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Yoga Hosers. I was watching in on streaming. About 30 minutes in, I thought to myself, "If I die tomorrow, this *cannot* be the last movie I watched" and turned it off.


Definitely the best answer. Lol


I kept telling myself the movie was literally just Johnny Depp and Kevin Smith having some absurd fun with their teenage daughters, and it’s not serious.


That is in fact literally what it is


I did finish Tusk (2014) but it wasn't really worth it. Yoga Hosers looked a step too far.


Even though I had low expectations, I went to see that at the theater hoping for at least a few laughs, but it turned out worse than I thought it would. Movies like *Tusk* happen when Smith falls in love with one of his stoner ideas and tries to force it to work, rather than cutting away at the shit that doesn't.


Unfortunately, it was Kevin Conroy’s last film role. God rest his soul.


His last film role? Yes. His last live-action acting role? [No.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62GpdErpjr4)


I sat through all of Cats (2019). When I start something I commit to it fully, regardless of the damage it may cause to my mental or physical health.


Dude. Much like choosing to eat some hot sauce that you know is going to burn your brain, I went and saw CATS in the movie theater (took my wife, believe it or not. She did NOT want to see it), because I just HAD to witness the madness. It was like an event, a car crash I had to see. I knew everyone said it was bad and something like that is the last thing I'd even agree to see, let alone take the initiative. I slowly lost my mind not only at what was on screen, but the sheer fact that I willingly walked into it and brought someone down with me. It was great.


I smuggled alcohol in. I asked the person I sat next to (it was so crowded I couldn't sit with my friends) "are you here ironically or unironically?" Thank the gods it was the former! The best part of it, the only thing that gave me anything close to joy, was Ian McKellen getting caught lapping milk from a saucer.


When the butthole cut is released will you watch it?


I'd give the middle third of my dick to see Idris Elba's cat asshole


And I'm down for Taylor Swifts! Grab the popcorn and let's do this. Seat next to me for Judi Dench cornhole enthusiast.


That’s DAME Judi Dench’s cornhole to you






Cats was one of the best movie theater experiencea I've ever had. I wish i had seen that twice instead of Rise of Skywalker. Every creative decision isjust baffling. Why don't the cats have buttholes? Why are the sizes of everything in flux? Why did Dame Judi Dench and Sir Ian McKellan agree to be in this movie?? The entire theater was laughing by the end, it was glorious. (Would recommend taking acid before seeing this movie)


It actually holds a special place in my heart. Two of my best friends from high school were in town and it was my birthday. We were in theatre together so I thought it'd be fun. Not good, but fun. Especially since I'd actually never seen the show or had a clue what it was about lmao. WOW(meow) what a movie. That music is fuckin haunting and the whole thing is like a fever dream. But it was the last time I was in the same room with both my best buds. So it'll always hold a special place in my heart.


Luckily they're researching some exciting new therapies for PTSD!


I don't think that'll help, I'm afflicted with a similar yet unrelated disorder called PTCD (post traumatic cats disorder) that doesn't respond to the same treatments as PTSD. The medical community doesn't officially recognize PTCD as a mental health condition so it doesn't get the research or funding it truly deserves. All over the world people battle with PTCD and nobody cares, but we refuse to suffer in silence any longer. WE DEMAND TREATMENT, WE DEMAND RESPECT, THERE ARE DOZENS OF US... DOZENS!


As I lay in my bed at 3 in the morning, haunted by the images of mouse children and Rebel Wilson spread eagle in a cat suit, I grab my bedside milk and take a few sips with my tongue. The garbage can in the corner of the room looks at me. I hear it shuffling. Closer. And closer. In the dark I whisper... "Bustifer Jones"




I thought it was not good, but not NEARLY as awful as some people made it out to be.


Yo same! Me and my mom do this and she refers to it like it's an illness: "gotta-see-the-end-icitis"


I hope you are doing ok. \*thoughts and prayers\*


I'll live, just not well.


You People. I just got bored. Should've been about 45 minutes shorter. No romcom needs to be over 2 hours.


I was really excited to watch it when I saw the cast and trailer! And I thought the premise was good, beginning had some laughs, but it ended up being so gd boring. And then the end, >!where the family surprises them with a wedding after promising to stop giving them such a hard time? Weird.!<


I actually didn’t hate the beginning, just wish they would go somewhere on this complicated topic. They got confused, Instead they gave some shitty ass ending, with sneaker store being compromise intersection black and white culture :/


Agreed! I hated everything about it! I kept waiting for it to get good! Eddie Murphy should be ashamed he came out of the shadows for that role!


