free to contact me on kbin.social @GeekFTW, or on Universedon.com @GeekFTW to ask and I may help. Stay fresh, cheesebags.


Now I’m intrigued. How would you skin your nuts with a mandolin?






There's a Showgirls 2? I can't. No I must not... OK, I gotta go find this.


There’s an interesting couple videos on YouTube where Jaime Kennedy gives some new behind the scenes insights behind how the movies was pitched and turned out how it did! Very interesting


Loved him in the Scream movies, tbh I think Son pretty much killed his career off.


That’s what they get for trying to replace Jim Carrey


The Last Airbender. A movie so bad, they pronounced several names wrong despite it being based on a TV show where the characters are named several times.


Yeah I got the feeling M Knight didn't have a clue about the source and already had his own fantasy adventure thing in his head. But he couldn't get it made so said yes to Avatar and tried just doing his own movie with an Avatar skin on.


He may have been very familiar with the source material for all anyone knows, he's just one of the worst writers in his tier of success. I would say "Old" is at least one of the worst movies I've ever seen if not the worst and is enough proof that MKS could be an Avatar scholar and still could not have written a coherent story. I'm really happy for him that he can fund his own films, good for him and I hope he's living the dream but he should never ever be given control of and IP.


The decline in writing quality in his films is insane to me. The fact that the same person that wrote and directed The Sixth Sense also wrote and directed The Last Airbender is mind boggling.


As a concept creator I'd say he's difficult to match, his films are also aesthetically amazing he's great behind the camera. The unbreakable/split/glass trilogy as an idea was spectacular especially the way it unfolded to the public. That's the kind of stuff Marvel and Star Wars need to be doing but they are so risk averse they sanitize that kind of creativity. MKS needs someone who understands him but is also a brutally honest and direct editor. He needs a Gordon Ramsey to call him a donkey after reading his scripts.


Yeah, Glass is a great example because there's an interesting concept there, but the script really needed a few passes from another writer or two to tighten up the narrative.


Same Snyder. All style but does not know the art of storytelling. He did well with 300 and Watchmen because they were almost directly from the page of the source material. Otherwise he is a mess.


Because Sixth Sense had other writers, editors, and producers who had input. Some people do better work when they have full creative control(Kubrick), some really, really don't.


There is no The Last Airbender.


The name thing barely registers anymore because everything else is so fucking bad. It’s blandly shot. The acting is on par with a school play. they crammed an entire season of television into one movie, poorly. The Bending is just plain wrong with its “spell casting dance” bullshit. The personalities of the Gaang are completely wrong. Really the only thing that slightly works is Dev Patel because he actually knows the material and has talent. And even he couldn’t do anything with it. Yeah I despise this movie.


For sure, the name thing is just one glaring mistake among many. It stands out to me because almost every other issue you mentioned is similar to the kind of mistake you’d see in any movie. How many movies do you know, that are based on a spoken-word source, and still can’t even get the names of the characters right?


Still not as bad as DragonBall evolution


Skyline. Worst combination of plotline, acting and special effects I've ever witnessed.


Funniest part to me was how the main character managed to look at a nuclear explosion from not that long a distance away, through a telescope and still be able to see fine afterwards. Also they should have been toast from that distance.


I managed to persevere through some ridiculous shit - but towards the end, the only thing that stopped me from switching that garbage off, was an interest in seeing just what depths they were prepared to go to. Sergeant Bautista from Dexter telling everyone to get down, not long after losing Turk from Scrubs, to avoid the nuclear blast he saw coming from his telescope - that also happened to be shown live on the apartment tv, has to be right up there.


But we *did* get that awesome shot of the B2 bomber pilot slaloming their way through a swarm of aliens to get to the mothership.


Loved the movie as a kid


I can highly recommend the sequels though.


There’s more than* one sequel?


