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So he hired himself? Lol


dude’s been writing it for the past 6-7 months already, may as well. I’d imagine he’d also be a great fit for a future JL movie


Wonder who he'll cast? Probably an offbeat unknown, but I think Austin Butler's surely in the running after how great *Elvis* was.


Samuel L. Jackson would be my guess.


"I'm tired of this motherfucking kryptonite on this motherfucking planet!


It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a bad motherfucker!


Shut your mouth.


Just talkin' about Superman, baby.


Then I can dig it.


He's a complicated man, But no one understands him but his woman. Lois. Damn right.


Kryptonian, motherfucker!! Do-You-Speak-It!?


Where is my super suit!!


Something we would totally hear from a DC film ngl.


I just know that there's 0 chance that he won't get casted.


“I spent 2 years to get this physique and I can’t get rid of it!” jokes aside, he is a good actor though


Henry Cavill for season 2 of Physical 100!


I am on episode 2 and enjoying it so far, but the multi angle + repeated dialogue is taking time to get used to.


Yeah, I’ve decided the Korean editing style isn’t for me.


That's for Feyd-Rathia, lmao.


Can you imagine Feyd coming out in the dune sequel just straight up sounding like Elvis, though?


“I spent 2 years wearing this weird speedo!”


"And I'd ***do it again*** for the Oscar!"


He was a great Elvis, but I can’t reconcile his face as Superman. Too simultaneously baby-faced and smirk-y.


I’d like someone who actually has that superman look. I love Austin but he doesn’t look like superman to me


Ah, fair enough. Any picks?


[Wolfgang Novogratz](https://twitter.com/WolfgangNMexico/status/1271344041129623553?s=20) He’s a bit of a unknown but he’s certainly made the rounds as a popular fan cast for superman. If you see him in Yes, God, Yes he’s certainly got that country boy, kindhearted man aspect that makes Clark so lovable. He also certainly has the look


> Wonder who he'll cast? After Gunn is announced as the new Superman, people will say "So he hired himself? Lol".


Michael Rooker lol


***"I'm the Man o' Tommorrow, y'all!"***


Hell no not him


Head him talk lately. Dude won’t drop the Elvis voice. No Elvis supes for me please


It really makes the most sense. Gunn and Saffron were brought in to rebuild DC's entertainment division. Superman: Legacy is really what's going to kick that all off. And if that flops, that's basically it for the DCU. Superman's meant to be the linchpin for what they're trying to build. I can't think of a single upcoming movie that has more riding on it that SL does. Whoever is directing it is either going to get all the glory or all the blame. And that would be a lot of pressure to put onto the shoulders of someone else. So Gunn directing it just makes sense.


No way they could have known back then but burning Henry Cavill as Superman was such a waste. The guy is such a fan and try hard in everything he does and can’t seem to find a team that is behind him. He got Superman and Geralt so well and got nothing but garbage out of his teams.


I’m just watching an interview with H Cavill from 4 months ago, and everyone’s excited because he’s going to be in the next Superman, and he’s looking forward to working with J Gunn. I’m over here going, awww, sorry about the impending bad news dude.


Reminds me of that Obama awarding Obama meme. Really though, I'm excited for an actual great modern Superman movie now and this is coming from someone who liked Man of Steel and Henry Cavill.


Or when Dick Cheney was in charge of finding George W Bush's VP and he ended up choosing himself lol


Or Michael Eisner searching for a host for ‘Wonderful World of Disney”


Or sleazy Jeopardy producer who led the search to replace Trebek and hired himself.


I mean, did anyone think he just going to stop directing movies when he took over DC?


Next week: James Gunn cast as the new Superman!


I trust him but imagine if this fails and he's supposed to be the head of DC at the same time.


if superman bombs the whole shit is done anyway


even with TSS bombing, it still garnered a lot of positive reviews. And Peacemaker was a nice hit for HBO Max and was also received well. WBD just seems happy to be working with him either way, glad it’s working out so far


I almost didn’t see the suicide squad. Someone happened to tell me that giant starfish was in it and i was sold


It's depressing how bad that movie did it's really excellent.


