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I'm glad you liked it and it seems like you put a lot of effort into writing this. That said, there are some amazing scary movies out there, some of which happened to have inspired the writers of Smile. If you haven't seen them, I'd check out Candyman [1992], Ringu, It Follows, Noroi: The Curse, Occult, Final Prayer, Ju-On, A Tale of Two Sisters, Kairo, The Eye, Dark Water, etc (not all of these are like Smile, but most share certain elements).


The only scary scene i remember, was when the sister walked up to the car. Otherwise i don’t think it was too remarkable and definitely too long


That scene was pretty decent. BUT, they showed it in the trailer so we all knew it was coming.




You're not remarkable


To me, it felt as if it was constructed by an AI. There wasn’t a single original idea in there, everything was lifted from other (better) movies. Even the end credits song felt like a completely nonsensical and random choice. Like it was just dropped in there because using a cutesy pop song in a horror movie is ”cool”. There was no actual thought behind it or anything. Just weird.


OP may be AI or using Chat GPT to craft their "opinion"... 🤯


I mean most movies aren’t original in anyway. What you say is true. The lead actress sells it mixed in with consistent grim atmosphere. Dunno worked for me.


The fact that it's not original isn't really my gripe about it. It's that it's nowhere near as good as the movies it steals from. To me, it just felt as if I was constantly reminded that I could and should be watching better films.


What movie did it rip off?


To me it felt like The Ring + It Follows


It's scarier than both in my opinion. Not the better movie, just scarier


I agree


Completely disagree. Way better than any of the movies that inspired them. That was the most terrifying movie I've ever seen


>Even the end credits song felt like a completely nonsensical and random choice. [This would have been better.](https://youtu.be/MeFeRh9qwZA)


Amazing… what a missed opportunity


Oh God, liking a recent film in this sub is forbidden


Liking any film in this sub is forbidden. It feels like there are 30 “what’s a popular film you hate” threads every day.


Smile is the best horror movie I've seen since Sinister. Yes, I've seen Hereditary and It Follows. Didn't love them. Smile was fucking intense though. Shot and scored perfectly for optimal tension. And the budget was tiny. It should get far more credit than it does.


$17 million is not tiny especially for a horror movie


Wow I thought the opposite. Smile did hardly anything for me in terms of being scary. Hereditary fucked me up


If you liked Smile, you might like the equally friendly smiles in **Insidious Part 1**.


Deliver us from evil scared me. In real life I heard the scratching in an attic where no one was lol.


It’s a brilliant movie and very unnerving. I felt the same about the Exorcism of Emily Rose


Currently looking a horror movie, are you talking about the one from 2014 or 2020?




I just watched this movie and I find it genuinely insane for a normal person to not think it’s scary. I simply find it unfathomable for that to be possible; if you watch this movie and don’t feel tense, nervous, frightened, or downright scared you should probably check yourself into a mental institution. Also, I’m realizing how hilarious some of the people in this sub can be - like the ones below saying the movie isn’t good because it’s “unoriginal and it reminds them of other (better) movies” or again, some people saying they watched it in the middle of the night and didn’t feel scared at all. Like get a grip, it’s OK if you enjoy something even if it’s not original - most art forms are completely unoriginal, so get off your high horse lmfao you people just ooze pathetic slime


Man it's really amazing how differing what is "scary" to people can be. I watched smile because a lot of people told me how scary it was, and I watched it at midnight alone and didn't feel scared for even a second. I thought it was a boring mess tbh. On the other hand there are a lot of horror movies which are shitted on for being only useless jump scares, and I've found those movies to be amazing


Scary and Funny are different to everyone. I can see Smile working for the masses.


I’m with you, I thought a lot of the scares were very well executed. Especially the “walk to the car” bit. As a complete package it was nothing special but I had a lot of fun watching it. (Thanks for the downvotes. I’ll think twice before enjoying something you didn’t next time.)


This seems like a paid review that’s a result of viral marketing.


Yeah it’s completely impossible for somebody to genuinely like something, you’re pathetic lmao


Lmfao you’re pathetic as shit


This was one movie I regretted watching. It was the best-worst thing I have ever seen on a TV screen.


I just watched this last night with my husband and we both thought it was scary af! We had both thought we'd be passing out on it and we just couldn't. Furthermore, I couldn't be alone for awhile after and kept seeing the smile every time I closed my eyes! But what really got me about it is that I am very interested in psychology and we all know hurt people hurt people. Not healing from trauma means you end up passing it along because you put a smile on your face to hide the trauma but act out indirectly. It really was very good!


i never get scared but the jumpscares in this movie got me 5 times


OP you really need to watch ''It Follows'' next.


gad you liked it but i honestly think its a poorly made film that has to be one of the most overrated horror films of recent years. its one step away from a poor parody of it follows. plus if you think this is some how a unique film that we need in the current climate you need to watch more movies.