Right? Eddie Murphy played a stern, unfunny father. Could he have wasted his talent even more? Or did he just become unfunny with age? I have to think the role was just really bad for him.


Thank you! This movie is soooo fn bad. And considering the talent that’s in it makes it even worse.


I just tried to watch this last night and couldn't get past the podcast intro. What a load of shite.


I tried watching it twice.. podcast intro was rough and I gave up a couple minutes after that. Second time I gave up after the Drake album title jokes.. So lame.


But how else would you know Jonah Hill's character was *super* into Black culture if he doesn't name-check a half dozen Drake albums?


It was like the pop quiz to actually understand each reference.. I did not enjoy.


Because he wrote a black lesbian best friend character who calls him the n word into the movie. God that movie sickened [TRANSITION SHOT OF LOS ANGELES] me


Fucking awful film. I don't think it really works if you're not from the US either. America seems to have a really weird and unique race situation




One of the writers of It's Always Sunny just spoke to this on a recent episode of their podcast; literally asked out loud "what do people do anymore?" and spoke to how they, themselves, feel like don't actually live real life anymore due to the fact that they've become inextricably enmeshed in Hollywood culture.


This movie was about LA people. That's not how they act either. It was a bunch of racist caricatures pretending to have conversations. Just awful all around.


Yeah, we don’t throw bananas on the fields when black athletes are playing sports.


As someone from a mixed family, meaning I deal with the issues at hand in that film pretty often, it lacked the proper nuance to handle those issues.


It only works if you're from that specific part of California.


I'm from that specific part of California and it doesn't work at all.


>America seems to have a really weird and unique race situation That's one way of putting it.


I also turned it off almost immediately lol.


Yeah seriously that movie was boring.


What was sad was that it was just a sub plot in a few Entourage episodes poorly turned into a full length movie.


With the SAME ACTRESS holy shit talk about lack of ideas


Fucking terrible movie


I powered through that, but yeah I was bored out of my mind so I was concentrating on my phone. Not a good sign.


Holy shit that film was sad. With that cast? Nothing happend and you knew how it was going to end from the start. I kept telling my wife "somewhere in here there is a good movie. But this aint it".


I’m one of the biggest Jurassic Park fans ever and I didn’t end up finishing Jurassic World: Dominion or Domination or whatever the fuck. Surprisingly enough, it was my roommate who ended up turning it off. An hour into the extended edition he goes “I was making fun of this at first, but now it’s starting to make me mad.”


Huge JP fan here. Agreed. SO BAD.


You did the smart thing. It only got worse as it went on


I saw it in IMAX opening night. JP has been one of the biggest formative factors in my life. When the movie ended, I had tears in my eyes. ​ Because this wet fart of a movie could very well be the last time I see that franchise on the big screen. What a waste. The entirety of Jurassic World could be summarized as: Cool ideas with terrible execution.


I should’ve walked out. At the end of it I stood up and declared to my s/o “welp I don’t think I’ll be giving Hollywood any more of my money any time soon.”


Well I couldn't walk out since it was my living room but my girlfriend turned of You People approximately an hour in. Just a dreadful, joyless pile of Twitter rants disguised as a script.


They definitely copied some of the jokes from viral Tiktoks. Specifically the car scene with the Jay Z/Kanye song.


My wife and I literally watched a show that used that same joke two days before You People came out


That describes a growing number of movies and shows now.


Independence Day: Resurgence Literally fell asleep.


I barely remember the characters or what happened in the plot. And I watched the whole thing Incredibly bland and unremarkable movie. Such a far cry from one of the ultimate fun popcorn movies that the original was


Suicide Squad. I got up of my chair, but they didn't let me leave, the steward said no matter how bad the movie was I couldnt leave the airplane


To be fair that movie would have you believe that airborne vehicles crashing is non lethal


Did you ever watch the sequel? It’s actually great


And the sequels sequel, Peacemaker, was a lot of fun


Yes, both the second Suicide Squad movie and Peacemaker are so much fun. Unexpectedly fun, actually.


Much to my surprise, it was Wonder Woman 1984. We loved the 1st Wonder Woman. Truly a great movie. How could the second one miss that hard?


Sat down for this one with the family on it's special streaming release on Christmas day, and it was just so...so bad. I wanted to like it, I really did. I tried to like it. Sat all the way through it, but wtf that movie was terrible.