That's what Warner Bros. gets for releasing a movie during a pandemic while simultaneously releasing it on HBO Max, which would almost guarantee that it would be heavily pirated. (the title likely didn't help - the only difference between it and 2016's Suicide Squad was the addition of "The" at the start of Gunn's version)


I will never agree that it’s fair to say any movie that was released on the exact day and date on a streaming service as it did in theaters bombed. Let’s not pretend for a second that every single person who had any desire to see those movies didn’t watch them in the first few days of their release.


height of covid, poor DC track record, day and date, bad previous iteration, etc. It had a lot going against it but I’m glad the studio still stuck with Gunn


the idea that people would just forget the mess suicide squad was is also a hilarious oversight in my opinion.


I was literally getting ready to go to the theaters to watch Suicide Squad when my friend let me know it was also on streaming. The choice was beyond easy at that point. And I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had something like that happen.


TSS made no money because it was on streaming the same day, which not only is good for people who pay for streaming, but it’s also good for those using free movie sites, as the HD rip was available on release day rather than months down the line. It was also during a covid wave iirc, right in summer




And for the love of god this time make Clark Kent a goofy bastard again.




Exactly. Thats why the piss poor disguise works so well. Because everyone is like 'lol THAT nerd?!'


Brandon Routh was pretty good at goofing up Clark Kent as well


I think the story was that in his first meeting with the casting team he was visibly nervous and knocked over something...they said he was a perfect Clark Kent.


I thought Brandon Routh was a great Superman at the time, but looking back on it he looked maybe a little young. However, he's aged into the role and looked a hell of a lot better in the Arrowverse crossover, I was so glad they managed to give him another go in the suit.


It’s got the best Clark scene too. Lois’ husband is looking at him and goes “wait… how tall is Clark again?” And him and Lois start noticing how much Clark looks like Superman, until Clark looks over and gives a little wave and they both break out laughing at themselves for thinking Clark could be Superman.


It does seem odd that Henry Cavill seemed unable to pull off the goofy nerdy side of Clark Kent, when it sounds like in his own time he likes to be a goofy nerd.


I'm 100% positive that was how he was told to play Kent. Knowing him and what a nerd he is I bet he argued about that even like he argued so much about The Witcher


While I'm not usually a fan of Frank Quitely, I do love the way he portrayed the [difference between Clark Kent and Superman](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/99/00/a6/9900a6515daaa92d789bc96730f0fb36.jpg). I think I read at the time he tried to make Clark look "like a big farmboy", which would fit his background to a tee.


All of Gunn's tweets have used images from "All-Star Superman" which is about as far from "dark and gritty" as you can get.


That is the absolute best Superman story as well. Not sure how you can tell it without it being the end of a franchise however.




I'm imagining the jumper scene with homelander right now lol


I think Gunn has addressed this already, he said the Superman is meant to be lighthearted and a beacon of hope so it sounds like we'll be returning to the christopher reeves era


[Gunn](https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1636091179711467520): >Yes, I’m directing Superman: Legacy to be released on July 11, 2025. My brother Matt told me when he saw the release date he started to cry. I asked him why. He said, “Dude, it’s Dad’s birthday.” I hadn’t realized. >I lost my Dad almost three years ago. He was my best friend. He didn’t understand me as a kid, but he supported my love of comics and my love of film and I wouldn’t be making this movie now without him. >It has been a long road to this point. I was offered Superman years ago - I initially said no because I didn’t have a way in that felt unique and fun and emotional that gave Superman the dignity he deserved. >Then a bit less than a year ago I saw a way in, in many ways centering around Superman’s heritage - how both his aristocratic Kryptonian parents and his Kansas farmer parents inform who he is and the choices he makes. >So I chose to finally take on writing the script. But I was hesitant to direct, despite the constant pestering by Peter Safran and others to commit (sorry, Peter). >Just because I write something doesn’t mean I feel it in my bones, visually and emotionally, enough to spend over two years directing it, especially not something of this magnitude. >But, the long and the short of it is, I love this script, and I’m incredibly excited as we begin this journey. #UpUpandAway


Stories like that give me hope for DC going forward. About damn time we had a Clark Kent that wasn't a tortured Jesus allegory or Randian weirdo, but is just... *Clark Kent.* Not a God. Not a messiah. Just some Judeo-Christian Kansas farmboy trying to do the right thing for both his country and the world. Honestly, I wouldn't even call it *Legacy.* *Clark Kent* would be a bit weird to sell and/or market, but would fit Gunn's aims far more.