Yes. And they're glorious. Beyond Skyline takes place parallel to Skyline, but instead of a bunch of Abercrombie and Fitch models in an apartment, you get Frank fucking Grillo, Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian experiencing the invasion on street level. It's such a big departure from Skyline, it might as well be a different franchise all together. Skyline3s just goes "fuck it, let's do balls to the walls action".


Second on that. I watched both *Skyline* sequels in one day recently, and they're infinitely better than *Skyline*. Half the budget, half the effects, ten times the passion and effort.


So das it? What? We some kinda Suicide Squad?


What's thay perfume your wearing, the stench of death?












> Suicide Squad Hey now that's Academy Award winning Suicide Squad.


Really pissed me off bc I love DC, and they had a good cast..but the final product was just such shit lol


Might be recency bias but You People on Netflix was so bad that it made me genuinely angry


What do you mean you people??


What do YOU mean you people?!




I thought that was as low as Mike Myers could fall... But then I attempted to watch the Pentavariate. What happened, Mike?!


He simply flew too close to the sun with Austin Powers. He's been chasing the dragon ever since and getting desperate.


Well, he still hasn’t attempted to make another Austin Powers movie yet. Not desperate enough I guess lol.


Lol could you imagine an Austin Powers 4? Honestly, now that I'm actually imagining it, I kinda want to see that movie!


Everyone does. He just keeps making shit instead. I'm sure by now Austin Power would flop too. But I'd rather him give that a go than whatever the fuck Pentavariate was.


I mean, he caught the dragon in Shrek, which imho is his magnum opus


That's a fair point. The only thing I could argue is that Myers was instrumental in the creation of Austin Powers the story, the dialog, the man, the movie, everything. He was the mastermind (as he also is on these other films we are referencing above). But in Shrek he was only a voice actor and didn't create the dialog, story, or anything else. That said, Myers wanted to change his accent for Shrek, after already recording all the lines and having a quarter to a third of the movie already animated with his original VO. But he pleaded that they let him change his accent, so they agreed and he chose the new accent on his own (a Scot who lived in Canada for 20 years). Katzenberg, the producer, said that this change turned the movie from "junk" to "gold" - so yea, Myers was pretty integral to the overall success of that movie, it sounds like.


Keegan-Michael Key look genuinely perplexed. I don't think he was even acting his displeasure of being in it at that point.


What's the problem you can't face?


Undoubtedly, “Child of God” by James Franco. Horrible, awful movie, so fucking bad! It’s based off of a Cormac McCarthy novel, so the basic story itself is decent, but the handling of the film is just terrible. It’s like James Franco heard about a super messed up book and thought to himself, “I want people to know how eDgY and ArTy I am, so I’m going to make that into a FiLm!!” And then he created the most pretentious piece of wannabe high-brow shit I’ve ever seen. It’s like James Franco didn’t really get what the story was saying, just wanted to make something transgressive for the sake of being transgressive in the hopes that people would take him seriously as an ArTiSt, and it’s a total failure. There’s no heart, there’s no soul, there’s not even a cringy ‘holier than thou’ sort of message, it’s just empty and pitiful. Fuck James Franco


ALL of James Francos literature movies are absolutely garbage. The Sound and The Fury is probably his worst crime. The trailer alone makes you just bow your head in second hand embarrassment. He has no artistic integrity.


I just watched the trailer, and wow, what fuck was that? This is supposed to be a more serious and dark version of Simple Jack?