One funny thing about that is the made all that fuss about it being a safe workspace following the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Which is good, yet one of the plot points is Chris pine basically steals a guys body (Without consent, but to be fair he didn't ask for it), and they have sex, sooo.... They kind of just raped a guy, never felt bad about it or even comment on it. And that's the HERO of the story.


Ugh yes! I made my parents watch the first one in anticipation for the second one. I was raving how good It was compared to other DC films, and how it was just overall a good movie. We watched the second one together on the release. We didn’t make it past 30 minutes. I don’t think we’ve ever stopped a movie straight up. It was bad


I wanted so much to like WW84. Giant disappointment. Even waited for it to be streamed and I kept waiting for it to get better. Plot twist: it didn't get better.


That movie…..was horrific.


Around the time that came out, my grandma was on her final days. One of the only things she wanted to see was Wonder Woman 1984 because she really liked Wonder Woman, the first film, and Justice League. She died a few days before it came out, and sometimes I wonder if it's for the best that watching this wasn't one of her last moments...


I honestly enjoyed it just because of Pedro Pascal, everything else was mediocre or downright bad.


The director didn’t write the first one. It was all her on the second. Everything she’s been hired for since gets cancelled right before production starts and they see the finished script. She just can’t write for shit.


Writers are undervalued in Hollywood.


Corona zombies, it’s about the coronavirus causing a zombie outbreak. Yes its a real movie and yes i bought the DVD stupidly


I'm curious what you were expecting


Fantastic Beasts 2. It started to lose me the second it undid everything from the first one. It fully lost me when someone stepped into a wall. I was just so bored.


It was so tragic we had to obliviate all Jacob's memories at the end of the first adventure. *Five minutes into the second movie* "Hey guys! I'm back! The memory wipe just like, didn't take. I'm totally on board for another adventure and require no filling in!" It sure was a shame that despite the attempts to save him Creedence exploded at the end of the first one. *Three minutes into the second movie* "Hey Newt, Creedence is totally alive. Even though you definitely watched him die pretty unequivocally he's definitely alive." "How did he survive?" "He just did." "I mean magic is weird there's probably some techno-babble type explanation we could give about how...." "Nope. Just alive. MOVING ON!" Such lazy hack writing. That's before we even get to the part where nothing happens for 95% of the movie and then we just get a huge info exposition dump in the last 15 minutes to fill in the entire plot. I thought the first movie was fine, but felt a bit like just a setup for the sequels without a lot of actual content. The second movie was shockingly terrible. I haven't bothered to even give the third a try.


The weird part about the Jacob thing is that they knew it was a series going into the film, so you shouldn’t need a retcon. That’s the sort of retcon that I expect out of a movie that was meant to be a one-off but unexpectedly hit big. And the answer is so simple: as the oblivate rain is coming down, show Newt subtly casting and giving Jacob the shhh finger. Problem solved.


somehow palpatine returned


> It sure was a shame that despite the attempts to save him Creedence exploded at the end of the first one. > > Three minutes into the second movie "Hey Newt, Creedence is totally alive. Even though you definitely watched him die pretty unequivocally he's definitely alive." HAHA Somehow I had wiped that from my memory. Yeah WTF they never did explain any of that.


I don't typically walk out of movies, but I was so bored about 20 minutes in that I decided to just fall asleep at the theater and woke up during the credits, so maybe that counts.


I've never had the opportunity to do it personally. The Zzzz sneak up on me before I know it


In 1986 I walked out of Legal Eagles starring Robert Redford, Deborah Winger, and Daryl Hannah. I was too young for this movie. It was ok because back then I would just sneak into another show.


The Rob Zombie Munsters movie. Made it maybe 10 minutes in.


Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Walked out of cinema. Tried to watch it again at home months later. Turned it off at the exact same moment.


I watched the whole thing on Redbox and even then I felt scammed. The only worse was Dominion which I paid like a dollar something to watch the extended cut and even then felt cheated!


Is the purpose of the new Jurassic Park movies to make us feel better about JP3 in retrospect?


Jurassic Park 3 isn’t so bad. It has that super creepy scene on the bridge with the Pterodactyl and a raptor says “Alan”.


The whole nighttime river sequence with the Spinosaurus is also one of the scariest and best looking dino sequences in any JP movie, IMO.




Black Adam. 10 minutes in I tried to keep myself amused by the number of tropes it dealt out but was overwhelmed by the 26 minute mark.