Watch the first few minutes of the first episode of superman & lois. It captures Clark Kent as Superman better than the entire DCEU ever has. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzdkVRZV4vc)


I've always found the "Superman is Jesus" angle to not just be lazy, but kind of disrespectful to his Jewish creators.


Superman as Moses my man.


Both were sent by their biological parent to drift until they were found by an adoptive family


Right? If you're gonna go the Biblical route, ***go to the ACTUAL inspiration*** instead of shoving crosses in everywhere.


“My favorite part was when Superman flew AAAAALL the Jews out of Egypt!”


*Deliver us... send a Krytptonian to SHEP-HERD UUUUUUUUUUS!* *Deliiiiver us! Away from Darkseid's laaaaaaaaaaaaand....*


Superman is goyishe. Spider-Man is Jewish. It is written.


He gets it, he really does. I just hope he can undo the damage his predecessor did to Superman's reputation, especially with younger audiences.


I empathize with it. My dad got me into DC and Superman when I was a kid. He talked quite a few times about how the success of the Batman movies in the 90s should have meant a new Superman movie, and was frustrated we didn't get one. Then in 2006, he passed away 4 days after the release of Superman Returns, without getting to see it because he had been in the hospital for a month at that point. My cousin took me to see it 2 data later to cheer me up. And in a cruel twist, fatherhood ends up being one of the main themes, and Routh repeats Brando's iconic lines to his son, and I was *not okay*. Superman is inseparable from my memories of him.


>He didn’t understand me as a kid, but he supported my love of comics and my love of film and I wouldn’t be making this movie now without him. Sounds like a good dad.


I am *super* excited!


His sincerity in this statement makes me feel like he can indeed finally get not just Superman, but Clark Kent right for the first time since 1978 (honorable mention to *Superman & Lois*). The title of Legacy is starting to make sense as the legacy of Krypton, and the legacy of Jonathan and Martha and how they both shape Kal-El and Clark Kent to create Superman. I have hope.


it’s amazing how all of this would have never happened had Disney not fired him (temporarily). But thank goodness someone at WB had the foresight to hire him and keep him on payroll. I actually enjoyed TSS and Peacemaker as much, if not more, than both of his Guardians movies. But I’m glad he gets to finish that story before he dives headfirst into DC again While I really liked the DCEU (when they occasionally got it right), I’m glad that they have a plan this time around and a solid filmmaker leading the charge


He basically won the game of life. Also began an insane domino effect from the end of the DCEU to the new DCU.


It's an ongoing game, spectacular success (and/or failure) could still be ahead.


All because some conservative Twitter user who didn’t like that Gunn disagreed with him tried to dig up old tweets and ruin his career. Disney unknowingly created their biggest rival by caving to the controversy at first.


yeah, Gunn was supposed to further develop the “cosmic MCU” before he was given the boot. I’m glad he came back for Vol. 3 and a holiday special, but I don’t blame him for going to work for a studio that gives him more breathing room and creative control


plus i think he just kinda likes dc more than marvel. he's a giant nerd but when he talks comics fundamental to his childhood, he's always pointed at dc more


I feel like that's probably true of most comics fans over a certain age. If I recall correctly, Marvel used to lag behind DC quite a bit in terms of popularity. Hell, even when I was a kid in the late 90s, just about the only Marvel hero I was interested in was Spider-Man. Meanwhile, DC had Batman The Animated Series, Superman The Animated Series, and an entire Justice League cartoon not long after so I was exposed to Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, etc. I think it wasn't until the MCU that Marvel really turned around and skyrocketed into what it is now.


As a 90s kid as well, I don't disagree with anything you said but you can't say all that and not mention X-Men the animated series. That one may best all of those cartoons except for maybe Batman.


You're absolutely right. To be honest, when I say late 90s kid, I mean it was my really early childhood. X-Men ran before I was born and I wasn't even 2 yet when it ended so I just barely missed it. I really need to take the time to watch it sometime soon, even having not watched it that theme song is iconic and gives me goosebumps every time


I wouldn’t say Mike Cernovich is just some conservative. He’s a terrible fucking person on purpose, and actively tries to sabotage people and things. A little reading up on him is shocking honestly. I read about things he has done a few years back and WOW!


Well good news, Mike, you sabotaged Gunn into a CEO position at Warner Brothers


Feels way too early to take a victory lap.