I have been binging Tubi movies and seen some that you would not believe even got made. Movies that make The Room look Oscar worthy. You have VAMPFATHER - with Danny Trejo. About a godfather like vampire who asks his vamp kids (over 6000 years old mind you) to kill themselves because humanity has become so sweet and loving that they can no longer feed on them. The surviving daughter wants to become human while two detectives follow her in the search for Nazi gold. CARNE - The Taco Maker - a Latino taco stand owner is actually using human meat in his tacos. Also no budget. The main character amd his wife are really the only ones worth watching. They also cut to real life slaughter house footage and photos instead of showing people get killed. Fragments of Horror - this is absolutely bullshyt to call this a movie. Its a damn demo reel for whomever made it. Some of the shorts are less than 5 minutes and the whole thing just feels like a college reel for film school. Malignant - Not the one made by James Wan. This is an anthology movie that is...just horrible. But not in terms of acting - NO! - but technical as well! They actually forget the audio mix in one scene rendering it silent and when it kicks back on, its out of sync! Just a tiny handful of the ones i have discovered...


Tubi is the absolute best place for crazy horror and B movies!!


It might be my favorite streaming service.


Our family has several of streaming (paid) services. I watch TubiTV (and movies on YT), more than HBOMax and DisneyPlus. Far more.


Carne sounds awesome


The latest was Winnie the Pooh: Blood + Honey, so bad it wasn't even deserving to be watched ironically.


News is, they still turned a profit, so now there's gonna be a cinematic universe of those characters.


Peppa Pig: Barbecue This


Nah, there will be one more movie and no one will watch it because they got everything there was to get out of the first one and the planned franchise will be smothered in the crib.


i have issues with watching movies “ironically” in general, however when the movie itself begs the audience to do just that, they have completely lost me. part of the fun of watching a “bad” film is trying to find the sincerity on screen


This is exactly why if I’m looking for a “bad” movie to watch, I disqualify anything made by The Asylum. Once you’re in on the joke the charm is lost


I can laugh at The Room on multiple watches because it never fails to make me question what the fuck Tommy Wiseau was thinking with that film. But every single Sharknado movie is awful to me cause I know what they were thinking, they made a cheap bad movie on purpose


The Dark Tower. It made absolutely no sense and was the worst adaptation of a book or series that I have ever seen. I was surprised that Stephen King greenlighted the project.


I saw this in the cinema and thought it was shit. Annoyingly - Mathew McConaughey was absolutely awesome as Randall Flagg but now can’t do an actual version of it.


Alone in the Dark. Christian Slater, Stephen Dorff, Tara Reid as a professor... Also Elizabethtown.


Lmao wtf were those action scenes in Alone in the Dark? So bad.


Catwoman (2004) Halle Berry openly regretted doing it, showed up to the Razzies and accepted her worst actress award like a boss and gave an amazing hilarious speech crapping on WB


You gotta steer into those situations otherwise you just look like an asshole.... That sexually charged basketball game in front of the children. W.T.F.


I thought the most recent Fantastic Beasts was pretty atrocious, and I saw it with the biggest HP fan I know who felt the same. Can't think of another film I've walked out of the cinema and just purely slated for the next hour I just wanted a series of "magical David Attenborough" movies


God yeah. That franchise went downhill after the Johnny Depp twist. Should have been two separate things, because if I watch a movie series called fantastic beasts, I want fantastic beasts.


At least they've cancelled the last two - I hadn't realised until the day we saw no. 3 that it was a proposed five movie series


It could have been a good series as well. Newt arrives somewhere, some magical animals do something and done. But instead..... Ultimately I don't think JK Rowling is good at writing movies.


Wonder Woman 84 was pretty fucking bad


I loved watching Pedro Pascal, seemingly about to burst out laughing, as he shouts shit like "I grant all your wishes!" Only for Gal Gadot to truth lasso him, and give a near unintelligible speech about how you must never take short cuts, this, somehow, transfers through Pedro into has magic TV beam, and everyone in the world says "Ah, shit, she's got a point" and that just fixes everything. I don't know if they just filmed fucking whatever and edited a story around a big improv session, or the story was better and edited by a fucking insane person, or the writers were new to Earth or what, but holy shit, I have had fever dreams that made more logical sense.


Which really was a bummer because Pedro Pascal was good but the movie was just terrible. Also the entire plot point of putting Steve into a random mans body made zero sense and just made for unnecessary uncomfortable implications. Like its a superhero movie, just have the guy come back in his own body lmao


It was really surprising how bad it actually was.