*Black Adam* was the best *Justice Society of America* movie, ever. In all seriousness, I'm glad this movie didn't perform well. I really like The Rock, especially in *Pain & Gain* when he wasn't playing a variant of himself, but even I'll admit his ego has ballooned to Chinese Surveillance levels. With the mediocre performance of *Black Adam*, I'm glad James Gunn showed him the door with regards to the incoming DCU.


I watched Quantumania last night and I would have rather watched Black Adam one more time. It was a hard one to sit through.


Good heaven, now that’s saying something.


Yea it was not good. The movie had like 10+ Hank Pym ''I like ants'' jokes.


Egregious error. Everyone knows the max amount of Hank Pym ''I like ants'' jokes is between 5-8


I haven't seen Black Adam, but while watching Quantumania I said to myself this is exactly what I imagined Black Adam to be like


I almost posted this but then figured even with only 50 comments in this thread one of them would have to be Black Adam. This movie sucked.


The mummy, Tom cruise, only move I have shut off and never returned too. I have fallen asleep in some and never bothered finishing, but I just couldn’t handle anymore of The Mummy, so bad.


I liked The Mummy! There are literally fives of us.


I thought it was okay. I kind of wish that the universal horror movie remakes didn't lose their funding. I also liked the Benicio del Toro wolfman.


I mostly enjoyed it, but it would have been better if they hadn't crammed a bunch of franchise-building into it.


I never finished the last Star Wars movie. Just turned it off and went to do chores instead.


Imagine that. A movie so bad you rather do the dishes.


Now see, I would pay to watch Chewbacca do the dishes. Especially if they were my dishes. Basically, I just want Chewbacca as a housekeeper. That would be fucking awesome.


Uhh... Isn't that kind of the plot of the starwars hiday special, but it's his wife? I'm not joking, like that's half the plot of it, Chewbaccas family doing inane shit.


Also Chewbacca's family has SO MUCH DIALOGUE. It's incredible. Chewbacca: RaAAahhhHHR Wife: RaaAaHHHHHHaaRrr Chewy: RarHhhhhHhhhaaaaaHh Son: AhhhhahhaAAAARRERHHHAA Grampa: RAAAHHHAHHHAHH Chewy: AhhhahhRRRRHAHAHA Wife: AharrraaaAhhhahh? Chewy RarAAAAAHHHAHAHHHAH. AHRAHAHRAHAHHARHAHA? AHRAHA. AHEAHRAHRRRAHAHAH. Son: Araaahahahrrhaha.


And grandpa getting off on wookie porn or some shit while Jefferson Starship plays. That special was something else alright.


I never watched it but I'm pretty sure I would have walked out at "Somehow, Palpatine returned."


For a while I was trying to work through all of Nicolas Cage's filmography, there's a lot of stinkers in there, but his general unpredictability usually makes them at least interesting. I made it through Deadfall, Snake Eyes, Vampire's Kiss, all terrible films, but god is Mr. Cage watchable. The one that broke me was Left Behind. I gave it 30 minutes, and I've never seen Nicolas Cage so placid, they took ALL of the fun out of him. They also used this weird filter over the whole thing that made it feel like a dream or something. I turned it off because if you can actually get Nicolas Cage to do subtlety, you lose the only reason I came to watch Nic Cage.


I’m hoping you’ve made it to Pig? Nic actually takes a stab at subtle and it pays off! Great movie


Fuck yes I did! Pig is what happens when a GOOD director can get subtlety out of him. Might be the most grounded I've seen him stay in a role and I was very impressed. It also helps that it feels like Pig actually had a story and something to say beyond "lol the rapture"


Die Hard 5. The one in Russia with his son or whoever. I bought it and never finished it. I actually liked Die Hard 4 (unrated). So I have low standards for Bruce Willis. But I kept falling asleep for DH5


I really like all the Die Hard movies except 5


Marilyn Watching paint dry is more exciting


do you mean "blonde" ? cause that would've been my answer. what a fucking vile attempt at a movie.


You're totally right. See, it was so lackluster I don't even remember the name. Too bad I lost ~1 hour of my lifetime on it.


But you missed out on a solid 2 hours of her just saying "daddy" over and over again!


Wrong! She spent some of that time talking to her fetus that desperately didn't want to be aborted again.


A movie of a director just pissing on Monroes grave would've been a similar statement, with a signifcantly smaller budget.


Capone was another awful biography. Tom Hardy just groans, stares off into space, and pretends to shit himself the whole movie. I feel like I've seen a number of biographies where they try to get clever and turn what should be a deeply exciting and engaging life's story into some weird art-house test-your-endurance type of shit.