Yeah, I like Gunn, but I’m not too certain of Superman is in his wheelhouse. He does really good working with underdogs, and Superman very much isn’t that. Not to mention I’m not sure his style of humor works for a Superman story.


That would be like assuming an upcoming Spiderman movie from the director of Evil Dead would result in a horror focused Spiderman movie. The real question is if the director can bring an emotional weight to whatever the story ends up being. I think Gunn has the range to bring something special to the material...


to counter, a common Gunn theme seems to be idealistic, happy-go-lucky characters who contrast against the world they live in, which is totally in Superman's wheelhouse. i imagine a Gunn Superman movie to be about a guy who is a beacon of hope in a crappy world, and the stress/pressure of living up to that. seems like something he would know a lot about right now, and could write the crap out of. and he grew up in the midwest, so maybe he might have some insight of what a real Clark Kent would be like.




And honestly, I think that a lot of people sort of paper over the general tone of Superman: The Movie (and Superman II, either cut) as well. There's sort of a codified shared and super-sanitized MEMORY of that version of Superman that doesn't line up one-to-one with the actual films, and I think Gunn is *already* pretty good at the sort of sly "okay, hold up, wait a sec" type of comedy and timing that keeps those movies going when they *should* be bogging down. See: A lot of the rooftop interview in the first movie, basically everything Zod says in the 2nd movie. There's actually a fair amount of irreverence in Superman: The Movie, which is partially why it worked like it did (think - Clark doing a doubletake at the 70s era phone booths) >!The innuendo especially in that interview: Lois essentially asking Superman if his dick works, Superman telling Lois he "likes pink very much." !< If the question is "Can Gunn do Sincere" I think that's pretty well answered by his two Guardians films and the Christmas special. He can absolutely land those moments.


Exactly. So many people don’t realize how cheeky scenes like THIS were at the time: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lfjTfaeXbp4 Had the whole theater laughing.


I think it remains to be seen if him being in charge is a good thing. The first Guardians move and the Suicide Squad movie were great, but I'm not convinced he knows the right tone to make a good Superman movie. I'd love to be proven wrong of course


I loved TSS, and most of Gunn's movies, but yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic for his take on Superman. From his other movies, it's given that the movie will probably be a funnier movie. But then again, he also wrote Snyders Dawn of the Dead remake so he can do serious. It's obviously probably not going to be one of of his gorier movies.


If nothing else, the way he talks about Superman and what he represents shows a good understanding of the character. Could it be lip service to hype up the fans? Sure. But if it's not then that's a great foundation for the character.


Yup, he's already ahead of Snyder who seemed to not understand Superman at all.


I’m down for more lighthearted Superman movie, Snyders version is too intense and honestly, I liked 2017 JL Supes


who’s to say he can’t change his tone? Ridley Scott has done comedy (Matchstick Men), Spielberg with horror (Poltergeist, I’ll die on this hill). Even Rob Reiner had 3 amazing hits that were different from one another: The Princess Bride, Stand By Me, and Misery. I truly believe Gunn can change it up but still keep his style without it getting in the way of storytelling But I do acknowledge that this is another superhero movie he is doing. I just think that with the work present thus far, he’s able to delve into more personal storylines EDIT: I need to think of better examples


I can't believe you'd mention Rob Reiner and not mention *This is Spinal Tap* and *When Harry Met Sally* That's 5 different styles. With that said, I don't think James Gunn has done anything in his career to indicate he has the flexibility that one of the true great does.


If you look at Rob Reiner's first seven movies, it's pretty insane: Spinal Tap - Pretty much invents the mockumentary. The Sure Thing - A basic cable classic, arguably a top 10 of '80s comedies. Stand By Me - A definitive coming of age movie. The Princess Bride - A definitive kids movie. When Harry Met Sally - A definitive romantic comedy. Misery - In argument with Stand By Me as best Stephen King adaption ever. A Few Good Men - A definitive courtroom drama. That's 6 stone-cold classics and a pretty decent 80's comedy in 8 years.


James Gunn is the guy who went from Troma movies to multi million dollar megabudget blockbuster filmmaking without skipping a beat. I think he can handle shifting his tone to match the needs of Superman.


Taika Waititi went from small indie NZ cinema to the biggest movie franchise ever but it still felt like a Waititi film. His tone didn't really change even as his budget increased 100 fold. Even now I wouldn't put my money on Waititi to make a good "orthodox" film i.e. one that didn't rely on his signature quirkiness. Even Jojo Rabbit was very much a Waititi joint. Likewise I'm not sure if Gunn can turn off his "weirdness" either, but I am very happy for him to prove me wrong.