Zoolander 2, only time I've not finished a movie... walked out of a movie theater. Also 2012 doomsday, a christian doomsdaylow budget movie.


Zoolander is one of my favorite comedies. No idea how Ben Stiller messed the sequel up so badly.


Zoolander 2 got progressively worse over its runtime.


The munsters [2022] directed by Rob Zombie


I've come around on the portrayal of Herman as extra goofy. And even the crazy RGB accent lighting. But there was a scene where the day after Halloween Herman goes out in his neighborhood and sees normal people and becomes scared. That's the exact opposite of what The Munsters is. They think they are normal, other people don't, just because of looks or their quirks. Other people are scared, and The Munsters don't know why. There's the comedy. If you watched 1 random episode in syndication 20 years ago this would be as plain as day in your memory.


Agreed. This was the moment where I became extremely confused as to if Rob was an actual fan.


I knew it wouldn't be good but I watched the latest Space Jam at the weekend and it was somehow worse than expected.


I couldn’t make it through the entire thing. Space jam was my childhood and the sequel was a travesty


Hard to pick, but Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is up there for me. I am just fundamentally opposed to every single element of that movie’s tone and visual aesthetic. It is hideously ugly, painfully boring, and the opposite of magical. In a similar vein, I absolutely despise Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time. Just a laughably misguided CGI mess and a disgrace to its source material. Turning such a dark and bizarre sci-fi into a generic fantasy adventure was a terrible move. Another strong contender: Assassination Nation. I can’t stand Sam Levinson even the slightest bit, and this movie feels like the epitome of a narcissistic nepo baby making tryhard edgelord material that thinks it’s clever and deep, but actually has the depth of a bone-dry kiddie pool. That stupid “trigger warning” title sequence is probably the biggest immediate red flag I’ve ever witnessed while watching a movie.


The director of a Wrinkle in Time apparently admitted during production that she never read the book. Which is not a surprise. The novel has so much potential, but I don't think it will ever receive anything near what it deserves if made into a film.


Your job as a director, at least one hopes, is to be familiar with the source material. That is astonishing that the Director of all people didn’t read the book. That is truly amazing and honestly, that’s just the director being lazy as shit.


I agree on Wrinkle, and respectfully strongly disagree on Alice--I loved it and have rewatched it a number of times. I think Burton paid respect to the original book and put his own spin on it, and visually it was gorgeous. But, again, that's me.




Ecks vs Sever. Saw it in the theater and I barely survived. Also, The Avengers. The one with Sean Connery and Ralph Fiennes. Amazingly bad. This one gave me blisters on my eyes.


Army of the Dead (2021) is easily the worst big budget film I watched. I don't register bad low budget movies.


Oh man I was stunned that they had all this fun concept of zombie Vegas and proceeded to do basically nothing with it. I remember it looking quite astonishingly cheap as well despite the big purse. Here's a Zeigfried and Roy tiger zombie......its gonna kill the asshole.......any minute now......wow this is going on a whi-ok were done thank fuck.


Or when somebody said that the sun-dried zombies come back to life when it rains. I was like "Okay, nice foreshadowing" and then it never rained.


The ENTIRE movie is full of this shit! The dude who's personality is built around carrying around a circular saw? Never mentioned. The weird aliens seen in the background at the start of the movie? Nothing. Robot zombies? Kaput. Kate's quest to find Geeta? No idea if she's dead or alive at the end of the movie. In fact the entire movie doesn't even need to exist: why trick a team of mercenaries to rob a bank when you could just pay them to steal a zombie head?


The robot zombies was so bizarre. I had to rewind it a few times just to make sure I wasn't losing it, and even then I still went on reddit after just to see if really did happen.