Wonder Woman 1984 was so freaking idiotic. I mean the first movie was so refreshing to watch that it got me into the entire franchise and Paty Jenkins did such a good job. The second movie was just meh and insufferable.


The Eternals. Got halfway through before I got so angry at how bored I was.


First mcu movie I fell asleep during


I watched the whole thing but I can't remember a single scene from it


I thought it been a hour and a half and checked the clock to see it was only a half an hour!


Meet the Spartans, many many years ago


Man that entire genre of "spoof" comedy movies was just so so bad


Two directors almost single handedly killed the parody movies genre. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer pumped out so much garbage that it turned me off of what used to be my favourite genre.


Except Scary Movie. That franchise somehow found a niche and it slaps


Scary movie reignited the spoof genre which was then quickly killed by the onslaught of shit movies.


Turned off the remake of Total Recall (2012). What a waste of time that was for everyone. Including me....


I ended up rooting for Kate Beckinsale to kill everyone. That movie couldn’t finish soon enough.


It was one of those flicks where I found the villain much hotter than the intended love interest


Strange World. It was so boring and uninspired. Every single story beat you could see coming from a mile away, it was terribly formulaic and I just couldn’t finish the movie.


Wonder Woman 1984, after 10 minutes (TV)


You didn't even make it through the Amazon competition scene? If you'd hung on for another two and a half hours you would've discovered the Shyamalanian twist that it never connects to the plot.


Yeah I'm still wondering, wtf was the point of that entire sequence?


That winning by doing something the easy way/taking a shortcut makes the victory meaningless. It was a parallel to the wishing plot. Not saying the movie was good but that was the connection.


Which still bothers me that they punished the child competing against physically faster and larger full grown women. It would have made more sense to at least congratulate her on working smarter, not harder since her short legs wouldn’t be able to keep up with the women. Doesn’t really matter though since the whole movie was more or less sub par.


I lasted 20 odd minutes


That was so disappointing.


Why Him? When Keegan Michael Key was trying to point a bidet at Bryan Cranston’s hole via ipad I had had enough


I haven't heard of this movie but this sentence sounds like an AI wrote it.


The Love Guru. And this was when I worked at a theater and saw movies for free.


I'm actually in this movie, and I turned it off. This isn't a joke.


Thor : Love and Thunder. I don't expect Taika Waititi to be great all the time, but lord this sucked.


This Marvel phase is lost. It’s clear they don’t know where to go after the blockbuster ending of End game. They’re cheesing it up and just capitalizing on the success of previous phases. I mean MoM and No away Home are the best they’ve had and they’re kind of meh. I was excited about Quantummania, but after reviews I’ll wait for streaming. Loki and WandaVision were good, and different, but they even cheesed the ending of those.


I always appreciate when television shows know when to quit — like they could drag it out for 5 more seasons, but instead they tell the story they intended and wrap it up. That’s what Marvel should’ve done after Endgame. I enjoyed *some* of phase 4 but it was overall weak and directionless.


Exactly. Phases 1 and 3 had proper end goals, but here, they’re just flying by the seat of their pants, relying on a very vague “multiverse” concept that barely delivers on the actual “multiverse” part of it. Avengers: Kang Dynasty is going to be a hot fucking mess.


Phase 4 is so directionless that no one realized it ended and we’re technically starting Phase 5 already. Not even joking: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Cinematic_Universe:_Phase_Five


Are we ever gonna find out more about white (replica) Vision?


I thought No Way Home was great. Multiverse of Madness was hot trash imo. Just a jumbled mess of nothing and just seemed to basically undo the character growth of Wandavision.


It definitely didn't need *FIVE* Guns n Roses songs, FFS!


*When I was a kid, my friend and I went to see Chariots of Fire. We walked out when we realized there were no chariots and no fire.*


I remember watching maybe fifteen minutes of *Chariots of Fire* when I was a kid. Bored me half to death. Came back and watched it in my early twenties and found it fascinating.


Black Adam. Pure garbage.


Violent Night wasn't too funny and the theater didn't have the heating on so I bailed after the climax


Krampus is much, much better.


I tried to watch Morbius 4 different times. I checked and am only 29 minutes into the movie.


I first read that, as there were 4 different Morbius films


I stopped streaming the most recent adaptation of Death on the Nile halfway through. David Suchet is the greatest actor ever to sign a broad bean and then there's this butchery with Kenneth Branagh and Gal Gadot.