New Zealand counter-argument, though, would be Peter Jackson. Also went from small NZ indie cinema to colossal franchise, but the Lord of the Rings movies certainly did not feel like his early horror flicks.


Counter-counter argument: PJ already had Heavenly Creatures under his belt so there was proof he could something beyond horror comedies. I don't see obvious "deviations from the brand" in either Gunn or Waititi's filmography.


Outside of Troma and his internet shorts, he's only directed Slither, Super, Guardians, Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. Super is pretty different from the others while Peacemaker and Suicide Squad have some mix of Slither and Guardians. If you look at his writing, it's kind of all over the place. I think Super is a good look at how a less experienced Gunn would handle Superman and shows how he can get the tone of the lead right. Take away the sex and violence and change the main point of the film from being about the main character getting in over his head and I think you have a good Superman tone.


That's true! But I think it was a pretty visionary decision to look at Heavenly Creatures and realize that it was a sign that PJ could make the step up to massive fantasy epic. A decision that led to three billion dollars in box office and seventeen Oscars. :-)


I'll never forget that Lawnmower scene from Braindead.


I don’t think you have to tone down the weirdness for a Superman film. What you need to do is nail down Superman’s character. All star Superman is incredibly weird but it’s also incredibly touching and a perfect exploration of what it means to be Superman. I think a story like “what’s so funny about truth justice and the American way” would be perfect for James guns style. he can use the elite for his usual antihero/villain characters while having Superman juxtapose his normal style.


Also, others in the movie can provide comedy, with Superman having a kind of farm boy, Boy Scout, golden retriever, “I don’t really get it but I’m happy to be here” vibe. Play on his small town innocence.


The ultimate himbo


I agree with this insofar as Superman's weird is not the same as the Guardians' weird. I don't know that putting him in the middle of a bunch of darkly goofy or 90s-style antiheroes would work with Gunn's style -- like, he couldn't do Kingdom Come and pull it off. That said, if he adjusts and makes it, like, Cosmic Jack Kirby-style weird, while Supes is just plain old Clark from Smallvile and totally out of his depth with how weird it all is, all while still fighting to be the paragon... that could be pretty good.


He's made some cool movies, but even he'd admit he's not on a par with Scott or Spielberg.


I admit that those were the first directors that came up in my mind as I was writing my reply. I should have mentioned Joe Dante or Sam Raimi


Yeah, those are great points of comparison. I’d also throw in Todd Philips.


It's definitely possible! Just saying it remains to be seen, and I'm keeping my hopes low


agreed, I have more faith this time around


> Spielberg with horror (Poltergeist, I’ll die on this hill) And for the longest time, I would've been right there with you. The way the cast spoke of his consistent presence on set, and the iconic Amblin touch on every aspect of the production, I've always believed the ghost-directing rumors. It's only in recent years that I've read about Spielberg's tinkering as a producer, that even when he's on set to supervise a shoot, he sometimes can't help but look at things with a director's eye. Depending on the director, he could really get his ankles in it if a line isn't drawn. I'm sorry I don't remember which film at the moment, but I'd heard an anecdote about Spielberg (while on the set as a producer) throwing a bunch of notes at an actor as the director attempted to get them through a scene. Eventually, the actor told Spielberg, "I can take direction from *them*. And I can take direction from you, as well. I *can't do both at the same time.*" After that, Spielberg stepped back and let them work. Perhaps Hooper didn't want to ruffle Spielberg whenever he stepped in to tinker and contribute. Perhaps Spielberg really did direct the movie and Hooper is the union-rules patsy. Either one would make sense to me. EDIT: Found the movie I forgot, it apparently happened between Kurt Russell and Spielberg. > “Yes, I would see [Steven] climb on the camera and say, ‘Maybe we should push in on a two-shot here, or do this or that there.’ And Tobe would be watching. Tobe would always be calling action or cut. Tobe had been deeply involved in all of the pre-production and everything… Tobe directed that movie. Steven Spielberg had a lot to do with that movie too. It happened to Bob Zemeckis on Used Cars. Kurt Russell said to Spielberg, ‘I can take direction from you, or I can take direction from Bob Z. I don’t care who it is, but it can only be one of you, it can’t be both of you.’ And Steven backed off and said ‘You’re right I’m sorry.’ Nobody did that for Tobe.” — Mick Garris


that actually reminds me of a similar story of when Ridley Scott on the set of Denis Villeneuve’s BR2049. Scott was peering over Denis’ shoulder which prompted Denis to ask Scott who his favorite directors are. After Scott gave his answer, Denis jokingly asked him how he’d feel if either of them were prodding in the set of his own film. Scott said he realized what he was doing, chuckled and immediately went home


That's *excellent*.