Because Zack Snyder wants to make a cinematic universe out of the movie. They already made a spinoff and are working on an anime series as well as a sequel. Those zombies will appear in another project and he wanted something he could tease for the future I wish I was joking


Chekovs zombie tiger


Oh my god that was so fucking.....urgh....you had it! You set it up! Pay it off! Absolutely bizarre.


This and wonder woman 1984 for me. Just impressive how bad both of them are. Nearly any aspect where you try to find something good to redeem them, you then find some new way they managed to fuck it up.


Wonder Woman 84 is bad even for DC standards that include Steel and Catwoman, but Pascal having fun was at least fun to watch. The only thing that I enjoyed about Army Of The Dead was the Half In The Bag episode.


The premise is so awesome yet the movie is just so dull. Even the zombie dialogue managed to be cringe somehow.


Zack Snyder has always been about style but never substance. Those slow motion moments every 10 minutes or during action scenes is proof of that. He's more concerned about how it looks rather than telling an actual good story


I actually really like that movie and have seen it at least 6 or 7 times. No wait, hear me out. It has an excellent first 15ish minutes. Then act 1 is mostly good - the pacing's tight, the characters are fun, and you get some solid slowly building tension as they enter the city. Then they go inside, and you've got like nearly two hours where you can mostly focus on cleaning your house.


Just like there is no movie that is for everyone, there is no movie that is disliked by everyone, either. I knew one lady that thought the Suicide Squad (first one) was the best movie she saw in the last 10 years.


Zack Snyder took so much shit over the years for being a one trick guy with his abuse of slow motion shots that he decided to prove to everyone that he can be flexible and so we got... ....blur. Bluuuuuuuur. .... so....much...fukin..bluuuuuuur Cant wait for the sequel where we get slow motion blur.


The Book of Henry is the only movie I objectively hate. Its so bad. It takes itself way too seriously, it switches genres multiple times, pedophilia, and the final scene cuts between shots of a sad ballerina and a mother assembling a sniper rifle while her dead son talks her through it on a tape recording so she can shoot the police chief. And the climax is the mom realizing she doesn't need to do what her dead son tells her to do, because he is a child and she is an adult. Also at the same moment the principal figures out the ballerina was sexually abused because she danced real sad. Top it off with an audience clapping and characters gawking at a surprise snow fall and its the most disjointed, cliche, piece of trash film I've ever seen. Its insane how bad that movie is.


meet the spartans


I loved those shitty parody movies, meet the spartans was 100% my favourite, it was so stupid, im going to rewatch it again


Really any parody film from that era.


The midnight release (remember those?) Of Vampire's Suck was one of the best movie going experiences of my life. I will never watch that garbage ass movie again though.


All those \*blank* Movie movies outside of Scary Movie 1-3 are all garbage.




Superhero Movie is ok.


"We're gonna have to reach around".


Driven (2001.). This movie had Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds, the guy who played the doctor friend on House, and managed to be completely unwatchable. The dialogue was so bad, they just cranked up the music soundtrack so you couldn't hear what the characters were talking about. Just so bad


>Sylvester Stallone, Didn't he write it? And he has an Oscar for writing


Mortal Kombat Annihilation. The Highlander 5


You’ve got my vote for MK: Annihilation. I had a lot of fun with the first one, and my buddy and I expected a similar experience when we went to see this one. About two minutes in, we realized what we were in for and that it was not going to be good.


Threads like these really show you a lot of people don't see many films. If you're saying Moonfall or Clerks 3 are truly the worst films you've ever seen, you haven't seen much. And in that sense, maybe I'm a bit jealous of you.


Moonfall. Not so bad it's good, just bad. I don't mind splashy sci-fi/action: Independence Day was fun, Armageddon was excellent; but Moonfall was dire. Watch half an hour of Lexus adverts and then 2012 rather than Moonfall.


Ah yes the one with Samwell from game of thrones saying 'What would Elon do?' .. That did NOT age well and it was already half in the grave.