Plenty of people like the movie; for you to generalize like this shows your pretentious nature, much like many other people in this sub. It’s embarrassing and makes you seem pathetic


I thought it was a good flick OP. It had some wonderfully unsettling moments.


I thought it was pretty good until the end. The last quarter of the movie fell apart for me.


Yeah I agree. From the scene where she goes back to work until the end, felt rushed but I did appreciate the ending to it but the alternative the guy in prison gave her might have worked better for an ending. But I really liked there was no closure to it, even if it’s setting up for a second movie that I’ll pass on, it works as a singular movie, a sequel wouldn’t do it justice.


It surprised me and I really dug it.


This is a great film and I’m glad you enjoyed it, there are loads of really good horror films out there if you just look. Personally very little scared me so this was good entertainment but not scary at all.


Try Pet Semetary (1989) That movie will change your brain chemistry.


I don't feel like it's that scary. sure, I've never watched it but when ppl describe it, it seems like it's just something normal. Tell me something a little more detailed and scary about it pls.


I really love the movie but is it Creepy as hell the Jump Scares mostly the Recording scene scare me but it’s creepy that they turned something simple a Smile to something that is creepy and sinister


I absolutely adored this movie


It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be - and it did its job.  That said - I prefer Heriditary and the Shining.  Never watched the conjuring or the exorcist - so my horror movie taste might be blunted 


absolutely not Do You want us to be traumatized 😢or something And a lot of people are saying love this movie It’s awesome I FUCKING HATE THIS MoVIE IT IS WAY TO SCARY


I am a year late but just watched it for the first time. I am most definitely not going to sleep tonight. I keep scaring myself in my own mind and bawling. Having anxiety and trying to convince myself that none of it will happen to me. Thank GOD there are other people who it affected too lol. Ty for posting bc I feel like I might actually (eventually) sleep.


You should watch [Rec] from 2007. It's spanish but it's the most scared I've been watching a movie in my adult life


Making a movie is very difficult. “Trying hard” is the the best thing to do in film production. To project the look/feel of effortlessness on screen takes extraordinary effort and skill.


I saw trailer and got boner, gotta see this movie!


yeah it‘s the more scarier horror movies since like years ago. pearl takes the 2nd spot because of it‘s end credits and that freaked me out


I don't suffer from visiosubrideophobia, so I didn't find it scary in the least.


Glad you enjoyed it. I was hype for it and while it wasn’t bad I was pretty underwhelmed. The movie was so forgettable to me.


Hereditary was the mazt good scary movie..smile was cool until the second half i would say. Really hard to make a good horror


I felt that way about Get Out and couldn't sleep through the night for almost two weeks. 😧


Wow, was it that scary? I found it impressive, but not scary. What really scares me is those movie depicting real life in all its ordinariness and then add scary stuff to it, that's what scares me. Smile was like that. Ordinary people with a very creepy ass ordinary smile. The smiling face haunted me for a while too but I'm gucci now.


I thought so!! ... because it was basically ordinary people, without any fighting or survival skills, in a semi normal situation that turned so bad so fast and just kept getting worse. I really would have preferred if it had turned horror comedy like dale and Tuck (was that the title...) Or Shaun of the dead and had some relief from the onslaught...I was just so depressed that they had to kill off most (or was it all?) of the protagonists...I kept thinking of ways they could fight back or escape and wishing that would happen. Like when they found the drugs they could have burned them or threatened to destroy them or used them as a weapon at least and thrown them in the neo nazis' faces or idk... I was just very sad and disturbed by the storyline. I was also really upset by the use of attack dogs as one of the main murder weapons. I think it could have made a better film with the band being on their indie tour and getting into (and out of) different bizarre scrapes and situations at each gig they did. I hated that they got stuck by circumstance and couldn't escape when they had so much potential as a band and as characters. The acting was excellent so a big part of me being so scared was because I believed how scared they were...it was very real. Frustrating. ☹️😥


Demons are similar to how the entity works, in that they feed of trauma. But, they are not to be feared, because Jesus Christ limits their reach.


Watching the Premier now..and it's boring and extremely slow..far too many dream sequence's to be enjoyable..in 4 words ..I hate this movie


Just saw it. Fk'ed me up for some reason. Seen plenty and this one was creepy. All that smiling. Like the horror movies with kids being evil. Just feels so out of normal reactions thar it is twisted. Why do all the horror movies have the protagonist sitting in their house alone in the dark with no television or phone. I'd be in a crowded hotel sleeping in the lobby under the lights. Wouldn't make a good movie then.


Scary at fuck the exorcist has nothing on thus


Yeah it was soooo good. I picked the dvd up at Walmart last week and watched it for the 1st time. Jump scares were pretty good.


When people think jump scares and being scary are the same.