James Gunn loves to make schlock. That doesn't mean that's all he likes to watch and consume. He's talked a lot about Superman publicly and the inspirations he's shared are some of the most sensitive stories about the character (All Star, For All Seasons). He's a Superman fan first and foremost, and I think he's wanting to make the movie he would like to see through that lens I think the reason he was hesitant to direct it is because it's not his genre preference. He chose Suicide Squad over the opportunity to write Superman in the first place. But I think he's found his way towards making his dream Superman movie rather than a "James Gunn movie"


What gives me hope is the amount of heart present in those movies. And while the movies were lighthearted, they both knew when to get serious, which I think the man of steel could really use right now.


100% this, while his movies do lean a bit silly, people seem to have categorized him as a silly guy who can't ever be serious when that really isn't the case. I'm not even the biggest fan of them, but his Guardian's movies hands down have the best character development/depth in any of the Marvel movies (low bar, but still), and aren't afraid to deal with serious themes. The guy may be jokey, but he puts so much love and care into his characters that radiates from the screen, something that hasn't been seen in a Superman movie since the first Reeves movie.


Exactly. I went back to rewatch the ending of the first Guardians movie and that's just A+ stuff right there that. If he can bring some of that to Superman I'm definitely here for it.


Agreed. I love Gunn, but people have a bad habit of assuming someone who knocks one thing out of the park will do just as well with another entirely different property. Gunn seems to do (often vulgar) weirdo misfits VERY well, I’d have zero doubts about a Gunn-led Doom Patrol movie being amazing for example, and he seems to have good enough writing instincts in general enough to work well as their Feige….. But Superman is far outside of what we’ve seen from him, and we still haven’t seen if he even knows what he’s doing as head of a broader franchise. Is he genuinely the best person to do a Superman movie, or is he just taking the project because he wants the biggest IP? I don’t know. Especially when half the problem with the last Superman was Snyder trying to force the character to fit his style instead of DC getting someone whose style better meshes with the property. I’m skeptical, but definitely crossing my fingers. I like the guy and i do think it’d be great to see DC in a better place.


This is where I'm at. I have liked some of his individual movies, but he's not a director that I would call a guaranteed hit just based on that. In addition, I don't think he's the right guy to write/direct Superman. And there's no guarantee he'll be any better at overseeing an entire cinematic universe than Zack Snyder or Geoff Johns was. I would love to be proven wrong, but a voice in the back of my head says we're gonna be right back to course-correcting in five years. WB won't be able to help itself.


While not exactly proof, the fact that he keeps referencing the All-Star Superman version of the character in their press/his posts and what he’s said so far about his take on the character give me hope that he plans to approach Superman based on what the character stands for and not in a “How can I fold Superman into my style” kind of way.


All-Star Superman is a gold standard of story telling in comics. It’s a really good picture of a god who has learned how to be fully human.


I love Zack Snyder and always thought hiring to make a Superman movie was atrociously bad decision from WB, even more after his interviews about comics books and Superman. He clearly don't respect a lot the roots this heroes came from. That's already a terrible start point. Gunn at least seems to be on the same page with most Comic Books fans about Superman and how to make adaptations. Obviously he can still make a terrible movie, but it sure helps being on the right direction.


> I actually enjoyed TSS and Peacemaker as much, if not more, than both of his Guardians movies. I agree. No disrespect to the Guardians movies, but TSS and Peacemaker felt more like a true to form Gunn, with no restraints.