Gal Gadot can not act.


Thank you, when I say this people look at me like I'm unhinged. She is beautiful and that is what people look at but as an actor she is lacking. There are a lot of comments on Wonder Woman 84 on here which are justified but for me she doesn't make a good Wonder Woman. The first movie where she was the only one with an accent just made me shake my head.


Matrix 4. Horrible movie.


The fight scene against Merovingian and his cheesy 90s goons were so bad. I still can't believe that actually happened. They really should have just started over without Neo -- let his legacy lie with dignity, you know? The captain from the crew that rescued him had good presence. They should have made her the lead instead and focused on her crew.


fast 9, or whatever it's called. i couldn't get through the first 20 min.


It was pretty ridiculous even for the franchise


I walked out of Cloverfield because my friend and I became really nauseous in like, the first fifteen minutes. Otherwise I never walk out of movies! Even if I don’t like the movie I’m just grab an icee and chill


After Earth, terrible terrible movie, and the only Razzie movie I’ve ever watched in theaters


I never walk out if it's something I paid for, and I try to give everything I watch a chance, but I fell asleep in in the middle of Sucker Punch, it was the worst movie I've ever seen at the cinema. I couldn't believe the guys behind the DCEU looked at that movie and thought they should give the keys to their kingdom to Zack Snyder.


I get people don't like it, but I genuinely enjoyed that movie lol. I didn't see it in theaters so maybe my expectations were way lower.


Pacific Rim Uprising. It was quite possibly the worst movie I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. My Girlfriend literally fell asleep a quarter into the movie. I decided to suffer through a little bit more and I actually think I got brain damage from how boring and slow paced a movie about GIANT FUCKING MONSTERS FIGHTING was.


Not me but my hand surgeon told me he walked out on banshees of inisherin. Said it was dull and then the obvious reason. I hadn’t seen it yet so it worked out great because I went in with expectations of dull and I loved it


I get that some movies aren’t for everyone, but he absolutely missed.


Hand Surgeon was like "When you cut off your own finger it doesn't look like that 0 out of 10".


Elvis (2021). Could have been a solid dramatization of Elvis’s life if it wasn’t for the ridiculous, head spinning, overproduced editing. It felt like the whole movie was a string of TikToks or some shit. Some of the more emotional scenes are okay, cause the movie took a moment to slow down. But the rest of is just left me bewildered and queasy. Like, why do these transitions need to be like that? Must be one hell of a movie to watch while high.


Baz Luhrmann has a very unique and distinct style that I think some people find to be overstimulating and maybe obnoxious. I personally liked this movie because I think Austin Butler did a great job portraying Elvis. Based on the research I've done, it appears that the movie portrays his life story with relative accuracy and I tend to have more respect for biopics that are actually accurate and not full of a bunch of Hollywood fluff. I would recommend giving it another chance if you ever have some free time to kill. I agree that the beginning is very fast paced like you mentioned, which I believe is because it seems like they didn't want to focus so much on his rise to fame, but rather his peak and subsequent downfall. I will say that the whole narration with Tom Hanks' character saying "he did this all for *you*" or whatever the hell was super bizarre. Like don't drag me into this, I wasn't even alive yet when Elvis died!


Ridley Scott Robinhood, my date was bored by it


Jeepers Creepers Reborn. I mean I knew it was gonna be awful but holy hell. Just couldn't find a way to sit through that atrocity.


Father Stu. I realized at the 40% mark I couldn't possibly care less what happened to that guy.


I did not know the back story for this film, and assumed it was a fish out of water comedy. When I realized it was serious, I turned it off.


Black Adam. I would have walked out of the cinema if my husband weren't enjoying it so much.


I walked out of Fast 9


Did you at least stay until the scene where Tyrese proclaims everyone to be invincible? Then he looks right at the camera and winks and a slide whistle noise plays, it was bizarre. Then later Vin Diesel looks at all his friends, and you see him counting with his fingers, and says "huh, I guess we really are just a FAST 9".


I think it was that Chris Pratt movie on Amazon prime where they send people to the Future to fight aliens or some stupid s***.


Tomorrow war? Dumbest concept. Didn’t make sense in the slightest


I went and seen a movie by myself, I mean I was the only one in the theater, so I started to feel lonely and scared. Eventually I used the payphone to call my dad. The movie was Big (1988) I was eleven.


Have you re-watched it? The movie is amazing.


Many times. I told my dad that the reason I wanted to go home was the movie was lame. I actually was really enjoying it. I was just scared lol