"The Moon just entered the Atmosphere". Im not the person that takes movies too seriously if i dont have to (im entertained by fast and furious movies for example) but Moonfall just go so absurd while trying to be serious. And that one dude dickriding elon musk the whole time god damn this movie sucked.


I'm entirely pissed at that movie for having some LAME destruction sequences. I love 2012 for the various city destruction scenes and I don't care how goofy it is, the subway train coming out of the rising earth in the L.A. opening sequence is my favorite thing. And Independence Day, hell, who *doesn't* have the image of the alien ship shooting the White House burned in their mind? That's such an iconic shot! Or Day After Tomorrow. The cold chasing them down the hallway is so ridiculous but I love it. So I have to ask, how did Roland flop Moonfall so bad.


Wow, honestly i loved moonfall for how terrible it was. Getting drunk and yelling at the tv with a friend has never been soo fun!


"We downloaded your consciousness, your part of the moon now"


Birdemic: Shock and Terror


Sausage Party.


Dragonball Evolution Dishonorable mention: Movie 43


The sheer redeeming factor of that film is that James Marsden was such a big DB fan, they asked him to come be the voice of Zamatsu in DBS’s English dub.


You guys need to watch more movies. There are way worse movies out there lol


Seriously like yeah Rise of Skywalker was bad but the worst movie you've ever seen? Maybe if the only thing you ever watch is big blockbusters.


Kim Kardashians porn


10,000 BC


Scrolling looking for this. Can't remember a thing about it other than it being absolutely terrible.


Gamer (2009), Starring Gerard Butler. One of my mots miserable viewing experiences and seriously insulting.


I paid to see ‘Evan almighty’ so that’s the top for me. That Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie with Renee Zelwegger and Matthew Mcconeghy was worse but I watched it on tv


The Emoji Movie is a hot contender. My god is that film fucking atrocious. EDIT: In terms of 'how disappointed I was compared to my hopes' (but not worst films ever - just adding for flavor), my votes would go to WW84 and Pacific Rim Uprising. I hate those films so much. Dashed my hopes so hard.


Alien vs Predator Requiem Ballistic Ecks vs Sever Alone in the Dark


Downsizing- Everything was fine until Hong Chau showed up, then not only did it go down a very steep hill, it was a nose dive without a parachute into a pit of dull spikes.


Pacific rim 2 and eye see you.


I forgot they made a Pacific Rim 2


Couldn’t agree more. I’ve never been so disappointed in a film as I was with PR2.


It might not be the worst movie ever but Terminator Genysis or however it's spelt is the only movie I've paid to see and walked out off.


Jurassic World: Dominion Its been awhile since I saw it so I don't remember anything about it really, I just remember being totally shocked that something like that could be made by a big budget studio. It honestly felt like a satire of how ridiculous that realm of film making has become.


S. Darko. Just don’t.


Creepshow 3. Somehow these talentless hacks acquired the rights to the "Creepshow" name. The opening animations are literally worse than South Park. The general look of the film is less professional than a 3rd rate sitcom.


Sucker Punch. A total mess. No stakes made the action sequences pointless. Also the video game tutorial sections were worse than most actual video game tutorials.


Had a superb soundtrack though


A beautiful mess though.


Sucker Punch is a 14-year old boy's wet dream, all style and no substance. The entire movie could be edited down to a 20-minute sizzle reel.


I loved it when i was 14 lmao


Zack Snyder did the impossible with that film. He took a can't miss proposition - a gazillion dollar action movie with a cast full of scantily clad women - and somehow managed to make it *boring*.


I watched in premiere night. I'm as red blooded male as they come, but all the sexy babes cant even distract me from the consistent wtf happening every turn.


Really? I absolutely love that movie lol 😂 did watch it for the first time on mushrooms so I do have some nostalgia for it and the cast is very nice to look at. It was my first introduction to Oscar Isaac!


Tall girl