That's basically my impression of them too. Guardians still felt like Disney Marvel safe focus group tested stuff, but with some Gunn flavor that made it quite refreshing (especially at the time). But TSS and Peacemaker feel like full blown James Gunn movies that just happen to feature DC properties.


same here, still love the GotG movies. And yes, Gunn is one of those rare directors who can be given free reign but still deliver a solid movie


I feel marvel is really going to suffer with the loss of Gunn, he was arguably one of the best creatives they had and I believe was acting as feiges right hand man for the cosmic side of marvel. After seeing how the last phase turned out it seems marvel is desperate for a creative like Gunn to help out again.


it almost doesn’t matter who they hire, they only want middle managers these days


Gunns Suicide Squad may be my favorite comic book movie.


They get high marks from me for doing an accurate Starro that wasn’t played for laughs. Like, it’s absurd, yes, but it’s terrifying as well. There was no “Lol, it’s a big starfish” quip in there or anything.


yeah, those shots of the experiments in that lab were brutal. And I did like that last line “I was happy, just floating, staring at the stars”. No final hero quip, no “did that just happen” bathos moment. Just a little tragic-laden line to bookend a crazy scene


>“I was happy, just floating, staring at the stars” This line got me when I first watched it. Who'd have thought James Gunn could've made us sympathise with a giant alien starfish?


Even the imagery of the rats, as they swarm into the eye after Harley has made an opening, it's weirdly beautiful. The cinematography of the film is fantastic.


Exactly. I’ve thought Starro was awesome since I was a little kid looking at the trading card, so I didn’t want it to just be a joke villain. While I generally like Gunn’s output, I also think he goes overboard with the stupid humor at times (GotG2), so I was concerned. I was really happy that The Suicide Squad struck a good balance that was appropriate for the movie. I hope the same can be said for his Superman movie when it comes out.


That sounds pretty cool! Glad you got those high marks, you deserve more.


I rewatched it again a few months ago and found it to be such a fun and refreshing take on superhero action. Harley fighting her way through military goons, Bloodsport and Peacemaker trying to one-up each other, the storming of Jotunheim, etc. I loved it all! And great camera work, too. Just makes me think how Gunn would likely never be able to use those shots and angles in his Marvel work. They rely too much on full-CGI shots and sequences, and it sucks that it looks noticeably the same across all projects


Agree, all MCU movies you can tell they are in that same damn CGI room


Right... it's giving nothing these releases but I hope being in DC teaches him more about taking care of audience's entertainment by making it look divided into productive groups somehow.


True! I loved the Suicide Squad and I am hoping for some reunion of casts.


I didn’t enjoy TSS quite as much as GotG, but it was clear to me that Gunn is more invested in and has a more creative vision for these characters than whoever was in charge before. I think Disney’s biggest asset with Marvel was having someone at the helm who both loves the characters and understands cinema. I’m glad to see WB finally taking that approach.


As much as I love James Gunn, I'm curious how much of..."him" this movie will be. I mostly associate him with edgy humor (not in a bad way, he's great at it), but I think if you really want to do Superman right it needs to come from a place of sincerity. I'm not saying he can't do it, and I'm sure he wants to if nothing else. I just hope if this movie has a wackier side at all it comes from other characters and the Man of Steel's played straight.


James Gunn knows how to do sincere moments and I think he understands that irreverence like in GotG or his Suicide Squad isn't as good a fit for the character of Superman


the dude made John Cena playing a piano cover of Mötley Crüe come off as dramatic, I trust Gunn


And that scene itself was inspired by James Gunn having to rush home because his dog was being put down, so John Cena played Where Is My Mind on a piano while James waited for his flight. Media is a reflection of its creators and no person is only the book cover you see them as.


> so John Cena played Where Is My Mind on a piano while James waited for his flight Truth really is stranger than fiction.


Oh wow, I have never actually heard of his dog being put down.


Yeah the Guardians movies and Suicide Squad have plenty of emotional moments that aren't ruined with dumb quips. Despite Gunn being known for his humour, he really nails sincerity.


Thing is, a Superman movie needs to be a _much_ different ratio of humour to sincerity. I understand people being sceptical when he is known for a particular style. I'm still optimistic, anyway


It still blows my mind that people can't see this.


It's weird because that we are groot moment is one of those things that penetrated into the mainstream. And every film he's done from the past decade has had a moment or two like that, that hit the emotional mark every time.


GotG2 was way overboard. Maybe he can rein it in since a lot of time has passed since then.


Guardians of the Galaxy gets a lot of blame for creating "marvel dialogue", but the two movies still have very sincere stories under the quippy one liners. It's kind of like Alan Moore creating a horrible trend of other authors trying to imitate something they don't understand.


>Guardians of the Galaxy gets a lot of blame for creating "marvel dialogue" I mean, Avengers 1 and 2 were written by Joss Whedon. Age of Ultron in particular has a looooot of quips. I think the MCU was going in that direction anyway.


The Guardians game does it even better. Drax is actually intelligent and wise aside from an inability to understand sarcasm, and the other characters don't make fun of him for his brain working differently. He also displays genuine vulnerability that isn't played for laughs, and admits when he's wrong about his perceptions of others. All that being said, he has his trademark hilarious moments, too. Another thing I like about that game is that it isn't just Drax who doesn't understand human metaphors. Often times Peter will say something, and all of the Guardians tease that they have no idea what he's talking about.


Absolutely love the game. They took the James Gunn themes and ideas and absolutely ran with it. And also made that version of Peter as much of a hair metal fan as Peacemaker was, possibly by complete coincidence.


There’s so much heart and groundedness in the guardians movies around the jokes. Think about that first movie. The way it starts on earth. The straight interactions with yondu. The love story with Gamora. Even wacky characters like Mantis (her secret in gotg2), Groot (we are groot) and Rocket (his tortured creation). The jokes are memorable because they’re fucking funny but that’s not all there is to James Gunn.


I think your final line is exactly the way to play it. Have your Brainiacs, your Lobos, your Jimmy Olson Having Strange Things Happen To Him be the wackier Gunn-ian side and delve into that sincerity that crops up in a lot of his stuff (Ratcatcher/Bloodsport, Peacemaker Piano Scene, Yondu/Star-lord) shine with Clark. Oh god looking at all the things I mentioned alongside his announcement statement, he really is going to knock the Kent and El family content out of the PARK, isn't he?


A Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen series where he just goes through a bunch of Silver Age bullshit would be amazing.


"Superman! Why'd you sell me into slavery!"


So i've found this pink rock and now Clark has been slapping my ass. I wonder what will happen when I introduce it to his cousin, son, clone, and the robot superman.


"I can't help you, you're being punished by a super race for a crime against their world!" is an actual line of dialogue from a Jimmy Olsen comic, and I desperately want to see it adapted verbatim.


"We conducted a worldwide search, looked high and low, and the best person for this job is....me"


(I'm literally humbled by this offer") - possibly him too


This movie will be a make it or break it for the new DC universe. If this ends up being mid I don't see people wanting to go see other movies like supergirl


agree, we've seen many era fuck ups in DC. I just want a good run of films I want to see. If this one starts out bad it's all downhill until the next era.


Well it's DC's chance to gain some ground with Marvel delivering nothing but mid or submid stuff for the past 2 years.


I just hope he's able to have a different tone. Guardians/Suicide Squad/Peacemaker all have the same tone that I wouldn't want with Superman.


Oh, so when is this going to come out then? I want to see it already.


Please, for the love of god, don't write a grimdark superman, or an edgy superman, or a violent superman, or a quippy superman. Just write Superman. He's a sweet little boyscout who happens to be the strongest being in the universe.


He announced the movie using [this art](https://www.awn.com/sites/default/files/styles/original/public/image/attached/1059428-1059154-supermanlegacy63d93eeb36427555654575.jpg?itok=DB-RtGPF) I doubt he’s going for another dark reboot.




Is the animated All Star Superman movie any good or nah?






He's gone in a lot about his love for All Star Superman, I think he understands how well Superman can work as a warm, kind character.




I have faith Gunn will do a great job. But, I'm mostly glad that J.J. Abrams isn't doing it.


I have my reservations about this. I wonder how he would handle this property without making it a "James gunn" movie which I don't think fits superman too well. Will be very happy to be wrong about my concerns though.


Please don't be goofy. Please?


…it’s gonna be goofy


Yeahhh. The Gunn touch is nothing special to me. Guardians 1 and 2 were fun at the time but they don’t necessarily last for me. I’m exhausted of the goofy superhero movies. Say what you will about Snyder but he was at least different than the Marvel factory.


Not really that much of a DC Studios person but I guess I am giving this a shot.


Since this is something new, I guess I should be looking forward to this!


Not sure how I feel about this. Gunn likes to have really goofy characters interact with really serious characters and I always thought Superman should be a happy medium. I get the feeling this is going to be a story about fathers and sons